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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimalizace návrhu velkých technologických celků / Optimization of large technology compound design

Krňávek, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the optimization of the structural design of large technology compounds. The main emphasis is placed on the participation of available optimization instruments in the design of supporting structures of these constructions. The introductory part is primarily focused on the optimization itself. In this part are further specified also used optimization methods, computational finite element method, implemented code checks and calculation of cost of construction. The main part is dedicated to application of optimization procedure for the design of steel supporting structure of the auxiliary technological object of thermal power plant. The objective criterium shall then constitute the total cost of construction works along with operating costs. For the solution is used Scia Engineer software together with optimization module Scia Engineer Optimization Toolbox. The whole analysis is presented comprehensively from the description of computational model to results evaluation. The attention is paid to the optimization task settings, technical solution of optimization, optimization methods deployment and during the calculation process (especially to the development of objective function values and desing constraints during the optimization solution).

MDO-Simulation eines Rutschreifens auf GFK-Wasserrutschen

Kloninger, Paul 22 July 2016 (has links)
Die Option Mechanism Dynamics (MDO) von Creo Parametric ist ein Tool aus dem Bereich Starrkörperdynamik. Im Kern des Vortrags steht jedoch die MDO-Funktion 3D-Kontakt, die einzigartig mit elastischen Körpern arbeitet. Im Vortrag wird die Vorgehensweise bei der dynamischen Simulation eines Rutschreifens auf GFK-Wasserrutschen erläutert, abschließend werden Animationsbeispiele präsentiert.

Remote Technical Support Needs for Hospital Personnel : Using Q-methodology to Examine Remote Support Solutions in Healthcare / Behoven av fjärrstyrda tekniska supportlösningar för sjukvårdspersonal : En tillämpning av Q-metodologi för att undersöka fjärrstyrda tekniska supportlösningar i sjukvården

Fendukly, Mattias January 2018 (has links)
Remote control and management functions are widely utilized in multiple industries.The remote control and management functions has allowed for peopleto connect and interact to solve technical problems more efficiently. However,the healthcare organizations have not utilized the remote controlling and managementfunctions to a degree similar to other industries. Telephoning ande-mailing are still two mainstream ways of work when it comes to solvingtechnical support issues in-house. In order to understand what the technicalpersonnel and the clinical users at a hospital desires in new solutions, thismaster thesis project aimed at finding the existing needs in terms of remotecontrolling and management functions. To find these needs, Q-methodologywas applied for collection of subjective data from healthcare personnel abouta software device that aims at providing remote controlling and managementfunctions. In addition to finding and defining the needs, this thesis also aimedat examining how well such systems can address these needs. Performing this methodology three factors where found representing three differentattitudes regarding the needs for remote functions. The three factorsare "Technical Communication is Significant", "Functionality Appreciativeand Experienced" and "Do if fast!". These factors and their interpretationhelps to be aware of and to evaluate remote support solutions in a systematicway. / Tillämpningen av tekniska distanslösningar används i flertalet industrier i olika syften. Dessa tillämpningar har möjliggjort att människor kan ansluta och interagera med varandra för att på ett effektivt sätt lösa tekniska problem. Trots detta har inte vårdgivarorganisationer tillämpat dessa typer av lösningar i en liknande utsträckning jämfört med många andra industrier. Kommunikationskanaler som telefonsamtal och e-post är fortfarande vanliga när vårdpersonal bemöter tekniska problem som ska lösas internt. Syftet med denna uppsats är att hitta och definiera de befintliga behov som teknisk personal och kliniska användare upplever på sjukhus gällande tekniska distansl ösningar. För att hitta och definiera dessa behov har Q-methodology tillämpats för att systematiskt samla subjektiv data från vårdpersonal gällande ett nytt verktyg som ämnar till att leverera tekniska distanslösningar till sjukvården. Utöver detta har denna uppsats också undersökt hur väl denna typ av nya verktyg tillfredsställer de adresserade behov som beskrivits ovan.   Applicerandet av denna metodik resulterade i tre åsiktsgrupper som representerar tre olika attityder gällande behov för tekniska distanslösningar. Dessa tre åsiktsgrupper är "Technical Communication is Signficant", "Functionality Appreciative and Experienced" och "Do it fast! ". Vetskapen om dessa existerande_åsiktsgrupper bidrar till en större förståelse och en större förmåga att utvärdera tekniska distanslösningar.

土木技師公會經營策略之個案研究 / A Case Study of Business Strategy for Professional Civil Engineers Association

王劍虹, Wang,Chien Hong Unknown Date (has links)
土木技師公會係依政府法令規定而由具有執業土木技師資格者為會員組成之社團法人組織,兼具業務服務與非營利組織雙重的特質。由於執業權受環境的影響,土木技師公會自成立以來即不斷與政府法令抗爭,目前收入最大宗的現況鑑定業務,也面臨了激烈的競爭環境。 本論文採Aaker策略市場管理模式,綜合Glueck提出之策略規劃架構,以個案研究方式,選擇台北市土木技師公會作為研究對象,探討個案公會目前面臨問題及可採行之經營策略,獲得結論如下: 1. 土木技師公會現況鑑定業務經營之關鍵成功因素為良好的人脈關係、良好的工作品質、良好的社會形象及良好的價格優勢。 2. 因環境改變,個案公會面臨現況鑑定業務的減少。 3. 外在環境仍讓個案公會會員之執業權受限。 4. 宜要求政府立法成立一專責機構負責推動全國土木建設事宜。 5. 個案公會業務宜採穩定策略,保障執業權宜採擴張策略。 文最後對個案公會可採行策略方案提出建議,另外對土木技師公會面臨問題、政府作法及後續研究方向也提出建議,以供後續研究者參考。

A muse of fire : British trench warfare munitions, their invention, manufacture and tactical employment on the Western Front, 1914-18

Saunders, Anthony James January 2008 (has links)
The emergence of static warfare on the Western Front in late 1914, encouraged the reinvention of devices associated with siege warfare and the invention of hitherto unknown munitions. These munitions included hand and rifle grenades and trench mortars and their ammunition. At the outbreak of war, the British effectively possessed none of these devices and lacked an infrastructure by which they could be quickly designed, manufactured and supplied to the BEF. The British met this challenge with considerable success and the subsequent proliferation of trench warfare munitions had profound consequences for the evolution of British tactics on the Western Front. This thesis examines the processes by which these devices were invented, developed into manufacturable devices and supplied to the BEF. It considers their novelty in respect to similar devices from the American Civil War and the Russo-Japanese War. It looks at how their technical evolution affected tactical developments. The thesis discusses the relationship between the technical characteristics of these devices and the evolution of their tactical employment on the Western Front. It also considers how the characteristics of certain munitions, such as the Stokes mortar and the Mills grenade, directly effected tactics. It argues that the tactical employment of these munitions was dependent upon their functionality, utility and reliability. The present thesis provides a different model of trench warfare conducted by the British during the First World War and thereby demonstrates the significance of the novel munitions under discussion and the role they played in changing infantry warfare. This thesis also provides a different view of the Ministry of Munitions from that usually offered and argues that certain aspects of the Ministry’s role in providing the BEF with munitions has been overstated by virtue of its having underplayed the work of the War Office, while overlooking that conducted by the Royal Engineers in France.

Rechnergestützte Planung und Rekonstruktion für individuelle Langzeit-Knochenimplantate am Beispiel des Unterkiefers

Sembdner, Philipp 29 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Methoden und Werkzeugen zur Bereitstellung von Modellen und Randbedingungen für die Konstruktion individueller Langzeit-Knochenimplantate (Konstruktionsvorbereitung). Grundlage dabei ist, dass die Planung aus medizinischer Sicht z.B. durch einen Chirurgen und die Konstruktion unter technischen Aspekten z.B. durch einen Konstrukteur getrennt erfolgt. Hierfür wird ein erarbeitetes Planungskonzept vorgestellt, welches sowohl die geplanten geometrischen Merkmale, als auch weiterführende Metadaten beinhaltet (Randbedingungen). Die Übergabe dieser Planungsdaten an die Konstruktion erfolgt über eine dafür entworfene Formatbeschreibung im Kontext der Schnittstelle zwischen Mediziner und Ingenieur. Weiterführend wird die Notwendigkeit von speziellen Funktionen für die Konstruktion von individuellen Implantaten in der Arbeitsumgebung des Konstrukteurs (z.B. Modelliersystem – CAD) am Beispiel der konturlinienbasierten Modellrekonstruktion erörtert. Die gesamtheitliche Basis bildet eine durchgängig digitale Prozesskette zur Datenaufbereitung, Konstruktion und Fertigung. Die Anwendbarkeit der Methoden und zweier umgesetzter Demonstratoren wurde innerhalb eines interdisziplinär angelegten Projektes am realen Patientenfall bestätigt.

Utveckling av lastutrymme för ett konceptfordon : Utvecklingsprojekt för den designmässiga utformningen av ett måttdefinerat lastutrymme / Development of Boot Compartment for a concept vehicle : Development project for the design layout of a measure defined boot compartment

Åkerman Markgren, Marcus January 2016 (has links)
Den här rapporten behandlar ett utvecklingsprojekt med mål att framställa ett designförslag på utformingen av ett måttdefinerat lastutrymme. Detta sker inom ramen av ett examensarbete, omfattande 22,5 hp, som en del i högskoleingenjörsprogrammet inom innovationsteknik och design på Karlstads universitet. Uppdragsgivare är Martin Larsson, vd på Precer Autotech, ett företag som utvecklar en ny typ av hybridfordon som drivs av fastbränslen. Detta fordon har dimensionerna av en normalstor personbil, men klassas som en motorcykel, eller fyrhjuling. I och med detta har fordonet i fråga speciella faktorer att förhålla sig till när det gäller bl.a. förhållandet mellan vikt och storlek. Utvecklingen av lastutrymmet är ett projekt som är med och utvecklar en grund för det framtida konceptfordon som utav Precer Autotech ska utvecklas. Den industriella designprocessen har genomsyrat projektet och metoder tillhörande denna process har betonats. Metoder såsom användningen av en fullskalig mock-up har gett detta projekt en särprägel. Från idégenereringar till konceptutvecklingar har projektet använt sig av metoder och tillvägagångssätt vilka betonats i projektansvariges universitetsutbildning. Resultatet från detta projekt har mynnat ut i ett helhetskoncept för utforming av det måttbestämda lastutrymmet, som visat sig uppfylla de krav som ställdes på den slutgiltiga konceptlösningen. Denna slutgiltiga konceptlösning har utarbetats i en fullskalig mock-up, vilket också har varit en del av projektets mål. / This report covers a development project which goal is to produce one or more layout concepts of a measure defined boot compartment. This project is conducted as Bachelor of Science thesis within the bachelor engineering program of innovation technics and design in Karlstad University, Sweden. The assignment was supplied by Martin Larsson, managing director at Precer Autotech, a company that is developing a new type of hybrid vehicle that runs on solid fuels. This vehicle owns the dimensions of an average sized car, though is technically defined as a larger sized quad or ATV. Because of this, the vehicle in question is subject to several special factors regarding, for example, the ratio between weight and size. The project is going to provide part of the foundation on which this concept vehicle will be developed. The process of industrial design has pervaded this project, with methods and techniques originated from said process riddling the entirety of the project. Methods such as the use of a full scale mock-up have nuanced this project. From sessions of brainstorming to the development of concepts, this project has been using techniques and ways which has been a defining part of the university studies. The project resulted in one concept for totality of the measure defined boot compartment, which has shown to fulfill the demands of the project. The final concept solution has also been implemented in a full scale mock-up, which was a part of the project’s goals. / Utveckling av lastutrymme för ett konceptfordon

Product structure modeling for ETO system product considering the product lifecycle : A case study of ABB Mine Hoist

Zhang, Sumei January 2019 (has links)
In order to gain competitive advantages in markets, companies have provided a variety of customized products to satisfy customer-specific requirements, leading to not only a large amount of product data but also high cost, long lead-time and complexity of quality control. Efficient product data management throughout the product lifecycle has become increasingly crucial, of which product structure management is regarded as the most important constituent.  The study took ABB Mine Hoist system as a case to investigate how to construct a generic product structure model fit for engineer-to-order system offerings with the consideration of their sales-delivery product lifecycle. The aim of the model is to facilitate the product-related information sharing and reuse across a company, and the integration of different business operations throughout the entire product lifecycle as well. Based on the current situation analysis of product data management on ABB Mine Hoist, three major issues were identified which need to be addressed in the formulation of a generic structure model: namely the integration of requirements of multiple disciplines; the consistency of product information throughout the product lifecycle; and the constant update of product repository. Through illustrating the formulation of ABB Mine Hoist generic structure model, the method of how to construct a generic product structure model for engineer-to-order system product was presented. The model was achieved by applying the framework of the step-based product model and was regarded as a result of integrating domain-specific requirements. The adaptive generic product structure model was then employed to display the role of this generic model in the different phases of a sales-delivery lifecycle. The model could serve as a “master concept” to transfer common product information in the product lifecycle. It’s expected to benefit the business of engineer-to-order system product through improving the integration of different disciplines, enhancing information exchange and reuse. It could also provide an abstract and conceptual basis for potential product repository to reinforce data consistency and completeness.

O trabalho em produção contínua: uma abordagem ergonômica na indústria do petróleo. / The work in continuous production: an ergonomic approach at the oil industry.

Garotti, Luciano do Valle 06 November 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo ergonômico sobre o trabalho de operadores de processo de plataformas marítimas de produção de petróleo. As primeiras investigações sobre as atuais práticas e produtos finais de projetos de sistemas produtivos de grande porte resultaram em indícios de um ambiente de produção com aspectos operacionais não equilibrados e desintegrados. A partir destes indícios, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica que destacou as considerações e limitações de aspectos relacionados à Ergonomia em assuntos como gestão de projetos, projetos de engenharia, de sistemas produtivos e de arranjo físico. A revisão relativa à Ergonomia destacou seus conceitos básicos, a Ergonomia de Concepção e estudos relacionados ao trabalho de operadores de produção contínua, tendo o objetivo de indicar possibilidades de atuações desta ciência em projetos de plantas produtivas. Desta forma, a pesquisa de campo desenvolvida procurou destacar aspectos operacionais como dificuldades e constrangimentos enfrentados pelos operadores. Tais aspectos foram investigados com o objetivo de ressaltar os desequilíbrios presentes nesta situação de trabalho e as estratégias desenvolvidas por estes operadores para manterem o funcionamento satisfatório da unidade produtiva, atendendo aos objetivos da organização empresarial em que se inserem. / This work presents the ergonomics study based on offshore oil production platforms, in operation works for the process plant. The first investigations resulted on indications of disintegrated and unbalanced operational aspects into the production environment. From those evidences, the bibliographical revision indicated the considerations and limits of aspects related to Ergonomics in subjects as design management, engineering design, productive systems and layout design. The revision of Ergonomics included basic concepts, Ergonomics of Conception, and studies related to the operator works of continuous production process, having the aim of indicating participation possibilities of this science in production plants design. In such a way, the developed research tried to raise operational aspects as difficulties and constraints daily faced by operators. Such aspects were investigated intending to stand out the disequilibriums in this situation of work and strategies developed by these operators to keep satisfactory performance of a productive unit, taking care of company goals where they are inserted.

Avaliação de um ambiente computacional integrado para desenvolvimento de produtos no segmento de bens de capital com engenharia sob encomenda / Evaluation of an integrated computerized environment for engineered-to-order product development in capital goods segment

Pereira, Moacir Marques 18 November 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho avalia o grau em que a integração de sistemas de informação tem atendido ao desenvolvimento de bens de capital com engenharia sob encomenda, com base em objetivos de desempenho para o processo de desenvolvimento de produtos. Descreve uma investigação, realizada por meio de pesquisa-ação, sobre o ambiente de desenvolvimento de produtos em uma indústria de bens de capital, conduzida sob a perspectiva organizacional e da tecnologia da informação. Objetiva aumentar a difusão deste tipo de informação para os profissionais deste ramo de atividade e comunidade científica, bem como servir como base para pesquisas e ações de melhoria para a empresa estudada. Focaliza a relevância da caracterização de um modelo de referência para o processo de desenvolvimento de produtos que otimize as atividades de tomada de decisão, controle de fluxo de trabalho, armazenamento de informações e documentos e retro-alimentação de informações em ambientes com engenharia sob encomenda. Apresenta os desafios enfrentados pela empresa estudada quanto à estabilização dos seus processos após uma ampla reformulação da aplicação de sistemas de informação, abordando elementos de sua dinâmica organizacional e diagnosticando o comportamento destes elementos diante das integrações executadas. Aborda ainda os aspectos humanos envolvidos neste segmento, considerando-os como fatores críticos para a aplicação e desenvolvimento de soluções / This work evaluates the support level offered by integrated information systems to engineered-to-order development of capital goods, based on the product development process performance objectives. It describes an investigation, performed by means of an action-research, about the product development environment in a capital goods industry, carried out under the organizational and information technology perspectives. It aims to increase the diffusion of this kind of information among the professionals in this production segment and scientific community, as well to serve as a research and improvement actions base to the studied company. The work focuses on the relevance of a reference model characterization to the product development process in order to optimize the decision making activities, workflow control, document and information storage and feedback in engineering-to-order environments. It presents the challenges faced by the studied company to reach the processes stabilization after a broad changeover of its information systems applications, analyzing its dynamics organizational elements and making a diagnosis of these elements behaviour, considering the achieved integration. It still analyzes the human aspects involved in this industry segment, considering these aspects as critical factors for solutions development and application

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