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Avaliação exergética dos efluentes do processo industrial do álcool / Exergetic assessment of effluents in the industrial alcohol processAdemir Gonçalves Albuquerque 26 August 2005 (has links)
A indústria sucroalcooleira tem na produção do álcool etílico carburante a captação de água em grande volume para geração de vapor, resfriamento e como parte do processo, sendo também geradora de grandes quantidades de efluentes. A indústria utilizando a energia proveniente da queima do bagaço nas caldeiras para transformação da água em vapor, gera sua própria eletricidade, e todo trabalho mecânico desenvolvido no processo. O grau de aproveitamento do vapor residual em trocadores de calor demonstra a eficiência da empresa. O balanço das massas que estão sendo transformadas neste processo, permite avaliar através da temperatura dos efluentes lançados, as perdas de exergia que podem ser minoradas. A ferramenta análise exergética (medida do grau de desequilíbrio energético entre uma substância e seu ambiente) empregada neste trabalho, mostra através de estudo de caso em duas usinas, como identificar, na avaliação dos efluentes lançados as perdas exergéticas em volumes de controle traçados no ciclo de produção do álcool, onde estão acontecendo as perdas e as possibilidades de melhorias que venham a corrigi-las / In the production of ethyl alcohol as a fuel, the sugar and alcohol industry captures large volumes of water for steam generation, for cooling and as part of the process, generating large amounts of effluents. Using the energy produced by the burning of bagasse in the furnace for the transformation of water into steam, the industry generates its own electricity and the entire mechanical work developed in the process. The degree of utilization of residual steam in heat exchangers demonstrates the efficiency of the plant. The balance of the energies being transformed in this process shows, through the effluents launched, the losses that may be reduced. By means of case studies in two mills, the exergetic analysis tool (measurement of the degree of unbalance between the substance and its environment) employed in this study shows how to identify, in control volumes traced in the alcohol production cycle, where the losses are occurring and the possibilities of improvement that may eventually correct them
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Méthode d’optimisation de procédés hybride associant une analyse thermodynamique et des méthodes algorithmiques / Process optimisation method based on a hybridation between thermodynamic analysis and algorithmic methodsThibault, Fabien 22 October 2014 (has links)
La méthode du Pincement a été développée et utilisée dans le secteur de la pétrochimie. Le nombre de flux y est important et la consommation énergétique est un critère décisionnel fort. D'autres secteurs énergivores tels la métallurgie, la production de papier et de pâte à papier ou l'industrie agroalimentaire peuvent bénéficier de cette approche structurée. Par ailleurs, l'intégration d'utilités thermodynamiques complexes comme les pompes à chaleur ou les unités de cogénération peut réduire significativement la consommation d'énergie d'un procédé, sans avoir à en modifier la technologie.Un algorithme de conception d'un réseau d'échangeurs à partir de flux thermiques à été choisi dans la littérature, puis deux fonctionnalités lui ont été ajoutées : la différenciation des technologies d'échangeur et la prise en compte de flux "disponibilités" à température de sortie variable. Un module de présélection a été développé pour proposer et dimensionner des utilités thermodynamiques à partir de la grande courbe composite et d'un critère exergétique. Il est utilisé en amont de la conception du réseau d'échangeurs.Ces deux algorithmes ont été intégrés dans un logiciel dédié à l'intégration énergétique de procédés à partir des flux thermiques des opérations unitaires. Plusieurs validations ont été faites sur des cas théoriques de référence issus de la littérature ainsi que sur des cas industriels réels nécessitant la modélisation des procédés. L'enchainement des deux algorithmes débouche sur l'obtention de résultats concrets et technologiquement réalistes. L'amélioration apportée par les solutions est calculable à chaque étape. / The pinch analysis has been developed and exploited in the petrochemical sector. There are numerous heat fluxes and energy consumption is a strong decision criterion. Other energy-intensive sectors such as metallurgy, pulp and paper and food & drink industry can benefit from this systemic approach. Moreover, integration of complex thermodynamic utilities such heat pumps or Combined Heat and Power units can significantly reduce the energy consumption of a process, without having to interfere with the process technology.An algorithm for heat exchangers network design from heat fluxes was chosen in the literature and two features were added to it: Ability to pick different heat exchanger technology and creation of "availabilities" heat fluxes whose outlet temperature is variable. Preselection tool has been developed from grand composite curve and exergetic criterion to propose and pre-size thermodynamics utilities. It is used upstream of the heat exchangers network design step.These two algorithms have been integrated into a software for energy integration of process unit operations heat fluxes. Several validations were made on study cases from the literature as well as on industrial cases which require process modelling. The both algorithms sequence allows achieving practical and technologically feasible results. Improvement on energy consumption provided by the solutions can be calculated at each step.
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Simulation et étude expérimentale d’une machine frigorifique au CO2 transcritique munie d’un éjecteur / Simulation and experimentale study of a transcritical CO2 refrigeration system with ejectorBouziane, Abderlkader 24 January 2014 (has links)
Dans le contexte des recherches de réductions de l’impact environnemental des machines frigorifiques, l’utilisation du gaz carbonique comme fluide frigorigène est aujourd’hui une réalité. Toutefois, les propriétés thermodynamiques du CO2 impliquent un cycle frigorifique transcritique à basses performances énergétiques pour une température de source chaude proche de l’ambiante. Pour étendre le champ d’application de ce fluide, il est nécessaire d’augmenter l’efficacité des machines transcritiques. L’analyse exergétique du cycle montre que les principales pertes de performances proviennent essentiellement de la détente isenthalpique et de la compression. Afin de réduire ces pertes, l’utilisation d’un éjecteur comme organe principale de détente se présente comme une solution prometteuse. Ce travail apporte une contribution à l’étude des machines frigorifiques aux CO2 transcritique équipées d’éjecteur à la fois expérimentale et numérique pour développer la compréhension des phénomènes qui se produisent à l’intérieure de l’éjecteur afin d’améliorer les outils de dimensionnement de cet organe. L’étude numérique comporte un modèle unidimensionnel de l’écoulement du dioxyde de carbone à travers l’éjecteur. Ce modèle constitue un bon outil de prédiction des points de fonctionnement de l’éjecteur et des caractéristiques globales de l’écoulement : débit, vitesse, enthalpie... Le modèle reste une approche perfectible d'un milieu complexe. Il constitue néanmoins un bon outil pour l'optimisation de la géométrie de l’éjecteur. Après le dimensionnement et la fabrication de l’éjecteur, des essais comparatifs ont été menés sur la machine frigorifique au CO2 en fonctionnement avec et sans éjecteur. L’étude expérimentale a montré que l’éjecteur améliore jusqu’à 12,5 % la puissance frigorifique produite et 17 % le coefficient de performance de la machine. Les résultats expérimentaux réalisés ont été utilisés pour valider le modèle unidimensionnel développé, un accord satisfaisant a été trouvé entre les résultats issus du modèle et ceux expérimentaux, particulièrement en terme de débits avec un écart de l’ordre de 9 %. / Carbon dioxide is being advocated to reduce the environmental impact of the refrigeration systems. However, the thermodynamic properties of CO2 imply supercritical refrigerating cycle with low energy performance when the hot source temperature is near that of the environment. The expansion losses of an isenthalpic throttling process have been identified as one of the largest irreversibilities of transcritical refrigeration cycles, which contribute to the low efficiency of such cycles. In order to recover the expansion losses and increase the cycle efficiency, it has been proposed to replace the expansion valve with an ejector expansion device. This work is devoted to the numerical and experimental study of the ejector expansion devices used in a transcritical vapor compression system using carbon dioxide as the refrigerant. The numerical study includes a one-dimensional model of the CO2 two-phase ejector. The developed model is a good tool for predicting the operation conditions of the ejector and the overall characteristics of the flow (mass flow, velocity, enthalpy.. The model is a good tool to optimizing the geometry of the ejector, although it can be improved. The ejector was manufactured and incorporated into an instrumented test bench. Experimental study showed that the transcritical CO2 refrigeration system using an ejector as the expansion device outperformed a conventional expansion-valve transcritical CO2 system in COP and cooling capacity by approximately 17 % and 12,5 %, respectively. The experimental results were used to validate the one-dimensional model, a satisfactory agreement was found between the numerical and experimental results, especially in terms of mass flow with a difference of 9 %.
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Development of Direct Internal Reforming Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Model and its Applications for Biomass Power Generation / 直接内部改質を伴う固体酸化物形燃料電池モデルの開発とバイオマス発電への適用WONGCHANAPAI, Suranat 25 March 2013 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第17560号 / 工博第3719号 / 新制||工||1566(附属図書館) / 30326 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科航空宇宙工学専攻 / (主査)教授 吉田 英生, 教授 中部 主敬, 准教授 松本 充弘 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当
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Thermodynamic optimization of sustainable energy system : application to the optimal design of heat exchangers for geothermal power systemsYekoladio, Peni Junior 08 July 2013 (has links)
The present work addresses the thermodynamic optimization of small binary-cycle geothermal power plants. The optimization process and entropy generation minimization analysis were performed to minimize the overall exergy loss of the power plant, and the irreversibilities associated with heat transfer and fluid friction caused by the system components. The effect of the geothermal resource temperature to impact on the cycle power output was studied, and it was found that the maximum cycle power output increases exponentially with the geothermal resource temperature. In addition, an optimal turbine inlet temperature was determined, and observed to increase almost linearly with the increase in the geothermal heat source. Furthermore, a coaxial geothermal heat exchanger was modeled and sized for minimum pumping power and maximum extracted heat energy. The geofluid circulation flow rate was also optimized, subject to a nearly linear increase in geothermal gradient. In both limits of the fully turbulent and laminar fully-developed flows, a nearly identical diameter ratio of the coaxial pipes was determined irrespective of the flow regime, whereas the optimal geofluid mass flow rate increased exponentially with the Reynolds number. SeveORCs were observed to yield maximum cycle power output. The addition of an IHE and/or an Oral organic Rankine Cycles were also considered as part of the study. The basic types of the FOH improved significantly the effectiveness of the conversion of the available geothermal energy into useful work, and increased the thermal efficiency of the geothermal power plant. Therefore, the regenerative ORCs were preferred for high-grade geothermal heat. In addition, a performance analysis of several organic fluids was conducted under saturation temperature and subcritical pressure operating conditions of the turbine. Organic fluids with higher boiling point temperature, such as n-pentane, were recommended for the basic type of ORCs, whereas those with lower vapour specific heat capacity, such as butane, were more suitable for the regenerative ORCs. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering / unrestricted
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Odla med returvärme : Tillvaratagandet av returvärme för uppvärmning av en odlingsenhet / Cultivation using return heat : Use of return heat for a cultivation unitReimhagen, Johan January 2020 (has links)
Norrbotten är ett län med stora ytor och en liten befolkning. Regionen är dock långt ifrån att vara självförsörjande på livsmedel. Detta beror till stor del på det karga klimatet som inte tillåter god skörd av många stapelvaror. Detta förvärras av att det finns ett ointresse att producera livsmedel hos befolkningen i övrigt. För att ändå kunna föda befolkningen måste hundratusentals ton livsmedel importeras varje år, inte bara från övriga Sverige utan också resten av Europa och världen. Samtidigt finns det många stora industrier i länet och nästan varje större tätort har ett fjärrvärmesystem. Dessa anläggningar producerar stora mängder restvärme som till viss del tas tillvara på, men mycket går till spillo. I Luleå Energis fall är nästan all fjärrvärme producerad av restgaser från SSABs ståltillverkning, vilket innebär att värmen redan är en form av restenergi. Luleå Energi har en ambition att bidra till att restvärme nyttjas ytterligare i samhället än den redan görs, en idé är att använda den till odling. Under hösten 2019 utfördes ett examensarbete på Luleå Energi, där designen för en lämplig odlingsenhet togs fram. Det är från denna odlingsenhet som detta examensarbete tar avstamp. Energiberäkningar och diskussion med sakkunniga visar att det är möjligt att nyttja lågvärdig värme till odlingsenheten. Det kräver heller inte några komplicerade värmekomponenter för att uppnå en god uppvärmning. Implementering av returvärmebaserad uppvärmning i en odlingsenhet som ställs upp centralt i Luleå tätort hoppas väcka intresse hos befolkningen till odling, men även nyttjande av restvärme då odlingsenheten tar sin värme från fjärrvärmereturen. Odlingsenheten är alltså ämnad att tackla två problem med livsmedelsförsörjningen, dels ointresset samt det karga klimatet. En livscykelanalys visar att odlingsenheten även är hållbar på andra sätt, då den kräver mindre resurser och kortare transportsträckor, däremot är koldioxidutsläppen något högre. Effekten av att odlingsenhetens nyttjande av fjärrvärmereturen skulle sänka dess temperatur var dock försumbar om inte tusentals odlingsenheter utplaceras. / Norrbotten county has a small population but a large area, however it is far from being self-sufficient on food. This is in big part due to the rugged and cold climate, which prevents ample harvest of many staple foods. Food production is exacerbated by disinterest by the population at large. To still have enough, hundreds of thousands of tonnes of food is imported from the rest of Sweden, Europe and the world. At the same time, there are quite a few large industries in the county, and almost every large town has their own district heating network. These facilities produce enormous amounts of residual heat, some of this heat is made use of but alot also goes to waste. The heat in Luleå Energi's district heating network is mainly produced by residual gases from steel production at SSAB, therefore the heat is already a form of residue. Luleå Energi has an ambition to contribute to a much wider use of residual heat in society, one idea is to use it for cultivation. During the fall of 2019, a master thesis handling the design of a suitable cultivation unit was presented. From that thesis, this work has its basis. Litterature study, energy calculations, and discussion with experts show that it is possible to use residual heat for this cultivation unit. Using this heat also does not require any complicated heating system to get a good effect. Implementation of residual-based heating in a cultivation unit placed in central Luleå is hoped to awaken interest within the population for cultivation, but also interest in use of residual heat, as the cultivation unit uses heat from the return flow from the district heating network. The cultivation is as such meant to combat two problems regarding food production, both the disinterest and the climate. A life cycle analysis also show that the cultivation unit is sustainable in other ways, as it requires less resources and less transport, however the carbon emissions are somewhat higher. The presumed effect that the cultivation units use of the return flow would lower its temperature, was negligible however, unless thousands of cultivation units would be placed.
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Case study of the energy performance of a school building in Laholm, Sweden : Energy modeling for the formulation of efficient renovation strategiesGutiérrez Prieto, Daniel Andrés January 2022 (has links)
This study has been focusing on a school located in the municipality of Laholm, South of Sweden. Employing an energy balance of the last five (5) years, a proposal for measures is made in terms of performance for comparison with the baseline of the current consumption trend. This comparison allowed us to narrow down the alternatives for the renovation with the potential to have a great impact on the school's energy use and indoor environment, but also on the preserved characteristics without any violation of the laws and regulations. A complementary analysis was used to analyze important variables for decision-making and implementation of improvements. This analysis consists of an exergy analysis which was utilized as a pre-design tool for an optimized building renovation proposal. Exergy losses were calculated to assess the performance of the systems. The study revealed that in relation to the use of new technologies and materials, aerogel and vacuum insulation panels bring relevant savings as their insulation mechanisms are the most efficient for such a building in a climate like Laholm. As for the heating system, it was evident that the use of a geothermal heat pump associated to PV panels brings considerable energy benefits when compared to the current oil boiler system and given that the village does not yet have a local district heating system. When the proposed measures are applied during 2022- 2023, the results will show that also older buildings can be energy efficient which is demanded of the buildings stock throughout the European Union.
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Perspectives of a climate-neutral urban district : Evaluation of greenhouse gas emissions, exergy and energy balancesBerner Wik, Petter January 2020 (has links)
A climate-neutral city can be viewed at in many different aspects. This report investigates the greenhouse gas, exergy and energy balance for both heat pumps and district heat supply at local, national and methane gas perspectives of the energy conversion processes. Through a numerical grey box model of a geographical information system based urban district. There seven different passive-, nearly zero-, and plus-energy residential buildings are implemented. That are developed and annually simulated in the IDA ICE software. There, thermal transmittance and building geometry are the most urgent parameters that impacts the space heating demand and energy performance. They are estimated by current and proposed primary energy weight factors where the geometry shape is undefined, while the altitude impact’s the building's energy, exergy, and greenhouse gas balance. Therefore high-rise building's energy performance are poorer than low-rise buildings, simultaneously as heat pump supply enables higher altitude than district heating. Other energy savings occur through additional energy-efficient technologies, energy generating technologies and soft tools that change residents’ behavior. The investigated urban district is placed in the Swedish city Gävle, which meets residents’ demand for approximately 6000 apartments without additional service. It is a plus energy district for heat pump supply and passive energy for district heating supply. Although the district heated urban district electricity-saving towards heat pump corresponds to 32 percent of the urban district's total facility and household electricity utilization. The energy analysis include the perspective of the facility’s energy utilization and generation, and the perspectives of residents’ energy utilization and recovery from their waste resource production. This makes the urban district exergy productive and carbon-negative during the operating phase, regardless of emission value and heat supply technology, since the facility perspective compensates for the residents’ electricity utilization and consumption of goods. Therefore, there are no need for tree plantation as compensation of greenhouse gas pollution since the carbon negativity corresponds to between 2 to 154 hectares of forest. The study is therefore relevant for other geographical locations in Sweden depending on geographical location, heat supply technology and emission value from the primary energy conversion processes. / <p>Förstudie i future heat projekt angående Framtidens klimatsmarta stad genom klimatneutral bebyggelse med fjärrvärme.</p>
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Energy and Exergy Analysis of Chemical Looping Systems for Hydrogen and Sulfur RecoveryReddy, Sharath 30 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] Devido aos efeitos nocivos dos combustíveis de origem fóssil, cresceu o interesse no uso de fontes sustentáveis de energia, em particular os derivados da biomassa. O presente trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de modelagem computacional da composição da mistura gasosa, chamado gás de síntese ou syngas resultante da gaseificação, baseado no equilíbrio termodinâmico. Assim, são avaliadas a flexibilidade, a confiabilidade e a estabilidade computacional das abordagens de equilíbrio estequiométrico e de minimização da energia livre de Gibbs para determinação das composições do syngas formado no processo. São investigados a influência da umidade relativa da biomassa (0, 20 e 40 por cento em base mássica), da temperatura de gaseificação (800, 1100 e 1400 K), da razão ar combustível em relação a estequiometria (0,2, 0,3 e 0,4) e da quantidade de oxigênio no agente de gaseificação (oxigênio puro, ar ou mistura equimolar dos dois) na composição do syngas, bem como nas eficiências energética e exergética, para biomassas compostas de carbono, oxigênio e hidrogênio. O melhor modelo é usado para otimizar a concentração de agente oxidante e de temperatura que maximizem a eficiência energética para biomassas com 20 por cento de umidade relativa no ar. Esses dados, estão usados para desenvolver modelos matemáticos preditivos usando o conceito de análise de misturas, cuja robusteza é avaliada por análise de variância (ANOVA). Esses resultados estão comparados com as simulações realizadas em um modelo teórico considerando a cinética das reações. Observou-se que o método usando a minimização da energia livre de Gibbs apresentou os melhores resultados para uma aproximação inicial, se tornando uma boa ferramenta para a fase de projeto. No entanto, é necessário desenvolvimento de outros modelos como cinético, CFD ou RNA para análises precisas da gaseificação. / [en] Due to the harmful effects of fossil fuels, interest in the use of sustainable energy sources, in particular those derived from biomass, has grown. The present work consists in the development of a computational modeling tool for the composition of the gas mixture, called synthesis gas or syngas resulting from gasification, based on thermodynamic equilibrium. Thus, the flexibility, reliability and computational stability of the stoichiometric equilibrium and Gibbs free energy minimization approaches are evaluated to determine the compositions of the syngas formed in the process. The influence of biomass relative humidity (0, 20 and 40 percent on mass basis), gasification temperature (800, 1100 and 1400 K), fuel air ratio related to stoichiometry (0.2, 0.3, 0.4) and the amount of oxygen in the gasification agent (pure oxygen, air or equimolar mixture of the two) are investigated in the composition of the syngas, as well as in the energy and exergy efficiencies, for biomasses composed of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. The best model is used to optimize the oxidizing agent concentration and temperature that maximize energy efficiency for biomass with 20 percent relative humidity in the air. These data are used to develop predictive mathematical models using the concept of analysis of mixtures, whose robustness is assessed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). These results are compared with simulations performed in a theoretical model considering the reaction kinetics. the method using Gibbs free energy minimization presented the best results for an initial approximation, becoming a good tool for a design phase. However, it is necessary to develop other models such as kinetic, CFD or RNA for accurate gasification analysis.
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