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Energianalys av en tankstation : En förstudie av vilka energieffektiviserande åtgärder som kan göras på bensinstationer / Energy mapping of a petrol stationHassan, Mohamed Aidarus Nur Sheikh January 2015 (has links)
Sammanfattning På uppdrag av Umeå Kommun och Vindelns Kommun tillsammans med Nenet (Norrbottens energikontor) samt med hjälp av Exergi B(y)rån genomförs energikartläggning av en bensinstation, då många tankstationer har en hög energianvändning i form av el till kylning, belysning och i förekommande fall av uppvärmning. Tankstationer är en viktig del av infrastrukturen och en central plats för många mindre orter. Att effektivisera byggnaderna och minska energianvändningen är ett sätt att säkerställa att dessa blir kvar på orten samt en del i Sveriges klimatmål. Att som företag jobba med energieffektivisering och hållbara transporter signalerar ut ett hållbarhetstänk som många gånger efterfrågas av kunderna. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att kartlägga en bensinstations energianvändning och se vilka möjliga åtgärder som finns samt väcka ett intresse hos stationens ägare kring dessa frågor. Ett annat syfte är att göra en lönsamhetskalkyl för att få ett bra underlag till beslut, hur återbetalningstiden ser ut och vad är långsiktigt bra att satsa på. Slutligen få en indikation på hur den framtida tankstationen kan komma att se ut enligt de verksamma koncernledningarna. Resultaten i kartläggningen visar en tydlig bild av en väldigt hög energianvändning på 1126 kWh/m2 och det finns stora energieffektiviseringspotentialer. Tankstationen använder komfortkyla p.g.a. värmegenerering som alstras från installationer är större än det som förloras via klimatskal, ventilation och infiltration (luftläckage). Genom att byta butiksbelysning, belysning i kylskåp och menyskyltar till LED-lampor kan internvärmen minskas samt att ventilationen optimeras, bland annat genom bättre styrning. En del av de föreslagna åtgärderna är installation av skymningsrelä/dimmer till inomhusbelysningen, rörelsedetektor i förråd, temperaturstyrning till värmekabeln i mark samt värmekabel till takrännor. Två större åtgärder som kan göras är att bygga en sluss vid ytterdörren och tilläggsisolera vinden. Det rekommenderas också att göra en stor översyn av anläggningens energisystem och modernisera samt optimera det och utnyttja synergieffekter i kyl- och värmebehov. / Abstract This study was carried out on behalf of Umeå municipality and Vindeln municipality together with Nenet (Norrbotten Energy Agency) as well as with the help of Exergi B(y)rån to carry out the energy mapping at a petrol station. Many petrol stations use a lot of energy due to electricity, heating, cooling and lighting. Petrol stations are an important part of the infrastructure, a central hub of today’s society. By mapping their energy the stations can become more energy efficient, save money and also save the environment. By promoting their own work on energy efficiency and by having information about sustainable transportation at the station they could and would inspire their customers. The aim of this thesis was to investigate a petrol station’s energy usage and see which measures that can be taken for efficient energy use as well as arising interest among other petrol station owners. Calculation of cost-benefits and what actions that can be taken also been included. This work also gives an indication on how future petrol stations will look like according to the owners of the stations. The result of the survey shows a clear picture of a high energy use of 1126 kWh/m2 and therefore there is a great potential of taking energy efficiency measures. The petrol station is using cooling system due to the heat generated from all installations which is higher than the heat loss which occurs through the climate shell, ventilation losses and air leakage. By switching to LED lights in the store, in refrigerators and in different signs the generated internal heat will decrease. It is important that the ventilation system is correctly optimized to prevent unnecessary losses both in heat and economically. Some of the proposed measures for energy efficiency are to install twilight relay/dimmer for inside lighting, motion sensors in the storage, using temperature control for the heating cable in the ground and roof & gutter de-icing cables. A major operation that can be done is to build an airlock in front of the entrance for the front door as well as adding extra insulation to the attic. A major overview and renewal of the building installations is recommended, taking advantage of synergy in cooling and heating demands. / Framtidens hållbara tankstationer
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Energy matters: evaluating the use of the energy mapping approach in Winnipeg, ManitobaFriesen, Andrei 22 April 2014 (has links)
In light of pressing challenges including climate change and energy security,
urban planners are increasingly being required to make decisions that can be
attributed to reductions in energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. Energy
mapping is an emerging approach used to make improved energy-related
decisions and predict energy performance, although at the time of writing, has
not been applied within a Manitoban context. Informed by promising practice
utilized in other Canadian locales, this research creates an energy mapping
process for use in the City of Winnipeg’s residential sector. The Ebby-Wentworth
neighbourhood is analyzed to develop and test the mapping process. The process
begins with determining baseline energy use for the neighbourhood, and is then
compared to three development scenarios, which include the use of retrofits, and
new construction on an adjacent development site. The results of applying the
energy mapping approach in Winnipeg demonstrates this to be a key decision-making
tool for planners looking to make informed decisions related to energy-using
equipment, building and site design, and land use and infrastructure.
Recommendations include: increased use of the energy mapping approach as a
decision-making tool through enhanced collaboration between federal and
provincial authorities, municipalities, and utilities; incorporating energy
considerations into the planning and development process through revised and
updated energy legislation, policy and programming; and, further refining and
testing of the energy mapping process designed for this research to develop a
best-practice approach for mapping energy use within the Province of Manitoba.
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Energy audit : An analysis of the energy audit process at the company Sustainable IntelligenceRosing, Ida January 2023 (has links)
As energy prices increase and the effect of global warming hits the world harder, the need of reducing our energy use, and by that decreasing our environmental footprint increases. According to the International Energy Agency the energy consumption hit a new record in 2019 with 419 EJ, corresponding to 36,6 Gt of carbon dioxide emissions. The building sector accounts for 40 % of the total energy consumption. According to the International Energy Agency, energy optimizing is the main key in the transit towards a more sustainable world and energy audits, or energy mapping, is in many cases the first step towards energy optimization. Sustainable Intelligence is a company working for long term, sustainable solutions for properties all over Sweden as well as Norway, Finland, Poland, and Latvia. Property automation is the main competence of the company. Another large sector at the company is the energy sector, where energy audits, energy declarations and energy consultations are made. This report aims to analyze the energy audit process of Sustainable Intelligence and hopefully find solutions to make their work more efficient. The study includes a case study where the energy audit process of Sustainable Intelligence was implemented and analyzed. The study showed that the current method used by SI has a good structure but that there is a room for improvements.
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Heat Treatment Energy Mapping / Värmebehandling EnergikartläggningMbanyeude, Chidera Henry January 2023 (has links)
As the world becomes more focused on sustainability, there is increasing pressure on steel-bearing companies to improve their energy efficiency and reduce their carbon footprint. The heat treatment process accounts for about 25% of SKF's energy consumption, and it aims to achieve decarbonized operations by 2030 and the supply chain by 2050. Therefore, improving the energy efficiency of the heat treatment process can have significant economic and environmental benefits for the company. This thesis project aimed to conduct an energy mapping of different heat treatment processes at SKF to develop a methodology and standard key performance indicator for establishing energy performance and ensuring comparability between installations and processes. Three heat treatment processes were studied: through hardening, location A; case carburizing, location B; and surface induction hardening, location C. A detailed methodology and guidelines for carrying out energy mapping were developed. A standard key performance indicator known as Specific Energy consumption in kWh/kg at a particular utilization in % was set for comparisons among different heat treatment processes. Regression analysis was used to normalize the results. On the same utilization level, case carburizing, location B consumes more energy than through hardening, location A. Surface induction hardening, location C consumes 90% less than others and is less dependent on utilization. The carbon intensity in g CO2-eq/kg for greenhouse gas scopes 1, 2 and 3 were also studied. Case carburizing, location B had the highest climate impact due to the coal-based electricity mix of the country. Hence, the future availability of renewable electricity is critical when switching from gas to electricity across factories in SKF.
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Energikartläggning av kulturhistorisk tegelbyggnad : Lönsamhetsanalyser för åtgärder på fönster och radiatorventilerHedin - Söräng, Rikard, Haselhuhn, Carl January 2024 (has links)
In this study, an energy audit of a cultural-historical building in a Nordic climate was carried out. The study has been carried out by studying old drawings to calculate ar-eas of the building and taking part in compiled data from the property owner. The building's energy supply and energy losses have been calculated in order to be able to identify areas for improvement and ultimately provide action proposals. For the proposed measures, the idea is to reduce energy use. At the same time, the profita-bility is examined using present value calculation to see if the energy efficiency measures are profitable investments. Several different measures have been investi-gated through literature studies where the potential to make older buildings more energy efficient is great. These show that certain problems arise when the building has a cultural-historical value. These buildings have special rules to preserve the cul-tural-historical value and it is often difficult to get measures that change the appear-ance of the building. Measures that have been calculated more carefully include re-placement of windows and replacement of thermostatic valves in the heating system. Window change possibilities are limited by conservation requirements; the price will therefore be higher and profitability calculations show that it is not profitable to invest in new highly insulating ones. Current changes to thermostatic valves show profitability calculations that such an investment is profitable. No comfort measure-ments were made in the study, but measures such as improving the insulating ability of windows and installing thermostats on heating systems are both factors that will affect thermal comfort for the better. The result from the energy mapping shows that the building's specific energy use is 137 kWh/m2, year. / I den här studien genomfördes en energikartläggning av en kulturhistorisk byggnad i nordiskt klimat. Studien har genomförts genom att studera gamla ritningar för att beräkna areor på byggnaden och tagit del av sammanställda data från fastighetsäga-ren. Byggnadens energitillförsel och energiförluster har beräknats för att kunna identifiera förbättringsområden och till slut ge åtgärdsförslag. För de framförda åt-gärdsförslagen är tanken att minska energianvändningen. Samtidigt undersöks lön-samheten med hjälp av nuvärdeskalkyl för att se om energieffektiviseringsåtgärderna är lönsamma investeringar. Flera olika åtgärder har undersökts genom litteraturstu-dier där potentialen till att energieffektivisera äldre byggnader är stor. Dessa visar att vissa problem uppstår när byggnaden har ett kulturhistoriskt värde. Dessa bygg-nader har speciella regler för att bevara det kulturhistoriska värdet och det är ofta svårt att få göra åtgärder som förändrar byggnadens utseende. Åtgärder som har be-räknats mer noggrant innefattar fönsterbyte och byte till termostatventiler i värme-systemet. Fönstren begränsas av bevarandekrav; priset blir därmed högre och lön-samhetsberäkningar visar att det inte är lönsamt att investera i nya högisolerande så-dana. Gällande byte till termostatventiler visar lönsamhetsberäkningar på att sådan investeringen är lönsam. Inga komfortmätningar gjordes i studien men åtgärder så som att förbättra fönsters isoleringsförmåga och installation av termostater på vär-mesystem är båda faktorer som kommer att påverka den termiska komforten till det bättre. Resultatet från energikartläggningen visar att byggnadens specifika energian-vändning är 137 kWh/m2, år.
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<p>3D scene reconstruction based on single-view images is an ill-posed problem since most 3D information has been lost during the projection process from the 3D world coordinates to the 2D pixel coordinates. To estimate the portion of an object from a single-view requires either the use of priori information such as the geometric shape of the object, or training based techniques that learn from existing portion sizes distribution. In this thesis, we present a single-view based technique for food portion size estimation.</p><p><br></p>
<p>Dietary assessment, the process of determining what someone eats during the course of a day, provides valuable insights for mounting intervention programs for prevention of many chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart diseases. Measuring accurate dietary intake is considered to be an open research problem in the nutrition and health fields. We have developed a mobile dietary assessment system, the Technology Assisted Dietary Assessment<sup>TM</sup> (TADA<sup>TM</sup>) system to automatically determine the food types and energy consumed by a user using image analysis techniques.</p><p><br></p><p>In this thesis we focus on the use of a single image for food portion size estimation to reduce a user’s burden from having to take multiple images of their meal. We define portion size estimation as the process of determining how much food (or food energy/nutrient) is present in the food image. In addition to estimating food energy/nutrient, food portion estimation could also be estimating food volumes (in cm<sup>3</sup>) or weights (in grams), as they are directly related to food energy/nutrient. Food portion estimation is a challenging problem as food preparation and consumption process can pose large variations in food shapes and appearances.</p><p><br></p><p>As single-view based 3D reconstruction is in general an ill-posed problem, we investigate the use of geometric models such as the shape of a container that can help to partially recover 3D parameters of food items in the scene. We compare the performance of portion estimation technique based on 3D geometric models to techniques using depth maps. We have shown that more accurate estimation can be obtained by using geometric models for objects whose 3D shape are well defined. To further improve the food estimation accuracy we investigate the use of food portions co-occurrence patterns. The food portion co-occurrence patterns can be estimated from food image dataset we collected from dietary studies using the mobile Food Record<sup>TM</sup> (mFR<sup>TM</sup>) system we developed. Co-occurrence patterns is used as prior knowledge to refine portion estimation results. We have been shown that the portion estimation accuracy has been improved when incorporating the co-occurrence patterns as contextual information.</p><p><br></p><p>In addition to food portion estimation techniques that are based on geometric models, we also investigate the use deep learning approach. In the geometric model based approach, we have focused on estimation food volumes. However, food volumes are not the final results that directly show food energy/nutrient consumed. Therefore, instead of developing food portion estimation techniques that lead to an intermediate results (food volumes), we present a food portion estimation method to directly estimate food energy (kilocalories) from food images using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). We introduce the concept of an “energy distribution” for each food image. To train the GAN, we design a food image dataset based on ground truth food labels and segmentation masks for each food image as well as energy information associated with the food image. Our goal is to learn the mapping of the food image to the food energy. We then estimate food energy based on the estimated energy distribution image. Based on the estimated energy distribution image, we use a Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to estimate the numeric values of food energy presented in the eating scene.</p><p><br></p>
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Energikartläggning av Försäkringskassans lokaler : rekommendationer för ett fortsatt energieffektiviseringsarbeteOllman, Erik January 2013 (has links)
With new energy directives in place, the Swedish Social Service (SSS) stands before the challenge how to reduce the energy demand in its locales. It is a complex matter, as the locales are rented from various property owners and it becomes a question of how to reduce the operational electricity and influence the property owners to work more with energy efficiency. This thesis takes a balanced research approach in three parts. Firstly a qualitative part in form of interviews with personnel at the SSS and its property owners, secondly a quantitative part of descriptive nature in form of energy statistics and thirdly a literature review of Energy Management (EM) Supply Chain Management(SCM), Green Supply Chain Management(GSCM) and Enviromental Performance Indicators (EPI). This in order to be able to give normative recommendations of how the SSS should act to reduce its energy consumption in its locales and provide new insights on how EM, SCM, GSCM and EPI can be applied in effect. The results show that the Swedish Social Service should act in the following areas to control its energy efficiency: statistics and follow-up, locale strategy and operational electricity. To get efficient statistical material the SSS should update their registers of property owners, update guidelines for energy statistics reporting and continue with the same collection method for data (e-mail survey) to get continuity. The literature review and interviews show that a segmentation of suppliers (property owners) based on factors like area in property, good relations, area of local and energy performance indicators should be useful as to know how to distribute resources to enable energy efficiency. Finally, the study shows that various locales has high rates of idling loads and have a energy saving potential of 10-15%.
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Energikartläggning av ett bostadshus från 2016 / Energy mapping of a dwelling house from 2016El-Homsi, Patric, Fredrik, Bramstedt January 2018 (has links)
Byggnaden i undersökningen stod färdig i oktober 2016 och är belägen på Kvarnvägen 31 i Gemla. Syftet är att kartlägga energianvändningen och fastställa huruvida installation av solfångare är gynnsam. Målet är att kartlägga energiåtgången, redovisa förbättringsåtgärder och analysera de tekniska installationerna. Undersökningens metoder bestod av studiebesök, platsbesök, ritningsstudie och en okulärbesiktning med värmekamera. För att kartlägga och identifiera energiåtgången har modulering av klimatskal och installationer gjorts i VIP-Energy. Resultatet av energikartläggningen blev samma som den projekterade. Framtagen energideklaration gav byggnaden energiklass B. Att ha solfångare installerad visade sig vara teoretiskt energi- och kostnadseffektiv om de är kopplade enligt förslag. Det befintliga ventilationssystemet i byggnaden är teoretiskt fördelaktig för både avrostning och föruppvärmning. Förbättringsförslagen är att justera solfångarvinklen samt att koppla om värmetillförseln som erhålls av solfångarna. / The building in this survey was completed in October 2016 and is located at Kvarnvägen 31 in Gemla. The purpose of the study is to map the energy consumption and determine whether the installation of solar collectors is beneficial or not. The goal is to map the energy use in the building, report improvement measures and analyse the technical installations. The qualitative methods consisted of a study visit, site visits, review of drawings and an ocular survey of the building with a thermal camera. In order to calculate and analyse the building´s energy use, modelling of the building envelope components and technical installations were performed in VIP-Energy. The results of the energy survey shows that the calculated energy use for the building is similar to the projected energy use and the energy declaration places the building in energy class B. Many factors are of significant importance in optimizing solar collectors such as inclination angle, orientation and installation type. Having solar collectors installed proved to be beneficial both in terms of energy and cost if they are connected as proposed. HSB FTX is theoretically advantageous for both preheating of supply air and defrosting of the building's ventilation system. The enhancement proposals are to adjust the inclination angle of the solar collectors and to reconnect the heat input obtained from the solar collectors.
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Energikartläggning och energieffektivisering av flerbostadshus : Utredning av möjliga energibesparande åtgärdsplaner i området Oxhagen, Örebro.Gunnarsson, John, Wallberg, Ida January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this report is to investigate how Örebrobostäder (ÖBO) can decrease their energy use in the residential area of Oxhagen. Oxhagen is as mentioned a residential area located west from Örebro center and have about 690 apartments in different sizes. ÖBO needs to do this survey because they obey from the law of energy mapping in large companies, this law is produced from the EU directive, energy efficiency directive with its purpose to reduce the energy using in the country so the imported energy decreases. Energy statistics have been handed from ÖBO, this energy data has been analyzed and the data have been put in respective calculations, using Excel. Also, a model of a real estate has been made in the simulation program IDA ICE, in this simulation program energy calculations are made. There has also been a technical inspection of the reference real estate. The result shows that the biggest decrease in energy will happen with a decrease in the heating of the building. It also shows that a change of windows can reduce energy use significantly. Therefor the conclusion is that a combination of heat decrease, and window change can make an enormous difference in energy using for the reference real estate and the combination can also apply on other real estate in the area Oxhagen.
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Mapping and analysis of an internal heating network at Holmen Paper BravikenForsell, Ludwig, Samuelsson, Ebba January 2023 (has links)
The pulp and paper industry is the most energy intensive industry in Sweden. Most of the energy usedaims to supply the large amount of heat to the production processes that is required to produce pulp andpaper . By increasing the energy efficiency of paper mills, there is great potential to reduce productioncosts and reduce its environmental impact. This project involves mapping, analyzing and investigation ofmeasures that can contribute to increased thermal efficiency of an internal heating network at Holmen’spaper mill, Braviken. The heating network, called VVG, utilises excess heat from the pulp and paperproduction and supplies heat to production processes and premises at the factory. When the heat demandof the VVG-system exceeds the available recovered heat, heat from live steam is transferred. This projectaim at identifying measures with potential to reduce demand of live steam supply. The project started bymapping the entire VVG-system to identify which consumers are included and how it is connected. Thenthe consumers were studied and data was collected to determine their power and energy demands. Basedon the mapping and collected data, proposals for measures that have the potential to increase thermalenergy efficiency were noted which in turn can reduce the need for live steam supply. The measures havebeen focused on reducing the return temperature of the VVG-system and reducing the heat demand of thesystem. Reduced return temperatures are achieved by more efficient use of the existing heat flow. Thisleads to increased heat recovery potential which means that more excess heat can be utilised.The proposed measures that were identified as having potential to contribute to reduction of the returntemperatures of the VVG-system are as follow: • Utilising return flows with high flow rates and high temperatures to provide other consumers inVVG with heat. This allows the hot flow to be used instead of going directly into the return line. • Eliminate short circuits in the system where the supply line goes directly into the return line. Thesewere detected in the forms of three-way valves and flows through consumers that were not running. The proposed measures that have been identified as having the potential to contribute to reduction of theheating demand of the VVG are as follows: • Turning off flows passing through consumers that are not in use to reduce unnecessary temperaturedrops which will result in decreased power losses. • Preheating via residual flows at consumers where raw water tempered circuits is heated. As theraw water is cold during large parts of the year, a lot of heat can be saved by preheating it with aflow of lower energy quality than VVG. • Shut down the VVG flow through heat exchangers in the heat recovery system when the heatrecovery process not are running to avoid negative heat transfer. By implementing these measures, large improvements regarding the thermal efficiency of the VVG-system can be achieved at Holmen Paper Braviken. How much the return temperatures decrease and howmuch the heat recovery potential increases with the proposed measures has not been quantified during thisproject. However, the measures aimed at lowering the heat demand in the VVG-system can be quantifiedto contribute to an predicted energy saving of at least 2.8 GWh annually, but the investigations of themeasures indicates that significantly larger energy savings can be achieved. To ensure the potential of theproposed measures to contribute to the reduction of the demand for live steam supply, Holmen needs tocarry out further studies of the VVG system where this work is intended to form the basis for their furtherwork.
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