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Opettajana ja kehittäjänä:vertaismentorointiryhmässä kehittäjäopettajan ammatillista identiteettiä kertomassaMäki, P. (Päivi) 19 May 2015 (has links)
This doctoral thesis discusses the creation of professional identity of education developers working in the crossroads of administration and school development work. The subjects of the study work as class or subject teachers, and as education developers in Support Services at the Department of Education. The study also examines the impacts of a peer mentoring group based on narrative and action based methods on the creation of professional identity.
The theoretical and methodological basis of this study is narrative. The goal, challenge and learning narratives identified were then analysed using content analysis. The creation of developer identity is seen as a series of reflecting and processing events that challenge one’s identity. Professional identity is examined as being created through a narrative, and the research data has been created through narration.
Challenges emerge at the crossroads of administration and school – in the arena of interaction. Managing these challenges is described as evolution in knowledge, skills and operating methods as well as beliefs, attitudes and feelings. The learning stories created in the reflection process describe change, which is required for managing challenging situations. The goal narratives emphasise expertise, the power to influence and being a peer. The education developers describe themselves as walking alongside teachers, as peers.
Three developer identities were recognised in the education developers’ narratives: the critical developer, the flexible developer and the self-developer. The critical developer is motivated by being competent in an expert position. The flexible developer feels that being a teacher is an integral part of the identity of an education developer. The work is about expressing oneself. The self-developer’s identity includes the aspect of enhancing one’s own expertise. She or he has an optimistic attitude towards the changes of the job. Using the peer mentoring group to support the development of professional identity required trust amongst the group members to enable them to share critical events that challenge one’s identity in the group.
This study is an important and topical address to the dialogue on the ways to support the professional growth and career development of teachers as well as the development of continuous education. / Tiivistelmä
Väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan opetustoimen kehittäjäopettajan identiteetin rakentumista opetustoimen hallinnon ja koulujen kehittämistyön tukemisen välimaastossa. Tutkimuksen kehittäjäopettajat toimivat kouluillaan luokan- tai aineenopettajina ja koko opetustoimessa kehittäjäopettajina. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään myös, mikä merkitys kerrontaan ja toiminnallisiin menetelmiin perustuvalla vertaismentorointiryhmällä on identiteetin rakentumisessa.
Tutkimuksen teoreettisena ja metodologisena lähtökohtana on kerronta. Luennassa tunnistettua tavoite-, haaste- ja oppimiskerrontaa on analysoitu sisällöllisesti. Kehittäjäidentiteetin rakentumisessa on tärkeällä sijalla identiteettiä haastavien tapahtumien reflektointi. Ammatillinen identiteetti nähdään kerronnan kautta rakentuvana, ja tutkimusaineisto on syntynyt kerronnassa.
Haasteita syntyy hallinnon ja koulun välimaastossa, vuorovaikutusareenalla. Haasteista selviäminen kerrotaan muutoksena tiedoissa, taidoissa ja toimintatavoissa sekä uskomuksissa, asenteissa ja tunteissa. Reflektoinnissa syntyvät oppimiskertomukset kuvaavat muutosta, jota haastavista tilanteista selviäminen edellyttää. Tavoitekerronnassa korostuvat asiantuntijuus, vaikuttaminen ja vertaisuus. Kehittäjäopettajat kuvaavat itseään opettajan rinnalla kulkijoina ja vertaisina.
Kerronnasta tunnistetaan kolme kehittäjäidentiteettiä: kriittinen, joustava ja itsensä kehittäjä. Joustavalle kehittäjälle opettajuus on kiinteä osa kehittäjäopettajan identiteettiä ja kehittäjän työ itsensä toteuttamista. Kriittistä kehittäjää motivoi päteminen asiantuntijatehtävissä. Itsensä kehittäjän identiteettiin liittyy oman asiantuntijuuden vahvistaminen, optimistinen suhtautuminen muutoksiin ja oman urapolun suunnittelu. Vertaismentorointiryhmän toimiminen ammatillisen identiteetin rakentumisen tukena edellyttää luottamuksen syntymistä, jotta kriittisiä, identiteettiä haastavia tapahtumia pystytään jakamaan ryhmässä.
Tutkimus on tärkeä ja ajankohtainen puheenvuoro keskusteltaessa opettajien ammatillisen kasvun ja urakehityksen tukemisen keinoista sekä täydennyskoulutuksen kehittämisestä.
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Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults : Prevalence, Psychiatric Comorbidities and Long-term OutcomeEdvinsson, Dan January 2017 (has links)
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) was originally thought to occur only in children, but is increasingly recognised as causing functional impairment also in adulthood. The overall aim of this thesis was to achieve a comprehensive understanding of ADHD in adulthood. A questionnaire based on the DSM-IV criteria of ADHD, reported childhood symptoms, reading and spelling problems, difficulties and suffering and general assessment of functioning (GAF) was distributed to three samples: the general population (GP), outpatient psychiatry (OPP) and female prison inmates. Symptoms consistent with ADHD were more than three times higher in the OPP sample than in the GP sample (6.6 versus 2.1%). ADHD symptoms and related problems occurred in 50% of the prison inmates. A cohort of 168 patients diagnosed with ADHD in adulthood was interviewed about current ADHD symptoms and psychiatric comorbidity on axis I and II. The lifetime prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity on axis I was 92% and current comorbidity, including autism spectrum disorders and Tourette’s syndrome, was 47%. The sex-specific pattern of the comorbid disor-ders was similar to that in the general population. Forty-six per cent of the patients endorsed the specific criteria for at least one personality disorder. After a mean follow-up of six years, there was remission of adult ADHD in about 30% of the patients, regardless of whether there was ongoing medication or not. There were no differences in function and quality of life, except for global general improvement, which was better in patients currently on medication. The most prevalent long-term side effects of pharmacological treatment with mainly stimulants were decreased appetite, dry mouth, anxiousness/restlessness and an increase in pulse frequency. The discontinuation rate was about 50%: 29% discontinued because of a perceived lack of effect, followed by elevated mood or hypomania (11%). No detectable evidence of tolerance and increased need for dosage over time was observed. To conclude, Symptoms of ADHD is highly overrepresented in OPP and in female inmates compared with the GP. Furthermore, adults diagnosed with ADHD have a high lifetime prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity. Long-term pharmacological treatment with stimulants is safe with relatively mild and tolerable adverse effects. Continued medication, however, is not related to remission.
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Gérer l'évènement artistique, est-ce possible ? : récits (?) de l'organisation d'un évènement d'art numérique / [Managing the artistic event, is it possible ? : narratives (?) about organizing a digital art event]Bragança de Moura, Laisa 21 December 2011 (has links)
Un nouveau courant de recherche en gestion est récemment apparu : celui de la gestion des événements culturels au sein des "festival and event studies". Nous interrogeons la portée et la pertinence de ce champ à partir de l’étude d’un événement artistique dont nous avons pu observer et expérimenter en première personne l’organisation. Dans un premier temps, nous avons analysé les récits faits par les participants à l’événement. Nous constatons que les récits obtenus ne sont aucunement superposables ou compatibles, et nous en arrivons à interroger la possibilité d’un tel récit d’un événement artistique. Le "management des événements artistiques" n’est qu’une forme de récit possible, dont nous montrons les limites et postulats et qui surtout nie les conflits de valeurs entre les mondes de la gestion et les mondes artistiques. Dans un second temps, nous nous tournons vers les travaux qui comme ceux de Boltanski et Chiapello ou Le Theule reconnaissent une conflictualité entre mondes de l’art et de la gestion au sein du capitalisme. Nous tentons de donner un récit dialogique et polyphonique de cette conflictualité dans le cas étudié mais nous concluons qu’un tel récit ne reconnait pas une pleine place à la notion d’événement, qui est pourtant si importante pour les acteurs. C’est la raison pour laquelle, dans un troisième temps, nous nous tournons vers le concept d’événement de Derrida et de la difficulté de raconter l’événement. Nous proposons à partir d’une telle lecture que l’organisation d’un événement artistique devrait être abordée comme un nouvel événement chaque fois singulier, laissant s’il est réussi une trace dans le parcours de tous les protagonistes. On ne saurait définir un mode de gestion générique de tels événements. Il s’agit à chaque fois de réaliser l’impossible (en conférant à ce mot une signification très précise). La gestion des événements artistiques devrait pouvoir accepter la conflictualité et les puissances distinctes de ces trois termes. Ne pas chercher à enserrer l’événement artistique dans le cadre maître de la gestion, mais d’inventer chaque fois une nouvelle manière de les articuler, que le cadre soit ouvert à de l’inattendu, qu’un événement (artistique) advienne – au risque sinon de n’organiser qu’un non-événement / Recently a new field of research on management became known: it is the management of the cultural events within the scope of the "festival and event Studies". Based on an artistic event that we had the chance to observe and experience, in the first person, we question the range and the pertinence of this segment. Initially we analysed the narratives of the people who were taking part of the event and realized that these comments were not consistent with each other neither could they be superimposed. This led us to question the possibility of such a narrative of an artistic event. Thus, we understand "the management of artistic events" as only one possible form of narrative, in which we underline the limits and the principles, and above all, it disregards the conflict of the values between the management worlds and the artistic universes. In a second phase, we will talk about the works, like the ones of Boltanski and Chiapello or Le Theule, which recognize the existing conflicts in the two worlds, above mentioned, inside capitalism. We tried to propose a polyphonic and a dialogic narrative of the conflict in the subject studied, but we came to the conclusion that such a narrative does not recognize a significant place to the concept of the event, which is yet so important for the actors. Because of this, in a third moment, we will evoke Derrida’s concept of event and also the difficulty in describing the event. Based on such a reading we propose that the organization of an artistic event should be approached as a new event, unique each time it happens and, if it is a success, it is able to leave traces on every protagonist’s course. We would not know how to define a format for the general management of these events. The point is: to make the impossible become possible at each event (giving to "(im-)possible" a very precise meaning). The management of artistic events should adopt the conflict and the individual power of these three terms. It should not fit the artistic event in the "master framework of the management", on the contrary, it should devise, every single time, a new way to articulate it, to guarantee that the Framework is open to the unexpected and that an (artistic) event could emerge – otherwise we run the risk of organizing only anything but a non-event
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Thrombotic risk assessment in end stage renal disease patients on renal replacement therapySharma, Sumeet January 2015 (has links)
End stage renal disease (ESRD) patients have an excess cardiovascular risk, above that predicted by traditional risk factor models. Despite the advances in both Cardiovascular disease (CVD) management and renal replacement therapy (RRT), there still is a major burden of cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in the chronic kidney disease (CKD) population. Declining renal function itself represents a continuum of cardiovascular risk and in those individuals who survive to reach ESRD, the risk of suffering a cardiac event is uncomfortably and unacceptably high. Pro-thrombotic status may contribute to this increased risk. Global thrombotic status assessment, including measurement of occlusion time (OT) the time taken to form an occlusive platelet rich thrombus and thrombolytic status (time taken to lyse such thrombus) as assessed by measuring Lysis Time (LT), may identify vulnerable patients. The aim of this study was to assess overall thrombotic status in ESRD and relate this to cardiovascular and peripheral thrombotic risk. Small sub studies were also planned to establish the effect of RRT modality on the thrombotic status.
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Modelling and resilience-based evaluation of urban drainage and flood management systems for future citiesMugume, Seith Ncwanga January 2015 (has links)
In future cities, urban drainage and flood management systems should be designed not only to reliable during normal operating conditions but also to be resilient to exceptional threats that lead to catastrophic failure impacts and consequences. Resilience can potentially be built into urban drainage systems by implementing a range of strategies, for example by embedding redundancy and flexibility in system design or rehabilitation to increase their ability to efficiently maintain acceptable customer flood protection service levels during and after occurrence of failure or through installation of equipment that enhances customer preparedness for extreme events or service disruptions. However, operationalisation of resilience in urban flood management is still constrained by lack of suitable quantitative evaluation methods. Existing hydraulic reliability-based approaches tend to focus on quantifying functional failure caused by extreme rainfall or increases in dry weather flows that lead to hydraulic overloading of the system. Such approaches take a narrow view of functional resilience and fail to explore the full system failure scenario space due to exclusion of internal system failures such as equipment malfunction, sewer (link) collapse and blockage that also contribute significantly to urban flooding. In this research, a new analytical approach based on Global Resilience Analysis (GRA) is investigated and applied to systematically evaluate the performance of an urban drainage system (UDS) when subjected to a wide range of both functional and structural failure scenarios resulting from extreme rainfall and pseudo random cumulative link failure respectively. Failure envelopes, which represent the resulting loss of system functionality (impacts) are determined by computing the upper and lower limits of the simulation results for total flood volume (failure magnitude) and average flood duration (failure duration) at each considered failure level. A new resilience index is developed and applied to link resulting loss of functionality magnitude and duration to system residual functionality (head room) at each considered failure level. With this approach, resilience has been tested and characterized for a synthetic UDS and for an existing UDS in Kampala city, Uganda. In addition, the approach has been applied to quantify the impact of interventions (adaptation strategies) on enhancement of global UDS resilience to flooding. The developed GRA method provides a systematic and computationally efficient approach that enables evaluation of whole system resilience, where resilience concerns ‘beyond failure’ magnitude and duration, without prior knowledge of threat occurrence probabilities. The study results obtained by applying the developed method to the case studies suggest that by embedding the cost of failure in resilience-based evaluation, adaptation strategies which enhance system flexibility properties such as distributed storage and improved asset management are more cost-effective over the service life of UDSs.
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Détection d'évènements complexes dans les flux d'évènements massifs / Complex event detection over large event streamsBraik, William 15 May 2017 (has links)
La détection d’évènements complexes dans les flux d’évènements est un domaine qui a récemment fait surface dans le ecommerce. Notre partenaire industriel Cdiscount, parmi les sites ecommerce les plus importants en France, vise à identifier en temps réel des scénarios de navigation afin d’analyser le comportement des clients. Les objectifs principaux sont la performance et la mise à l’échelle : les scénarios de navigation doivent être détectés en moins de quelques secondes, alorsque des millions de clients visitent le site chaque jour, générant ainsi un flux d’évènements massif.Dans cette thèse, nous présentons Auros, un système permettant l’identification efficace et à grande échelle de scénarios de navigation conçu pour le eCommerce. Ce système s’appuie sur un langage dédié pour l’expression des scénarios à identifier. Les règles de détection définies sont ensuite compilées en automates déterministes, qui sont exécutés au sein d’une plateforme Big Data adaptée au traitement de flux. Notre évaluation montre qu’Auros répond aux exigences formulées par Cdiscount, en étant capable de traiter plus de 10,000 évènements par seconde, avec une latence de détection inférieure à une seconde. / Pattern detection over streams of events is gaining more and more attention, especially in the field of eCommerce. Our industrial partner Cdiscount, which is one of the largest eCommerce companies in France, aims to use pattern detection for real-time customer behavior analysis. The main challenges to consider are efficiency and scalability, as the detection of customer behaviors must be achieved within a few seconds, while millions of unique customers visit the website every day,thus producing a large event stream. In this thesis, we present Auros, a system for large-scale an defficient pattern detection for eCommerce. It relies on a domain-specific language to define behavior patterns. Patterns are then compiled into deterministic finite automata, which are run on a BigData streaming platform. Our evaluation shows that our approach is efficient and scalable, and fits the requirements of Cdiscount.
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[pt] O Rio de Janeiro passou por um momento de grandes transformações urbanas, em consequência da escolha da cidade como sede de grandes eventos esportivos: a Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2014 e os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016. Com uma justificativa de tornar uma cidade acessível para receber os megaeventos, inúmeras obras foram realizadas na cidade, principalmente em áreas de grande valor imobiliário, o que provocou uma remoção de inúmeras favelas. Dentre os processos envolvidos nos processos de remoção, encontra-se também o assistente social. Este trabalho tem como finalidade refletir sobre uma atualização de assistente social em processos de remoção, tendo como norte os princípios contidos no Código de Ética Profissional de 1993. Para tal, o presente trabalho aborda o papel do assistente social na habitação, procurando entender o surgimento da profissão e os desafios encontrados para o exercício da sua prática profissional. Com o intuito de um contexto histórico atual, este trabalho é um resgate histórico sobre o contexto de favelização, principalmente na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, assim como os impactos trazidos com a realização dos megaeventos. Essas reflexões irão contribuir para uma análise do estudo de caso referente à Vila Autódromo, um dos casos mais emblemáticos das remoções ocorreu na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. / [en] Rio de Janeiro went through a time of great urban transformation, as a result of being chosen as the host city for major sporting events: the 2014 Football World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games. With a justification of making the city accessible to receiving the mega-events, countless works were carried out in the city, mainly in areas of great real estate value, which caused a removal of countless favelas. Among the processes involved in the removal processes, there is also the social worker. This paper aims to reflect on a social worker update in removal processes, based on the principles contained in the Code of Professional Ethics of 1993. To this end, the present paper addresses the role of the social worker in housing, trying to understand the emergence of the profession and the challenges encountered for the exercise of their professional practice. With the intention of a current historical context, this work is a historical rescue on the context of favelização, mainly in the city of Rio de Janeiro, as well as the impacts brought by the mega-events. These reflections will contribute to an analysis of the case study referring to Vila Autódromo, one of the most emblematic cases of removals occurred in the city of Rio de Janeiro.
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Contribution à l'influence des événements de vie dans l'étiologie des maladies démentielles de l'âgé / Contribution to the study of life events' influence in the etiology of demential disease among elderly peopleBauer, Virginie 29 November 2012 (has links)
Chez les personnes âgées, la maladie d'Alzheimer et les pathologies apparentées représentent actuellement un véritable problème de santé publique. Si les lésions anatomo-pathologiques de ces maladies sont bien définies, leur étiologie reste incertaine et vraisemblablement plurifactorielle. En tant que psychologue clinicienne, ce sont les théories impliquant le psychisme dans l'étiologie des maladies démentielles de l'âgé qui ont d'abord retenu mon attention. Une revue de question a permis d'en dresser une liste qui se veut exhaustive et qui se découpe en trois grandes catégories : les théories psycho-dynamiques, les théories psychosociales et enfin les modèles intégratifs plurifactoriels. Parmi ces derniers, celui faisant intervenir les évènements de vie en tant que facteurs de risque a suscité cette double recherche.Ainsi, dans une démarche qualitative, deux études ont débuté en parallèle. La première rétrospective, qui porte sur les histoires de vie d'une population de 30 malades Alzheimer ou apparentés, hébergés dans une unité de vie protégée ; la seconde prospective, qui explore l'évolution cognitive sur plusieurs années de 30 personnes âgées indemnes de troubles au début de l'étude, selon que leurs histoires de vie soient riches ou pas en événements de vie.Si un certain nombre d'évènements perturbants sont relatés par l'entourage pour la plupart des patients de la recherche rétrospective, l'étude prospective montre qu'un nombre important d'évènements de vie n'est ni une condition suffisante, ni une condition nécessaire pour constituer un facteur de risque de troubles cognitifs. Par contre, l'élaboration ou non de ce(s) même(s) évènement(s), leur caractère traumatique ou non, en lien avec le soutien et les aides reçus ou non semblent déterminants dans l'évolution cognitive des sujets.Enfin, chez la plupart des sujets pour qui les évènements anciens se révèlent traumatiques, un épisode contemporain de type « perte » viendrait réactiver les souvenirs et serait un facteur précipitant de troubles cognitifs, voire de décompensation vers une pathologie de la mémoire. / Among the elderly, Alzheimer disease and related pathologies currently constitute a real public health issue. The anatomo-pathological lesions of these diseases may be clearly defined but their etiology remains uncertain and is likely multifactorial. As a clinician psychologist, theories involving psychism in the etiology of demential diseases among elderly, first held my attention. A review of the question enabled me to make a list supposed to be exhaustive and divided into 3 categories : psycho-dynamic, psycho-social theories and multifactorial integrative patterns. Among the latter, the one involving life events as risk factors motivated this double research. Thus is a qualitive procedure, 2 studies started in parallel. The first retrospective dealing with life stories of a population of 30 people affected by Alzheimer or related diseases, hosted in a protected life-unit ; the second prospective scanning through cognitive evolution based on several years for 30 elderly people unharmed by troubles at the start of the study (depending on their life stories having many or few life events). If a certain amount of disturbing events are recounted by relatives for most of the patients of the retrospective research, the prospective research shows that an important number of live events is neither a sufficient nor a necessary condition to represent a risk factor of cognitive troubles. On the other hand, the elaboration or non elaboration of there events, their traumatic or non traumatic aspect (linked with the received or not received support and help) seems to be determining in the cognitive evolution of the subjects. Finally, among most of the subjects for whom past events prove to be traumatic, a contemporary "loss"-like episode would revive memories and would be an accelerating factor of cognitive troubles and even a collapse to a memory pathology.
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Návrh marketingové strategie vybraného hotelu / Marketing Strategy of Four-star HotelBartáková, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this Diploma thesis is to conduct a marketing analysis and a survey for a four-stars hotel in Krkonoše Mountains. According to the results new marketing strategy is suggested, that will help increase a number of new customers. The marketing analysis consists of PEST analysis competitors analysis and analysis SWOT. The survey is aimed at company clients, who are key clients in low touristic season. The suggested marketing activities take place mainly on the Internet as Internet represents an effective and relatively cheap communication channel.
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The effect of contextual and historical factors on post-traumatic stress in car-hijackingFriedman, Beverly 15 September 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Psychology) / Please refer to full text to view abstract
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