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Estilo de vida individual de universit?rios jovens com excesso de peso da Universidade Cat?lica de Murcia-Espanha / Individual life style of young overweight undergraduates at Universidade Cat?lica de Murcia-SpainLiparotti, Jo?o Roberto 19 June 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-06-19 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / Individual lifestyle includes health and risk behaviors that can altar health status. Excess weight is a public health problem of modern civilization and there is an estimated mean prevalence of 45% in European countries. In Spain, the Murcia Region is an area of high morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disorders. In this study we assess the differences in health and risk behaviors in ove/weight and normal weight undergraduates at the Universidad Cat?lica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM). Methods: Transversal design of parallel groups (overweight - cases and normal weight - control) , formed using the anthropometric technique. A questionnaire applied to a sample of 471 undergraduates of either sex, between the ages of 18 and 29 years, enrolled in 4 bachelor degree courses (ADE, CA, PER, PUB) at UCAM. We performed a standardized measurement of body mass (weight in kg), height (in meters) using a Seca? scale with calibrated stadiometer, waist and hip circumferences (in cm) with an inelastic tape and skinfolds thickness (triceps and subscapular in mm) with a Holtain? caliper, to calculate body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) and the sum of skinfolds (SSF). We applied a lifestyle questionnaire about alcohol and tobacco consumption, knowledge and behaviors related to health indicators (arterial pressure and cholesterol), diet and physical activity. The information was collected in April and May, 2001 at the UCAM laboratory of Applied Nutrition. Statistical analysis: analysis of independent groups, contingency tables that reveal which qualitativa variables show differences and associations between the groups, Pearson's chi-square,and a significance levei of p < 0.05 followed by a residual analysis (1.96). Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) were used to establish the two groups: case and contrai with 65 men and 26 women each who had BMI < 25 kg/m2. Results: A total of 65 of the men assessed (14%) and 26 (6%) of the women were overweight. Mean body mass index of the case group was 27. 78 ?: 2.83 kg/m2 in the men and 26.26 ? 1.37 kg/m2 in the women, while contrai group men had mean BMI of 22.36 ? 1.72 kg/m2, while for the women it was 20.76 ?: 2.13 kg/m2. The self-declared values of weight and height were underestimated, but with high accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. Thus, these can be used to calculate the BMI of overweight Spanish undergraduates. Regular vigorous physical activity was observed only in normal weight men. The analysis showed the following significant differences for the qualitativa variables of the two groups. The contrai group was interested in arterial hypertension, believed that they were not overweight, that they had no abdominal fat, and had not considered controlling 'fatty food consumption. Those who thought of controlling it sometimes, did so without professional help. However, part of the overweight group believed that they were overweight and had abdominal fat between average and considerable, had often or always considered controlling fatty foods and had often or always tried to control consumption with the help of professionals. They had always thought of engaging in physical activities, unlike the normal weight individuals. Nearly all (95%) of the overweight undergraduates and most (75%) of the normal weight group reported that they sometimes or always controlled fatty food ingestion. Mean physical activity was nearly twice as high in the summer than in the winter. Conclusions: The overweight undergraduates in this sample displayed a lifestyle with a greater number of healthy behaviors when compared to normal weight individuals / O estilo de vida individual inclui condutas de sa?de ou de risco que podem modificar o estado de sa?de. O excesso de peso ? um problema de sa?de p?blica e estima-se uma preval?ncia m?dia de 45% para os pa?ses europeus. Em Espanha, a Regi?o de Murcia ? uma ?rea de alta morbimortalidade de enfermidades cardiovasculares. Neste estudo se avaliam as diferen?as de condutas de sa?de e de risco em universit?rios com excesso de peso e normopesos da Universidad Cat?lica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM). M?todos: Delineamento transversal de grupos paralelos (excesso de peso casos e normopesos controle), formados atrav?s de aplica??o da t?cnica antropom?trica a uma amostra de 471 jovens entre18-29 anos de ambos os sexos, matriculados em 4 cursos de licenciatura (ADE, CAU, PER, PUB) da UCAM. Foi aplicado um question?rio de estilo de vida sobre consumo de ?lcool e tabaco, conhecimentos e condutas com rela??o a indicadores de sa?de (press?o arterial e n?vel de colesterol), dieta e atividade f?sica. Tratamento estat?stico: an?lise de grupos independentes, tabelas de conting?ncia que permitem saber que vari?veis qualitativas mostram diferen?as e associa??es entre os grupos, Qui-quadrado de Pearson, sendo adotado n?vel de signific?ncia p<0,05, seguido de an?lise de res?duos (1,96). A estat?stica descritiva (m?dia e desvio padr?o) foi utilizada para estabelecer os dois grupos: casos e controles com 65 homens e 26 mulheres cada, que apresentavam IMC<25 kg/m2. Resultados: O total de homens que apresentaram algum grau de excesso de peso foi de 65 (14%) dos avaliados e 26 (6%) em mulheres. O IMC m?dio do grupo caso foi de 27,78 ?2,83 kg/m2 nos homens e 26,26 ?1,37 kg/m2 nas mulheres, enquanto os homens do grupo controle apresentaram uma m?dia igual a 22,36 ?1,72 kg/m2 e 20,76 ?2,13 kg/m2 nas mulheres. Os valores autodeclarados de peso e estatura foram subestimados, mas com acur?cia, sensibilidade e especificidade altas, assim para c?lculo do IMC podem ser utilizados em universit?rios espanh?is com excesso de peso. A realiza??o de atividade f?sica vigorosa regular somente foi observada entre os homens normopesos. O grupo controle gostaria saber sobre a hipertens?o arterial, cr? que n?o tem sobrepeso nem gordura abdominal, n?o t?m pensado em controlar os alimentos gordurosos nem tenta faz?-lo. Os que pensaram em controlar algumas vezes o fizeram por conta pr?pria. Todavia, parte do grupo com excesso de peso cr? que tem sobrepeso e gordura abdominal entre m?dia e muita, tem pensado v?rias vezes ou sempre em controlar os alimentos gordurosos e v?rias vezes ou sempre tem tentado controlar com ajuda de profissionais. Tem pensado em fazer atividade f?sica sempre, diferente dos normopesos. A quase totalidade (95%) das universit?rias com sobrepeso e a grande maioria (75%) das normopesas afirmaram controlar v?rias vezes ou sempre a ingest?o de alimentos gordurosos. A pr?tica de exerc?cio f?sico apresentou m?dias quase duas vezes maiores do que as horas dedicadas no ver?o comparadas ao inverno. Conclus?es: Comparados os grupos se observou um estilo de vida com n?mero maior de condutas saud?veis dos universit?rios com excesso de peso em compara??o com os normopesos
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Contributing Factors to Excess Weight Gain During Pregnancy Among Low Income Women in UtahWatson, Tianna Noelle 17 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Objective: To evaluate factors influencing excessive weight gain during pregnancy and changes in eating patterns from the pre-pregnancy period among low-income women (<185% poverty level). Design, Setting, & Participants: Low-income women who were at least 7-months pregnant and gained excess weight (n= 14) or normal weight (n=15) were interviewed. Questions pertained to previous nutritional knowledge, eating patterns, and sources for obtaining nutrition information. Outcome Measures and Analysis: Transcripts were coded independently by two researchers, with any differences reconciled. Common themes were discussed and tallied to determine the most commonly re-occurring topics reported in the interviews. Results: Most of the excess weight gainers (EWG) and recommended weight gainers (RWG) had a heightened awareness of their eating patterns and became more concerned about the impact their diet had on their fetus' health during (vs. before) pregnancy. EWG and RWG received limited nutrition- and weight-related advice from their doctors, and relied on alternate sources of information, such as pregnancy books and online websites. The most noted difference between the groups was that RWG reported more accurate nutrition knowledge than EWG.Conclusions and Implications: Nutrition knowledge indirectly affects the amount of weight women gain during pregnancy. EWG and RWG received minimal nutritional and weight-related advice from doctors during or after pregnancy. This suggests the need for increased counseling efforts by doctors in providing appropriate nutrition and weight-related advice to their patients or providing outside referrals to registered dietitians.
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Recherche-action menant à des pistes de solution pour soutenir les parents d’enfant de 4-5 ans dans l’adoption de saines habitudes de vie / Action research leading to possible solutions for supporting parents of children aged 4-5 years in adopting healthy lifestyle habitsLemelin, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
Résumé : Introduction L’adoption de saines habitudes de vie (SHV) dès le jeune âge constitue une stratégie gagnante contre l’excès de poids (EP). Or, la promotion d’un mode de vie sain auprès des parents visant à les encourager et les soutenir auprès de leur enfant pour qu’ils adoptent de SHV est essentielle. À ce titre, l’infirmière occupe une position privilégiée. En ce sens, elle doit se questionner sur les approches à privilégier. But Mettre en lumière, en partenariat avec des infirmières œuvrant auprès de familles avec jeunes enfants, des pistes de solution afin de soutenir les parents dans l’adoption de SHV pour leurs enfants. Objectifs 1) informer les infirmières en estimant la prévalence de l’EP des jeunes enfants de leur région; 2) décrire les représentations sociales (RS) du poids et des habitudes de vie selon les parents d’un enfant d’âge préscolaire; 3) explorer le point de vue des infirmières concernant des stratégies d’intervention visant à promouvoir les SHV à la lumière des résultats des objectifs précédents et 4) déterminer les priorités parmi les stratégies proposées en collaboration avec des parents, experts et intervenants du réseau de la santé. Méthode Recherche-action en 4 cycles. Chaque cycle correspond à un objectif de l’étude. L’amorce de la réflexion le cycle 1 - Enquête transversale en contexte de vaccination - 259 enfants de 4-5 ans pesés et mesurés. Nourrir la réflexion, le cycle 2 - Entrevues semi-dirigées - 14 parents d’enfants âgés de 4-5 ans de poids normal et en EP. Passer à l’action les cycles 3 et 4, le cycle 3 - Groupe de discussion - 8 infirmières et 2 nutritionnistes et le cycle 4 - En 3 séquences 1) groupe de discussion auprès de parents, 2) questionnaire acheminé par courriel aux experts et 3) groupe de discussion auprès de participantes ayant collaboré au cycle 3. Résultats Cycle 1 - prévalence estimée de 26,3 % d’EP (20,1 % embonpoint - 6.2 % obésité). Cycle 2 - RS du poids, 1) le poids est un enjeu de santé pour les parents d’un enfant de poids normal ou 2) l’apparence potelée s’avère normale pour les parents d’un enfant en EP. RS des habitudes de vie, pour tous les parents il s’agit d’un défi exigeant. Cycle 3 et 4 - Pistes de solution proposées : viser la conscientisation et la sensibilisation des parents fondées sur leur point de vue et celui des intervenants impliqués en se basant sur le développement des aptitudes des personnes (familles) à faire des choix éclairés, l’accessibilité à l’information et la réorientation des services à la communauté. Conclusion L’étude illustre un processus de concertation en regard d’une problématique de santé pour arriver à dégager une action efficace basée sur les besoins du milieu. // Abstract : Introduction Adopting healthy lifestyle habits (HLH) starting at a young age has proven to be successful in preventing overweight (OW). It is therefore vital to present a healthy lifestyle to parents in such a way as to encourage and support them and their young child as they adopt HLH. Nurses are in an ideal position to fulfill this role; to do so, they must find the best possible ways of proving support to parents. Objective In conjunction with the nurses working with the families of young children, highlight possible solutions that will support parents in their efforts to adopt a healthy lifestyle for their children. Goals 1) inform nurses of the prevalence of OW in young children in their region of intervention; 2) describe the social representations of weight and lifestyle, according to the parents of preschool-age child; 3) explore nurses’ opinions on the intervention strategies aimed at promoting HLH, given the results of goals 1 and 2; and 4) in collaboration with parents, experts and members of the health-care system, prioritize the proposed intervention strategies. Method Action research in four phases. Each phase corresponds to a study goal. Phase 1 – Initiate Planning – Cross-sectional survey during preschool vaccination - 259 children aged 4-5 years are weighed and measured. Phase 2 – Planning Continues – Semi-structured interviews - 14 parents of normal-weight and OW children aged 4-5 years. Phases 3 and 4 – From Planning to Action - Phase 3 – Discussion group with 8 nurses and two dieticians and Phase 4 – In three parts 1) discussion group with parents, 2) questionnaire e-mailed to experts, and 3) discussion group with individuals who participated in Phase 3. Results Phase 1 – estimated incidence of OW is 26.3% (20.1% had excess body weight; 6.2% were obese). Phase 2 - Social representations of weight, 1) weight is a health issue for parents of normal-weight children or 2) the chubbiness of OW children seems normal to their parents. Social representations of lifestyle: for all participating parents, this was a difficult challenge. Phase 3 and 4 - Proposed solutions: based on input by the parents’ and nurses involved, devise initiatives aimed at raising parental awareness, and focus on developing the skills that people (i.e., families) need to make informed choices, making information more accessible and redirecting community services. Conclusion The study illustrates a consultation process on a health issue that led to identifying effective action based on community needs.
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Prevalência de excesso de peso em adultos segundo a percepção do ambiente para a prática de atividade física em um município paulista de pequeno porte / Prevalence of excess weight in adults according to perception of the environment for the practice of physical activity in a town in São Paulo state.Nascimento, Marília Augusta Sousa 06 November 2012 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a relação entre a prevalência de obesidade e percepção do ambiente para a prática de atividades físicas em adultos de Itirapuã - SP. Desenvolveu-se um estudo do tipo transversal de base populacional com 216 adultos. Dados sócio demográficos e comportamentais foram obtidos por meio de um questionário estruturado. A percepção do ambiente para a prática de atividade física foi avaliada por meio de um questionário estruturado adaptado da Neighborhood Environmental Walkability Scale (NEWS), previamente validado para a população brasileira. As prevalências de excesso de peso e obesidade (IC 95%) foram estimadas. Para avaliar a associação entre o excesso de peso (sobrepeso e obesidade) e a percepção do ambiente para a prática de atividade física foram empregados modelos de regressão logística bivariados e ajustados por sexo e idade. Dentre os 216 adultos avaliados, 55% eram do sexo feminino e a média de idade foi de 37 (12) anos. Elevada proporção de sobrepeso (31%) e obesidade (25,5%) foi observada. Em modelos de regressão ajustados por sexo e idade, verificou-se que os indivíduos que residiam em locais mais distantes de escolas de ensino fundamental [OR 1,99 (IC95% 1,13; 3,47)], locadoras de filmes [OR 2,33 (IC95% 1,29; 4,19)] e praças ou locais ao ar livre onde pudessem praticar atividade física [OR 2,05 (IC95% 1,15; 3,66)] apresentaram maior chance de ocorrência de excesso de peso. Quanto ao nível de satisfação com o bairro, observou-se que a satisfação com a qualidade e quantidade de supermercados no bairro de residência estava inversamente associada à ocorrência de excesso de peso [OR 0,14 (IC95% 0,03; 0,69)]. Os dados sugerem que os adultos residentes em municípios de pequeno porte também são influenciados pelo ambiente para a prática de atividade física e que este está associado à ocorrência do excesso de peso. / The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between the prevalence of obesity and the perception of the environment for the practice of physical activity in adults from Itirapuã, São Paulo state. A population-based cross-sectional study involving 216 adults was conducted. Sociodemographic and behavioral data were collected using a structured questionnaire. The perception of the environment for the practice of physical activity was assessed by an adapted version of the structured questionnaire Neighborhood Environmental Walkability Scale (NEWS) validated for use in the Brazilian population. Prevalences of both overweight and obesity (95% CI) were estimated. Bivariate logistic regression models, adjusted for gender and age, were employed to assess the relationship between excess weight (overweight and obesity) and perception of the environment for the practice of physical activity. Of the 216 adults assessed, 55% were women and mean age was 37 (±12) years. A high rate of overweight (31%) and obesity (25.5%) was found. The regression models adjusted for gender and age revealed that individuals living far from primary schools [OR 1.99 (95%CI 1.13; 3.47)], movie rental stores [OR 2.33 (95%CI 1.29; 4.19)] and squares or spaces outside to perform physical activities [OR 2.05 (95%CI 1.15; 3.66)] had a higher risk of excess weight. Regarding level of satisfaction with the neighborhood, satisfaction with the quality and quantity of supermarkets in the neighborhood of residence was inversely associated with excess weight [OR 0.14 (95%CI 0.03; 0.69)]. These results suggest that adults living in small towns are also influenced by the environment in terms of practice of physical activity and that this is associated with excess weight.
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Prevalência de excesso de peso em adultos segundo a percepção do ambiente para a prática de atividade física em um município paulista de pequeno porte / Prevalence of excess weight in adults according to perception of the environment for the practice of physical activity in a town in São Paulo state.Marília Augusta Sousa Nascimento 06 November 2012 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a relação entre a prevalência de obesidade e percepção do ambiente para a prática de atividades físicas em adultos de Itirapuã - SP. Desenvolveu-se um estudo do tipo transversal de base populacional com 216 adultos. Dados sócio demográficos e comportamentais foram obtidos por meio de um questionário estruturado. A percepção do ambiente para a prática de atividade física foi avaliada por meio de um questionário estruturado adaptado da Neighborhood Environmental Walkability Scale (NEWS), previamente validado para a população brasileira. As prevalências de excesso de peso e obesidade (IC 95%) foram estimadas. Para avaliar a associação entre o excesso de peso (sobrepeso e obesidade) e a percepção do ambiente para a prática de atividade física foram empregados modelos de regressão logística bivariados e ajustados por sexo e idade. Dentre os 216 adultos avaliados, 55% eram do sexo feminino e a média de idade foi de 37 (12) anos. Elevada proporção de sobrepeso (31%) e obesidade (25,5%) foi observada. Em modelos de regressão ajustados por sexo e idade, verificou-se que os indivíduos que residiam em locais mais distantes de escolas de ensino fundamental [OR 1,99 (IC95% 1,13; 3,47)], locadoras de filmes [OR 2,33 (IC95% 1,29; 4,19)] e praças ou locais ao ar livre onde pudessem praticar atividade física [OR 2,05 (IC95% 1,15; 3,66)] apresentaram maior chance de ocorrência de excesso de peso. Quanto ao nível de satisfação com o bairro, observou-se que a satisfação com a qualidade e quantidade de supermercados no bairro de residência estava inversamente associada à ocorrência de excesso de peso [OR 0,14 (IC95% 0,03; 0,69)]. Os dados sugerem que os adultos residentes em municípios de pequeno porte também são influenciados pelo ambiente para a prática de atividade física e que este está associado à ocorrência do excesso de peso. / The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between the prevalence of obesity and the perception of the environment for the practice of physical activity in adults from Itirapuã, São Paulo state. A population-based cross-sectional study involving 216 adults was conducted. Sociodemographic and behavioral data were collected using a structured questionnaire. The perception of the environment for the practice of physical activity was assessed by an adapted version of the structured questionnaire Neighborhood Environmental Walkability Scale (NEWS) validated for use in the Brazilian population. Prevalences of both overweight and obesity (95% CI) were estimated. Bivariate logistic regression models, adjusted for gender and age, were employed to assess the relationship between excess weight (overweight and obesity) and perception of the environment for the practice of physical activity. Of the 216 adults assessed, 55% were women and mean age was 37 (±12) years. A high rate of overweight (31%) and obesity (25.5%) was found. The regression models adjusted for gender and age revealed that individuals living far from primary schools [OR 1.99 (95%CI 1.13; 3.47)], movie rental stores [OR 2.33 (95%CI 1.29; 4.19)] and squares or spaces outside to perform physical activities [OR 2.05 (95%CI 1.15; 3.66)] had a higher risk of excess weight. Regarding level of satisfaction with the neighborhood, satisfaction with the quality and quantity of supermarkets in the neighborhood of residence was inversely associated with excess weight [OR 0.14 (95%CI 0.03; 0.69)]. These results suggest that adults living in small towns are also influenced by the environment in terms of practice of physical activity and that this is associated with excess weight.
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Estimer le coût direct médical attribué à l'excès de poids corporel chez les adultes au sein de l'Institut Mexicain de la Sécurité Sociale, 2006 / To estimate the economic cost annual attributable to the excess of body weight at the adult population which received the medical aid in the Mexican Institute of the Social Security, 2006Osuna Ramirez, Ignacio 21 December 2009 (has links)
Le but de cette étude est l’estimation du coût direct médical annuel de l’excès de poids corporel chez la population adulte qui a reçu une assistance médicale au sein de l'Institut Mexicain de la Sécurité Sociale (IMSS) pendant l'année 2006. Méthodes. Une analyse épidémiologique, au niveau national, a été effectuée à partir d’une population adulte mexicaine ayant demandé en 2006 une aide médicale à l'Institut Mexicain de la Sécurité Sociale. Nous avons utilisé la base de donnée informatique « DataMart-2006 » fournie par la DTISS (Division Technique d’Information Statistique en Santé) pour estimer la prévalence de l’excès de poids corporel : surpoids 25kgm2 ≤ IMC <30kgm2, obésité IMC ≥ 30 kgm2 et la fraction de la population attribuable (FAP) atteinte d'hypertension artérielle (HTA), de diabète mellites de type 2 (DM2) ou de dyslipidémie. On a utilisé l’analyse de régression logistique pour estimer les risques appelés odds ratio, également désignée comme rapport des chances. Le coût direct médical de l’hypertension artérielle et du diabète mellites de type 2 a été établi pour l’exercice de l’année 2002 et mis à jour pour l’année de l’étude, à savoir l’année 2006. Le coût direct médical annuel attribué à l’excès de poids corporel a été calculé en multipliant le coût de chaque maladie par la FAP [...] Conclusion. Il y a un pourcentage élevé des patients qui souffrent d’excès de poids corporel, et par conséquent la répartition de patients souffrant de cette maladie par catégorie de personnel de santé, pour s’occuper globalement de la prévention, du traitement et du contrôle, est aussi élevée. Alors, il est nécessaire, d’établir des stratégies afin de diminuer et contrôler ce problème de santé publique au Mexique. Ainsi donc, comme on vient de le voir, le pourcentage élevé de cette maladie affect directement les dépenses au sein de l’IMSS. Finalement les résultats confirment que le coût direct médical annuel par patient, qui souffre d’obésité au sein de l'Institut Mexicain de la Sécurité Sociale, est plus élevé que dans les autres pays. / The aim of this study is the assessment of the yearly direct medical cost due to excess body weight among the adult population who received medical assistance from the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) in 2006. Methods. An epidemiological analysis on a national scale has been carried out taking into account an adult population who asked the Mexican Institute of Social Security for medical assistance in 2006. We have used a database “DataMart-2006” provided by DTISS (Technical Division of Health Statistical Information) in order to assess the prevalence of excess body weight: excess weight 25kgm2 ≤ BMI (Body Mass Index) < 30kgm2, obesity BMI ≥ 30 kgm2 and the fraction of related population affected by arterial hypertension (HTA), type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) or dyslipidemia. We have used logical regression analysis to evaluate risks called odds ratio also dubbed occurrence ratio. The direct medical cost of arterial hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus was established for year 2002 and updated for the year of this study, namely 2006. The yearly medical cost ascribed to excess body weight has been calculated by multiplying the cost of each disease by the fraction of related population [...] Conclusion. There is a high percentage of patients suffering from excess body weight and as a result the distribution of patients suffering from this disorder per health personnel category dealing with prevention, treatment and control is also high. Then it is necessary to devise strategies so as to restrain and keep a check on this issue of public health in Mexico. Thus, as we have seen it, the high occurrences of this illness directly impact IMSS expenditures. Finally, for the Mexican Institute of Social Security, results confirm that the direct yearly medical cost per patient affected by obesity is higher compared to estimated yearly expenses in other countries.
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Relations entre l'excès de poids, la qualité de l'alimentation et l'insécurité alimentaire chez les Premières Nations vivant sur les réserves de la Colombie-Britannique, CanadaBuhendwa Mirindi, Victor 01 1900 (has links)
La prévalence de l’excès de poids (EP) est en pleine croissance à travers le monde. Au
Canada, elle serait de 59,1% dans la population générale, dont 23,1% d’obésité et 36,0% d’embonpoint. Ces pourcentages sont encore plus élevés dans la population autochtone, en
plus d’une forte prévalence d’insécurité alimentaire (IA) et une alimentation en transition
vers de moins en moins de nourritures traditionnelles, et de plus en plus de nourritures
commerciales de faible densité nutritionnelle. L’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS)
recommande des initiatives pour documenter le statut sanitaire de cette population afin
d’orienter les actions pouvant prévenir les conséquences négatives sur la santé.
Notre étude visait donc à décrire les phénomènes de l’EP et de l’IA chez les Premières
Nations (PN) adultes de 19 ans et plus, vivant sur les réserves en Colombie-Britannique
(CB). Cet échantillon est en effet le premier d’un projet de 10 ans dénommé « First Nations
Food, Nutrition and Environment Study » ou (FNFNES), visant à documenter l’état
nutritionnel et l’exposition à certains contaminants chez les PN vivant au sud du 60ème
parallèle au Canada. Plus particulièrement, cette thèse cherche à associer trois dimensions
de la santé, soit l’EP, la qualité de l’alimentation (QA) et l’IA. Nous avons voulu en effet
vérifier dans le contexte des PN de la CB: 1) si une QA inadéquate serait associée à un
risque plus élevé d’EP; 2) si l’IA des ménages serait associée à une qualité inadéquate de
l’alimentation; et 3) si la QA et l’IA expliqueraient ensemble la présence d’EP.
A l’issue des analyses (univariées, bivariées, MANOVA et régressions logistiques) de nos
données transversales colligées en 2008/2009, les prévalences respectives chez les femmes
(n = 493) et les hommes (n = 356) adultes étaient de 44,8% et 35,4% pour l’obésité, de
31,6% et 41,3% pour l’embonpoint, soit un total de 76,4% et 76,7% d’EP. Elles étaient de
39,3% et de 34,8% pour l’IA. Seuls 42,4% des femmes et 43,8% des hommes avaient un
accès suffisant aux aliments traditionnels. Après ajustement pour les variables
sociodémographiques et du mode de vie, les résultats des analyses multivariées ont montré
que bien que les prévalences d’EP et d’IA soient assez similaires dans les deux sexes, les
processus reliant l’EP, la QA et l’IA seraient différents. En effet, chez les femmes, l’EP
serait expliqué par une QA compromise par des apports énergétiques relativement élevés
(RC = 2,26; IC: 1,13 - 4,52), la consommation fréquente des boissons gazeuses (pour
l’embonpoint, RC = 2,70; IC: 1,11 - 6,56 et pour l’obésité, RC = 2,53; IC: 1,05 - 6,09), en
synergie avec l’inactivité physique (RC = 0,52; IC: 0,28 – 0,98 pour le groupe à activité
modérée, et RC = 0,36; IC: 0,18 – 0,72 pour le groupe le plus actif), tandis que les produits
céréaliers (RC = 0,35; IC: 0,16 - 0,75) et le lait et substituts (RC = 0,40; IC: 0,16 - 0,95)
joueraient un rôle protecteur contre l’EP. D’autre part, l’IA des ménages influencerait la
QA (à travers les gras saturés, p = 0,02) mais lorsque les trois variables sont étudiées
ensemble, seules des dimensions de la QA apparaissent associées à l’EP. Par contre chez
les hommes, le seul facteur alimentaire associé à l’EP est le pain blanc mais dans un rôle
protecteur (pour l’embonpoint, RC = 0,38; IC: 0,18 - 0,76 et pour l’obésité, RC = 0,36; IC:
0,16 - 0,80); de même, lorsque les trois variables sont étudiées ensemble, l’IA joue un rôle
protecteur de l’EP, dans un contexte de tabagisme relativement élevé et également
protecteur, ce qui n’expliquerait pas la forte prévalence d’EP observée chez les hommes PN
vivant sur les réserves de la CB.
Des études plus approfondies et sur des échantillons plus grands seraient nécessaires pour
mieux cerner la nature des relations mais d’ores et déjà, notre travail suggère que des effets
positifs sur l’EP peuvent être attendus des politiques et programmes visant à réduire la
consommation des boissons gazeuses et l’inactivité physique, et à encourager la
consommation des produits céréaliers et de lait et substituts chez les femmes. Quant aux
hommes, les conclusions de notre étude ne nous permettent pas encore de formuler des
recommandations précises. Alors, les comportements santé recommandés aux femmes
devraient être généralisés aux hommes en attendant les conclusions d’autres études. / There is consistent evidence showing that the prevalence of excess weight is increasing all over the world. In Canada, the prevalence is 59.4%, of which 23.1% can be ascribed to obesity and 36.0% to overweight. These proportions are higher in aboriginal populations,
along with higher prevalence of food insecurity and a transition diet characterized by less
traditional foods known to be of high nutrient content, and more market foods of lower
nutritional density. Because of this situation, the World Health Organization has
recommended new research strategies and initiatives in order to document the health status
of these populations and prevent negative health consequences.
Our study aimed to describe the phenomena of excess weight and food insecurity among
adult First Nations (FN), aged 19 years and over, living on the reserves of British Columbia
(BC); this sample is the first of a ten year project, the “First Nations Food, Nutrition and
Environment Study” (FNFNES) aiming to document the nutritional status and exposure to
contaminants in Canadian First Nations communities living south of the 60th parallel.
Specifically, this thesis aims to link three health dimensions: excess weight, diet quality and
food insecurity. We explored whether in the context of FN people living on the reserves of
BC, 1) an inadequate diet quality is associated with a higher risk of excess weight; 2)
household food insecurity is associated with inadequate diet quality; and 3) together, diet
quality and food insecurity might explain the high prevalence of excess weight.
Our results (from univariate, bivariate, MANOVA and logistic regression analysis of data
collected in 2008/2009) show that among women (n = 493) and men (n = 356) respectively,
the prevalences were 44.8% and 35.4% for obesity, and 31.6% and 41.3% for overweight,
for a total of 76.4% and 76.7% for excess weight; for food insecurity, the prevalence was
39.3% for women and 34.8% for men. Only 42.4% of women and 43.8% of men had
sufficient access to traditional foods. After controlling for sociodemographic and lifestyle
variables, the results of multivariate analysis suggest that although the prevalences of
excess weight and food insecurity were similar between genders, the process linking excess
weight, diet quality and food insecurity was different among men and women. Indeed, in
women, the excess weight might be explained by compromised diet quality, as observed
through relatively high energy intakes (OR = 2.26; 95% CI: 1.13 - 4.52), more frequent
consumption of carbonated beverages (OR = 2.70; CI: 1.11- 6.56 for overweight and OR =
2.53; CI: 1.05 - 6.09 for obesity), together with physical inactivity (OR = 0.52; CI: 0.28 -
0.58 for the moderate physical activity group and OR = 0.36; CI: 0.18 - 0.72 for the active
group). Cereals (OR = 0.35; CI: 0.16- 0.75) and dairy products (OR = 0.40; CI: 0.16 - 0.95)
played a protective role against excess weight. Moreover, household food insecurity
influenced diet quality (through saturated fatty acids, p = 0.02) but when the three variables
were analysed together, the only dimension associated with excess weight in women was
diet quality, but not food insecurity. In men, the only dietary factor associated with excess
weight was white bread, in a paradoxically protective role (OR = 0.38; CI: 0.18-0.76 for
overweight and OR= 0.36; CI: 0.16-0.80 for obesity); also, when the three variables were
put together, food insecurity played a protective role for excess weight, in the context of
relatively high rate of smoking, also known to be protective of excess weight, which cannot
help explain the high prevalence of excess weight in men living on the reserves of BC.
More detailed studies, carried out in larger samples, would be necessary to better
understand these relationships. This study already suggests that positive effects on the
reduction of excess weight could result from policies and programmes aiming to reduce
carbonated drink intakes and physical inactivity, and to encourage consumption of cereals
and dairy products, especially in women. Regarding men, our results do not permit specific
recommendations. However, healthy behaviours recommended for women might be
extended to men, while waiting for results from further studies.
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Relations entre l'excès de poids, la qualité de l'alimentation et l'insécurité alimentaire chez les Premières Nations vivant sur les réserves de la Colombie-Britannique, CanadaBuhendwa Mirindi, Victor 01 1900 (has links)
La prévalence de l’excès de poids (EP) est en pleine croissance à travers le monde. Au
Canada, elle serait de 59,1% dans la population générale, dont 23,1% d’obésité et 36,0% d’embonpoint. Ces pourcentages sont encore plus élevés dans la population autochtone, en
plus d’une forte prévalence d’insécurité alimentaire (IA) et une alimentation en transition
vers de moins en moins de nourritures traditionnelles, et de plus en plus de nourritures
commerciales de faible densité nutritionnelle. L’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS)
recommande des initiatives pour documenter le statut sanitaire de cette population afin
d’orienter les actions pouvant prévenir les conséquences négatives sur la santé.
Notre étude visait donc à décrire les phénomènes de l’EP et de l’IA chez les Premières
Nations (PN) adultes de 19 ans et plus, vivant sur les réserves en Colombie-Britannique
(CB). Cet échantillon est en effet le premier d’un projet de 10 ans dénommé « First Nations
Food, Nutrition and Environment Study » ou (FNFNES), visant à documenter l’état
nutritionnel et l’exposition à certains contaminants chez les PN vivant au sud du 60ème
parallèle au Canada. Plus particulièrement, cette thèse cherche à associer trois dimensions
de la santé, soit l’EP, la qualité de l’alimentation (QA) et l’IA. Nous avons voulu en effet
vérifier dans le contexte des PN de la CB: 1) si une QA inadéquate serait associée à un
risque plus élevé d’EP; 2) si l’IA des ménages serait associée à une qualité inadéquate de
l’alimentation; et 3) si la QA et l’IA expliqueraient ensemble la présence d’EP.
A l’issue des analyses (univariées, bivariées, MANOVA et régressions logistiques) de nos
données transversales colligées en 2008/2009, les prévalences respectives chez les femmes
(n = 493) et les hommes (n = 356) adultes étaient de 44,8% et 35,4% pour l’obésité, de
31,6% et 41,3% pour l’embonpoint, soit un total de 76,4% et 76,7% d’EP. Elles étaient de
39,3% et de 34,8% pour l’IA. Seuls 42,4% des femmes et 43,8% des hommes avaient un
accès suffisant aux aliments traditionnels. Après ajustement pour les variables
sociodémographiques et du mode de vie, les résultats des analyses multivariées ont montré
que bien que les prévalences d’EP et d’IA soient assez similaires dans les deux sexes, les
processus reliant l’EP, la QA et l’IA seraient différents. En effet, chez les femmes, l’EP
serait expliqué par une QA compromise par des apports énergétiques relativement élevés
(RC = 2,26; IC: 1,13 - 4,52), la consommation fréquente des boissons gazeuses (pour
l’embonpoint, RC = 2,70; IC: 1,11 - 6,56 et pour l’obésité, RC = 2,53; IC: 1,05 - 6,09), en
synergie avec l’inactivité physique (RC = 0,52; IC: 0,28 – 0,98 pour le groupe à activité
modérée, et RC = 0,36; IC: 0,18 – 0,72 pour le groupe le plus actif), tandis que les produits
céréaliers (RC = 0,35; IC: 0,16 - 0,75) et le lait et substituts (RC = 0,40; IC: 0,16 - 0,95)
joueraient un rôle protecteur contre l’EP. D’autre part, l’IA des ménages influencerait la
QA (à travers les gras saturés, p = 0,02) mais lorsque les trois variables sont étudiées
ensemble, seules des dimensions de la QA apparaissent associées à l’EP. Par contre chez
les hommes, le seul facteur alimentaire associé à l’EP est le pain blanc mais dans un rôle
protecteur (pour l’embonpoint, RC = 0,38; IC: 0,18 - 0,76 et pour l’obésité, RC = 0,36; IC:
0,16 - 0,80); de même, lorsque les trois variables sont étudiées ensemble, l’IA joue un rôle
protecteur de l’EP, dans un contexte de tabagisme relativement élevé et également
protecteur, ce qui n’expliquerait pas la forte prévalence d’EP observée chez les hommes PN
vivant sur les réserves de la CB.
Des études plus approfondies et sur des échantillons plus grands seraient nécessaires pour
mieux cerner la nature des relations mais d’ores et déjà, notre travail suggère que des effets
positifs sur l’EP peuvent être attendus des politiques et programmes visant à réduire la
consommation des boissons gazeuses et l’inactivité physique, et à encourager la
consommation des produits céréaliers et de lait et substituts chez les femmes. Quant aux
hommes, les conclusions de notre étude ne nous permettent pas encore de formuler des
recommandations précises. Alors, les comportements santé recommandés aux femmes
devraient être généralisés aux hommes en attendant les conclusions d’autres études. / There is consistent evidence showing that the prevalence of excess weight is increasing all over the world. In Canada, the prevalence is 59.4%, of which 23.1% can be ascribed to obesity and 36.0% to overweight. These proportions are higher in aboriginal populations,
along with higher prevalence of food insecurity and a transition diet characterized by less
traditional foods known to be of high nutrient content, and more market foods of lower
nutritional density. Because of this situation, the World Health Organization has
recommended new research strategies and initiatives in order to document the health status
of these populations and prevent negative health consequences.
Our study aimed to describe the phenomena of excess weight and food insecurity among
adult First Nations (FN), aged 19 years and over, living on the reserves of British Columbia
(BC); this sample is the first of a ten year project, the “First Nations Food, Nutrition and
Environment Study” (FNFNES) aiming to document the nutritional status and exposure to
contaminants in Canadian First Nations communities living south of the 60th parallel.
Specifically, this thesis aims to link three health dimensions: excess weight, diet quality and
food insecurity. We explored whether in the context of FN people living on the reserves of
BC, 1) an inadequate diet quality is associated with a higher risk of excess weight; 2)
household food insecurity is associated with inadequate diet quality; and 3) together, diet
quality and food insecurity might explain the high prevalence of excess weight.
Our results (from univariate, bivariate, MANOVA and logistic regression analysis of data
collected in 2008/2009) show that among women (n = 493) and men (n = 356) respectively,
the prevalences were 44.8% and 35.4% for obesity, and 31.6% and 41.3% for overweight,
for a total of 76.4% and 76.7% for excess weight; for food insecurity, the prevalence was
39.3% for women and 34.8% for men. Only 42.4% of women and 43.8% of men had
sufficient access to traditional foods. After controlling for sociodemographic and lifestyle
variables, the results of multivariate analysis suggest that although the prevalences of
excess weight and food insecurity were similar between genders, the process linking excess
weight, diet quality and food insecurity was different among men and women. Indeed, in
women, the excess weight might be explained by compromised diet quality, as observed
through relatively high energy intakes (OR = 2.26; 95% CI: 1.13 - 4.52), more frequent
consumption of carbonated beverages (OR = 2.70; CI: 1.11- 6.56 for overweight and OR =
2.53; CI: 1.05 - 6.09 for obesity), together with physical inactivity (OR = 0.52; CI: 0.28 -
0.58 for the moderate physical activity group and OR = 0.36; CI: 0.18 - 0.72 for the active
group). Cereals (OR = 0.35; CI: 0.16- 0.75) and dairy products (OR = 0.40; CI: 0.16 - 0.95)
played a protective role against excess weight. Moreover, household food insecurity
influenced diet quality (through saturated fatty acids, p = 0.02) but when the three variables
were analysed together, the only dimension associated with excess weight in women was
diet quality, but not food insecurity. In men, the only dietary factor associated with excess
weight was white bread, in a paradoxically protective role (OR = 0.38; CI: 0.18-0.76 for
overweight and OR= 0.36; CI: 0.16-0.80 for obesity); also, when the three variables were
put together, food insecurity played a protective role for excess weight, in the context of
relatively high rate of smoking, also known to be protective of excess weight, which cannot
help explain the high prevalence of excess weight in men living on the reserves of BC.
More detailed studies, carried out in larger samples, would be necessary to better
understand these relationships. This study already suggests that positive effects on the
reduction of excess weight could result from policies and programmes aiming to reduce
carbonated drink intakes and physical inactivity, and to encourage consumption of cereals
and dairy products, especially in women. Regarding men, our results do not permit specific
recommendations. However, healthy behaviours recommended for women might be
extended to men, while waiting for results from further studies.
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Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding for morbid obesity:primary, intermediate, and long-term results including quality of life studiesTolonen, P. (Pekka) 09 September 2008 (has links)
Morbid obesity is the most rapidly increasing health threat of developed countries, and the costs caused by it are already higher than those of smoking. In an increasing number of developing countries both starvation and morbid obesity are increasing simultaneously. Obesity in children and adolescents is also increasing rapidly. Conservative treatment almost invariably fails when treating morbid obesity. Results of pharmacotherapy have been disappointing after great expectations. Laparoscopic gastric banding has been used in the treatment of morbid obesity since 1993. The method was first used mostly in Europe. In the USA either an open or laparoscopic gastric bypass have been the most common methods of surgery.
The aim of this study was to investigate the operation results of 280 patients operated in Vaasa Central Hospital during the 11 years after March 1996. Of these patients, 123 have been followed at least 5 years. The results have been analyzed with BAROS that measures the quality of life.
Quality of life was measured prospectively 1 year after surgery with the 15D questionnaire that is validated in the Finnish population. The effect of gastric banding in esophageal motility and reflux was studied prospectively in 31 patients. Late results were analyzed in 123 patients 11 years after the first operation. Mean excess weight loss (EWL) was 56% in patients who had their band in place 7 years after surgery, and 46% in all patients.
There was no mortality related to the operation, and there was only one serious complication. Disease-specific quality of life improved in 78.8% of the patients in 28 months of follow-up. Health-related quality of life was significantly improved 12 months after surgery, but improvement was not connected to the amount of weight loss. The band inhibited reflux 19 months after surgery.
Complications, failures, and reoperations increase with longer follow-up. Weight loss is moderate 9 years after a gastric banding operation, and in carefully selected patients this operation is still a good option in the treatment of morbid obesity.
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Lumbar spinal stenosis : Body mass index and the patient's perspectiveKnutsson, Björn January 2015 (has links)
During recent decades, lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) has become the most common indication for spine surgery, a change that coincides with a higher worldwide prevalence of overweight and obesity. Thus, surgical treatment of LSS in the overweight and obese population is common and increasing in scope. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate whether body mass index (BMI) is related to the development of LSS, and whether BMI is linked to outcome after surgery for LSS. We further evaluated whether there are specific experiences of LSS from a patient perspective. Data were obtained for all patients registered in the Swedish Spine Register who had undergone surgery for LSS between January 1, 2006 and June 30, 2008. After adjusting for differences in baseline characteristics, patients with obesity showed both poorer results after surgery and a higher rate of dissatisfaction than patients with normal weight (odds ratio 1.73; 95% confidence interval, CI, 1.36-2.19). Furthermore, patients with obesity in the cohort reported modest weight loss at follow-up (2.0 kg; 95% CI, 1.5-2.4), and only 8% reported a clinical important weight loss 2 years after surgery. Our analysis of 389,132 construction workers, showed that overweight (incidence rate ratio, IRR 1.68; 95% CI, 1.54-1.83) and obesity (IRR 2.18; 95% CI, 1.87-2.53) were associated with an increased future risk in developing LSS when compared with patients with normal weight. To gain insight into the patients' perspective of LSS, we performed interviews with 18 patients who were on a waiting list for LSS surgery. The transcripts, analyzed with content analysis, revealed that living with LSS is a physical, mental and social challenge in which resources to cope with the condition are of major importance. In summary, obesity is associated with poorer results after surgery, and patients with obesity report modest weight loss during follow-up. In addition, obesity is associated with an increased risk to develop LSS. Our findings revealed that being a patient with LSS, naturally involves considerable suffering and pain, but it also implies being a person with his or her own resources who is able to cope with these adverse conditions.
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