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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elektroninio verslo diegimas veikiančioje įmonėje / Implementing E-business Models in Acting Enterprises

Levickaitė, Rasa 04 March 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbas yra skirtas elektroninio verslo diegimo poveikio veikiančioje mažoje-vidutinėje įmonėje problemai spręsti. Tyrime remtasi atskiro atvejo studijos ir apklausos metodais. Darbe nagrinėjamas konkretus elektroninio verslo integravimo atvejis – aviabilietų rezervavimo sistemos įdiegimas. Internetu apklausti 78 respondentai. Darbe teigiama, kad elektroninio verslo diegimas yra reikšmingas veikiančios įmonės efektyvumo didinimui. Tezė įrodoma remiantis mokslinėmis publikacijomis, konkrečiu atveju įmonėje diegiant elektroninį verslą ir atlikta internetine apklausa. Darant tyrimą buvo atsižvelgiama ir į kitus veiksnius, kurie taip pat įtakoja elektroninio verslo diegimo efektyvumą įmonėje, t.y. tikslingesnis Lietuvos gyventojų interneto vartojimas, populiarėjanti elektroninė bankininkystė, didėjantis gyventojų pasitikėjimas elektroninėmis paslaugomis. Augantys interneto vartotojų rodikliai priverčia įmones iš naujo pažvelgti į tam tikrus verslo aspektus, įvertinti vartotojų elgsenos pokyčius, jų inspiruojamus pasikeitimus ir įtaką šiuolaikiniam verslui. Šis darbas turėtų būti aktualus inovatyviems verslininkams, įmonių savininkams, marketingo ir pardavimų specialistams, ieškantiems būdų, kaip efektyviai konkuruoti rinkoje, rasti naujas išeitis globalizacijos veikiamoje verslo terpėje. / The Master’s paper is designed to address the problem of implementing electronic business in an active small-to-medium sized enterprise. The study was based on the case study and on the survey approach. The thesis deals with a specific case of e-business integration – the implementation of a system for reservation of airplane tickets. A total of 78 respondents were questioned over the Internet. The paper presumes that the implementation of e-business is important for the increase of efficiency of an operating enterprise. This thesis is proved through reference to scientific publications, the specific case of implementing e-business in the enterprise and the Internet survey. The study also took account of other elements that are relevant in terms of the efficiency of e-business implementation in a company, i.e. the increasingly purposeful use of the Internet among people in Lithuania, the e-banking that is becoming more and more popular, the people’s growing confidence in electronic services. The growing figures of Internet users are making companies reconsider certain aspects of their business, evaluate the changes in consumer behaviour, the new things they inspire and their influence on contemporary business. This work is likely to be relevant for innovative businessmen, company owners, marketing and sales specialists who are looking for ways to compete efficiently on the market, to find out new ways in the business environment under globalisation.

Atvirojo kodo kompiuterinių programų elektroninio mokymo sistema / Open source software electronic learning system

Kimantas, Andrius 14 January 2007 (has links)
Lithuanian society isn’t enough informed about open-source computer software, witch fully can change commercial products. In this work e-learning system and main problems of their implementation were analyzed. The open-source software e-learning system was created available for all users. We can find in it the information about the open-source software, usage tutorials, tests for knowledge examination and all related news. This e-learning system is implemented so that further its development is relied on users, with a minimal system administrator intervention. The created system was compared with ideal and now existing e-learning systems, its advantages and disadvantages were identified. According to the users opinion, the system passes all main requirements of internet systems. During implementation of this e-learning system the software configuration and implementation problems were encountered. The recommendations of experts and knowledge found in different forums were very helpful. There is the promise that the developed e-learning system will help to promote the open source software in Lithuania, for Lithuanian users.

Elektroninio verslo plėtrą įtakojantys veiksniai / Factors that influence e - business expansion

Saulytis, Aurimas 08 September 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbo objektas - elektroninio verslo rinka ir elektroninį verslą reglamentuojanti teisinė bazė. Darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti elektroninio verslo rinką ir elektroninį verslą reglamentuojančią teisinę bazę užsienio šalių kontekste. Pagrindiniai darbo uždaviniai: apžvelgti E-verslo ypatumus pasaulyje informacinių technologijų aspektu; išanalizuoti kaip elektroninio verslo plėtrą įtakoja pasiūlos ir poreikių suderinamumas rinkoje; pateikti elektroninio verslo analizę Lietuvoje teisinių dokumentų kontekste; palyginti elektroninio verslo teisinę bazę ir užsienio šalių teisinę bazę. Naudojantis įvairiais šaltinių ir dokumentų analizės, bibliografiniu ir lyginamuoju metodais bei kiekybine mokslinių publikacijų analize, prieita prie išvados, kad elektroninio verslo plėtrą Lietuvoje stabdo nepakankamos komunikavimo galimybės, neišspręsti vartotojų teisių apsaugos, elektroninių procedūrų autentiškumo, vientisumo ir informacijos apsaugos užtikrinimo klausimai. Teisinė sistema elektroninio verslo srityje taip pat teikai tam tikrų trūkumų elektronino verslo plėtojimui. Yra nereglamentuoti kai kurie e.verslui būtini santykiai ir procesai (neįteisintas elektroninis dokumentas, nepatvirtintos elektroninio parašo paslaugų teikėjo registravimosi ir priežiūros procedūros ir kita); Lietuvoje galiojantys teisės aktai ne visada tinkamai reguliuoja pasikeitusius visuomeninius santykius, atsižvelgiant į e.verslo globalumą. Tačiau magistro darbe taip pat teigiama, kad elektroninio verslo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Nowadays rapid development and expansion of information technologies are changing the ways and understanding of business. New information technologies solutions are implemented in business everyday worldwide. Lithuania is also actively taking part in these processes. However there are some factors which make this expansion insufficient, these are deficient level of knowledge in IT sphere and incomplete and uncoordinated juridical basis. In this paper work analysis is made on processes related with development and application of e-business in EU and in Lithuania. Object of this research is market of e-business and juridical basis thta regulate this particular market. Target of this research is to analyse e-business market and juridical basis in the context of foreign countries. Main objectives are: review e-business peculiarities in the context of information technologies worldwide; analyse how compatibility of demand and supply in the market influence e-business expansion; introduce the analysis e-business regulating law documents; compare e-business juridical basis with foreign juridical basis. Using different scientific resources and document analysis there was made a conclusion that e-business expansion in Lithuania is impeded by insufficient communication opportunity, authenticity of electronical procedures, unidentified consumers‘ rights in regulation of e-business, unsecured integrity and data security questions. Juridical basis in Lithuania also has deprivation in... [to full text]

Elektroninio parašo sertifikatų centro įranga / Equipment of Electronic Signature Certification Authority

Undzėnienė, Vida 09 January 2005 (has links)
Project aim – preparation of electronic signature certification authority (CA) project and certificate managing software (information system) prototype. The work reviews the problems of electronic signature infrastructure development in Lithuania. The analytical survey of electronic signature CA was carried out. The standards determining the structure of electronic signature Certificate, CA activities, requirements for Trustworthy Systems Managing Certificates were examined. The organizational structure of CA was prepared and working model was worked out. The workflow model was worked out to depict the hierarchy of certification processes. The use case model were created for certificate issuing, data processing and providing data of revoked certificates. Detail descriptions of information streams between the system and computerized tasks are provided. Structural diagrams on the information streams were created. According to information flows the entity relations diagram was created, the logical structure of data bases (DB) for certificates was developed. The DB Esign of valid certificates and DB Esign_archives of revoked certificates were created. Specification of program modules was made up. Three types of manuals were prepared for system users – a manual for the client, a manual for the user and a manual for the programmer. The certificate managing system prototype was tested. The results of the experiment are presented. For practical realization of the project the... [to full text]

Regioninio profesinio mokymo centro elektroninio mokymo sistema / Electronic training system of Regional Vocational Training Centre

Dabkutė, Inga 05 January 2005 (has links)
Distance study gives an opportunity to study and improve oneself the whole lifetime, enables a better adjustment and entrenchment into labour market, which is constantly changeable and inspires bigger demands. The theme of the work is “Electronic training system of Regional Vocational Training Centre”. The aim of this electronic training tool is to help to learn better the computer science course, to give an opportunity to study on one’s own and to check acquired knowledge. It is important to keep feedback with students and react into their activities and attempts during the studies. A full analysis of Utena Regional Vocational Training Centre work is accomplished in this work; also the virtual training mediums (WebCT, CDK) are viewed and compared. The electronic training system is designed and realized by these means: 1) ProVision Workbench TM v.3.1 – designing. 2) MS Office FrontPage 2003 – teaching material is supplied. 3) Java Script – for tests programmering. 4) WinCAM 2000 – demonstrational exercises. 5) MS Access 2003 – database for keeping users data and tests results. It has been done feedback researches with students. The electronic training system was installed and presented to Utena Regional Vocational Training Centre and to Utena district computer science specialists’ conference “Review and practice methodology of computer science”.

Išplėstoji UML notacija verslo procesams modeliuoti ir specifikuoti / Extended UML Notation for Modelling of e-Business Processes

Pašilskytė, Inga 24 May 2005 (has links)
Visual languages are used for understandability of business analysis, modeling and computerization processes for business analysts as soon as system developers. The advantages of visual modeling are standard notation, unified concepts, and intuitive use. There is no single language suitable for all phases of business process evolution. Three languages were analyzed: UML 2.0, BPMN and BPEL4WS, with regards to their possibilities to represent and execute e-business processes. It is proposed to extend UML 2.0 with BPMN stereotypes for e-business process modeling with succeeding transformation to execution language BPEL. The exclusive feature of proposed way of modeling lies in integration of business process model with object types of problem domain. In order to test the proposed method, scenario for modeling was prepared and three models were designed: two models using UML 2.0 notation, and one model using UML extended with BPMN stereotypes. Models were compared to show new method advantages. For implementation of proposed method, UML CASE tool MagicDraw was extended with stereotypes required for the proposed method of modeling. Extended user interface was proposed for specification of business rules governing the e-business process.

Elektroninio švietimo diegimo situacija ir plėtros galimybės: Mažeikių rajono atvejis / A dimension of E –education and its development opportunities: in case of Mažeikiai region

Tupikaitė-Jasutienė, Virginija 28 September 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe teoriniu aspektu analizuojama e. švietimo samprata. Teoriniu aspektu aptariami informacinės visuomenės raidos ir vystymo Lietuvoje bei Europos Sąjungoje ypatumai, elektroninio švietimo raidos tendencijos, įvertinama e. švietimo reikšmė ir Europos Sąjungos politika elektroninio švietimo plėtros kontekste. Elektroninio švietimo diegimo Mažeikių rajone situacijos ir plėtros galimybių analizė išryškino nemažą e. švietimo diegimo Mažeikių rajone problemų. Pagrindiniais veiksniais, labiausiai trukdančiais e. švietimo plėtrai laikytini: e. švietimo finansavimo trūkumas ir savivaldybės iniciatyvos stoka plėtojant e. švietimą, tai patvirtina ir gana žemas Mažeikių rajono švietimo institucijos kompiuterizacijos lygis, bei palyginti siauras teikiamų e. švietimo paslaugų spektras. E. švietimo diegimo plėtros galimybės sietinos su aktyvesniu viešojo ir privataus sektoriaus bendradarbiavimu skatinant e. švietimo diegimą Mažeikių rajono mokymosi įstaigose, aktyvesne Mažeikių rajono savivaldybės administracijos iniciatyva ieškoti alternatyvių e. švietimo finansavimo galimybių. / This master’s final paper is theoretical aspects of e.education. Theoretical point of view. Information society and development in Lithuania and the European Union, features, e-education development trends of e-assessment educational value, and the European Union's policy on e-education development in context. E-education deployment Mažeikiai situation in the area and development potential analysis revealed a significant e Education Mažeikiai installation problems in the area. The main factors, the most prejudicial e educational development to be considered: e lack of education funding and lack of initiative in developing local e- education is supported by relatively low Mažeikių region level computerization of educational institutions, and relatively narrow of e education spectrum. E. implementation of education development opportunities due to increased public and private sector cooperation in promoting e- Education Mažeikiai deployment area educational institutions more active in the Mažeikiai region Municipality initiative to seek alternative e education funding.

Elektroninio parašo panaudojimo verslo įmonėse modelio sukūrimas / The model of using digital signature in business

Daugėlienė, Giedrė 03 July 2012 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe „Elektroninio parašo panaudojimo verslo įmonėse modelio sukūrimas“ išanalizuota el. parašo naudojimo problematika, el. parašo bei el. dokumentų klasifikacinės sistemos bei parengtas el. parašo taikymo versle modelis, kuris patikrintas empiriniu tyrimu. Pirmoje darbo dalyje išanalizuota el. dokumentų raida ir jų klasifikacinės sistemos. Antrajame skyriuje atlikta el. parašo taikymo verslo įmonėse sisteminė analizė: apibrėžiama el. parašo sąvoka, rūšys, el. parašo pritaikymo versle, remiantis komunikacinėmis pusėmis. Trečiojoje darbo dalyje atliktas el. parašo taikymo versle empirinis tyrimas, kuriame ištyrus el. dokumentų specialistų ekspertinę nuomonę, nustatomos el. parašo taikymo problemos, jų sprendimo būdai. Paskutiniame skyriuje – sukurtas el. parašo taikymo versle modelis bei atliktas modelio ekspertinis vertinimas. / In Master thesis ‘The model of Using Digital Signature in Business’ the topic of digital signature, the classification systems of digital signature and digital records was analyzed as well as a model of digital signature usage in business was prepared which was examined by empirical research. In the first part of thesis the development of digital records and their classification systems was analyzed. The second part consists of the systemic analysis of digital signature usage in business: defined the concept of digital signature, it kinds (kinds of digital signature), usage in business based on communicational sides. The third part contains the empirical research of digital signature usage in business which was made by the examination of the digital records professionals’ opinions, the problems of digital signature usage and the ways of their solutions were defined. In the last part – a model of digital signature usage in business was created and the evaluation of it was made.

Elektroninių užsakymų sprendimų tyrimas ir realizacija / The Research and Realization of E-Order Solutions

Černiauskas, Saulius 28 January 2008 (has links)
Darbe tiriami elektroninių užsakymų sprendimai elektroninio verslo sistemose. Siekiama nustatyti problemas, kurias turi spręsti elektroninio užsakymo sistema, ištirti egzistuojančius šių problemų sprendimo būdus bei nustatyti pastarųjų privalumus ir trūkumus. Taip pat siekiama realizuoti elektroninio užsakymo sistemą, sprendžiančią nustatytas problemas atsižvelgiant į ištirtų metodų privalumus ir trūkumus. Pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas UBL (Universal Business Language) kalbos panaudojimui universalios elektroninio užsakymo sistemos kūrime. Darbe ištirtos švediškos sąskaitos-faktūros, daniškos sąskaitos-faktūros ir Zanzibar portalo sistemos, panaudojančios UBL. / The goal of this research is to define the main problems solved by e-order solutions, as well as to analyse the existing methods of solving these problems and research similar existing systems, and finally to create and test a model of such system. The research is focused on the implementation of UBL (Universal Busines Language) in e-business systems. It covers the methods of e-procurement systems and the methods of using UBL in realization of these systems. The research covers the existing systems, such as Swedish E-Invoice, Danish E-Invoice and Zanzibar Portal. The main problem of all existing methods and solutions is the integration of existing systems on both, buyer and seller sides. In this work, the project of an e-order system is made in attempt to create a universal solution that would ensure the inegration of any existing system.

Elektroninis parašas: teisinis reglamentavimas ir praktiniai įgyvendinimo aspektai Lietuvoje / Electronics signature: legal regulation and practical aspects of implementation in lithuania

Mašidlauskas, Audrius 08 September 2009 (has links)
Elektroninio parašo panaudojimo galimybės bei nauda nenuginčijami. Praėjo daugiau nei aštuoni metai nuo to kaip Europos parlamentas ir Europos Sąjungos taryba priėmė direktyvą dėl Bendrijos elektroninių parašų reguliavimo sistemos. Po šios direktyvos priėmimo tiek Lietuvoje tiek visoje Europoje sekė įstatymai, reglamentuojantys elektroninio parašo naudojimą nacionaliniame lygmenyje. Taip pat sekė standartų tvirtinimas tam, kad būtų išvengta nesuderinamumų. Darbe yra apžvelgiama dabartinė Lietuvos padėtis taikant elektroninį parašą elektroninėje valdžioje bei komercijoje, remiantis paskutiniu metu atliktais tyrimais Lietuvoje ir Europoje. Darbas yra suskirstytas į keturias pagrindines dalis. Pirmojoje dalyje yra išanalizuoti metodai, kuriais yra remiamasi formuojant elektroninį parašą ir kaip šie metodai užtikrina, jog elektroninis parašas yra apsaugotas nuo klastojimų. Antroje dalyje apžvelgiama elektroninio parašo teisinis reglamentavimas Lietuvoje. Trečioje išanalizuojamas praktinis Lietuvos ir kelių Europos valstybių praktinis pasiruošimas. Ir ketvirtoje dalyje aprašyti atlikti tyrimai. Viename iš jų įvertinama kaip Lietuvos valstybinės institucijos yra pasiruošusios priimti elektroninius dokumentus, pasirašytus e. parašu. Antrame tyrime atliktoje apklausoje yra įvertinama koks šiuo metu yra visuomenės susipažinimo lygis su elektroninio parašo infrastruktūra. / Electronic Signature‘s benefit is obvious. Nearly eight years have already past since European Parliament and European Commission legitimated directive on a Community framework for electronic signatures. In Lithuania and in all Europe followed legislations for electronic signature infrastructure. Also standards were created to prevent incompatibility. In this study Lithuanian situation in usage of electronic signature for electronic government, electronic commerce is reviewed. In this study review is referenced to the research that has been done lately in Europe and in Lithuania. This study is divided into four parts. Methods that are used in creating electronic signature have been analysed in first part. Furthermore it has been analysed algorithms that are used to warrant highest security and to prevent forgery. Electronic signature legislation in Lithuania is reviewed in second part. Third part is for overlooking of practical usage aspects in Lithuania and in Europe. In fourth part two research have been made. One of them is for evaluation of preparation of main state institutions to accept and send documents signed electronically. Second research is for evaluation of society’s knowledge in electronic signature field.

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