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Interaktion mellan logoped och barn vid nybesök : Strategier för kontaktetablering, kvarhållande av uppmärksamhet i aktivitet och aktivitetsbyte / The Interaction between Speech Language Pathologists and Children at First Visit : Strategies for Establishment of Contact, Maintenance of Attention in Tasks and Shifting ActivitiesEngdahl, Elin, Sjögren, Lisa January 2016 (has links)
Föreliggande studie syftar till att undersöka hur logopeder administrerar nybesök med barn vad gäller etablering av kontakt, kvarhållande av uppmärksamhet i aktiviteter och aktivitetsbyte. Undersökningsmaterialet utgjordes av två videoinspelade barnnybesök hos två logopeder vardera, inspelade på en logopedmottagning belägen i sydöstra Sverige. Materialet grovtranskriberades och därefter valdes intressanta fenomen ut som fintranskriberades i enlighet med konversationsanalytiska principer (CA-principer). Efter nybesöken skickades ett frågeformulär med sex frågor till de deltagande logopederna per e-post. Strategier som nyttjades för kontaktskapande av de deltagande logopederna var att initialt skapa en lekfull situation och sedan fokusera på de medföljande vuxna. Därefter försökte logopederna åstadkomma en symmetrisk interaktion med barnen, genom att exempelvis använda identitetsmarkörer. Barnens koncentration i uppgifter upprätthölls bland annat genom uppmärksamhetssignaler, pauser, utlovande av belöning samt beröm. Aktivitetsbyte skedde vanligen gränsmarkerat och följde ett liknande mönster med förberedande stimuli, undanplockande av föregående aktivitets föremål och slutligen introduktion av den nya aktiviteten. Dock förekom även byten av mindre uppenbar karaktär, vilka ibland orsakade missförstånd. I svaren till frågeformulären framkom att logopederna hade förvärvat strategier och kunskap om administrering av nybesök genom yrkeserfarenhet. Logopederna använde även tillvägagångssätt som ej omnämndes, vilka därför kan ses som intuitiva. / The study objective was to investigate how speech language pathologists (SLPs) establish contact with children, maintain their attention in tasks and shift activities at first visit. The material consisted of four video recordings in which two SLPs and four children participated. Two visits per participating SLP were recorded at a speech and language therapy clinic in the south-east part of Sweden. The material was transcribed and analyzed using an approach influences by Conversation Analysis (CA) in order to identify occurring phenomena. The SLPs were interviewed by email after the video recorded sessions. The result shows that both SLPs used a playful approach at the beginning of the visit to establish contact with the children. Then the SLPs began focusing on the adult, thereafter creating symmetric dialogs with the children, for instance by using identity markers. The maintaining of children’s focus was achieved through different attention calls, breaks, promised awards and praises. The most common strategy used by both SLPs, to gain a successful shift, was by clarify the switch. Initially the SLP introduced the new task with a stimuli, then they removed objects from the previous activity and finally the SLP presented the new task. However some strategies for changing activities were less apparent for the children, which sometimes caused misunderstandings. According to the questionnaires the strategies used were acquired from experience through “trials and errors”. However, not all strategies observed were mentioned by the SLPs in the questionnaires.
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Studies of the regulation of serine protease activity in the establishment of the dorsal-ventral axis of the Drosophila embryoCho, Yong Suk, 1970- 05 October 2010 (has links)
Dorsal-ventral (DV) polarity in the Drosophila embryo is defined by spatially regulated activation of the transmembrane receptor Toll, which is uniformly distributed throughout the early embryo's plasma membrane. Ventral activation of Toll is accomplished through the local production of its activating ligand, a processed C-terminal fragment of the Spätzle protein, which is generated in the last step of a proteolytic cascade involving the sequentially-acting proteases Gastrulation Defective (GD), Snake and Easter. Pipe protein, a homologue of vertebrate glycosaminoglycan modifying enzymes, which is expressed during oogenesis in ventral follicle cells adjacent to the developing oocyte, is believed to control the ventrally restricted processing of Spätzle. pipe expression and the sulfation of its enzymatic target in the ventral follicle cells leads to the formation of a stable ventral cue, embedded in the eggshell. Recently the Pipe enzymatic target has been identified as several protein components of the vitelline membrane, the inner layer of the eggshell. Prior to this work, an important piece of information missing from our understanding of Drosophila DV patterning was the identity of the initial step in the protease cascade that requires Pipe activity. Here, I show that the processing of Snake is independent of Pipe activity, while the processing of Easter requires Pipe function, indicating that Easter processing by Snake is the key proteolytic step that is controlled by Pipe activity and presumably the first cleavage event that is spatially regulated. A second key gap in our understanding of Drosophila embryonic DV patterning concerned the role of GD in the protease cascade. While GD is the protease that cleaves and activates Snake, the existence of two distinct classes of complementing gd alleles has suggested that GD provides another, distinct function. Investigations described here indicate that the second function of GD is to promote the ability of activated Snake to process Easter, independent of its Snake-processing function. Finally, I provide evidence for the formation of protein complexes containing various components of the serine protease cascade, which suggest that conformational changes in the complexes, which act to promote productive interactions between the proteins, are an important aspect of their activation. / text
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The impact of freedom of establishment on private international law for corporationsPaschalidis, Paschalis January 2009 (has links)
The present thesis is concerned with private international law for corporate and insolvency disputes in the context of freedom of establishment. First, it presents the traditional rules of conflict applicable to corporate disputes that have been implemented in some major jurisdictions. Second, it analyses the relevant leading judgments of the European Court of Justice and it demonstrates the way in which, contrary to popular belief, the real seat theory has not been held contrary to freedom of establishment. The thesis then deals with the concept of letter-box companies and examines the limitations that are being placed to the use of freedom of establishment. This is followed by a juxtaposition of the factors that have lead and could lead to regulatory competition for corporate law in the USA and the EU respectively. A modest approach is taken towards the possibility of the latter occurring in the EU. Third, the thesis examines the treatment of insolency disputes in this context. A substantial part of it is dedicated to the definition of the basis for international jurisdiction for the opening of insolvency proceedings, namely the centre of main interests. It argues in favour of an objective test for the identification of the centre of main interests (COMI) and the allocations of certain burdens on both the debtor and the creditors. It then focuses on the treatment of forum shopping in the context on international insolvencies. Based on considerations of consent and economic efficiency, it suggests a definition, according to which certain transfers of the COMI should not amount to forum shopping. Finally, the thesis examines the possibility of a regulatory competition for insolvencies in the EU and seeks to demonstrate that the conditions for such a competition are more analogous between US corporate law and EU insolvency, rather than company, law.
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Statut d'immigration, agentivité et référents identitaires : l'expérience migratoire d'immigrantes maghrébinesMorin, Marie-Pier January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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L'enrichissement par la plantation sous couvert : les facteurs qui influencent le développement de plants de feuillus durant la phase d'établissementLapointe, Mélanie January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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”Svajpar du höger på en profil [på Tinder] är du intresserad, svajpar du vänster är du inte det” : En korpusstudie om etableringen av nyordet svajpa i svensk tryckt press och på webben / ”If you swipe right on a profile [on Tinder], you’re interested, if you swipe left you’re not” : A corpus study of the new word ’svajpa’s establishment in Swedishnewspapers and web.Nyman von Sydow, Lovisa January 2017 (has links)
Each year the Swedish Language Council compiles a list consisting of new words andcompounds that have been used frequently during the past year. The new Swedish wordsvajpa appeared on the latest list published in december 2015. Svajpa is imported from theEnglish word swipe which means to drag your finger across a mobile phone or a computerscreen. The aim of the study has been to investigate the establishment of svajpa in Swedishnewspapers and web and to find out Swedish journalists’ attitudes to svajpa. Furthermore, Ianalyze in which contexts the new word is used. By ’context’ I am referring to what kind ofnewspaper (e.g. major urban or local newspapers) and which sections in the newspapers(such as finance or technology) the word appears. The first 100 listings from Google areanalyzed by a similar classification to study recurring themes and patterns of usage. Thetheoretical assumptions for this study are language conservation, language planning,establishment and attitudes to language. To find out the establishment of svajpa a corpusstudy has been used as a method using the search tool Mediearkivet Retriever Research.Further, the search tool Google has been chosen as a complement. A survey has also beenconducted to find out the journalists' attitudes to svajpa. The new word was used for the firsttime in 2009 in the Swedish newspaper Pir. Additionally, the result shows that svajpa hasbecome increasingly established since 2015. Svajpa is used in many different contexts onGoogle, such as blog texts and language articles. Furthermore, svajpa is particularly used toswipe on mobile or tablet and on the dating app Tinder. The journalists' attitudes to svajpashows high recognition. Most of the interviewed journalists are familiar with svajpa and usethe word themselves. The answers also shows that it is most common to use svajpa in moreinformal settings rather than at work.
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Vznik a vývoj evropského právního režimu pro obchodování s povolenkami na emise skleníkových plynů / Establishment and Development of European Scheme for Greenhouse Gas Emission Allowance TradingŠevčík, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe and subsequently analyze the establishment and the development of the European legal regime for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading. Methodology of the thesis is focused on capturing the processes of establishment and development of the emission trading regime as processes of rather dynamic nature, having their causes and consequences, and so is not only an isolated description of each of their respective stages. The dynamics of development is analyzed within each of the basic elements of the emission trading regime, taking due account of the relevant case law of the Court of Justice of the EU. Given the considerable complexity of the subject concerned, and therefore also the need for integration of the analysis into a certain perspective, a brief explanation of the phenomenon of climate change, including its economic implications, as well as of the international legal framework set up to tackle this issue forms a part of this thesis.
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Společnosti v mezinárodním právu soukromém. Se zaměřením na přemístění sídla společnosti v Zákoně o přeměnách / Companies in private international law. With the particular focus on the relocation of a registered seat of a company in the transformation actRexová, Mária January 2014 (has links)
The first chapter of my thesis defines the key terms necessary for understanding the concept of mobility of companies in the private international law. The fundamental difference between lex societatis and the nationality of company are terms which are not identical, despite their frequent confusion. It is the lex societatis which is defining for the inner organisation of the company. According to the reasoning of the Court of European Union, in the cross border transfer of the statutory seat should inevitably lead to change of lex societatis. However, in order to decide on which legal order is applicable for defining the lex societatis of a company, we have to look into the international private rules of a particular country. There are two major theories from which stem the legal orders of all member countries, the real seat theory and incorporation theory. This chapter explores their pros and cons, as well as practical consequences of their application on the possibility of cross-border transfer of a seat of a company. The second chapter of my thesis outlines relevant European Union law which lies behind the concept of cross border mobility of companies. The Treaty provisions on freedom of establishment are reviewed in the light of the Court case law. The most relevant decisions of the Court are...
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Podnikatelský plán - půjčovna šatů / Thesis – dress rentalNěmcová, Iveta January 2010 (has links)
This thesis describes the business plan of establishing a dress rental in the region of Vysočina. Based on the market analysis, analysis of the competition and customers, and setting of the marketing mix, it shows whether the business is able to take a position on local market. Above all, it will be a financial plan that will show, whether the company is vital.
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Context-Based Authentication and Lightweight Group Key Establishment Protocol for IoT DevicesFerrari, Nico January 2019 (has links)
The concept of the Internet of Things is driven by advancements of the Internet with the interconnection of heterogeneous smart objects using different networking and communication technologies. With the rapidly increasing number of interconnected devices present in the life of a person, providing authentication and secure communication between them is considered a key challenge. The integration of Wireless Sensor Networks in the Internet of Things creates new obstacles due to the necessity of finding a balance between the resources utilization and the applied security solutions. In multicast group communications, the energy consumption, bandwidth and processing overhead at the nodes are minimized in comparison to a point-to-point communication system. To securely transmit a message in order to maintain confidentiality of the data and the user’s privacy, usually involves human interaction or the pre-agreement upon some key, the latter unknown to an external attacker. In this thesis, the author proposed an authentication protocol based on the similar context between the correct devices and lightweight computationally secure group-key establishment, avoiding any kind of human involvement. The goal is achieved by having the devices calculate a fingerprint from their ambient context and through a fuzzy commitment scheme generating a commitment respectively opening value which is used to generate a common secret key between them. The tests are effected on real world data accumulated from different environments. The proposed scheme is based on elliptic curve cryptography and cryptographic one-way accumulators. Its feasibility is analyzed by implementing the group key establishment phase in the Contiki operating system and by simulating it with the Cooja simulator. Furthermore, the applicability of the protocol is analyzed and justified by an analysis of the storage overhead, communication overhead, and energy consumption. The simulator shows an energy consumption of only 112 mJ per node for group key establishment. The results obtained in this thesis demonstrate the feasibility of the scheme, it’s computational, and communication costs are further comparable to other similar approaches.
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