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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exfoliation et réempilement d'oxydes lamellaires à base de manganèse et de cobalt pour électrodes de supercondensateurs / Exfoliation and restacking of manganese and cobalt based lamellar oxides for supercapacitor electrodes

Tang, Celine 01 December 2017 (has links)
La forte progression démographique mondiale induit une demande d’énergietoujours en hausse. Ceci se traduit par un fort développement de nouvelles énergiesrenouvelables qui nécessitent, de par leur nature intermittente, des dispositifs de stockagede l’énergie. Parmi eux les supercondensateurs permettent un stockage électrostatique decharges (supercondensateurs à base de carbones activés), mais certains systèmes, ditspseudocapacitifs, font en outre intervenir des réactions redox rapides de surface.L’association des deux systèmes permettent d’accéder à des propriétés intéressantes, enparticulier pour le système MnO2/carbone activé. Cependant, les oxydes de manganèse sontd’excellents matériaux pseudocapacitifs mais assez peu conducteurs électroniques.L’objectif de ce travail est d’améliorer cette conductivité en les associant avec des oxydes decobalt conducteurs. Pour cela, une approche « architecturale » de synthèse de matériaux aété choisie. En partant d’oxydes de Mn et de Co lamellaires, ceux-ci sont exfoliés pourobtenir des nanofeuillets de nature différente. S’ensuit une étape de réempilement pouraboutir à un matériau lamellaire alterné. L’analyse structurale et morphologique desmatériaux prouve que des nanocomposites très finement divisés sont obtenus. Lespropriétés électrochimiques obtenues pour ces nanocomposites s’avèrent meilleures quecelles des matériaux initiaux, tant en densité d’énergie qu’en puissance. Cette stratégieoriginale est prometteuse et ouvre la voie à des réempilements de différente nature,notamment le graphène. / The ever increasing demand of renewable energies imposes, due to theirintermittent nature, the development of performant energy storage devices. Supercapacitorsare reliable devices that offer a high power density and numerous investigations are focusingon increasing their energy densities. In particular, asymmetric "metal oxides / activatedcarbons" supercapacitors are possible candidates. The MnO2/carbon system is the mostinvestigated system, due to its capability to work in aqueous medium at potentials up to 2 V,as well as to the low cost and environmental friendliness of manganese. Nevertheless, thissystem suffers from the poor electronic conductivity of manganese. This work reports anoriginal strategy for novel electrode materials involving exfoliation and restacking processesof lamellar “building blocks”: lamellar manganese oxides for their pseudocapacitiveproperties and lamellar cobalt oxyhydroxides for their high electronic conductivity. Thematerial engineering strategy focuses on the exfoliation of the lamellar materials intooligolamellae. The obtained suspensions are then restacked through various strategies andnew well defined mixed oxides are obtained. After structural and morphologicalcharacterization, it is clear that these nanocomposites present an intimate mix of the twoinitial phases. The electrochemical responses are hereby enhanced, proving the intertwinedrelationship between structure, morphology and properties. Furthermore, this architecturalapproach of building novel electrode materials is original and efficient and can easily betransposed to other “building blocks”, including graphene.

Graphène dans des liquides ioniques : interactions aux interfaces, exfoliation, stabilisation / Graphene in ionic liquids : interactions at interfaces, exfoliation, stabilization

Bordes, Emilie 11 December 2017 (has links)
L'exfoliation en phase liquide du graphite est l'une des méthodes les plus prometteuses pour augmenter la production et la disponibilité commerciale du graphène. Le processus d'exfoliation peut être décrit, de manière conceptuelle, en quatre étapes: le contact du graphite avec le liquide, l'intercalation du solvant entre les feuillets de graphène, la dispersion du matériau à deux dimension et sa stabilisation en phase liquide. Comme les liquides ioniques peuvent être facilement obtenus avec différentes structures moléculaires et donc des propriétés physicochimiques modulables, ils ont été utilisés dans cette thèse comme milieux liquides pour l'exfoliation du graphite. Notre objectif est d'optimiser l'exfoliation du graphite à travers la compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires et des interactions impliquées dans chaque étape du processus. Les énergies interfaciale graphite-liquide ont été calculées à partir de tensions de surface et d'angles de contact mesurées entre des liquides ioniques et du graphite pour déterminer l'affinité de différents liquides à la surface du graphite. Afin d'étudier cette interface liquide - solide, des simulations en dynamique moléculaire ont été menées pour analyser l'organisation des liquides ioniques à la surface du graphite. De même, l'énergie libre nécessaire pour créer des cavités au sein du liquide ionique a été calculée.Des simulations moléculaires ont également été réalisées pour modéliser l'exfoliation d'un feuillet de graphène à partir de graphite en apportant une vue microscopique de l'intercalation des molécules de solvant. L'énergie nécessaire à l'exfoliation a pu être calculée en présence de différents liquides. Des composés polyaromatiques ont été considérés comme des modèles pour le graphène car ils peuvent être facilement obtenus purs, sans variabilité de structure, défauts ou groupes fonctionnels non contrôlés. Les enthalpies de dissolution du naphtalène, anthracène et pyrène dans différents liquides ioniques ont été mesurées par calorimétrie en solution et liées à leur solubilité. L'organisation des ions autour de ces composés modèles a été étudiée par simulation moléculaire et spectroscopie Infra-Rouge.Après l'exfoliation, les échantillons de graphène en suspension dans différents liquides ioniques ont été caractérisés expérimentalement en termes de taille de feuillets (microscopie électronique à transmission et microscopie à force atomique), nombre de couches de graphène (microscopie à force atomique, spectroscopie Raman), concentration totale (spectroscopie UV-visible) et pureté du matériau exfolié (spectroscopie de photoélectrons~X). Vingt liquides ioniques différents à base de cations imidazolium, pyrrolidinium et ammonium et d'anions bis (trifluorométhylsulfonyl)imide, triflate, dicyanamide, tricyanométhanide et méthylsulfate ont été testés. Les interactions moléculaires permettant d'établir de règles de conception pour les liquides ioniques capables d'exfolier les matériaux carbonés ont été identifiées. Le cation pyrrolidinium a montré des résultats prometteurs dans toutes les étapes du processus d'exfoliation, par rapport au cation imidazolium ou ammonium. La sélection d'un grand anion flexible a réduit l'énergie interfaciale avec le graphite, dispersé les nanocarbones en augmentant l'entropie du système et stabilisé le graphite exfolié en plus grande quantité. Un petit anion tel que le triflate semble être favorable à l'obtention de graphène, même si la taille des couches et leur quantité sont réduites. Un liquide ionique ayant une partie apolaire importante facilitera l'insertion et la dispersion du nanomatériau de carbone. Pour la stabilisation du graphite, les interactions alkyle-π et π- π sont décisives. / The liquid-phase exfoliation of graphite is one of the most promising methods to increase production and commercial availability of graphene. The exfoliation process can be conceptually described in four steps: the contact of the graphite with liquid, the intercalation of the solvent between layers, the dispersion of the two dimensional material, and its stabilization in the liquid-phase. Because ionic liquids can be easily obtained with chosen molecular structures and tunable physicochemical properties, they were used in this study as liquid media for the exfoliation of graphite. Our aim is to optimize the exfoliation of graphite through the understanding of the molecular mechanisms and of the interactions involved in each step of the process.The liquid-graphite interfacial energies from measured surface tensions and contact angles, between ionic liquids and pristine graphite surface, were used to determine the affinity of different liquids at the surface of graphite. In order to investigate this interface, molecular dynamics simulations were conducted to analyse the ordering of ionic liquids at the surface of graphite. The free energies necessary to create cavities inside the bulk ionic liquid have also been studied.Molecular simulations were also used to study the exfoliation of one graphene layer from a stack of graphite and hence provide a microscopic view of the intercalation of solvent molecules. The energies involved in the process have been calculated.Polyaromatic compounds were regarded as models for graphene as they can be easily obtained pure, without structure variability, defects or uncontrolled functional groups. Enthalpies of dissolution of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (naphthalene, anthracene and pyrene) in different ionic liquids were measured by solution calorimetry and related with their solubility. The ordering of the ions around this model compounds were studied by molecular simulation and spectroscopy Infra-Red.After exfoliation, samples of suspended graphene in different ionic liquids have been characterized experimentally in terms of flake size (using transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy), number of layers (atomic force microscopy, spectroscopy Raman), total concentration (UV-visible spectroscopy) and purity of the exfoliated material (X-ray photoelectron spectrometry).Twenty different ionic liquids based on imidazolium, pyrrolidinium and ammonium cations and on bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, triflate, dicyanamide, tricyanomethanide, and methyl sulfate have been tested. The molecular interactions have been identified thus allowing the establishment of design rules for ionic liquids capable of exfoliating carbon materials. The pyrrolidinium cation has shown promising results in all the steps of exfoliation process, compared to the imidazolium or ammonium cation. Selecting a large and flexible anion reduced the interfacial energy with graphite, dispersed the nanocarbons by increasing the entropy of the system and stabilized the exfoliated graphite in larger quantity. A small anion such as triflate appears to be favorable for obtaining graphene, whereas the size of the layers and their quantity is reduced. An ionic liquid having an important apolar portion will facilitate the insertion and dispersion of graphene layers. For the stabilization of graphite, the alkyl-π et π -π interactions are decisive.

Structure et propriétés électroniques de nanotubes de carbone en solution polyélectrolyte

Dragin, Fabienne Christelle January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Nanocomposites à matrice polypropylène renforcée par argile lamellaire - Etude de la relation procédé-structure / Polypropylene based nanocomposites reinforced with lamellar clay - Study of the structure-process relationship

Normand, Guillaume 19 April 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la relation entre le procédé de préparation et la structure des nanocomposites polypropylène/argile. Les échantillons ont été préparés au mélangeur interne dans un premier temps. Des observations au microscope électronique à balayage, complétées par des analyses en diffraction des rayons X ainsi que des mesures rhéologiques ont permis de caractériser l’état de dispersion de l’argile à différentes échelles au sein du matériau. Nous avons comparé trois argiles organophiles et montré que la compatibilité chimique entre l’argile et la matrice est un facteur primordial afin d’obtenir une bonne dispersion : la Cloisite 20 et la Dellite 67G montrent de bons états de dispersion à toutes les échelles au contraire de la Cloisite 30B. Nous avons ensuite mis en évidence l’influence de la vitesse de rotation ainsi que du temps de mélange sur l’état de dispersion de l’argile. Le seuil de percolation de l’argile dans le polypropylène a été déterminé. Le lien entre état de dispersion et cristallinité du polypropylène a également été étudié.Les échantillons ont ensuite été préparés par extrusion bivis. L’influence de la vitesse de rotation sur l’état de dispersion de l’argile a été mise en évidence, tout autant que la dégradation de la matrice aux plus fortes vitesses. L’évolution de l’état de dispersion le long de la vis a montré que si l’intercalation était rapidement atteinte sur la vis, l’exfoliation progressait linéairement avant de saturer sur les dernières zones. L’utilisation d’une température de régulation plus faible ou d’une matrice plus visqueuse n’ont pas permis d’améliorer l’état de dispersion de l’argile ni d’éviter la dégradation de la matrice. Enfin, l’utilisation du logiciel Ludovic© a permis de mieux appréhender les phénomènes thermomécaniques mis en jeu lors de l’extrusion, mais également d’optimiser le procédé. / This PhD focuses on the relationship between the preparation process and the structure of polypropylene/clay nanocomposites. First, the samples were prepared via an internal mixer. Scanning electron microscopy observations, completed by X-ray diffraction analysis and rheology measurements enabled us to characterize the clay dispersion state in the nanocomposite at different scales. Three organoclays were compared. It was shown that the chemical compatibility between the clay and the matrix was essential to ensure a good dispersion: Cloisite 20 and Dellite 67G showed good dispersion states at all scales, whereas Cloisite 30B did not. The influence of rotor speed and mixing time on the clay dispersion state was shown. The percolation threshold of the clay was determined. The link between dispersion state and crystallinity was also studied.The samples were then prepared via a twin-screw extruder. The influence of screw speed on the clay dispersion state was demonstrated, as well as the matrix degradation at high screw speed. The evolution of the dispersion state along the screw profile showed that intercalation was reached early in the screw profile, whereas exfoliation evolved linearly until the last mixing elements. A lower barrel temperature, as well as a more viscous matrix did not improve the clay dispersion state, and did not prevent the matrix degradation. Finally, the Ludovic© software allowed us to apprehend the thermomechanical phenomena involved during extrusion, but also to optimize the process.

Exfoliation corrosion kinetics of high strength aluminum alloys

Zhao, Xinyan 15 March 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Polypropylene-clay nanocomposites : effects of incorporating short chain amide molecules on rheological and mechanical properties

Ratnayake, Upul Nishantha January 2006 (has links)
The influence of low molecular weight additives containing polar groups and modified polyolefin-based compatibilisers on polypropylene (PP)-clay nanocomposites (PPCN) has been studied, in terms of intercalation and degree of exfoliation achievable by melt state mixing processes. PPCN were prepared by melt mixing of two commercial pp homopolymers with organically modified clay (OMMT) in the presence of maleic anhydride grafted pp (PP-MA). X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis shows that the interlayer spacing of clay increases dramatically, whilst transmission electron microscopy (TEM) results show a significant improvement of clay dispersion in the PP matrix, when nanocomposites are prepared with commercial PP containing short chain organic additives with polar groups (amide-type slip and antistatic additives). Subsequent studies based upon customised PP formulations, with short chain amide molecules (AM), confirm the intercalation of this additive into clay galleries. The maximum interiayer spacing is achieved with low concentrations of this additive (0.5 wt. %). Contact angle measurements and low shear melt flow properties (MF!) further confirm the diffusion of this additive (AM) into the clay galleries rather than migrating away from the bulk of the PPCN. The interaction between the polar group (CONH2) of this additive and polar sites of the clay surface appears to be the driving force for the intercalation. Although this additive intercalates and allows the formation of an intercalated nanocomposite structure with non homogeneous dispersion of clay, an exfoliated PPCN structure is yet to be formed with this additive alone. A new preparation method for PPCN has therefore been developed by co-intercalation of AM and PP-MA. PPCN were prepared by this method with a significant reduction of overall PP-MA concentration in the nanocomposite structure, relative to conventional PPCN prepared with compatibiliser (PP-MA) only. XRD and TEM analysis showed that nanocomposite structures are formed with significantly improved clay dispersion, compared to PPCN prepared using the conventional method. Quantification of clay exfoliation, using image analysis software, showed that higher degrees of exfoliation can be achieved in PPCN from this new cointercalation method. Normalised melt flow index (n-MFI) data showed the relationship between low shear flow properties and clay structure and is an appropriate parameter to examine clay exfoliation and its interaction with pp in PPCN. Enhanced thennal stability of PPCN, in comparison to pure PP, further demonstrates the improved clay dispersion in nanocomposite structures prepared by the co-intercalation method. A possible mechanism for the co-intercalation of AM and PP-MA into clay galleries has been proposed, based upon hydrogen bonding between these additives and the silicate layers. Rheological characterisation of PPCN, using capillary rheometry experiments at high shear rates, shows a shear thinning, pseudoplastic behaviour similar to pure PP. However, a comparatively higher concentration of AM appears to reduce the shear viscosity of PPCN. Die swelling behaviour revealed a reduction in melt elasticity in PPCN melts in comparison to unmodified PP. Reduced die swell occurs as a result, together with a delay in the onset of melt fracture. Sheet extrusion was used to produce PPCN products with increasing clay loading levels that were evaluated for a range of mechanical properties. Significant enhancement of modulus in PPCN is achieved in comparison to pure PP whilst maintaining similar strength characteristics. However, impact resistance of extruded PPCN sheets is not improved in comparison to unmodified PP. Results have been interpreted with reference to the degree of exfoliation, additive content and differences in PP crystallinity.

Processing melt blended polymer nanocomposites using a novel laboratory mini-mixer : development of polymer nanocomposites in the melt phase using a novel mini-mixer

Khan, Atif Hussain January 2012 (has links)
Research into the processing conditions and parameters of polymeric nanocomposites has always been challenging to scientists and engineers alike. Many have developed tools and procedures to allow materials to be exploited and their properties improved with the addition of nanofillers to achieve the desired end material for various applications. Initial trials are mostly conducted using conventional small scale experiments using specialised equipment within the laboratory that can replicate the larger industrial equipment. This is a logical approach as it could save time and costs as many nanocomposites are relatively expensive to produce. Experiments have previously been done using the likes of the Haake twin screw extruder to manufacture nanocomposites within the laboratory but this research project has used a novel minimixer specifically developed to replicate mixing like large twin screw extrusion machines. The minimixer uses a twin paddle system for high shear mixing in conjunction with a single screw thus theoretically allowing an infinitely long recirculation. It is this ability to mix intensely whilst allowing for as long as desired recirculation which enables the replication in this very small mixer (10-30g capacity) of the mixing conditions in a large twin screw extruder. An added feature of the minimixer is that it can undertake inline data analysis in real time. The main experiments were conducted using a comprehensive DOE approach with several different factors being used including the temperature, screw speed, residence time, clay and compatibiliser loading and two polymer MFI's. The materials used included PP, Cloisite 20A, Polybond 3200, PET, Somasif MTE, Polyurethane 80A and Single / Multi-walled Carbon nanotubes. Detailed experimental results highlighted that rheological analysis of the nanocomposite materials as an initial testing tool were accurate in determining the Elastic and Loss modulus values together with the Creep and Recovery, Viscosity and Phase Angle properties in the molten state. This approach was also used in an additional set of experiments whereby the temperature, speed, residence time and compatibiliser were kept constant but the clay loading was increased in 1% wt. increments. These results showed that the G' & G'' values increased with clay loading. Another important finding was the bi-axial stretching step introduced after the processing stage of the nanocomposite materials which highlighted a further improvement in the modulus values using rheological testing. Other tests included using inline monitoring to look into both the viscosity and ultrasound measurements in real time of the molten polymer nanocomposite through a slit die attachment to the minimixer.

Nanocomposites élastomère-phosphate de zirconium lamellaire : mécanismes de dispersion et mise en oeuvre / Melt compounding of elastomer-zirconium phosphate nanocomposite : mechanisms of dispersion and processing

Hung, Yvong 30 March 2011 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude est l’élaboration de nanocomposite à base d’un élastomère de styrène et de butadiène (SBR) par l’ajout d’une dispersion aqueuse (slurry) de nanocharges lamellaires de phosphate de zirconium en phase α (α-ZrP ou ZrP). Les travaux s’attardent d’abord sur le mélange entre le SBR à l’état fondu et le slurry de ZrP en absence de traitement de surface. Différents stratégies d’élaboration sont ensuite envisagées afin d’améliorer la dispersion (intercalation exfoliation) des feuillets de ZrP dans le matériau en couplant le traitement de surface du ZrP et les paramètres de mise en œuvre. Différents traitements de surface sont abordés avec l’utilisation d’un agent intercalant métallique (Na+), de deux intercalants alkylamines (propylamine, octadécylamine) et d’un agent d’exfoliation (hydroxyde de tétrabutylammonium). En parallèle, plusieurs procédés de mise en œuvre générant des écoulements complexes sont utilisés. La complémentarité entre la diffraction des rayons X (DRX), la microscopie électronique en transmission (MET) et la spectroscopie mécanique (DTMA) permet d’obtenir une analyse multi-échelle de l’état de dispersion du ZrP et de proposer des scénarii décrivant les mécanismes de dispersion en fonction des paramètres étudiés. Un effort important est apporté pour la compréhension de la relation structure à l’échelle nanoscopique et les propriétés macroscopiques du matériau. Une étude comparative est ensuite proposée entre les valeurs expérimentales de l’effet de renforcement des matériaux et les prédictions des modèles Krieger-Dougherty et Halpi-Tsai / This work focuses on the melt processing of nanocomposite materials obtained from a synthetic lamellar filler, α-zirconium phosphate (α-ZrP), dispersed within a synthetic rubber of the SBR type. The first step is the melt compounding using aqueous slurry of α-ZrP without any treatment. Following, several kinds of surface modifiers such as sodium cation, alkylamines and tetrabutylammonium hydroxide and different melt processing conditions are investigated to improve the level of dispersion of ZrP platelets into the matrix. X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and dynamical mechanical method are used as a multi-scale analysis to quantify the state of dispersion of the filler within the nanocomposite. Several mechanisms of dispersion are described depend on the surface modifying treatment and the melt processing parameters and the structure-properties relationship are studied. A comparison between the material reinforcement and two models of predictions, Krieger-Dougherty and Halpin-Tsai are discussed

Retenção prolongada de dentes decíduos: possíveis fatores etiológicos locais e sistêmicos / Persistent primary teeth: possible systemic and local etiological factors

Xavier, Thaís Aparecida 24 June 2016 (has links)
A reabsorção radicular é um evento fisiológico para os dentes decíduos. Porém, há casos em que esses dentes são mantidos à cavidade bucal além do tempo de esfoliação normal, mesmo quando os dentes permanentes sucessores estão presentes. Como são escassos os dados disponíveis sobre a real causa da retenção prolongada dos dentes decíduos, as razões exatas merecem ser investigadas. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar se fatores locais (RANKL, RANK, OPG, MCP-1, RUNX2) ou sistêmicos (vitamina D, PTH, IGF-I) poderiam estar relacionados à biologia óssea e radicular em casos de retenção prolongada de dentes decíduos, com presença dos dentes permanentes correspondentes in situ, a fim de se buscar compreender possíveis etiologias do quadro. Para isso, foram selecionados pacientes com dentes decíduos em retenções prolongadas (n=14, grupo R) e pacientes sem dentes decíduos retidos (n=14, grupo C), mas com indicações ortodônticas de exodontias. Após as extrações dentais, foram coletados remanescentes do ligamento periodontal em torno das raízes dentais e amostras de sangue dos pacientes, que foram avaliados por qPCR e quimioluminescência, respectivamente. Houve diferença estatisticamente significante para RANKL (p=0,023) entre os grupos C e R, com menor expressão gênica de RANKL no grupo R. Da mesma forma, foi observada uma menor expressão de RANK no grupo R, comparado ao grupo C; contudo, essa diferença não foi significativamente diferente. Houve também um resultado próximo do valor de significância para vitamina D (p=0,0572), com níveis séricos reduzidos dessa vitamina no grupo R. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos para os outros fatores estudados. Com base nos dados deste estudo, pode-se sugerir que menores expressões de RANKL e RANK possam estar envolvidas na retenção prolongada de dentes decíduos e que baixos níveis séricos de vitamina D também possam estar associados com o retardo na esfoliação radicular decídua. / Root resorption is a physiological event for primary teeth. However, there are cases where these teeth are maintained beyond the normal exfoliation time, even when the corresponding permanent teeth is present. Since there are few data concerning the real cause of prolonged retention of primary teeth, the exact reasons must be investigated. The aim of this study was to assess if local factors like RANKL, RANK, OPG, MCP-1, RUNX2, or systemic factors such as vitamin D, PTH and IGF-I could to be involve in the bone and root biology, in cases of persistent primary teeth, with the corresponding permanent teeth in situ. Patients with persistent primary teeth (n=14, group R) and patients without persistent primary teeth (n=14, group C), but with orthodontic indication of tooth extraction, were selected. After the teeth extractions, remaining periodontal ligament around the roots and blood samples were collected and assessed by qPCR and chemiluminescence, respectively. The present study found significant lower level of RANKL in the group R compared to group C (p=0,023). Although it was not significantly different, the level of RANK was also reduced in group R compared to group C. The expression of others local factors was similar between group R and C. Concernig systemic factors, the serum level of vitamin D were reduced in the group R compared to group C (p=0,0572) although it was not statistically significant. There were no significant differences between both groups for the others systemic studied factors. It is possible that a lower RANKL and RANK expression is involved in prolonged retention of primary teeth and our data also suggest that low serum levels of vitamin D could also be involved in the etiology of the retention.

Production and applications of graphene and its composites

Aranga Raju, Arun Prakash January 2017 (has links)
Graphene, a single layer of graphite, owing to its excellent mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties, has evolved as an exceptional nanomaterial in the past decade. It holds great promise in developing various novel applications from biomedical to structural composites. However, several challenges remain in realising the great potential of this material; one being the bulk scale production of graphene. This thesis has been concerned with production of pristine few-layer graphene (FLG) using liquid phase exfoliation (LPE) of graphite in various solvent media and exploring the applications of graphene-based composite coatings as optical Raman-strain sensors. LPE of natural graphite using bath sonication was used to produce highly stable pristine FLG in 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NMP) and N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF). Atomic force microscope (AFM) was used to analyse the exfoliation efficiency and lateral dimensions, while Raman spectroscopy provided an insight about the quality of the graphene flakes. Moreover, the potential for dynamic light scattering (DLS) as an efficient in situ characterisation technique for estimating the lateral dimensions of graphene flakes in dispersions was demonstrated. LPE was also employed to explore various routes to produce pristine graphene in aqueous media which can be used for toxicity studies. Aqueous dispersions were prepared by a solvent exchange method of graphene originally in organic solvents (NMP and DMF) using dialysis, achieving 0.1 v/v% organic solvent levels. Pristine aqueous graphene dispersions were also prepared by directly exfoliating graphite in biocompatible surfactant (TDOC- Sodium taurodeoxycholate) and biomolecules (Phosphatidylcholine and human serum albumin) solutions. Cell culture studies by collaborators revealed that solvent-exchanged and TDOC-exfoliated pristine FLG displayed minimal toxicity and albumin-exfoliated FLG hardly any cytotoxicity, whereas phosphatidylcholine-exfoliated FLG was cytotoxic. Raman spectroscopy is a well-established technique used to study the local deformation of carbon-based composites by following the shift rates of the Raman 2D band with strain. Raman active strain coatings were produced from epoxy composites made with the FLG produced by LPE in organic solvents and by electrochemical exfoliation method. The deformation experiments on these coatings revealed little or no strain sensitivity, due to several factors such as length of flakes, processing history, graphene loading, defects in graphene and alignment of flakes within the composites. As an alternative, composite coatings made from chemical vapour deposition (CVD) graphene were investigated. Excellent strain sensitivity was observed upon various cyclic deformational sequences and Raman mapping over 100 × 100 µm area. In comparison to the commercially available wide area strain sensors, CVD graphene composite coatings with a calculated absolute accuracy of ~ ± 0.01 % strain and absolute resolution of ~ 27 microstrains show promise for wide area Raman-based strains sensors.

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