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La Fête paradoxale sur la scène britannique contemporaine / The Paradoxical Party on the British Contemporary StageAlliot, Julien 18 November 2016 (has links)
Depuis sa naissance au cœur des célébrations païennes ou religieuses du Moyen Âge anglais, le théâtre britannique a toujours entretenu des liens privilégiés avec la fête. Cette affinité élective entre le dramatique et le festif fait ici l’objet d’une réflexion esthétique reposant sur un corpus de pièces contemporaines où sont représentées toutes sortes de célébrations. En effet, qu’il s’agisse d’anniversaires, de Noëls, ou de retrouvailles entre amis, le topos festif perdure sur les scènes britanniques de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle (The Birthday Party fut joué à Londres en 1958) jusqu’au début du XXIe siècle, avec des pièces comme Jerusalem de Jez Butterworth (2009) ou In the Republic of Happiness de Martin Crimp (2012). Or, après l’expérience traumatique de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et les crises protéiformes qui ont affecté le monde au cours des dernières décennies, la rémanence de la fête sur scène a de quoi étonner. Il convient cependant d’observer que lorsque le phénomène festif se change en objet de représentation, il donne l’occasion aux dramaturges de déployer une poétique carnavalesque où l’excès cohabite avec le manque, la légèreté avec la gravité, pour finalement mettre le monde et les formes traditionnelles sens dessus dessous. Éminemment transgressive et volontiers caractérisée par la pénurie, le manque, voire la violence ou la mort, la fête paradoxale devient le lieu privilégié d’une exploration éthique et esthétique des limites du figurable. Elle offre dès lors un paradigme fécond pour rendre compte du renouvellement des formes dramatiques contemporaines. / British theatre and festivities have always been closely linked. From the moment the first plays were performed during medieval festivals to present-day representations of parties in which people binge drink or use drugs, it might even be argued that the celebratory mood has never left the stage. This intimate connection between the dramatic and the festive is investigated here from an aesthetic point of view, through a corpus of contemporary plays representing celebrations. Be they birthdays, anniversaries, Christmases or reunions, the festive motif is a recurring one in the second half of the twentieth century, with plays like The Birthday Party (1958), and on into the twenty-first century, with Jez Butterworth’s Jerusalem (2009) or Martin Crimp’s In the Republic of Happiness (2012). Considering the traumatic experience of the Second World War or the protean crises that have subsequently affected the world, we might expect parties to disappear from the stage altogether; yet, this is not the case. In fact, we find that when the festive phenomenon is turned into an object of representation, it allows dramatists to put forward a poetics of excess characterised by exuberance and transgression. Not only does this carnivalesque energy turn the world upside down, it also subverts traditional dramatic forms. Oscillating between lack and excess or lightheartedness and gravity, sometimes verging on scarcity, violence or even death, the paradoxical party becomes the epitome of an aesthetic and ethical exploration of the limits of the representable. It thus offers a fruitful paradigm to account for the renewal of dramatic forms on the contemporary stage.
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Afekt, výraz, performance: Transformace melodramatického excesu v díle Wernera Schroetera / Affect, Expression, Performance: Transformation of Melodramatic Excess in the Work of Werner SchroeterAnger, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with various possible ways in which the formalized expression of emotions that is characteristic of the melodramatic mode can be reinterpreted in the context of experimental cinema, with the work of the director Werner Schroeter being used as a main (but not exclusive) example. The main argument is based on two interrelated ideas. First, the melodramatic mode as a genre-bending category offers a wide repertory of stylistic features designed to express extreme emotional states or situations which can be encompassed by the term "melodramatic excess". This type of excess manifests itself most visibly in moments of intense passion when the plot breaks down and freezes in a static or symbolic arrangement, either through close-up or tableau vivant. All attention is thereby focused on the heroes' gestures and poses which express their emotional state face to face with an intense situation for which they cannot yet find an adequate response. Second, certain experimental films manage to transform the melodramatic excess through "expressive and performative operations" with filmic space, time and bodies, turning the exterior representation of emotions into the immanent expression of affects. In this case, affect is understood as a certain variation of emotions which demonstrates the...
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Stroj na americký sen: Protisystémová fikce Coovera, Thompsona, Burroughse, a Acker / The American Dream Machine: Anti-Systemic Fictions of Coover, Thompson, Burroughs, and AckerNovická, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
Thesis Abstract The thesis examines manifestations of transgression in Robert Coover's The Public Burning (1977), Hunter S. Thompson's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream (1971), William S. Burroughs' Naked Lunch (1959) and The Nova Trilogy (1961-1967), and Kathy Acker's Empire of the Senseless (1988) on a structural and thematic level. Georges Bataille's theory of escalated excess and Michel Foucault's theory of the transgression-limit power dynamics, outlined in Chapter One, provide the theoretical framework through which the texts are analyzed, as through concepts of the spectacle, the carnival, taboo, and the Situationist détournement practice. The nature of the American Dream Machine is explored in regards to its chief components of control; the American war on abstractions, American exceptionalism, and the American Dream, examined through their contradictory connotations and historical relevance. The thesis proposes that despite their anti- systemic drive, the selected texts are complicit with and dependent on the American Dream Machine in perpetuating their power play. In Chapter Two, the hyperbolization of American Cold War propaganda rhetoric is analyzed in Coover's The Public Burning. Chapter Three details Thompson's gonzo writing against the...
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Ocenění distribučních práv společnosti TROJA MOTO, s r.o. / Valuation of distribution rights of the company TROJA MOTO s.r.o.Vízková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is the valuation of distribution rights of the company TROJA MOTO s.r.o.. Derivative goal is the specification of an intangible asset (distribution rights), including a comparison of benefits and costs that result from the usage of this right for the company. For the valuation of distribution rights, I apply the valuation method of multi-period excess-earnings, which is suitable for the valuation of specific intangibles. The main part are the strategic and financial analysis, which are important basis for the financial plan. The final chapter includes the calculated value of distribution rights themselves.
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Oceňování značky jako nehmotného majetku firmy / Valuation of a Trademark as an Intangible Property of a FirmHadáčková, Lenka January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis engages in the growing importance of the industrial property in the present world. The aim of my work is valuation of a trademark as an intangible property of a firm. This work is divided into two parts. The first part of thesis describes term of trademark and brand, partition of intangible property in czech legislation. Follows describtion procedure of the specific trademark valuation. The second part of thesis describes the procedure of the specific trademark valuation using cost-method, relief from royalty method and multi-period excess earnings method. In conclusion of the thesis there are evaluations of using methods and procedures.
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Estimer le coût direct médical attribué à l'excès de poids corporel chez les adultes au sein de l'Institut Mexicain de la Sécurité Sociale, 2006 / To estimate the economic cost annual attributable to the excess of body weight at the adult population which received the medical aid in the Mexican Institute of the Social Security, 2006Osuna Ramirez, Ignacio 21 December 2009 (has links)
Le but de cette étude est l’estimation du coût direct médical annuel de l’excès de poids corporel chez la population adulte qui a reçu une assistance médicale au sein de l'Institut Mexicain de la Sécurité Sociale (IMSS) pendant l'année 2006. Méthodes. Une analyse épidémiologique, au niveau national, a été effectuée à partir d’une population adulte mexicaine ayant demandé en 2006 une aide médicale à l'Institut Mexicain de la Sécurité Sociale. Nous avons utilisé la base de donnée informatique « DataMart-2006 » fournie par la DTISS (Division Technique d’Information Statistique en Santé) pour estimer la prévalence de l’excès de poids corporel : surpoids 25kgm2 ≤ IMC <30kgm2, obésité IMC ≥ 30 kgm2 et la fraction de la population attribuable (FAP) atteinte d'hypertension artérielle (HTA), de diabète mellites de type 2 (DM2) ou de dyslipidémie. On a utilisé l’analyse de régression logistique pour estimer les risques appelés odds ratio, également désignée comme rapport des chances. Le coût direct médical de l’hypertension artérielle et du diabète mellites de type 2 a été établi pour l’exercice de l’année 2002 et mis à jour pour l’année de l’étude, à savoir l’année 2006. Le coût direct médical annuel attribué à l’excès de poids corporel a été calculé en multipliant le coût de chaque maladie par la FAP [...] Conclusion. Il y a un pourcentage élevé des patients qui souffrent d’excès de poids corporel, et par conséquent la répartition de patients souffrant de cette maladie par catégorie de personnel de santé, pour s’occuper globalement de la prévention, du traitement et du contrôle, est aussi élevée. Alors, il est nécessaire, d’établir des stratégies afin de diminuer et contrôler ce problème de santé publique au Mexique. Ainsi donc, comme on vient de le voir, le pourcentage élevé de cette maladie affect directement les dépenses au sein de l’IMSS. Finalement les résultats confirment que le coût direct médical annuel par patient, qui souffre d’obésité au sein de l'Institut Mexicain de la Sécurité Sociale, est plus élevé que dans les autres pays. / The aim of this study is the assessment of the yearly direct medical cost due to excess body weight among the adult population who received medical assistance from the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) in 2006. Methods. An epidemiological analysis on a national scale has been carried out taking into account an adult population who asked the Mexican Institute of Social Security for medical assistance in 2006. We have used a database “DataMart-2006” provided by DTISS (Technical Division of Health Statistical Information) in order to assess the prevalence of excess body weight: excess weight 25kgm2 ≤ BMI (Body Mass Index) < 30kgm2, obesity BMI ≥ 30 kgm2 and the fraction of related population affected by arterial hypertension (HTA), type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) or dyslipidemia. We have used logical regression analysis to evaluate risks called odds ratio also dubbed occurrence ratio. The direct medical cost of arterial hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus was established for year 2002 and updated for the year of this study, namely 2006. The yearly medical cost ascribed to excess body weight has been calculated by multiplying the cost of each disease by the fraction of related population [...] Conclusion. There is a high percentage of patients suffering from excess body weight and as a result the distribution of patients suffering from this disorder per health personnel category dealing with prevention, treatment and control is also high. Then it is necessary to devise strategies so as to restrain and keep a check on this issue of public health in Mexico. Thus, as we have seen it, the high occurrences of this illness directly impact IMSS expenditures. Finally, for the Mexican Institute of Social Security, results confirm that the direct yearly medical cost per patient affected by obesity is higher compared to estimated yearly expenses in other countries.
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外匯市場之國家風險分析 / Country risk analysis in currency market林毓翔 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究對1985/1至2016/10期間,37種貨幣的超額報酬與國家風險進行實證分析,以The PRS Group發佈的ICRG綜合風險評級做為國家風險的衡量指標。各國貨幣分別進行時間序列分析的結果顯示,單一國家的國家風險與該國貨幣的匯率走勢及超額報酬並不存在顯著的關聯。
Fama-Macbeth二步驟迴歸分析結果顯示,高國家風險的投資組合確實擁有較高的因子負載量,然而國家風險因子的市場價格,也就是承受一單位 β_CRISK獲得的國家風險溢酬太低不顯著,因此國家風險無法幫助解釋貨幣報酬。 / We empirically investigate the relation between currency excess returns and country risk, as measured by the ICRG comprehensive risk rating issued by The PRS Group, of 37 currencies during 1985/1 to 2016/10. The result of the single currency time series analysis shows that there is no significant correlation between the country risk and the exchange rate movement, also the currency excess return.
As a result of the portfolio analysis, there is no significant difference in excess returns when we execute carry trade respectively on high country risk currencies and low country risk currencies. While the momentum strategy in the high country risk currencies can generate significantly higher excess return.
The results of the Fama-Macbeth two-step regression show that the high-risk portfolios do have a higher factor loading, whereas the country risk factor's market price, that is, the country risk premium received by a unit of β_CRISK, is too low. Therefore, country risk cannot help explain currency excess return.
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Měnové režimy a globální nerovnováhy: příklad Číny / Monetary regimes and global imbalances: the case of ChinaNguyenová, Ngoc Anh January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with the exchange rate policy of the People's Republic of China. The objective is to evaluate the effect of exchange rate policy on the current account balance and the monetary policy. The theoretical part of the thesis outlines basic concepts of the foreign exchange market and relevant theories. The following section deals with the evolution of exchange rate policies. The final part is devoted to the analysis of influence of renminbi exchange rate on current account deficit and monetary policy. When assessing the impacts of renminbi exchange rate on monetary policy, open market operations and reserve requirements of banks can be considered as a vital tool of monetary policy of China. The central bank employs interest rate adjustments as a secondary instrument of the Chinese monetary policy.
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Non-Life Excess of Loss Reinsurance Pricing / Oceňování zajištění škodního nadměrku v neživotním pojištěníHrevuš, Jan January 2010 (has links)
Probably the most frequently used definition of reinsurance is insurance for insurance companies, by reinsurance the cedant (insurance company) cedes part of the risk to the reinsurer. Reinsurance plays nowadays a crucial role in insurance industry as it does not only reduce the reinsured's exposure, but it can also significantly reduce the required solvency capital. In past few decades various approaches to reinsurance actuarial modelling were published and many actuaries are nowadays just reinsurance specialized. The thesis provides an overview of the actuarial aspects of modelling a non-life per risk and for motor third party liability per event excess of loss reinsurance structure, according to the author's knowledge no study of such wide scope exists and various aspects have to be found in various fragmented articles published worldwide. The thesis is based on recent industry literature describing latest trends and methodologies used, the theory is compared with the praxis as the author has working experience from underwriting at CEE reinsurer and actuarial reinsurance modelling at global reinsurance broker. The sequence of topics which are dealt corresponds to sequence of the steps taken by actuary modelling reinsurance and each step is discussed in detail. Starting with data preparation and besides loss inflation, more individual claims development methods are introduced and own probabilistic model is constructed. Further, burning cost analysis and probabilistic rating focused on heavy tailed distributions are discussed. A special attention is given to exposure rating which is not commonly known discipline among actuaries outside of reinsurance industry and different methodologies for property and casualty exposure modelling are introduced including many best practice suggestions. All main approaches to the reinsurance modelling are also illustrated on either real or realistically looking data, similar to those provided by European insurance companies to their reinsurers during renewal periods.
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Méthodes d'ingénierie pour l'étude du risque de liquéfaction et du tassement sous séisme / Engineering methods for evaluating risk of soil liquefaction and settlements under seismic loadingKteich, Ziad 07 November 2018 (has links)
La liquéfaction des sols saturés lors des séismes est l’un des problèmes les plus importants auxquels sont confrontés les ingénieurs. Il n’y a guère eu de séisme majeur sans au moins quelques cas de liquéfaction. Des tassements, des basculements de bâtiments, des écoulements latéraux, des cônes de liquéfaction et des instabilités de pentes, sont certaines de ses manifestations. La conception sismique des centrales nucléaires et autres installations critiques comprend systématiquement une évaluation du risque de liquéfaction.Dans ce cadre, des méthodes de nature entièrement empirique sont couramment utilisées en ingénierie. Ces approches procurent des marges à la conception et des limitations d’utilisation. Pour exploiter ces marges en situation de réévaluation, on a recours à des calculs transitoires non linéaires avancés dans lesquels on doit modéliser finement la loi de comportement du sol pour mettre en évidence les montées de pression interstitielle.Ces derniers calculs sont coûteux en termes de temps et de compétences numériques. L’objectif de ce travail de recherche est notamment de réduire les conservatismes en vigueur lors de l’utilisation de la méthode simplifiée sans pour autant mettre en œuvre d’emblée les méthodes les plus sophistiqués. On propose pour cela une méthode de complexité intermédiaire qui élargit l’applicabilité des modèles semi-empiriques pour une analyse plus fine du risque sismique.Dans un premier temps, en partant d’un calcul linéaire équivalent conventionnel, une nouvelle approche pour la prise en compte de la montée de pression interstitielle est proposée sous le nom « X-ELM ». Le modèle de comportement employé est basé sur la relation entre la pression interstitielle et les déformations volumiques plastiques. La nouvelle approche «X-ELM » est utilisée pour modéliser la réponse des sols pour le séisme de Tōhoku (Mw=9.0) à la ville d’Urayasu au Japon. Le modèle a été appliqué sur douze profils de sols différents. L’étude de ces cas rend possible la validation du modèle par comparaison des résultats des calculs aux observations in situ. Le modèle peut donc être considéré comme un outil fiable pour la prédiction de déclenchement de liquéfaction des sols saturés.Ensuite, un outil de prédiction rapide a été conçu en se basant sur des approximations de processus aléatoire, sur les propriétés mécaniques de base du sol et sur les caractéristiques du chargement sismique. Outre son ampleur, une caractéristique importante du signal sismique d’entrée est sa durée qui peut conduire à de fortes non linéarités et à un état de liquéfaction étendu. En considérant donc la durée de phase forte, le spectre de réponse, la fréquence propre du modèle et les caractéristiques de densification du sol, l’outil de prédiction proposé procure des estimations rapides du taux de montée de pression interstitielle et du tassement pré-liquéfaction sans devoir exécuter des calculs transitoires.Enfin, un modèle 2D de barrage est étudié, en examinant l’influence de la montée de pression interstitielle et celle des déformations de cisaillement sur la réponse sismique de l’ouvrage. Un calcul linéaire équivalent adapté aux situations bidimensionnelles est élaboré et le prédicteur est employé pour évaluer la montée de pression interstitielle. On compare les résultats de la simulation aux observations in situ, piézométriques et accélérométriques.En conclusion, ce travail de recherche fournit des méthodes et outils de calculs numériques performants et accessibles aux ingénieurs pour l’évaluation sismique des profils de sols et des ouvrages en terre tels que digues ou barrages / The liquefaction of saturated soils during earthquakes is one of the most important problems facing engineers. There has hardly been a major earthquake without at least some cases of liquefaction. Settlements, tilting of buildings, lateral flows, sand boilings and slope instabilities have been some of its manifestations. The seismic design of nuclear power plants and other critical facilities systematically includes a liquefaction risk assessment.In this context, fully empirical methods are commonly used in engineering. These approaches provide design margins and limitations of use. To exploit these margins in a re-evaluation situation, we use advanced nonlinear transient calculations in which the soil behavior must be finely modeled to highlight the pore-water pressure build-up. These last calculations are expensive in terms of time and numerical skills. The objective of this research work is to reduce the conservatisms in force when using the simplified method without necessarily implementing the most sophisticated methods from the outset. To this end, we propose a method of intermediate complexity that broadens the applicability of semi-empirical models for a more detailed analysis of seismic risk.First, starting from a conventional equivalent linear calculation, a new approach for taking into account excess pore pressure is proposed under the name "X-ELM". The behavioral model employed is based on the relationship between pore pressure and plastic volumetric deformations. The new "X-ELM" approach is used to model soil response in the city of Urayasu,Japan during the Tohoku earthquake (Mw = 9.0). The model has been applied to twelve different soil profiles. The study of these cases makes possible the validation of themodel by comparing the results of the calculations with the observations in situ. The model can therefore be considered as a reliable tool for the prediction of liquefaction triggering of saturated soils.Then, a prediction tool was designed based on random process approximations, the basic mechanical properties of the soil and the characteristics of the seismic loading. In addition to its magnitude, an important feature of the input seismic signal is its duration which can lead to strong nonlinearities and an extended liquefaction state. Considering the strong phase duration, the response spectrum, the natural frequency of the model and the characteristics of soil compaction, this tool provides fast estimations of the rate of pore pressure build-up and pre-liquefaction settlement without having to perform transient calculations.Finally, a 2D dam model is studied, by examining the influence of excess pore pressure and that of the shear strains on the seismic response of the structure. An equivalent linear computation adapted to two-dimensional situations is elaborated and the predictor is used to evaluate pore pressure increase. Simulation results are compared with in situ, piezometric and accelerometric observations.In conclusion, this research work provides methods and tools of numerical computation that are efficient and accessible to engineers for the seismic evaluation of soil profiles and earth structures such as dikes or dams
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