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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Britain and terrorism : a sociogenetic investigation

Dunning, Michael January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is a sociogenetic investigation of terrorism that has been directed against Britain since the late eighteenth century. One of its most fundamental aims is to help lay the foundations of a figurational approach to the study of terrorism. Accordingly, I seek to answer two core and interrelated questions and apply the findings to develop an understanding of the processes and relationships that have contributed to the emergence of home-grown ‘jihadist terrorism’ in Britain. Those questions are: i) Under what figurational conditions have the concepts of terrorism and terrorist developed, in sociogenetic terms, since they were first coined during the first French Revolution in the late eighteenth century? ii) Under what figurational conditions do people act according to various designations of terrorism? In order to develop answers to these questions several kinds of terrorism figurations related to Britain are examined. The first three chapters are dedicated to exploring the research on terrorism that has grown in recent decades. Much of it fails to develop an understanding of terrorism that has sufficient detachment, and consequently can help, in some cases, to perpetuate terrorism figurations. Subsequent chapters move away from these mainstream approaches and show how terrorism figurations have developed in Britain from the time the concept ‘terrorism’ was first coined during the French Revolution. The core findings relate to how terrorism developed in antithesis to the concept of civilisation, and emerged as part of complex inter- and intra-state relationships and established-outsider figurations. As part of these processes, functional democratisation played a key role both in Britain and in Britain’s relations to other countries. Finally, I show that these processes have been central to the development of the habituses and identities of the July 7 2005 London bombers.

Desire for inclusion in association football amongst minority ethnic communities in England

Whiteside, David January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines the desire for inclusion in association football amongst minority ethnic communities in England. The thesis is based on two case studies informed by semi-structured qualitative interviews. These case studies focus on two minority ethnic groups, the Asian community in Bury and the black community in the City of Liverpool, and the relationship of these respective communities with local professional football clubs (specifically Bury FC and Everton FC). The thesis notes that despite, by most objective measures, football grounds being less dangerous places to visit nowadays, members of minority ethnic groups continue to reject live spectatorship. Such rejection exists despite evidence of engagement in football amongst the male members of these minority ethnic groups. Asian respondents expressed little civic pride in Bury or interest in Bury FC, and thus their rejection of spectatorship opportunities was unconscious. Data from black respondents identified widespread sense of belonging and identification with the City of Liverpool, but conscious rejection of spectatorship at Everton FC. Despite recognition of the clubs anti-racist work black respondents argued that the idea persists that Everton are institutionally racist with racist fans. While such a perception had also previously been ascribed to Liverpool FC (Everton s near neighbours), such perceptions had changed quicker at Liverpool FC, who appear more effective at attracting minority ethnic spectators. A number of factors emerged that contribute to the continued rejection of spectatorship amongst British minority ethnic groups at professional football clubs. One of these is the perception that football clubs are unwelcoming places and white spaces . Fear of racism and fear of violence were also often cited although these were found not to be absolute in nature for either minority ethnic group. Indeed, evidence from both groups found that they are developing their own we image rather than internalising their own group disgrace , though it is also argued that Elias and Scotson s notion of two groups, the established (white s) and the outsiders (blacks), is too simplistic and a more fluid conceptualisation is called for. Overall, the data illustrated that the identities of members of minority ethnic groups are complex, multifunctional, context specific and fragmented and thus so are their relationships with football.

Det ligger i deras händer : En sociologisk studie om segregationen mellan Bredäng och Mälarhöjden

Afram, Daniel, Celebi, Suleyman January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to bring out the social economic residential segregation that exists in Bredäng and in Mälarhöjden by experiences and perceptions from local residents with a qualitative research. The study will also show how these expectations forms from local residents in these districts. Both these districts take place in southern Stockholm. Bredäng, the public housing neighborhood and Mälarhöjden, the garden neighborhood are two districts that was built up during two different eras but has a social economic difference bigger than the geographic distance. The majority of the local residents in Bredäng are low incomes and have a lack of university or college education. The majority of the local residents in Mälarhöjden have a higher percentage of university graduates and the average income per year are twice the size of Bredängs resident’s. The main focus of this study will be to inquire into why the social economic elements lead to residential segregation in these districts, but also in how Mälaräng will effect on this. The main focus will be to examine why the social economic elements leads to how segregation forms from the expectations that exist. It generally occurs similar beliefs and perceptions from all respondents about these districts. The results shows that all respondents confirms that it exist social economic differences between Bredäng and Mälarhöjden with consequences that Bredäng becomes the segregated district towards to Mälarhöjden that is considered the “fancier” district with higher “status”. We have used the concept segregation that is central in this study and two theoretical points, Goffman’s identity and Elias and Scotson who writes about established and outsiders. We use the theoretical perspectives to connect the empirical part about how individuals form experiences and perceptions toward to the opposite district. We also find how identity creations forms from the categories that the individual gets. / Med hjälp av en kvalitativ undersökning är syftet med denna studie att belysa hur bostadssegregation och hur områdets invånare formar föreställningar om både sitt eget område och i jämförelse med det motsatta området. Bredäng och Mälarhöjden ligger i södra Stockholm och är de två områden som kommer att undersökas. Vidare kommer vi i studien även belysa hur dessa står i relation till varandra utifrån lokalinvånarnas upplevelser och uppfattningar. Bredäng, miljonprogramområdet och Mälarhöjden, trädgårdsstaden är två stadsdelar som byggdes under olika tidsperioder men där de socioekonomiska skillnaderna är betydligt större än det geografiska. Majoriteten av de lokala invånare i Bredäng är låginkomsttagare och saknar eftergymnasial utbildning till skillnad från Mälarhöjden där fler är högutbildade samt där årsinkomsten är det dubbla jämfört med Bredäng. Studiens främsta fokus kommer vara att undersöka varför de socioekonomiska faktorer leder till hur bostadssegregation formas utifrån de föreställningar och uppfattningar som råder. Det förekommer generellt liknande föreställningar och uppfattningar från samtliga informanter kring stadsdelarna. Resultatet visar oss att samtliga respondenter bekräftar att det råder socioekonomiska skillnader på Bredäng och Mälarhöjden där konsekvenserna blir ett segregerat område där Bredäng ses som det segregerade området gentemot Mälarhöjden som framställs som det mer ”finare” och området med högre ”status”. Till den teoretiska biten har vi använt oss av ett centralt begrepp, segregation och två teoretiska utgångspunkter varav en av Goffmans identitetsskapande och sedan även Elias och Scotson som redogör för etablerade och outsiders. Med hjälp av de teoretiska perspektiven finner vi en anknytning till det empiriska avsnittet på hur individer formar uppfattningar och föreställningar gentemot det motsatta området. Vidare finner vi även hur identitetsskapandet formas utifrån de kategorier med egenskaper man blir tilldelade.

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