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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’information de localisation à Montréal : une exploration

Laurin, Alexandre 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise est une recherche exploratoire sur les expériences de localisation vécues dans l’espace urbain montréalais par des sujets en relation à l’information dite « de localisation ». La localisation est un processus d’orientation spatiale où l’emplacement d’un lieu dans l’espace est un problème à résoudre. Cette exploration est basée sur la théorisation de l’information proposée par Bateson (1972) et le développement du concept de dispositif par Belin (2002) et Agamben (2007) à la suite de Foucault, la localisation étant le concept empirique exploratoire. Le processus de localisation est investigué quant à son caractère médiatique : l’information de localisation est le medium qui, en étant un résultat et une cause de l’action, donne forme à ce processus mené par l’effort. Un travail de terrain ethnométhodologique déployé par le biais d’observations empiriques et d’entrevues qualitatives permet d’identifier certaines conditions qui rendent possibles, dans la vie quotidienne, les relations entre l’information de localisation, l’espace urbain et un sujet. Étant majoritairement vécue lors de déplacements présents, futurs ou passés, la localisation est ainsi conceptualisée en tant que wayfinding : l’action de déterminer quelles voies ou trajets emprunter pour se rendre d’un point A à un point B. Ce mémoire est en réalité une problématisation ouverte qui vise à explorer et identifier certains enjeux qui sont au cœur des processus de localisation dans l’espace urbain montréalais. Si « [l]e fait humain par excellence », comme le souligne Leroi-Gouhran (1965) « est peut-être moins la création de l’outil que la domestication du temps et de l’espace » (p. 139), le fait d’habiter en un certain temps et en un certain espace est en soi une relation problématique de confiance. Le vivant et le non-vivant habitent des espaces aménagés qui sont continuellement transformés par leur détermination mutuelle. En partant du constat que l’environnement construit se déploie en étant produit et aménagé dans des dispositions où certains de nos gestes sont délégués, peut-on envisager être libre sans (se) faire confiance ? / This master’s thesis is an exploratory research on localization experiences lived in Montreal’s urban space by subjects in relation to ‘location’ information. Localization is a spatial orientation process where a place’s location in space is a problem to be solved. This exploration is based on a theorization of information proposed by Bateson (1972) as well as on a development of the concept of apparatus (dispositif) by Belin (2002) and Agamben (2007) following Foucault’s; localization being an exploratory empirical concept. The localization process is investigated regarding its media character: location information is a medium that, being a result and a cause of action, shapes this process that is driven by effort. An ethnomethodological fieldwork is enacted by empirical observations and qualitative interviews that permit to identify certain conditions that make possible, in everyday life, relations between location information, urban space and a subject. Being mostly lived regarding actual, future or past movements, localization is thus conceptualized as wayfinding: the act of determining which path or trajectory to follow to get from point A to point B. This master’s thesis is actually an open problematization that aims to explore and identify some issues that are at the heart of localization processes in Montreal’s urban space. If “[t]he human act par excellence”, as put forward by André Leroi-Gouhran (1993 [1965]) “is perhaps not so much the creation of tools as the domestication of time and space” (p. 313), the fact that we dwell in a certain time and in a certain space is a problematic relation of trust (confiance) in itself. The living and the non-living inhabit spaces that are continuously transformed by their mutual determination. Starting from the observation that the built environment is deploying itself while being produced and developed (aménagé) in dispositions where some of our gestures are delegated, is it possible to consider being free without trusting?

Matter that matters : A study of household routines in a process of changing water and sanitation arrangements

Krantz, Helena January 2005 (has links)
Our society changed, but the urban water and sanitation system of today is roughly the same as it was 100 years ago. The system is designed for, developed from and sustained by human activities, and has since its introduction affected household patterns of routine activities. The urban water and sanitation system is now being criticised for not being sustainable due to excessive material, energy and chemical use, and failure to recycle and reuse resources. Altering household practices is perceived as one important step towards improved sustainability. In this study, two changes in water and sanitation arrangements at the household level are analysed: individual meters for volumetric billing of hot and cold water, and dry toilets with separate collection of urine and faeces. These arrangements increase system transparency, and their proponents believe that the arrangements enhance resource recycling and/or rsource savings. However, success in this regard can only be achieved if accompanied by appropriate household routines. The extent to which such appropriate routines come about and why (not) is the focus of attention in this study; the aim is to describe and analyse the interaction between householder routines and changes in water and sanitation arrangements. This study takes as its starting point household everyday life. A methodological combination of time-diaries, interviews, physical measurements and simple observations is developed and implemented in two cases; the housing area Ringdansen with flats (volumetric billing) and the collective Gebers based on an ecological way of life (dry toilets). The theoretical approach is developed from time-geography and culture analysis. The methodological and theoretical approaches have proven useful and can be developed further. Household responded differently to the volumetric billing in Ringdansen, but in general, no sweeping routine changes took place in the households. A comparison of average total water usage per household (at an aggregated level) between the two cases, showed no significant difference. Water-use routines are also similar in the two areas, even though variations appear between households. There seems to be a socio-culturally defined lower limit for water use, regarded as necessary for maintaining sufficient standards of cleanliness and comfort, irrespective of the influence of ecological or economic incentives. Differences in household composition, built-in technical arrangements and existence of a garden (Gebers) explain the differences in hot and cold water usage between the two areas. The dry toilet was shown to have a decisive impact on toilet disposal routines; only biodegradable waste products are thrown into it and the cleaning agents are environmentally friendly toilet disposal routines that reach beyond the 'good' routines evolving from environmental concern. The relationship between changes in water and sanitation arrangements and householder routines may be expressed as follows: an extensive change in arrangements, either technical/physical, organisational and/or economical, results in more radical routine changes, and more so if combined. However, the improvement as regard ecological sustainability is conditional on what is socio-culturally accepted - social sustainability.

Var dags lärande : Om lärande i ett arbetsmarknadsprojekt / Every Day Learning : About learning in a labour market project

Ax Mossberg, Margareta January 2008 (has links)
I slutet av 1990-talet beslöt den dåvarande regeringen att initiera ett antal projekt i medelstora och större svenska städer. Projekten skulle förläggas till förorternas miljonprogramsområden och målen skulle vara att stärka kompetensen hos de invandrare som bodde i bostadsområdena, öka deras arbetskraftsdeltagande och öka kontaktytorna mellan svenskar och invandrare. Kooperativet Latitud är ett av dessa projekt. Inom kooperativet arbetar flyktingar, långtidsarbetslösa och lågutbildade. Männen har kommit dit genom arbetsmarknadsplaceringar, praktikplatser, aktivitetsgaranti, medan de flesta av kvinnorna har kortvariga anställningar. Studien bygger på Lave och Wengers teorier kring legitimt perifert lärande och lärande i en handlingsgemenskap. Dessutom prövas teoriernas användbarhet i den kontext som kooperativet utgör. Grundläggande i dessa teorier är att lärandet är situerat och sker i handling i en social gemenskap och att lärande och utveckling av identitet är sammanvävda. Arbetsplatsen Latitud studeras i dess egenskap av en handlingsgemenskap, där människors lärande är beroende av och förknippat med den mening de finner i verksamheten och i sin egen tillvaro i kooperativet, lika väl som av den gemenskap de formar som arbetsgrupp. Lärandets betydelse för individens identitet tydliggörs i fyra individers lärande och agerande under deras tid i kooperativet. Avhandlingen visar att de använda teorierna är väl skickade för att studera Latitud som miljö för lärande, dock krävs ytterligare utveckling av teorierna för att utforska och förklara individens lärande och samspelet mellan individ och kontext. En fördjupning av teorin krävs för att beskriva hur en människas identitet byggs från deltagande och lärande i olika lokala praktiker och behov, och hur varje individs lapptäcke av livserfarenheter och lärande formar ett individuellt mönster. / At the end of the 1990s, the then Swedish Government initiated a number of projects in large and medium-sized Swedish cities. The projects were to be conducted in suburban housing areas built during the Million Programme and the objectives were to improve the skills of migrants living in these areas, increase their participation in the workforce and strengthen contacts between them and Swedish people. The Latitude Cooperative (Kooperativet Latitud) was one of these projects. Refugees, long-termed unemployed and low-educated people work within the cooperative. The men have arrived there as labour market placements, whilst most of the women are on short-term employment contracts. The study is based on Lave and Wenger's theories on Legitimate Peripheral Participation and learning in a Community of Practice. The applicability of these theories was also tested in the context of the cooperative. The basic premise of these theories is that learning is situated and occurs when participating in a social community and that learning and development of identity are interwoven. The Latitude Cooperative is studied in its capacity as a community of practice, where people's learning is dependent on and associated with the meaning they find in the activities and in their own existence in the cooperative, as well as on the community they shape as a working group. The significance of learning for individual identity is exemplified in the learning of four individuals and their actions during their time in the cooperative. The thesis shows that the theories employed are well suited to the study of Latitude as a learning environment. The theories require further development, however, in order to research and explain individual learning and the interplay between the individual and the context. Dreier provides the necessary further development of the theory to describe how a person's identity is constructed from participation and learning in different local practices and needs, and how each individual's patchwork of life experiences and learning forms an individual pattern.

Digitala distinktioner : klass och kontinuitet i unga mäns vardagliga mediepraktiker / Digital distinctions : class and continuity in young men's everyday media practices

Danielsson, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation explores how social class matters in young men’s everyday relationship to digital media. The aim is to contribute to the existing knowledge about how young people incorporate digital media in their everyday lives by focusing on the structural premises of this process. It also presents an empirically grounded critique of popular ideas about young people as a “digital generation”, about the internet as a socially transformative force, and about class as an increasingly redundant category. The empirical material consists of qualitative interviews with 34 young men (16-19 years) from different class backgrounds, upper secondary schools and study programmes. Drawing on the conceptual tools of Pierre Bourdieu, three classes are constructed: the “cultural capital rich”, the “upwardly mobile”, and the “cultural capital poor”. The analysis shows that class, through the workings of habitus, structures the young men’s relationship to school and future aspirations. This also engenders class-distinctive ways of conceiving leisure and digital media use. Through their class habitus and taste, the young men tend to orient themselves and navigate in different ways in what they perceive as a space of digital goods and practices, endowed with different symbolic value in school and society. The “cultural capital rich” are drawn to-wards practices capable of yielding symbolic profit in the field of education and beyond, whereas the other classes gravitate towards the “illegitimate” digital culture but deal with this different ways. These findings indicate that there are social and cultural continuities at play within recent technological changes. They also expose the structural differences hidden by sweeping statements about young people as a “digital generation”. Finally, they show that class, contrary to popular beliefs about “the death of class”, still represents a pertinent analytical category.

La vie des autres. Sophie Calle et Annie Ernaux, artistes hors-la-loi

Wroblewski, Ania 12 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les transgressions discursives, esthétiques et sociales de la frontière entre la vie privée et la vie publique effectuées par les créatrices françaises contemporaines Sophie Calle et Annie Ernaux. Dans une perspective féministe qui s’appuie sur les théories du quotidien, la thèse pose les questions suivantes : quelles libertés peut se permettre la femme-artiste ou l’écrivaine aujourd’hui ? Où, comment, et par qui se dessinent les limites éthiques de la création ? À la lumière des représentations souvent stéréotypées de la femme criminelle, le premier chapitre dégage de la réception des œuvres de Calle et d’Ernaux les « crimes » – entre autres, d’obscénité, d’impudeur et d’indécence – dont elles ont été accusées par la critique. Les trois chapitres suivants ciblent les diverses manières subversives et innovatrices dont Calle et Ernaux déjouent les perceptions acceptées de la féminité pour s’assurer la liberté totale en création : elles se construisent en flâneuses maniant la photographie ou l’écriture photographique comme une arme, en amoureuses blessées qui se vengent de leurs amants, et en théoriciennes manipulant les modalités de leur propre inscription dans les canons littéraires et artistiques. Cette thèse analyse au fil des chapitres les échos des œuvres de Calle et d’Ernaux au plan social, insistant sur le rapport fécond qui existe entre l’œuvre d’art et son cadre, interrogeant l’ethos de l’artiste et celui de l’art. Sophie Calle et Annie Ernaux répondent avec force à la nécessité de se positionner autrement face à l’art en tant que femme, notamment, en proposant l’art et l’écriture comme hors la loi. La conclusion étudie dans cette optique le phénomène récent de la « judiciarisation » de l’art. En examinant certains procès intentés depuis 2010 à des artistes, des écrivaines, des commissaires d’exposition et des maisons d’édition françaises, cette thèse questionne finalement les risques et les violences de la représentation tels qu’ils sont désignés par la loi. / This dissertation analyzes how contemporary French artist Sophie Calle and contemporary French writer Annie Ernaux transgress the discursive, aesthetic, and social boundaries between public and private life. Taking a feminist perspective and drawing on theories of everyday life, this dissertation asks: what liberties are the female artist and writer permitted today? Where, how and by whom are the ethical limits of creative practice established? In light of often stereotypical literary and artistic representations of the female criminal, the first chapter examines the accusations of obscenity, shamelessness and indecency levelled against Calle and Ernaux by their critics. The following three chapters identify the diverse, innovative and subversive ways in which Calle and Ernaux question accepted perceptions of femininity in order to seize creative freedom: they assume the distinct and tactical positions of flâneuses, heart-broken women avenging their ex-lovers, and theorists manipulating the reception of their own works. Together, these four chapters trace the artwork’s resonance in the public sphere, insist on the fruitful relationship that exists between a work of art and its frame, and consider the ethos of the artist as well as that of art. Sophie Calle’s and Annie Ernaux’s practices suggest that in order to achieve creative autonomy, art and writing must function outside of the constraints of moral, ethical, social and even civil laws. By examining instances in which artists, writers, curators and publishing houses have been subject to lawsuits in France since 2010, the conclusion of this dissertation studies a recent increase in the litigation of art and outlines some of the limits of representation as defined by the law.

Exclusion and Resilience: Exploring the Decision-Making Processes of Young People Who Are Homeless

Roebuck, Benjamin S. 25 March 2014 (has links)
Young people who are homeless experience adversity, but many are able to overcome the challenges of street life and transition back into housing. This exploratory, qualitative research draws on the narratives from interviews and focus groups with 35 young people who have experienced homelessness, as well as interviews and focus groups with 30 service providers working in youth shelters and a youth drop-in centre. Exploring themes of victimization, criminal offending, police involvement, and interactions with community services, this research highlights the capacities of young people to navigate around obstacles and negotiate to meet their needs. Integrating symbolic interactionism and social constructivist perspectives, this research explores the importance of micro-level interactions and perceptions, as well as the contexts that frame the decision-making processes of young people passing through homelessness. The implications of these perspectives are discussed within the framework of resilience discourse.

Uthålligt lärande om värmen? : Domesticering av energiteknik i passivhus / Sustainable learning about indoor heating? : Domesticating energy technology in passive houses

Isaksson, Charlotta January 2009 (has links)
Den vanligaste lösningen på problemet att för mycket energi används i den byggda miljön är implementering av energieffektiv teknik. Men installation av teknik räcker sällan för att nå förväntad energibesparing: det är människor som i sin vardag använder tekniken och de använder den inte alltid på det sätt som teknikutvecklarna har tänkt sig. I avhandlingen behandlas människors vardagliga användning av energiteknik. Det innebär att fokus skiftas från produktutvecklarnas och experternas intentioner och syn på teknikens användning, till det sociala sammanhang där människor lever sitt vardagsliv. Syftet med avhandlingen är att undersöka hur energiteknik som utvecklats för att hushålla med energi och effektivisera energianvändningen domesticeras i hemmet. En fallstudie har genomförts för att undersöka hur energikonceptet för passivhus med tillhörande teknik domesticeras i hemmet. Detta energikoncept förväntas leda till ett nytt energieffektivt sätt att hantera värmen i bostaden. Fallstudien består av två intervjuomgångar med boende i passivhusen i Lindås, söder om Göteborg. Utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande och begreppet domesticering analyseras hur de boende tolkar energikonceptet i passivhus, hur de på olika sätt förändrar sitt förhållande till värme och sitt sätt att hantera värmen inomhus, samt hur och varför deras engagemang för energitekniken begränsas. I avhandlingen analyseras processen där de boende med stöd av tidigare erfarenheter och olika typer av resurser efter hand gör tekniken begriplig och lär sig att hantera värmen i sitt passivhus. En slutsats är att mer uthållig energianvändning inte kan nås enbart genom att utveckla nya energitekniska lösningar, utan det krävs också att förutsättningar skapas för att människor ska kunna lära sig hantera de mer hållbara alternativen och dessutom välja dem. / New and more energy efficient technologies are usually regarded as the solution to the problem with too high energy consumption in the built environment. It is not enough, however, to fulfil the expected reduction of energy consumption since other influential factors have to be considered as well. There are for example people who use technology in ways unintended by the developers. In this thesis, people’s daily use of energy-related technology is investigated. Thereby, focus is shifted from the technology developers’ expectations and opinions regarding how to use the technology towards the social contexts in which people live their everyday life. The aim in this thesis is to investigate the domestication in private homes of energy technology developed to reduce energy use and improve energy efficiency. A case study is conducted of how the energy concept in passive houses and its related technologies are domesticated in the daily life of householders. This energy concept is expected to lead to a new energy efficient way of handling heating. The case study comprises of two rounds of interviews with the occupants of the passive houses in Lindås, south of Gothenburg. The households’ interpretation of the energy concept of passive houses and how the householders change their andling of and relationship to the indoor temperature are analysed from a sociocultural learning perspective and the concept of domestication. The thesis analyses the process in which the household members learn how to handle the energy technology in their passive house, supported by their earlier experiences and other kinds of resources. One main conclusion is that sustainable energy use is not only a question of developing new, energy efficient technologies. In order to meet the national and international goals set up for energy efficiency and energy conservation, tools must be developed that encourage people to choose and to learn sustainable ways of using the new technology.

Lehrjahre einer Partei

Triebel, Bertram 16 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die SED-Organisation an der Bergakademie Freiberg war in den 1950er Jahren eine Autorität mit Schwierigkeiten. Zum einen suchte sie nach einer optimalen Arbeitsstruktur. Zum anderen fehlten der Partei engagierte Genossen. Diese Schwierigkeiten nutzten Studenten und Wissenschaftler. Sie näherten sich der Partei oder distanzierten sich von ihr – je nachdem, wie sie ihre Ziele am besten verwirklichen konnten.

Can Early Algebra lead non-proficient students to a better arithmetical understanding?

Gerhard, Sandra 13 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In mathematics curricula teachers often find the more or less implicit request to link the taught subjects to the previous knowledge of the students, for example using word problems from everyday life. But in today’s multicultural and multisocial society teachers can no longer assume that the children they teach have a more or less equal background and thus everyday live can have a very different meaning for different children. Furthermore there is evidence that good previous knowledge in arithmetic can hinder the approach to other mathematical subjects, like algebra. In this paper I want to provide a brief overview on how previous knowledge in arithmetic can affect student\'s access to algebra and therefore present an early algebra teaching project which introduces elementary school children to algebraic notation by measurement in an action-oriented way. Thereby the chosen approach to algebra explicitly does not come back to the student\'s previous arithmetical knowledge but additionally may support non-proficient students in obtaining more insight in the structure of calculations and hence may help them to have more success in solving calculations and word problems.

Travessias e passagens em espaços urbanos fronteiriços : Brasil, Uruguai e Argentina

Coelho, Karla Nunes de Barros January 2014 (has links)
A Fronteira Internacional é uma área de características ambíguas, pois assim como é o ponto que separa, também é a área de contato constante entre duas nações. Mais especificamente a Fronteira Platina que abrange as fronteiras do Brasil e Uruguai, e Brasil e Argentina, nosso foco de estudo, é um espaço que carrega uma história e uma memória de união, onde as ambiguidades tornam-se mais complexas ao investigarmos as peculiaridades locais, nas cidades gêmeas. Temos o objetivo de investigar o espaço urbano das cidades gêmeas onde as manifestações de fronteira são vivenciadas cotidianamente. As cidades escolhidas para representar a Fronteira Platina foram Santana do Livramento (BR) e Rivera (UY), e Uruguaiana (BR) e Paso de los Libres (AR), em função da dinamicidade e importância regional. Para o estudo, tomamos as articulações teóricas atuais da fronteira e buscamos interação com a teoria do território, da territorialidade, do cotidiano e da memória. Os relatos e mapas mentais de diferentes gerações de moradores da fronteira, a partir de entrevistas não diretivas e histórias de vida, nos permitiram o entendimento das práticas cotidianas locais, suas dimensões simbólicas e materiais como constituidoras desses espaços. A conclusão da tese é de que as áreas de fronteira são áreas de transição, e que as áreas de transição podem ser ainda mais particulares onde acontecem as interseções, os espaços de integração binacional. Mesmo que os espaços urbanos não se toquem literalmente, os espaços de integração binacional são identificados a partir da territorialidade. Depois de tratar do lócus, podemos dizer que a fronteira possui uma área de interseção, seja ela material, contida no espaço urbano, ou simbólica, em função das memórias de vizinhança e territorialidades. Estes espaços chamamos espaços de integração binacional. / The International Border is an area of ambiguous characteristics because it is the point that separates and also the area of constant contact between two nations. More specifically the Platina Border that comprehends the borders of Brazil and Uruguay, and Brazil and Argentina, our focus of study, is a space that carries a history and a memory of union, where the ambiguities became more clear as we investigated the local peculiarities in the twin cities. We have the objective of investigating the urban space of the twin cities where the manifestations of the border are lived everyday. The cities chosen to represent the Platina Border were Santana do Livramento (BR) and Rivera (UY), and Uruguaiana (BR) and Paso de los Libres (AR), due to the dynamics and regional importance. For the study, we took the present theoretical articulations of the border and we looked for interactions with the theory of the land, of the territoriality, the daily life and the memory. The reports and mind maps from different generations of residents of the border, from non-directive interviews and life stories, allowed us to understand the local daily practices, its symbolic and material dimensions as builders of these spaces. The conclusion of the thesis is that bordering areas are transitions areas, and that transition areas can be even more particular where the intersections take place, the space of binational integration. Even if the urban spaces do not meet literally, the spaces of binational integration are identified from the territoriality. After dealing with the locus, we can say that the border has an area of intersection, being material, within the urban space, or symbolic, due to the neighbouring memories and territoriality. We call the spaces binational integration spaces.

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