Spelling suggestions: "subject:"every marketing""
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Analýza marketingové komunikace ve společnosti Vitra Koncept s.r.o. / Analysis of the Marketing Communication in Vitra Koncept s.r.o.Berková, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The goal of the diploma thesis "Analysis of the Marketing Communication in Vitra Koncept s.r.o." is an analysis of current situation of marketing communication in the company and a recommendation for its further better effectiveness. In the theoretical part marketing communication tools are defined, measurements methods of their effectiveness are described and modern tools which are currently used are mentioned. The applied part uses the knowledge from the theoretical part for the description of the company. The last part of the diploma thesis is devoted to summarize the attained knowledge and to suggest particular solution for the company's future practice.
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Návrh marketingové strategie spolku / Marketing Strategy Proposal for an AssociationHrazdírová, Natálie January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with a marketing stratégy inovation focusing on community event „Day of Princesses“. Theoretical part defines terms related to organizing non-profit organization, marketing and marketing strategies. Further, it decribes marketing analyzes which are assembled in the second part of this work. Final section of the thesis is develoted to own resolution proposals, which should lead to improvement of current situation.
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Návrh změn marketingového mixu konkrétní společnosti / Proposal for Marketing Mix Changes of Selected CompanyBuček, Jan January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the analysis of contemporary marketing mix of advertising and event company Poring and studio Viara which is focused on physical activities and healthy lifestyle. The thesis defines theoretical knowledge related to the topic, analysis of the marketing environment of the monitored company, its competition and current situation in the given market environment. At the same time, the thesis contains suggestions for optimizing the marketing mix which should ensure improvement of the competitive position of the monitored company on the market.
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”Syns du inte, finns du inte” : Eventmarknadsföring ur ett företagsperspektiv / ”Out of sight, out of mind” : Event marketing from a business perspectiveFarkas-Szabó, Bianka, Ekberg, Johanna, Löfman Nastefski, Melissa January 2021 (has links)
Eventmarknadsföring växer som marknadsföringsform och allt fler företag har börjat inkludera denna i sin marknadsföringsstrategi. Genom interaktiv kommunikation via ett event eller en händelse ligger fokus på skapandet av kundrelationer via det fysiska mötet som ofta anses vara mycket värdefullt. Det ger till skillnad från många klassiska strategier såsom direktreklam en möjlighet till en mer meningsfull interaktion med konsumenter. Genom kundkvällar, lanseringsevent, mässor med mera ges möjligheten att utmärka sig i mängden och förstärka sitt varumärke. Syftet med den här studien är därför att skapa en förståelse för hur företag använder event som marknadsföring för att stärka sitt varumärke och varför det är viktigt. Forskningsfrågan formulerades utifrån studiens syfte och ämnar ge svar om på vilket sätt eventmarknadsföring anses vara en fördelaktig marknadsföringsstrategi. I den här studien har en kvalitativ metodik använts genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med 6 företag inom olika branscher. Det teoretiska ramverket omfattar teorier och modeller inom eventmarknadsföring samt närliggande områden såsom kundrelationer, varumärken, sponsring, kommunikation och utvärdering. Dessa områden valdes för att få en övergripande bild utav alla viktiga delar när man använder eventmarknadsföring. Den empiriska datan från studien indikerar att eventmarknadsföring anses vara en fördelaktig marknadsföringsstrategi utifrån många aspekter. Dels handlar det om ett mycket mer interaktivt samspel mellan företag och konsument som uppstår via det fysiska mötet som eventet möjliggör. Det i sin tur gör att långsiktiga och lönsamma relationer skapas och att varumärket uppmärksammas och stärks genom att synas och sticka ut. Dessutom känner konsumenten ett mervärde genom upplevelsen av att gå på ett fysiskt event i tider när allt fler möten och event digitaliseras. Därmed förhöjs det fysiska mötet som kommer att få ännu mer status. Resultatet påvisar även att eventmarknadsföring kan vara ett av de bättre sätten att kommunicera på genom att beröra flera sinnen och komma närmare sin målgrupp. Vidare finns en medvetenhet om svårigheten i att mäta effekterna av eventmarknadsföring, men resultatet tyder på att på grund av dess många fördelar i form av relationer och fysiska upplevelser anses fortfarande denna marknadsföringsstrategi vara effektiv och värdefull. Studien är skriven på svenska. / Event marketing is growing as a form of marketing and more and more companies have started to include this in their marketing strategy. Through interactive communication through an event or happening, the focus is on creating customer relationships through the physical meeting, which is often considered very valuable. Unlike many classic strategies such as direct advertising, it provides an opportunity for a more meaningful interaction with consumers. Through customer evenings, launch events, trade fairs and more, the opportunity is given to stand out in the crowd and strengthen their brand. The purpose of this study is therefore to create an understanding of how companies use events as marketing to strengthen their brand and why it is important. The research question was formulated based on the purpose of the study and intends to provide answers to how event marketing is considered an advantageous marketing strategy. In this study, a qualitative methodology was used through semi-structured interviews with 6 companies in different industries. The theoretical framework includes theories and models in event marketing as well as related areas such as customer relations, brands, sponsorship, communication and evaluation. These areas were chosen to get an overall picture of all the important parts when using event marketing. The empirical data from the study indicate that event marketing is considered a beneficial marketing strategy based on many aspects. On one hand, it is about a much more interactive interaction between company and consumer that arises through the physical meeting that the event makes possible. This in turn means that long-term and profitable relationships are created and that the brand is noticed and strengthened by being visible and standing out. In addition, the consumer feels an added value through the experience of going to a physical event in times when more and more meetings and events are being digitized. This increases the physical encounter, which will gain even more status. The results also show that event marketing can be one of the better ways to communicate by touching multiple senses and getting closer to your target audience. Further, there is an awareness of the difficulty of measuring the effects of event marketing, but the results suggest that this marketing strategy is still considered effective and valuable due to its many benefits in terms of relationships and physical experiences. This study is written in Swedish.
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Service quality and values as antecedents ofspectators’ intention to attend a sport event : The case of VasaloppetGranlund, Cajsa, Gruber, Ramona January 2020 (has links)
Sport event marketing is an important issue within the research area of business. The purpose of this study was to analyze how service quality, hedonic value and utilitarian value influence the spectators’ attitude and subjective norm towards the behavioral intention of visiting the cross-country skiing event Vasaloppet. The study was based on the theory of reasoned action as well as the constructs of service quality, hedonic value, and utilitarian value, which were added as antecedents. A quantitative research approach with a face-to-face survey at the event and an online questionnaire was pursued. The findings show that in connection to the Vasaloppet event subjective norm correlates the strongest with behavioral intention compared to attitude. However, hedonic and utilitarian values have a significant correlation to attitude, but not towards subjective norm. Due to the type of event, no connections with service quality were detected. In regards of the international component there is no significant difference present between Swedish and non-Swedish spectators. Organizations can use these findings to further enhance the social aspects of visiting sport events when performing sport event marketing.
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Event marketing v komunikační strategii firmy / Event Marketing in Communication Strategy of a FirmPirunčíková, Jana January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with event marketing into integrated marketing communications. The main objective is to assess the effectiveness and appropriateness of selected methods in the selected company. The work is divided into theoretical and practical part. The first chapter describes the theoretical and the elements of marketing communication and clarifies the issue of event marketing. The theoretical knowledge applied in the Energy Media Publishing Ltd. and specifically its product - the magazine Do kabelky, his performance is part of the second chapter in the situational analysis. The third chapter is devoted to marketing research, which is processed in the form of primary research interviews with the event experts and target group publishing - magazine reader. Finally, in the fourth chapter, I propose that event marketing strategy, which will draft a specific event.
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非營利組織活動行銷之研究- 以警廣活動為例 / A Study on the Event Marketing of Non - profit Organizations:A Case Study on PRS Activities洪宗適 Unknown Date (has links)
而警廣(Police Radio Station簡稱PRS)在目前公營電台中,不論其頻道數、收聽範圍與收聽率各方面,都有較積極的表現與作為。因此本研究即藉由警廣的「關懷交通系列活動」,來檢測其行銷成效,以作為其它非營利公營電台的參考。
本研究透過問卷調查與深度訪談發現,對聽眾來說警廣是一個報導路況的「交通專業電台」這個概念一直維持得蠻正面;但在具體方面,警廣缺乏一個更容易辨識且印象深刻鮮明的logo,他可以是一個圖騰或是一個吉祥物的具體形象,代表警廣的過去、現在、未來,也可為警廣打造更深入人心的印象。 / In Taiwan, non-profit, government-owned radio stations are created for special purposes and with a specific target audience. Due to a dual-property nature of this establishment, government-owned and broadcast media, the operation and management of these stations are different from commercial ones or other non-profit organizations. But how do these government-owned stations combine the advantages of broadcasting and non-profit characteristics with its mission and ideals to create a more positive feedback from its listeners? This must be reached by marketing strategies, and the model of event marketing in a more effective approach to reach the results more immediately.
However, government-owned radio stations have limitations as well. No advertising revenue can be gained, nor any type of sponsorship can be accepted. It is worthy to further discuss and determine how marketing strategies can be created for non-profit government-owned radio stations that rely on government funding in order to help them gain maximum benefits without wasting taxpayer contributions or government resources.
Among all the government-owned radio stations in Taiwan, the Police Radio Station (PRS) has the largest numbers of channels, the widest listening range, and a good listener rating. So this is a case study on PRS - Caring Traffic Safety Series of Activities, to find out the marketing effectiveness of its broadcast. The results may then be used as a reference for other non-profit government-owned radio stations.
Through questionnaire survey and in-depth interview, this study has reached the following findings: the PRS has maintained a positive image among the audience as a “professional traffic radio” that provides traffic reports. However, in a more specific context, the PRS lacks a readily identifiable and impressive logo. Such logo could be a symbol or image of a mascot that would represent the past, present and future of the PRS and further promote its image.
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Marketingová komunikace a efektivita reklamní kampaně Nike Run Prague 2011 (sémiotická a narativní analýza) / Marketing communication and the effectiveness of the advertising campaign Nike Run Prague 2011Housková, Jitka January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with the analysis of the marketing communication and advertising campaign of the running event Nike Run Prague, which took place in Prague 3 September 2011. It also deals with semiotic and narrative means and with the research of the effectiveness of the campaign. Nike Run Prague is a 10 km long run throughout Prague and it was organized by Nike for the very first time. The running event was amply publicized and within its advertising campaign adopted the marketing strategy targeted on the youthfulness, amusement and brand image, utilizing the various communication channels. Nike Run Prague relies on originality, interactivity, contact with registered runners and on promoting by unusual kinds of advertising and media contents. These types of advertising and used media messages, visual, verbal and nonverbal means are analyzed in this thesis. For each type of advertising is placed an emphasis on narrative and semiotic analysis. Further quantitative research was carried out that examined the effectiveness of the means utilized in the advertising campaign Nike Run Prague. The research target group is formed by individuals aged 18 to 24 years in which the campaign was targeted. After subsequent analysis of obtained data they were explicated and finally the effectiveness of the used...
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Aplikace marketingu ve společnosti AIMS International, s.r.o. / Marketing Analysis - AIMS International, s.r.o.Kukura, Peter January 2010 (has links)
The main target of the Master's thesis is to evaluate international marketing activities of the AIMS International, s.r.o which belongs to the category of Small and Medium-sized Entities Within the Theory, definitions of marketing applications in the field of conference and incentive travel are described. Practical part is dealing with situation analysis of chosen company. Marketing budget and plan are included.
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台灣主要報紙媒體報導國際重大事件行銷策略之研究-以伊拉克戰爭為例 / An analysis of event marketing strategy of leading newspapers in Taiwan on major international news reporting:A case study of Iraq war郭無患, Kuo, W.H. Unknown Date (has links)
人類進入21 世紀,原本應是強調多元、協調、和平、進步的氛圍,但竟然就
在連第一個十年的一半都尚未結束,就爆發了即使是戰亂頻繁的20 世紀也難
世界對抗的歷史遠因,也有著美國遭受911 恐怖攻擊的近因,但其所造成的影
響可能會牽動21 世紀。
紙媒體在報導21 世紀頭一場戰爭中的表現,較過去為醒目。但本研究分析國
內3 大主要報紙媒體有關伊拉克戰爭的報導,並在相同的基礎上對比美國專業
新聞標竿與輿論領導品牌Washington Post,再納入事件行銷概念,希望能以更佳的高度、廣度、和深度上,探究國內報紙媒體報導國際重大新聞事件的作為。 / As it ushered in the 21st century, the world was supposed to enter an atmosphere that focused on peace, diversity, harmony and progress. However, in less than half of the first decade of the century, the United States waged a war on Iraq. The large scale of the war was even rarely seen in the 20th century that was frequently troubled by wars and turmoil. Of course, the centuries-old conflict between
Christianity and Islam is one reason, while the terrorists attacks on the United States on Sept. 11, 2001 is another. The Iraq war could have a profound impact on the rest of the 21st century.
The Iraq war received the attention of the media worldwide, including those in Taiwan that had often been criticized for the lack of sufficient international news coverage. Many media outlets even assigned reporters to the war zone in Iraq for the first-hand reporting with the use of new technologies. Statistics collected for this paper show that major newspapers in Taiwan have provided improved coverage
for the first war in the 21st century than previous wars. This paper’s analysis focuses on Iraq war-related reports in three major Chinese-language newspapers in Taiwan and compares them with those reports in the Washington Post, a leading and influential U.S. newspaper. To provide a wide-scope and in-depth analysis, this paper also aims to discuss the role of the concept of event marketing in the
coverage of major international events by news media in Taiwan.
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