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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'Better' regulation through social entrepreneurship? : innovative and market-based approaches to address the digital challenge to copyright regulation

Richter, Wolf R. January 2010 (has links)
After the initial excitement about the Internet as a space outside of governmental control has evaporated and courts in several states have applied national laws to ‘Cyberspace’, there is now a consensus among scholars that regulators have in principle the authority and capacity to regulate the Internet. Nevertheless, the application of the established tools of regulation - legislation and adjudication - to the current challenges to copyright regulation posed by the Internet has proven to be ineffective and produced undesirable side effects. Although market self-regulation has been suggested as a more efficacious approach to regulating the Internet and has proven effective in content regulation and Internet governance, the market has so far been unsuccessful in providing an effective and efficient remedy to the challenges to copyright regulation. The purpose of this thesis is to examine a novel approach to regulation and analyse its benefits and limitations. The novel approach defies the conceptualisation as co- and self-regulation, but introduces the solution from outside the regulated environment through entrepreneurship and innovation, and relies on the forces of the market to become effective. In this thesis, I analyse the regulatory systems implemented by two private organisations, Noank Media and Creative Commons, in China’s reportedly ineffective copyright law environment and find that their market-based and innovative approach to regulation can be understood as a form of social entrepreneurship. Social enterprises have been claimed to deliver social goods more effectively and efficiently than governmental intervention, because they are said to rely on local knowledge, to be driven by the demand of the stakeholders, and to be focused on social value creation. Based on quantitative and qualitative fieldwork with Noank Media’s and Creative Common’s stakeholders in China I analyse to what extent these two enterprises managed to successfully leverage the assets of social entrepreneurship. I conclude that while the novel approach has demonstrated the potential to produce more effective and more efficient regulation, it does not automatically result in Better Regulation. Further efforts are required to ensure participation, transparency, and public accountability, and to avoid regulatory fragmentation.

Teachers' professional identity in the digital world : a digital ethnography of Religious Education teachers' engagement in online social space

Robson, James January 2014 (has links)
This thesis presents an ethnographic investigation of teachers’ peer-to-peer engagement in online social spaces, using the concept of teachers’ professional identity as a framework to shape and focus the study. Using Religious Education (RE) as a strong example of the wider phenomenon of teachers’ online engagement, three online social spaces (the Times Educational Supplement’s RE Forum, the National Association of Teachers of RE Facebook Page, and the Save RE Facebook Group) were investigated as case studies. A year was spent in these spaces with digital ethnographic research taking place simultaneously in each one. Data gathering primarily took the form of participant observations, in depth analysis of time-based sampled text (three 8-week samples from each space), online and offline narrative based interviews and, to a lesser extent, questionnaires, elite interviews and analysis of grey literature. The study finds that engagement in the online social spaces offered teachers opportunities to perform and construct their professional identities across a variety of topics ranging from local practical concerns to national political issues. In more practical topics the spaces could often be observed as acting as communities of practice in which professional learning took place and identities were constructed, with such online professional development influencing offline classroom practice. However, engaging across this spectrum of topics afforded users a broad conception of what it means to be a teacher, where professional identity was understood as going beyond classroom practice and integrating engagement with subject-wide, political and policy related issues at a national level. Such engagement provided many users with a feeling of belonging to a national community of peers, which, alongside political activism initiated in online interaction and meaning making debates concerning the future and identity of the subject, provided teachers with feelings of empowerment and a sense of ownership of their subject. However, the study found that teachers’ online engagement took place within structures embedded in the online social spaces that influenced and shaped engagement and the ways in which users’ professional identities were performed and constructed. These structures were linked with the design and technical affordances of the spaces, the agendas of the parent organisations that provided the spaces, and the discourses that dominated the spaces. These aspects of the spaces provided a structure that limited engagement, content and available online identity positions while additionally projecting ideal identity positions, distinctive in each space. These ideal identity positions had a constructive influence over many users who aspired to these ideals, often gaining confidence through expressing such socially validated ideals or feeling inadequate when failing to perform such ideal identity positions. Thus, this study finds a complex relationship between agency linked with active online identity performance and the constructive influence of embedded structures that contributed to the shaping of users’ engagement and their understandings of themselves as professionals and their subject.

La vie des autres. Sophie Calle et Annie Ernaux, artistes hors-la-loi

Wroblewski, Ania 12 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les transgressions discursives, esthétiques et sociales de la frontière entre la vie privée et la vie publique effectuées par les créatrices françaises contemporaines Sophie Calle et Annie Ernaux. Dans une perspective féministe qui s’appuie sur les théories du quotidien, la thèse pose les questions suivantes : quelles libertés peut se permettre la femme-artiste ou l’écrivaine aujourd’hui ? Où, comment, et par qui se dessinent les limites éthiques de la création ? À la lumière des représentations souvent stéréotypées de la femme criminelle, le premier chapitre dégage de la réception des œuvres de Calle et d’Ernaux les « crimes » – entre autres, d’obscénité, d’impudeur et d’indécence – dont elles ont été accusées par la critique. Les trois chapitres suivants ciblent les diverses manières subversives et innovatrices dont Calle et Ernaux déjouent les perceptions acceptées de la féminité pour s’assurer la liberté totale en création : elles se construisent en flâneuses maniant la photographie ou l’écriture photographique comme une arme, en amoureuses blessées qui se vengent de leurs amants, et en théoriciennes manipulant les modalités de leur propre inscription dans les canons littéraires et artistiques. Cette thèse analyse au fil des chapitres les échos des œuvres de Calle et d’Ernaux au plan social, insistant sur le rapport fécond qui existe entre l’œuvre d’art et son cadre, interrogeant l’ethos de l’artiste et celui de l’art. Sophie Calle et Annie Ernaux répondent avec force à la nécessité de se positionner autrement face à l’art en tant que femme, notamment, en proposant l’art et l’écriture comme hors la loi. La conclusion étudie dans cette optique le phénomène récent de la « judiciarisation » de l’art. En examinant certains procès intentés depuis 2010 à des artistes, des écrivaines, des commissaires d’exposition et des maisons d’édition françaises, cette thèse questionne finalement les risques et les violences de la représentation tels qu’ils sont désignés par la loi. / This dissertation analyzes how contemporary French artist Sophie Calle and contemporary French writer Annie Ernaux transgress the discursive, aesthetic, and social boundaries between public and private life. Taking a feminist perspective and drawing on theories of everyday life, this dissertation asks: what liberties are the female artist and writer permitted today? Where, how and by whom are the ethical limits of creative practice established? In light of often stereotypical literary and artistic representations of the female criminal, the first chapter examines the accusations of obscenity, shamelessness and indecency levelled against Calle and Ernaux by their critics. The following three chapters identify the diverse, innovative and subversive ways in which Calle and Ernaux question accepted perceptions of femininity in order to seize creative freedom: they assume the distinct and tactical positions of flâneuses, heart-broken women avenging their ex-lovers, and theorists manipulating the reception of their own works. Together, these four chapters trace the artwork’s resonance in the public sphere, insist on the fruitful relationship that exists between a work of art and its frame, and consider the ethos of the artist as well as that of art. Sophie Calle’s and Annie Ernaux’s practices suggest that in order to achieve creative autonomy, art and writing must function outside of the constraints of moral, ethical, social and even civil laws. By examining instances in which artists, writers, curators and publishing houses have been subject to lawsuits in France since 2010, the conclusion of this dissertation studies a recent increase in the litigation of art and outlines some of the limits of representation as defined by the law.

Imperfect flâneurs : anti-heroes of modern life

Ng, Simon Yiu-Tsan 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse commence comme une simple question en réponse au modèle du « parfait flâneur » que Baudelaire a élaboré dans Le peintre de la vie moderne (1853): un flâneur peut-il être imparfait? Je suggère trois interprétations possibles du mot « imparfait ». Il permet d’abord de sortir le flâneur du strict contexte du Paris du dix-neuvième siècle et permet des traductions imparfaites de personnages dans d’autres contextes. Ensuite, le flâneur déambule dans la dimension « imparfaite » de l’imagination fictionnelle – une dimension comparable à l’image anamorphique du crâne dans la peinture Les ambassadeurs de Holbein. Enfin, il réfère à l’imparfait conjugué, « l’imparfait flâneur » peut rappeler le personnage antihéroïque de l’humain dont l’existence est banale et inachevée, comme la phrase « il y avait ». Ces trois visions contribuent à la réinterprétation du flâneur dans le contexte de la fin du vingtième siècle. Mon hypothèse est que l’expérience urbaine du flâneur et la flânerie ne sont possibles que si l’on admet être imparfait(e), qu’on accepte ses imperfections et qu’elles ne nous surprennent pas. Quatre études de romans contemporains et de leurs villes respectives forment les principaux chapitres. Le premier étudie Montréal dans City of forgetting de Robert Majzels. J’examine les façons par lesquelles les personnages itinérants peuvent être considérés comme occupant (ou en échec d’occupation) du Montréal contemporain alors qu’ils sont eux-mêmes délogés. Quant au deuxième chapitre, il se concentre sur le Bombay de Rohinton Mistry dans A fine balance. Mon étude portera ici sur la question de l’hospitalité en relation à l’hébergement et au « dé-hébergement » des étrangers dans la ville. Le troisième chapitre nous amène à Hong-Kong avec la série Feituzhen de XiXi. Dans celle-ci, j’estime que la méthode spéciale de la marelle apparait comme une forme unique de flânerie imparfaite. Le quatrième chapitre étudie Istanbul à travers The black book d’Orhan Pamuk. Inspiré par les notions de « commencement » d’Edward Saïd, mon argumentaire est construit à partir de l’interrogation suivante : comment et quand commence une narration? En lieu de conclusion, j’ai imaginé une conversation entre l’auteur de cette thèse et les personnages de flâneurs imparfaits présents dans les différents chapitres. / This dissertation begins with a simple question in response to “the perfect flâneur” model that Baudelaire elaborated in his 1853 essay “The Painter of Modern Life”: can a flâneur be imperfect? I suggest three possible inferences behind the word “imperfect.” First, it should liberate the flâneur from the strict context of nineteenth-century Paris, and allows for imperfect translations of the figure into other urban contexts. Second, the flâneur also strolls in the “imperfect” dimension of fictional imagination, a dimension comparable to the anamorphic skull in Holbein’s painting The Ambassadors. Third, in the grammatical meaning of imperfect verb tenses, “imperfect flâneur” can also refer to the anti-heroic figure of the living, whose existence remains incomplete and mundane as in the phrase “it was.” All three implications contribute to the reinterpretation of the flâneur in late twentieth-century contexts. My premise is that to experience the city as a flâneur, or to make flânerie possible in the city, one should concede being imperfect, anticipate imperfections, and come to terms with them. Four in-depth studies of contemporary novels and their respective cities constitute the main chapters. Chapter One reads Robert Majzels’s City of Forgetting and Montreal. I examine the ways in which homeless characters could be said to occupy – or, fail to occupy – contemporary Montreal from their dislodged position. Chapter Two focuses on Rohinton Mistry’s A Fine Balance and Bombay. My reading evolves around the question of hospitality in relation to the accommodation and un-accommodation of strangers in the city. Chapter Three brings us to XiXi’s Feituzhen series and Hong Kong: I address the special method of hopscotching as a unique form of imperfect flânerie in XiXi’s works. In Chapter Four, I study Orhan Pamuk’s The Black Book and Istanbul. Inspired by Edward Said’s notions of beginning, I frame my argument with the enquiry: how and when does a narrative begin? In lieu of Conclusion, I imagined a conversation between the writing subject of this dissertation and the imperfect flâneurs featured in each chapter.

Život pod Goetheho dubem. Koncentrační tábor Buchenwald v letech 1937-1945 / Life under the Goetheʼs Oak. The Concentration Camp Buchenwald in 1937-1945

Diviš, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
The theme and primary purpose of this thesis is illustration everyday life in the concentration camp Buchenwald. Buchenwald was a concentration camp where the Nazis imprisoned a lagre number of citizens of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. The thesis will primary consist of three categories. First of all it is the issue of "the space", in which will be incorporated a brief outline of the development of concentration camps in Germany before the war, the function of administrative, technical and military buildings of SS units. Another theme of the thesis points to the physical labor of prisoners, which was daily content during their stay in a concentration camp. The purpose of their work should lead to rapid death with the lowest cost of their meals. In favor of or against the prisoners decided ideological-political, and economic aspects of the later mode. The concept of work in the Nazi concentration camps in successive years significantly changed, which were causing the preparations for war and the later development of the war conflict itself. The third theme contents the social relations and cultural life of the prisoners, which refer to the human adaptability in these inhuman conditions. In an effort to describe social days coexistence in this concentration camp is put emphasis on the...

Hraběnka Serényiová a město Blatná / Countess Serényi and the Town Blatná

Hasilová, Pavla January 2013 (has links)
COUNTESS SERENI AND THE TOWN OF BLATNA The thesis is not only a contribution to the regional history of Blatná nad Blatná district, but also a probe to the life of a baroque noble marital pair. The first part of the study (the 1st and 2nd chapters) takes heed of the research survey up to now, mainly of the personality of J.P.Hill, and the summary of sources. The reader is also acquainted with the life milestone of Marie Alžběty (Mary Elizabeth), countess Sereni, née Waldstein (1698 - 1787), and her husband, count Josef (Joseph) Sereni. The Blatná demesne was under their rule in the period of 1709 to 1787 (part 3.1). Part 3.2 deals with the official career of count Josef Sereni. Chapters 4 and 5 present an insight to the everyday life of barogue nobility, mainly through the medium of preserved accounts of the count household; the author deals with the question of banqueting, their residences, domestic stuff and wardrobe, primarily taking account of noble self-presentation. Its specific form - the problems of family legends - is analysed in chapter 6. The most extensive chapter (No 7) deals mainly with widowed Marie Alžběta's activities at Blatná demesne, namely through baroque religiosity. Sereni religous endowments, foundations of sacral architecture, efforts to improve the school in Blatná, the interest in...

Pratiques, usages, situations : Michel De Certeau, son contexte et sa postérité

Zine, Mohammed Chaouki 12 December 2011 (has links)
Historien, philosophe et anthropologue, Michel de Certeau (1925-1986) est une figure singulière dans le paysage intellectuel français. Son œuvre représente, par son étendue et sa profondeur, un tournant décisif dans les idées philosophiques contemporaines. Tout en conservant l’essentiel des enseignements concernant l’historiographie et la mystique, il introduit de nombreux thèmes philosophiques et sociologiques pour lire la tradition et le monde moderne. Notre travail consiste à examiner l’idée principale selon laquelle les pratiques sont des usages ou des opérations tributaires d’une situation. Pour cela, de Certeau emploie une panoplie de notions telles que la formalité des pratiques et la stratégie et la tactique ainsi que d’autres concepts connexes dans le but de rendre compte des pratiques sociales et ce que les individus font avec l’ordre qui leur est proposé ou imposé. L’objectif est d’étudier la manière, prudente et ingénieuse, par laquelle les individus contournent les impératifs de cet ordre dans les multiples façons de faire usage du lieu, du temps et de la mémoire. Ces usages indociles se manifestent en particulier dans les pratiques quotidiennes. Ceci nous amène à nous interroger sur l’actualité des analyses de Certeau et leur apport dans les réflexions d’aujourd’hui : sur quelle assise théorique se base-t-il pour étudier la nature et la fonction de ces pratiques? Ses réflexions ont-elles changé notre approche du social, du culturel, du politique? / The historian, philosopher and anthropologist Michel de Certeau (1925–1986) stands out as a singular figure in the French intellectual landscape. The scope and depth of his work represent a decisive turning-point in the contemporary philosophical ideas. Though he retained the bulk of the teachings relating to historiography and mysticism, he introduced many philosophical and sociological themes to read the traditional and the modern world. Our work consists in examining the main idea according to which practices are customs or operations dependent on a situation. In order to do that, de Certeau uses a full array of notions such as the formality of practices, the strategy and the tactics along with other closely related concepts aiming at explaining social practices and what people do with the order proposed to or imposed on them. The purpose is to study the cautious and clever manner in which people bypass this order’s requirements in their manifold uses of space, time and memory. These rebellious customs are particularly expressed in everyday practices. This leads us to wonder how topical Certeau’s analyses are and how much they can affect today's reflections: what theoritical foundation is he relying on to study nature and the function of these practices? Have his reflections changed our approach to the social, cultural and political issues?

Alltagsgeographien bildender Künstler in Berlin.

Lehnertz, Monique 07 May 2018 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem kreativen Akteur "bildender Künstler" und seiner Raumprägung im Wertschöpfungsprozess künstlerischer Innovationen am Beispiel der Kunstmetropole Berlin. Dabei wird der Fokus auf die alltäglichen Interaktionsräume der Akteure - sogenannte Alltagsgeographien - im Wertschöpfungsprozess gelegt. Durch die qualitative Untersuchung des Einzelakteurs und insbesondere seiner lokalen Praktiken werden differenzierte Informationen über die Charakteristika des kreativen Akteurs, über die Kunstbranche und die globalen Dynamiken dieser Branchen gewonnen. Ziel der Arbeit ist es die Interaktionsräume der bildenden Künstler in ihrem Wertschöpfungsprozess (Produktion, Präsentation, Vermarktung, Verkauf) aus einer räumlichen, zeitlichen und sozioökonomischen Perspektive zu charakterisieren. Die Ergebnisse präsentieren insgesamt eine neue räumliche Betrachtung mit vorwiegend lokalen, analogen und fluiden Interaktionsräumen der Künstler. Sie zeigen, welche Etappen und Standorte im Lebenslauf eines Künstlers wichtig sind, um sich am Kunstmarkt etablieren zu können. Es wird deutlich, welche besondere Bedeutung die räumliche Nähe und Verortung in lokalen Strukturen besitzt und dass die Digitalisierung bisher kaum Einfluss auf den Kunstmarkt hat. Darüber hinaus werden wichtige Erkenntnisse in Bezug auf die Mobilität als Ermöglichungsstruktur im künstlerischen Schaffensprozess dargelegt. Berlin stellt sich als zweitwichtigste Kunstmetropole im globalen Netz der Kunstmetropolen dar, welches nach wie vor in der westlichen Welt verankert ist. Die angenommene Globalisierung des Kunstmarktes hat bisher noch nicht stattgefunden. / This research is about the creative actor - "the contemporary fine artist" using the example of Berlin - and how he is shaping and influencing space in his value-added process on different spatial scales. The focus is on the everyday life spheres of interaction the so-called "everyday life geographies" in the value-added process. By using a qualitative approach differentiated and nuanced information on the actor's characteristics and his local practices can be obtained, as well as on the art market and its global regulatory mechanisms. The objective of this research is to characterise the spheres of interaction of the fine artists in their value-added process (production, presentation, marketing, disposal) through a spatial, temporal and socio-economic perspective. The overall results present a new spatial viewpoint with predominantly local, analogue, and fluid spheres of interaction of the contemporary fine artists. They reveal the most important steps and spatial configurations in the career of an artist in order to become successfully established in the art market. Of particular importance are the spatial proximity and the connection within the local networks. The digitalization only slightly affects the art market so far. Furthermore, the thesis obtains important knowledge in regard to mobility as an enabling framework in the process of artistic creation. Berlin is regarded as the second most important global art metropolis in a network of global art metropolises, which can still be located in the western hemisphere. The assumed globalisation has not affected the art market yet.

A poetização do cotidiano na poesia de Manuel Bandeira

Endo, Jucimeire Ramos de Souza 20 October 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:59:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LCL - Jucimeire Ramos de Souza Endo.pdf: 1725764 bytes, checksum: a2a1607eb0b8c0349d7c106f85c51497 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-10-20 / Secretaria da Educação / The purpose of this Master dissertation is to apprehend the process of poetic construction in Manuel Bandeira s Libertinagem s poems. The selected poems are Evocação do Recife , Poema tirado de um notícia de jornal and Poema de Finados , which were put together, rounded up in three thematic nucleus: childhood, social conscience and death. In its analysis, this study tries to explore the elements that led to lyric simplicity, the thematic of colloquialism, the prosaic, childhood reminiscences and death. It starts with the everyday life thematic, in which the self lyric retrieves its richest poetic element from commonplace and real life situations. Then it asks the questions: What formal or structural elements work as poetic resources to translate everyday life? How the hybridization of the lyric gender produce in Manuel Bandeira s poetry an effect that describes a peculiar treatment of his poetry? Trying to meet this poetic proposal, it was used as theoretical bases, Victor Chklovski, Roman Jakobson, Iuri Tynianov, Octavio Paz and Hugo Friedrich s conceptions. Among other aspects, were studied the irregular rhythmic movements, random or absent rhymes, multiplicity of sounds, arbitrary cut, proselike approach, generation of images particularities of poetic language. As a conclusion, the study suggests that when Manuel Bandeira introduced in his poetry everyday life elements, colloquial language and characteristics of narrative gender, for example, he broke the laws of the traditional poetic form and produced an hybrid poetic, which allowed him to go free and led him to a new form of poetic: the everyday life poetic / O propósito desta dissertação é apreender como se dá o processo de construção poética em poemas de Libertinagem (1930), de Manuel Bandeira. Foram selecionados os poemas Evocação do Recife , Poema tirado de uma notícia de jornal e Poema de Finados , nos quais se encontram marcas prosaicas na exploração de imagens brasileiras. Os poemas foram agrupados em torno de três núcleos temáticos: a infância, a consciência social e a morte. Procura-se explorar, na análise, os elementos composicionais que constroem a simplicidade lírica, a temática do coloquialismo, do prosaico, das reminiscências infantis e da morte. Partindo da recorrência da temática do cotidiano, em que o eu lírico extrai do lugar-comum, das situações concretas da vida, o seu mais rico elemento poético, perguntou-se: que elementos formais ou estruturais operam como recursos poéticos para traduzir o cotidiano? como a hibridização do gênero lírico produz, na poesia de Manuel Bandeira, um efeito que se caracteriza como tratamento peculiar de sua poesia? Para tentar responder a essa proposta poética, foram utilizadas, como fundamentação teórica, as concepções de Victor Chklovski, Roman Jakobson, Iuri Tynianov, Octavio Paz e Hugo Friedrich. Entre outros aspectos, refletiu-se sobre cadência rítmica irregular, rimas aleatórias ou ausentes, multiplicidade de tom, corte arbitrário, aproximação da prosa, geração de imagens, enfim, sobre particularidades da linguagem poética. Concluiu-se que Manuel Bandeira, ao introduzir em sua poesia elementos do cotidiano, a linguagem coloquial e características do gênero narrativo, por exemplo, rompeu com as leis da forma poética tradicional e produziu uma poética transgressora e híbrida, que o libertou e o enveredou para a construção de uma nova forma poética: a poetização do cotidiano

A atuação do Supremo Tribunal Federal e a judicialização do cotidiano: entre eficiência e revisão da resposta

Gomes, Emílio Thiago de Carvalho 10 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2015-10-19T18:50:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 EMÍLIO THIAGO DE CARVALHO GOMES_.pdf: 1549079 bytes, checksum: a30709358743b1193005420bfb306c9e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-19T18:50:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EMÍLIO THIAGO DE CARVALHO GOMES_.pdf: 1549079 bytes, checksum: a30709358743b1193005420bfb306c9e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-10 / Nenhuma / O presente trabalho analisa a judicialização do cotidiano, no que toca aos exames de temas vinculados aos diversos ramos do direito. Com uma análise crítica da efetividade do direito e da aplicabilidade da norma pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal. Tudo isto, em um ambiente de crises, seja a crise conceitual, a crise de representatividade ou política, a crise estrutural, com surgimento de novos riscos globais e a crise funcional, e de como tais situações fáticas - jurídicas proporcionaram movimentos de efetivação da cidadania e de busca pelo “guardião das promessas democráticas”. Neste contexto, surge a problemática da implementação e efetividade dos direitos sociais, revolvendo-se essa responsabilidade ao Poder Executivo como garantidor das políticas públicas. O que permitirá mostrar a importância do Supremo Tribunal Federal no desenvolvimento da história institucional do Brasil, com a respectiva aplicação de modelo interpretativo de concretização dos direitos sócio-fundamentais. Para determinar o alcance das atribuições do Supremo Tribunal Federal, como intérprete maior da Constituição e das leis, com o objetivo de compreender como a “judicialização do cotidiano” acentua a atuação do Supremo Tribunal Federal, a partir de uma (re)significação do acesso à justiça, decorrente da presença de Estado Social e Democrático de Direito, como modelo de efetivação pública dos valores coletivos, por instrumento das ações coletivas na concretização dos direitos sócio-fundamentais. Assim, apresenta-se uma análise de aspectos contemporâneos do processo constitucional, da decisão judicial, sob dúplice aspecto de como “dizer/fazer” com efetividade, para (re)construir o processo constitucional sob a perspectiva liberal e neoliberal, no âmbito da necessidade de efetividade dos direitos fundamentais, visto que, por conta dessa crescente judicialização proliferou um discurso de efetividade compreendida como eficiência e, assim, deu-se prevalência a uma justiça de números, despreocupada com a qualidade (com o aspecto material) das decisões judiciais. E ao final, o trabalho irá analisar a efetividade dos direitos fundamentais por meio de uma teoria da decisão, ou seja, de um controle substantivo da decisão judicial, de maneira a utilizar o princípio do não retrocesso como parâmetro garantidor da segurança jurídica e da estabilidade das relações sociais, em um ambiente de judicialização do cotidiano. / This paper analyzes the legalization of everyday life, with regard to examinations of topics related to different areas of law. With a critical analysis of the effectiveness of the law and the applicability of the standard by the Supreme Court. All this, in an environment of crisis, is the conceptual crisis, the crisis of representation and policy, structural crisis, with the emergence of new global risks and functional crisis, and as such factual situations - provided legal movements of effective citizenship and search for "guardian of democratic promises." In this context, the issue of implementation and effectiveness of social rights arises, stirring up this responsibility to the executive branch as a guarantor of public policies. What will show the importance of the Supreme Court in the development of the institutional history of Brazil, with its application of interpretative model of delivering social-fundamental rights. To determine the scope of the powers of the Supreme Court, as the greatest interpreter of the Constitution and laws, with the goal of understanding how the "judicialization of the daily" stresses the role of the Supreme Court, from a (re) signification access to justice, due to the presence of Social and Democratic State of Law as public enforcement of collective values model, by means of collective action in achieving social and fundamental rights. Thus, we present an analysis of contemporary aspects of the constitutional process, judicial decision, under the twofold aspect as "say / do" with effectiveness, to (re) build the constitutional process under the liberal and neoliberal perspective, in the context of the need effectiveness of fundamental rights, since, on account of this growing legalization proliferate effectiveness of a speech understood as efficiency and thus gave prevalence to a justice of numbers, unconcerned with the quality (with the material aspect) of judgments. And in the end, the paper will analyze the effectiveness of fundamental rights by a decision theory, ie, a substantive control of the court decision, so using the principle of non-retrogression parameter as guarantor of legal security and stability of social relations, in an environment of the legalization of everyday life.

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