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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

火災保險自留比例與自留損失相關性分析 / Correlation Analysis of Retained Ratio and Retained Loss for Property Insurance

林文煌 Unknown Date (has links)
決定自留額是保險人承接業務時之主要考量因素,以發揮保險之基本原理原則:危險分散與損失分攤。自留額釐定不當,不僅影響保險人財務結構,甚至波及公司整體核保營運成果而危及清償能力。本文選擇某產險公司實際損失分配資料,探討不同自留比例與再保方式對營運結果之影響,結果顯示在此實際損失分配資料模型下,適度調高自留比例,應可增加核保利潤。本文進一步以相關性分析探討自留配置。 / Retention is a key element for the insurer to determine how much it wishes to retain for its own account for the risks it has written. This point is fundamental to carrying on the business of insurance and akin to the principle upon which insurance is based, namely the spreading of risks and sharing of losses. The risk of incurring a retained loss owning to inadequate retention, which would imperil financial objective even can affect the overall underwriting results and arise insolvency. This paper select data base of occurred loss distribution for the past three years to study the impact of different retained ratio and different type of reinsurance for performance. This paper shows that, the underwriting profit can be expected to increase when the retention increases precisely under the existing loss distribution model . This paper also discuss the related factors in deciding retention by correlation analysis.

Käppalaverkets nuvarande och framtida rötningskapacitet : en studie i labskala / Present and future digestion capacity of Käppala wastewater treatment plant : a study in laboratory scale

Leksell, Niklas January 2005 (has links)
<p>Käppala wastewater treatment plant situated on the island of Lidingö northeast of Stockholm is running a project during 2004 and 2005 with the purpose to map out the capacity of anaerobic digestion in the digesters that treat primary and excess sludge. The purpose of this thesis work, which is part of that project, was to characterize the present anaerobic digestion process and to investigate its capacity to treat other organic wastes such as restaurant waste and waste from water works. To decide the potential of both methane and biogas production from different substrates batch laboratory tests were carried out. To imitate the anaerobic digestion process at Käppala continuous tests with small scale reactors were carried out. These reactors were later fed with restaurant waste.</p><p>The batch laboratory tests showed that primary sludge had a potential biogas and methane production of 0,62 and 0,35 Ndm3/g VS respectively after 40 days of digestion. After 15 to 20 days of digestion (average retention time in the digester at Käppala wastewater treayment plant that treats primary sludge) the biogas production was between 0,55 and 0,60 Ndm3/g VS, which is within the range of the production at the digester that treats the primary sludge. This leads to the conclusion that the digestion of primary sludge is well functioning at the plant.</p><p>Batch laboratory tests showed that excess sludge had a potential biogas and methane production of 0,31 and 0,16 Ndm3/g VS respectively after 40 days of digestion.</p><p>Batch laboratory tests with restaurant waste showed a potential biogas and methane production of 0,81 and 0,38 Ndm3/g VS respectively after 47 days of digestion. This means that the total production of methane gas can increase with 7-8 per cent with an annual load of 3500 tonnes of restaurant waste (estimated amount of available restaurant waste). Tests to imitate transport of restaurant waste with influent wastewater showed that 35-60 per cent of the increase of gas production would be “washed out” if the waste was tranported this way to the plant.</p><p>Batch laboratory tests with waste from water works showed that no gas was produced from this substrate.</p><p>The continuous tests with small scale reactors which were fed with restaurant waste resulted in an increase of biogas production with 12 per cent (corresponding to an annual load of 3500 tonnes of restaurant waste) compared to the present process.</p> / <p>Avloppsreningsverket Käppalaverket på Lidingö driver under år 2004-2005 ett projekt med syftet att kartlägga rötningskapaciteten i den befintliga anläggningen där primär- och överskottsslam behandlas i två rötkammare. Syftet med examensarbetet, som är en del av kartläggningsprojektet, var att karakterisera Käppalaverkets nuvarande rötningsprocess och undersöka processens kapacitet att behandla organiskt avfall i form av restaurangavfall och vatttenverksslam. För att bestämma potentialen hos olika substrat har satsvisa utrötningar genomförts. För att efterlikna processen på Käppalaverket har kontinuerliga försök med små reaktorer bedrivits. Till dessa reaktorer har sedan restaurangavfall tillsats.</p><p>De satsvisa utrötningarna av primärslam visade en potentiell bio- respektive metangasproduktion om 0,62 respektive 0,35 Ndm3/g VS efter 40 dagars utrötning. Efter 15-20 dagars utrötning (som är den genomsnittliga uppehållstiden i Käppalaverkets rötkammare där primärslammet behandlas) var biogasproduktionen mellan 0,55 och 0,60 Ndm3/g VS, vilket är inom samma intervall som vid den verkliga driften av rötkamrarna vid Käppalaverket. Detta betyder att utrötningen av primärslammet fungerar bra vid Käppalaverket.</p><p>De satsvisa utrötningarna av överskottsslammet visade en potentiell bio- respektive metangasproduktion om 0,31 respektive 0,16 Ndm3/g VS efter 40 dagars utrötning.</p><p>För restaurangavfallet visade de satsvisa utrötningarna på en potentiell bio- respektive metangasproduktion om 0,81 respektive 0,38 Ndm3/g VS efter 47 dagars utrötning.</p><p>Detta innebär att den totala metangasproduktionen vid Käppalaverket skulle kunna ökas med 7-8 procent om 3500 ton restaurangavfall skulle tas emot årligen (uppskattad mängd restaurangavfall som finns att tillgå). Försök att efterlikna transport av restaurangavfallet via avloppsledningsnätet visade dock att 35-60 procent av den ökade metangasproduktionen skulle ”tvättas ur” om avfallet fördes till verket via avloppsledningsnätet.</p><p>Försöken med satsvis utrötning av vattenverksslam visade att detta substrat inte bidrar med någon produktion av biogas eller metangas.</p><p>De kontinuerliga försöken med tillsats av restaurangavfall (motsvarande en årlig belastning med 3500 ton) resulterade i en ökning av biogasproduktionen med 12 procent.</p>

Etiska Index : Vad är priset på ett gott samvete? / Ethical Index : What is the price of a good conscience?

Tuvinger, Patrik, Sobka, Tomas January 2016 (has links)
Aim:The purpose of this study is to investigate whether an investor will have to s acrifice their expectations of return by investing in a responsible way. Theory: The thesis is based on the efficient market hypothesis through the modern portfolio theory to make it possible to test whether the investor will have to sacrifice return after taking into account of the risk. To measure the risk-adjusted return we used Sharpe ratio, the Modigliani-Modigliani (M2), Jensen's alpha, which later on is the basis for the study's results and conclusion. Method: The study is a quantitative survey with a deductive approach where the selected theories determined what data is collected. Based on these theories we construct a hypothesis that this study later intended to test. Data was collected from Bloomberg. Conclusion: The study shows that several ethical indexes have a higher return while at the same time showing a higher risk-adjusted return. This higher risk-adjusted return is not statistically significant except for a few of the measured markets. The study also shows that the ethical indexes generally have a lower 𝛽, which can be interpreted as a lower systematic risk. Meanwhile the tracking error / active risk is higher and the screened indexes therefore should not be compared with say, index funds. When taken into account the longer period active risk levels match actively managed funds. As in previous studies, this study did not show any significant difference in risk-adjusted returns but a higher risk.

Aktieavkastningars relation till fundamental multiplar : En studie om fundamentala värdedrivare och prisanomalier på marknaden / The relationship between stock returns and fundamental value multiples : A study of fundamental value drivers and price anomalies in the stock market

Besterman, Andreas, Larsson, Mattias January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tidigare studier har påvisat möjligheter till riskjusterad överavkastning genom tillämpandet av multiplar i konstruerandet av portföljer med målsättning att fånga mean-reversal effekten. De genomförda studierna har dock inte beaktat teoretiskt bakomliggande fundamentala variabler. Följaktligen är det av intresse att undersöka i vilken utsträckning en portfölj, sammansatt med hjälp av regression på en multipel, kan härleda avvikelser från jämvikt i aktiepriser och därmed generera högre avkastning än berättigat av risknivån på en effektiv marknad. Syfte: Studien ämnar empiriskt undersöka om aktiers framtida avkastning kan relateras till det värde som härleds genom relationen mellan deras fundamentala multiplar och marknadens faktiska multiplar. Genomförande: Studien härleder med hjälp av regressioner på multiplar aktiers jämviktspris och tillämpar avvikelser från dessa vid konstruktion av portföljer. Slutsats: Resultaten visar att en strategi baserade på regressioner av EV/EBITDA-multipeln kan generera en högre avkastning än berättigat av den effektiva marknadshypotesen under perioden 2006-2016. Liknande resultat har påvisats för P/E-multipeln men dessa kan inte statistiskt säkerställas på 95 % signifikansnivå. När det gäller EV/S-multipeln har inga indikationer på riskjusterad överavkastning påvisats. / Background: Previous studies has presented evidence of abnormal stock returns when applying valuemultiple based strategies in assembling portfolios. The previous studies has not consideredthe fundamental theoretical values that determine the value multiple. As a consequence, it isof interest to examine the performance of portfolios assembled with respect to thesefundamental value drivers. With the use of regression analysis, it is of interest to find out ifportfolios can be constructed that outperform the market portfolio in a sense of risk adjustedreturns. Purpose: This study aims to empirically examine if future stock returns can be derived from therelationship between their fundamentally determined multiples and the market multiple. Implementation: With the help of regression analysis of value multiples this study derives their equilibriumprice of stocks and apply deviation from equilibrium in construction of portfolios. Conclusion: The results indicate that a strategy based on regressions of the EV/EBITDA multiple maygenerate superior risk adjusted portfolio returns than suggested by the efficient markethypothesis during the period between 2006-2016. Similar results was found using the P/Emultiple however these results could not be statistically confirmed. Using the EV/S multipleno risk adjusted abnormal returns could be proven.

Relations entre l'excès de poids, la qualité de l'alimentation et l'insécurité alimentaire chez les Premières Nations vivant sur les réserves de la Colombie-Britannique, Canada

Buhendwa Mirindi, Victor 01 1900 (has links)
La prévalence de l’excès de poids (EP) est en pleine croissance à travers le monde. Au Canada, elle serait de 59,1% dans la population générale, dont 23,1% d’obésité et 36,0% d’embonpoint. Ces pourcentages sont encore plus élevés dans la population autochtone, en plus d’une forte prévalence d’insécurité alimentaire (IA) et une alimentation en transition vers de moins en moins de nourritures traditionnelles, et de plus en plus de nourritures commerciales de faible densité nutritionnelle. L’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) recommande des initiatives pour documenter le statut sanitaire de cette population afin d’orienter les actions pouvant prévenir les conséquences négatives sur la santé. Notre étude visait donc à décrire les phénomènes de l’EP et de l’IA chez les Premières Nations (PN) adultes de 19 ans et plus, vivant sur les réserves en Colombie-Britannique (CB). Cet échantillon est en effet le premier d’un projet de 10 ans dénommé « First Nations Food, Nutrition and Environment Study » ou (FNFNES), visant à documenter l’état nutritionnel et l’exposition à certains contaminants chez les PN vivant au sud du 60ème parallèle au Canada. Plus particulièrement, cette thèse cherche à associer trois dimensions de la santé, soit l’EP, la qualité de l’alimentation (QA) et l’IA. Nous avons voulu en effet vérifier dans le contexte des PN de la CB: 1) si une QA inadéquate serait associée à un risque plus élevé d’EP; 2) si l’IA des ménages serait associée à une qualité inadéquate de l’alimentation; et 3) si la QA et l’IA expliqueraient ensemble la présence d’EP. A l’issue des analyses (univariées, bivariées, MANOVA et régressions logistiques) de nos données transversales colligées en 2008/2009, les prévalences respectives chez les femmes (n = 493) et les hommes (n = 356) adultes étaient de 44,8% et 35,4% pour l’obésité, de 31,6% et 41,3% pour l’embonpoint, soit un total de 76,4% et 76,7% d’EP. Elles étaient de 39,3% et de 34,8% pour l’IA. Seuls 42,4% des femmes et 43,8% des hommes avaient un accès suffisant aux aliments traditionnels. Après ajustement pour les variables sociodémographiques et du mode de vie, les résultats des analyses multivariées ont montré ii que bien que les prévalences d’EP et d’IA soient assez similaires dans les deux sexes, les processus reliant l’EP, la QA et l’IA seraient différents. En effet, chez les femmes, l’EP serait expliqué par une QA compromise par des apports énergétiques relativement élevés (RC = 2,26; IC: 1,13 - 4,52), la consommation fréquente des boissons gazeuses (pour l’embonpoint, RC = 2,70; IC: 1,11 - 6,56 et pour l’obésité, RC = 2,53; IC: 1,05 - 6,09), en synergie avec l’inactivité physique (RC = 0,52; IC: 0,28 – 0,98 pour le groupe à activité modérée, et RC = 0,36; IC: 0,18 – 0,72 pour le groupe le plus actif), tandis que les produits céréaliers (RC = 0,35; IC: 0,16 - 0,75) et le lait et substituts (RC = 0,40; IC: 0,16 - 0,95) joueraient un rôle protecteur contre l’EP. D’autre part, l’IA des ménages influencerait la QA (à travers les gras saturés, p = 0,02) mais lorsque les trois variables sont étudiées ensemble, seules des dimensions de la QA apparaissent associées à l’EP. Par contre chez les hommes, le seul facteur alimentaire associé à l’EP est le pain blanc mais dans un rôle protecteur (pour l’embonpoint, RC = 0,38; IC: 0,18 - 0,76 et pour l’obésité, RC = 0,36; IC: 0,16 - 0,80); de même, lorsque les trois variables sont étudiées ensemble, l’IA joue un rôle protecteur de l’EP, dans un contexte de tabagisme relativement élevé et également protecteur, ce qui n’expliquerait pas la forte prévalence d’EP observée chez les hommes PN vivant sur les réserves de la CB. Des études plus approfondies et sur des échantillons plus grands seraient nécessaires pour mieux cerner la nature des relations mais d’ores et déjà, notre travail suggère que des effets positifs sur l’EP peuvent être attendus des politiques et programmes visant à réduire la consommation des boissons gazeuses et l’inactivité physique, et à encourager la consommation des produits céréaliers et de lait et substituts chez les femmes. Quant aux hommes, les conclusions de notre étude ne nous permettent pas encore de formuler des recommandations précises. Alors, les comportements santé recommandés aux femmes devraient être généralisés aux hommes en attendant les conclusions d’autres études. / There is consistent evidence showing that the prevalence of excess weight is increasing all over the world. In Canada, the prevalence is 59.4%, of which 23.1% can be ascribed to obesity and 36.0% to overweight. These proportions are higher in aboriginal populations, along with higher prevalence of food insecurity and a transition diet characterized by less traditional foods known to be of high nutrient content, and more market foods of lower nutritional density. Because of this situation, the World Health Organization has recommended new research strategies and initiatives in order to document the health status of these populations and prevent negative health consequences. Our study aimed to describe the phenomena of excess weight and food insecurity among adult First Nations (FN), aged 19 years and over, living on the reserves of British Columbia (BC); this sample is the first of a ten year project, the “First Nations Food, Nutrition and Environment Study” (FNFNES) aiming to document the nutritional status and exposure to contaminants in Canadian First Nations communities living south of the 60th parallel. Specifically, this thesis aims to link three health dimensions: excess weight, diet quality and food insecurity. We explored whether in the context of FN people living on the reserves of BC, 1) an inadequate diet quality is associated with a higher risk of excess weight; 2) household food insecurity is associated with inadequate diet quality; and 3) together, diet quality and food insecurity might explain the high prevalence of excess weight. Our results (from univariate, bivariate, MANOVA and logistic regression analysis of data collected in 2008/2009) show that among women (n = 493) and men (n = 356) respectively, the prevalences were 44.8% and 35.4% for obesity, and 31.6% and 41.3% for overweight, for a total of 76.4% and 76.7% for excess weight; for food insecurity, the prevalence was 39.3% for women and 34.8% for men. Only 42.4% of women and 43.8% of men had sufficient access to traditional foods. After controlling for sociodemographic and lifestyle variables, the results of multivariate analysis suggest that although the prevalences of iv excess weight and food insecurity were similar between genders, the process linking excess weight, diet quality and food insecurity was different among men and women. Indeed, in women, the excess weight might be explained by compromised diet quality, as observed through relatively high energy intakes (OR = 2.26; 95% CI: 1.13 - 4.52), more frequent consumption of carbonated beverages (OR = 2.70; CI: 1.11- 6.56 for overweight and OR = 2.53; CI: 1.05 - 6.09 for obesity), together with physical inactivity (OR = 0.52; CI: 0.28 - 0.58 for the moderate physical activity group and OR = 0.36; CI: 0.18 - 0.72 for the active group). Cereals (OR = 0.35; CI: 0.16- 0.75) and dairy products (OR = 0.40; CI: 0.16 - 0.95) played a protective role against excess weight. Moreover, household food insecurity influenced diet quality (through saturated fatty acids, p = 0.02) but when the three variables were analysed together, the only dimension associated with excess weight in women was diet quality, but not food insecurity. In men, the only dietary factor associated with excess weight was white bread, in a paradoxically protective role (OR = 0.38; CI: 0.18-0.76 for overweight and OR= 0.36; CI: 0.16-0.80 for obesity); also, when the three variables were put together, food insecurity played a protective role for excess weight, in the context of relatively high rate of smoking, also known to be protective of excess weight, which cannot help explain the high prevalence of excess weight in men living on the reserves of BC. More detailed studies, carried out in larger samples, would be necessary to better understand these relationships. This study already suggests that positive effects on the reduction of excess weight could result from policies and programmes aiming to reduce carbonated drink intakes and physical inactivity, and to encourage consumption of cereals and dairy products, especially in women. Regarding men, our results do not permit specific recommendations. However, healthy behaviours recommended for women might be extended to men, while waiting for results from further studies.

Méthodes de Bootstrap pour les modèles à facteurs

Djogbenou, Antoine A. 07 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse développe des méthodes bootstrap pour les modèles à facteurs qui sont couram- ment utilisés pour générer des prévisions depuis l'article pionnier de Stock et Watson (2002) sur les indices de diffusion. Ces modèles tolèrent l'inclusion d'un grand nombre de variables macroéconomiques et financières comme prédicteurs, une caractéristique utile pour inclure di- verses informations disponibles aux agents économiques. Ma thèse propose donc des outils éco- nométriques qui améliorent l'inférence dans les modèles à facteurs utilisant des facteurs latents extraits d'un large panel de prédicteurs observés. Il est subdivisé en trois chapitres complémen- taires dont les deux premiers en collaboration avec Sílvia Gonçalves et Benoit Perron. Dans le premier article, nous étudions comment les méthodes bootstrap peuvent être utilisées pour faire de l'inférence dans les modèles de prévision pour un horizon de h périodes dans le futur. Pour ce faire, il examine l'inférence bootstrap dans un contexte de régression augmentée de facteurs où les erreurs pourraient être autocorrélées. Il généralise les résultats de Gonçalves et Perron (2014) et propose puis justifie deux approches basées sur les résidus : le block wild bootstrap et le dependent wild bootstrap. Nos simulations montrent une amélioration des taux de couverture des intervalles de confiance des coefficients estimés en utilisant ces approches comparativement à la théorie asymptotique et au wild bootstrap en présence de corrélation sérielle dans les erreurs de régression. Le deuxième chapitre propose des méthodes bootstrap pour la construction des intervalles de prévision permettant de relâcher l'hypothèse de normalité des innovations. Nous y propo- sons des intervalles de prédiction bootstrap pour une observation h périodes dans le futur et sa moyenne conditionnelle. Nous supposons que ces prévisions sont faites en utilisant un ensemble de facteurs extraits d'un large panel de variables. Parce que nous traitons ces facteurs comme latents, nos prévisions dépendent à la fois des facteurs estimés et les coefficients de régres- sion estimés. Sous des conditions de régularité, Bai et Ng (2006) ont proposé la construction d'intervalles asymptotiques sous l'hypothèse de Gaussianité des innovations. Le bootstrap nous permet de relâcher cette hypothèse et de construire des intervalles de prédiction valides sous des hypothèses plus générales. En outre, même en supposant la Gaussianité, le bootstrap conduit à des intervalles plus précis dans les cas où la dimension transversale est relativement faible car il prend en considération le biais de l'estimateur des moindres carrés ordinaires comme le montre une étude récente de Gonçalves et Perron (2014). Dans le troisième chapitre, nous suggérons des procédures de sélection convergentes pour les regressions augmentées de facteurs en échantillons finis. Nous démontrons premièrement que la méthode de validation croisée usuelle est non-convergente mais que sa généralisation, la validation croisée «leave-d-out» sélectionne le plus petit ensemble de facteurs estimés pour l'espace généré par les vraies facteurs. Le deuxième critère dont nous montrons également la validité généralise l'approximation bootstrap de Shao (1996) pour les regressions augmentées de facteurs. Les simulations montrent une amélioration de la probabilité de sélectionner par- cimonieusement les facteurs estimés comparativement aux méthodes de sélection disponibles. L'application empirique revisite la relation entre les facteurs macroéconomiques et financiers, et l'excès de rendement sur le marché boursier américain. Parmi les facteurs estimés à partir d'un large panel de données macroéconomiques et financières des États Unis, les facteurs fortement correlés aux écarts de taux d'intérêt et les facteurs de Fama-French ont un bon pouvoir prédictif pour les excès de rendement. / This thesis develops bootstrap methods for factor models which are now widely used for generating forecasts since the seminal paper of Stock and Watson (2002) on diffusion indices. These models allow the inclusion of a large set of macroeconomic and financial variables as predictors, useful to span various information related to economic agents. My thesis develops econometric tools that improves inference in factor-augmented regression models driven by few unobservable factors estimated from a large panel of observed predictors. It is subdivided into three complementary chapters. The two first chapters are joint papers with Sílvia Gonçalves and Benoit Perron. In the first chapter, we study how bootstrap methods can be used to make inference in h-step forecasting models which generally involve serially correlated errors. It thus considers bootstrap inference in a factor-augmented regression context where the errors could potentially be serially correlated. This generalizes results in Gonçalves and Perron (2013) and makes the bootstrap applicable to forecasting contexts where the forecast horizon is greater than one. We propose and justify two residual-based approaches, a block wild bootstrap (BWB) and a dependent wild bootstrap (DWB). Our simulations document improvement in coverage rates of confidence intervals for the coefficients when using BWB or DWB relative to both asymptotic theory and the wild bootstrap when serial correlation is present in the regression errors. The second chapter provides bootstrap methods for prediction intervals which allow relaxing the normality distribution assumption on innovations. We propose bootstrap prediction intervals for an observation h periods into the future and its conditional mean. We assume that these forecasts are made using a set of factors extracted from a large panel of variables. Because we treat these factors as latent, our forecasts depend both on estimated factors and estimated regression coefficients. Under regularity conditions, Bai and Ng (2006) proposed the construction of asymptotic intervals under Gaussianity of the innovations. The bootstrap allows us to relax this assumption and to construct valid prediction intervals under more general conditions. Moreover, even under Gaussianity, the bootstrap leads to more accurate intervals in cases where the cross-sectional dimension is relatively small as it reduces the bias of the ordinary least squares estimator as shown in a recent paper by Gonçalves and Perron (2014). The third chapter proposes two consistent model selection procedures for factor-augmented regressions in finite samples.We first demonstrate that the usual cross-validation is inconsistent, but that a generalization, leave-d-out cross-validation, selects the smallest basis of estimated factors for the space spanned by the true factors. The second proposed criterion is a generalization of the bootstrap approximation of the squared error of prediction of Shao (1996) to factor-augmented regressions which we also show is consistent. Simulation evidence documents improvements in the probability of selecting the smallest set of estimated factors than the usually available methods. An illustrative empirical application that analyzes the relationship between expected stock returns and macroeconomic and financial factors extracted from a large panel of U.S. macroeconomic and financial data is conducted. Our new procedures select factors that correlate heavily with interest rate spreads and with the Fama-French factors. These factors have strong predictive power for excess returns.

La faute de fonction en droit privé / Misconduct within their function

Mangematin, Céline 09 November 2012 (has links)
A l’heure de la réforme du droit des obligations, il n’était pas inutile de revenir sur un phénomène remarqué du droit privé : l’émergence de la faute de fonction. Celle-ci interroge le privatiste quant à la possibilité de transposer dans sa matière une institution de droit administratif : la faute de service. Deux conditions doivent impérativement être remplies pour que la faute de fonction devienne une notion juridique opératoire.La première condition a pour objet de garantir que l’introduction de cette notion ne sera pas source d’insécurité juridique. Or, seule une conceptualisation de la faute de fonction pourrait permettre d’atteindre cet objectif. Celle-ci explique pourquoi la faute de fonction concerne les préposés et les dirigeants de personne morale : ces deux agents exercent communément une fonction pour le compte d’une entreprise. Ce point commun explique que leurs fautes de fonction correspondent aux mêmes critères de définition.La seconde condition a pour objet de vérifier que la faute de fonction peut être opérationnelle en droit de la responsabilité. Fondé sur la théorie du risque-profit et la théorie du risque anormal de l'entreprise, ce régime, articulé autour de la notion d’imputation, est particulièrement efficient en droit de la responsabilité civile où les fonctions de réparation et de sanction doivent être conciliées. En droit de la responsabilité pénale, droit sanctionnateur, la faute de fonction ne semble devoir s’exprimer que de façon très résiduelle. / At the time of contract law reform, it’s not unnecessary to go back to a noticed phenomenon of private law: the rise of the “misconduct within their function”. This concept raises questions for private lawyers with regards to the transferability of an administrative law concept into their own domain: the administrative fault. Two conditions must be satisfied in order for the misconduct within the function to become an operative legal concept.The first condition is about guaranteeing that introducing this concept will not be the source of legal uncertainty. However, only a conceptualisation of the “misconduct within the function” could achieve this goal. It explains why (its) liability applies to employees and leaders of a legal person: these two agents commonly undertake a task on behalf of the company. This common denominator explains that their liability equate to the same definition criteria. The second condition checks that the misconduct within their function can be operational in tort law. Based on the benefit-risk theory and the abnormal risk theory of the company, this system structured around the idea of imputation is particularly efficient in the law of civil liability where repair functions and sanctions must be reconciled. In criminal law liability, sanctioning law, the “misconduct within their function” appears to only be expressed in a residual way.

Estimativa dos metabolismos anaeróbios no déficit máximo acumulado de oxigênio / Estimating of anaerobic metabolisms for maximal accumulated oxygen deficit

Bertuzzi, Rômulo Cássio de Moraes 04 April 2008 (has links)
O objetivo desse estudo foi averiguar a possibilidade de se estimar os componentes anaeróbios do déficit máximo acumulado de oxigênio (MAOD) utilizando apenas o consumo de oxigênio (VO2). Adicionalmente, foi proposto um método alternativo que não necessita utilizar a extrapolação do VO2 do exercício submáximo para estimar a demanda de O2 para o exercício supramáximo. Para tanto, dez sujeitos fisicamente ativos foram submetidos aos seguintes testes: a) teste progressivo até a exaustão para determinar a carga correspondente ao consumo de oxigênio (WVO2max); b) seis testes de cargas constantes com intensidades abaixo da WVO2max (40-90% WVO2max); c) um teste a 110% da WVO2max; d) teste anaeróbio de Wingate. A fração do metabolismo anaeróbio alático foi estimada pela fase rápida do excesso do VO2 após o exercício (EPOCRÁPIDO), ao passo que a fração do metabolismo anaeróbio lático foi determinada tanto pela diferença entre MAOD e o EPOCRÁPIDO (MAODLA-1) como pelo acúmulo de lactato no sangue (MAODLA-2). O MAODMOD foi calculado pela somatória do EPOCRÁPIDO com MAODLA-2. Os principais resultados foram: a) as estimativas das contribuições do metabolismo anaeróbio lático não eram estatisticamente diferentes (MAODLA-1 = 2,40 ± 0,66 l; MAODLA-2 = 2,20 ± 0,4 l; p > 0,05); b) similarmente, os resultados do MAOD (3,03 ± 0,62 l) MAODMOD (2,84 ± 0,41) não eram significativamente diferentes (p > 0,05); c) foram detectadas correlações positivas entre MAODMOD, EPOCRÁPIDO, MAODLA-2 e os índices do teste de Wingate; d) os valores percentuais do EPOCRÁPIDO e do MAODLA-1 eram 22 ± 9% e 78 ± 9%, respectivamente. Esses resultados sugerem que os componentes anaeróbios do MAOD podem ser estimados satisfatoriamente utilizando somente o VO2 e que o MAOD pode ser determinado mediante MAODmod / The objective of this study was ascertain the possibility of estimate the anaerobic components of the maximal accumulated oxygen deficit (MAOD) used only oxygen uptake (VO2). In addition, was proposed an alternative method (MAODMOD) to determine the MAOD without using the extrapolation from submaximal VO2 to estimate the O2 demand of supramaximal exercise. Thus, ten subjects physically active performed the following tests: a) a maximal incremental exercise test for the measurement of the power output correspondent to maximal oxygen uptake (WVO2max); b) six submaximal tests with intensities bellow of the WVO2max (40-90% WVO2max); c) a supramaximal test at 110% WVO2max; d) Wingate anaerobic test. The fraction of the anaerobic alactic metabolism was calculated based on the fast component of excess post-exercise oxygen uptake (EPOCRÁPIDO), although the fraction of the anaerobic lactic metabolism was calculated based on both difference between MAOD and EPOCRÁPIDO (MAODLA-1) and changes in net blood lactate accumulation (MAODLA-2). MAODMOD was calculated by the sum of the EPOCRÁPIDO with the MAODLA-2. The main results were: a) non significant difference was found between the anaerobic lactic estimates (MAODLA-1 = 2,40 ± 0,66 l; MAODLA-2 = 2,20 ± 0,4 l; p > 0,05); b) similarly, there was no significant difference (p > 0,05) between MAOD (3,03 ± 0,62 l) and MAODMOD (2,84 ± 0,41); c) positive and significant correlation were detected between MAODMOD, EPOCRÁPIDO, MAODLA-2 and the indices of the Wingate anaerobic test (p < 0,05); d) the mean of the percentage values of the EPOCRÁPIDO and MAODLA-1 were 22 ± 9% e 78 ± 9%, respectively. These data suggest that the anaerobic components of the MAOD can be satisfactorily estimated using only the VO2 and that the MAOD can be determined using the MAODmod

Prevenção do excesso de peso infantil na atenção básica: construção e validação de um álbum seriado / Prevention of child overweight in primary care: construction and validation of flip chart

Más, Mirna Ferré Fontão 15 December 2015 (has links)
Introdução: O excesso de peso destaca-se como importante problema de saúde na atualidade e sua prevenção desde a primeira infância é essencial para a promoção da saúde da população. O uso de material didático e instrucional, como o álbum seriado, contribui para a prática do processo educativo em saúde na rotina dos serviços. Objetivo: Construir e validar um Álbum Seriado sobre prevenção do excesso de peso infantil na atenção básica. Método: Estudo descritivo que foca o desenvolvimento e a validação de um instrumento para intervenção educativa. Integra investigação mais ampla desenvolvida no município de Itupeva, Estado de São Paulo, aprovada por Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa e autorizada pela Diretoria de Saúde do município. Foi desenvolvida em três etapas: 1) Oficinas de escuta com mães e profissionais de saúde da atenção básica; 2) Construção do álbum seriado; 3) Validação do álbum seriado. Com base no referencial teórico da educação crítica, três oficinas com duração de 90 minutos cada, foram realizadas no período de abril a junho de 2015: duas com 10 mães e uma com 14 profissionais da atenção básica. As oficinas foram gravadas, transcritas e submetidas à análise de conteúdo. Os temas extraídos das oficinas, documentos técnicos do Ministério da Saúde e figuras disponíveis no banco de imagens da web foram utilizados na construção do Álbum Seriado. O Álbum Seriado foi validado por oito juízes, profissionais vinculados à Diretoria de Saúde e Educação do município, que avaliaram conteúdo e aparência mediante preenchimento de uma ficha de validação, durante discussão em grupo. Analisou-se a porcentagem de concordância dos juízes. Resultados: A construção do Álbum Seriado teve como base os temas extraídos das oficinas realizadas com mães e profissionais de saúde, porém para uma sequência lógica de apresentação, o material foi organizado de acordo com os temas reconhecimento do excesso de peso/obesidade, consequências para a saúde da criança e estratégias para prevenção e promoção da saúde infantil. O Álbum Seriado foi constituído por 27 folhetos com frente (figura) e verso (ficha-roteiro). Houve 99% de concordância dos juízes quanto ao tema proposto, 96% com relação à clareza/compreensão dos folhetos, 94% quanto à importância de cada uma das figuras para o álbum seriado e 47% quanto à necessidade de ajustes ou exclusão de folhetos. Melhorias na resolução e substituição de algumas figuras foram as principais sugestões para o ajuste do material apresentado para validação. Conclusões: A construção e validação do álbum seriado, com base na educação crítica, envolve os participantes, facilita o uso dessa tecnologia pelos profissionais de saúde no processo educativo na atenção básica e favorece a compreensão e incorporação de passos importantes para a prevenção do excesso de peso infantil, contribuindo para a promoção da saúde da criança. / Introduction: Weight excess stands out as a major health problem today and its prevention since early childhood is essential for the population health. The use of instructional teaching materials such as flip chart in the educational process in health contributes to the effectiveness of this practice in the service routine. Objective: To develop and validate a flip chart on prevention of childhood weight excess in primary care. Methods: Descriptive study that focuses on the development and validation of an instrument for educational intervention. Honest and wide investigation was developed in the city of Itupeva, State of São Paulo, approved by the Research Ethics Committee and authorized by the city\'s Health Board. It was developed in three steps: 1) Listening workshops with mothers and health professionals in primary care; 2) Development of a flip chart; 3) Flip chart validation. Based on the theoretical framework of critical education, where three workshops which lasted 90 minutes each were held from April to June 2015: two with 10 mothers, and one with 14 primary care professionals. The workshops were recorded, transcribed and subjected to content analysis. To develop the flip chart, themes were drawn from workshops, technical documents were used from the Ministry of Health and pictures were taken from the internet. The flip chart was validated by eight judges, who were part of the city professional Board of Health and Education. They evaluated the flip charts content and appearance by filling out a form validation for group discussion. The percentage of the judges agreement was analyzed. Results: The analysis of the listening workshops gave origin to the topics, weight excess acknowledgement\", consequences for the childs health\" and \"strategies for prevention and childrens health promotion. The flip chart consists of 27 sheets: odds pages with figure and even pages with plug-Script. There was 99% of the judges agreement on the proposed theme, 96% regarding clarity and understanding, 94% regarding the importance of each picture, and 47% as for needs of adjustments or exclusion. Resolution improvements and picture replacements were the main suggestions for the material validation. Conclusions: The flip chart construction and validation based on critical education involves the participants, facilitates the use of this technology by health professionals in the educational process in primary care, and promotes understanding and incorporation of important steps to prevent child\'s weight overflow, contributing to the child\'s health promotion.

Apport des méthodes de survie nette dans le pronostic des lymphomes malins non hodgkiniens en population générale / Contribution of net survival methods to the prognosis of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma in population studies

Mounier, Morgane 17 September 2015 (has links)
L'étude de la survie nette des patients atteints de cancer en population générale permet d'apprécier l'efficience globale du système de soin d'un pays. La survie nette se définit comme la survie qui serait observée si la seule cause de décès possible était le cancer. Ce concept est fondamental dans les comparaisons entre zones géographiques et/ou périodes de diagnostic dont l'intérêt est d'estimer les variations spécifiques de la mortalité due au cancer. Le concept de survie nette permet de prendre en compte les éventuelles différences de mortalité naturelle entre les groupes comparés. Actuellement, seuls deux outils estiment la survie nette sans biais : l'estimateur non paramétrique de Pohar-Perme et la modélisation paramétrique ajustée sur certaines covariables (essentiellement l'âge). Par ailleurs, les outils paramétriques s'étant perfectionnés, de nouveaux modèles flexibles permettent de modéliser les effets complexes des variables sur la mortalité. Ce travail repose sur la modélisation du taux de mortalité en excès à la suite d'un lymphome malin non hodgkinien, en se basant sur le modèle proposé par Remontet et al. et sur la nécessité de modéliser conjointement les effets complexes des covariables (telles que le temps de suivi, l'année de diagnostic et l'âge) sur la mortalité à l'aide d'une stratégie de modélisation adaptée. L'effet des variables est restitué sur la survie nette mais aussi sur le taux de mortalité en excès ce qui représente un élément nouveau dans les études de survie. Deux applications ont été menées sur des bases de données collaboratives de population : d'une part sur les données françaises du réseau FRANCIM à la suite d'un diagnostic de lymphome folliculaire entre 1995 et 2010 et, d'autre part, sur les données européennes d'EUROCARE-5 après un lymphome folliculaire ou un lymphome B diffus à grandes cellules diagnostiqué entre 1996 et 2004. Les résultats montrent que la dynamique du taux de mortalité en excès au cours du temps de suivi varie en fonction du sous-type de lymphome, de l'âge et de la zone géographique. Les tendances de cette dynamique en fonction de l'année de diagnostic sont également différentes / The net survival of cancer patients in population studies is the most relevant indicator to assess the overall efficiency of the healthcare system of a country. Net survival is defined as the survival that would be observed if the sole cause of death were cancer. This concept is crucial in comparative studies (between geographical areas and/or periods of diagnosis) that estimate specific variations of cancer-related deaths. Net survival takes into account potential differences in mortality patterns between groups. Currently, two methods provide unbiased estimations of net survival: the non-parametric estimator of Pohar-Perme and the parametric model adjusted on specific covariates (mainly, the age at diagnosis). Moreover, new improved parametric tools, such as flexible models, can model the complex covariate effects on mortality. In this work, we modeled the excess mortality rate after a non Hodgkin lymphoma diagnosis, with a model developed by Remontet et al. In addition, we used an appropriate model-building-strategy to model jointly the complex effects of some covariates (such as the time elapsed since diagnosis, the year of diagnosis, and age) on the excess mortality. Finally, this approach allowed for the covariate effects on the net survival and on the excess mortality rate. We applied this method to two different collaborative databases: first on the French database FRANCIM (1995 to 2010) to study the excess mortality after diagnosis of follicular lymphoma, then on the European data of EUROCARE-5 (1996 to 2004) to study the excess mortality after diagnosis of follicular lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. According to the results, the dynamics of the excess mortality rate varies over the time elapsed since diagnosis according to the lymphoma subtype, the age, and the geographical area. The trends of these dynamics over the years of diagnosis are different too

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