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Fastighetsförmedlingsprocessen i PortugalSturesson Lundh, Josephine, Ljeljak, Maja January 2018 (has links)
Ändamålet med denna studie är att konkretisera vad skillnaden är mellan den portugisiske fastighetsmäklarens kontra den svenske fastighetsmäklaren gällande utbildningskrav och arbetsuppgifter. Samtidigt kommer studien att förklara förmedlingsprocessen i respektive land och dess aktörer. Studien om transaktionsprocessen, vid förmedling av fastigheter, kommer att ge en tydligare bild av fastighetsmäklarens ansvar samt ge ett bredare underlag för förståelse och anpassning till de portugisiska fastighetsmarknaden.Med hjälp av portugisisk lagtext och portugisiska institutioners hemsidor har vi insamlat information om hur den portugisiska förmedlingsprocessen går till. För att kunna göra paralleller med den svenska förmedlingsprocessen har vi även använt oss av svensk lagstiftning, rättspraxis och juridisk kurslitteratur.Resultatet visar att det finns skillnader mellan processerna i Portugal och Sverige, men studierna visar även att det finns flera likheter men under andra benämningar. Det finns fler aktörer som medverkar i transaktionsprocessen i Portugal, än vad det gör i Sverige. Detta ger en annorlunda arbetsfördelning med annorlunda juridiskt ansvar. / The purpose of this study is to clarify the differences between the Portuguese real estate agent and the Swedish real estate agent, as it is about the education requirements and their professional duties. At the same time, the study will explain the property acquisition process in both countries and the who is required to be a part of it. Studies of the transactional process within real estate will provide a clearer picture of the agent's responsibilities and provide a better understanding and adapting to the Portuguese real estate market.With the help of Portuguese legislation and different Portuguese institutions' websites, we have gathered information about the Portuguese property acquisition process. In order to be able to make parallels to the Swedish acquisition process, we read and interpreted Swedish legislation, cases and legal literature.The results show that there are differences between the processes in Portugal and Sweden, but studies also show that there are several similarities but the similarities are named differently. There are more parties involved in the transaction process in Portugal than it is in the Swedish one. This gives a different division of work with different legal responsibilities.
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Fastighetsmäklarens kontrollplikt - En fastighetsmäklares kontrollplikt av samtycke vid överlåtelse av fast och lös egendom i de fall säljande part har ingått äktenskap i land utanför Sverige men inom den Europeiska unionenEmma, Olin, Anna, Beijner January 2019 (has links)
Inom den svenska familjerätten finns ett antal förfogandeinskränkningar till följd av äktenskap, vilka kan hindra en make från att självmant ta beslut rådande egendom. Däribland finns ett hinder att överlåta fast och lös egendom utan den andra makens samtycke. I denna kandidatuppsats undersöks och utreds omfattningen av en fastighetsmäklares kontrollplikt av makesamtycke vid överlåtelse av fast och lös egendom, i de fall äktenskapet ingåtts utanför Sveriges gränser men inom den Europeiska unionen. Eftersom frågeställningen har en juridisk synvinkel tillämpas en rättsvetenskaplig metod, vilken grundar sig i rättskälleläran. Utifrån rättskällorna går det att konstatera att vetskapen om omfattningen av en fastighetsmäklares kontrollplikt av makesamtycke i de fall äktenskap ingåtts utomlands är begränsad. Inför framtida forskning föreslås att vidare utredning genomförs samt att denna synvinkel tas i beaktning vid en omarbetning av nuvarande fastighetsmäklarlag. / There are certain rules in the Swedish family law regarding spousal restrictions in the right of disposition over existing property. There are a few, but complicated, restrictions about how spouses may take their own decisions regarding their assets. In Sweden, a spouse is not allowed to sell property without a spousal consent. The aim through this bachelor thesis is to explore the scope of a real estate agent’s obligation to control a spouse’s consent during the transfer of residential real estate and private housing cooperatives when the spouses have entered marriage outside of Sweden, but within the European union. The thesis applies a legal method for the ability to answer our chosen problem statement. Based on the sources of law, it is possible to state that the knowledge of how extensive a real estate agent’s duty to control a spouse’s consent, in the event of a foreign marriage, is limited. Prior to future research, it is proposed that further investigation within this subject should be accomplished and that this point of view should be taken into consideration when reworking the current fastighetsmäklarlag in Sweden.
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Výkon realitní činnosti / The Performance of Real Estate ActivitiesPlech, Martin January 2011 (has links)
This the sisdeals with the problem of the strengths and weaknesses of real estate in area the Czech Republic. It defines the basic terms and definitions as sociated with real estate activities. It analyzes the mistakes of real estate companies. Provides tips for preventing errors. Publishes statistical information about the property market. The data are statistically evaluated and incorporated into the graphics. These obtained datas are intended for practical use for the valuation of yield method.
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Upplevt värde av en fastighetsmäklares tjänster : vilka skillnader finns det mellan köpare respektive säljare / Perceived value of a real estate agent's services : what are the differences between buyers and sellers?Memic, Ilham, Bosakova, Erika January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker kunders totalt upplevda servicekvalitet gällande enfastighetsmäklare och hans eller hennes tjänster. Syftet är att undersöka det upplevda värdethos privatpersoner som har köpt eller sålt en privatbostad via en fastighetsmäklare. Även hurkunder utvärderar och fattar beslut i ett framtida val av fastighetsmäklare kommer attundersökas. Studien bygger på en så kallad gapanalys som är utformad av Parasuraman et al.(1985). Med hjälp av denna modell kan skillnader mellan förväntningar och den faktisktupplevda servicekvaliteten kunna mätas. Med denna undersökning vill vi identifiera de hinderoch förbättringar som krävs för att främja kompetens och kunskap inomfastighetsmäklarbranschen. Studien är baserad på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod därsemistrukturerade intervjuer har använts. Totalt har tio intervjuer genomförts, fem medsäljare och fem med köpare. Resultatet visade att kunder ville att fastighetsmäklaren blandannat skulle vara kommunikativ, besitta kunskap, ha en personlig kemi, vara professionell,trevlig, ärlig, trygg, tillmötesgående samt ge ett bra första intryck. Resultatet visade även påen markant skillnad i säljarnas respektive köparnas förväntningar där säljarna har mer fokuspå ärlighet, personkemi och bra slutpris, medan köparna lägger mer fokus vidfastighetsmäklarens kunnighet. Slutligen visar studien att det kan uppstå ett så kallat “gap”mellan förväntad och upplevd servicekvalitet beroende på om man har fått en positiv ellernegativ total upplevelse. / This study investigates customers' overall perceived service quality regarding a real estateagent and his or hers services. The purpose is to examine the perceived value amongindividuals who have bought or sold a private residence through a real estate agent. The studyexplores how customers evaluate and make decisions in a future choice of real estate agent.The study is based on a so-called gap analysis developed by Parasuraman et al. (1985). Thismodel allows measuring the differences between expectations and the actual perceivedservice quality. Through this study, we aim to identify the barriers and improvementsrequired to promote competence and knowledge within the real estate brokerage industry.The study is based on a qualitative research method using semi-structured interviews. A totalof ten interviews were conducted, five with sellers and five with buyers. The results showedthat customers wanted the real estate agent to be communicative, knowledgeable, have apersonal chemistry, be professional, friendly, honest, trustworthy, accommodating, and makea good first impression. The results also revealed a significant difference in expectationsbetween sellers and buyers, with sellers placing more emphasis on honesty, personalchemistry, and a good final price, while buyers focused more on the agent's expertise. Finally,the study demonstrates that a "gap" can occur between expected and perceived service qualitydepending on whether one has had a positive or negative overall experience.
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Nyutexaminerade fastighetsmäklares möjligheter till att få en bra start i arbetslivet / Newly graduated real estate agents´ possibility to get a good start in work lifePatrolea, Amanda, Andersson, Hannah January 2021 (has links)
In the real estate industry, the newly qualified real estate agents choose to change profession already after a few years in the industry. Starting processes for the newly qualified real estate agent is under pressure as the inexperienced real estate agent only has a base salary for six months since the salary is followed by the commission in most cases. This means that the newly qualified real estate agent must learn the profession within the time frame of six months, otherwise the newly qualified real estate agent will most likely be without a salary. The purpose of this study is thus to investigate and gain a deeper understanding of what tools are required to facilitate the newly graduated transition to working life and what the organization can do to facilitate the newly graduated real estate agent's transition to working life. The study is based on a qualitative method where three interviews are conducted with real estate agents who have worked in the profession from one and a half years. Interviews were also conducted with three well-established real estate agents who are primarily responsible for the training of new graduates and the office's employees. The theoretical framework is used as a starting point for analysing the results The results indicate that it is about the interaction between the organization and the individual. Without the interaction, the opportunity to make it easier for the newly graduated real estate agent fails. Despite the real estate industry is considered an independent profession, it has been shown that there is a great need for support from colleagues during the start-up period as a real estate agent. This is a support that also continues and becomes a mutual relationship between colleagues. Support also has an impact on the individual's self- esteem and whether the newly qualified real estate agent will believe in oneself as a real estate agent
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Fastighetsmäklaren och Gap-Modellen i praktiken : En kvalitativ studie om hur fastighetsmäklare praktiskt åtgärdar gap i kundernas förväntningar.Isabella, Glad, William, Falkerhorn January 2022 (has links)
Abstract Background and Aim: A professional real estate agent offers a service that is constructed by the creation and maintenance of the relationship with both sellers and buyers. It's important for the real estate agent´s survival that he performs and delivers the service quality that customers expect. The gap model is a model used to measure various gaps in the customer's expectations in relation to the service. This study aims to investigate how selected gaps from the gap model are practically managed by professional real estate agents. In previous research, the gap - model has been criticized as it is not considered to be a dynamic but static model (McCollin, Ograjenšek, Göb & Ahlemeyer-Stubbe, 2011; Seth, Deshukh & Vrat, 2004). The static nature of the model can be considered to accumulate problems in the analysis of service and service marketing as these, unlike the model, are dynamic. Method: The study is based on a hermeneutic scientific tradition and a social constructionist approach where qualitative research strategy has been used. The empirical material is based on semi-structured interviews. In order to understand and analyze the material, an inductive research approach is used. Conclusion: From the real estate agent´s perspective, three dimensions of communication are important. The study also highlights the importance of choosing the right staff. The real estate agent should be a reflection of the company he/she works for in order to perform as high service quality as possible. Contribution of the study: This study makes a practical contribution to the individual real estate agent and to different real estate brokerage companies by highlighting how they should practically address gaps in customer expectations. The study also makes a practical contribution to real estate brokerage companies by highlighting the importance of employing real estate agents who reflect the company's ambitions. Suggestion for future research: In this study, it becomes difficult to understand what includes good or poor communication, so it would have been good to design a model to measure the communication between customer and service provider more closely. Another suggestion for further research is to investigate which dimensions of communication other professional groups apply to practically remedy the gap. Investigating the gap - the model in the estate agency profession with a focus on the customers' experience of the service would also have been interesting.
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Impartial Contract-Engineering in Real Estate Transactions : The Swedish Broker and the Latin NotaryJingryd, Ola January 2008 (has links)
Even in the days of an ever closer European union, Europe contains no less than four different legal cultures with respect to real estate conveyances: the Latin-German notary system, the deregulated Dutch notary system, the lawyer/solicitor system, and the Scandinavian licensed real estate broker system. The latter is of particular interest in that Scandinavian brokers play a far larger role in real estate transactions than their European counterparts.This paper examines and compares the Swedish real estate broker and the Latin notary. The Swedish broker is required by law to act as an impartial intermediary, to provide counseling to both parties, and to assist in drawing up all contracts and other documents necessary for the transaction at hand. To that end, the broker must be active and observant of the particular needs of the parties to the present transaction, always striving to enable them to reach equitable and practical agreements so as to prevent future disputes. In other words, the broker is required to tailor the transaction to fit the needs of the buyer and seller.The Latin notary profession prevails in large parts of the world, particularly the Latin-German parts of continental Europe, and Latin America. While there are divergences in the notarial laws of all countries, the similarities are greater still, and it is correct to speak of a single profession throughout all these countries. The notary carries out several important functions, the nexus of which is the authentication of legal documents. In the preparation of these documents, the notary is required to provide impartial counseling in order to tailor the transaction at hand to fit the will and needs of the parties. To uphold the integra fama of the profession, and to safeguard the proper performance of the notarial functions, lawgivers in all countries emphasize the importance of impartiality and integrity. There are national divergences as to the specific rules of conduct related to impartiality, particularly those concerning what activities are considered incompatible with the notariat, but they rest on common principles. Most importantly, not only must the publica fides be honored, it must be seen in the eyes of the public to be honored. The organization and regulation of the notary profession raises important economic issues, particularly with regard to competition/monopoly and market failures. The discussion of the regulation or deregulation of the notariat is by no means settled. Comparing the two professions, it is striking to see the enormous similarities in the legal frameworks and their respective rationales. Two common features are of particular interest. Firstly, both the Swedish broker and the Latin notary are required to assist the contracting parties in the contract phase, drawing up any necessary documents and counseling the parties as to the implications of the transaction. In that respect, both professions function as tailors to the transaction. Secondly, both the broker and the notary are required to act impartially and independently – impartially visavi the contracting parties, and independently in order to preserve the public faith in the independence and integrity of the professions.The similarities can be summarized as a function on the real estate market: impartial counseling and contract-engineering. This function exists alongside other functions, such as the brokers’ traditional matchmaking, or the registration of property rights. This functional approach may prove very useful in all kinds of analyses of the real estate market, whether of political, legal, or economic nature. For instance, with respect to the merits and/or necessity of the Swedish impartiality rule, those wishing to amend the law and introduce a system of overtly partial brokers acting solely on behalf of their principal have to face the question of what is to become of counseling for the principal’s counterpart. Should the counterpart be forced to choose between hiring their own legal counsel or make do without? Further, those wishing to contest the mandatory notarial intervention in real estate transactions have to face the same question: what is to happen to impartial counseling, given not only to the client but also to the client’s counterpart? Both instances illustrate the common feature shared by the two examined professions: impartial contract-engineering and counseling. To complete the picture and cover the whole arena of real estate transactions, the next logical step is therefore to compare and analyze different systems for registration of property rights. Doing so will hopefully achieve a tool for examining the real estate market that will prove useful indeed, particularly in future discussions concerning European harmonization.
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A Real Estate Agent and Inspection ClausesDjordjevic, Sanja, Koebe, Christin January 2016 (has links)
En fastighetstransaktion är inte bara en av de största ekonomiska handlingar en person företar sig under sin livstid utan även en komplex process, varför lagen med tiden har velat reglera processen. En av de viktiga anledningarna till att området behöver utforskas djupare är för att öka förståelsen för riskerna som de involverade parterna löper. Det är framförallt innehållet i köpekontraktet och tolkningen av detta som orsakar flest problem idag. Och här är fastighetsmäklarens kontraktsskapande och rådgivande roll avgörande för utformningen avavtal och dess innebörd. Återgångsklausuler är förmodligen de villkor i avtalet som orsakatflest tvister, framförallt besiktningsklausuler, vilket även utgör uppsatsens centrala del. Syftetär att jämföra och analysera olika besiktningsklausulers utformning för att kunna redogöra förproblematiken kring formulering av dessa och vad som är viktigt att ta hänsyn till vidutformningen av klausulerna. Uppsatsen visar att det finns flera faktorer som är avgörande för villkorens giltighet, exempelvis en begäran om återgång måste finnas med samt tidsfrist för begäran om återgång. Slutsatsen är att det är av stor vikt att mäklaren inte förlitar sig påschablonartade standardklausuler utan anpassar villkoren till varje enskilt fall. / A real estate transaction is not only one of the largest financial transaction a personundertakes in their lifetime but at the same time a complex process, which is why thelegislator over time has wanted to regulate the process. One of the important reasons that thesubject needs to be explored more deeply is to increase understanding of the risks incurred by the contracting parties. It is above all the content of the purchase contract and interpretation of this that cause the most problems today. Here, the real estate agent’s contract drafting and advisory role is crucial for the design of the agreement and its implications. Contingency clauses are probably the conditions in the contract that cause the largest number of disputes, especially inspection clauses, which also constitute the essay's central part. The aim is to compare and analyze different inspection clauses design to account for the problem of formulation of these and what is important to take into account in the design of the clauses. The paper shows that there are several factors that are crucial for the validity of the clauses, for example a request for return must be included and the time limit of the request for return. The conclusion is that it is of paramount importance that the broker does not trust blindly in standard clauses, but rather adapts them to the case at hand.
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Mäklararvodet : Betydelsen av etablering i branschen / Brokerage fee : The importance of establishment in the industryJönsson, Michelle, Hellberg, Moa January 2022 (has links)
Fastighetsmäklare målas ofta upp som ett yrke där man med lite ansträngning kan tjäna miljonbelopp. För att ha möjlighet att bli registrerad mäklare måste man dels ha läst 120 högskolepoäng gjort 10 veckors handledd praktik, dels möta krav som Fastighetsmäklarinspektionen (FMI) ställer och kontrollerar. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur stor fastighetsmäklares inkomst är samt vad det ärsom påverkar lönen. Vidare görs även en undersökning kring hur mäklarna själva ser på sinlön och hur den står sig i relation till andra yrken. Studien består av en kvalitativ undersökning där sex fastighetsmäklare ingående har redovisat sin lön och arbetade timmar under det första kvartalet år 2022. Vidare har fyra av dessa mäklare intervjuats för att få en mer djupgående förståelse kring hur inkomsten är utformad samt mäklarnas individuella tankar om deras enskilda lön. Studien visar på att skickliga mäklare kan tjäna väldigt mycket pengar, men för att lyckas med detta är etablering och kompetens i branschen ett måste. Ständig uppkoppling samt arbete på obekväma arbetstider visade sig också vara faktorer som påverkade inkomsten positivt. De mäklare som ställt upp i studien är alla etablerade mäklare som arbetat sig in i branschen vilket resulterat i relativt höga löner för samtliga. Slutligen visade studiens resultat att inkomsten hos de intervjuade fastighetsmäklarna anses normal i relation till de arbete som läggs ner. Ställs inkomsten i relation till utbildningslängden på 3 år samt i jämförelse mot andra välavlönade yrke har de däremot en hög inkomst. / Real estate agent is often portrayed as a profession where you can earn millions with little effort.In order to have the opportunity to become a registered broker, you must have read 120 education credits, done 10 weeks of supervised practice and meet the requirements set and controlled by the Real Estate Agency Inspection (FMI). The purpose of this study is to investigate how big real estate agents income is and what affects the salary. Furthermore, a survey is also carried out about how the brokers themselves view theirsalary and how it compares to other professions. The study consists of a qualitative survey in which six real estate agents have reported in detail their salary and hours worked during the first quarter of 2022. Furthermore, four of these agents have been interviewed to gain a more in-depth understanding of how the income is structured as well as the agent's individual thoughts about their individual salary. The study shows that skilled brokers can earn a lot of money, but to succeed in this, establishment and competence in the industry is a must. Constant availability and working inconvenient hours also proved to be factors that positively affected the income. The brokers who participated in the study are all established brokers who worked their way into the industry, which resulted in relatively high salaries for all of them. Finally, the results of the study showed that the income of the interviewed real estate agents is considered normal in relation to the work they put in. If the income is put in relation to the length of education of 3 years and in comparison to other well-paid professions, they do have a high income.
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Etik och marknadsföring i fastighetsmäklarens yrkesutövning / Ethics and marketing in the real estate agent’s professional practiceOttosson, Disa January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att försöka identifiera möjliga etiska dilemman kopplat till fastighetsmäklarens yrkesutövning och marknadsföring samt klargöra hur fastighetsmäklaren bör förhålla sig till dessa rent etiskt, men också rent lagmässigt. Detta med en förhoppning att bidra till en klarhet kring marknadsföringens etiska aspekt som en del av yrkesutövningen. Undersökningen grundar sig i frågeställningarna kring vilka etiska dilemman som kan identifieras kopplat till marknadsföringen i fastighetsmäklarens yrkesutövning samt hur fastighetsmäklaren bör förhålla sig till dessa etiska dilemman i förhållande till etik och svensk rätt. Undersökningen genomförs med så kallad mixed method där avstamp tas i den rättsdogmatiska metoden för att sedan vidareutvecklas med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod där praxis utgör det huvudsakliga materialet. Resultatet visade att det finns en uppsjö av etiska dilemman kopplat till yrkesutövningen även om denna uppsats inte på något sätt är uttömmande i frågan. Det framkom också att etiska dilemman främst framstår i de situationer då fastighetsmäklaren hamnar i en dragkamp mellan sina egna intressen och säljarens eller köparens. Slutsatsen är att det främst är i scenarion där mäklaren böjer sig för egoismen som etiken också sviktar. Därför är det av stor vikt att mäklarens opartiskhet tillåts ta stor plats i yrkesutövningen samt att varje enskild mäklare håller sig uppdaterad kring den praxis som hela tiden utvecklas gällande God fastighetsmäklarsed samt förhåller sig till denna. / The purpose of the essay is to try to identify possible ethical dilemmas linked to the real estate agent's professional practice and marketing as well as to clarify how the real estate agent should relate to these, both ethically and legally. The objective is to contribute to a clarification around the ethical aspect of marketing as part of the real estate agent’s professional practice. The investigation is based on the questions surrounding which ethical dilemmas can be identified linked to marketing in the real estate agent's professional practice and how the real estate agent should relate to these ethical dilemmas in relation to ethics and Swedish law. The investigation is carried out using a so-called mixed method where the basis is taken in the legal dogmatic method and then further developed with the help of a qualitative method where precedents constitute the main material. The result showed that there are a multitude of ethical dilemmas connected to professional practice, even if this essay is in no way exhaustive in the matter. It also emerged that ethical dilemmas mainly appear in situations where the real estate agent ends up in a tug-of-war between his own interests and those of the seller or buyer. The conclusion is that it is mainly in the scenario where the real estate agent bows to egoism that ethics also fail. Therefore, it is of great importance that the real estate agent's impartiality is allowed to take a large place in professional practice and that each individual real estate agent stays up-to-date on the precedents that are constantly developing regarding good real estate etiquette, as well as acts accordingly.
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