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Vergleichende ökologische Untersuchungen der natürlichen Salzböden und ihrer Halophytenflora in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Makronährelementgehalte / Comparative ecological examinations of the natural salt soils and their halophyteflora in the United Arab Emirates under special consideration of their macro nutrient element contentsMenzel, Uwe 07 April 2004 (has links)
In den UAE wurden in Salzböden N-Verbindungen, P, K, Mg, Ca, S, Na, Cl, EC, pH, Salzgehalt und Br, sowie in Salzpflanzen C, N, P, K, Mg, Ca, S, Na quantitativ bestimmt. Es sind 38 verschiedene Arten an 28 Standorten im Inland, am Ufer und in der Mangrove beprobt worden. Die Böden des Landesinnern waren am nährstoffärmsten. Die Böden der Uferbereiche besaßen einen höheren Nährstoffgehalt als die der Mangrovenstandorte. Die Arten zeigen eine von den angebotenen Nährstoffmengen fast unabhängige Aufnahme. Allgemein gilt, dass einige Chenopodiaceen verschiedene Makronährelemente anreicherten, während Gramineen dazu neigten verschiedene Makronährelemente auszuschließen. Die Küstenpflanzen hatten den höchsten Natriumgehalt. Die Pflanzen der Inlandsstandorte akkumulierten mehr Calcium. Arten wie Salsola imbricata reicherten Natrium an, andere Arten wie Cyperus conglomeratus oder Halopyrum mucronatum schränkten die Natriumaufnahme ein. Bei einigen Chenopodiaceen, wie Seidlitzia rosmarinus, Salsola schweinfurthii, Halopeplis perfoliata und Salsola imbricata könnte es sich um stickstofffixierende Arten handeln. Viele der untersuchten Halophyten akkumulieren S in den Blättern.Die Pflanzen konnten nach den Elementgehalten der Blätter, Äste und Wurzeln in Gruppen eingeteilt werden.Arthrocnemum macrostachyum und Avicennia marina vertrugen an ihren natürlichen Standorten Leitfähigkeitswerte bis zu 20 dS/m im Substrat.Nach den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit kann vermutet werden, dass für Halophyten ein Wachstum auf versalzten Böden nur bei einem dem Salzgehalt angemessenen Nährstoffangebot möglich ist. Dabei muss das Nährstoffangebot mit dem Anstieg des Salzgehaltes zunehmen. Es wurde eine Liste mit etwa 2500 Halophyten erstellt. Die Elemente Mo, Na, Se, Cl, Br, Cd, Th, und U kommen in Halophyten in mindestens 10fach höherer Konzentration als in Nichthalophyten vor. Nur der Hg-Gehalt ist etwa 100fach niedriger.
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Communication Channels Utilized by Emirati Females to Enact LeadershipO'Neill, K. Kathleen 28 November 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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The Impact of Visual Representations of Leadership in Tribal Dominated Societies: A critical qualitative study of aesthetic leadership in the United Arab EmiratesBitar, Amer January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores the role and impact of leadership as a socially
constructed and aesthetic phenomenon in tribal-dominated Bedouin Arabia.
The concept of leadership is investigated in terms of its discursive and
aesthetic dimensions across different geographical, historical, and
intellectual settings by adopting and applying a Foucauldian perspective of
interconnected concepts of power/knowledge, discourse, subjectivity, body
symbolism and the power of gaze. The thesis draws on three related types of
data: First, images to understand the leaders’ perspective. Second,
interviews with artists to gain insights into the visual message and the
creative process. Third, through semi-structured interviews with the audience
to garner an understanding of how it perceives the message leaders send.
This thesis contributes theoretically to ongoing research into the visual
representation of leadership and to critical debates concerning Foucauldian
perspectives on discourse, power, discipline and the body. This thesis
concludes by recommending practical implications for rethinking leadership
as something both aesthetic and mythical to consider the role of followership
in the consumption of leadership-themed visual artworks and
communication, and the growing global role and influence of social media in
shaping leader-follower relations.
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Exploratory study of the factors that influence nutrition interventions in the United Arab Emirates’ healthcare systemAlgurg, Reem S.E.S. January 2014 (has links)
Non-communicable diseases are on the increase worldwide, causing more than 36 million deaths each year. Evidence of the link between the role of nutrition and reducing non-communicable diseases is predominant in the literature. The factors influencing intervention strategies/policies and activities, however, need attention.
AIM: The study aims to examine the factors that influence nutrition interventions within the United Arab Emirates’ healthcare system.
METHOD: This research adapts an interdisciplinary approach where a triangulation mixed methodology is applied. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are used, through the analysis of ten interviews with policy makers, four case studies and 161 questionnaires. Furthermore, the research framework, which emerged from the literature search and qualitative analysis, is tested and validated by rigorous quantitative analysis using SPSS. The statistical analysis, using factor analysis, MANCOVA and ranking analysis aims to provide solid support for the resulting factors.
MAIN FINDING: The study identifies five factors that influence nutrition interventions in a healthcare system, and could enhance the effectiveness of nutrition interventions. The factors are 1) quality and processes, 2) training and use of technology, 3) senior management involvement and responsibility, 4) patient diversity, and 5) multidisciplinary teams.
CONCLUSION: This study contributes to the emerging literature on management in nutrition interventions and the theory and importance of preventative measures in relation to nutrition. This study provides a roadmap for policy makers to adopt in order to enhance the role of nutrition interventions in healthcare settings. / Culture Department of the Emirates’ Embassy and Ministry of Higher Education (UAE)
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Six Sigma Implementation in Middle East Organisations: An Empirical StudyAshri, Fahad H. January 2010 (has links)
In the last decade, the rapid economic development in the Middle East has encouraged organisations to implement modem quality management and strategic initiatives such as Six Sigma to ensure continuous improvement and achieved excellence. Six Sigma is a comprehensive business strategic quality programme and a systematic process improvement methodology for achieving, sustaining and maximising business success. The proper implementation of Six Sigma leads to breakthrough in profitability through ensuring quantum gains in product/service quality, customer satisfaction and productivity.
This research presents an empirical exploratory and comparative study that aims and attempts to bridge the gap in the existing literature of Six Sigma by investigating the current implementation status of Six Sigma in organisations of three Middle East countries (namely, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and United Arab Emirates (UAE)). The reasons/benefits that encourage Middle East organisations to implement Six Sigma projects, the challenges commonly faced during implementation, the critical success factors (CSFs) for effective implementation and the organisations’ satisfaction with the implementation are investigated.
The key issues of Six Sigma implementation and their criticality relating to the experience of the implementing process of Six Sigma projects are explored through an extensive review of the relevant literature. The data were collected from a combination of quantitative (232 questionnaires) and qualitative (74 semi-structured interviews) methodologies. The research covered 44 organisations from manufacturing and services sectors and large, small, and medium enterprises (SME) sizes, which have implemented or were implementing Six Sigma projects in the selected countries at the time of study.
The study findings identified 15 significant reasons/benefits which encourages Middle East organisations to implement Six Sigma projects, 13 major challenges commonly faced during implementation, 19 CSFs for effective implementation and level of the organisations’ satisfaction with the implementation. Based on the research findings, a generic model for successful and effective implementation of Six Sigma in Middle East organisations is developed and proposed.
The research concludes that Six Sigma implementation in Middle East organisations still in early stage, most organisations have outstanding opportunities to implement the Six Sigma project successfully and effectively with tangible and intangible benefits. In addition, all the responding organisations, which are actively implementing Six Sigma programme, regardless of their countries, sectors and sizes are highly satisfied with the implementation results. However, the research output highlights that an improvement culture must be developed and promoted throughout the organisation to ensure long-term benefit and sustainable success. Furthermore, the research makes recommendations on development of an implementation strategy in Middle East organisations. Finally, a number of suggestions are made for future research.
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IMMIGRATION: A GLOBAL CHALLENGE WITH A GLOBAL SOLUTIONHart, Alexander Michael 11 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Sveriges krigsmateriel och vapenexport till Arabemiraten och Saudiarabein : En kvalitativ studie om krigsmateriel och vapenexport utifrån liberalistiska och realistiska synsätt / Sweden's ammunitions and arms exports to the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia : A qualitative study of ammunitions and arms exports from a liberal and realistic point of viewSultani, Kasim January 2021 (has links)
Weapons can be good for their own safety at the same time, weapons can be a way to make money, by selling weapons. On the other hand, weapons can be a way to oppress people and protect their interests. The arms trade has been an important part of the Swedish economy. A significantly important thing that is increasingly normalized today is more arms exports to more countries This research problem I want to address is Sweden’s arms and munition exports to Saudi Arabia and the UAE between 2015 and 2020. It was in 2015 that Yemen war took place, and these countries chose to expand and strengthen their defense force to battle their enemies in the Yemen war. The purpose of this essay is how can Sweden’s weapons and munition exports to the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia be explained based on realism and liberalism. Realism and liberalism are theories that can help me to examine and understand the subject I chose. The subject is very controversial because of the humanitarian situation in Yemen and very interesting to examine. The thesis' approach will be carried out based on qualitative methods where I will use content analysis. Qualitative methods mean that all material collected during the work leads to a desire to dig deeper to analyze. My approach will consist of mass media articles, internet slurs, and debate articles, these sources publish by magazines, collections, and other sources. As a result, Sweden has expanded its arms and munitions exports to Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The result of the study shows that realism characterizes the international scene and international relations.
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“The Sleeping Partner” : A qualitative research examining the “sponsorship” entry in the Middle East- The case of the UAEMadi, Ahmed, Alssaqqal, Hassan, Zarkovsky, Edwin January 2022 (has links)
Scholars in the international business field have presented various findings on international entry mode strategies, yet few were conducted on the Middle East. However, a recent study has presented a new form of entry mode used among multinational corporations (MNCs) in the Middle East where foreign companies tend to form partnership with individuals (local sponsor) rather than corporations when entering the market. The entry mode is presented as “sponsorship” entry mode, which is a new form of entry used by MNCs. It allows MNCs to enter the market in a similar way of joint venture, however, instead of finding a partner to penetrate the market MNCs are required to find a local sponsor. The thesis purpose is to examine the case of United Arab Emirates (UAE) as one of the most attractive countries for foreign investors in the Middle East. In addition, the thesis will provide a deeper understanding of the “Sponsorship” entry mode and the different criteria needed to select a local sponsor. To get a deeper understanding of the subject, a qualitative approach has been followed. Additionally, the data was collected through semi-structured interviews with senior managers and CEOs, which were based on the literature review to get rich findings. The literature review presents several theories and models that helped to analyse the data collected from the interviewees. Moreover, a conceptualize framework was added in the literature review chapter to summarise and illustrate a primary framework that provides an idea on the “sponsorship” entry mode. By analysing the data that were collected, the outcome of the research reviled various forms of local sponsors that could be chosen based on the criteria needed to guarantee a successful entry. The findings have also provided insightful examples of different challenges that could be faced when establishing a sponsorship through a local sponsor and the different strategies used to cope with such challenges. The outcome of this study has provided a deeper understanding of the “sponsorship” entry mode and the different selection criteria needed to select a local sponsor. Finally, the thesis concluded the study by providing answers to the research questions and summarizing the answers into the revised conceptual framework.
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The sustainability of economic growth in Abu DhabiSmeets, Bram 10 July 2013 (has links)
Abu Dhabi has experienced an unprecedented development during the last half century, growing rapidly from a remote desert settlement to a thriving metropolitan. Today, the Emirate ranks among the countries with the highest GDP per capita in the world, and this impressive development is anticipated to continue in the decades to come.<p><p>However, there are several challenges to the sustainability of the current economic prosperity, and the environmental degradation that was caused by the rapid development is an important factor in this context. Today, the United Arab Emirates as a country has the highest ecological footprint per capita in the world and Abu Dhabi, hosting the major part of the heavy industries and oil extraction capacity in the country, has an even larger footprint. Key drivers of this poor environmental track-record are the high greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption levels.<p><p>This deterioration of environmental conditions has growing implications for the economic welfare and physical well-being of the population. So far, the government's environmental policy is mostly symbolic, and concrete policy measures are largely lacking today. On the contrary, there are crucial elements in the governmental policy that have strong negative impacts on environmental conditions and thus on the sustainability of Abu Dhabi's growth, such as generous implicit subsidies on energy commodities and water and an ambitious strategy for economic growth, depending on a strong expansion of heavy industry.<p><p>This poses the question how environmental conditions will develop, when the population boom and economic expansion are anticipated to continue. However, the academic literature on environmental sustainability issues in Abu Dhabi as well as in the wider Gulf region is limited. Moreover, applied policy studies on the topic are absent as well.<p><p>This dissertation intends to contribute to the academic literature as well as to insights from existing policy studies, by projecting the impact of sustained economic growth on environmental conditions in Abu Dhabi. It compares a baseline scenario of economic growth with the four most relevant policy options aimed at footprint reductions available to policy makers in the Emirate: i) The introduction of a nuclear power plant; ii) An abandonment of utility price controls; iii) Shifts in the subsidization policy of water and energy markets; iv) Energy efficiency improvements in selected parts of the economy.<p><p>A recursively dynamic, multi-sectoral computable general equilibrium (CGE) model is used to generate the results in this dissertation, focusing on the two most important aspects of the ecological footprint in Abu Dhabi mentioned above. The CGE model is calibrated to a SAM for Abu Dhabi for 2009, and its specification is chosen to facilitate a focus on energy consumption and sustainability issues. Besides, it is extended by an environmental module and a fossil fuel module, and it incorporates several other modifications that are tailored to the Abu Dhabi economy.<p><p>Simulation results under a baseline scenario of economic growth show that carbon emissions will grow by 282% by 2030 compared to the base year 2009, and water consumption is anticipated to increase by 312%.<p><p>The introduction of nuclear plants, at the scale that is previewed today, will yield a reduction in emissions of 2.6% compared to the baseline scenario. The economic impact will be positive, with a 0.5% increase in GDP and small gains in employment levels.<p><p>Price liberalizations in the utility markets are a politically sensitive theme. When implemented, they can yield a 7.6% reduction in emissions and a 2.3% in water consumption by 2030 (vs. baseline). However, the economic cost involved amounts to 0.3% of GDP.<p><p>An abandonment of subsidies in the energy and water markets can lead to a 11.1% drop in carbon emissions, and a 28.8% decline in water consumption vs. baseline. The domestic economic impacts of this change are negative, but the GDP shows a modest 0.6% growth, due to improvements in the foreign trade balance.<p><p>Finally, efficiency improvements can lead to reductions in carbon emissions (13.8%) and water consumption (17.5%) compared to the baseline, and bring economic gains of 1.0% of GDP.<p><p>All four simulated policy scenarios in this dissertation bring about reductions in the ecological footprint, compared to the baseline as described above. Nonetheless, the consumption levels of energy and water as well as the related carbon emissions will be substantially higher in 2030 than they are today, under each of these scenarios. As a policy implication, the dissertation therefore finds that the previewed deterioration in environmental conditions requires active policy, if current welfare and prosperity are to be sustained. When assessed in the appropriate policy context, environmental conservation and improvements in the ecological footprint should be treated with a higher priority in the broad portfolio of development goals in Abu Dhabi.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Development of a System Based Approach for Strategic Implementation of Occupational Health and Safety Practices in Health Care OrganizationsAl Hassani, Mattar Saeed S. January 2010 (has links)
This thesis aims at investigating the importance of effective implementation of health safety and hygiene legislations and practices in Health Care delivery systems. A new System Based Approach for Strategic Implementation of Occupational Health & Safety Practices is proposed in this thesis. The underlying principle of the approach is based on involvement and inputs from staff and management rather than by pre-specified requirements and objectives. Furthermore, the development process is a closed loop process that provides a mechanism for continuously evaluating system performance and monitoring activities that have considerable impact on health and safety practices. A case study was conducted in the medical laboratories of five major hospitals in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Data were collected through questionnaires, staff interviews, and reviewing laboratory safety reports compiled over a three years period. The main conclusions from this study are: 1. The proposed approach has proven to be useful in analyzing existing health and safety systems. The methodology and tools proved to be instrumental in defining inefficiencies and determining the status of the Health & Safety policies & practices in the selected medical laboratories. 2. Effective implementation of the proposed approach has shown improvements in productivity, operational cost, service quality, staff and management satisfaction. 3. The case study has demonstrated that a developing country such the UAE, with no previously existing Health & Safety legislation and little risk prevention culture, can rapidly and effectively introduce effective industry specific H&S by adopting an integrated systems based approach. 4. UAE has highly advanced and economically developing base, there is a general willingness at senior level within the UAE to achieve high levels of competence and standards in all industrial sectors. 5. CAP is a system based management tool which has been implemented globally, but only limited in the gulf region; CAP has been implemented by the author and colleges within Zayed Military Hospital between 2003-2007.
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