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Os Anais de Quinto Ênio: estudo, tradução e notas / The Annals of Quintus Ennius: study, translation and notesNatividade, Everton da Silva 14 April 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a tradução dos fragmentos supérstites do poema épico Anais de Quinto Ênio (239 ca. 169 a. C.). Uma seção introdutória trata de discutir o que se sabe sobre o poeta, partindo das citações dos autores antigos que a ele se referiram. Faz ainda parte dessa seção inicial um estudo sobre os Anais, observando o poema segundo as visões dos antigos e também de acordo com o que é hoje, na forma fragmentária em que chegou a nós, cujo elemento unificador se centra no trabalho filológico de críticos de todo o mundo. O cerne do trabalho consiste na tradução e anotação dos 420 fragmentos tomados à edição italiana de Valmaggi (1945). Os comentários se baseiam sobretudo nas reflexões de Skutsch (1985), Steuart (1976), Warmington (1988) e Vahlen (1967), partindo da contextualização de cada fragmento, assinalando o tema a que esteja ligado e, por conseguinte, explicando por que tal fragmento foi incluído no canto de que faz parte. Em seguida, ocupamo-nos de analisar o fragmento, ressaltando motivações estilísticas e empregos lingüísticos, em busca do significado do texto-fragmento, o que se faz com o uso de recursos diversos, como o auxílio de diferentes dicionários, a comparação da mesma palavra em distintos fragmentos dos Anais ou de outras obras enianas, ou ainda o estudo do emprego de uma palavra em contextos semelhantes de outros autores, ou em diferentes contextos de autores contemporâneos de Ênio. / This thesis presents the translation of the remaining fragments of the epic poem Annals by Quintus Ennius (239ca. 169 BC). An introductory section discusses what is known about the poet, taking the ancient authors quotes that refer to him as a starting-point. In this initial section a study on the Annals is also included; it observes the poem according to the ancients point of view and to what it is today, in the fragmentary form in which it has come down to us, the philological work of critics from all over the world being its unifying element. The kernel of this text consists of the translation and commentary of the 420 fragments taken from the Italian edition of Valmaggi (1945). The comments are based primarily on the contributions of Skutsch (1985), Steuart (1876), Warmington (1988) and Vahlen (1967), and the contextualization given to each fragment, since such procedure aids and enables my search for the theme it is connected with and thus explains why each fragment was included in the book it is part of. I then analize the fragments one by one, mark its stylistic motivations and linguistic uses, and search for the meaning of each text-fragment, which is done through diverse resources, such as the help of different dictionaries, word comparison in distinct fragments either of the Annals or other Ennius works, and the study of a words usage in similar contexts found in other authors, and in different contexts of Ennius contemporary authors.
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Non verba sed vim kritisch-exegetische Untersuchungen zu den Fragmenten archaischer römischer Tragiker /Lennartz, Klaus. January 1994 (has links)
Revision of the author's Thesis (Universität zu Köln, 1993). / Includes bibliographical references and index.
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Non verba sed vim kritisch-exegetische Untersuchungen zu den Fragmenten archaischer römischer Tragiker /Lennartz, Klaus. January 1994 (has links)
Revision of the author's Thesis (Universität zu Köln, 1993). / Includes bibliographical references and index.
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Senes ridiculi ? Politique et poétique chez Plaute / Senes ridiculi ? Politics and poetry in Plautus' comedyLemoine, Marie-Laure 26 November 2011 (has links)
Genus claudicans ou genre de 'travers', la comédie plautinienne est à la fois dérivé négatif ou forme inversée des grands genres et le lieu d'une actualité politique voilée qui lui donnent, ensemble, toute sa spécificité. Inscrite, sans discussion, dans une tradition gréco-hellénistique héritée, elle est l'objet de choix personnels et d'une originalité créatrice chargée d'intentions. Plus exactement, l'interprétation et l'adaptation des modèles induisent des moments de réflexion critique sur le rapport de l'oeuvre avec le pouvoir. Politique et poétique sont donc au centre d'une réécriture auctoriale où le senex ridiculus a aussi sa place. Dans sa lecture des sources et du monde, Plaute privilégie donc les laissés pour compte, notamment une figure parentale déviante, le vieillard souvent lubrique, capable de susciter, non seulement une satire critique, mais aussi une lecture politique en texte caché. A la polémique diffamante de son ami Naeuius, il substitue la dénonciation d'un défaut reconnu selon les règles du blâme épidictique. Mieux encore, il use d'une 'manière' cynique et d'une plaisanterie urbaine et raffinée, le lepos, qui sont les fondements mêmes d'un art poétique. Celui-ci est complété par une traversée et un mélange des genres où Aristophane et Naeuius apparaissent. Au total, parce qu'elle amuse et réclame un spectateur intelligent et perspicace, qui comprend les sens cachés, la comédie plautinienne est un théâtre complexe et intellectuel en réception spectaculaire. / Genus claudicans or 'lame' genre, Plautus' comedy bears both the inverted form or negative image of predominant genres and topical political hints which together provide its genuineness. Undisputedly embedded in the Greco-hellenistic heritage, it becomes the subject of personal choices and a creative originality laden with intention. More accurately, the interpretation and adaptation of the models induce moments of critical thinking toward the link between the work of art and power. Politics and poetic art thus lay at the core of authorial rewriting in which the senex ridiculus is awarded pride of place. Throughout his study of sources and the world, Plautus sides with the left-behinds, among others the deviant father figure of a more than often lustful old man, who has a knack into initiating not only scathing satire, but also political insight woven inside the text. Contrary to his friend Naevius' prone inclination to tackle bones of contention, he levels veiled accusations against well-known faults according to the rules of epidictic blame. Better still, he uses the lepos, urbane and refined puns, albeit in a 'cynical' way, as the very basis for poetic art. The latter being supplemented by a crossing and blending of genres out of which Aristophanes and Naeuius emerge.All in all, because it amuses and calls for an acute and discerning audience, in full awareness of hidden meanings, Plautine comedy is manifold and intellectual, it's theater given spectacular reception.
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Les verbes latins signifiant « combattre » dans la poésie épique, d’Ennius aux poètes flaviens (IIIe s. av. J.-C. – Ier s. ap. J.-C.). Approche sémantique, morphologique et syntaxique / A Study of the Latin Verbs Meaning “Fight” in Epic Poetry from Ennius to the Flavian Poets (IIIrd b. C. – Ist a. D.). A Semantic, Morphological and Syntactic ApproachTaous, Tatiana 02 December 2013 (has links)
La thèse étudie les dénominations du procès de combattre en latin et montre que l’évolution des signes linguistiques est corrélative des realia historiques et politiques. Cette étude sémantique articule différentes approches et propose un éclairage linguistique et anthropologique sur les verbes signifiant « combattre » dans la poésie épique latine. Au vu des problématiques liées à tout sujet onomasiologique, une partie préliminaire se concentre sur l’établissement du corpus de verbes. Les première et seconde parties confrontent l’approche sémantique aux approches morphologique et syntaxique. Les lexèmes retenus sont décrits plus précisément afin de déterminer s’ils adoptent des tendances morphologiques et rectionnelles particulières, rattachables à leur signifié. La première partie permet, à travers l’étude des radicaux, des morphèmes (temps – personne) et des préverbes, de dégager des spécificités morphosémantiques en relation avec les trois types morphologiques isolés (verbes simples, locutions et préverbés). La seconde partie étudie, dans une perspective sémantico-syntaxique, les rôles sémantiques et les types rectionnels et crée des zones d’intersection entre lexèmes, qui ne rejoignent pas toujours les trois types morphologiques. Ces nouveaux recoupements permettent d’opposer les lexèmes et de déterminer les motivations (littéraires ou anthropologiques) de leurs emplois. La thèse en arrive à l’idée que la perpétuation ou le renouvellement des signes linguistiques pour dénoter le procès « combattre » a partie liée avec des données culturelles et anthropologiques et que le genre épique est un genre littéraire vivant, qui suit la mouvance et les idéologies de son temps. / This study of Latin verbs meaning “to fight” in epic poetry shows that the evolution of linguistic signs and lexical units reflects extralinguistic phenomena. It is a semantic study which, by combining several approaches, sheds new light, both linguistic and anthropological, on the verbs meaning “to fight” in Latin epic poetry. The preliminary chapter (after the introduction) presents the selected verbs belonging to the corpus. In the first and second sections of the work, the contrast is drawn between a fundamentally semantic approach to the verbs and a more morphological and syntactical approach. The first section analyses the verbs’ synchronic radicals, their tenses, their personal morphemes, and their preverbs, in order to show their semantic specificities in the context of the three morphological types in which they may be found: simple verbs, verbal phrases and preverbed verbs. In a semantic-syntactic approach, the second section deals with the participant roles and syntactic environments and creates new intersections between lexemes. These links shed light on the oppositions that exist between the individual lexemes and determine the – literary or anthropological – motivations in the use of the selected verbs. The conclusion makes two important points. Firstly, we see that the continuation or the renewal of linguistic signs and lexical units denoting the process of fighting also depend on cultural and anthropological factors. Secondly, it is made clear that the epic literary genre in Latin is not frozen throughout the historical periods studied here, since it is continually evolving and adapting to the changes and ideologies of the times.
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