Spelling suggestions: "subject:"energy audio""
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Sustainable Manufacturing: Green Factory : A case study of a tool manufacturing companyMohanty, Smruti Smarak, Jagtap, Rohan S. January 2020 (has links)
Efficient use of resources and utility is the key to reduce the price of the commodities produced in any industry. This in turn would lead to reduced price of the commodity which is the key to success. Sustainability involves integration of all the three dimensions: environmental, economic and social. Sustainable manufacturing involves the use of sustainable processes and systems to produce better sustainable products. These products will be more attractive, and the industry will know more about the climate impact from their production. Manufacturing companies use a considerable amount of energy in their production processes. One important area to understand the sustainability level at these types of industries is to study this energy use. The present work studies energy use in a large-scale tool manufacturing company in Sweden. Value Stream Mapping method is implemented for the purpose of mapping the energy use in the different operations. To complement this, an energy audit has been conducted, which is a method that include a study and analysis of a facility, indicating possible areas of improvements by reducing energy use and saving energy costs. This presents an opportunity for the company to implement energy efficiency measures, thus generating positive impacts through budget savings. Less energy use is also good for the environment resulting in less greenhouse gas emissions level. This also helps in long-term strategic planning and initiatives to assess the required needs and stabilize energy use for the long run. Social sustainability completes the triad along with environmental and economic sustainability. In this study, the latter is reflected with the company’s relationship with its working professionals, communities and society.
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Energy audit in Ockelbo healthcare centerDe Wit, Pedro January 2020 (has links)
As the world is becoming aware of the impact of global warming reducing greenhouse gases emissions presents itself as a fundamental issue in order to avoid the environmental collapse and its negative consequences. One of the key points of this challenge it’s to make a responsable use of the energy. In European countries, buildings sector consumes around the 40% of the total energy use. Thus ensuring energy efficiency becomes a vital issue in order to reduce energy usage and its environmental impact. This master thesis reports on the energy audit made in Din Hälsocentral. The energy use of the health center is studied through a heat energy balance from September to May (the months when the local district heating network works) with the aim of suggesting cost-effective energy saving measures.The study combines information provided by Din Hälsocentral, data estimated based on the characteristics of the installations and literature review. The energy balance shows that Din Hälsocentral has a heat energy input 595 MWh. This heat is received by the health center through district heating, solar radiation and internal heat generation while it’s lost through transmission losses, mechanical ventilation losses, infiltration heat losses and tap water heating. To decrease the energy use five saving measures have been suggested: the substitution of the health center windows by more efficient ones, the reduction of the indoor temperature, the replacement of the heat exchangers from the mechanical ventilation system, the installation of an aerothermal heating system in order to replace the district heating supply and the improvement of the roof isolation. The implementantion of those different measures would report heat energy savings between the 4% and the 63%, having payback periods between 0 and 7 years. However, the viability of application of aerothermal heating system in the health center installations as well as its maintenance costs must be studied more deeply.
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Energy retrofit of an office building in Stockholm: energy performance analysis of the cooling system / Energieffektivisering av en kontorsbyggnad i Stockholm: utvärdering av kylsystems energiprestandaMaggiore, Pierpaolo January 2016 (has links)
The increasing attention towards energy efficiency issues has triggered an important process involving the renovation of existing buildings and, at the same time, the creation of recognized certifications assuring the quality of the projects. In line with this trend, the Sweco headquarters, an office building characterized by 24700 m2 of floor area and located in Stockholm, was totally retrofitted in 2012 and obtained the Gold rating after being assessed with the Miljöbyggnad certification procedure. The HVAC system was a key element of the retrofit project since one of the final aims was to combine high indoor environment standards with efficient system performances. However, even if the quality of the design is certified, it is possible that, under real operating conditions, complex systems behave differently from the expectations and adjustments are necessary to correct the emerged gap. To achieve this goal, it is essential to identify the points of weakness of the system by carrying out an energy performance analysis, which is the core of this project. In fact, after providing an overview of the building and the retrofit, this work focuses on the analysis of the cooling system installed in the Sweco building and proves the importance of adopting a step-by-step approach to the problem. Therefore, an increasing level of detail characterizes each step of the analysis, whose final aim is to highlight potential aspects to be improved and create a baseline to test possible solutions. / SIRen
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Energikartläggning av en kontorsbyggnad i Mellansverige : Skattehuset i GävleSkärberg, Albin January 2020 (has links)
Världen under åren har haft en ökning av energianvändning som kan leda till stora problem. Anledningen är för att många länder producerar el och värme med resurser som medför stora mängder utsläpp av växthusgaser. Sverige svarade med att införa en lag om att en energikartläggning skall göras minst var fjärde år hos stora företag, så att Sverige kan uppnå ett mål om att energieffektivisera energianvändningen med 50 procent mellan 2003 och 2030. I detta examensarbete har en energikartläggning gjorts på en kontorsbyggnad som är lokaliserad i Mellan Sverige. Syftet var att kartlägga hur el och värme används i byggnaden samt presentera åtgärder för att minska energianvändningen. Resultatet visar att 770 MWh fjärrvärme och totalt 763 MWh el användes år 2019. Varav de största energianvändare i fastigheten är radiatorer, värmebatterier, elapparater och fläktar. Genom att bland annat göra tre energieffektiva åtgärder för ventilation kan upp till 313 000 kr sparas varje år. Åtgärderna är då att installera effektivare värmeväxlare, lägre SFP-tal på fyra av fastighetens luftbehandlingsaggregat samt att ventilationsystem av typen Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV) används istället för Constant Air volume (CAV). / The world over the years has had an increase in energy use that can lead to major problems. The reason is that many countries produce electricity and heat with resources that cause large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions. Sweden responded by introducing a law that an energy audit must be done at least every four years at large companies, so that Sweden can achieve a goal of making energy use more energy efficient between 2003 and 2030. In this study, an energy audit has been done on an office building located in Central Sweden. The purpose was to map how electricity and heat are used in the building and to present measures to reduce energy use. The results show that 770 MWh of district heating and a total of 763 MWh of electricity were used in 2019. Of which the largest energy users in the property are radiators, heating batteries, electrical appliances and fans. By, among other things, taking three energy-efficient measures for ventilation, up to 313,000 SEK can be saved each year. The measures are then to install more efficient heat exchangers for ventilation, lower SFP numbers on four of the property's air handling units and that ventilation systems of the type Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV) are used instead of Constant Air volume (CAV).
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Data-driven EDIFES Analysis for Heating Type of Commercial Buildings: Validation of EDIFES’s Electricity Disaggregation StrategyWest, Alexander 25 January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Hur kan framtidens energibehov säkerställas i asfaltbranschen? : En studie för att finna potentiella åtgärder som leder till ett minskat energibehov för ett asfaltverk, samt undersöka möjligheten att producera solel på en asfaltanläggning / How can future energy demand be ensured in the asphalt industry? : A study to find potential measures that leads to a reduced energy demand for an asphalt plant and investigate the possibility to produce solar energy at an asphalt plantBerglund, Stina, Danielsen, Tove January 2023 (has links)
Ett scenario för att nå nettonollutsläpp av växthusgaser till år 2050 har tagits fram av IEA. I scenariot framgår att det krävs en ökning av energieffektivisering, samt att användning av förnybara energikällor bör öka under detta årtionde. Asfaltbranschen är ett exempel på en energiintensiv verksamhet, där det i dag finns begränsad tillgänglig litteratur om energianvändningen. Svevia, ett av Sveriges största väg- och anläggningsföretag, har efterfrågat större kunskap inom området. Detta examensarbetes syfte var därför att kartlägga energibehovet för en tillverkande verksamhet inom asfaltbranschen, för att finna energieffektiviseringsåtgärder, öka företagets lönsamhet samt visa på branschens framtida hållbarhetsomställning. För att uppnå syftet har en fallstudie utförts på Svevias asfaltverk i Arlanda. I fallstudien ingick energikartläggning, intervjustudier samt kontakt med företag. Energikartläggningen utfördes för att ta fram Arlandas asfaltverks energibehov samt energieffektiviseringsåtgärder. Intervjustudier genomfördes både inom energikartläggningen, för solceller och för att lyfta tekniker som kan påverka asfaltbranschens framtida utveckling. För den sistnämnda analyserades data med en tematisk analys. För undersökning av solceller användes även kontakt med företag och modelleringsverktyg från en företagshemsida som metod. Resultatet av energibalansen visade att Svevias asfaltverk i Arlanda hade en energianvändning på 15 100 MWh under 2022. Majoritet av energianvändningen stod bioolja för, och den enhetsprocess som använde mest energi var Materialuppvärmningen. Därför har fokus för energieffektiviseringsåtgärder varit på Materialuppvärmningen, och fyra åtgärder togs fram: överskottsvärme, energilagring med sandbatteri, öka produktionen av lågtemperad asfalt samt en tälthall för att skydda stenmaterial mot regn. För solceller undersöktes areorna 70x30 m och 100x40 m och en återbetalningstid på sju år beräknades för respektive area. Nuvärdessumman blev negativ, vilket tyder på en olönsam investering, däremot kan dess lönsamhet värderas över livslängden. Hinder som behövs ses över innan investering i solceller är att damm och vibrationer kan uppkomma vid den närliggande täkten. Resultatet för asfaltbranschens framtid visar på att olika tekniker är intressanta för att minska den fossila energianvändningen. Dessa är bland annat elektrifiering av hela asfaltverk och att producera kalltillverkad asfalt. Det kräver dock att asfaltföretag vågar satsa på lösningarna för att kunskapen ska utvecklas. Rekommendationerna till Svevia är att sätta ut elmätare och regelbundet läsa av dem för att ta fram mer pålitliga data inför kommande energibalanser. De energieffektiviseringsåtgärder författarna rekommenderar Svevia att genomföra är ökad produktion av lågtempererad asfalt och skydda stenmaterial mot regn. För solceller rekommenderas att ta kontakt med en entreprenör som erbjuder lösning till företag. En kombination av åtgärden att skydda stenmaterial mot regn och solceller bör vidare undersökas. För att minska Svevias framtida fossila energianvändning, rekommenderas Svevia att driva projekt om kalltillverkad asfalt och ersättning av bitumen mot lignin. Författarna rekommenderar också att Svevia samarbetar med andra aktörer inom asfaltbranschen för att dela kunskap. / A scenario to reach net zero emissions of greenhouse gases by year 2050 has been developed by IEA. The scenario shows that an increase in energy efficiency is required, and that the use of renewable energy sources should increase during this decade. The asphalt industry is an example of an energy-intensive business, where there is currently limited available literature on energy-use. Svevia, one of Sweden's largest road and construction companies, has requested increased knowledge in the area. The purpose of this master’s thesis was therefore to map the energy demand of a manufacturing operation in the asphalt industry, to find energy efficiency measures, increase the company’s profitability, and to indicate the industry's future sustainability transition. To achieve this aim, a case study was performed at Svevia's asphalt plant in Arlanda. The case study included an energy audit, interview studies, and contact with companies. The energy audit was performed to determine the energy demand of the asphalt plant in Arlanda, and energy efficiency measures. Interview studies were carried out for the energy audit, for solar panels, and to highlight technologies that can influence the asphalt industry’s future development. For the latter, the data was analyzed with a thematic analysis. For solar panels, contact with companies and modeling tools from a company website were also used. The result of the energy balance showed that Svevia's asphalt plant in Arlanda had an energy use of 15 100 MWh in 2022. Bio-oil accounted for the majority of the energy use, and the unit process that used the most energy was Material Heating. Therefore, the energy efficiency measures have focused on Material Heating, and four measures were investigated: excess heat, energy storage with a sand battery, increasing the production of low temperature asphalt, and a tent to protect stone material from rain. For solar cells, the areas 70x30 m and 100x40 m were examined and a payback period of seven years was calculated for both cases. The net present value was negative, which indicates an unprofitable investment, however, its profitability can be evaluated over the lifetime. Obstacles that need to be reviewed before investing in solar panels are that dust and vibrations can arise from the nearby quarry. The result for the future of the asphalt industry shows that different technologies are interesting for reducing the fossil energy use in the asphalt industry. These include electrification of the entire asphalt plant and producing cold-manufactured asphalt. However, it requires that asphalt companies dare to invest in the solutions for the knowledge to develop. The recommendations to Svevia are to install electricity meters, and to read them regularly, to develop more reliable data for future energy balances. The energy efficiency measures that the authors recommend Svevia to implement are increased production of low temperature asphalt and protecting stone material from rain. For solar panels, it is recommended to contact an entrepreneur who offers a solution for companies. A combination of the measure to protect stone material from rain, and solar panels should be further investigated. To reduce Svevia's future fossil energy use, Svevia is recommended to run projects on cold-manufactured asphalt and replacing bitumen with lignin. The authors also recommend that Svevia collaborates with other actors in the asphalt industry to share knowledge.
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Effects of energy management practices on environmental performance of Indian small- and medium- sized enterprisesPatel, J.D., Shah, R., Trivedi, Rohit 02 January 2022 (has links)
Yes / Achieving energy efficiency through adoption of energy management practices remain top priorities among industry. Studies focusing on energy management practices are scarce and this area needs to be focused. Building on the perspective of resource-based view and behavioral theory of corporate governance, the purpose of the study is to develop and test an integrative framework linking manufacturing firm's energy management practices (EMPs) to environmental and financial performance through mediating roles played by energy efficiency and audit. The moderating role played by the top management commitment is further examined. Structural equation modeling was employed to test the hypotheses alongside Hayes' PROCESS to check moderation effects. Results from a survey of 637 employees working in Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) of Indian manufacturing firms indicate that EMPs result into increased environmental as well as financial performance of the firm. It was also found that energy efficiency mediates the relationship between the adoption of EMPs and environmental performance, amplified by top management commitment. Further, energy audit mediates the effect of EMPs on energy efficiency. The study contributes to offering the new research directions to identify alternatives that monetises environmental concepts such as energy efficiency, leading to higher performance of SMEs. / The full-text of this article will be released for public view at the end of the publisher embargo on 20 Dec 2022.
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Estimating Envelope Thermal Characteristics from Single Point in Time Thermal Images.Alshatshati, Salahaldin Faraj January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Développement d’outils numériques pour l'audit énergétique des bâtiments / Development of numerical tools for building energy auditBrouns, Jordan 01 December 2014 (has links)
Le secteur du bâtiment représente aujourd'hui près de 45% de la facture énergétique nationale, et le parc des bâtiments existants se renouvelle lentement. L'audit énergétique est un outil d'aide à la décision permettant d'améliorer la performance des bâtiments en proposant des scénarios de rénovation adaptés. Cependant, les méthodes d'audit actuelles ne parviennent pas à saisir réellement les propriétés thermiques des bâtiments et les propositions de rénovation peuvent être inadaptées. Nous proposons une méthode innovante d'audit énergétique des bâtiments qui permet de réduire fortement les incertitudes sur les paramètres et la réponse thermique du modèle. Elle diffère des méthodes classiques par son protocole opératoire et ses outils de résolution numérique. En plus du recueil des scénarios d'usage, des caractéristiques thermiques des systèmes et du bâti, et des conditions climatiques, elle exploite l'information contenue dans la mesure de l'état thermique, composé des températures des pièces et des températures de surfaces de certaines parois et des émetteurs. Ces données alimentent un problème inverse d'identification de paramètres. L'utilisation d'un modèle aux EDP nous donne accès aux outils du contrôle optimal, et notamment à la méthode de l'état adjoint. Avec ce formalisme, le problème inverse se réécrit comme un problème d'optimisation non linéaire de calibration du modèle thermique. Les paramètres inconnus sont constitués des paramètres les plus influents : la capacité et la conductivité thermiques des parois, les caractéristiques des émetteurs, la transmittance des fenêtres et le débit de renouvellement d'air moyen. Nous proposons deux variantes de la méthode, que nous appliquons sur un cas d'étude numérique. La première nécessite les données de chaque puissance individuelle fournie aux émetteurs, et la seconde utilise une mesure globale de production de chaleur. L'approche est étudiée numériquement : le modèle thermique sert à la fois pour la génération des mesures et pour l'identification. Une fois les mesures de l'état thermique synthétisées, les paramètres retenus sont perturbés suivant les incertitudes classiques du bâtiment. Nous éprouvons la méthode sur un échantillon de tirages aléatoires, engendrant autant d'initialisations pour l'algorithme, afin de calculer l'incertitude de la méthode. L'allègement du protocole opératoire pour la seconde variante se traduit toutefois par une baisse de la précision de l'identification. Nous analysons la robustesse de la méthode lorsque les conditions climatiques de l'audit changent, que le bruit des capteurs de l'état thermique augmente, et pour de fortes incertitudes initiales des paramètres. Nous montrons que la méthode est stable par rapport au bruit des capteurs et que l'incertitude sur l'état thermique du bâtiment est globalement réduite. Afin d'améliorer la prise en compte de l'aéraulique, nous proposons une technique permettant de discriminer deux sources ayant des dynamiques différentes : l'une constante par morceaux, l'autre régulière dans le temps. La méthode résout un problème inverse prenant en compte la régularité des fonctions par projection. Cet outil est validé sur une étude expérimentale, dont les résultats démontrent la robustesse au bruit de mesure. Ce résultat constitue un jalon dans la volonté de s'affranchir de la contrainte de maîtrise de scénarios d'usage de la méthode d'audit. Enfin, nous proposons un formalisme inverse pour caractériser les propriétés thermiques d'une structure 3D à partir de mesures de température sur une partie de sa frontière. L'outil permet de reconstruire différentes formes et natures de défauts. Il pourrait trouver des débouchés dans la caractérisation de défauts d'isolation ou de ponts thermiques / The building sector currently accounts for nearly 45% of the national energy bill, and the existing buildings are slowly renewed. Energy audit is a tool for decision support to improve building performance by providing suitable renovation strategies. However, actual energy audit methods fail to completely determine the building thermal properties, and the proposed retrofit strategies may be inappropriate. We propose an innovative energy audit method which significantly reduces the uncertainties on the building thermal parameters and the thermal state. It differs from conventional methods by its operating protocol and its numerical resolution. In addition to the collection of use scenarios, thermal characteristics of built and systems, and weather conditions, it exploits the information embedded in the measurement of the thermal state, composed of the temperatures of the rooms, and the surface temperature of walls and heating devices. This data feed an inverse problem of parameters identification. Using a model for EDP gives us a direct access to the tools of the optimal control theory, including the adjoint state method. With this formalism, the inverse problem can be rewritten as a nonlinear optimization problem of the calibration of the thermal model. The unknown parameters consist of the most influential parameters of the building thermal model: the heat capacity and the thermal conductivity of the walls, the heaters characteristics, the windows transmittance and the mean rate of air renewal. We propose two alternatives to the method. The first requires the data of each individual power provided to heating device, and the second uses a global measure of the heat production. We apply them on a numerical case study: the thermal model is used for both the measures generation and the parameters identification. Once the thermal state measurements are synthesized, the selected parameters are disturbed by conventional uncertainties of the building. We investigate the method on a randomly generated sample, which gives us as many starting values for the algorithm. This allows to compute the uncertainty of the method. Reducing the operating protocol for the second alternative results in a decrease of the identification accuracy. We analyze the robustness of the method when the weather conditions of the audit change, when the sensor noise of the thermal state increases, and when we deal with strong initial parameter uncertainties. We show that the method is stable compared to the sensor noise and the thermal response of the rooms is generally well reconstructed. In order to improve the ventilation consideration, we then propose a technique to distinguish two thermal sources whose dynamics differ: one piecewise constant, and one smooth in time. The method is to solve an inverse problem, taking into account the temporal regularity of functions by a projection step. This tool has been validated on an experimental study, and the results demonstrate robustness to measurement noise. This result is a milestone in the will to overcome the constraint of precisely describing to use scenarios in the audit methodology. Finally, we propose an inverse formalism to characterize the thermal properties of a 3D structure from temperature measurements on a part of its boundary. The tool allows the reconstruction of various types and forms of internal defects. He could find opportunities in the thermal building diagnostics for characterizing insulation defects or thermal bridges
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A auditoria energética como ferramenta para o aproveitamento do potencial de conservação da energia: o caso das edificações do setor educacional / The energy audit as a tool for harnessing the potential for energy conservation: the case of education sector buildingsBenavides, Jose Rafael Rodriguez 27 May 2014 (has links)
O consumo de energia nos diferentes setores da economia cresce continuamente devido aos hábitos de consumo, aumento da população e necessidades tecnológicas atuais; considerando o efeito deste aumento de consumo sobre os recursos naturais, a conscientização da importância do uso racional da energia é cada dia um tópico de maior relevância em todo o mundo. Ante a crescente necessidade de reduzir o consumo energético das edificações, algumas metodologias apresentam-se como ferramentas úteis para o alcance deste fim, uma delas é a auditoria energética. A auditoria energética é um mecanismo para entender o desempenho energético de edifícios, através dela é possível detectar problemas operacionais, aumentar o conforto dos ocupantes e otimizar o uso da energia. O presente estudo utilizou uma metodologia de auditoria energética para conhecer o comportamento energético de diferentes prédios do setor terciário especificamente do setor educacional, pertencentes a Universidade de São Paulo (USP). A metodologia foi aplicada em diferentes edificações do setor, e a mesma incluiu a utilização de medições de variáveis elétricas, medições de iluminação segundo as normas preconizadas, software para estudo de usos finais e ferramentas de simulação computacional como o software Dialux e o EnergyPlus. As melhores oportunidades de eficiência energética foram avaliadas técnica e economicamente, comparando cenários para a execução de estratégias com diferentes tecnologias comercialmente disponíveis no mercado. A avaliação econômica incluiu a utilização de figuras de mérito como o tempo de payback, a taxa interna de retorno (TIR), o custo de ciclo de vida (LCC), o custo de ciclo de vida anualizado (ALCC) e o custo da energia conservada (CEC). Os resultados validam a auditoria energética como método para tomada de decisões no sentido de eleger as melhores ações de eficiência energética para uma edificação. / The energy consumption in different sectors of the economy grows continuously due to consumption habits, increase in population and current technological needs; considering the negative effect of this increased consumption the environment, awareness of the significance of rational use of energy is a topic of great importance worldwide. Faced with the growing need to optimize the energy consumption of buildings, some methodologies are presented as useful tools for achieving this goal, one of them is the energy audit. The energy audit is a mechanism to understand the energy performance of buildings and facilities, through it is possible to detect operational problems , increase occupant comfort and optimize energy use. The present study used a methodology of energy audit to understand the energy performance of different buildings of the tertiary sector and specifically in educational sector buildings belonging to the University of São Paulo ( USP ) . The methodology was applied in different buildings of this sector , and it included the use of power measurements, lighting measurements according to the standards, energy end-use software and computer simulation tools such as Dialux and EnergyPlus software .The best opportunities for energy efficiency were evaluated by comparing scenarios for the implementation of strategies with different technologies commercially available. The economic evaluation included the use of financial analysis tools such as payback time , the internal rate of return (IRR ) , the Life Cycle Cost (LCC) , the Annualized Life Cycle Cost (ALCC) and the Cost of Saved Energy (CSE) . The results validate energy audit as a method for decision making in order to select the best energy efficiency strategies for a building.
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