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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Revolutionen in der Weltgeschichte – Weltgeschichte der Revolutionen

Lundgreen, Christoph 30 May 2024 (has links)
Saïd Amir Arjomands Buch „Revolution“ ist ebenso interessant wie eigenwillig. Der Autor entwirft eine neue Typologie der Revolutionen und entwickelt dafür den Typus der sogenannten „integrativen Revolutionen“, welche, anders als klassische Typen, nicht von zentralisierten Staatswesen ausgehen, sondern ihrerseits erst dazu führen – und solcherart auch für die Vormoderne Anwendung finden können. Durchgespielt wird dies an einem groß angelegten Durchgang von Beispielen, die von Sargon von Akkad im 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr. bis zu den Mongolen im 13. Jahrhundert n. Chr. reichen. Dass ein solches Vorhaben ebenso viele Widersprüche herausfordert wie Erkenntnisse erbringt, kann nicht überraschen; ersteres bezieht sich auf Kritik an historischen Details und Fragen der Methode, letzteres vor allem auf die immer wieder durchscheinende und mit herkömmlichen Narrationslinien vielfach verwobene Geschichte Persiens/Irans. / Saïd Amir Arjomand’s book “Revolution” is both intriguing and eccentric. It broadens our concept of revolutions by outlining a new typology of revolutions, featuring his concept of so-called “integrative revolutions” (leading to, not starting from, centralised entities). To demonstrate its value, he offers a breathtaking survey of revolutions from the Akkadian to the Mongol Empire, from 2340 BCE to the 13th century CE. The scope of any such undertaking invites naturally as many objections as it offers new insights; the former includes little details as well as larger methodological issues, the latter many interesting observations, especially for and from the perspective of an entangled Persian/Iranian history throughout the centuries.

Ready to Run: Fort Worth's Mexicans in Search of Representation, 1960-2000

Martínez, Peter Charles 08 1900 (has links)
This dissertation analyzes Fort Worth's Mexican community from 1960 to 2000 while considering the idea of citizenship through representation in education and politics. After establishing an introductory chapter that places the research in context with traditional Chicano scholarship while utilizing prominent ideas and theories that exist within Modern Imperial studies, the ensuing chapter looks into the rise of Fort Worth's Mexican population over the last four decades of the twentieth century. Thereafter, this work brings the attention to Mexican education in Fort Worth beginning in the 1960s and going through the end of the twentieth century. This research shows some of the struggles Mexicans encountered as they sought increased representation in the classroom, on the school board, and within other areas of the Fort Worth Independent School District. Meanwhile, Mexicans were in direct competition with African Americans who also sought increased representation while simultaneously pushing for more aggressive integration efforts against the wishes of Mexican leadership. Subsequently, this research moves the attention to political power in Fort Worth, primarily focusing on the Fort Worth city council. Again, this dissertation begins in the 1960s after the Fort Worth opened the election of the mayor to the people of Fort Worth. No Mexican was ever elected to city council prior to the rise of single-member districts despite several efforts by various community leaders. Chapter V thus culminates with the rise of single-member districts in 1977 which transitions the research to chapter VI when Mexicans were finally successful in garnering political representation on the city council. Finally, Chapter VII concludes the twentieth century beginning with the rapid rise and fall of an organization called Hispanic 2000, an organization that sought increased Mexican representation but soon fell apart because of differences of opinion. In concluding the research, the final chapter provides an evaluation of the lack of Mexican representation both in Fort Worth education and in the political realm. Furthermore, the finishing chapter places Fort Worth's Mexican situation within the context of both Chicano history as well as identify some key aspects of the history of modern empire. This investigation poses pertinent questions regarding the lack of Mexican representation while African Americans end the century well-represented on the school board, in education jobs, and on the city council.

Historische Soziologie: Literaturbesprechungen

Fischer, Peter 22 March 2024 (has links)
Lachmann, Richard: First-Class Passengers on a Sinking Ship. Elite Politics and the Decline of Great Powers. London, New York: Verso 2020. 477 Seiten. ISBN 978-178873-407‑3. Preis: $ 34,95. / Der Titel des jüngsten Buches des Soziologen aus Albany (New York, USA) weckt filmische Assoziationen und provoziert die Frage, ob Passagiere aus der ersten Klasse auf einem sinkenden Schiff bevorzugt Zugang zu den Rettungsbooten erhalten. Die Antwort aus Perspektive einer Elitesoziologie kann wenig überraschen: ja. Folgerichtig steht der Titel als Metapher für Lachmanns Prognose des ökonomischen, militärischen und demokratischen Niedergangs der USA. Lachmann ist Vertreter der Historischen Soziologie, einem Paradigma, welches in Deutschland gelegentlich noch unter dem Verdacht steht, Geschichtsphilosophie oder bestenfalls Sozialgeschichte zu sein. Beide Verdachtsmomente können mit Blick auf das vorliegende Werk entkräftet werden. Der Verfasser stellt sich die Aufgabe, das Problem des Niedergangs von Imperien historisch-komparativ und in Bezug auf die aktuelle Situation der USA aufzuarbeiten. Vereinfacht gesagt ist das Erkenntnisinteresse der Historischen Soziologie die Erklärung des historischen Wandels oder des historischen Gewordenseins der Gegenwartsgesellschaft durch die Aufdeckung von Mustern, Strukturen und Entwicklungspfaden – so auch im vorliegenden Fall. George Steinmetz hat diese Grundidee der Historischen Soziologie auf den Punkt gebracht, wenn er schreibt: „Geschichte wiederholt sich nicht, aber sie reimt sich.“ Es ist nicht möglich, ausführlicher auf Programmatik und Spielarten der Historischen Soziologie einzugehen, es sei aber auf Richard Lachmanns Einführung What is Historical Sociology aus dem Jahr 2013 hingewiesen.

Albert Demangeon (1872-1940). De l'école communale à la chaire en Sorbonne, l'itinéraire d'un géographe moderne

Wolff, Denis 04 April 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Malgré son rôle fondamental dans le développement de la géographie en France, Albert Demangeon (1872-1940) reste relativement méconnu. Cette biobibliographie intellectuelle, élaborée à partir de publications parfois ignorées et de documents d'archives, présente son itinéraire en trois parties qui suivent les grands moments de sa vie jusqu'au milieu des années vingt. La première correspond à son ascension professionnelle et sociale : baccalauréat (1890), entrée à l'Ecole normale supérieure (1892), agrégation (1895), thèse sur la Picardie (1905) et beau mariage. La seconde couvre le début de sa carrière universitaire à Lille (1904-1911) puis à la Sorbonne jusqu'à l'irruption de la guerre ; c'est, à l'époque, un géographe polyvalent. La troisième analyse son engagement pendant et après la Grande Guerre et ses interrogations sur le sort de l'Europe dans le monde après le conflit. Albert Demangeon apparaît finalement de manière contrastée. Si certains ouvrages sont novateurs, s'ils mettent en oeuvre brillamment la géographie moderne à toutes les échelles, on ne peut discerner une théorie originale et leur apport méthodologique est réduit. Ce grand travailleur, infatigable promoteur de la géographie régionale et humaine, est plutôt un vulgarisateur. Il défend la géographie nouvelle tout en collaborant avec les sociologues et les historiens qui contestent ses prétentions. Sans être un organisateur comme Emmanuel de Martonne, son autorité ne cesse d'augmenter au sein de l'Ecole française de géographie dont il est l'une des chevilles ouvrières.

Translatio Studii et Imperii: The Transfer of Knowledge and Power in the Hundred Years War

Wilson, Emma-Catherine 13 June 2022 (has links)
This thesis is an examination of English evocations of translatio studii et imperii during the Hundred Years War. According to the myth of translatio, intellectual and martial superiority were entwined and together moving ever-westwards, from Athens, to Rome, to Paris, and thence - the English claimed - to England. This study contributes to an understanding of how late-fourteenth- and fifteenth-century English aristocrats and clerics understood and legitimized their cultural struggle with France not only as a martial battle but also as an intellectual competition. It also explores how this struggle contributed to the cultural authority of libraries and book collections. The first chapter of this thesis traces the development of the translatio studii et imperii tradition from its ancient origins to its zenith in the reign King Charles V "the Wise" of France. This chapter serves to establish the historiographical implications of the translatio myth as well as the French translatio tradition to which the English responded. The second chapter of this study is devoted to a literary analysis of texts which explicitly evoke the translatio topos and which were composed or copied in England during the Hundred Years War, such as Bishop Richard de Bury's Philobiblon and Ranulf Higden's Polychronicon, as well as Oxford and Cambridge university foundation myths. The third chapter explores the extent to which late-medieval England's book culture resonated with English evocations of translatio. Central to this exploration is the underhanded acquisition of Charles V's monumental French royal library by the English regent of France, John, Duke of Bedford. As is attested in the writings of French court scholars, the monumental French royal library was held to symbolise France's cultural superiority over England during the Hundred Years War. Bedford's manoeuvre can be seen as a bid to transfer Europe's seat of learning, and by extant of power, to England. This thesis concludes with a consideration of the translatio myth's ambivalent implications for contentious master narratives such as the rise of nationalism and of the English language in late-medieval England.

True Irishmen and Loyal Americans: Irish American Political Culture, 1829-1911

Erin C Barr (17349592) 09 November 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This is a nineteenth and early twentieth century history of Irish politics in the United States. This study focuses on political identity, culture, gender, and the use of political violence. It is also a transnational history which blends the history of the United States with the history of Ireland. This study particularly examines the roles of ordinary men and women of the Irish American community throughout the United States in global efforts to bring about Irish independence. </p>


江村, 治樹 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:一般研究(C) 課題番号:62510192 研究代表者:江村 治樹 研究期間:1987-1989年度

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