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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeitos do treinamento fisíco multimodal na prevenção secundária de queda em idosos: treinamento supervisionado e semissupervisionado / Effects of multi-modal exercise program on secondary prevention of falls in elderly people: supervised and semi-supervised training

Almeida, Taís Leão de 15 September 2011 (has links)
Introdução: Quedas representam risco extremamente incidente entre idosos, e sua recuperação produz altos custos. Algumas das causas mais comuns podem ser atenuadas por exercícios, se oferecidos de forma acessível. Objetivos: Comparar os efeitos de um treinamento físico multimodal quando realizado de forma supervisionada e semissupervisionada, sobre variáveis reconhecidamente relacionadas ao risco de quedas em idoso com preservada independência e histórico de quedas. Métodos: Setenta e seis idosos com histórico de quedas, acima de 70 anos, média de 79,06 anos (±4,55), foram avaliados sobre a saúde geral, histórico e risco de quedas, perigos domésticos, e foram submetidos aos seguintes testes: Timed up and Go (TUG), Walk Performance Test (WPT), Berg Balance Scale (BBS), avaliação isocinética do joelho e os seguintes testes em plataforma de equilibrio: Tandem Walk (TW), Sit to Stand (STS), Step up Over (SUO), Limits of Stability (LOS) e Modified Clinical Test of Sensory Integration on Balance (MCTSIB). Foram aleatoriamente alocados em 3 grupos: Supervisionado (S), orientado em todas as sessões, Semissupervisionado (SS), orientado quinzenalmente a executar exercícios em casa, e Controle (C), sem intervenção. O programa de exercícios multimodais foi executado em 3 sessões semanais de 50 minutos, por 4 meses. Participantes registraram quedas em calendário, e avaliações foram repetidas ao final do período. Resultados: Após intervenção o grupo S reduziu tempo do TUG (p<0,001) e no WPT (p<0,001) e aumentou a pontuação do BBS (p= 0,018), a Potência Média (p<0,001), o Pico de Torque/ Peso (p= 0,036) e a Média do Pico de Torque (p= 0,006) na flexão direita. Reduziu Tempo de Transferência no STS (p= 0,039), o Índice de Impacto na descida no SUO (p= 0.047), e a Oscilação no MCTSIB na 1ª (p= 0,037) e na 4ª (p= 0,032) condições avaliadas. No LOS, aumentou Velocidade (p<0,001), a Máxima Excursão (p<0,001) e o Controle de Direção (p= 0,004). O grupo SS reduziu o tempo no TUG (p= 0,001), aumentou o Índice de Fadiga na flexão do joelho direito (p= 0,043), aumentou Velocidade e reduziu Oscilação no TW (p= 0,008 e 0,020 respectivamente). No LOS, aumentou Velocidade (p= 0,023), a Máxima Excursão (p= 0,035) e o Controle de Direção (p= 0,006). O grupo C reduziu Velocidade no TW (p= 0,033) e aumentou o Índice de Fadiga na flexão direita (p= 0,017). O grupo S apresentou magnitude do efeito diferente na Potência Média da Flexão do Joelho direito (p= 0,002 para S versus SS, e p= 0,004 para S versus C). Os grupos S e C apresentaram diferença entre si na variação da Velocidade do LOS (p= 0,003). Os grupos S e SS obtiveram alterações diferentes do grupo C no TUG (p= 0,003 para C vs. S, e p= 0,021 para C vs. SS), e na Velocidade do TW (p= 0,007 para C vs. S, e p= 0,003 para C vs. SS). Conclusões: Numa população de idosos não institucionalizados, com independência preservada, baixa renda, pouca escolaridade, e com histórico de quedas, um treinamento físico multimodal, aplicado tanto de forma semissupervisionada, em casa, quanto de forma supervisionada, no centro de saúde, pode ser efetivo em melhorar variáveis previamente reconhecidas como sendo altamente relacionadas ao risco de quedas. Os resultados equivalentes entre os grupos S e SS impedem-nos de afirmar que a supervisão acrescente expressiva extensão a este benefício / Background: Falls are an extremely incidental healthcare risk among the geriatric populations and lead to high recuperative costs. Muscle weakness and balance impairment are among the most common causes and can be attenuated by exercises, if provided in an accessible way. Objectives: To compare the effects on variables related to falls risk, of a fully supervised center-based and a semi-supervised home-based multi-modal exercise program in elderly with preserved independence, and history of falls. Methods: Seventy six older adults with history of falls, over 70 years old, mean age of 79.06 years (±4.55) were assessed about general health, falls history and risk, home hazard and were submitted to the following tests: Timed up and Go (TUG), Walk Performance Test (WPT), Berg Balance Scale (BBS), Knee Isokinetic dynamometer test, and five tests on balance force plate: Tandem Walk (TW), Sit to Stand (STS), Step up Over (SUO), Limits of Stability (LOS) and modified Clinical Test of Sensory Integration on Balance (MCTSIB). Participants were randomized into three groups: supervised (S) that was instructed in all sessions, semi-supervised (SS) that received orientation every other week and performed the exercises at home, and control (C) that did not receive any exercise intervention. The multi-modal program consisted in three 50-minute sessions per week over four months. Participants recorded falls in a calendar and assessments were repeated at the end of the period Results: After intervention, S groups reduced time in TUG (p<0.001) and WPT (p<0.001), increased the BBS score (p= 0.018), the Average Power (p<0.001), the Peak Torque/Weight (p= 0.036), and the average Peak Torque (p= 0.006) of right knee flexion. It reduced Transfer Time in STS (p= 0.039), o Impact Index on SUO (p= 0.047), and End Sway on MCTSIB on 1st (p= 0.037) and 4th (p= 0.032) conditions assessed. On LOS, increased Movement Velocity (p<0.001), Maximum Excursion (p<0.001), and Directional Control (p= 0.004). The SS group reduced TUG (p= 0.001), increased Fatigue Work on right knee flexion (p= 0.043), increased Speed and reduced End Sway on TW (p= 0.008 e 0.020 respectively). On LOS, increased the velocity (p= 0,023), the Maximum Excursion (p= 0.035) and Directional Control (p= 0.006). The C group reduced TW speed (p= 0.033) and increased Fatigue Work of right knee flexion (p= 0.017). The S group showed different magnitude of effect in Average Power of right knee flexion (p= 0.002 for S vs. SS, and p= 0,004 for S vs. C). Groups S and C were different from each other on LOS Velocity (p= 0.003). Comparing to C, both trained groups, S and SS, had different magnitude of effect on TUG (p= 0.003 for C vs. S, and p= 0.021 for C vs. SS), and TW Speed (p= 0.007 for C vs. S, and p= 0.003 for C vs. SS). Conclusions: In a community-dwelling elderly population with preserved independence, low income and minimal education, with history of falls, a semi-supervised home-based and supervised center-based multi-modal exercise program, may be effective in improving variables previously recognized as highly related to falls risk. The similar results between trained groups prevent us to affirm that supervision adds expressive extent to the benefit

Uticaj modela programa vežbanja na koštanu gustinu i biohemijske markere koštanog remodelovanja kod žena u pre- i postmenopauzi / The effects of the model of exercise program onbone mineral density and biochemical markers of bone turnover in pre- and postmenopausal women

Marijanac Ana 24 September 2018 (has links)
<p>Generalni cilj ovog istraživanja je da se utvrdi da li postoji uticaj primenjenog<br />programa vežbanja na parametre ko&scaron;tane gustine i biohemijske markere ko&scaron;tanog<br />remodelovanja kod žena u periodu premenopauze i postmenopauze.<br />Uzorak ispitanica je činilo 26 žena starosti 45 do 55 godina, od kojih su 13 u periodu<br />premenopauze, a 13 u periodu postmenopauze. Ispitanice su učestvovale u programu vežbanja<br />u trajanju od 6 meseci, koji se realizovao u Novom Sadu, 4 puta nedeljno u trajanju od sat<br />vremena. Za utvrđivanje uticaja programa vežbanja na ko&scaron;tanu gustinu merena su 3<br />osteodenzitometrijska parametra na kičmi, vratu butne kosti i kuku i 5 parametara<br />biohemijskih markera ko&scaron;tanog remodelovanja.<br />Da bi se utvrdio uticaj vežbanja kod ispitanica, primenjena je multivarijatna analize<br />varijanse (MANOVA). Na celokupnom uzorku ispitanica nije utvrđena statistički značajna<br />razlika ni u jednom merenom parametru ko&scaron;tane gustine. U odnosu na biohemijske markere,<br />do&scaron;lo je do značajnog smanjenja nivoa ukupne alkalne fosfataze. Kod žena u periodu<br />premenopauze i kod žena u periodu postmenopauze, program vežbanja nije značajno uticao<br />na parametre ko&scaron;tane gustine merene na kičmi, vratu butne kosti i kuku (DXA, Lunar<br />Prodrigy), kao ni na parametre biohemijskih markera ko&scaron;tanog remodelovanja.<br />Primenom multivarijatne analize kovarijanse (MANCOVA) utvrđena je značajna<br />razlika u uticaju programa vežbanja između žena u pre- i postmenopauzi u mineralnoj<br />ko&scaron;tanoj gustini vrata butne kosti (BMD VF) i markera beta-crosslaps (CTX). Mineralna<br />ko&scaron;tana gustina je nakon programa vežbanja veća, a nivo beta-crosslapsa niži kod žena u<br />premenopauzi nego kod žena u periodu postmenopauze.<br />Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, zaključujemo da je potreban duži vremenski period<br />realizacije programa vežbanja kako bi se mogla primetiti statistički značajna promena<br />merenih parametara. Ispitanicama se savetuje da nastave sa vežbanjem kako bi usporile<br />gubitak kosti</p> / <p>The genaral aim of this research is to determine is there an effects of the applied exercise<br />program on bone mineral density and and biochemical markers of bone turnover in the<br />premenopausal and postmenopausal period.<br />The sample was consisted of 26 women aged 45 to 55 years, of which 13 were in<br />premenopausal and 13 in postmenopausal period. Subjects were included (had performing) in 6-month<br />exercise program, which was implemented (maintained) in Novi Sad, 4 times a week in duration for an<br />hour. Three osteodensitometric parameters on lumbar spine, femoral neck and hip (DXA, Lunar<br />Prodrigy) and five parameters of biochemical markers of bone turnover were measured to assessed<br />(to determine) the effects of exercise program on bone density.<br />Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to determine the effect of exercise.<br />For the entire sample of subjects, there were no statistically significant difference in any measured<br />bone density parameter, but looking at biochemical markers, total alkaline phosphatase level were<br />significanly reduced. There were no significant changes in bone density parameters on the lumbar<br />spine, femoral neck and hip nor on the parameters of biochemical markers of bone turnover in women<br />in premenopausal and postmenopausal period.<br />Applying multivariate analyse of covariance it was found a significant difference in the<br />exercise program effect between pre- and postmenopausal women in bone mineral density of femoral<br />neck (BMD VF) and beta-crosslaps marker of turnover (CTX). Femoral neck BMD was higher, and<br />beta-crosslaps level was lower in premenopausal women than in postmenopausal women after<br />completion exercise program.<br />Based on obtained results, we conclude that is required a longer perod of exercise program<br />ralization in order to notice a statistically significant change in measured parameters. Subjects are<br />advised to continue their exercising in order to slow down the bone loss</p>

If She Can Do It, I Can Do It: An exploratory analysis of peer mentoring as an intervention strategy to increase exercise program adherence in sedentary adults with chronic health conditions

Northcott, Amanda 29 September 2011 (has links)
The main purpose of this study was to explore the influence of social support and self-efficacy on the physical activity beliefs and behaviours of participants in a peer-mentoring intervention embedded in a community-based exercise program. A second purpose was to explore social support, self-efficacy, and perceived barriers and facilitators to exercise program adherence for study participants within the community-based exercise program setting. Participants (N=10, plus 6 mentors) were adults with chronic health conditions living in a low-income neighbourhood. Intervention (n=4) and comparison (n=6) groups completed self-report measures of physical activity, social support, and barrier self-efficacy at baseline, 6-weeks, and 12-weeks. Interviews were used post-intervention to explore the impact of peer mentoring, perceived social support and self-efficacy within the exercise setting, and barriers and facilitators to physical activity for study participants. Intervention participants showed greater exercise program adherence than comparison participants at 6-weeks. Qualitative findings suggest the peer mentoring intervention increased motivation and sense of obligation to adhere to the exercise program, and provided vicarious learning opportunities that may have indirectly influenced exercise program adherence for intervention and mentor participants. Findings also suggest that the exercise program was highly influential to participants’ social support and self-efficacy beliefs. Multiple barriers and facilitators to physical activity were reported. Overall, the current study supports the use of peer mentoring as an intervention strategy in combination with additional strategies to promote exercise program adherence in the study population. Practical implications are discussed in relation to the promotion of exercise program adherence in older adults with chronic health conditions participating in a community-based exercise program in a low-income neighbourhood. / Thesis (Master, Kinesiology & Health Studies) -- Queen's University, 2011-09-29 10:44:19.343

Repercussões do treinamento resistido periodizado e destreinamento sobre o perfil funcional de mulheres idosas

Oliveira, João Carlos de 19 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:22:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4079.pdf: 1017196 bytes, checksum: 7d8f430d21921869f401e648a5e75162 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-19 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Proposed in the middle 80's from the concepts of "classic" periodization sports training, the periodization of resistance training (PER) has become popular in recent years. The concept of the PER refers as planned and systematic variation of the volume and intensity of strength training (ST), although other acute variables of manipulated. The model consists of 3-4 phases of adaptation during a training program. Initially, the PER was developed to meet the need for enhancement of athlete performance. However, the PER has been used in different populations with very different goals than originally proposed. Thus, this is critical review of a literature, the challenge of understanding the PER not only as a variant or a component epistemological sports training, but as a strategy to affect the physiology as whole, with special attention in the elderly people. A total of 20 manuscripts were included this review. Six publications met the inclusion criteria. Altogether 179 subjects, men and women above 60 years were investigated. It was observed that the PER in the models linear (LP) or non-linear (UP) result in significant improvement in muscular strength capacity. The elderly of both genders were benefited to preservation of functional capacity, improvements in muscular function, and activities of daily living. However, it is not possible to determine which model of periodization is more efficient. Despite of increasing popularization of the PER, few studies have examined the effects of periodized training in the older adult. It takes more information about the comparative efficiency of different intensity and at different volumes in the periodization training approaches. / Proposta em meados dos anos 80 a partir dos conceitos da periodização clássica do treinamento desportivo, a periodização do treinamento resistido (PER) tem se popularizado nos últimos anos. Conceitualmente entende-se a PER como a variação sistemática e planejada do volume e da intensidade do treinamento de força (RT) em 3-4 fases com objetivos bem definidos, embora outras variáveis agudas do RT possam ser periodizadas. Inicialmente a PER foi desenvolvida para atender a necessidade de potencialização do desempenho dos atletas. Contudo, mais recentemente a PRT tem sido empregada em diferentes populações com objetivos bem distintos dos inicialmente propostos. Assim esta revisão crítica buscou refletir, por meio de um levantamento bibliográfico, sobre o desafio de compreender a PER não apenas como uma variante ou um componente epistemológico do treinamento desportivo, mas como uma estratégia capaz de afetar sensivelmente o aparato fisiológico como um todo, com especial atenção aos adultos idosos. Ao todo, 179 indivíduos, homens e mulheres acima de 60 anos foram investigados. Observou-se que o PER, no modelo linear (LP) ou não-linear (UP), resultam em melhoras significativas na força muscular. Os idosos de ambos os gêneros foram beneficiados com a preservação da capacidade funcional, melhora da função muscular e nas atividades da vida diária. No entanto, não é possível determinar qual o modelo de periodização é mais eficiente. Apesar da crescente popularização do PER, poucos estudos examinaram os efeitos do treinamento periodizado na população. É preciso mais informações sobre a eficiência comparativa de diferentes intensidades e em diferentes volumes nas abordagens de treinamento periodização.

Efeitos do treinamento fisíco multimodal na prevenção secundária de queda em idosos: treinamento supervisionado e semissupervisionado / Effects of multi-modal exercise program on secondary prevention of falls in elderly people: supervised and semi-supervised training

Taís Leão de Almeida 15 September 2011 (has links)
Introdução: Quedas representam risco extremamente incidente entre idosos, e sua recuperação produz altos custos. Algumas das causas mais comuns podem ser atenuadas por exercícios, se oferecidos de forma acessível. Objetivos: Comparar os efeitos de um treinamento físico multimodal quando realizado de forma supervisionada e semissupervisionada, sobre variáveis reconhecidamente relacionadas ao risco de quedas em idoso com preservada independência e histórico de quedas. Métodos: Setenta e seis idosos com histórico de quedas, acima de 70 anos, média de 79,06 anos (±4,55), foram avaliados sobre a saúde geral, histórico e risco de quedas, perigos domésticos, e foram submetidos aos seguintes testes: Timed up and Go (TUG), Walk Performance Test (WPT), Berg Balance Scale (BBS), avaliação isocinética do joelho e os seguintes testes em plataforma de equilibrio: Tandem Walk (TW), Sit to Stand (STS), Step up Over (SUO), Limits of Stability (LOS) e Modified Clinical Test of Sensory Integration on Balance (MCTSIB). Foram aleatoriamente alocados em 3 grupos: Supervisionado (S), orientado em todas as sessões, Semissupervisionado (SS), orientado quinzenalmente a executar exercícios em casa, e Controle (C), sem intervenção. O programa de exercícios multimodais foi executado em 3 sessões semanais de 50 minutos, por 4 meses. Participantes registraram quedas em calendário, e avaliações foram repetidas ao final do período. Resultados: Após intervenção o grupo S reduziu tempo do TUG (p<0,001) e no WPT (p<0,001) e aumentou a pontuação do BBS (p= 0,018), a Potência Média (p<0,001), o Pico de Torque/ Peso (p= 0,036) e a Média do Pico de Torque (p= 0,006) na flexão direita. Reduziu Tempo de Transferência no STS (p= 0,039), o Índice de Impacto na descida no SUO (p= 0.047), e a Oscilação no MCTSIB na 1ª (p= 0,037) e na 4ª (p= 0,032) condições avaliadas. No LOS, aumentou Velocidade (p<0,001), a Máxima Excursão (p<0,001) e o Controle de Direção (p= 0,004). O grupo SS reduziu o tempo no TUG (p= 0,001), aumentou o Índice de Fadiga na flexão do joelho direito (p= 0,043), aumentou Velocidade e reduziu Oscilação no TW (p= 0,008 e 0,020 respectivamente). No LOS, aumentou Velocidade (p= 0,023), a Máxima Excursão (p= 0,035) e o Controle de Direção (p= 0,006). O grupo C reduziu Velocidade no TW (p= 0,033) e aumentou o Índice de Fadiga na flexão direita (p= 0,017). O grupo S apresentou magnitude do efeito diferente na Potência Média da Flexão do Joelho direito (p= 0,002 para S versus SS, e p= 0,004 para S versus C). Os grupos S e C apresentaram diferença entre si na variação da Velocidade do LOS (p= 0,003). Os grupos S e SS obtiveram alterações diferentes do grupo C no TUG (p= 0,003 para C vs. S, e p= 0,021 para C vs. SS), e na Velocidade do TW (p= 0,007 para C vs. S, e p= 0,003 para C vs. SS). Conclusões: Numa população de idosos não institucionalizados, com independência preservada, baixa renda, pouca escolaridade, e com histórico de quedas, um treinamento físico multimodal, aplicado tanto de forma semissupervisionada, em casa, quanto de forma supervisionada, no centro de saúde, pode ser efetivo em melhorar variáveis previamente reconhecidas como sendo altamente relacionadas ao risco de quedas. Os resultados equivalentes entre os grupos S e SS impedem-nos de afirmar que a supervisão acrescente expressiva extensão a este benefício / Background: Falls are an extremely incidental healthcare risk among the geriatric populations and lead to high recuperative costs. Muscle weakness and balance impairment are among the most common causes and can be attenuated by exercises, if provided in an accessible way. Objectives: To compare the effects on variables related to falls risk, of a fully supervised center-based and a semi-supervised home-based multi-modal exercise program in elderly with preserved independence, and history of falls. Methods: Seventy six older adults with history of falls, over 70 years old, mean age of 79.06 years (±4.55) were assessed about general health, falls history and risk, home hazard and were submitted to the following tests: Timed up and Go (TUG), Walk Performance Test (WPT), Berg Balance Scale (BBS), Knee Isokinetic dynamometer test, and five tests on balance force plate: Tandem Walk (TW), Sit to Stand (STS), Step up Over (SUO), Limits of Stability (LOS) and modified Clinical Test of Sensory Integration on Balance (MCTSIB). Participants were randomized into three groups: supervised (S) that was instructed in all sessions, semi-supervised (SS) that received orientation every other week and performed the exercises at home, and control (C) that did not receive any exercise intervention. The multi-modal program consisted in three 50-minute sessions per week over four months. Participants recorded falls in a calendar and assessments were repeated at the end of the period Results: After intervention, S groups reduced time in TUG (p<0.001) and WPT (p<0.001), increased the BBS score (p= 0.018), the Average Power (p<0.001), the Peak Torque/Weight (p= 0.036), and the average Peak Torque (p= 0.006) of right knee flexion. It reduced Transfer Time in STS (p= 0.039), o Impact Index on SUO (p= 0.047), and End Sway on MCTSIB on 1st (p= 0.037) and 4th (p= 0.032) conditions assessed. On LOS, increased Movement Velocity (p<0.001), Maximum Excursion (p<0.001), and Directional Control (p= 0.004). The SS group reduced TUG (p= 0.001), increased Fatigue Work on right knee flexion (p= 0.043), increased Speed and reduced End Sway on TW (p= 0.008 e 0.020 respectively). On LOS, increased the velocity (p= 0,023), the Maximum Excursion (p= 0.035) and Directional Control (p= 0.006). The C group reduced TW speed (p= 0.033) and increased Fatigue Work of right knee flexion (p= 0.017). The S group showed different magnitude of effect in Average Power of right knee flexion (p= 0.002 for S vs. SS, and p= 0,004 for S vs. C). Groups S and C were different from each other on LOS Velocity (p= 0.003). Comparing to C, both trained groups, S and SS, had different magnitude of effect on TUG (p= 0.003 for C vs. S, and p= 0.021 for C vs. SS), and TW Speed (p= 0.007 for C vs. S, and p= 0.003 for C vs. SS). Conclusions: In a community-dwelling elderly population with preserved independence, low income and minimal education, with history of falls, a semi-supervised home-based and supervised center-based multi-modal exercise program, may be effective in improving variables previously recognized as highly related to falls risk. The similar results between trained groups prevent us to affirm that supervision adds expressive extent to the benefit

Virtual 4-week Combined Aerobic and Resistance Training Intervention Impact on Physical Performance in Women Ages 20-29 Years Old

Cook , Benjamin G. 04 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Vliv aplikovaných pohybových programů na pohybový systém osob po amputaci dolní končetiny / The Effect of Adapted Exercise Programs on Musculoskeletal System of Lower Limb Amputees

Sobotková, Ivona January 2020 (has links)
The subject of this dissertation was the creation of the adapted exercise program for unilateral transfemoral amputees and its verification in practice. The content of this program was chosen based on the practical experience and theoretical background in the field of anatomy, kinesiology, rehabilitation, lower- limb amputations and Motion Capture technologies. The four-month intervention program was designed as an adapted corrective exercise aimed at the major muscle groups influencing the posture, especially the position of the pelvic segment, which is the dominant element in the kinematic chain. The aim of this project was to ascertain whether this intervention can affect the pelvic tilt (in frontal and sagittal plane) of unilateral transfemoral amputees and so improve their quality of life. This was a project based on combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods. The measurement of the size of angles determining the pelvic tilt by Qualisys optoelectronic system was the essence of the quantitative part of the research. Qualitative data were collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews from persons who completed whole project. This research is by its nature and focus characterized as a set of case reports and as a pilot study, proof of concept respectively. 10 unilateral...

Effect of transverse abdominus muscle activation on a pelvic muscle exercise program in women with stress urinary incontinence

Clark, Linnette 01 January 2008 (has links)
Purpose: The literature indicates that normal healthy women can increase the strength of the pelvic floor muscles (PFMs) by simultaneously contracting the transverse abdominus (TrA) muscle. This study investigated the relationship of the PFMs and the TrA in women with stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Subjects: 15 women with SUI, verified by scores on the Questionnaire of Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis (QUID), were randomly assigned, blocked by age, into 2 exercise groups. The 6 women in the PFM only group had a mean age of 63 years and the 9 women in the PFM+TrA group had a mean age of 49 years. Method: For 2 weeks, all women were trained by rehabilitative ultrasound imaging (RUSI) to correctly contract the TrA or relax the TrA during a PFM contraction depending upon the group assignment. Each woman was examined using the PERFECT scheme and prescribed a patient-specific PFM exercise program. The exercise protocols required 6 weeks of supervised patient specific exercises. Data collection occurred at 3 time periods (before intervention, after intervention, and follow-up) and included: measurement of TrA thickness changes and PFM lift by RUSI, PFM strength and endurance with pressure perineometry, number of incontinence episodes and pad use from bladder diaries, and quality of life (QOL) measurements using the Incontinence Impact Questionnaire (IIQ) and the Patient Specific Functional Scale (PSFS). Results: MANOVA identified no significant difference after interventions between groups. All women significantly improved in PFM strength (PConclusion: PFM exercises done in isolation or with recruitment of the TrA increased PFM strength, endurance, lift and decreased incontinence in women with SUI. Recommendations: Women with SUI can benefit from physical therapists prescribing PFM exercises in isolation or in combination with TrA contractions.

Validitet och användbarhet av appen Vitala : Med fokus på applikationens rehabiliteringsdel / Validity and usability of the application Vitala : Focus on the section for rehabilitation in the application

Lindqvist, Emil, Åslin, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion: Långvarig smärta kostar samhället mycket pengar varje år. Under 2020 och 2021 utvecklades applikationen Vitala som stöd för patienter med behov av fysisk aktivitet i sin rehabilitering av sjukdomar. I applikationen ingår en del som syftar till rehabilitering för personer med muskuloskeletala besvär i nacke, axlar, rygg och höft. Den här studien är den första av sitt slag som utvärderar rehabiliteringsdelen i Vitala. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka användbarhet, deltagarnas förståelse för applikationens frågor och instruktioner, samt relevansen av Vitalas val av övningar för deras smärtmekanismer. Metod: Tio studiedeltagare med besvär i nacke-/skuldra och ländrygg-/höft sedan ≥4 veckor rekryterades genom en privat fysioterapi- och naprapatklinik i Stockholm. Deltagarna observerades när de använde applikationen för att diagnostisera sina besvär och deras förståelse för appens frågor och tester bedömdes. Efter användning skattades användbarhet genom frågeformulär (Health-ITUES och System Usability Scale). Validitet undersöktes genom att jämföra funktionsdiagnos och övningar som förskrevs av Vitala med en erfaren fysioterapeuts bedömning av funktionsdiagnos och rekommenderade övningar. Resultat: Användbarheten i rehabiliteringsdelen skattades mellan mycket bra och bästa tänkbara. Studiedeltagarna förstod frågor och instruktioner i 88% av fallen. Applikationens funktionsdiagnoser var i linje med fysioterapeutens i 9 av 10 fall. Överensstämmelsen av övningarna var fullständiga för fem av deltagarna, fyra saknade något element och endast en bedömdes bristfällig. Konklusion: Studiedeltagarna visade en god förståelse för Vitalas frågor och instruktioner, vilket var i linje med deras egna skattningar där appen bedömdes vara lätt att använda. En viss svårighet med att förstå vad som menades med begreppen smärta och besvär uppstod hos en del. Vitala hade en god överensstämmelse gällande övningar och funktionsdiagnos, med undantag för deltagare med patoanatomiska förändringar eller nociplastiska smärttillstånd.

Virtual 4-week Combined Aerobic and Resistance Training Intervention Impact on Physical Performance in Women Ages 20-29 Years Old.

Cook, Benjamin G. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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