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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Länsstyrelsens hantering av ärenden avseende strandskyddsdispens / The county administration's handling of  exemptions from the shoreline protection

Melander, Celina January 2024 (has links)
Det är tack vare strandskydd som möjligheten att promenera längs stränder, bada, fiska, åka skridskor och även gå i land från en båt finns. Skyddet bistår även med skydd för både djur och växter som lever på och i närheten av stränderna, samt i vattnet.  Inom ett strandskyddat område finns det en del förbud och regler gällande vad man får och inte får göra. Önskar man ändå bygga, ändra eller åtgärda något inom ett strandskyddat område kan man ansöka om dispens från strandskyddet hos sin kommun. För att få igenom dispens krävs att man har särskilda skäl. Länsstyrelsen ska granska alla beslut om dispens som kommunen tagit, och de har rätt att både överpröva samt upphäva en dispens i syfte att tillvarata det allmänna intresset som strandskyddet utgör.  Årligen ser man artiklar gällande beslut om dispens från strandskydd, som blir både omdebatterade och ifrågasatta. Debatten handlar bland annat om att reglerna kring strandskydd inte tillämpas lika, och att länsstyrelsen inte fattar konsekventa beslut. Kan det vara så att bestämmelserna i lagstiftningen innehåller vaga definitioner och svårtolkade rekvisit, som i sin tur leder till en olikartad tillämpning?  Syftet med analysen är att undersöka länsstyrelsens hantering av beslut avseende dispens från strandskydd, för att ta reda på om den nämnda myndigheten är konsekvent i sitt sätt att hantera ärenden där kommunen givit dispens. En avgränsning kommer dock att göras till enbart ärenden på Gotland, under en begränsad tidsperiod. Utredningen bygger på en kvalitativ studie där resultatet arbetas fram genom att en komparativ fallstudie utförs. Studien bygger främst på material från olika offentliga handlingar och juridiska ärenden/rättsfall, som analyseras i syfte att se ett samband, eller inte, mellan hanteringen av olika ärenden avseende en och samma juridiska fråga, strandskyddsdispens.  Resultatet visar på att vaga definitioner och otydliga kriterier i lagen, kombinerat med bristande dokumentation och underlag i bedömningar och beslut, ger upphov till en olikartad tillämpning i ärenden om strandskyddsdispens. Bilden av en olikartad tillämpning är inte nödvändigtvis något som skett aktivt och genomtänkt, utan det mest sannolika är att det lämnas för mycket utrymme för tolkning och egen bedömning åt de beslutande myndigheterna. Det som saknas är tydliga riktlinjer, definitioner och kriterier för att kunna få ett mer konsekvent beslutsfattande. Framförallt krävs tydligare och mer omfattande dokumentation i länsstyrelsens bedömningar och beslut, detta för att skapa en naturlig mall för framtida bedömningar. / Thanks to the shoreline protection we have the possibility to walk along the beach, swim, go fishing, ice-skate and even go ashore from a boat. It also assists protection for both animals and plants who live close to or on beaches, as well as in the water.  Within the shoreline protection there are some prohibitions and rules. If you want to build or change anything within the area you have to get an exemption from your municipality. To get an exemption you need to have special reasons for it. The county administration needs to review all the decisions from the municipality, and also have the right to reexamine and even repeal the decision.  Yearly, we see articles about the given exemptions from the shoreline protection that get debated and questioned. The debates are often about how the rules are not applied consistently. Can it be that the laws are too vague or difficult to interpret? And that is why it is applied inconsistently? The purpose with this analysis is to examine the county administration's way of dealing with shoreline protection exemptions, to see if they’re consistent or not in the decision making. I’ve delimited this study to cases only on Gotland, all decided on during a specific period of time. This analysis will be a qualitative investigation where the results will come from a comparative case study. The study is built on material from public and legal documents, which will be analyzed with the purpose to find connections between similar cases about exemption from the shoreline protection. The result shows that vague definitions and unclear criterias in the law, combined with insufficient documentation in assessments and decisions, is what have resulted in an inconsistency in the matter. The picture of an inconsistent decision making is not necessarily an active choice, more likely are the authorities left with too much possibility to interpret the matter. What is needed is clear guidelines, definitions and criterias to be able to make consistent decisions.  Most of all there needs to be a lot more comprehensive documentation from the authorities, in both their assessments and final decisions. This, to get a template for future assessments.

'Should he serve?' : the Military Service Boards' operations in the Wellington Provincial District, 1916-1918 : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Arts in History at Massey University

Littlewood, David January 2010 (has links)
No abstract available

Aides d'Etat et politiques de l'Union européenne : contrôle communautaire des interventions étatiques ou interventionnisme communautaire / State aids and european policies : national subsidies control or European interventionism

Pierson, Matthieu 16 September 2011 (has links)
L’appréhension des aides d’Etat par le droit de l’UE se singularise par sa triple dimension économique, politique et juridique. Leur volume, qui demeure important, la multiplicité de leurs formes, et surtout les lourds enjeux engageant la souveraineté nationale font des aides d’Etat une matière sensible nécessitant un cadre juridique spécifique qui doit s’adapter au fur et à mesure que les politiques de l’UE deviennent de plus en plus intégrées. La Commission européenne, qui dispose en la matière d’un pouvoir discrétionnaire, détermine au cas par cas, ou dans des lignes directrices, orientations, communications, et règlement général d’exemption catégorielle, les conditions de compatibilité des aides au Traité, et au-delà impose aux Etats comme aux entreprises des obligations de faire, ou de ne pas faire.Le droit des aides d’Etat est remarquable par son ampleur (il vise tous les secteurs d’activité économique et même au-delà), sa richesse, son renouvellement. Il n’est pas seulement un cadre réglementaire destiné à clarifier les exigences de l’UE vis-à-vis des Etats membres et des entreprises, même si quantitativement, c’est son rôle majeur. Il est aussi et surtout un moteur, un outil d’intégration privilégié, dont la teneur n’est pas étrangère aux interrogations sur la nature de l’UE. Il contribue de façon notable à la construction et au renforcement des politiques de l’UE, qui une fois développées, lui impose certains impératifs. Cet enrichissement réciproque est destiné à rester pour toujours d’actualité. / The apprehension of State aids by EU Law singularises by its economical, political and legal dimension. Their volume, which remains important, the multiplicity of their forms, and especially the high issues engaging the national sovereignty brings to consider State aids as a sensitive subject requiring a specific legal framework which has to adapt itself as the EU Policies become more and more integrated. The European Commission, which has in this field a discretionary power, determines case by case, either in guidelines, orientations, communications, or general block exemption regulation, the conditions of State aids compatibility to the Treaty, and beyond imposes on States as on companies of obligations to do, or not to do.State Aids Law is remarkable by its scope (it aims at every sectors of economic activity and beyond), its wealth, its renewal. It is not only a regulatory framework intended to clarify the EU requirements towards Member States and companies, even if quantitatively, it is its major role. It is also and especially an engine, a privileged tool of integration, the content of which is not foreign to the questioning on the nature of the EU. It contributes in a considerable way to the construction and the intensification of EU policies, which once developed, imposes it certain imperatives. This mutual enrichment is intended to stay forever of current events.

Institutional Pressure & Industrial Wisdom : How industrial wisdom in the Swedish car dealer industry has been affected by the 1400/2002 motor vehicle block exemption

Armanto, Elina, Cassel, Maja January 2009 (has links)
<p>The implementation of a new motor vehicle block exemption began in 2002, and affected the car dealer industry in Sweden. Before this new regulation, a general agent distributing cars to dealers had the ability to restrict car dealers’ behavior much more. Nowadays, dealers have the right to sell different brands from the same showroom, even if there are strict rules about how the different brands should be presented. The new block exemption have also given car dealers possibilities to establish in other places within EU were selective distribution is applied.</p><p>As the environment changed (by the block exemption), dealers faced new information that required interpretation. In this thesis we have focused on industrial wisdom; a reasonable and consistent, yet subjective, sense-making of reality in an industry. This sense-making is a way to understand and justify company behavior; resulting assumptions are considered so basic that they remain unquestioned by industry participants. However, interpretations depend on who makes them; different persons interpret things in different ways.</p><p>In the light of the car dealer industry and the motor vehicle block exemption 1400/2002, this thesis investigated if change due to institutional pressure can affect industrial wisdom. Further, what does this process look like.</p><p>To fulfill our purpose we conducted a qualitative research by interviewing 19 Chief Executive Officers from the car dealer industry in Sweden. The sample was designed by a maximum variation sampling technique, in which we as researchers used our own judgment to pick cases that were extra informative. Before we conducted the interviews, we reviewed literature to gain a general understanding of the industry and relevant issues.</p><p>From our research we know that industrial wisdom can change due to a shift in institutional pressure and we observed that the car dealer industrial wisdom was changing. There are some new perceptions and aspects of wisdom, which suggest that the industry has moved away from previous equilibrium. Nevertheless, perceptions are diverse in a number of areas and thoughts have not been translated into action, which leaves much potential for further change. Naturally, this is a slow and difficult process since cognitive maps are embedded in a mindset that relies on previous experience and automatic interpretations. If wisdom changes more depends<strong> </strong>a great deal on if/how dealers (continue to) act.</p><p>This thesis resulted in a model (The Loop of Wisdom) that explains how a change in institutional pressure affects industrial wisdom. New information enters the company, gets interpreted, acted upon and feeds back out to the environment, which affect other companies and the industry as a whole.</p>

Ochrana hospodářské soutěže - blokové výjimky / Protection of competition - block exemptions

Davidová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The main purpose of my thesis was to describe and analyse the system of the block exemptions. Briefly, the block exemption is a kind of exemption from the prohibition under article 101 (1) TFEU because it is supposed to fulfil the criteria of article 101 (3) TFEU. It exempts certain category of agreements, which are covered by the special regulation issued by the Council or more often by the Commission. The paper is divided into seven chapters and the first opening chapters are dealing with more general aspects of block exemption: the function, process of issuing, non- application and the advent of block exemption where the regulation 1/2003 (Modernisation Regulation) should be of special attention. It abolished the regime of previous notification of agreements to the Commission. An introduction to the system of other exemptions from the prohibition under article 101 (1) TFEU is also described there. The following part (chapter 4) focuses more detailed on the kinds of block exemptions, which are divided into the vertical, horizontal and sector exemptions. The former exemptions issued by the Czech Office for the Protection of Competition are no longer applicable and therefore only the block exemptions of the EU are of the concern of this paper. Furthermore, the special competition regime of some...

Sociální prvky v daních / Social aspects of taxes

Loubková, Eliška January 2012 (has links)
Title of thesis is "Social aspects of taxes." The main objective of this study is to characterize the various social aspects that can be found in the Czech legal system. The work is divided into several parts. The first part contains the definition of basic concepts such as social aspect, tax and its functions, the main attention is paid to the redistributive function of taxation together with an explanation of what causes uneven distribution of income. The first part includes the description of the rates, particularly progressive tax rate. The first part is completed by a definition of a flat tax. The second part deals with the tax principles of legality, efficiency, and different views on tax fairness and its two main principles, the principle of utility and welfare. The second part also concludes chapter devoted to the description of a reasonable tax rate. The third part describes the various types of social aspects, ie. exemption from tax object, full and partial exemptions, standard and non-standard deductions and tax credits. A brief overview of taxes that constitutes the tax system in the Czech Republic is ranked at the end of the third parts. The last part of my work deals with social aspects, which can be found in taxes. The thesis is completed by a summary of the social aspects and outline...

Assistência jurídica integral e justiça gratuita nos conflitos individuais do trabalho / Complete legal aid and exemption from court fess on individual labor conflicts

Sória, Thiago Melosi 29 April 2011 (has links)
O trabalho apresentado propõe-se a descrever e analisar os institutos da assistência jurídica (que tem como subtipo a assistência judiciária) e da justiça gratuita no Brasil, em benefício de pessoas pobres na acepção jurídica do termo, com enfoque nos conflitos individuais do trabalho. Abrange o estudo dos serviços de orientação jurídica pré-processual e o patrocínio das causas judiciais com isenção de honorários e de todo tipo de despesa oriunda dos processos. Para atingir esse objetivo, utiliza-se a compilação e análise crítica de informações extraídas de obras doutrinárias, de jurisprudência e de pesquisas de levantamento de dados realizadas por terceiros, tudo com base em material nacional e estrangeiro, com final apresentação de conclusões e proposições acerca das divergências doutrinárias e jurisprudenciais existentes. Demonstra-se que a assistência jurídica, a assistência judiciária e a justiça gratuita possuem antecedentes ainda na antiguidade e evoluíram até a conformação atual no direito brasileiro. O objetivo dessa evolução é proporcionar o acesso à justiça e a efetivação do princípio da igualdade, que são ao mesmo tempo fundamentos daqueles institutos. Para o mais amplo atendimento aos necessitados, não há exclusividade na prestação dos serviços de assistência jurídica nem limites nas isenções de despesas judiciais. Os benefícios e a lista de prestadores dos serviços são vastos. Além disso, o procedimento foi simplificado ao longo do tempo até a existência atual de presunção relativa de pobreza daquele que afirma essa condição. / The presented dissertation aims to describe and analyze the institutes of legal aid and exemption from court fees in Brazil, for the benefit of poor people in the legal sense, focusing on individual labor conflicts. It covers the services of free legal advice and advocacy with exemption from legal representatives fees and other charges relating to proceedings. To achieve this objective, it uses the compilation and review of information extracted from doctrinal works, case studies and data collection, all based on national and foreign material, with a final presentation of conclusions and proposals about the doctrinal and case study discussions. It demonstrates that the different systems of legal aid and exemption from court fees have evolved over time until the present existence in Brazilian law, always with the goal of providing access to justice and the realization of the principle of equality, which are also its foundations. To assist the needy to the fullest, there is no exclusivity in the provision of legal aid services or limits on the exemptions from charges relating to the proceedings. The benefits and the list of service providers are vast. Moreover, the procedure has been simplified over time until the existence of the presumption of poverty which states that this condition.

Assistência jurídica integral e justiça gratuita nos conflitos individuais do trabalho / Complete legal aid and exemption from court fess on individual labor conflicts

Thiago Melosi Sória 29 April 2011 (has links)
O trabalho apresentado propõe-se a descrever e analisar os institutos da assistência jurídica (que tem como subtipo a assistência judiciária) e da justiça gratuita no Brasil, em benefício de pessoas pobres na acepção jurídica do termo, com enfoque nos conflitos individuais do trabalho. Abrange o estudo dos serviços de orientação jurídica pré-processual e o patrocínio das causas judiciais com isenção de honorários e de todo tipo de despesa oriunda dos processos. Para atingir esse objetivo, utiliza-se a compilação e análise crítica de informações extraídas de obras doutrinárias, de jurisprudência e de pesquisas de levantamento de dados realizadas por terceiros, tudo com base em material nacional e estrangeiro, com final apresentação de conclusões e proposições acerca das divergências doutrinárias e jurisprudenciais existentes. Demonstra-se que a assistência jurídica, a assistência judiciária e a justiça gratuita possuem antecedentes ainda na antiguidade e evoluíram até a conformação atual no direito brasileiro. O objetivo dessa evolução é proporcionar o acesso à justiça e a efetivação do princípio da igualdade, que são ao mesmo tempo fundamentos daqueles institutos. Para o mais amplo atendimento aos necessitados, não há exclusividade na prestação dos serviços de assistência jurídica nem limites nas isenções de despesas judiciais. Os benefícios e a lista de prestadores dos serviços são vastos. Além disso, o procedimento foi simplificado ao longo do tempo até a existência atual de presunção relativa de pobreza daquele que afirma essa condição. / The presented dissertation aims to describe and analyze the institutes of legal aid and exemption from court fees in Brazil, for the benefit of poor people in the legal sense, focusing on individual labor conflicts. It covers the services of free legal advice and advocacy with exemption from legal representatives fees and other charges relating to proceedings. To achieve this objective, it uses the compilation and review of information extracted from doctrinal works, case studies and data collection, all based on national and foreign material, with a final presentation of conclusions and proposals about the doctrinal and case study discussions. It demonstrates that the different systems of legal aid and exemption from court fees have evolved over time until the present existence in Brazilian law, always with the goal of providing access to justice and the realization of the principle of equality, which are also its foundations. To assist the needy to the fullest, there is no exclusivity in the provision of legal aid services or limits on the exemptions from charges relating to the proceedings. The benefits and the list of service providers are vast. Moreover, the procedure has been simplified over time until the existence of the presumption of poverty which states that this condition.

Os direitos sociais trabalhistas, a desoneração da folha de pagamento e o setor produtivo: limites do poder econômico

Amaral, Renata da Silva 23 September 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:34:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Renata Silva Amaral.pdf: 528892 bytes, checksum: 1ae77cd830135e20a7df4486adb96c44 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-09-23 / This study addresses the exemption of the payroll in the productive sector, preserving the labor and social rights and ensuring the economic growth. The aim of this study was the comprehension of the legal limits of the economic power, herein expressed by one of its figures, which is the productive sector. Considering as a point for debate, the best alternative to exempt the payroll in the productive sector, as well as the existence or not, of limits to the National Congress, it was possible to conclude that the integration and the economic and social development undergo several stages. In this sense, it is possible to analyze what is in line with the stated goals, and what is not. It can be noticed that the commercial objectives and the economic issue are the focus of integration, instead of the development with social justice. The development of the Nations in the whole world, although extremely ensured by Law, is shamefully uneven. It is clear that lack of rules is not the reason for that. Rules related to the development of the human being, to economic and social progress, to human rights and basic rights and freedoms, to international peace and security, mainly the ones related to promote friendly relations and cooperation between Member States, have been flagrantly violated. / Este estudo teve sua temática delimitada na análise da desoneração da folha de salários do setor produtivo, mantendo os direitos sociais trabalhistas e garantindo o crescimento econômico. O objetivo do presente estudo foi compreender os limites jurídicos do poder econômico, aqui expressados por um dos seus expoentes, que é o setor produtivo. Tendo como ponto de debate a discussão acerca da melhor maneira de compatibilizar os direitos sociais e a desoneração da folha de salários do setor produtivo, bem como sobre a existência ou não de limites às emendas em trâmite perante o Congresso Nacional, este estudo concluiu que a integração e desenvolvimento econômico e social passam por diversas fases e nessa perspectiva visualizam-se quais são as atitudes tomadas pelos Estados Partes em cada uma delas. Desse modo é possível analisar o que está de acordo com os objetivos pretendidos e o que não está. O que se percebe é que os objetivos mercantis, a questão econômica é que está no foco da integração, e não o desenvolvimento com justiça social. O desenvolvimento das nações do mundo, embora amplamente garantido na letra da lei, é vergonhosamente desigual. O que está claro é que não é por falta de normas. Normas relativas ao desenvolvimento integral do ser humano, ao progresso econômico, social e desenvolvimento de todos os povos, o respeito e observância dos direitos humanos e das liberdades fundamentais à manutenção da paz e segurança internacionais, além da maior promoção das relações amistosas e cooperação entre os Estados são flagrantemente atacadas cotidianamente.

Oskäliga villkor för utvidgade nybilsgarantiers giltighet : I konsumenternas eller konkurrenternas intresse? / Unfair contractual terms for the validity of extended new car warranties : In the interests of the consumers or of the competitors?

Edlepil, Richard January 2003 (has links)
<p>A buyer of a new car is often offered a various selection of warranties. A warranty can e.g. exist in the form of an extended new car warranty. However, some manufacturers demand that the car has to be serviced by an authorised repairer for the validity of an extended warranty. In the thesis I analyse whether such a contractual term is incompatible with today’s legislation and I argue for when such a term is to be seen as unfair. Contractual terms can, according to Swedish legislation, be forbidden if they are unfair to consumers or to the competitors of the one who states the terms. The term stipulating that a car has to be serviced by an authorised repairer for the continued validity of an extended warranty must also be investigated bearing in mind the block exemption for the car sector, regulation nr 1400/2002. Further, some comparison with Swedish and foreign practise within the subject is made. Briefly, my conclusion is that terms stipulating that a car has to be serviced by an authorised repairer for the continued validity of an extended warranty should be forbidden. The term has a negative effect on the competition within the after-sales market since independent repairers are not given the same possibilities to enter into competition. Furthermore, the term is unfair to the consumers since an independent repairer by means of regulation nr 1400/2002 has the same possibilities and rights to acquire with an authorised repairer equivalent knowledge of how to service a car. Owing to this, the service must be regarded as being of the same quality if performed by an independent repairer.</p>

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