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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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”RUN, DON’T WALK TO NORMAL” : En multimodal analys av användargenererat innehåll på TikTok / ”RUN, DON’T WALK TO NORMAL” : A multimodal analysis of user-generated content on TikTok

Andersson, Sanna, Bendrik, Klara January 2024 (has links)
The study aims to analyze how user-generated content contributes to the representation ofcompanies in the context of digital trends. Digital marketing has become a norm forbusinesses in all fields and is a constantly changing phenomenon. Due to the overwhelminguse of influencer-marketing, trust in influencers has decreased. This has contributed to agrowing demand for authentic and relatable material on social platforms. Because of this,user-generated content is on the rise, especially on platforms like TikTok, which has becomean arena for digital marketing. This study examines how the brand Normal is portrayedthrough user-generated content through the TikTok-trend “Run, don’t walk to”. Normal is acompany that has become successful through user-generated content and electronic Word ofMouth (eWOM) on Tiktok, especially via the TikTok-trend “Run, don’t walk to”.We have used a qualitative multimodal analysis to study how the company Normal isportrayed in the trend “Run, don’t walk to”. The analysis examines several semioticresources: linguistic, auditory, visual and gestural and the interaction of the semioticresources. To understand the trend, the way users participate and interact is also studied. Wediscovered that Normal is portrayed in a positive way through user-generated content onTikTok. This is due to users' ambitious and authentic videos that load the brand withfavorable value and attributes. Users participate and interact primarily through archivingpurposes that include liking and archiving. Users' participation in the trend manifests itself ina similar way across all videos. The result is consistent with Dallas Smythe's theory ofaudience commodity, as users do not perceive the production of videos as a burden eventhough they contribute to the free marketing of the brand Normal. Users' participation in thetrend and the calls for consumption can be seen as a transaction and payment for an entry intothe consumer society.

Konsumenters uppfattning om äkthet inom influencers reklam på Instagram : En kvalitativ studie om konsumenters upplevelser av autenticitet inom influencers reklam

Jumaa, Leen, Ali, Pahyam January 2023 (has links)
Sociala medier har blivit dynamiskt runt om i världen, det utvecklas ständigt och tar nya varianter. Den digitala utvecklingen har lett till övergången från massmarknadsföring till en alltmer trendig influencer marketing. Med influencer marketing menas att företag samarbetar med influencers för att marknadsföra sina produkter och öka sin tillväxt samt engagemang hos konsumenter. Dock har den ökade användningen av influencer marketing lett till att konsumenter tvivlar på äkthet av reklam, upplagt av influencers på Instagram. Det skapar en oro hos konsumenter att influencers gör reklam endast av finansiella skäl och att de är otydliga med deras reklam. Det resulterar i att konsumenter har låg förtroende för autenticitet inom influencers reklam på Instagram och deras reklam anses vara opålitliga. Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att bidra med förståelse kring konsumenters upplevelser av autenticiteten inom reklam som influencers marknadsför på Instagram. Dessutom är syftet att ta reda på om fenomenet elektronisk Word of Mouth har en påverkan på konsumenters uppfattning om influencers reklam.   Metoden som använts är av kvalitativ natur då det anses vara mest passande med hänsyn till studiens syfte. Datainsamlingen har skett via semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer som sedan analyserats genom kodning. Urvalsmetoder som användes i studien är målstyrt urval och snöbollsurval. I studien har 15 respondenter deltagit som med sina svar bidragit med material till uppsatsens resultat och analys. Teorier som tillämpats i denna studie är influencers, autenticitet, reklam och elektronisk Word of Mouth.   Resultatet av studien visar att majoriteten av respondenterna hade en negativ inställning till influencers reklam på Instagram och de uppfattade influencers reklam som inautentiska. De huvudsakliga anledningarna som påverkade konsumenternas uppfattning av influencers reklams äkthet bestod av den finansiella relationen som finns mellan företag och influencers, om influencers visar både nackdelar och fördelar av produkten/tjänsten samt influencers kunnighet i relation till produkten/tjänsten. För att influencers reklam skall anses vara trovärdiga är det viktigt att influencers ska vara tydliga och ärliga i deras reklam. Influencers bör även ha expertis och kunnighet i deras reklam, i syfte att stärka konsumenters uppfattning om influencers reklams autenticitet. Enligt vår studie anser alltså de tillfrågade konsumenterna att ärlighet är väsentligt. Influencers eventuella finansiella intresse kan vara en orsak till en negativ bild av dem. Tydlighet tyckte respondenterna vara viktigt för att ha förtroende för influencers reklam, likaså kompetens och sakkunnighet. Generellt var förtroendet för eWOM större än för influencers. / Social media has become dynamic worldwide, continually evolving and adopting new forms. The digital revolution has driven the transition from mass marketing to increasingly trendy influencer marketing. Influencer marketing refers to the collaboration between companies and influencers to promote their products, enhance their growth, and engage consumers. However, the escalated use of influencer marketing has led consumers to doubt the authenticity of advertisements presented by influencers on Instagram. This instills consumer concerns that influencers engage in advertising solely for financial motives and that they are ambiguous in their promotional activities. As a result, consumers have limited confidence in the authenticity of influencer advertisements on Instagram, deeming them unreliable. The purpose of this qualitative study is to contribute to an understanding of consumers' experiences of authenticity in advertising promoted by influencers on Instagram. Additionally, the aim is to determine whether the phenomenon of electronic Word of Mouth has an impact on consumers' perceptions of influencer advertising.   The employed methodology is qualitative in nature, deemed most appropriate in alignment with the study's objectives. Data collection occurred through semi-structured qualitative interviews, subsequently analyzed through coding. The sampling methods employed in the study encompass purposive sampling and snowball sampling. Fifteen respondents participated in the study, contributing their responses to the material utilized in the study's results and analysis. The theoretical frameworks applied in this study include influencer’s, authenticity, advertising, and electronic Word of Mouth.    The study's findings indicate that a majority of respondents held a negative attitude toward influencer advertising on Instagram, perceiving it as inauthentic. The primary factors influencing consumers' perception of the authenticity of influencer advertising were the financial relationship between companies and influencers, whether influencers present both advantages and disadvantages of the product/service, and the influencers' expertise in relation to the product/service. To establish influencer advertising as credible, it is imperative for influencers to be transparent and truthful in their promotions. Furthermore, influencers should possess expertise and knowledge in their advertising efforts to enhance consumers' perceptions of the authenticity of their advertisements. According to our study, the surveyed consumers consider honesty to be crucial. The potential financial interests of influencers might contribute to a negative perception of them. Clarity was considered important by the respondents to have trust in influencer advertising, as well as competence and expertise. In general, trust in electronic Word of Mouth exceeded trust in influencers.

Sociala mediers påverkan på köpbeslut bland konsumenter i åldern 40-60 år / The influence of social media on purchase decisions among consumers aged 40–60 years

Garcia, Andy, Hallak, Isra January 2023 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of how Generation X perceive that their purchase decisions are influenced by their use of social media. Method: The study is based on a qualitative research strategy. A semi structured interview was applied. The semi structured interview was conducted with ten respondents who were aged between 40–60 years and utilizes social media.  Theory: This study contains the following theories: The purchase decision process and eWOM.   Empirics/analysis:  The result incorporates a summary of the processed data that forms the basis for the ongoing analysis. Conclusion: This study sheds light on the intricate process of purchase decision-making among Generation X consumers on social media. In the realm of needs identification, the majority of participants discovered new needs through social media advertisements, while a smaller fraction did not associate need discovery with ads. The significance of information search on social media emerged, with participants perceiving it as a tool to gather relevant information for planned purchases. External information-seeking involved personal, commercial, and public sources.   The study uncovered that respondents react to both positive and negative reviews on social media, influencing their product and service evaluations. Nevertheless, varying levels of trust exist for social media reviews, with some participants dismissing them due to perceived bias and unreliability. Positive electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM), especially from reviewers with substantial followers, enhances the likelihood of purchase decisions for half of the respondents. Conversely, negative reviews, particularly those highlighting issues like shipping costs or customer service, can negatively impact purchase decisions. The credibility of eWOM influences respondents' willingness to adopt or dismiss information in their purchasing process. Negative consumer confidence may lead some respondents to refrain from making purchases. Credibility is attributed to reviewers with a significant following, while anonymous reviewers are perceived as less credible. Comprehensive and detailed reviews, offering nuanced insights and solutions, enhance credibility. Respondents' prior experiences and internet literacy affect their trust in online reviews, and those encountering fake reviews may exhibit more skepticism. In the evaluation of alternatives, consumers emphasize the importance of both price and quality, with social media significantly impacting pricing and product comparisons. Within the category of purchase decisions, the study found that even after consumers make a decision, unexpected situations can lead to changes, such as negative reviews, social factors, and unforeseen circumstances like price changes or sudden shifts in needs. This underlines the dynamic nature of Generation X's purchase decision-making, demonstrating the continued influence of external factors even post-decision

Assessing Source Credibility On Social Media–––An Electronic Word-Of-Mouth Communication Perspective

Hu, Xiao 16 April 2015 (has links)
No description available.

The Influence of eWOM Communications in Consumer Review Websites: An Application of Online Social Network Framework

Kim, Soyeon 17 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.

El boca oído electrónico en una empresa de productos farmacéuticos y artículos de tocador, Chiclayo 2021

Monteza Bravo, Kathia Pamella January 2024 (has links)
El propósito de esta investigación es determinar el boca oído electrónico en la empresa de productos farmacéuticos y artículos de tocador, Chiclayo 2021. Esto surgió a partir de que en la empresa no existe una política o protocolo alguno para atender aquellos incidentes o situaciones creados por el eWOM. Dado a que son pocas las investigaciones que han tomado un enfoque holístico correspondiente al eWOM y el papel importante que cumple en las empresas. La investigación metodológicamente es de enfoque cuantitativo, con un nivel descriptivo, en el cual se usó la técnica de encuesta y como instrumento el cuestionario, con un procedimiento de muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, compuesto por un modelo de 3 dimensiones (cantidad, credibilidad y calidad) y están conformado por 18 indicadores, la cual fueron evaluado con escala tipo Likert de 7 puntos, siendo la encuesta un modelo adaptado por Matute, Polo y Utrilla (2015). La población estuvo conformada por 245 clientes de Oriflame, a quienes se les envió un link para que respondan la encuesta, la cual esta fue realizada en google drive y se obtuvieron las respuestas en un plazo de dos semanas y media, aplicándose el método estadístico SPSS y Excel. Obteniendo como resultado que el eWOM influye en la decisión de compra de los consumidores, debido a la gran cantidad de comentarios y valoraciones de los productos. Finalmente se concluye que el eWOM juega un papel importante en una página web, dado a que sirve como herramienta para fidelizar a los clientes y se genere una siguiente compra. / The purpose of this research is to determine the electronic ear mouth in the pharmaceutical and toiletries company, Chiclayo 2021. This arose from the fact that in the company there is no policy or protocol to address those incidents or situations created by the eWOM. Given that few researches have taken a holistic approach to eWOM and the important role it plays in companies. The research methodologically is of quantitative approach, with a descriptive level, in which the survey technique was used and as an instrument the questionnaire, with a nonprobabilistic sampling procedure for convenience, composed of a 3-dimensional model (quantity, credibility and quality) and are made up of 18 indicators, which were evaluated with a Likert scale of 7 points, the survey being a model adapted by Matute, Polo and Utrilla (2015).The population was made up of 245, who were sent a link to answer the survey, which was carried out in drive and the answers were obtained within two and a half weeks, applying the statistical method SPSS and Excel. Obtaining as a result that the eWOM influences the purchase decision of consumers, due to the large number of comments and ratings of the products. Finally, it is concluded that eWOM plays an important role in a web page, since it serves as a tool to build customer loyalty and generate a next purchase.

Syns du inte, så finns du inte : En kvalitativ studie om unga kvinnors motiv bakom positivt laddat användargenererat innehåll på Instagram

Grundberg, Amanda, Eriksson, Lisette January 2016 (has links)
Problem: What are the motives behind positively charged user-generated content on Instagram? Purpose: The study aims to identify and analyze existing and potential users' motives for creating and distributing positively charged content on Instagram from a user perspective. Method: The study was conducted based on a qualitative method and applied the hermeneutical - phenomenological approach. Eleven semi-structured interviews were conducted with female users of Instagram aged between 21-30 years. Theory: The study builds on previous research on user-generated content, electronicword-of-mouth, selective attention, Lazarsfeld’s two-step flow of communication model, Uses & Gratification, motivation and Katz’ functional theory, and Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Empirics and analysis: The empirical data consists of the eleven completed in-depth interviews that were analyzed based on the selected theories. Conclusion: The study has concluded that the underlying motives behind creating positively charged user-generated content on Instagram are: (1) social interaction, (2) entertainment and (3) the need to be seen.

網路商店進行網路口碑管理之研究:以網路化妝品商店為例 / A Study on Electronic Word-of-Mouth Management of Online Stores: Online Cosmetic Stores

謝松齡, Hsieh, Sung Ling Unknown Date (has links)
在Web2.0的浪潮下,網路購物者越來越習慣主動搜尋商品資訊、發表產品心得。2007年資策會的調查顯示,有八成的網友在購物前會先上網瀏覽商品評鑑、七成以上的網友會受到部落格評價或評比影響購物意願。這證明了網路口碑深深影響消費者的購物行為,身為網路商店的經營者,不可不重視這股影響力。 對於網路化妝品商店來說,其所販售的產品屬於經驗性商品,消費者在無法透過實體商店進行試用的情況下,相當依賴網路口碑了解產品資訊與效果;此點從國內最大的口碑社群網站 「FashionGuide」與「UrCosme」皆以化妝品使用心得為討論主題即可窺知。並且,觀察到國內網路化妝品網站多半設計有「使用心得分享」的機制,顯示大部分的業者都認為在網路上放上使用者的心得,將對於產品銷售有所助益。 以上可知,網路口碑對於消費者的購買決策具有相當的影響力,並已逐漸被應用在網路商店的經營上。然而國內外針對網路口碑的研究多半偏重在消費者行為方面,從企業觀點看待網路口碑管理的相關研究非常少數。本研究試圖探索網路化妝品商店進行網路口碑管理之動機與作法,提供實務上與學術上的貢獻。 本研究的研究問題有四:1.網路化妝品商店進行網路口碑管理的動機為何?2.網路化妝品商店如何監視網路口碑? 3.網路化妝品商店如何回應網路口碑?4.網路化妝品商店如何促進網路口碑傳播? 透過深度訪談三家國內網路化妝品業者,並配合相關的次集資料蒐集與整理,本研究獲得以下主要結論:1.網路化妝品商店進行網路口碑管理的動機為獲知市場資訊與提升品牌認同感。2.網路化妝品商店利用美容討論網站與品牌網站監視網路口碑,根據細節內容界定其參考價值。3.網路化妝品商店會選擇性回應負面網路口碑;回應重點為情緒安撫、表示負責。4.網路化妝品商店藉由「心得分享」式顧客推薦方案、美容知識傳遞與促銷活動促進網路口碑傳播。5.網路化妝品商店所設計的網路口碑回應機制,有助於網路口碑監視與傳播促進。 在網路口碑管理理論方面,本研究的主要貢獻有三:1.彌補網路口碑回應與傳播促進的研究缺口。2.提供網路口碑管理研究者模型修定之考量。3.發現網路口碑與傳統行銷廣告的新關聯性。 / Entering Web 2.0, online shoppers are more used to search product information before purchasing and share their comments after shopping. The MIC survey indicates that over 70% of online shoppers will explore the comments of others before purchasing and be affected. This shows that electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) has a great influence on customers’ purchasing decision and worthy watching. Cosmetic in online stores could not be trail before purchasing, which is contrary to its experice quality product characters and lead to the booming of cosmetic community sites. In addition, many of the online cosmetic websites include the function called “True Story” to encourage customers share their experiences after using products, which means online cosmetic stores already know the power of eWOM and start to apply it in business operation. Even the influence and application of eWOM are already been proven, there are only still little researches relate to eWOM management. This study built a systematic structure to find the motivation and process for eWOM management of online cosmetic stores, tried to identify the context of this vague but important issue. The study aims to investigate the following questions: 1. What are the motivations for online cosmetics stores to manage eWOM? 2. How do they monitor eWOM? 3. How do they respond to eWOM? 4. How do they disseminate eWOM? Through interviewed three online cosmetic stores in Taiwan and applied secondary data analysis, the preliminary research findings include: 1. The motivations to manage eWOM for online cosmetic stores are collecting market information and building brand trust. 2. Online cosmetic stores take advantage of cosmetic community sites and official websites to monitor eWOM, identify the importance of eWOM by the detail descriptions. 3. Online cosmetic stores will optionally respond to negative eWOM to pacify and show the sense of responsibility. 4. Online cosmetic stores apply customer referral program, beauty knowledge conveying and promotion activities to increase the positive eWOM. 5. The respond mechanisms in online cosmetic websites also contribute to monitor and dissemination of eWOM. The study also contributed to the eWOM management theory by: 1. Supplement to the lack of eWOM respond and dissemination mechanisms. 2. Provide new references for eWOM management model revising. 3. Found the new relationship between eWOM and traditional marketing communication tools.

A gestão de clientes insatisfeitos no segmento de TV por assinatura através de mídias sociais / Managing dissatisfied customers in the Pay-TV segment through social media

Prudencio, Alexander Greif 03 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2018-10-09T19:15:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MPCC - ALEXANDER GREIF.pdf: 2183930 bytes, checksum: 8e64312a9935d55fbc64dace705154de (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2018-10-09T19:16:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MPCC - ALEXANDER GREIF.pdf: 2183930 bytes, checksum: 8e64312a9935d55fbc64dace705154de (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Debora Cristina Bonfim Aquarone (deborabonfim@espm.br) on 2018-10-09T19:22:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MPCC - ALEXANDER GREIF.pdf: 2183930 bytes, checksum: 8e64312a9935d55fbc64dace705154de (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-09T19:23:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MPCC - ALEXANDER GREIF.pdf: 2183930 bytes, checksum: 8e64312a9935d55fbc64dace705154de (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-05-03 / Over the last 15 years, the relationship between industry, services and consumers has been changed a lot, mainly due to the expansion of new media social habits by consumer markets. Within the changes of this new market approach, the media social platforms became relevant elements to the business model and the customer care of the global companies. This research aimed to compare satisfaction with customer service between traditional telephone SAC channels and social media channels without human voice interaction. To achieve this objective an experiment was conducted with 60 dissatisfied customers in the Pay-TV segment. The results were statistically evaluated using the "t" test with significance range p <0.1. There was a preference for service through social media (0.008), and suggests that Facebook, as a customer care tool, had a superior result compared to the traditional SAC. As contributions, this study innovates by showing the results of managing with dissatisfied customers through a 100% digital customer care service, without voice interaction. In addition, there are few studies in Brazil on the care of unsatisfied clients carried out solely on social media, which will help reduce this gap in academic literature. / Nos últimos 15 anos, com o surgimento e a expansão do uso de mídias sociais por consumidores, a relação que existia entre indústria, serviço e cliente mudou completamente. Dentre as mudanças provenientes dessas novas relações mercadológicas, as mídias sociais ganharam relevância como modelo de gestão e atendimento. Esta investigação teve como objetivo comparar a satisfação com o atendimento aos clientes entre os canais tradicionais de SAC telefônico, e os de mídias sociais sem interação da voz humana. Para alcançar esse objetivo foi realizado um experimento com 60 clientes insatisfeitos do segmento de TV por assinatura. Os resultados foram avaliados estatisticamente por meio do teste “t”. Houve preferência pelo atendimento através das mídias sociais (0,008) e conclui-se que o Facebook como canal de atendimento teve um resultado superior ao tradicional SAC. Como contribuições, este estudo inova ao mostrar os resultados de uma gestão com clientes insatisfeitos através de um relacionamento totalmente digitalizado, inclusive mais econômico. Além disso, existem poucos estudos no Brasil sobre atendimento de clientes insatisfeitos realizados unicamente em mídias sociais, o que contribuirá para reduzir essa lacuna na academia.

De l'empowerment à l'engagement du client sur les plateformes en ligne : ou comment favoriser l'activité des clients sur Internet / From empowerment to customer engagement on online opinion platforms : or how to foster customers activity on the Internet

Morrongiello, Caroline 25 June 2014 (has links)
Intérêt du sujet : Avec l’avènement du web2.0, l'influence interpersonnelle inclut désormais son extension dans le cyberespace avec le bouche-à-oreille électronique (eBAO). Internet modifie ainsi en profondeur les relations établies avec les consommateurs et conduit à une redéfinition de la relation marque -consommateur. Le web 2.0 apparaît ainsi comme un outil formidable au rééquilibrage des pouvoirs entre eux. Cependant, au-delà de ce constat, nous nous interrogeons quant à l’asymétrie entre les consommateurs et les marques dans ces conversations : le marketing est-il prêt à jouer le jeu ? Quelle perception le consommateur a-t-il de ce rééquilibrage ? Objectif de recherche : L’objectif de cette recherche est de comprendre les perceptions du web 2.0 par les consommateurs et les comportements qui en résultent. Thèse défendue : Face à cette redéfinition des relations entre consommateurs et entreprises, nous suggérons que les entreprises souhaitant des consommateurs engagés doivent accepter de céder une partie du pouvoir. Contribution attendue : Cette thèse vise à contribuer aux études précédentes et à pallier leurs limites. Alors que la littérature académique étudie les motivations des consommateurs à poster des avis en ligne en général (Hennig-Thurau et al, 2004 ; Sher et Lee, 2009), il manque des études empiriques considérant l’impact de facteurs individuels des consommateurs sur leur participation et sur leur engagement vis-à-vis d’une marque en particulier sur le web 2.0. Nous chercherons ainsi à comprendre le rôle des capacités de pouvoir du consommateur sur cette participation et cet engagement en ligne. Méthode : Une combinaison des approches qualitatives et quantitatives a constitué notre méthodologie de recherche. Dans un premier temps, une étude qualitative et une étude quantitative ont été réalisées auprès des consommateurs dans un contexte touristique. Celle-ci s’est déroulée en collaboration avec les offices de tourisme du Grand Bornand et d’Aix les Bains. Dans un deuxième temps, une expérimentation a été réalisée auprès des jeunes consommateurs (de 18 à 30 ans) dans le secteur spécifique des Smartphones et des tablettes mobiles. Principaux résultats : L’étude exploratoire nous a permis de souligner dans un premier temps les multiples paradoxes générés par l’eBAO diffusé sur les plateformes d’opinions. L’eBAO apparaît comme utile pour les consommateurs et les entreprises, cependant, un fort scepticisme règne face à celles-ci. La première étude quantitative nous a permis de mettre en avant les facteurs de participation et d’engagement : l’aide à l’entreprise, la sincérité perçue des avis postés, le scepticisme des consommateurs concernant les pratiques en ligne et l’attachement à la marque. D’une manière générale, nous constatons la volonté des consommateurs d’influencer. La seconde étude quantitative, l’expérimentation, nous montre que les caractéristiques des plateformes d’opinions en ligne ont un impact sur l’intention d’engagement et le comportement engageant. Cette étude nous montre l’importance de la véracité des commentaires en ligne et le risque infime de voir une plateforme d’opinions se transformer en défouloir. / Topic of interest : With the advent of Web 2.0, the interpersonal influence now includes its extension in cyberspace with electronic word of mouth. Therefore, the Internet deeply modify relationships between consumer and the brand and led to a redefinition of the relationship brand -consumer. Web 2.0 appears as a great tool rebalancing powers between them. However, beyond this, we wonder about the asymmetry between consumer and brand in these conversations: is marketing willing to play the game? What perception the consumer has of this rebalancing? Research Objective : The objective of this research is to understand the perceptions of Web 2.0 by consumers and resulting behaviors.Thesis defended : Faced with this redefinition of the relationship between the consumer and the brand, we suggest that companies wishing to engage consumers must agree to give up some power. Contribution expected : This thesis aims to contribute to previous studies and to overcome their limitations. While the academic literature explores the motivations of consumers to post online reviews in general (Hennig -Thurau & al , 2004; Sher &Lee, 2009) , it lacks empirical studies considering the impact of individual factors on their consumer participation and engagementtoward a particular brand on the web 2.0 . Thus, we seek to understand the role of consumer power capacities on online participation and engagement. Method : Our research methodology consists in a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches. Firstly, a qualitative study and a quantitative study were conducted with consumers in a tourism context. It was held in collaboration with the tourist offices of the Grand-Bornand and Aix-les-Bains. Secondly, an experiment was conducted among young consumers (18 to 30 years) in the specific sector of Smartphones and mobile tablets. Main results The qualitative study allowed us to initially highlight multiple paradoxes generated by eWOM broadcast on opinion platforms. EWOM appears useful for consumers and businesses; however, a strong skepticism is facing them. The first quantitative study allowed us to highlight the determinants of participation and engagement: Helping company, perceived sincerity of posted comment, consumer skepticism regarding online practices and brand attachment. In general, we see consumer willingness to influence.The second quantitative study, the experimentation, shows that the characteristics of online opinion platforms have an impact on the intention of engaging and engaged behavior. This study shows the importance of online review accuracy of and the small risk for an online opinion platform to become a way to get out consumers anger.

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