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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact de la citrulline sur le métabolisme du tissu adipeux / Citrulline effect on adipose tissue metabolism

Joffin, Nolwenn 29 January 2015 (has links)
L’obésité s’accompagne de pathologies comme le diabète de type 2 et les maladies cardiovasculaires, liées à des dérégulations métaboliques et endocriniennes du tissu adipeux blanc (TAB). Au cours du vieillissement, la perte de masse musculaire peut être associée à l’obésité et définit le concept d’obésité sarcopénique. Les traitements mis en œuvre pour contrecarrer ces pathologies n’ont qu’un succès très partiel. Il est donc opportun de développer des stratégies alternatives originales qui pourraient aboutir à des thérapeutiques ciblées. Notre équipe étudie les régulations métaboliques du TAB, source majeure de stockage de l’énergie de l’organisme. Les triglycérides stockés sont libérés à jeun grâce à la lipolyse qui libère les acides gras non-estérifiés (AGNE) et le glycérol dans le sang, comme source d’énergie des autres tissus. En plus de la β-oxydation des AGNE, leur ré-estérification partielle intervient pour limiter leur libération lors de la lipolyse. La glycéronéogenèse est nécessaire à la ré-estérification en situation de jeûne. Des études préalables ont montré que l'administration de citrulline (CIT) pendant trois mois à des rats vieillissants induit une diminution d’environ 40% de la masse viscérale du TAB. Cet acide aminé non protéique est un complément alimentaire donné au cours du vieillissement ou à des sportifs pour augmenter la masse musculaire. Nous avons étudié les effets de la CIT sur des cultures d’explants de TAB de rats. Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous montrons que la CIT a un effet direct lipolytique et anti-glycéronéogénique sur les explants des rats qu’ils soient jeunes ou âgés. Cependant, la libération des AGNE du TAB des rats jeunes est limitée par une augmentation de la capacité oxydative du tissu. Avec l’âge, la masse du TAB augmente en parallèle à l’augmentation d’un état pro-inflammatoire. Afin de comprendre l’influence de ces deux paramètres indépendamment de l’âge, nous avons étudié dans la deuxième partie de ce travail, les effets de la CIT sur les explants de TAB de rats jeunes soumis à un régime contrôle (CD) ou hyperlipidique (HFD). Nous observons une augmentation, induite par la CIT, de la lipolyse et de la capacité ß-oxydative du TAB des rats quel que soit le régime, alors que la glycéronéogenèse est diminuée. Toutefois, les AGNE sont sélectivement libérés par le TAB de rats HFD, en relation avec une réduction drastique de leur ré-estérification. Le NO est un médiateur de ces effets. Dans une troisième partie, nous démontrons que la CIT agit directement sur le TAB de rats CD et HFD pour induire l'expression de la protéine découplante, UCP1, en lien avec le « brunissement » potentiel du TAB par cet acide aminé. Ces effets ne sont pas observés au sein du TAB des rats âgés. L’ensemble de nos résultats établit les bases pour de futures investigations visant à élucider les mécanismes par lesquels la CIT réduit la masse adipeuse et ouvre de nouvelles perspectives thérapeutiques pour lutter contre le surpoids et l’obésité sarcopénique. / Obesity is frequently associated with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, related to metabolic and endocrine dysregulation of white adipose tissue (WAT). During aging, the loss of muscle mass may be associated with obesity and defines the concept of sarcopenic obesity. Treatments implemented to counteract these conditions showed a very partial success. It is therefore appropriate to develop original alternative strategies that could lead to targeted therapies. Our team studies the metabolic regulation of WAT, the major source of energy storage in the body. Non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and glycerol are released in the blood from stored triglycerides through lipolysis and used as a source of energy for other tissues. In addition to their β-oxidation, NEFA are re-esterified in part, a process that limits their release in the blood. Glyceroneogenesis is the pathway necessary to NEFA re-esterification in the fasting state. Previous studies showed that administration of citrulline (CIT) for three months to aging rats induced a decrease of approximately 40% of the visceral WAT mass. This non-protein amino acid is given as a dietary supplement during aging or sports to increase muscle mass. We studied the effects of CIT on explant cultures of rat WAT. In the first part of this work, we show that CIT exerts a direct lipolytic and anti-glyceroneogenic effect on explants from rats whether young or old. However, the release of NEFA from the explants of young rats is limited by an increase in the oxidative capacity of the tissue. During aging, WAT mass augments in parallel to the increase in a pro-inflammatory state. To understand the influence of these two parameters regardless of age, we studied in the second part of this work, the effects of CIT on WAT explants from young rats fed a control (CD) or high fat (HFD) diet. We show an CIT-induced increase in lipolysis and beta-oxidative capacity of WAT from rats whatever the diet, while glyceroneogenesis is reduced. However, NEFA are selectively released from WAT of HFD rats, in connection with a drastic reduction of their re-esterification. NO is a mediator of these effects. In the third part of this work, we show that CIT acts directly on WAT from CD and HFD rats to induce the expression of uncoupling protein, UCP1, in line with the potential "browning" of WAT by this amino acid. These effects were not observed in explants from old rats. Altogether our results establish the basis for future investigations aimed at elucidating the mechanisms by which CIT reduces body fat and open new therapeutic perspectives to fight overweight and sarcopenic obesity.

Modelagem cinética da esterificação de sec-butanol com ácido acético e estudo de monitoramento em linha da reação com espectroscopia de infravermelho. / Kinetic modeling of esterification of sec-butanol with acetic acid and study of reaction on-line monitoring using near infrared spectroscopy.

Dias, Marcio Andrade 26 March 2012 (has links)
A esterificação do sec-butanol com ácido acético, submetida à catálise homogênea, apresenta poucos resultados experimentais de cinética reacional e equilíbrio químico disponíveis na literatura. A presente dissertação visa determinar os parâmetros cinéticos e de equilíbrio químico desta reação de esterificação, empregando modelo cinético de 2ª ordem baseado em atividades. Os experimentos cinéticos foram realizados em reator batelada com auxílio da metodologia Karl Fischer para análise do teor de água e determinação do perfil de frações molares ao longo da reação. A principal dificuldade na modelagem desta esterificação consistiu em representar satisfatoriamente as não-idealidades da mistura em fase líquida, em espacial nas reações cuja fração molar inicial de ácido acético foi superior a 50%. Netas condições admitiu-se a ocorrência de dissociação do ácido acético levando ao surgimento de interações iônicas. O modelo empregado para obtenção das atividades, com base em frações molares, foi o NRTL. Este modelo representou bem as interações moleculares em condição de baixa acidez, mas apresentou desvios em condições de acidez e teores de água mais elevados. O estudo também visou o desenvolvimento de modelos de calibração para um método analítico on-line visando determinar o perfil de frações molares ao longo da reação. O método empregado foi a espectroscopia de infravermelho próximo (NIR), em vista à capacidade deste método analítico em determinar quantitativamente frações molares de água, além dos demais compostos envolvidos. Outro fator determinante ao emprego do NIR é a seu crescente uso no meio industrial, e o presente trabalho visou também contribuir para o uso futuro desta técnica de monitoramento no processo industrial. Modelos de calibração multivariável com conjuntos de calibração interna por validação cruzada se mostraram adequados ao sistema estudado. Calibrações externas resultaram em modelos imprecisos, não sendo possível determinar claramente os fatores responsáveis pela imprecisão. / There is a lack of literature data on the reaction kinetics and equilibrium of the homogeneously catalyzed esterification of sec-butanol with acetic acid. This work aims at obtaining the kinetic parameters and chemical equilibrium parameters of this esterification reaction by using a second order kinetic model based on activities. The kinetic experiments were performed in a batch reactor and the Karl Fischer analytical method was used to determine the molar fraction of water along the reaction progress. The main challenge of modeling this reaction was to represent the highly non-ideal mixture in liquid phase, specially for reactions runs starting with acetic acid mole fraction higher than 50%. In these conditions, it was assumed the occurrence of acetic acid dissociation that leads to ionic interactions. The thermodynamic model used to calculate the activities was the NRTL. This model predicted well the molecular interactions on low acidity conditions but presented deviations when molar fractions of acid and water were higher. The present study also aims to develop calibration models for analytical on-line method to obtain molar fraction profiles along the reaction. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) was used due to the possibility of quantitatively analyze water mole fraction, besides the mole fractions of the other components. Another important reason to choose NIR was its crescent use in industry, and the present work intended to contribute towards the future use of this on line monitoring technique in industrial applications. Multivariate calibration models using internal set of calibration and cross-validation seems to be suitable for this system. External set of calibration leads to less accurate models, and the causes of this lack of accuracy were not clearly identified.

Impact de la citrulline sur le métabolisme du tissu adipeux / Citrulline effect on adipose tissue metabolism

Joffin, Nolwenn 29 January 2015 (has links)
L’obésité s’accompagne de pathologies comme le diabète de type 2 et les maladies cardiovasculaires, liées à des dérégulations métaboliques et endocriniennes du tissu adipeux blanc (TAB). Au cours du vieillissement, la perte de masse musculaire peut être associée à l’obésité et définit le concept d’obésité sarcopénique. Les traitements mis en œuvre pour contrecarrer ces pathologies n’ont qu’un succès très partiel. Il est donc opportun de développer des stratégies alternatives originales qui pourraient aboutir à des thérapeutiques ciblées. Notre équipe étudie les régulations métaboliques du TAB, source majeure de stockage de l’énergie de l’organisme. Les triglycérides stockés sont libérés à jeun grâce à la lipolyse qui libère les acides gras non-estérifiés (AGNE) et le glycérol dans le sang, comme source d’énergie des autres tissus. En plus de la β-oxydation des AGNE, leur ré-estérification partielle intervient pour limiter leur libération lors de la lipolyse. La glycéronéogenèse est nécessaire à la ré-estérification en situation de jeûne. Des études préalables ont montré que l'administration de citrulline (CIT) pendant trois mois à des rats vieillissants induit une diminution d’environ 40% de la masse viscérale du TAB. Cet acide aminé non protéique est un complément alimentaire donné au cours du vieillissement ou à des sportifs pour augmenter la masse musculaire. Nous avons étudié les effets de la CIT sur des cultures d’explants de TAB de rats. Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous montrons que la CIT a un effet direct lipolytique et anti-glycéronéogénique sur les explants des rats qu’ils soient jeunes ou âgés. Cependant, la libération des AGNE du TAB des rats jeunes est limitée par une augmentation de la capacité oxydative du tissu. Avec l’âge, la masse du TAB augmente en parallèle à l’augmentation d’un état pro-inflammatoire. Afin de comprendre l’influence de ces deux paramètres indépendamment de l’âge, nous avons étudié dans la deuxième partie de ce travail, les effets de la CIT sur les explants de TAB de rats jeunes soumis à un régime contrôle (CD) ou hyperlipidique (HFD). Nous observons une augmentation, induite par la CIT, de la lipolyse et de la capacité ß-oxydative du TAB des rats quel que soit le régime, alors que la glycéronéogenèse est diminuée. Toutefois, les AGNE sont sélectivement libérés par le TAB de rats HFD, en relation avec une réduction drastique de leur ré-estérification. Le NO est un médiateur de ces effets. Dans une troisième partie, nous démontrons que la CIT agit directement sur le TAB de rats CD et HFD pour induire l'expression de la protéine découplante, UCP1, en lien avec le « brunissement » potentiel du TAB par cet acide aminé. Ces effets ne sont pas observés au sein du TAB des rats âgés. L’ensemble de nos résultats établit les bases pour de futures investigations visant à élucider les mécanismes par lesquels la CIT réduit la masse adipeuse et ouvre de nouvelles perspectives thérapeutiques pour lutter contre le surpoids et l’obésité sarcopénique. / Obesity is frequently associated with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, related to metabolic and endocrine dysregulation of white adipose tissue (WAT). During aging, the loss of muscle mass may be associated with obesity and defines the concept of sarcopenic obesity. Treatments implemented to counteract these conditions showed a very partial success. It is therefore appropriate to develop original alternative strategies that could lead to targeted therapies. Our team studies the metabolic regulation of WAT, the major source of energy storage in the body. Non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and glycerol are released in the blood from stored triglycerides through lipolysis and used as a source of energy for other tissues. In addition to their β-oxidation, NEFA are re-esterified in part, a process that limits their release in the blood. Glyceroneogenesis is the pathway necessary to NEFA re-esterification in the fasting state. Previous studies showed that administration of citrulline (CIT) for three months to aging rats induced a decrease of approximately 40% of the visceral WAT mass. This non-protein amino acid is given as a dietary supplement during aging or sports to increase muscle mass. We studied the effects of CIT on explant cultures of rat WAT. In the first part of this work, we show that CIT exerts a direct lipolytic and anti-glyceroneogenic effect on explants from rats whether young or old. However, the release of NEFA from the explants of young rats is limited by an increase in the oxidative capacity of the tissue. During aging, WAT mass augments in parallel to the increase in a pro-inflammatory state. To understand the influence of these two parameters regardless of age, we studied in the second part of this work, the effects of CIT on WAT explants from young rats fed a control (CD) or high fat (HFD) diet. We show an CIT-induced increase in lipolysis and beta-oxidative capacity of WAT from rats whatever the diet, while glyceroneogenesis is reduced. However, NEFA are selectively released from WAT of HFD rats, in connection with a drastic reduction of their re-esterification. NO is a mediator of these effects. In the third part of this work, we show that CIT acts directly on WAT from CD and HFD rats to induce the expression of uncoupling protein, UCP1, in line with the potential "browning" of WAT by this amino acid. These effects were not observed in explants from old rats. Altogether our results establish the basis for future investigations aimed at elucidating the mechanisms by which CIT reduces body fat and open new therapeutic perspectives to fight overweight and sarcopenic obesity.

Méthylénation et diazotisation en chimie en flux continu

Audubert, Clément 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Preparation, characterization and carrier gas transport characteristics of inorganic and organic membranes for application in lactic acid esterification with ethanol

Okon, Edidiong January 2018 (has links)
Ethyl lactate (EL) plays a major role as green solvent and also a replacement for most petrochemical solvents. The esterification process of lactic acid and ethanol to produce EL is an equilibrium-limiting reaction and the selective removal of one of the reaction products can be improved using a membrane reactor and when coupled with a heterogeneous catalyst offers an opportunity for process intensification. This thesis investigates the batch process esterification reaction involving lactic acid (LA) and ethanol (EL) in the presence of a water selective membrane using different cation-exchange resin catalysts. The product was analysed using gas chromatograph coupled with mass spectrometry detector (GC-MS). The analytical methods used for the characterisation of the cation-exchange resins and membrane include Fourier transform infrared coupled with attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR), scanning electron microscopy attached to energy dispersive analyser (SEM/EDAX), Liquid nitrogen physisorption and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) respectively. A novel method was developed for carrying out esterification reaction in a gaseous phase system using a flat sheet polymeric membrane. Prior to the esterification reaction, different carrier gases were tested with ceramic membrane to determine the suitable carrier gases for the analysis of esterification product. The four carrier gases used for the permeation test were argon (Ar), helium (He), carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen (N2). A 15nm pore size commercially available tubular ceramic support, consisting of 77%Al2O3 and 23%TiO2 with the porosity of 45% was used for the carrier gas investigation. The support was modified with silica based on the sol-gel dip-coating techniques. The dip-coated membrane exhibited a higher molar flux with He (0.046mol m-2s-1) and Ar (0.037mol m-2s-1) with a much lower flux for N2 (0.037mol m-2s-1) and CO2 (0.035 mol m-2s-1) at 0.30 bar. Helium gas with the highest permeation rate were identified as the suitable carrier gas for the analysis of esterification product with GC-MS. The esterification reaction in the presence of four cation-exchange resins to produce ethyl lactate was carried out between 60-160 oC in a batch and membrane processes to determine the effectiveness resin catalysts for LA esterification. The effect of external mass transfer diffusion limitation between the liquid components and the resin catalysts was avoided by increasing the agitation time of the esterification reaction. The percentage conversion rate of the lactic acid feed from the batch process esterification was found to be in the range of 98.6 to 99.8%. The reaction kinetics of the esterification reaction was described based on two simplified mechanisms of Langmuir Hinshelwood model to describe the adsorption components on the surface of the catalysts. The lactic acid feed gave a conversion rate of up to 100 % confirming the effectiveness of the acetate membrane impregnated resin catalysts in the selective removal of water for the separation of ethyl lactate. The significance of producing ethyl lactate through batch process intensified by a water-selective membrane processes can be recommended for industrial LA production.

S?ntese de ?steres met?licos de ?cidos graxos (biodiesel) e de ?steres benz?licos por rea??o qu?mica com catalisadores heterog?neos baseados em NbCl5 e SiO2-Nb

Lima, Camila Diana 17 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2017-06-02T20:34:08Z No. of bitstreams: 2 camila_diana_lima.pdf: 4383425 bytes, checksum: a00aa24c475acb8858df11e235a0c29c (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2017-06-14T19:40:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 camila_diana_lima.pdf: 4383425 bytes, checksum: a00aa24c475acb8858df11e235a0c29c (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-14T19:40:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 camila_diana_lima.pdf: 4383425 bytes, checksum: a00aa24c475acb8858df11e235a0c29c (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017 / O presente trabalho descreve o estudo de novas metodologias para obten??o de ?steres benz?licos e ?steres met?licos de ?cidos graxos (biodiesel) utilizando o NbCl5 s?lido e catalisadores heterog?neos ?cidos. No estudo, o NbCl5 s?lido foi utilizado como reagente, e nos outros m?todos foi empregado um catalisador de ni?bio enxertado em s?lica e um catalisador de grupos sulf?nicos imobilizado em s?lica. Nos processos heterog?neos a SiO2 (507 m2g-1, ?rea espec?fica) utilizada como suporte dos catalisadores, foi produzida a partir de areia constru??o e carbonato. O NbCl5 e os grupos ?SO3H foram imobilizados diretamente ? temperatura ambiente na SiO2, formando respectivamente o SiO2-Nb, com 412 m2g-1 de ?rea espec?fica e o SiO2-SO3H, com 115 m2g-1 de ?rea espec?fica. Nas esterifica??es utilizando NbCl5 s?lido foi determinado que para a obten??o de rendimentos razo?veis de ?steres de benz?licos (>85%) e ?steres met?licos (>70%) em rea??es a temperatura ambiente, a propor??o m?nima em moles de NbCl5:?lcool benz?lico deve ser 1,5:1,0 e para obten??o dos ?steres met?licos a propor??o de 1,5:6,0. Nas metodologias aplicando os catalisadores heterog?neos foi utilizada uma quantidade de 7% (m/m) do catalisador SiO2-SO3H para catalisar a esterifica??o de diferentes ?cidos carbox?licos com ?lcool benz?lico. E para as mesmas rea??es com o catalisador SiO2-Nb foi utilizada uma raz?o de 10% (m/m) do catalisador. Ambos os processos foram realizados sob refluxo na aus?ncia de um solvente; rendimentos muito semelhantes foram obtidos apesar do catalisador SiO2-SO3H possuir uma ?rea superficial muito menor que o catalisador SiO2-Nb. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-gradua??o em Biocombust?veis, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017. / The current work describes the study of new methodologies for obtaining benzyl esters and methyl esters of fatty acids (biodiesel) using solid NbCl5 and heterogeneous acid catalysts. In this study, solid NbCl5 was used as a reagent, and in the other methods a silica grafted niobium catalyst and a sulphonic group catalyst immobilized on silica were used. In the heterogeneous processes the SiO2 (507 m2g-1, specific area) used as support of the catalysts, was produced from sand building and carbonate. The NbCl5 and the -SO3H groups were directly immobilized at room temperature in SiO2, forming respectively SiO2-Nb, with 412 m2g-1 of specific area and SiO2 -SO3H, with 115 m2g-1 of specific area. In the esterifications using solid NbCl5 it was determined that in order to obtain reasonable yields of benzyl esters (>85%) and methyl esters (>70%) in reactions at room temperature, the minimum mole ratio of NbCl5/benzyl alcohol should be 1,5:1,0 and in the obtainment of the methyl esters at a ratio of 1,5:6,0. In the methodologies applying the heterogeneous catalysts to an amount of 7% (w/w) of the catalyst SiO2 -SO3H to catalyze an esterification of different carboxylic acids with benzyl alcohol. Both processes were performed under reflux in the absence of a solvent; very similar yields were obtained although the SiO2-SO3H catalyst had a much lower surface area than the SiO2-Nb catalyst.

Desenvolvimento de catalisadores a base de estanho(IV), para produção de ésteres metílicos de ácidos graxos, via transesterificação e esterificação / Development of tin-based catalysts to produce methyl esters of fatty acid via transesterification and esterification.

Serra, Tatiana Maciel 29 March 2010 (has links)
The catalytic activity of metal complex exhibiting Lewis acid character (dibutyltin diacetate, dibutyltin dilaurate, butylstannoic acid and di-n-butyl-oxostannane) was investigated. These catalytic complexes have been tested in the alcoholysis of soybean and castor oils, aiming to obtain a mixture of fatty acid alkyl esters, called biodiesel. In the transesterification experiments of vegetable oils, the reactions were performed using three types of reactors. The first one consisted in a glass reactor connected to a reflux condenser (RVCR). The second device consisted of a stainless steel reactor (RP), hermetically sealed, fitted with a pressure gauge and a temperature controller. The third one was adapted to be used on a microwave system. On the last two reactor systems, the alcoholysis of triglycerides was also developed at vigorous conditions, at temperatures ranging from 80 °C and 150 °C. Comparing all reactions, the results show that the most reactive catalysts using the RVCR on the methanolysis of soybean oil are DBTDA and DBTDL with comparable performances. However, in the same reaction conditions, very low yields were observed using castor oil, and no generalizations could be pointed out. When RP were employed, better yields were obtained. When the temperature raise from 80 to 150 ºC, all catalytic systems display similar performances, indicating that temperature and solubility have significant influences on these type of catalytic systems. Very low reaction yield were observed when the microwave reactor was employed. This observation must be due to the very low rate of stirring performed on this type of reactor. In a second part of this work, it was evaluated the performance of catalysts based on tin oxide (SnO2), sulfated or not, in transesterification or esterification reactions of soybean oil and its fatty acids derivatives, respectively, in the presence of methanol. The low activity verified on these systems must be related to their structural characteristics. / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Neste trabalho foi investigada a atividade catalítica de quatro complexos metálicos exibindo caráter ácido de Lewis: dibutildiacetato de estanho, dibutildilaurato de estanho, óxido de dibutil estanho e ácido butilestanóico. Esses complexos catalíticos foram testados na alcoólise do óleo de soja e de mamona, visando a obtenção de uma mistura de ésteres alquílicos de ácidos graxos, denominada biodiesel. Nos experimentos de transesterificação dos óleos vegetais, as reações foram realizadas em três tipos de reatores. O primeiro equipamento foi composto de um reator de vidro acoplado a um condensador de refluxo (RVCR). O segundo equipamento foi composto de um reator de aço inox (RP), hermeticamente fechado, equipado com um manômetro e um controlador de temperatura. O terceiro reator empregado era adaptado para ser utilizado em um sistema de microondas. Nos dois últimos sistemas de reatores, a alcoólise dos triglicerídeos foi desenvolvida em condições mais enérgicas de reação, em temperaturas que variaram entre 80 °C e 150 °C. Comparando-se todas as reações, os resultados obtidos indicam que o emprego do RVCR na metanólise do óleo de soja, os catalisadores mais ativos são o DBTDA e o DBTDL com desempenhos comparáveis. Por outro lado, empregando-se o óleo de mamona, nessa condição reacional, os rendimentos foram muito baixos, não permitindo obter generalizações. Quando do uso do RP, rendimentos superiores aos observados com o RVCR são obtidos e à medida que a temperatura aumenta de 80 a 150 ºC as reatividades dos sistemas catalíticos tornam se bastante semelhantes, indicando que fatores como temperatura e solubilidade têm influência significativa nesse tipo de sistemas catalíticos. Com o emprego do reator microondas, os rendimentos reacionais foram inferiores, provavelmente devido à baixa velocidade de agitação que tal reator pode realizar. Numa segunda parte do trabalho, foi realizado um estudo do desempenho de catalisadores a base de óxido de estanho (SnO2), sulfatado ou não, em reações de transesterificação ou esterificação de óleo de soja e seus ácidos graxos, respectivamente, na presença de metanol. A baixa atividade dos catalisadores foi relacionada às características texturais dos mesmos.

Desenvolvimento de catalisadores alternativos para obtenção de ésteres alquílicos por transesterificação ou esterificação / Development of alternative catalysts for obtaining alkyl esters by transesterification or esterification

Melo, Ariana Maria Fernando de 23 March 2012 (has links)
Former works of our group have demonstrated the potential of catalytic systems based on titanium and zirconium in esterification of fatty acidy derived from soybean oil, in the presence of methanol. From these results, it arise the interest of evaluate the behavior of these systems in the presence of ethanol in the transesterification of soybean oil and in the esterification of fatty acid derived from this oil. In this context, this study aimed to investigate the catalytic activity of catalysts, exhibiting general formula M(n-butoxide)x (maltolate)4-x where M is titanium or zirconium, on the ethylic esterification and transesterification of soybean oil and soybean fatty acids, for obtaining biodiesel. Six catalysts were synthesized, two based on titanium and ford based on zirconium, in which the amount of the ligand maltolate (3-hydroxi-2-methyl-4-pironate), and n-butoxide. The formation of the complexes was confirmed by infrared spectroscopy. The catalytic activity of these catalysts was evaluated in the ethylic esterification via acid-base titulation, and ethylic transesterification via gas chromatography. The complexes M(n-butoxide)x (maltolate)4-x proved to be active in esterification, with conversions up to 81%, and in the transesterification yields up to 19%. When ethanol is used, the reactivity is lower than that observed when methanol is employed. In addition, complexes of Zr showed catalytic activity higher than the complex Ti. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Trabalhos anteriores do nosso grupo de pesquisa mostraram o potencial de sistemas catalíticos à base de titânio e zircônio em reações de esterificação de ácidos graxos do óleo de soja, na presença de metanol. A partir desses resultados, surgiu o interesse de avaliar o comportamento desses sistemas utilizando o etanol na transesterificação do óleo de soja e esterificação de ácidos graxos derivados desse óleo. Então o presente trabalho visou à utilização de catalisadores de fórmula geral M (n-butóxido)x(maltol)4-x, onde M é o titânio ou zircônio, na reação de esterificação e transesterificação etílica do óleo de soja e ácidos graxos de soja, para obtenção do biodiesel. Foram investigados seis catalisadores, dois de titânio e quatro de zircônio, nos quais foi variada a quantidade de ligante maltolato (3-hidroxi-2-metil-4-pironato) e n-butóxido. A formação dos complexos foi confirmada por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho médio. A atividade catalítica desses catalisadores foi avaliada na reação de esterificação etílica através da titulação ácido-base e na reação de transesterificação etílica através da cromatografia gasosa. Os complexos do tipo M(n-butóxido)x(maltol)4-x se mostraram ativos em reações de esterificação com conversões de até 81% e na reação transesterificação com rendimento de 19%. Quando se emprega o etanol, a reatividade é inferior àquela observada quando se emprega o metanol. Além disso, os complexos de zircônio apresentaram atividade catalítica superior aos complexos de titânio.

Modelagem cinética da esterificação de sec-butanol com ácido acético e estudo de monitoramento em linha da reação com espectroscopia de infravermelho. / Kinetic modeling of esterification of sec-butanol with acetic acid and study of reaction on-line monitoring using near infrared spectroscopy.

Marcio Andrade Dias 26 March 2012 (has links)
A esterificação do sec-butanol com ácido acético, submetida à catálise homogênea, apresenta poucos resultados experimentais de cinética reacional e equilíbrio químico disponíveis na literatura. A presente dissertação visa determinar os parâmetros cinéticos e de equilíbrio químico desta reação de esterificação, empregando modelo cinético de 2ª ordem baseado em atividades. Os experimentos cinéticos foram realizados em reator batelada com auxílio da metodologia Karl Fischer para análise do teor de água e determinação do perfil de frações molares ao longo da reação. A principal dificuldade na modelagem desta esterificação consistiu em representar satisfatoriamente as não-idealidades da mistura em fase líquida, em espacial nas reações cuja fração molar inicial de ácido acético foi superior a 50%. Netas condições admitiu-se a ocorrência de dissociação do ácido acético levando ao surgimento de interações iônicas. O modelo empregado para obtenção das atividades, com base em frações molares, foi o NRTL. Este modelo representou bem as interações moleculares em condição de baixa acidez, mas apresentou desvios em condições de acidez e teores de água mais elevados. O estudo também visou o desenvolvimento de modelos de calibração para um método analítico on-line visando determinar o perfil de frações molares ao longo da reação. O método empregado foi a espectroscopia de infravermelho próximo (NIR), em vista à capacidade deste método analítico em determinar quantitativamente frações molares de água, além dos demais compostos envolvidos. Outro fator determinante ao emprego do NIR é a seu crescente uso no meio industrial, e o presente trabalho visou também contribuir para o uso futuro desta técnica de monitoramento no processo industrial. Modelos de calibração multivariável com conjuntos de calibração interna por validação cruzada se mostraram adequados ao sistema estudado. Calibrações externas resultaram em modelos imprecisos, não sendo possível determinar claramente os fatores responsáveis pela imprecisão. / There is a lack of literature data on the reaction kinetics and equilibrium of the homogeneously catalyzed esterification of sec-butanol with acetic acid. This work aims at obtaining the kinetic parameters and chemical equilibrium parameters of this esterification reaction by using a second order kinetic model based on activities. The kinetic experiments were performed in a batch reactor and the Karl Fischer analytical method was used to determine the molar fraction of water along the reaction progress. The main challenge of modeling this reaction was to represent the highly non-ideal mixture in liquid phase, specially for reactions runs starting with acetic acid mole fraction higher than 50%. In these conditions, it was assumed the occurrence of acetic acid dissociation that leads to ionic interactions. The thermodynamic model used to calculate the activities was the NRTL. This model predicted well the molecular interactions on low acidity conditions but presented deviations when molar fractions of acid and water were higher. The present study also aims to develop calibration models for analytical on-line method to obtain molar fraction profiles along the reaction. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) was used due to the possibility of quantitatively analyze water mole fraction, besides the mole fractions of the other components. Another important reason to choose NIR was its crescent use in industry, and the present work intended to contribute towards the future use of this on line monitoring technique in industrial applications. Multivariate calibration models using internal set of calibration and cross-validation seems to be suitable for this system. External set of calibration leads to less accurate models, and the causes of this lack of accuracy were not clearly identified.

Avaliação do efeito de derivados lipofílicos da genisteína na ativação de macrófagos in vitro e na modulação da resposta imune no modelo de EAE

Castro, Sandra Bertelli Ribeiro de 08 December 2011 (has links)
Submitted by isabela.moljf@hotmail.com (isabela.moljf@hotmail.com) on 2017-05-19T11:27:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 sandrabertelliribeirodecastro.pdf: 21642592 bytes, checksum: ba2c7d8539f06b1e9a8e8f3ca1c34c08 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-05-19T14:40:11Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 sandrabertelliribeirodecastro.pdf: 21642592 bytes, checksum: ba2c7d8539f06b1e9a8e8f3ca1c34c08 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-19T14:40:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 sandrabertelliribeirodecastro.pdf: 21642592 bytes, checksum: ba2c7d8539f06b1e9a8e8f3ca1c34c08 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-08 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / A Esclerose Múltipla (EM) caracteriza-se por ser uma doença inflamatória crônica desmielinizante do Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC), que afeta aproximadamente um milhão de pessoas em todo o mundo. Entre os agentes terapêuticos aprovados atualmente para o tratamento da EM podemos citar o interferon beta (IFN-β) e o acetato de glatirâmer, entretanto, estes agentes não promovem a cura da doença ou a recuperação total dos pacientes que estão em fase avançada. Diversos estudos demonstram a propriedade que os hormônios sexuais, como o estradiol e progesterona possuem em diminuir a gravidade da Encefalomielite Autoimune Experimental (EAE). Estruturalmente, as isoflavonas compartilham muitas similaridades com os estrógenos endógenos. Estudos realizados com genisteína mostram os efeitos benéficos deste isoflavonóide na EAE. Entretanto, alguns fatores limitam sua aplicação clínica, como por exemplo, sua rápida excreção e declínio dos níveis séricos, sendo que estas características podem estar relacionadas à sua estrutura química. Dentro deste contexto, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito de sete derivados lipofílicos da genisteína na modulação da resposta in vitro de macrófagos murinos J774.A1 ativados com lipopolissacarídeo e IFN-g, e verificar a atuação de um análogo selecionado na etapa in vitro na modulação da resposta imune in vivo no modelo de EAE. Na etapa in vitro foi avaliada a citotoxicidade dos compostos, no sobrenadante da cultura foram dosados óxido nítrico, IL-12 e TNF-α. Na etapa in vivo foi investigado o uso do derivado da genisteína 3 (7-Otetradecanoil-genisteína – TDG) na evolução da EAE induzida em camundongos C57Bl/6 através da aplicação do MOG35–55. No 14° dia após a indução com o MOG, os camundongos foram tratados com TDG por sete dias. No 21° dia após a indução, as porcentagens de células mononucleares isoladas de cérebro expressando marcadores de superfície (CD4+, CD3+ e CTLA-4) e produzindo citocinas IL- 17+CD4+, IL-10+CD4+ ou fator de transcrição Foxp3+CD4+ foram determinadas por citometria de fluxo. A concentração de IL-6, IFN-γ e IL-10 em macerado de cérebro e medula foram determinadas por ELISA. As análises histológicas de cérebro e medulas foram realizadas por coloração de Hematoxilina e Eosina. Os resultados apresentados indicam que a modificação estrutural da genisteína originou derivados não citotóxicos, com elevada capacidade de inibir a concentração de IL-12. Entretanto, estes derivados da genisteína não foram capazes de inibir TNF-α. A produção de NO foi significativamente inibida pelos derivados monoésteres (2,3) e monoéter (6,7) de maneira dose-dependente. Os dados obtidos in vivo indicam que o tratamento com o TDG melhora os sinais clínicos da EAE e isto pode ser correlacionado com uma redução na porcentagem de células produzindo IL-17 e um aumento de células Foxp3+CD4+ no cérebro. Além disso, o tratamento com o TDG aumentou a liberação de IL-10 e a expressão de CTLA-4 além de reduzir a liberação de IFN-γ e IL-6. Desta forma, os dados sugerem um papel imunomodulatório do TDG na EAE e possivelmente na EM / Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a severe and disabling chronic autoimmune inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS), that affect around one million people at entire world. Among the therapeutic agents currently approved for the treatment of MS can be cited the interferon beta (IFN-β) and the glatiramer acetate, however, these agents do not promote the cure or full recovery of patients in advanced stages. Several studies showed that hormones, such as estradiol and progesterone, could reduce the severity of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). The isoflavones share many structural similarities with endogenous estrogens. Studies with genistein showed the beneficial effects of isoflavones in EAE. However, the chemical structure of genistein has characteristics that limit its clinical application, such as rapid excretion and decreased serum levels. This study aimed evaluate the effect of seven lipophilic derivatives of genistein in the modulation of in vitro response of murine J774A.1 macrophages activated with lipopolysaccharide and IFN-g, and verify the performance of one in vitro selected analogue on modulating in vivo the immune response in EAE. The lipophilic derivatives were evaluated in LPS+IFN-g-activated J774A.1 macrophage cultures to their effects on cytotoxicity and nitric oxide, IL-12 and TNF-α production. The effects of the selected genistein derivative 3 (7-O-genistein-tetradecanoil - TDG) on the development of EAE induced in C57BL/6 mice immunized with MOG35-55 were performed. At 14th day after induction, mice were treated with TDG for seven days. At 21st day the percentage of mononuclear cells isolated from brains expressing CD4+, CD3+, CTLA-4+ and Foxp3+ and producing IL-17+ and IL-10+ were determined by flow cytometry. The concentration of IL-6, IFN-g and IL-10 in brain and spinal cord were determined by ELISA. Histological analysis of brain and spinal cord were performed by hematoxylin and eosin staining. The results showed that the modification of genistein enables the generation of non-cytotoxic compounds with increased IL-12 inhibition, despite of failed TNF-α inhibition. The NO production was inhibited by the monoester (2,3) and monoether (6,7) compounds in a dose-dependent manner. The in vivo data indicated that treatment with TDG improved the clinical signs of EAE which can be correlated with a reduction in the percentage of cells producing IL-17 and the increment of Foxp3+CD4+ cell population at brain. Furthermore, treatment with TDG increased the release of IL-10 and expression of CTLA-4 and reduced the release of IFN-g and IL-6. Altogether, the data suggest an immunomodulatory role of the TDG in EAE and possibly MS.

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