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Rôle de la nanobiomécanique dans la formation de métastases cérébrales et la sclérose latérale amyotrophique / Role of nano-biomechanics in brain metastases formation and amyotrophic lateral sclerosisVarga, Béla 16 April 2018 (has links)
La nanobiomécanique est un domaine interdisciplinaire émergent qui apporte une contribution significative à l'étude des processus biologiques liés à des diverses maladies humaines. Dans le cadre de ces travaux, des méthodes nanomécaniques basées sur la microscopie à force atomique ont été directement appliquées pour comprendre les processus pathogènes sous-jacents de deux maladies qui sont la formation de métastases cérébrales et à la sclérose latérale amyotrophique.Une cellule tumorale maligne, pour se propager et former des métastases, doit modifier et adapter en permanence ses propriétés adhésives et élastiques. Ici, nous avons combiné la cartographie des forces avec la spectroscopie de force monocellulaire (SCFS) afin d'obtenir un aperçu direct du processus de "criblage" de surface des cellules tumorales pendant leur extravasation dans le parenchyme cérébral. Les cartes élastiques et adhésives obtenues ont montré que les propriétés adhésives ne dépendent que faiblement des caractéristiques élastiques, et souligne l'importance des liaisons à long distances de type attache pour des adhésions réussies.Afin d'étudier comment le potentiel métastatique est lié aux propriétés nanomécaniques des cellules tumorales, des mesures SCFS comparatives ont été effectuées entre trois types de cellules mélanomateuses (WM35, A2058 et A375), montrant des caractéristiques invasives altérées. Nos résultats indiquent une faible élasticité relative, une adhérence maximale élevée et un nombre de liaisons individuelles élevé, comme propriétés clés des cellules mélanomes hautement métastatiques. En conclusion nos études permettent de catégoriser les cellules suivant leur potentiel métastatique agrandissant dans l’ordre suivant : WM35, A2058 et A375.La pathogenèse de la sclérose latérale amyotrophique (SLA) est multifactorielle et ce caractérise également par la présence de processus inflammatoires. Nos études montrent des différences significatives dans l'adhésion de cellules T cytotoxiques CD8+ isolées chez des souris mutantes SOD1G93A et ce de type sauvage avec des neurones moteurs. Les cellules T dérivées de souris mutantes présentent une force d'adhésion améliorée par rapport aux souris saines dérivées. En outre, elle présente une réduction très significative après le blocage des liaisons entre pMHC-I et TCR. Ces résultats corroborent la contribution des lymphocytes T cytotoxiques au développement de la SLA, en tant qu'acteur actif de la neurodégénérescence.Les myoblastes jouent un rôle primaire dans les processus moléculaires impliqués dans le développement musculaire, le vieillissement et la réparation. Les cartes nanomécaniques à haute résolution réalisées sur des myoblastes et des myotubes multi-nucléaires, isolés à partir d'un modèle de souris SLA, ont révélé des modifications d'élasticité lors de la différenciation des myotubes. Des augmentations significatives du module d'élasticité ont été observées dans les projections des myoblastes allongés par rapport à leur corps cellulaire. Pour les myotubes, des différences ont été observées entre l'élasticité d'une population mince et épaisse de myotubes de souris sain. Cependant, chez le mutant SOD1, l'augmentation observée du module élastique de la population mince suggère un durcissement autonome accru des myotubes dérivés de souris SLA.En résumé, nos études mécaniques au niveau cellulaire ont décrypté divers aspects de deux pathologies graves, ce qui a donné lieu à de nouvelles découvertes sur leurs processus fondamentaux. Ces travaux mettent en lumière la pertinence et adéquation des méthodes d’études nanomécaniques basées sur l’AFM pour révéler des connaissances précieuses sur la physiopathologie, le développement, le diagnostic et la progression des maladies. / Nano-biomechanics is an emerging field of science that opened a new horizon in scientific research by generating significant contribution in the study of human diseases. In this work, atomic force microscopy-based nanomechanical methods were directly applied in order to elucidate important questions related to brain metastasis formation and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Better understanding of the underlying pathogenic processes of these life-threatening diseases is fundamental for the advancement of early diagnostics and improved therapeutics.A malignant tumor cell, in order to spread and form metastasis, has to vary and continuously adapt its adhesive and elastic properties. Here, we combined force mapping with single cell force spectroscopy (SCFS) in order to gain direct insight into the surface “screening” process of tumor cells during their extravasation into the brain parenchyma. Intercellular adhesive forces and works, as well as elastic properties were spatially mapped showing that adhesive properties are only slightly dependent on elastic characteristics, and highlighting the importance of long range tether-like linkages for successful adhesions.In order to examine how the metastatic potential relates to tumor cell’s autonomous and inter-cellular nanomechanical properties, comparative SCFS measurements were performed between three melanoma cell types (WM35, A2058 and A375), showing altered invasive characteristics, and blood vessel lining endothelials. Our results indicate low relative elasticity, high maximal adhesion and high number of individual linkages, as the key properties of highly metastatic melanoma cells. This enables us to suggest the following ordering of tumor cells from lower to higher metastatic potential: WM35, A2058 and A375.The pathogenesis of ALS is multifactorial, being characterized by the presence of inflammatory processes as well. In our results significant differences have been observed, by comparing the adhesion of CD8+ cytotoxic T cells isolated from wild-type as well as SOD1G93A mutant mice against wild-type motor neurons. Mutant mice derived T cells show enhanced adhesion strength, compared to the healthy mice derived ones. Moreover, we observe a significant reduction of T cell - motoneuron interactions after blocking the specific recognition bindings between pMHC-I and TCR. These results corroborate the contribution of cytotoxic T cells in the development of ALS, as an active player in neurodegeneration.Investigating primary myoblasts allow deciphering molecular processes involved in muscle development, aging and repair. Therefore, in our study high resolution nanomechanical mapping was performed on single elongated myoblasts and multinuclear myotubes, isolated from an ALS mouse model, to reveal elasticity features during early differentiation stage into myotubes. We have found that projections of the elongated myoblasts show significantly increased elastic modulus values compared to their cell body. Regarding myotubes, differences have been observed between the elasticity of a thin and thick population of wild-type myotubes, indicating the different maturity of the two populations. However, in SOD1 mutant, the observed increase in the elastic modulus of the thin population suggests an enhanced autonomous hardening of ALS derived myotubes.In summary, our cellular-level mechanical studies deciphered various aspects of two different life-threatening pathologies resulting in novel discoveries about their fundamental processes. This work highlights the high impact and the important role of AFM-based nanomechanical methods in providing valuable knowledge about disease pathophysiology, development, diagnostics and progression that could contribute to the evolvement of future therapies.
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Microsphères résorbables pour embolisation et chimio embolisation / Resorbable microspheres for embolisation and chemo-embolisationNguyen, Van Nga 27 February 2012 (has links)
L’embolisation thérapeutique est devenu le traitement de choix pour l’hémorragie, les malformations artériovéneuses ou certains types de cancer. Parmi différents agents d’embolisation,les microsphères non dégradables (Embozene®, Bead BlockTM,…) sont les plus utilisées. Leur forme bien sphérique et leur taille calibrée permettent un meilleur ciblage dans les vaisseaux et une bonne qualité de l’occlusion. Dans certains cas cliniques, l’embolisation temporaire, envisageable avec l’utilisation des microsphères résorbables peut être bénéfique pour les patients. Le but du travail réalisé au cours de cette thèse a été le développement de microsphères résorbables satisfaisant les différents critères pour être employées comme matériaux d’embolisation (taille calibrée,biocompatibles, élastique pour être injectée au travers des cathéters mais suffisamment rigide pour résister à la pression sanguine). Dans cet objectif, nous avons développé une méthode de synthèse de microsphères constituées d’hydrogels hydrolysables par polymérisation en suspension. Une large gamme de microsphères ont été synthétisées en modulant la nature du réticulant et/ou la composition des milieux de polymérisation. Les expériences in vitro ont démontré que les microsphères obtenues sont satisfaisantes pour permettre leur injection au travers des cathéters. La dégradation rapide des ponts de réticulation a été confirmée à travers la diminution du module élastique G’ et du pH du surnageant, accompagnée d’une augmentation du taux de gonflement.Malgré une dégradation partielle des microsphères (due à une réaction secondaire formant des liaisons de réticulation non dégradables), le temps de l’hydrolyse a répondu parfaitement au cahier de charges (entre 7 et 49 jours). Des études complémentaires pour optimiser la réaction de polymérisation vont permettre le développement de microsphères totalement dégradables. / Therapeutic embolization is nowadays a first line treatment for haemorrhage, arteriovenous malformation or tumors. Among different embolization agents, non degradable microspheres(Embozene®, Bead BlockTM,…) are the most employed thanks to their well calibrated spherical shape which allows good occlusion. In some cases including treatment of uterine fibroids or chemo-sensitive tumors, it may be interesting to achieve a temporary embolization to avoid definitive destruction of the tissue. Temporary embolization would be possible using biodegradable microspheres. The aim of our work was to develop degradable microspheres having all requiredcharacteristics to be used as embolization material (well calibrated in size, biocompatible, rigide enough to resist blood pressure but elastic enough to remain intact during injection through catheter). To this purpose, we have developed hydrolysable hydrogel based microspheres by suspension polymerization. A wide range of microspheres was synthesized by varying the type of crosslinker and composition of the polymerization medium. In vitro test showed that the microspheres have suitable characteristics to pass through catheter. Degradation studies revealed a rapid diminution of G’ modulus and the pH of the supernatants, accompanied by an increase of swelling ratio due to the hydrolysis of the crosslinkings. Although microspheres were not totally degradable as expected (since a side reaction had created non degradable crosslinking during the polymerisation), characterisations showed promising results that the degradation did occur within a suitable time scale requirements for temporal embolization.
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Micro- et nanostructures biologiques tubulaires : Mécanismes physiques de l'auto-assemblage et du fonctionnement / Tubular biological micro- and nanostructures : Physical mechanisms of self-assembly and functioningGolushko, Ivan 21 November 2018 (has links)
Les méthodes classiques de physique de l'état solide telles que la diffraction des rayons X et la microscopie électronique ont permis la compréhension de la structure des membranes cellulaires. Aujourd'hui, leur composition et structure étant bien connues, les recherches se concentrent sur les processus actifs des membranes. Des processus tels que l'endocytose impliquent des modifications substantielles de la forme des membranes lipidiques, réalisées par des protéines induisant la courbure membranaire. L'une des méthodes expérimentales parmi les plus populaires est dite « TLM-pulling », où la membrane lipidique tubulaire (TLM) est formée à partir de la vésicule en tirant par une force externe. Des structures similaires relient les vésicules endocytiques aux compartiments du donneur et servent de canaux pour le transfert de matière dans la cellule et entre les cellules adjacentes, établissant ainsi une voie de communication intercellulaire. De tels systèmes formés in vitro en raison de leur simplicité et grande homogénéité peuvent être décrits avec précision par la physique théorique.Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous développons un modèle théorique de TLM, basé sur la mécanique classique et la thermodynamique, et l'appliquons aux expériences de « TLM-pulling » avec adsorption de protéines induisant la courbure. Le modèle tient compte de l'asymétrie de la bicouche lipidique, de la tension superficielle, de la force longitudinale appliquée au TLM et de la différence de pression dans le système. Nous modélisons l'action que les protéines exercent sur la TLM via des ensembles de forces normales à la surface de la membrane à l'équilibre mécanique. Cette nouvelle approche multipolaire permet de modéliser les interactions anisotropes, entre les protéines adsorbées à la membrane, qui sont induites par sa déformation. Notre théorie décrit les premiers stades de la formation des échafaudages protéiques, c-à-d la disposition caractéristique des protéines et leur grande affinité avec les extrémités de la TLM. Le comportement collectif des protéines induisant la courbure est extrêmement important pour effectuer des déformations à grande échelle des membranes au cours de processus tels que l'endo et l'exocytose, l'entrée du virus dans la cellule hôte ainsi que la formation et la sortie des virions. L'étude de ce dernier processus pourrait conduire au développement de nouvelles méthodes de traitement en virologie.La deuxième partie de la thèse est consacrée à l'étude de l'aorte dorsale (DA) de l'embryon de poisson Danio-Rerio. On étudie l'évolution de la forme du DA pendant la transition endothélio-hématopoïétique (EHT). Le processus EHT conduit à l'extrusion des cellules souches/hématopoïétiques qui coloniseront en suite la moelle osseuse permettant l'hématopoïèse tout au long de la vie. Ce processus semble être universel et devrait s'appliquer aussi bien aux mammifères qu'aux oiseaux, ce qui fait de son étude un problème fondamental de l'embryologie.Le DA a une géométrie cylindrique et semblable aux TLM, mais en même temps, il est beaucoup plus gros que les tubes lipidiques, a un module de cisaillement non nul et est incorporé dans la matrice des tissus environnants : un système beaucoup plus complexe du point de vue mécanique. Nous relions les changements globaux de forme de l'aorte pendant l'EHT aux principes génériques de la mécanique et montrons que les instabilités mécaniques conduisant à l'évolution de la forme de l'aorte sont invoquées par des stress résultant des inhomogénéités de croissance et de l'interaction avec les tissus environnants. Sur la base de l'analyse théorique et des données en microscopie confocale 4D, nous proposons un schéma détaillé du processus et postulons que les instabilités mécaniques préparent l'ensemble du processus EHT avant son contrôle génétique spécifique, suggérant un mécanisme universel et auto-organisé du processus de réorganisation collective des tissus dans les organismes en croissance. / Applications of classical solid state physics methods such as X-ray diffraction analysis and electron microscopy allowed making a giant step in understanding of cellular membranes’ structure. Today since their composition and structure are well known, the focus of research has shifted to active processes involving cell membranes. As we know, such processes as endocytosis involve substantial shape changes of cell membranes, which are performed by curvature-inducing proteins. One of the most popular methods to study how these proteins interact with lipid membranes and each other is TLM-pulling experiment, where tubular lipid membrane (TLM) is formed from the vesicle by pulling. Similar structures connect endocytic vesicles with the donor compartments and serve as channels for the matter transfer within the cell and between adjacent cells establishing cell-to-cell communication pathway. Such systems formed in vitro due to their simplicity and high homogeneity can be accurately described by the means of theoretical physics.In the first part of the present thesis, we develop a theoretical model of the TLM pulled out of the vesicle on the basis of classical mechanics and thermodynamics and apply it to the TLM-pulling experiments with curvature-inducing proteins adsorption. The developed model takes into account asymmetry of the lipid bilayer, surface tension, longitudinal force applied to the TLM and pressure difference in the system. We model the action that proteins exert on TLM via sets of forces normal to the membrane’s surface and satisfying conditions of mechanical equilibrium. This novel force multipole approach allows us to model anisotropic interactions between proteins adsorbed at the membrane surface that are induced by the membrane deformation. Our theory describes early stages of protein scaffolds formation i.e. characteristic arrangement of proteins and their high affinity to the membrane ends. Collective behavior of curvature-inducing proteins is extremely important for performing large scale deformations of lipid membranes during such processes as endo and exocytosis, virus entry in the host cell as well as formation and exit of daughter virions later on. Studying of the latter process can possibly lead to the development of fundamentally new methods of viral disease treatment.The second part of the thesis is devoted to the study of zebrafish embryo’s dorsal aorta (DA). It focuses on DA’s shape evolution during the Endothelio-Haematopoietic Transition (EHT). The EHT process leads to the extrusion of haematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) which will later on colonize haematopoietic organs allowing haematopoiesis throughout adult life. This process seems to be universal and should also apply for both mammals and birds, which makes its investigation a fundamental problem of embryology.DA has a cylindrical geometry that makes it similar to the TLM’s, however at the same time DA is much bigger than lipid tubes, has a non-zero share modulus and is embedded in the matrix of surrounding tissues, which makes it a much more complex system from the mechanical perspective. We relate the global shape changes of the aorta during EHT to generic principles of mechanics and show that mechanical instabilities leading to the aorta shape evolution are invoked by different stresses resulting from the growth inhomogeneities and interaction with surrounding tissues. Based on the performed theoretical analysis and the data obtained with a help of 4D confocal microscopy we propose a detailed scheme of the process and postulate that mechanical instabilities prepare and support the whole EHT process prior to its specific genetic control. Our interpretation suggests a universal and self-organized mechanism underlying collective tissue reorganization processes in the growing organisms such as EHT.
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Instabilités de poutres hyper-élastiques : du flambement étendu aux motifs localisés / Instabilities in hyper-elastic beams : from extended buckling to localized patternsLestringant, Claire 13 July 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur les instabilités dans les structures minces hyperélastiques. Nous analysons les mécanismes de sélection du motif de flambement dans un solide prismatique fortement pré-contraint. Pour ce système, le modèle de poutre classique d'Euler-Bernoulli n'est pas pertinent du fait de cette forte précontrainte et il est nécessaire de recourir à une description 3-d pour expliquer l'apparition de modes instables de petite longueur d'onde. Notre analyse, fondée sur la théorie de l'élasticité finie incrémentale, montre que la longueur typique du motif de flambement est sélectionnée par l'importance relative de la pré-contrainte et du rapport d'aspect du solide prismatique. Nous nous interrogeons ainsi sur les limites du modèle classique et proposons une piste de réflexion pour la construction de nouveaux modèles. Celle-ci repose sur un développement à deux échelles combiné aux équations d'équilibre du système formulées sous forme faible. Il est alors facile de résoudre les équations exactes à chaque ordre, ce qui donne accès à la cinématique complète du système. Nous mettons en œuvre cette méthode pour l'exemple simple d'un barreau homogène en compression, ce qui nous permet d'établir le modèle classique d'Euler-Bernoulli à partir des équations de l'élasticité 3-d. La dernière partie de ce travail de thèse porte sur l'étude du flambement de systèmes invariants d'échelle : l'étude expérimentale et numérique de la compression d'un prisme à base triangulaire met en lumière une transition inédite d'un mode de flambement étendu vers des motifs localisés. / This Ph.D. work deals with buckling instabilities arising in thin hyper-elastic structures. We focus on instabilities arising in a prismatic solid submitted to finite incompatible pre-strains. We observe that the traditional 1-d Euler-Bernoulli beam model is not applicable to such a system because of the finite inhomogeneous pre-stress. The latter triggers short-wavelength instabilities that are note described by the classical 1-d models. We rely on the 3-d elasticity theory and propose a quantitative criterion on the ratio between the pre-stress and the cross-sectional aspect-ratio of the prismatic solid, that predicts the typical wavelength of the buckling pattern. This work questions the validity of classical 1-d models and suggests that extensions of these models are possible. We propose a method for the systematic derivation of reduced models. It relies on asymptotic expansions of the variational formulation of the equilibrium equations, starting from the complete expression of the energy. In this framework, kinematics can be entirely determined by solving the exact equations, order by order. We successfully apply this method to a homogeneous and isotropic beam submitted to a homogeneous compression and recover the classical Euler-Bernoulli beam model. In a last part of the manuscript we investigate the transition from extended wrinkling to localized creasing in a scale-invariant system made of a prismatic solid with a triangular cross-section, both experimentally and numerically.
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Impactos da produção e dos preços do agronegócio nos padrões de consumo no Brasil / Impacts of production and prices of agribusiness in consumption patterns in BrazilUltremare, Fernanda Oliveira 21 January 2013 (has links)
Pretendeu-se, neste trabalho, avaliar os impactos do avanço do agronegócio brasileiro e da evolução de seus preços relativos no consumo de camadas diferentes da população rural e urbana no período de 1995 a 2010. A despeito do contínuo crescimento da produção, esses anos foram marcados por duas fases distintas: uma fase de decréscimo de preços relativos do agronegócio, que vai até o ano de 2006; e uma fase de alta de preços, que se estende deste ano até pelo menos 2010. Assumiu-se, que os vetores que afetam o padrão de consumo de bens e serviços das diversas parcelas da população resultam de uma combinação de choques de demanda (relacionados à evolução da renda real) e de oferta (que consideram o aumento da produção e da produtividade). O cálculo da variação de consumo per capita das distintas parcelas da população foi decomposto, primeiramente, em quatro efeitos distintos: efeito devido às variações dos preços de bens do agronegócio; efeito devido a alterações nos preços de bens dos demais setores; efeito da evolução do produto do agronegócio; e efeito devido à evolução do produto demais setores.Em seguida, os efeitos relacionados aos preços foram decompostos em uma parte devida ao efeito Marshall de substituição no consumo e outra parte devida a um efeito renda associado à variação da renda do consumidor enquanto produtor de bens de ambos os setores. Para obter tais resultados, foram necessárias estimativas das elasticidades-preço e renda de bens de ambos os setores, , que foram obtidas pelo modelo LA/AIDS com base nos dados da POF 2008-2009. Finalmente, foram obtidas as taxas de crescimento do consumo da população, que consideraram a evolução populacional no período em cada categoria por meio dos dados da PNAD. As modificações nos preços relativos exercem impacto importante no consumo da população como um todo. Foi verificado que variações de preço de produtos do agronegócio tende a afetar e sentido contrário o consumo da população rural especialmente a faixa de baixa renda (que obtém parte importante de sua renda no agronegócio) e no mesmo sentido o consumo da população urbana. / The intention of this study was to evaluate the impacts of the advance of agribusiness and the evolution of their relative prices in the consumption of different layers of the rural and urban population from 1995 to 2010. Despite the continuous growth in production, these years were marked by two distinct phases: a phase of relative price decrease of agribusiness, which goes by the year 2006, and an uptick in prices, extending from this year until at least 2010. It was assumed that the vectors that affect the pattern of consumption of goods and services in various segments of the population result from a combination of demand shocks (related to changes in real income) and supply shocks (considering the increase in production and productivity). The calculation of the variation in per capita consumption of the different segments of the population was decomposed, primarily, in four distinct effects: effect due to variations in the prices of goods agribusiness; effect due to changes in the prices of goods of other sectors; effect of the evolution of product agribusiness, and effect due to the evolution of the product other sectors. Then, the effects related to prices were decomposed in part due to the Marshall effect of substitution in consumption, and partly due to an income effect associated with the change in consumer income as a producer of goods of both sectors. To obtain these results, it was needed to estimate the income and price elasticities of goods from both sectors, which were obtained by the model LA/AIDS based on data from POF 2008-2009. Finally, it was obtained the growth rates of consumption of the population, considering the evolution of population in the period in each category through the PNAD. Changes in relative prices exert significant impact on consumption of the population as a whole. It was found that price changes of agribusiness products tends to affect consumption in the opposite direction of the rural population, especially the lower income bracket (which gets an important part of their income from agribusiness) and, in the same sense, the consumption of the urban population.
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Desenvolvimento de sistema computacional para cálculo de propriedades elásticas e análises de tensão-deformação em compósitos laminados poliméricos / Development of a computational system for calculation of elastic properties and stress analysis of laminated polymer compositesGavassa, Daniela 28 October 2009 (has links)
Durante os últimos anos tem-se observado um aumento crescente no uso de materiais compósitos. Isto se deve principalmente devido às vantagens que os mesmos apresentam em relação aos materiais convencionais tais como: alta resistência e rigidez associado à elevado desempenho estrutural, baixo peso e boa resistência à corrosão e oxidação, dentre outros. Contudo, o uso de materiais compósitos em projetos estruturais exige um bom conhecimento de suas propriedades elásticas e ferramentas adequadas para análise de falhas destes materiais. Algumas ferramentas comerciais já foram desenvolvidas, entretanto estas ferramentas apresentam arquitetura fechada que, na maioria das vezes, não permitem implementações específicas para as necessidades de cada usuário. Este trabalho desenvolve um sistema computacional para cálculo de propriedades elásticas e estadas de tensão - deformação nas diferentes camadas de laminados poliméricos, utilizando plataforma JAVA em código aberto e de baixo custo. Após a entrada dos dados de materiais e seqüência das lâminas, o sistema calcula as propriedades elásticas bem como o estado de tensões e deformações nas diferentes camadas, propiciando assim a aplicação de diferentes critérios de falhas. O sistema foi validado em estudos de caso da literatura com resultados satisfatórios. / During the past years a growing increase in the use of composite materials has been observed. This is due mainly to the advantages they present in relation to conventional materials such as: high strength and stiffness associate with low weight, good resistance to corrosion and oxidation and others. However, the use of composites in structural applications demands a good knowledge of their elastic properties as well as computational tools for failure analysis of these materials. Some commercial tools have been already developed, however these packages do not allow specific users implementations. This work develops a computational system for calculation of elastic properties and stress analysis along the different layers of a polymeric laminate, using JAVA platform in open code with low cost. After the material data input and laminate sequence, the system calculates the elastic properties as well as the stress state in the different layers, thus allowing the application of different failure criteria.
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Algoritmos de integração eficientes para o método dos elementos de contorno tridimensional. / Efficient integration algorithms for the three-dimensional boundary element method.Souza, Valério Júnior Bitencourt de 13 March 2001 (has links)
Neste trabalho é analisado o problema elástico tridimensional através do método dos elementos de contorno empregando a solução fundamental de Kelvin. São utilizadas duas formulações principais: a formulação clássica e a formulação hiper-singular. A primeira utiliza a solução fundamental de Kelvin clássica e a segunda aplica uma derivada direcional da solução fundamental de Kelvin. O contorno é discretizado utilizando-se elemento triangular plano com aproximações constante, linear e quadrática. As integrais singulares são desenvolvidas analiticamente para o elemento constante, e semi-analiticamente para os elementos linear e quadrático. São apresentadas técnicas de integração de contorno considerando-se a eficiência e a precisão para a integral quase singular. São apresentados vários exemplos numéricos, inclusive problemas esbeltos, e seus resultados são comparados com valores conhecidos pela teoria de elasticidade, ou ainda, comparados com valores disponíveis na literatura. / In this work the three-dimensional elastic problem is analyzed by the boundary element method using the Kelvin fundamental solution. Two main formulations are applied. The first one uses the classical Kelvin fundamental solution and the other, hyper-singular, uses a derivative of the Kelvin fundamental solution. The boundary is discretized by flat triangular elements with constant, linear and quadratic approximations. The singular integrals are analytically developed for constant elements, while for linear and quadratic elements a semi-analytical process is employed. Different techniques to perform quasi-singular boundary integrals are presented and their efficiency and accuracy are compared. Several numerical examples are presented, including slender problems. The results are compared with known solutions given by the theory of elasticity, or with other results found in the literature.
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Análise do decaimento de força dos elásticos ortodônticos intermaxilares / Analysis of force decay of intermaxillary orthodontic elasticsMendes Junior, Tadeu Evandro 17 June 2016 (has links)
Os elásticos ortodônticos intermaxilares são dispositivos auxiliares importantes para o tratamento ortodôntico. Os objetivos dessa pesquisa foram: comparar a intensidade de força dos elásticos informada pelos fabricantes com a força após estiramento de três vezes o diâmetro interno e avaliar o decaimento de força dos elásticos ortodônticos de várias empresas comerciais (Uniden, Morelli, Orthometric, Aditek, Rocky Mountain, TP Orthodontics e GAC Dentsply) de quatro tamanhos diferentes de diâmetro interno (1/8\"; 3/16\"; 1/4\" e 5/16\") com intensidade de força leve e média. Para esta pesquisa foi desenvolvido um dispositivo para simular os movimentos mandíbulo-maxilar durante a fala. Os elásticos foram submetidos a teste dinâmico e estático, por um período de 24 horas. Durante o teste, os elásticos, foram estirados ao comprimento de três vezes o diâmetro interno, de acordo com o índice de extensão padrão informado pelos fabricantes. Em seguida, iniciou-se o teste dinâmico, no qual, os elásticos eram alongados por mais 11mm correspondendo a distância maxilo-mandibular durante a fala, a uma frequência de 5 Hz. Esse ciclo repetiu-se por 10 minutos a cada hora durante 10 horas. Em três períodos os elásticos não participaram de nenhum teste, ou seja, foram removidos do dispositivo, simulando os horários das refeições. Completando assim o tempo de 12 horas do período diurno. Nos períodos restantes, 12 horas, os elásticos permaneceram em teste estático, ou seja, mantiveram estirados a 3 vezes o diâmetro interno, correspondendo ao período noturno do paciente no qual não apresenta movimento mandibulares significativos. As leituras das tensões-força geradas pelos elásticos foram realizadas por meio de um dispositivo de leitura de força modificada para mensurar elásticos quando estirados a distância de três vezes o lúmen. A leitura ocorreu a cada ciclo durante as primeiras 12 horas, uma inicial e a última ocorreu 24 horas após o início do teste, totalizando 14 leituras. Em função das características da amostra o teste estatístico utilizado foi o teste t de Student, ANOVA e teste Scott-Knott. A maior parte dos elásticos apresentaram diferença entre a força encontrada nesta pesquisa e a força informada pelo fabricante. Os elásticos com diâmetro interno de 1/8\" apresentaram ruptura durante os testes. Nos elásticos com diâmetro 3/16\" de intensidade de força leve, as empresas com melhores desempenhos foram: Morelli, Aditek, Uniden, GAC Dentsply, Orthometric, Rocky Mountain e TP Orthodontics. Nos elásticos com mesmo diâmetro, porém com intensidade de força média, a empresa com menor decaimento de força foi a Uniden, seguido por Morelli, GAC Dentsply, Rocky Mountain, Aditek, Orthometric, TP Orthodontics. Nos elásticos 1/4\" com intensidade de força leve, as empresas com menores decaimentos de forças formaram: Uniden, GAC Dentsply, Morelli, Rocky Mountain, TP Orthodontics, Aditek e Orthometric. Os elásticos 1/4\" com intensidade de força média, as empresas com menores decaimentos de forças foram: Uniden, seguido por Rocky Mountain, Morelli, Aditek, TP Orthodontics, GAC Dentsply e Orthometric. Os elásticos 5/16\" com intensidade de força leve, os elásticos da empresa Uniden apresentaram menores decaimentos de forças, seguido por GAC Dentsply, Aditek, Morelli, Rocky Mountain, Orthometric e TP Orthodontics. Nos elásticos 5/16\" de intensidade de força média, as empresas com menores decaimentos de forças foram: Uniden, Rocky Mountain, Morelli, GAC Dentsply, Aditek, Orthometric e TP Orthodontics. Em seguida à análise dos resultados, conclui-se que o maior decaimento de força dos elásticos ocorreram na primeira hora de teste, em média 12,78%, em seguida, a esse período, ocorre um decaimento de menor intensidade de força, em média de 6,95%, durante o período de 24 horas. Sendo indicado as trocas dos elásticos diariamente. / Intermaxillary latex orthodontic elastics are important auxiliary devices for orthodontic treatment. This study aimed to assess force decay of several commercial brands (Uniden, Morelli, Orthometric, Aditek, Rocky Mountain, TP Orthodontics, and GAC Dentsply) and four sizes (1/8\"; 3/16\"; 1/4\"; and 5/16\") with low and median force intensity. A device that simulates mandibular and maxillary speech movement of patients was developed for this research. The elastics were simultaneously subjected to dynamic and static tests for 24 hours. During the static test, the elastics were stretched three times the distance of the inner diameter, as recommended by the manufacturers. Next, the dynamic test began, where the elastics were stretched by an additional 11 mm, which corresponds to the maxillary and mandibular distance during speech, at a 5 Hz rate. This cycle was repeated for 10 minutes every 10 hours. In three periods, the elastics did not participate of any test, meaning they were removed from the device to simulate meal times; thus, the 12-hour daytime was completed. Over the 12 hours remaining, the elastics were maintained in static test, meaning they were stretched three times the inner diameter, which corresponds to the night time of the patient, who did not present significant mandibular movements. Force readings were performed at each cycle over the first 12 hours, and the last reading was performed 24 hours after the beginning of the test. Due to the characteristic of the sample, the statistical tests used were Student t test, ANOVA, and Scott-Knott test. Most of the elastics presented difference between the force found in this research and the one informed by the manufacturer. The 1/8\" (3.2 mm) elastics showed rupture during tests. In the 3/16\" (4.8 mm) elastics with low force intensity, the best-performing brands were Morelli, Aditek, Uniden, GAC Dentsply, Orthometric, Rocky Mountain, and TP Orthodontics over 24 hours of testing. In elastics with the same diameter but median force intensity, the brand with less force decay was Uniden, followed by Morelli, GAC Dentsply, Rocky Mountain, Aditek, Orthometric, and TP Orthodontics. In the 1/4\" elastics with light force intensity, the brands with less force decay were Uniden, GAC Dentsply, Morelli, Rocky Mountain, TP Orthodontics, Aditek, and Orthometric. In the 1/4\" elastics with medium force intensity, the brand with less force decay was, again, Uniden, followed by Rocky Mountain, Morelli, Aditek, TP Orthodontics, GAC Dentsply, and Orthometric. In the 5/16\" (7.9 mm) elastics with light force intensity, the brand Uniden presented better performance, followed by GAC Dentsply, Aditek, Morelli, Rocky Mountain, Orthometric, and TP Orthodontics. In the 5/16\" elastics with median force intensity, the brands with less force decay were Uniden, Rocky Mountain, Morelli, GAC Dentsply, Aditek, Orthometric, and TP Orthodontics. After the analysis of results, it was concluded that the greatest force decay of elastics occurred in the first hour of testing with 12.78% in average; after this period, there was a reduced force decay of 6.95% in average, over 24 hours. Daily changes of elastics are recommended.
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A influência do controle da tensão do elastano durante o processo produtivo nas propriedades elásticas dos tecidos com elastano para fitness / The influence of the elastic tension control during the production process in the elastic properties of fabrics with elastane for fitnessRomani, Marcelo 29 July 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo é verificar qual é a efetiva contribuição prática que o monitoramento da tensão do elastano durante o processo produtivo de tecidos destinados à moda esportiva, terá sobre as características de gramatura e elasticidade, esta última traduzida como força de recuperação do tecido, na tentativa de tornar o processo mais eficiente no atendimento dos anseios dos clientes em ter o \"handle\" ou \"mão\" do tecido apresentando elevado \"power\" ou resistência ao alongamento, avaliação subjetiva muito utilizada nas confecções de artigos para fitness e moda esportiva em geral e que deve ser cientificamente parametrizada em termos de processo de forma a garantir que tais necessidades sejam atendidas. Para a manutenção de um único padrão de regulagem a ser estudado, e o estudo livre de outras variáveis, o L.F.A. e a tensão do fio de poliamida são mantidos constantes. Foi aplicado um monitoramento da tensão do elastano para mantê-lo na condição mais alta afim de evitar suas variações a menor, causada pelas variações da matéria prima, o que teoricamente leva ao empobrecimento desta força ou mão. Através deste monitoramento foi possível constatar por análise estatística, uma melhora no índice de capacidade do processo com maior número de peças dentro das faixas desejadas para o produto com suas médias mostrando o ganho de força sem alterações significativas da gramatura dos produtos conforme premissa inicial / The aim of this study is to determine what is the effective practical contribution to the monitoring of elastane tension during the production of knitted fabrics for the sports fashion, mainly on the characteristics of fabric weight and elasticity, the latter translated as tissue recovery strength, attempt to make the process more efficient in customer desires of service to have the \"handle\" or \"hand\" of the fabric featuring high \"power\" or resistance to stretching, subjective evaluation widely used in clothing articles for fitness and sports fashion in general and must be scientifically parameterized in terms of the process to ensure that these needs are met. In order to maintain a single standard regulation to be studied, and the free study other variables, L.F.A. and the tension of polyamide yarn is kept constant. The monitoring of the elastane tension was applied to keep it in the highest condition in order to prevent their smaller the variations caused by variations of the raw material, which theoretically leads to the impoverishment of this force or hand. Through this monitoring, it was verified by statistical analysis, an improvement in the capacity index of the process with the largest number of parts within the desired ranges for the product with their average showing strength gains without significant changes in the fabric weight of the product as initial premise
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Integração entre os mercados de soja de Paranaguá (PR) e Sorriso (MT): impacto da nova rota de exportação pelo Porto de Santarém (PA) / Integration between Paranaguá (PR) and Sorriso (MT) soybean markets: impact of new export route through the Port of Santarém (PA)Ikeda, Víctor Yoiti 07 May 2015 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar os efeitos da exportação de soja pelo Porto de Santarém (PA) no processo de formação de preços no mercado interno avaliando a integração tradicional entre os mercados no porto de Paranaguá (PR) e no município de Sorriso (MT). O período analisado foi de 2004 a 2013, com valores diários, dividido em dois subperíodos tomando como base para a divisão o potencial ponto de quebra estrutural no nível das diferenças relativas (percentuais) de preços entre Sorriso (MT) e Paranaguá (PR). O primeiro subperíodo considerou os preços de janeiro/04 a março/07, caracterizado pela ausência ou pela adaptação do mercado às novas oportunidades surgidas com a entrada em operação efetiva do porto de Santarém (PA). Já o segundo foi de março/07 a dezembro/13, considerando volumes mais expressivos e consolidados de exportações pelo porto paraense. Os testes de cointegração mostraram que as séries de preços se mantiveram cointegradas nos dois períodos analisados, porém o resultado interessante foi que as estimativas dos coeficientes da regressão da relação de equilíbrio de longo prazo apresentaram elasticidades de transmissão de preços estatisticamente diferentes. Considerando a modelagem VEC, foi observada pela análise de decomposição da variância que houve relativa redução da influência de Paranaguá (PR) nas mudanças de preços em Sorriso (MT) no segundo subperíodo, porém, sua importância permaneceu elevada. Já através da análise de impulsos, constatou-se que as mudanças de preços em Paranaguá (PR) são transmitidas integralmente (elasticidade unitária) a Sorriso (MT) no primeiro período e em torno de 80% no segundo, evidenciando que os preços na região mato-grossense se tornaram menos voláteis. O trabalho concluiu que, dado o processo transitório em termos logísticos observados no Brasil, principalmente no que diz respeito à finalização das obras na BR-163 e expansão da capacidade de escoamento por Santarém (PA), os preços de Sorriso (MT) ainda se mantém integrados ao porto de Paranaguá (PR). Existem, porém, várias evidências que apontam mudanças na formação de preço de Sorriso (MT) após a intensificação das exportações por Santarém (PA). / The objective was to analyze the effects of soybean exports through the Port of Santarem (PA) in the price formation process at the domestic market. It was evaluating the integration prices of two traditional markets: the port of Paranagua (PR) and Sorriso (MT). The study period was from 2004 to 2013, with daily values, divided into two sub-periods according to the potential structural break point at the level of relative prices differences (percentage) between Sorriso (MT) and Paranagua (PR). The first sub-period considered prices from January/04 to March/07, characterized by the absence or adaptation to new market opportunities from the effective beginning port of Santarem (PA) operation. The second was from March/07 to December/13, considering most significant and consolidated volumes exports by port of Santarem. The cointegration tests showed that the price series remained cointegrated in both periods analyzed, but an interesting result was the estimates regression coefficients of long-run equilibrium relationship showed transmission price elasticity statistically different. Considering the VEC model, was observed by analysis of variance decomposition that there was a relative reduction of the influence of Paranagua (PR) in price changes in Sorriso (MT) in the second sub-period, however, this importance remained high. By Pulse analysis, it was found that price changes in Paranaguá (PR) are transmitted in full (unit elasticity) to Sorriso (MT) in the first period and around 80% in the second, showing that prices at Mato Grosso region became less volatile. The work concluded that, given the transitional process in terms of logistics observed in Brazil, especially with regard to the completion of works on the BR-163 and expansion of the flow capacity by Santarem (PA), Sorriso (MT) prices still maintains integrated into the port of Paranagua (PR) . However, there are several evidences those changes in the formation of Sorriso (MT) price after the intensification of exports by Santarem (PA).
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