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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Standardisiertes Ernährungsprogramm zum enteralen Nahrungsaufbau für Frühgeborene mit einem Geburtsgewicht ≤1750g / Enteral Feeding Volume Advancement by Using a Standardized Nutritional Regimen in Preterm Infants ≤ 1 750 g Birth Weight

Sergeyev, Elena 05 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Hintergrund Ein rascher enteraler Nahrungsaufbau bei Frühgeborenen verkürzt die Zeit der parenteralen Ernährung. Somit lassen sich bestimmte Risikofaktoren beeinflussen, die evt. die Morbiditätshäufigkeit der Kinder senken könnten. Mehrere Kohortenstudien zeigten, dass ein standardisierter Nahrungsaufbau mit einer geringeren Komplikationsrate und einem schnelleren Nahrungsaufbau assoziiert ist. Ziel der Studie ist zu überprüfen, ob ein standardisiertes Ernährungsprogramm einen rascheren und komplikationsärmeren enteralen Nahrungsaufbau bei Frühgeborenen ermöglicht. Patienten und Methode In die vorliegende randomisierte, kontrollierte Studie wurden 99 Frühgeborene mit einem Geburtsgewicht von ≤1750 g aufgenommen. In der Gruppe mit standardisierter Ernährung (ST) wurde der enterale Nahrungsaufbau mit Muttermilch oder gespendeter Frauenmilch nach einem speziell ausgearbeiteten Protokoll durchgeführt. In der Gruppe mit der individuellen Ernährungsform (IN) wurde je nach Bedarf und Zustand des Kindes auch semi-elementare Nahrung (Pregomin®) gefüttert. Über die Steigerungsdynamik und Nahrungspausen wurde hier individuell entschieden. Primäres Zielkriterium war die Dauer bis zum Erreichen der vollenteralen Ernährung. Ergebnisse In der ST-Gruppe war die vollständig enterale Ernährung nach 14,93 ± 9,95 (Median 12) Tagen, in der IN-Gruppe nach 16,23 ± 10,86 (Median 14) Tagen möglich. Es konnte kein signifikanter Unterschied gefunden werden. Nur bei hypotrophen Frühgeborenen erwiesen sich die Unterschiede bei der ST-Gruppe gegenüber der IN-Gruppe als statistisch signifikant: 10,20 ± 4,78 (Median 8,5) vs. 16,73 ± 8,57 (Median 15) Tage (p = 0,045). Die Gewichtsentwicklung verlief in beiden Studiengruppen nicht different. Die Kinder in der ST-Gruppe konnten bei einem Gewicht von 116% des Geburtsgewichtes vollständig enteral ernährt werden, in der IN-Gruppe bei einem Gewicht von 122% des Geburtsgewichtes. Die Inzidenz der nekrotisierenden Enterokolitis (4%) und anderer Komplikationen blieb in beiden Studiengruppen niedrig. Die Diagnose „Ernährungsschwierigkeiten“ wurde mit klaren Symptomen definiert und in der IN-Gruppe doppelt so oft gestellt, wie in der ST-Gruppe (14 vs. 7) Schlussfolgerung Das Standardisieren führte unter den Studienbedingungen nicht zu einer Beschleunigung des Nahrungsaufbaus. Anhand unserer Ergebnisse ist es möglich, dass die hypotrophen Frühgeborenen von der standardisierten Ernährung entsprechend des Ernährungsprotokolls profitieren. Diese Hypothese muss in einer neuen Studie überprüft werden. Diese Kinder konnten schneller vollständig enteral ernährt werden, als Frühgeborene, mit individuellem enteralem Nahrungsaufbau. Ein standardisiertes Nahrungsprotokoll ist im klinischen Alltag durchsetzbar, und darauf aufbauend ein enteraler Nahrungsaufbau unter strenger klinischer Beobachtung ohne Komplikationen erfolgreich durchführbar.

Variation in populations of enteral microflora in people with coeliac disease following the implementation of a gluten free diet : a thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Human Nutrition through the Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

MacKenzie, Delwyn Lynley January 2008 (has links)
Coeliac disease (CD) is a disorder resulting from interactions between diet, genome and immunity. This research seeks to further our understanding of the pathology of CD in regard to its secondary effects on the diversity of enteral microflora via changes in immune tolerance. It proposes that enteral mucosal pro-inflammatory change in CD is associated with a decrease in microbial diversity whilst remission from inflammation may result in an increase in enteral microbial diversity that could contribute to the restoration of tolerance. The first study analyses whether remission from active CD is associated with change in generic enteral microbial diversity by assessing people at diagnosis and following their response to gluten exclusion. A comparison is made to people without CD consuming a ’normal diet’. DGGE profiling of faecal microflora in subjects with CD at diagnosis (confirmed by serology and by duodenal biopsy) and over three consecutive months on a gluten-free diet (GFD) was performed and profiles were compared with those of age and gender matched control subjects taken at monthly intervals. Diversity of faecal microflora (measured as Simpsons Index ) was significantly lower in people with CD than in control subjects. It was possible to distinguish the profiles of coeliac subjects at diagnosis from those obtained after three months on a GFD but it was not possible to distinguish between the samples from control subjects taken at monthly intervals. The profiles of CD subjects after three months on a GFD were more dissimilar to those of the control subjects than those obtained prior to dietary treatment, chiefly on the basis of three bands that were not found in the faeces of any control subjects. The second study analyses dietary intake to determine if a lack of nutrients at diagnosis (before institution of a GFD) and at monthly intervals for three consecutive months post diagnosis (on a GFD) exists, as it is known that CD is associated with nutrient deficiencies resulting from malabsorption due to intestinal inflammation and damage. Subjects completed a customised food questionnaire at each sampling period. Dietary intake was analysed using Foodworks Professional 2007. Significant differences were identified in gluten, starch and carbohydrate intake but not in other macronutrients. Contrary to established literature, these analyses identified few significant differences in micronutrient intake within coeliac subjects over time, however, significant differences were found in iron and sodium.

Fistulização temporária do ceco em equinos : estudo experimental da técnica cirúrgica e da viabilidade desta via para a administração de fluído enteral /

Ferreira, Francisco Pupo Pires. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: José Luiz de Mello Nicoletti / Banca: José Luiz de Mello Nicoletti / Banca: Armen Thomassian / Banca: Roberto Pimenta de P. Foz Filho / Resumo: Na prática cotidiana da medicina eqüina, são freqüentes as situações onde é necessária a reposição e ou manutenção do equilíbrio hidroeletrolítico com fluídos e eletrólitos, principalmente em afecções do trato digestório. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a técnica cirúrgica de fistulização temporária do ceco com a implantação de uma sonda nesta víscera e a utilização desta via para a administração de fluido enteral. Foram utilizados 6 eqüinos adultos entre 350 e 435 kg, machos e fêmeas, que foram submetidos a dois períodos de jejum - hídrico e alimentar - um período sem hidratação e outro período com a hidratação enteral por via intracecal. A solução hidratante foi constituída de 5,7 g de Cloreto de Sódio, 3,78 g de Bicarbonato de Sódio, e 0,37 g de Cloreto de Potássio por litro de água administrado seis vezes ao dia, na base de 50 ml/kg de peso. Ao final do experimento pudemos constatar que a técnica cirúrgica de implantação da sonda é viável e de baixo custo, podendo ser considerada uma opção viável de terapia hídrica, eletrolítica e de nutrição enteral em eqüinos, nas situações em que as vias tradicionais - intravenosa e nasogástrica - se apresentam indisponíveis ou a terapia tradicional se mostra economicamente inviável. / Abstract: In daily equine medical practice is often necessary to re-establish or maintain hemodynamic balance with fluids and electrolytes, mainly due to digestive tract diseases. The objective of this study is to evaluate therapeutic caecal fistulization surgery, with a catheter placement and the main trans and post-operative complications. Six adult horses of both sexes, weighting between 350 and 435kg were used; they were submitted to two periods of total fast - hydric and nutritional - one period without hydration and the other with enteral hydration by intracaecal route. The hydrating solution consisted of 5.7g sodium chloride, 3.78g sodium bicarbonate, and 0.37g potassium chloride per litre of water. We could observe the horse's capacity to tolerate long periods without food and water, and that surgical catheter implant is a viable and low cost option for hydration and electrolyte therapy, and enteral nutrition in horses where traditional routes - intravenous and nasogastric - are not available or traditional therapy is not economically viable. / Mestre

L’évaluation de l’état nutritionnel péri-opératoire / Evaluation of the perioperative nutritional status

Nechifor, Vlad Andrei 04 July 2013 (has links)
Entre les actes chirurgicaux et l'état métabolique il existe des nombreuses interactions. D'un côté, la réponse catabolique majeure induite par la chirurgie viscérale peut être contrôlée par une supplémentation nutritionnelle précoce, ce qui diminuerait la morbidité et la mortalité postopératoire et aussi les durées d'hospitalisation. L'albuminémie préopératoire est un bon facteur prédictif de l'état nutritionnel postopératoire, corrélée avec un pronostic postopératoire inférieure. La préalbumine reflète de façon plus sensible l'évolution de l'état nutritionnel. Principale hormone orexigène, la ghréline présente une cinétique perturbée lors des périodes postopératoires avec une augmentation de sa sécrétion au moment de la reprise de la nutrition entérale et des concentrations postopératoires moyennes inférieures à celles normales. Ces observations posent la question de l'utilité d'un traitement par analogues de la ghréline. De l'autre côté, la chirurgie bariatrique peut corriger les perturbations métaboliques corrélées à l'obésité, mais son efficacité n'est pas absolue. Par contre, en utilisant certains critères clinique (âge, IMC, présence d'un diabète sucré) et biologiques (insulino-résistance, taux d'IGF1), cette efficacité devient prédictible pour les interventions d'insertion d'anneau gastrique / Surgical interventions can have several effects on the metabolic status. On one hand, the important catabolic response caused by major digestive surgery can be controlled through an early nutritional support, which could reduce the mortality, morbidity and also the duration of hospitalization. The preoperative albumin level is a reliable predictive factor of the postoperative nutritional status and correlates to a worse postoperative prognosis. The prealbumin reflects in the most sensitive manner the evolution of the nutritional status. As the main orexigen hormone, ghrelin has a disturbed cynetics in the postoperative period with an augmentation of its secretion corresponding to the reintroduction of the enteral nutrition and mean postoperative concentrations that are lower than normal. These observations raise the question of the utility o a ghreline analogues’ treatment. On the other hand, bariatric surgery could correct the metabolic disturbances associated to obesity, but its efficacy is not absolute. However, by using certain clinical (age, BMI, presence of a diabetes mellitus) and biological (insulin-resistance, IGF1 level criteria, this efficac can be redictable in the case of gastric banding

Enteral nutrition vid palliativ vård. En systematisk litteraturstudie

Jörud, Susanne, Wahlin, Anna January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att undersöka vad omvårdnad innebär utifrån ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv och etiska faktorer gällande enteral näringstillförsel vid palliativ vård. Forskningsansatsen har varit en systematisk litteraturstudie baserad på Goodmans sju steg i forskningsprocessen. Studiens resultat baseras på 10 vetenskapliga artiklar. Utifrån dessa artiklars resultat utkristalliserades olika teman såsom riktlinjer, dokumentation, åtgärder, komplikationer och effekter inom området omvårdnad kring enteral näringstillförsel. Resultatet påvisar att enteral nutrition ingår i sjuksköterskans ansvarsområde. Det finns skrivna riktlinjer gällande enteral nutrition. Dock visades sig att det finns luckor mellan vad som är rekommenderad vård och vad som sker ute i klinisk verksamhet. Den mest förekommande komplikationen med nasogastrisk sond är aspiration av maginnehåll till lungorna. / The aim of this systematic review is to study what nursing care can imply from a nursing perspective and ethical issues regarding enteral nutrition in palliative care. The research approach has been a systematic literature review based on Goodmans seven principles. The result of the study is based on 10 scientific articles. From the results of the articles different themes, emerged such as guidelines, documentation, interventions, complications and effects within the area of enteral nutrition and nursing care. The results show that enteral nutrition is part of the nurse’s scope of practice and that written recommendations and guidelines exist. However, the review also shows that gaps between recommended nursing care and practice exist. The most frequent complication concerning enteral nutrition is lung aspiration.

In vitro comparison of gastric aspirate methods and feeding tube properties on the quantity and reliability of obtained aspirate volume

Bartlett Ellis, Rebecca J. 20 November 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Gastric residual volume (GRV) is a clinical assessment to evaluate gastric emptying and enteral feeding tolerance. Factors such as the tube size, tube material, tube port configuration, placement of the tube in the gastric fluid, the amount of fluid and person completing the assessment may influence the accuracy of residual volume assessment. Little attention has been paid to assessing the accuracy of GRV measurement when the actual volume being aspirated is known, and no studies have compared the accuracy in obtaining RV using the three different techniques reported in the literature that are used to obtain aspirate in practice (syringe, suction, and gravity drainage). This in vitro study evaluated three different methods for aspirating feeding formula through two different tube sizes (10 Fr [small] and 18 Fr [large]), tube materials (polyvinyl chloride and polyurethane), using four levels of nursing experience (student, novice, experienced and expert) blinded to the five fixed fluid volumes of feeding formula in a simulated stomach, to determine if the RV can be accurately obtained. The study design consisted of a 3x2x2x4x5 completely randomized factorial ANOVA (with a total of 240 cells) and 479 RV assessments were made by the four nurse participants. All three methods (syringe, suction and gravity) used to aspirate RV did not perform substantially well in aspirating fluid, and on average, the methods were able to aspirate about 50% of the volume available. The syringe and suction techniques were comparable and produced higher proportions of RVs, although the interrater reliability of RV assessment was better with the syringe method. The gravity technique generally performed poorly. Overall, the polyvinyl chloride material and smaller tubes were associated with higher RV assessments. RV assessment is a variable assessment and the three methods did not perform well in this in vitro study. These findings should be further explored and confirmed using larger samples. This knowledge will be important in establishing the best technique for assessing RV to maximize EN delivery in practice and will contribute to future research to test strategies to optimize EN intake in critically ill patients.

Étude d’impact de l’alimentation entérale précoce sur la durée de séjour hospitalier pour la chirurgie colique

Bendavid, Yves 12 1900 (has links)
Introduction: La réinstitution de l’alimentation entérale en deçà de 24h après une chirurgie digestive semble a priori conférer une diminution du risque d’infections de plaie, de pneumonies et de la durée de séjour. Le but de cette étude est de vérifier l’effet de la reprise précoce de l’alimentation entérale sur la durée de séjour hospitalier suite à une chirurgie colique. Méthodes: Il s’agit d’une étude prospective randomisée dans laquelle 95 patients ont été divisés aléatoirement en deux groupes. Dans le groupe contrôle, la diète est réintroduite lorsque le patient passe des gaz ou des selles per rectum, et qu’en plus il n’est ni nauséeux ni ballonné. Les patients du groupe expérimental reçoivent pour leur part une diète liquide dans les 12 heures suivant la chirurgie, puis une diète normale aux repas subséquents. L’objectif primaire de cette étude est de déterminer si la réinstitution précoce de l'alimentation entérale post chirurgie colique diminue la durée de séjour hospitalier lorsque comparée au régime traditionnel de réintroduction de l’alimentation. Les objectifs secondaires sont de quantifier l’effet de la réintroduction précoce de la diète sur les morbidités periopératoires et sur la reprise du transit digestif. Résultats: La durée de séjour hospitalier a semblé être légèrement diminuée dans le groupe expérimental (8,78±3,85 versus 9,41±5,22), mais cette difference n’était pas statistiquement significative. Des nausées ou des vomissements furent rapportés chez 24 (51%) patients du bras experimental et chez 30 (62.5%) patients du groupe contrôle. Un tube nasogastrique a du être installé chez un seul patient du groupe experimental. La morbidité périopératoire fut faible dans les deux groupes. Conclusion: Il semble sécuritaire de nourrir précocément les patients suite à une chirurgie colique. Cependant cette étude n’a pu démontrer un impact significatif de la reintroduction précoce de l alimentation per os sur la durée de séjour hospitalier. / Introduction: of early feeding within 24 hours of intestinal surgery seems advantageous in terms of reduction of wound infection, pneumonia and length of hospital stay. The aim of the study is to evaluate the impact of early enteral nutrition in length of hospital stay in comparison to traditional postoperative feeding regimen. Method: This prospective study enrolled 95 patients randomized in two groups: control group patients receive enteral feeding in absence of nausea or vomiting, abdominal distension and after passage of flatus or stools, while patients in experimental group were fed a liquid diet within 12 hours of surgery, followed by a regular diet at the next meal. The primary endpoint was the impact of early oral feeding on hospital length of stay. The secondary endpoint was to measure the impact of the diet reintroduction modality on the incidence of early postoperative morbidity and return of bowel function. Result: Length of hospital stay was slightly diminished in the experimental group compared to control (8,78±3,85 versus 9,41±5,22), but the difference was not statistically significant. Postoperative nausea and vomiting were reported in 24 (51,0%) patients in experimental group and 30 (62,5%) in control group. Only one patient required nasogastric tube insertion. The majority of patients did not demonstrate any postoperative morbidity in both groups. Conclusion: Early enteral nutrition is safe after intestinal surgery. However we did not demonstrate that early enteral feeding diminished length of hospital stay or hastened the return of bowel function.

Étude d’impact de l’alimentation entérale précoce sur la durée de séjour hospitalier pour la chirurgie colique

Bendavid, Yves 12 1900 (has links)
Introduction: La réinstitution de l’alimentation entérale en deçà de 24h après une chirurgie digestive semble a priori conférer une diminution du risque d’infections de plaie, de pneumonies et de la durée de séjour. Le but de cette étude est de vérifier l’effet de la reprise précoce de l’alimentation entérale sur la durée de séjour hospitalier suite à une chirurgie colique. Méthodes: Il s’agit d’une étude prospective randomisée dans laquelle 95 patients ont été divisés aléatoirement en deux groupes. Dans le groupe contrôle, la diète est réintroduite lorsque le patient passe des gaz ou des selles per rectum, et qu’en plus il n’est ni nauséeux ni ballonné. Les patients du groupe expérimental reçoivent pour leur part une diète liquide dans les 12 heures suivant la chirurgie, puis une diète normale aux repas subséquents. L’objectif primaire de cette étude est de déterminer si la réinstitution précoce de l'alimentation entérale post chirurgie colique diminue la durée de séjour hospitalier lorsque comparée au régime traditionnel de réintroduction de l’alimentation. Les objectifs secondaires sont de quantifier l’effet de la réintroduction précoce de la diète sur les morbidités periopératoires et sur la reprise du transit digestif. Résultats: La durée de séjour hospitalier a semblé être légèrement diminuée dans le groupe expérimental (8,78±3,85 versus 9,41±5,22), mais cette difference n’était pas statistiquement significative. Des nausées ou des vomissements furent rapportés chez 24 (51%) patients du bras experimental et chez 30 (62.5%) patients du groupe contrôle. Un tube nasogastrique a du être installé chez un seul patient du groupe experimental. La morbidité périopératoire fut faible dans les deux groupes. Conclusion: Il semble sécuritaire de nourrir précocément les patients suite à une chirurgie colique. Cependant cette étude n’a pu démontrer un impact significatif de la reintroduction précoce de l alimentation per os sur la durée de séjour hospitalier. / Introduction: of early feeding within 24 hours of intestinal surgery seems advantageous in terms of reduction of wound infection, pneumonia and length of hospital stay. The aim of the study is to evaluate the impact of early enteral nutrition in length of hospital stay in comparison to traditional postoperative feeding regimen. Method: This prospective study enrolled 95 patients randomized in two groups: control group patients receive enteral feeding in absence of nausea or vomiting, abdominal distension and after passage of flatus or stools, while patients in experimental group were fed a liquid diet within 12 hours of surgery, followed by a regular diet at the next meal. The primary endpoint was the impact of early oral feeding on hospital length of stay. The secondary endpoint was to measure the impact of the diet reintroduction modality on the incidence of early postoperative morbidity and return of bowel function. Result: Length of hospital stay was slightly diminished in the experimental group compared to control (8,78±3,85 versus 9,41±5,22), but the difference was not statistically significant. Postoperative nausea and vomiting were reported in 24 (51,0%) patients in experimental group and 30 (62,5%) in control group. Only one patient required nasogastric tube insertion. The majority of patients did not demonstrate any postoperative morbidity in both groups. Conclusion: Early enteral nutrition is safe after intestinal surgery. However we did not demonstrate that early enteral feeding diminished length of hospital stay or hastened the return of bowel function.

Dysfunkce gastrointestinálního traktu u kriticky nemocných / Gastrointestinal tract dysfunction in critical ill patients

Balihar, Karel January 2015 (has links)
Multiorgan dysfunction syndrom is the major driving pathophysiological mechanism of morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients. Gastrointestinal dysfunction usually develops as a result critical illness and it is believed to play a key role in the development and progression of multiple organ dysfunction. Moreover, any primary disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, if severe enough, can lead to a critical state and secondary multiorgan dyfunction. Despite intensive experimental and clinical research, reliable tools for monitoring and evaluation of the severity of gastrointestinal dysfunction remain unknown. In the same line, therapy of this complex pathology remains largely supportive. The aim of this thesis was first to explain the severity of the most common and most serious nosocomial infection of the digestive tract, second to elucidate the safety and effectiveness of the endoscopic dual enteral probe insertion in ventilated critically ill patients, and, third to evaluate new diagnostic tools of the gastrointestinal dysfunction. Finally, we present an ongoing project aimed at investigating esophageal dysfunction in mechanically ventilated critically ill patients.

Des limites du soutien nutritionnel pour les nouveau-nés à risques aux perspectives d’améliorations : une approche intégrée / From barriers to the nutritional support of at risk neonates to improvement perspectives : an integrated approach

Fischer Fumeaux, Céline Julie 19 September 2016 (has links)
L'augmentation de la survie des grands prématurés fait de la réduction des séquelles dans cette population un enjeu majeur. Alors qu'il influence leur devenir, le support nutritionnel des grands prématurés échoue souvent à prévenir le déficit protéino-énergétique, les carences nutritionnelles, et les ralentissements de croissance, aggravant leur pronostic. Nos recherches investiguaient plusieurs axes des stratégies nutritionnelles actuelles, leurs limites ainsi que les perspectives d'améliorations : I) parentérales, II) entérales, III) préventions des complications, IV) évaluation de la croissance. Il s'agissait d'un ensemble d'études cliniques, qui révélaient : I) Des variations significatives d'apports parentéraux à l'intérieur des centres, ainsi qu'une sous-utilisation des lipides, participant au déficit protéino-énergétique précoce. Un impact des lipides sur la croissance, le développement cérébral, voire l'incidence de complications était suggéré. II) Des avantages de l'utilisation de lait maternel frais dans la 1ère semaine de vie sur la poursuite de l'allaitement des nouveau-nés hospitalisés, ainsi que des variations importantes de sa composition. Une augmentation des taux d'allaitement sur les périodes d'études révélait un effet bénéfique de la recherche, même « observationnelle », sur l'allaitement. III) Une augmentation du risque d'hyperglycémie en cas de diminution de la phosphatémie. IV) Des répercussions modérées de la restriction de croissance intra-utérine sur le neuro-développement des prématurés, malgré des réserves auxologiques. Ces travaux permettaient donc d'identifier plusieurs barrières, et d'envisager différentes stratégies d'amélioration du soutien nutritionnel. Ils soulignent la complexité et l'importance des liens entre nutrition, croissance et développement neurologique des enfants à risques. Des efforts supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour optimiser les connaissances, les recommandations et les pratiques dans ce domaine / Facing to increasing survival of very preterm neonates, reducing sequelae in this population became a major public issue. Nutritional support of preterm neonates has a durable impact on their future. However, it often fails to prevent the protein-energetic imbalance, nutritional deficiencies, and post-natal growth restriction, which act as aggravating factors. Our researches evaluated different axes of current nutritional strategies, limitations and possible improvements: I) parenteral, II) enteral, III) prevention of complications, IV) growth assessment. Most relevant findings of these clinical studies were: I) Significant variations of parenteral intakes in the centres, as well as inadequate use of lipids, involved in early energetic-protein deficit. Impact of lipids on growth, brain development, and even the incidence of complications were suggested. II) Advantages in using fresh raw mother's own milk in the early days to enhance breastfeeding in hospitalized neonates, as well as important changes in mother's milk composition. An increase in breastfeeding rates over the periods of studies showed a beneficial effect of the research, although "observational", on breastfeeding. III) An increased risk of hyperglycemia in case of low phosphatemia. IV) A moderate impact of being small for gestational age on neuro-development in a preterm cohort, and related auxologic limitations. This work allowed to recognize some barriers of the nutritional support, and to consider different improvement strategies. It emphasizes the close and important links between nutrition, growth and neurological development of vulnerable infants. Further efforts are needed to optimize knowledge, recommendations and practices in this area

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