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The economics of altruism, paternalism and self-controlBreman, Anna January 2006 (has links)
Paper 1: Give More Tomorrow Many charities ask donors to commit to monthly contribution schemes. Monthly contributors give a fixed sum every month, which is automatically deducted from their bank account. These donors are the most profitable ones for a charity. On average, they give more than donors who contribute sporadically. They also facilitate the long-run financial planning of the charity, and they reduce the administrative and fundraising costs. What will influence a donor's decision to commit to a monthly contribution scheme? If the costs and benefits associated with contributing to a charity occur at different points in time, the answer will depend on the donor's inter-temporal preferences. More specifically, it will be of importance whether donors are time consistent or whether they exhibit present-biased preferences. This paper designs and tests a fundraising strategy that allows for present-biased preferences among donors. The strategy, Give More Tomorrow, was implemented as a randomized field experiment in collaboration with a large charity. 1134 donors that make monthly contributions were randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups. In the first group, monthly donors were asked to increase their donation starting immediately. In the second group, monthly donors were asked to increase their donations starting two months later. Mean donations were 32 percent higher in the latter group, a highly significant difference. Donations conditional on giving were also significantly higher in the latter group. The effect of the GMT strategy is economically large and highly profitable to the charity. Paper 2: Crowding Out or Crowding In? The crowding-out hypothesis says that private givers, who are also taxpayers, will use their tax-financed donations as a substitute for their voluntary donations, thus reducing the net effectiveness of grants (Warr, 1982, 1983; Roberts, 1984; Bernheim, 1986; and Andreoni, 1988). While theory predicts a one-to-one relationship between government grants and private donations, econometric and experimental studies have found evidence of partial or no crowding out (see, e.g., Khanna et al., 1995; Payne, 1998; Khanna and Sandler, 2000; and Okten and Weisbrod, 2000). A recent contribution to this literature argues that government grants reduce the organizations' fundraising efforts, which may indirectly cause a decrease in private contributions (Andreoni and Payne, 2003). This paper employs a previously unexplored panel dataset to test whether government grants crowd out private donations to charitable organizations, controlling for changes in the organizations' fundraising behavior. The data covers all registered charitable organizations in Sweden between 1989 and 2003. We have a total of 361 organizations where the largest group is health related. The panel data allows us to control for unobserved organizational heterogeneity and time fixed effects. Furthermore, we use a 2SLS specification to control for possible endogeneity in government grants and fundraising expenditures. Complete crowding out can be strongly rejected. In the 2SLS regression, the estimated crowd-out is small and highly significant in the full sample, on average 5.0%. In the disaggregated sample, we cannot reject zero crowding out for any type of organization in the 2SLS regressions. Furthermore, we find strong evidence that organizations are net revenue maximizing, indicating that fundraising activities are efficient. Paper 3: Is Foreign Aid Paternalistic? (with Ola Granstrom and Felix Masiye) In this paper, we experimentally investigate whether donors are paternalistically altruistic when contributing to foreign aid. A paternalist may be defined as someone who advances other people's interests, such as life, health, or safety, at the expense of their liberty or autonomy. In economic theory, a donor is said to be paternalistically altruistic if he cares about a recipient's wellbeing, but does not fully respect the recipient's preferences (Pollak, 1988; Jones-Lee, 1991, 1992; Jacobsson et al., 2005). In a double-blind experiment, a subject chooses whether to make a monetary or a tied transfer (mosquito nets) to an anonymous household in Zambia. Recipients have revealed preferences for money, as their willingness to pay for mosquito nets is positive but below the market price. A monetary transfer will therefore preserve the household's preferences while a tied transfer is paternalistic. The mean donation of mosquito nets differs significantly from zero, thereby implying paternalistic preferences among donors. Paternalistic donors constitute 65 percent of the total sample, whereas purely altruistic donors constitute 15 percent. We conclude that health-focused paternalistic rather than purely altruistic preferences dominate the foreign-aid giving of individuals. Paper 4: Altruism without Borders? (with Ola Granstrom) Why do individuals contribute to foreign aid? Does the willingness to give increase the more we know about the recipients? Although there is some literature on the strategic interests of countries in providing foreign aid, (see, e.g., Alesina and Dollar, 2000) very little is yet known about which preferences guide the foreign-aid giving of individual donors. This paper experimentally tests altruism over borders. We design a cross-country dictator game where the degree of identification of the recipient is varied in four treatments: (1) anonymity, (2) photo, (3) information and (4) photo and information. In addition, questionnaire data on donor characteristics is gathered. The mean donation is 55%, which is considerably higher than in standard dictator games. In contrast to previous within-country experiments, we find no significant effect of identification on donations. Furthermore, we find that women donate significantly more than men (64 compared to 50 percent) and that those who state that aid is too large donate significantly less than those who state that aid is too small (24 compared to 67 percent). / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2006 S. 5-7: Summary of Papers, S. 13-125: 4 papers
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Competition and innovation in the Swedish pharmaceutical marketEkelund, Mats January 2001 (has links)
This thesis consists of four essays in economics related to the pharmaceutical market. The first essay, Pharmaceutical Pricing in a Regulated Market, compares the pricing of new pharmaceuticals in the Swedish market where prices are regulated, with the results of Lu and Comanor who studied the pricing of new pharmaceuticals in the US market. The results indicate that price regulation discourages the use of penetration strategies and decreases price competition between brand name drugs. The second essay, Innovativeness and Market Shares in the Pharmaceutical Industry, analyzes the pharmaceutical market in a model of horizontal and vertical product differentiation. The implications from the model are tested on data from the Swedish pharmaceutical market. Vertically differentiated drugs are found to gain larger market shares, command higher prices, and be less sensitive to substitutes than drugs that are only horizontally differentiated. The third essay, Generic entry before and after reference prices, examines the effect of the reference pricing system on generic entry in markets where brand name pharmaceuticals lose patent protection. The main result is that savings due to increased competition in markets affected by the reference pricing system may have been outbalanced by higher prices due to less competition in markets where the reference pricing system led to deterred entry. The fourth essay, Innovative Drugs and the Increase in Pharmaceutical Expenditures, seeks to establish the most important factors behind the growth in pharmaceutical expenditures. One important conjecture is that the change in the drug price index has little impact on the rate at which pharmaceutical expenditures grow. Instead, the introduction of new innovative drugs seems to be the most important driving force of the growth in pharmaceutical expenditures. / Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Handelshögsk., 2001
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Business at risk : four studies on operational risk managementKallenberg, Kristian January 2008 (has links)
For business organizations the concept of risk has always been important. Lately, this importance has been enhanced due to a number of corporate and societal circumstances. New and previously unconsidered risks are gaining increased significance in the overall risk management of many companies. This doctoral thesis takes a wide approach and examines factors relating to the evolving area of operational risk management. It focuses on risks that concern firms’ operations rather than merely financial risk exposures. The thesis consists of four empirical studies that address diverse but interrelated aspects of operational risk in Swedish industry settings. Building on four sets of independent data collections, they apply both quantitative and qualitative methods. The thesis reports results of operational risk management regarding organizational aspects, perceived challenges, the regulative environment, current societal and business trends, and various stakeholders. Issues like trust, risk perception, risk communication, corporate value, reputation, and brand value are also discussed. On the whole, the empirical findings indicate that a new risk paradigm has emerged. As society has boosted the management of various risks as a corporate responsibility, the costs of failing to manage such risks have increased substantially. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2009 Sammanfattning jämte 4 uppsatser
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Socio-economic consequences of longstanding illness /Lindholm, Christina, January 2002 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2002. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.
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Essays on discrimination, welfare and labor supply /Wahlberg, Roger, January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. Göteborg : University, 2002.
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Sjukvårdens industrialisering : mellan curing och caring - sjuksköterskearbetets omvandlingStrömberg, Helén, January 1900 (has links)
Diss. Umeå : Univ., 2004.
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Readjusting Historical Credit Ratings : using Ordered Logistic Regression and Principal ComponentAnalysisCronstedt, Axel, Andersson, Rebecca January 2018 (has links)
Readjusting Historical Credit Ratings using Ordered Logistic Re-gression and Principal Component Analysis The introduction of the Basel II Accord as a regulatory document for creditrisk presented new concepts of credit risk management and credit risk mea-surements, such as enabling international banks to use internal estimates ofprobability of default (PD), exposure at default (EAD) and loss given default(LGD). These three measurements is the foundation of the regulatory capitalcalculations and are all in turn based on the bank’s internal credit ratings. Ithas hence been of increasing importance to build sound credit rating modelsthat possess the capability to provide accurate measurements of the credit riskof borrowers. These statistical models are usually based on empirical data andthe goodness-of-fit of the model is mainly depending on the quality and sta-tistical significance of the data. Therefore, one of the most important aspectsof credit rating modeling is to have a sufficient number of observations to bestatistically reliable, making the success of a rating model heavily dependenton the data collection and development state.The main purpose of this project is to, in a simple but efficient way, createa longer time series of homogeneous data by readjusting the historical creditrating data of one of Svenska Handelsbanken AB’s credit portfolios. Thisreadjustment is done by developing ordered logistic regression models thatare using independent variables consisting of macro economic data in separateways. One model uses macro economic variables compiled into principal com-ponents, generated through a Principal Component Analysis while all othermodels uses the same macro economic variables separately in different com-binations. The models will be tested to evaluate their ability to readjust theportfolio as well as their predictive capabilities. / Justering av historiska kreditbetyg med hjälp av ordinal logistiskregression och principialkomponentsanalys När Basel II implementerades introducerades även nya riktlinjer för finan-siella instituts riskhantering och beräkning av kreditrisk, så som möjlighetenför banker att använda interna beräkningar av Probability of Default (PD),Exposure at Default (EAD) och Loss Given Default (LGD), som tillsammansgrundar sig i varje låntagares sannoliket för fallissemang. Dessa tre mått ut-gör grunden för beräkningen av de kapitaltäckningskrav som banker förväntasuppfylla och baseras i sin tur på bankernas interna kreditratingsystem. Detär därmed av stor vikt för banker att bygga stabila kreditratingmodeller medkapacitet att generera pålitliga beräkningar av motparternas kreditrisk. Dessamodeller är vanligtvis baserade på empirisk data och modellens goodness-of-fit,eller passning till datat, beror till stor del på kvalitén och den statistiska sig-nifikansen hos det data som står till förfogande. Därför är en av de viktigasteaspekterna för kreditratingsmodeller att ha tillräckligt många observationeratt träna modellen på, vilket gör modellens utvecklingsskede samt mängdendata avgörande för modellens framgång.Huvudsyftet med detta projekt är att, på ett enkelt och effektivt sätt, skapaen längre, homogen tidsserie genom att justera historisk kreditratingdata i enportfölj med företagslån tillhandahållen av Svenska Handelsbanken AB. Jus-teringen görs genom att utveckla olika ordinala logistiska regressionsmodellermed beroende variabler bestående av makroekonomiska variabler, på olikasätt. En av modellerna använder makroekonomiska variabler i form av princi-palkomponenter skapade med hjälp av en principialkomponentsanalys, medande andra modelelrna använder de makroekonomiska variablerna enskilt i olikakombinationer. Modellerna testas för att utvärdera både deras förmåga attjustera portföljens historiska kreditratings samt för att göra prediktioner.
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”Socioekonomiska faktorers påverkan på tonåringars psykiska hälsa” : En litteraturöversikt / ”The effect of socioeconomic factors on teenage mental health” : A litterature reviewErlandsson, Fanny, Velander, Jessica January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund Psykisk ohälsa har ökat drastiskt bland tonåringar idag. Några av de aspekter som tycks driva på den här utvecklingen är socioekonomiska faktorer, det vill säga faktorer som har med den sociala och ekonomiska miljön att göra. I den här studien kartlades forskningen kring hur socioekonomiska faktorer kan påverka tonåringars psykiska hälsa. Metod Studien är en litteraturöversikt. Datainsamlingen skedde i Academic Search Elite, CINAHL och Ebsco Medline. Utifrån inklusions och exklusionskriterier valdes relevanta artiklar för studien ut. Efter att artiklar hade valts ut analyerades de för att få fram de teman som utgjorde resultatet. Resultat Sociala faktorer, utsatthet, kontext och personliga egenskaper samt typ av socioekonomisk faktor är teman som återkom frekvent i de tio utvalda artiklarna. Alla fyra aspekter visade sig kunna påverka tonåringars psykiska hälsa på olika sätt. Diskussion Resultaten av den här studien visar på att socioekonomiska faktorer starkt kan påverka tonåringars psykiska hälsa. Resultaten visar även att det är viktigt att ta kontexten en tonåring befinner sig i samt tonåringens egna egenskaper i beaktning när man utforskar hur en viss socioekononomisk faktor påverkar den psykiska hälsan. / Background Mental health issues in adolescents have been a growing problem over the last few years. Socioeconomic factors, or factors relating to the social and economic environment appear to play a part in this trend. The aim of this study was to explore the literature available on how socioeconomic factors impact adolescents mental health. Method The study was a literature review. Data was collected in Academic Search Elite, CINAHL and Ebsco Medline. The data collection processes resulted in the finding of 10 scientific articles. The articles were analyzed in order to find the themes that made up the results of this study. Results “Social factors”, “disadvantage”, “context and personal traits” and “type of factors” are themes that frequently occured in the ten selected articles and all four aspects appear to impact the mental health of adolescents. Discussion The findings of this study show that socioeconomic factors greatly impact the mental health of adolescents and in a variety of different ways. It is important to consider context, type of factor and personal qualities of an individual when exploring how a particular socioeconomic factor will impact a particular adolescent.
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Så bereds en torsk inför förhandlingsbordet, från vetenskap till politik / Preparing a cod for the negotiation table, from science to politicsEriksson, Johanna January 2002 (has links)
Situationen för torskbestånden i Östersjön är idag så pass allvarlig att ett flertal forskare, miljörörelser och även en del politiker kräver att ett fiskestopp för torsken genast måste införas. Kraven bygger på Internationella Havsforskningsrådets (ICES) rekommendationer, vilka kan sägas representera den rådande vetenskapliga uppfattningen, men trots en internationell vetenskaplig enighet i frågan har inte forskarnas rekommendationer lyckats få politiskt gehör. Torskens väg från hav till förhandlingsbord är med andra ord en komplicerad process där ett flertal aktörer är inblandade och relationerna inte alltid är helt tydliga. Denna studie söker kartlägga varför forskarnas rekommendationer om ett stopp för torskfisket inte omsatts i handling. Studien visar bland annat att ICES forskare genom sin rådgivande roll erhåller ett visst mått av politiskt inflytande, men att möjligheterna att påverka frågans utgång huvudsakligen avgörs av i vilken mån rekommendationerna kolliderar med andra intressen. I det här fallet är det framförallt sex faktorer som motverkar ett moratoriums införande. Vetenskaplig konsensus i frågan innebär inte nödvändigtvis att politiska åtgärder vidtas, men är betydelsefull för att rekommendationerna ska betraktas som trovärdiga, vilket i sin tur är en grundläggande förutsättning för ett moratoriums införande. Teorier om interaktionen mellan vetenskap och politik, ”science and politics”, används för att belysa frågan.
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Inkludering till varje pris : En intervjustudie om ekonomi eller barnens bästaÅström Ekner, Cecilia January 2019 (has links)
Denna studies huvudsakliga syfte är att belysa hur kollektivet (i detta fall barngruppen och arbetslaget i en förskola) kan fungera som resurs för att främja lärande och utveckling hos barn i behov av särskilt stöd. Aktuell frågeställning bygger på hur ett inkluderande arbetssätt i praktiken kan se ut för barn i behov av särskilt stöd och ställs mot bakgrunden av sparkrav och nedskärningar som slår mot förskolan på många olika håll i landet och det inflytande det har på förskolans resurser. Som metod för datainsamling har fokusgruppsintervjuer genomförts med förskollärare och den teoretiska anknytningen finns i den sociokulturella teorin. Resultatet visar på tydliga brister i förskollärares möjligheter att jobba utifrån en inkluderande praktik där ambition och prestation sällan går ihop i förskolans vardag med allt för stora barngrupper och för lite personal. Samtidigt erbjuder barngruppen i sig en viktig resurs genom att barnen kan komplettera varandra och hjälpas åt. Slutsatser som dragits är bland annat att de begränsade ekonomiska förutsättningarna i stor utsträckning hindrar förskollärarna i den offentliga förskolan från att införskaffa de verktyg och hjälpmedel som är nödvändiga för att främja lärande och utveckling hos barn med särskilda behov på bästa sätt och väcker därför frågan om inkludering i den stora gruppen i den offentliga förskolan verkligen passar för alla barn.
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