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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Differentiation of Self as a Predictor of Vicarious Trauma in Mental Health Professionals

Purvis, Denise 01 January 2017 (has links)
Mental health professionals in all settings work with clients who are affected by trauma. Traumatic events expose mental health professionals to the negative psychological and emotional impact of witnessing and listening to client stories. Vicarious trauma is the emotional consequence of this empathic engagement with clients. The purpose of this correlational study was to identify predictors of vicarious trauma in mental health professionals that had not been studied before. The theoretical framework guiding the study was the Bowen family systems theory and the construct of differentiation of self. A regression analysis was conducted with a purposive sample of 83 licensed or certified mental health professionals from community counseling agencies in the Midwest. Five research questions were evaluated using multiple regression analysis and determined that subcomponents of differentiation of self (i.e., emotional reactivity, I position, emotional cutoff, and fusion with others) predicted vicarious trauma. An additional regression analysis showed that vicarious trauma was best predicted by 2 subcomponents of differentiation of self; emotional reactivity was the most significant predictor followed by I position. By identifying characteristics in mental health professionals that predict vicarious trauma, counselor educators and supervisors can better educate, train, develop programs, and advocate for the emotional welfare of mental health professionals in the field.

The effects of mindfulness training and individual differences in mindfulness on social perception and empathy

Tipsord, Jessica M., 1980- 09 1900 (has links)
xv, 173 p. : ill. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / Both Buddhist scholars and psychological researchers have suggested that mindfulness practice may result in greater empathy, but previous research has found mixed results. In addition, Buddhist philosophy suggests that mindfulness should influence the perception of and felt connection to others. Little research, however, has examined such an influence. The present studies examined the effect of dispositional mindfulness, as well as short- and long-term mindfulness meditation practice, on trait and state empathy, social perception, and felt connection to others. Study 1 manipulated mindfulness with a guided meditation CD and found that participants in this condition experienced more serenity and less negative emotion relative to control conditions. Study 1 also clarified the relationship between dispositional mindfulness (measured with the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire), empathy (Interpersonal Reactivity Index), and felt connection (Allo-Inclusive Identity Scale). Results showed that different facets of mindfulness had different correlates. Higher observing scores were related to greater empathic concern and perspective taking; higher nonreactivity scores were related to less personal distress; and higher describing scores were associated with greater felt connection to others. Mindfulness was also associated with social perception such that higher nonreactivity scores were associated with greater ease in making emotion inferences from short video clips and higher describing scores were associated with making more mental state inferences in a modified empathic accuracy task. In Study 2, a randomized 8-week mindfulness intervention caused increases in dispositional mindfulness, especially describing scores, relative to a waitlist control condition. The intervention also resulted in increased serenity and joy and decreased negative affect and tension. Except for changes in serenity, these changes were fully mediated by increases in dispositional mindfulness. Those in the intervention condition decreased in personal distress to others' suffering, increased in the amount of mental state inferences they made for empathic accuracy targets, and increased in their ability to make inferences at times when the targets were actually having a thought or feeling. Thus, mindfulness training not only resulted in intrapersonal changes such as greater serenity and less tension; it also increased cognitive and emotional abilities important for empathy toward other people. / Committee in charge: Bertram Malle, Co-Chairperson, Psychology; Sanjay Srivastava, Co-Chairperson, Psychology; Sara Hodges, Member, Psychology; Mark Unno, Outside Member, Religious Studies

Altersunterschiede in der Empathie: Multidirektional und eine Frage des Kontexts?

Wieck, Cornelia 08 January 2015 (has links)
Empathie wird als ein multidimensionales Konstrukt verstanden, welches kognitive Aspekte wie empathische Akkuratheit (die Fähigkeit, die Emotionen einer anderen Person akkurat zu erken-nen) als auch affektive Aspekte wie Emotionskongruenz (die Fähigkeit, die Emotionen anderer zu teilen) und Mitgefühl (die Fähigkeit, ein Gefühl von Sorge für diese Person zu erleben) umfasst (z.B. Davis, 1994; Eisenberg & Fabes, 1990). Ziel der Dissertation war es zu einem umfassenden Verständnis altersbezogener Unterschiede in diesen drei Empathiefacetten beizutragen. Ausgehend von der Überlegung, dass empathische Akkuratheit wesentlich von alterssensitiven kognitiven Prozessen determiniert wird (z.B. Adolphs, 2002), während affektive Empathiefacetten vor allem altersfreundliche emotionsregulatorische Voraussetzungen haben (z.B. Eisenberg, 2000), wurde vermutet, dass empathische Akkuratheit Altersdefizite aufweist, während Gefühlskongruenz und Mitgefühl altersbezogene Zugewinne zeigen. Da Evidenz dafür vorliegt, dass altersbezogene Defizite in unterschiedlichen kognitiven und emotionalen Leistungsbereichen reduziert werden, wenn die Aufgabe eine besondere Bedeutung für Ältere hat (z.B. Hess, Rosenberg & Waters, 2001; Kunzmann & Grühn, 2005), lag ein weiteres Ziel der Studie darin, zu überprüfen, ob Altersunterschiede in der Empathie durch die Altersrelevanz der Aufgabe moderiert werden. Grund für diese Annahme liefert das Modell der selektiven Optimierung mit Kompensation (z.B. Baltes & Baltes, 1990) sowie die Selective Engagement Theorie (Hess, 2006), die übereinstimmend po-stulieren, dass Personen mit zunehmendem Alter dazu tendieren mit den ihnen zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen sparsam umzugehen und diese primär in Bereichen einsetzen, die sie für relevant halten. Basierend auf diesen Überlegungen wurde vermutet, dass Altersdefizite in empathischer Akkuratheit weniger wahrscheinlich sind, wenn die Aufgabe von hoher Relevanz für Ältere ist; in der Emotionskongruenz sollten sich die Altersgewinne in den für Ältere relevanten Aufgaben sogar vergrößern. Da erste Evidenz dafür vorliegt, dass Altersunterschiede im Mitgefühl nicht durch die Altersrelevanz moderiert werden, wurde vermutet, dass Ältere ein höheres Ausmaß an Mitgefühl berichten – unabhängig von der Relevanz der Aufgabe. Zur Überprüfung der Hypothesen wurden 101 jungen und 101 älteren Erwachsenen Filmausschnitte präsentiert, in denen eine junge oder eine ältere Person ein autobiografisches, für ihre Altersgruppe relevantes oder altersneutrales Erlebnis schilderte, und dabei echte Emotionen wiedererlebte. Zur Erfassung empathischer Fähigkeiten sollten die Teilnehmer mithilfe einer Emotionsadjektivliste angeben, in welchem Ausmaß die gezeigte Person sowie sie selbst jedes dieser Gefühle erlebt haben. Erwar-tungsgemäß zeigten sich für die Filme ohne besondere Altersrelevanz negative Altersunterschiede in empathischer Akkuratheit, während Gefühlskongruenz und Mitgefühl Altersgewinne aufwiesen. Wie angenommen wurden Altersdefizite in empathischer Akkuratheit durch die Altersrelevanz der Aufgabe moderiert; Ältere erzielten die gleiche Leistung wie Jüngere, wenn das geschilderte Thema von hoher Relevanz für sie war. Hingegen zeigte sich keine Moderation der Altersunterschiede für Emotionskongruenz. Wie erwartet erlebten Ältere mehr Mitgefühl als Jüngere – unabhängig von der Aufgabenrelevanz. Zusammengenommen sprechen die Befunde dafür, dass Altersunterschiede in der Empathie multidirektional und kontextabhängig verlaufen.

Empatiskt bemötande och stress och återhämtning

Persson, Maria January 2020 (has links)
Empati är en viktig del av bemötande inom människovårdande yrken som tandvård och vård. Det finns teorier om att stress påverkar empati negativt genom att det bland annat leder till håglöshet och ökad cynism samt att återhämtning kan minska stress vilket indirekt kan påverka empatisk förmåga i bemötandet i positiv riktning.  Syftet med studien var att utforska om det fanns skillnader i självskattad empati, stress och återhämtning bland personer med olika lång yrkeserfarenhet, utbildning och utbildningsnivå. Utöver detta testades också om det fanns samvariationer mellan självskattningarna i empati, stress och återhämtning. Dessutom gjordes försök att mäta bemötande med hjälp av fiktiva fallexempel från vård och tandvård. Försöksdeltagare i studien utgjordes av 40 personer, till yrket undersköterskor, sjuksköterskor, blivande specialistsjuksköterskor och blivande tandhygienister. Pearsons korrelationsanalyser har använts för att beräkna korrelationer och envägs variansanalyser, ANOVA, för att beräkna skillnader mellan grupper.  I föreliggande studies resultat förefaller det som om yngre personer med mindre yrkeserfarenhet är mer stressande och mer empatiska medan äldre personer med fler arbetade år är mindre stressade och mindre empatiska medan utbildningstyp och utbildningsnivå inte verkar spela någon som helst roll.  Frågorna innehållande fiktiva fall konstateras behöva ytterligare utveckling. Inga som helst signifikanta skillnader avseende olik grupptillhörighet som yrke; blivande specialistsjuksköterskor, blivande tandhygienister, undersköterskor; eller utbildningsnivå; gymnasienivå, kandidatexamensnivå, magisterexamen eller högre kunde ses i studien. Studien inspirerar till fortsatt forskning inom området bemötande och empatisk autencitet. / Empathy is an important issue in people-oriented work such as dental care and care. There are theories that stress affects empathy in a negative way by causing lethargy and cynicism and that recovery can reduce the stress which indirectly could affect the ability to give empathic treatment which means treat other persons well when working with people.  The purpose of this study was to see if there were differences in self-reported empathy, stress and recovery among persons with different length of professional experience, type of education and educational level. In addition, correlations between self-reports of empathy, stress and recovery were tested. Also tests to measure empathic treatment among fictive cases both from health care and dental care situations were done. There were 40 participants in the study, which worked as assistant nurses or nurses or were under education for nursing specialists or dental hygienists.  Pearson’s correlation analysis and one way analysis of variance, ANOVA, were used for the statistical analysis.  In this study it seemed like younger persons with fewer years of experience were both more stressed and more empathic than older persons with longer experience which seem to be less stressed but also less empathic, while education type or level seemed to not matter. The fictive cases should be developed more. No differences between educational groups at different levels were found in this study, nor could any differences be seen among different professions. This study could inspire further research in the field of empathic treatment and authenticity.

Love to Help: The Roles of Compassion and Empathy in Regards to Altruism

Nilsson, Felix, Lindsten Minelius, David January 2020 (has links)
Unresolved global problems, such as extreme poverty, ask for a better understanding of what predicts altruism and what does not. The aim of this thesis project was to address this topical and timely research question by studying the predictive role of compassion and empathy in understanding altruism. In past research on the relationship between altruism and empathy, distinct empathic processes (Perspective taking, Empathic concern, Personal distress, Emotional contagion, and Behavioral contagion) have been often lumped together and the context dependency of the relationship has been insufficiently taken into account, resulting in confusion and contradictory findings. Compassion overcomes these issues. The present web-based survey with previous or current university students (age 18-45; N=240) aimed to clarify relationships between components of empathy, compassion, and altruism. It was hypothesized that (1) compassion would predict altruism beyond all components of empathy; (2) Empathic concern would mediate the relationship between Perspective taking and altruism; (3) compassion would mediate the relationship between Empathic concern and altruism, and (4) higher levels of compassion would result in a reduced negative relationship between Personal distress and altruism. The results supported all hypotheses except for the final one. These findings are discussed in context of previous research and theory, considering the current study limitations and with focus on theoretical and practical implications. In sum, the findings suggest that efforts to motivate altruism should focus on invoking positive emotions of warmth, concern, and relatability. Care should be taken to avoid unnecessary Personal distress when invoking altruism, as this reduces its likelihood.

Using Literature to Address Ethical and Existential Issues in the EFL Classroom at Upper Secondary School

Konnebäck, Elin January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine upper secondary teachers' selection processes, strategies and reasons for why literature is used to address ethical and existential issues in the EFL classroom. Additionally, it is also of interest to examine what advantages, challenges and learning outcomes are evident when addressing this specific issue. A qualitative approach was used for this study and the data was gathered through interviews with eight upper secondary English teachers. The results in the study showed the reasons for selecting literary works to address ethical or existential issues was adding new perspectives and the assets which literature offer. The results also accounted for various advantages and challenges, where pupils' development and the possibility of a free space were mentioned as advantages and language proficiency as a challenge. The learning outcomes were development of both critical thinking as well as the empathic ability.

My Snus Handbook : Rethinking the lifestyle related to nicotine pouches / Min Snushandbok : Reflektera över livsstilen kring vitt snus

Huhtala, Heikki January 2023 (has links)
The use of modern oral nicotine products (colloquially known as white snus or nicotine pouches) is increasing fast among youth and young women in Sweden. Due to aggressive marketing on social media, the colourful snus cans that contain nicotine pouches have become accessories that could be compared with lifestyle products (such as branded clothing, jewellery, or cosmetics). This collaborative design project aims to explore alternative approaches to education against modern nicotine products and to create a small-scale countermovement for the increasing white snus trend. During the project, we have used methods of human-centred design and visual communication in order to facilitate female snus users in reflecting on their own habits and rethinking the lifestyle around nicotine pouches. The project is done in collaboration with female university students who use white snus and two local tobacco control workers in the Region Kalmar län (Region Kalmar County).

Impact of Empathy on Burnout Among Swedish Professional Health Care Workers: An Empirical Study / Påverkan av Empati på Utbrändhet Bland Svenska Omsorgsarbetare: En Empirisk Studie

Linder, Rebecca January 2021 (has links)
Objective: Research on the association of empathy and burnout within professional health care workers has shown that the work is posing a risk for burnout. Empathy and compassion abilities are essential to understand others and when working with caring for others. Research from social neuroscience and psychology has forwarded findings indicating the risk of a negative side of empathy – empathic distress being associated with ill health such as burnout. Contrary, compassion has been shown to be associated with health benefits. Research integrating knowledge from social neuroscience and psychology is needed to inform evidence-based health promotion in the workplace arena. Aim: The aim is to investigate if empathic distress among professional health care workers is associated with burnout, and if compassion has a buffering effect on burnout. Design: A cross-sectional, within-group survey study is employed, using a quantitative explorative approach. 105 participants identified as professional health care workers was included. The bio-psychosocial model was used as a theoretical analysing tool. Results: Results showed a significant positive association between empathic distress and client-related burnout. Compassion was found to be negatively associated with client-related burnout, however, not significant. Multiple regression analysis showed no significant effect of empathic distress, compassion or theory of mind to predict burnout. Conclusion: Empathic distress was found to be significantly associated with client-related burnout. The study integrated social neuroscience and psychology theories, which can inform health promotion programs within social workplace settings especially for a vulnerable group in risk of burnout such as professional health care workers.

The Epistemic Validity Of Empathic Knowledge Claims / The Epistemic Validity Of Empathy

Seth, Shivani January 2020 (has links)
This paper is written in special acknowledgement and recognition of oppressed minority groups including, but not limited to, those of Black, Indigenous, and Asian persons. All lives do not matter until Black, Red, and Yellow lives matter. / Obama once spoke of his desire to see empathetic individuals appointed to the position of Supreme Court Justice of the United States. His desire was met by many with resistance as people voiced concerns regarding the unreliability of beliefs founded on empathy and possible negative consequences that may come about. Concerns regarding unreliability are the product of our inability to access the ‘privileged information’ or the actual thoughts and perspectives of those we intend to empathize with. Attempts to form empathic beliefs, in the absence of this information, could lead to various harms to the very groups we intend to empathize with. Stereotyping, bias, and claims of sincerely ‘knowing’ the unique circumstances of those very different from ourselves can all lead to the justification of actions with harmful consequences. In my thesis I wish to address these concerns by acknowledging that most practical sources of knowledge (those we make use of and depend on regularly), such as those predicated on notions of cause and effect, have similar risks associated with them. Theories such as gravity and evolution remain theories and yet via the establishment of best practices and diligent communities, we are able to minimize the dissemination of false knowledge claims and their respective harms. In my paper I acknowledge this and explain how empathy can be dealt with in a similar fashion, while also reducing potential harms to others and allowing us to take advantage of the many benefits empathic knowledge has to offer. In the same way that we still continue to make use of our understanding of gravity to improve our lives and society by building aircrafts, we can make use of empathy to improve the ability of individual social and moral agents, as well as society as a whole. Under this pragmatic approach even the legal system can reap the benefits of empathic knowledge claims, so long as we, moving forward, work to collectively discern how to best ensure the validity of empathic knowledge claims. / Thesis / Master of Philosophy (MA) / Obama once spoke of his desire to see empathetic individuals appointed to the position of Supreme Court Justices of the United States. His desire was met by many with resistance as people voiced concerns regarding the unreliability of beliefs founded on empathy and possible negative consequences that may come about. In my thesis I wish to address these concerns by acknowledging that most useful sources of knowledge have similar risks associated with them, and yet via the establishment of best practices and diligent communities we are able to minimize the dissemination of false knowledge claims and their respective harms. In my paper I acknowledge this and explain how empathy can be dealt with in a similar fashion, while also reducing potential harms to others and allowing us to take advantage of the many benefits empathic knowledge has to offer.

Designing Technologies for Empathic Communication

Branham, Stacy Marie 09 April 2014 (has links)
If you have ever used your phone while on a date to send a text message, or snapped a picture with a friend to upload to Facebook, or cut a sentence down to 140 characters to broadcast on Twitter, you may agree with some leading Social Scientists that technology is changing the way we relate with one another. Our interactions through technology seem to be getting increasingly short with less sophisticated language. More and more, our thoughts are broadcast to everyone instead of intended for someone special. Yet, there is something profoundly human and central to our development that is neglected in these interchanges. Close human relationships---with families, significant others, friends---need complex, intimate, ongoing conversations in order to create and maintain empathic connectivity. In these types of conversations, individuals become part of one another, defined by each other. Together, they change, they grow, they find meaning in life. This is, in essence, what I call Empathic Communication. Until now, this concern has been largely neglected in the field of Human-Computer Interaction, a community of researchers and technology designers who are arguably best positioned to address it. To suggest one path forward, in this dissertation I raise the question of whether computer technologies can become brokers of Empathic Communication between people who care about each other, with a specific focus on intimate partners. How can we conceptualize Empathic Communication, how can we build tools that support it, and how do we know if we have succeeded? I address these questions by creating a simplified model of the therapeutic process of intimate reconnection, or the 4Rs framework---Repattern, Reflect, Restory, Reconnect. Using the 4Rs framework as an ideation tool, I designed and field-tested a technology concept for a dyadic journaling application, Diary Built for Two, that might help romantic partners reconnect through deep communication. Using the 4Rs framework as an evaluation tool, I found that Diary Built for Two enabled more intimate, more thoughtful, more Empathic Communication that changed the way partners saw themselves, one another, and their relationship. Unexpectedly, I found that research interviews I conducted with intimate partners had the same type of therapeutic effect. Simply asking partners questions about their relationship caused them to reflect on and change their understandings of their relationship and each other. To guide other researchers and designers of Empathic Communication Technologies (ECTs), I present a set of specific outcomes of my study. First, I present Symmetric and Asymmetric interface profiles, which identify new human-technology configurations that may better support deep communication---for example, having one shared device between two people, as opposed to one separate device for each. I also share some of the ways in which research interviews may positively and negatively affect study participants towards reconsidering current informed consent practices. Both of these findings showcase the utility of selectively conceptualizing our technology designs as well as our research methods as therapeutic interventions; when we apply the therapy metaphor, new design and research opportunities become apparent. / Ph. D.

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