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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En kvalitativ studie i användarcentrerad webbdesign / A qualitative study in user-centered web design

Eidergren, Sandra, Jacobsson, Maria January 2009 (has links)
Examensarbetet har gått ut på att genom kvalitativa undersökningar ta reda på hur grafisk form ochinformationsstruktur samverkar för att skapa användarcentrerade webbplatser. Målet var att ta fram en grund för huranvändarcentrerade webbplatser bör byggas. Denna grund är tänkt att fungera som riktlinjer för formgivare som villskapa användarcentrerad webbdesign. Studien visar att det viktigaste för att skapa användarcentrerad webbdesign är att involvera användarna kontinuerligti utvecklingsprocessen. Detta sker genom användartester och intervjuer med representanter för målgruppen. Vi harkommit fram till att graden av användbarhet spelar stor roll för hur målgruppen uppfattar webbplatsen som sådan,men också vilken uppfattning de får om företaget bakom. / This thesis considers a qualitative study in how info structure and graphical design collaborate to form a usercentredweb site. The aim was to produce guidelines for how to build user-centred web sites. The results from thestudy are built on qualitative interviews, user tests with the target group and expert evaluation. The study has shown that the most important thing for creating user-centred web sites is to continuously involve thetarget group in the development process. This should be done through interviews and user tests. The level ofusability determines how the target group experience both the company and their web site.

Internetinės rinkodaros įtaka viešbučių verslui Lietuvoje / Internet marketing influence to hotel business in Lithuania

Bielko, Juneta 03 July 2012 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuota ir įvertinta Lietuvos viešbučiuose taikomų internetinės rinkodaros priemonių efektyvumas, iškeltos pagrindinės internetinės rinkodaros naudojimo problemos bei pateikti siūlymai, kaip šias problemas spręsti. Pirmoje darbo dalyje, remiantis įvairiais Lietuvos ir užsienio autoriais pateikiama internetinės rinkodaros samprata, teoriniu aspektu tiriamas internetinės rinkodaros turinys, tikslai, komunikacijos priemonės, sąsaja su socialiniais tinklais. Taip pat nagrinėjamos ir optimizavimo paieškos sistemoms bei ryšių su klientais valdymo sąvokos. Antroje dalyje analizuojamos ir vertinamos internetinės rinkodaros tendencijos Lietuvoje ir pasaulyje. Trečioje darbo dalyje aptariama tyrimų metodika bei organizavimas. Ketvirtoje dalyje nagrinėjama paslaugų gavėjų patirtis ir ekspertų požiūris į internetinę rinkodarą, jos priemones bei tų priemonių taikymo efektyvumą. Išnagrinėjus teorinius internetinės rinkodaros aspektus ir tendencijas bei abiejų pusių požiūrius, yra pateikiamso išvados bei siūlymai. / Master's thesis analyzes and evaluates efficiency of internet marketing measures used in Lithuanian hotels, brings up the main challenges for the use of online marketing and provides suggestions how to solve the problems. In the first part of the work, using the literature of different Lithuanian and foreign authors, the concept of online marketing is presented, the content of online marketing as well as objectives, means of communication and interface with social networks are studied from a theoretical point of view. This section also analyzes the concepts of search engine optimization and customer relationship management. The second part analyzes and assesses the trends of online marketing trends in Lithuania and worldwide. The third chapter discusses the research methodology and organization. The fourth section analyzes the user‘s experience and expert approach to online marketing, its tools and effectiveness of their application. Conclusions and suggestions are presented after theoretical analysis of online marketing aspects, trends and attitudes of both sides.

Digital marknadsföring : framväxten av nya verktyg för marknadsföring / Digital marketing : the emergence of new marketing tools

Gyllenskepp, Jimmy, Jönsson, Jacob January 2014 (has links)
Syfte Syftet med arbetet är att söka förståelse för utvecklingen från traditionell till digital marknadsföring samt att analysera hur företag praktiskt arbetar med detta. Studien använder en kvalitativ metod och data har inhämtats från både primära och sekundära källor. Empirin har samlats in genom 10 intervjuer, vilket har analyserats med hjälp av teori och det har sedan lett till studiens slutsatser. Studien visar varför det finns en övergång från traditionella marknadsföringsmetoder till digitala marknadsföringsmetoder, hur de kompletterar varandra och vilka verktyg som främst används av företagen i studien. Förslag till fortsattforskning är Facebook-annonsering, mätinstrument, SEO och Web 3.0. Dessa termer går att arbeta vidare med och det är något som vår studie har påvisat vara viktigt. I vår studie bidrar vi till en förståelse av vägen från de traditionella marknadsföringsmetoderna till de digitala marknadsföringsmetoderna. Vi visar att det ena inte utesluter det andra utan att de kompletterar varandra. Studien belyser de olika verktygen företagen använder för en framstående digital marknadsföring. / The purpose of this study is to seek an understanding of the development from traditional to digital marketing and to analyze how it ́s done in practice. Method: The study uses a qualitative approach and data was collected from both primary and secondary sources. The empirical data were collected through 10 interviews, which have been analyzed using the theory and it has led to the study's conclusions. The study shows why there is a shift from traditional marketing methods to digital marketing methods, how they complement each other and what tools that are mainly used by the companies in the study. Suggestions for future research is Facebook advertising, measuring instruments, SEO and Web 3.0. These terms have a potential for future research and it's something that our study has shown to be important. In our study, we contribute to an understanding of the way from the traditional marketing methods to the digital marketing methods. We show that the one does not exclude the other, but that they are complementary to eachother. The study highlights the various tools used by companies for a prominent digital marketing.

Att optimera för målgruppen : Processen att skapa en målgruppsanpassad landningssida för Rebtel / Optimizing for a user group : The process of creating a landing page for a target user group

Ledenvik, Elin January 2014 (has links)
Företaget Rebtel ville ha en ny landningssida som riktade sig till internationella studenter. Denna sida skulle vara optimerad för målgruppen både gällande design och innehåll. En förundersökningen bestående av bland annat intervjuer med målgruppen, målgruppsanalyser och research gjordes därför. Förundersökningen bestod också av intervjuer med olika roller på företaget Rebtel för att få en inblick i olika arbetsrollers perspektiv och uppgifter under en sådan process. Med hjälp av förundersökningens fynd togs skisser fram och en landningssida utvecklades bland annat genom programmeringsspråken HTML5, CSS3, LESS, JavaScript, .NET och C#. Resultatet blev en landningssida på tre språk: Engelska, Franska och Spanska. En särskild rapport med resultat från intervjuer, utveckling med mera levererades även till Rebtel. / The company Rebtel wanted a new landing page that was aimed at international students. This page would be optimized for the target group in terms of both design and content. An investigation including interviews with the target audience, target user analysis and research were made. The investigation also consisted of interviews with various roles at the company Rebtel, to get an insight into their perspectives and tasks during this kind of process. Using the findings from these investigations sketches were made and a landing page was developed through the programming languages HTML5, CSS3, LESS, JavaScript, .NET and C#. The result was a landing page in three languages: English, French and Spanish. A special report with results from interviews and development was also delivered to Rebtel.

Search Engine Optimization and the Long Tail of Web Search

Dennis, Johansson January 2016 (has links)
In the subject of search engine optimization, many methods exist and many aspects are important to keep in mind. This thesis studies the relation between keywords and website ranking in Google Search, and how one can create the biggest positive impact. Keywords with smaller search volume are called "long tail" keywords, and they bear the potential to expand visibility of the website to a larger crowd by increasing the rank of the website for the large fraction of keywords that might not be as common on their own, but together make up for a large amount of the total web searches. This thesis will analyze where on the web page these keywords should be placed, and a case study will be performed in which the goal is to increase the rank of a website with knowledge from previous tests in mind.

Automatizovaná podpora procesu vývoje webu s důrazem na SEO / Automated support of web development process with emphasis on SEO

Hejl, Zdeněk January 2008 (has links)
Principal aim of this thesis is the design of new website development process model and the design and implementation of its automated support by information technologies instruments. Process design itself will be build on identified best practices of available methodics for web applications development and this process will also respect and apply SEO (Search Engine Optimization) principles Biggest contribution of this thesis is designed web application development process model which is based on web application development methodics best practices and also contains additional activities which have to be done but they aren't part of these methodics. Mapping of the optimization process and designed process activities and implementation of automated support for these activities via desktop application are next important contributions of this thesis. This thesis is divided into five main chapters (except introduction and conclusion). First chapter is focused on definition of application development basic concepts and mainly on analysis of web application development methodics. Second chapter takes up analysis outputs and it forms the basis of this thesis. Design and description of web development process model generate the content of this chapter. Third chapter deals with SEO problems, in the concrete, it deals with definition of SEO, presentation of optimization process and especially with presentation of optimization recommendations. Fourth and fifth chapters are focused on automated support for web development process model with emphasis on SEO. Within the scope of fourth chapter, process model activities which can be supported by application are identified and user requirements are defined for these activities. Last fifth chapter is focused on presentation of implemented application for web development with emphasis on SEO support.

Search Engine Marketing neziskových organizací / Search Engine Marketing of Nonprofit Organizations

Slavík, Michal January 2010 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to design methodics for Search Engine Marketing (SEM) in nonprofit organizations (NPOs) which takes advantage of their specifics. Other goals include practical evaluation of the methodics and analysis of the current state of NPOs websites. Determined goals are reached by merging theoretical background from relevant literature with the knowledge gained during field research and with author's experience. Designed methodics is built on the following hypotheses: NPOs are able to negotiate better trade terms than trading companies, NPOs can delegate their volunteers to do some SEM activities. Field research confirmed both hypotheses. Hypothesis that NPOs websites are static because NPOs see no profit in regular publishing was disproved. The methodics consists of four phases and also includes recommended tools, metrics, topics for publishing and a list of linkbaiting activities. The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter summarizes the necessary theoretical background, while the second chapter defines terms and premises. The main methodics can be found in chapter three. The fourth chapter contains current state analysis based on examination of 31 websites. A comparison of the methodics' hypotheses and activities against the experience of 21 NPOs representatives and 3 experts in the field of SEO is given in the last chapter. Opinions of the both groups of respondents are compared too. Based on the respondents' judgments on costs and utility of the methodics' activities a rank of these activities is finally created. The main contribution of this thesis is a conversion of the universal SEM theory into the specific conditions and language of NPOs practitioners and an analysis of the current state in this field.

Trendy v optimalizácii pre vyhľadávače (užívateľa) v oblasti poistenia na Slovensku a predpoklady ďalšieho vývoja / Trends in Search engine optimization (user optimization) in the scope of insurance in Slovakia and expectations of next progress

Šimko, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of my Diploma Thesis is to lay out the philosophy of the internet and searching in fulltext locators and apply it to analysed environment of the insurance which is presented on the internet. Search Engine Optimization is nowadays the one faced with the activities of online marketing. Many of the views, opinions and qualitative contrasts meet and reach still bigger or smaller achievements in relation to developing locators. Diploma Thesis suggests at the fact, that conditions according to the locator decides, are changing, but the philosophy is still left. In this case and reason, the work proves efficiency of the activities by various case studies, which follow the philosophy and do not look just at the technical side of SEO.

Data driven SEO / Data-driven SEO

Koutný, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) industry has recently undergone major changes. Many new analytics tools have been put on the market enabling marketing consultants to be finally able to measure and evaluate the results of their work in SEO effectively. The theoretical part of this diploma thesis therefore aims to describe and compare selected SEO tools including practical examples of their use. The paper is focused on backlink databases (MajesticSEO, SEOmoz OpenSiteExplorer and Ahrefs) and keyword suggestion tools from Google (AdWords), Seznam (Sklik), Wordtracker and SEMRush. The final chapter provides an overview of search engine positions tracking tools and techniques. The practical part describes the method of selection, preparation and processing of data obtained from tools mentioned above. The data are used to compute correlation analysis of Seznam.cz search engine results in relation with the best known SEO factors. The results of the analysis will help marketing consultants to clarify which factors are the most important to focus on to obtain more traffic from search engines.

Optimization and analysis by CFD of mixing-controlled combustion concepts in compression ignition engines

Hernández López, Alberto 11 June 2018 (has links)
El trabajo presentado en esta Tesis está motivado por la necesidad de los motores de combustión interna alternativos de reducir el consumo de combustible y las emisiones de CO2 mientras se satisfacen las cada vez más restrictivas regulaciones de emisiones contaminantes. Por lo tanto, el objetivo principal de este estudio es optimizar un sistema de combustión de encendido por compresión controlado por mezcla para probar su potencial como motores de futura generación. Con esta meta se ha desarrollado un sistema automático que combina CFD con métodos de optimización avanzados para analizar y entender las configuraciones óptimas. Los resultados presentados en este trabajo se dividen en dos bloques principales. El primero corresponde a la optimización de un sistema de encendido por compresión convencional alimentado con diésel. El segundo se centra en un concepto de combustión avanzado donde se ha sustituido el fuel por Dimetil-eter. En ambos casos, el estudio no sólo halla una configuración óptima sino que también se describen las relaciones causa/efecto entre los parámetros más relevantes del sistema de combustión. El primer bloque aplica métodos de optimización no-evolutivos a un motor medium-duty alimentado por diésel tratando de minimizar consumo a la vez que se mantienen las emisiones contaminantes por debajo de los estándares de emisiones contaminantes impuestos. Una primera parte se centra en la optimización de la geometría de la cámara de combustión y el inyector. Seguidamente se extiende el estudio añadiendo los settings de renovación de la carga de y de inyección al estudio, ampliando el potencial de la optimización. El estudio demuestra el limitado potencial de mejora de consumo que tiene el motor de referencia al mantener los niveles de emisiones contaminantes. Esto demuestra la importancia de incluir parámetros de renovación de la carga e inyección al proceso de optimización. El segundo bloque aplica una metodología basada en algoritmos genéticos al diseño del sistema de combustión de un motor heavy-duty alimentado con Dimetileter. El estudio tiene dos objetivos, primero la optimización de un sistema de combustión convencional controlado por mezcla con el objetivo de lograr mejorar el consumo y reducir las emisiones contaminantes hasta niveles inferiores a los estándares US2010. Segundo la optimización de un sistema de combustión trabajando en condiciones estequiométricas acoplado con un catalizador de tres vías buscando reducir consumo y controlar las emisiones contaminantes por debajo de los estándares 2030. Ambas optimizaciones incluyen tanto la geometría como los parámetros más relevantes de renovación de la carga y de inyección. Los resultados presentan un sistema de combustión convencional óptimo con una notable mejora en rendimiento y un sistema de combustión estequiométrica que es capaz de ofrecer niveles de NOx menores al 1% de los niveles de referencia manteniendo niveles competitivos de rendimiento. Los resultados presentados en esta Tesis ofrecen una visión extendida de las ventajas y limitaciones de los motores MCCI y el camino a seguir para reducir las emisiones de futuros sistemas de combustión por debajo de los estándares establecidos. A su vez, este trabajo también demuestra el gran potencial que tiene el Dimetil-eter como combustible para futuras generaciones de motores. / The work presented in this Thesis was motivated by the needs of internal combustion engines (ICE) to decrease fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, while fulfilling the increasingly stringent pollutant emission regulations. Then, the main objective of this study is to optimize a mixing-controlled compression ignition (MCCI) combustion system to show its potential for future generation engines. For this purpose an automatic system based on CFD coupled with different optimization methods capable of optimizing a complete combustion system with a reasonable time cost was designed together with the methodology to analyze and understand the new optimum systems. The results presented in this work can be divided in two main blocks, firstly an optimization of a conventional diesel combustion system and then an optimization of a MCCI system using an alternative fuel with improved characteristics compared to diesel. Due to the methodologies used in this Thesis, not only the optimum combustion system configurations are described, but also the cause/effect relations between the most relevant inputs and outputs are identified and analyzed. The first optimization block applies non-evolutionary optimization methods in two sequential studies to optimize a medium-duty engine, minimizing the fuel consumption while fulfilling the emission limits in terms of NOx and soot. The first study targeted four optimization parameters related to the engine hardware including piston bowl geometry, injector nozzle configuration and mean swirl number. After the analysis of the results, the second study extended to six parameters, limiting the optimization of the engine hardware to the bowl geometry, but including the key air management and injection settings. The results confirmed the limited benefits, in terms of fuel consumption, with constant NOx emission achieved when optimizing the engine hardware, while keeping air management and injection settings. Thus, including air management and injection settings in the optimization is mandatory to significantly decrease the fuel consumption while keeping the emission limits. The second optimization block applies a genetic algorithm optimization methodology to the design of the combustion system of a heavy-duty Diesel engine fueled with dimethyl ether (DME). The study has two objectives, the optimization of a conventional mixing-controlled combustion system aiming to achieve US2010 targets and the optimization of a stoichiometric mixing-controlled combustion system coupled with a three way catalyst to further control NOx emissions and achieve US2030 emission standards. These optimizations include the key combustion system related hardware, bowl geometry and injection nozzle design as input factors, together with the most relevant air management and injection settings. The target of the optimizations is to improve net indicated efficiency while keeping NOx emissions, peak pressure and pressure rise rate under their corresponding target levels. Compared to the baseline engine fueled with DME, the results of the study provide an optimum conventional combustion system with a noticeable NIE improvement and an optimum stoichiometric combustion system that offers a limited NIE improvement keeping tailpipe NOx values below 1% of the original levels. The results presented in this Thesis provide an extended view of the advantages and limitations of MCCI engines and the optimization path required to achieve future emission standards with these engines. Additionally, this work showed how DME is a promising fuel for future generation engines since it is able to achieve future emission standards while maintaining diesel-like efficiency / El treball presentat en esta Tesi està motivat per la necessitat dels motors de combustió interna alternatius de reduir el consum de combustible i les emissions de CO2 mentres se satisfan les cada vegada mes restrictives regulacions d'emissions contaminants. Per tant, l'objectiu principal d'este estudi es optimitzar un sistema de combustió d'encesa per compressió controlat per mescla per a provar el seu potencial com a motors de futura generació. Amb esta meta s'ha desenrotllat un sistema automàtic que combina CFD amb mètodes d'optimització avançats per a analitzar i entendre les configuracions òptimes. Els resultats presentats en este treball es dividixen en dos blocs principals. El primer correspon a l'optimització d'un sistema d'encesa per compressió convencional alimentat amb dièsel. El segon se centra en un concepte de combustió avançat on s'ha substituït el fuel per Dimetil-eter. En ambdós casos, l'estudi no sols troba una configuració òptima sinó que també es descriuen les relacions causa/efecte entre els paràmetres més rellevants del sistema de combustió. El primer bloc aplica mètodes d'optimització no-evolutius a un motor mediumduty alimentat per dièsel tractant de minimitzar consum al mateix temps que es mantenen les emissions contaminants per davall dels estàndards d'emissions contaminants impostos. Una primera part se centra en l'optimització de la geometria de la cambra de combustió i l'injector. A continuació s'estén l'estudi afegint els settings de renovació de la càrrega de i d'injecció a l'estudi, ampliant el potencial de l'optimització. L'estudi demostra el limitat potencial de millora de consum que té el motor de referència al mantindre els nivells d'emissions contaminants. Açò demostra la importància d'incloure paràmetres de renovació de la càrrega i injecció al procés d'optimització. El segon bloc aplica una metodologia basada en algoritmes genètics al disseny del sistema de combustió d'un motor heavy-duty alimentat amb Dimetil-eter. L'estudi té dos objectius, primer l'optimització d'un sistema de combustió convencional controlat per mescla amb l'objectiu d'aconseguir millorar el consum i reduir les emissions contaminants fins nivells inferiors als estàndards US2010. Segon l'optimització d'un sistema de combustió treballant en condicions estequiomètriques acoblat amb un catalitzador de tres vies buscant reduir consum i controlar les emissions contaminants per davall dels estàndards 2030. Ambdós optimitzacions inclouen tant la geometria com els paràmetres més rellevants de renovació de la càrrega i d'injecció. Els resultats presenten un sistema de combustió convencional òptim amb una notable millora en rendiment i un sistema de combustió estequiomètrica que és capaç d'oferir nivells de NOx menors al 1% dels nivells de referència mantenint nivells competitius de rendiment. Els resultats presentats en esta Tesi oferixen una visió estesa dels avantatges i limitacions dels motors MCCI i el camï que s'ha de seguir per a reduir les emissions de futurs sistemes de combustió per davall dels estàndards establits. Al seu torn, este treball també demostra el gran potencial que té el Dimetil-eter com a combustible per a futures generacions de motors. / Hernández López, A. (2018). Optimization and analysis by CFD of mixing-controlled combustion concepts in compression ignition engines [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/103826 / TESIS

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