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Perte et fragmentation en forêt boréale : impacts de différents modèles de dispersion de coupe sur les communautés de mammifères et d'oiseauxSt-Laurent, Martin-Hugues January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
La perte et la fragmentation de l'habitat constituent les deux principaux types de perturbations qui influencent la biodiversité mondiale. Dans l'hémisphère nord, l'exploitation forestière commerciale génère la perte et la fragmentation du couvert forestier mature, affectant de nombreuses espèces fauniques. En forêt boréale, plusieurs travaux se sont intéressés à caractériser et quantifier les impacts des opérations forestières sur plusieurs taxons fauniques et floristiques. Maintenant que les impacts du prélèvement forestier sont mieux documentés dans cet écosystème, le défi de conservation s'inscrit davantage dans la configuration et le maintien d'habitats forestiers résiduels à l'échelle du paysage. Le premier chapitre de cette thèse présente la situation actuelle de la forêt boréale, de son exploitation commerciale, de même que plusieurs impacts découlant de cette exploitation sur la faune vertébrée. Y sont présentées aussi certaines notions d'écologie du paysage relatives aux processus de perte et de fragmentation de l'habitat, ainsi que les objectifs et hypothèses de la thèse. Le chapitre II résume quant à lui les connaissances relatives à différentes approches d'écologie numérique utilisées tout au long de la thèse. Le chapitre III évalue le potentiel de conservation faunique de deux types de configurations de la forêt résiduelle. L'abondance de 2 espèces de petits mammifères et de 25 espèces d'oiseaux forestiers a été estimée dans des unités mosaïques de 85-100 ha ainsi que dans des méga-blocs de 250-300 ha, de même qu'en forêt mature non perturbée (à titre de situation témoin). Aucune espèce ne présentait d'abondance inférieure à celle observée en forêt témoin, quoiqu'une faible réplication limitait la puissance statistique. Les relations faune -habitat ont été explorées à l'aide de régressions multiples entre les abondances, les variables de structure de peuplement et les caractéristiques de paysage, sur une base spécifique. Ces modèles d'utilisation d'habitat (MUHs) expliquaient une large part de la variation en abondance dont la majeure part correspondait aux effets de la structure forestière des peuplements résiduels. Les résultats suggèrent que les mosaïques et les méga-blocs sont des approches de dispersion de coupes favorables au maintien des espèces recensées, et que la planification des peuplements résiduels devrait intégrer tant la structure des peuplements résiduels que les caractéristiques du paysage.
Le chapitre IV s'interroge sur le potentiel faunique des parterres en régénération. Plusieurs législations forestières canadiennes permettent la récolte des structures forestières résiduelles lorsque la régénération adjacente atteint une hauteur moyenne de 3 m, sans toutefois que la capacité de tels peuplements à soutenir les espèces vertébrées des forêts originales n'ait été démontrée. Ainsi, l'abondance de 2 espèces de petits mammifères et de 19 espèces d'oiseaux a été estimée dans des parterres en régénération ainsi qu'en forêt mature continue (à titre de témoin). Les parterres en régénération permettaient de soutenir des abondances supérieures à la forêt témoin pour six des 21 espèces, et équivalentes pour 12 autres. Cependant, l'abondance de trois espèces (i.e. roitelet à couronne dorée, grimpereau brun et campagnol à dos roux de Gapper) était significativement moins élevée dans les parterres en régénération qu'en forêt témoin. Les modèles de relations faune -habitat expliquaient en moyenne 87,3 ± 1,9 % de la variabilité en abondance pour 21 espèces. La structure des peuplements expliquant encore la plus grande part de la variation en abondance. Ces résultats suggèrent que certaines espèces associées à la forêt mature pourraient montrer de fortes diminutions en abondance et voir leur maintien ultimement compromis à l'échelle du paysage suivant l'application rigoureuse de la législation en vigueur. Jusqu'à ce que les effets de la récolte des peuplements résiduels sur la faune soient mieux quantifiés, il serait favorable de maintenir de grands massifs de forêt mature tout au long de la rotation forestière. Le chapitre V modélise les effets respectifs de la perte et de la fragmentation du couvert forestier mature sur l'abondance de 11 espèces d'oiseaux. Les simulations montrent que: 1) la perte d'habitat a une influence plus marquée que la fragmentation sur l'abondance des espèces étudiées; 2) la distribution spatiale des attributs fixes de paysage (routes, lacs, cours d'eau) est le deuxième facteur ayant le plus d'effet; 3) la fragmentation influence significativement l'abondance mais n'explique qu'une faible portion de variation. Dans une perspective appliquée, les principaux résultats de cette thèse suggèrent que des efforts de conservation devraient être investis en vue de réduire l'intensité de la perte d'habitat et de maintenir davantage de forêt mature dans les paysages exploités. Puisque les espèces d'intérieur sont souvent des spécialistes de forêt mature sensibles à l'exploitation forestière, il appert que la fragmentation des habitats forestiers matures devrait également être limitée. Dans un cadre d'aménagement écosystémique en forêt boréale, diversifier la configuration des interventions devrait garantir le maintien d'un spectre plus naturel de paysages et de structure des peuplements que ce que génère actuellement l'exploitation forestière. Cette variabilité ne pourra que faciliter la conservation des populations, des espèces, des communautés et des processus écologiques. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Forêt boréale exploitée, Oiseaux forestiers, Paysages, Perte et fragmentation d'habitat, Petits mammifères, Structures forestières résiduelles.
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Modélisation des décisions d'assolement des agriculteurs et de l'organisation spatiale des cultures dans les territoires de polyculture-élevageSchaller, Noémie 02 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Face aux enjeux de conciliation entre production agricole et protection des écosystèmes, l'organisation spatiale et temporelle des cultures à l'échelle des paysages peut être un levier d'action privilégié. Les décisions d'assolement que prennent les agriculteurs au niveau de leurs exploitations individuelles sont un des moteurs de cette organisation. L'objectif général de cette thèse était d'étudier en quoi la modélisation des décisions d'assolement dans leurs dimensions spatiale et temporelle au niveau de l'exploitation permet de rendre compte de l'organisation spatiale des cultures au niveau du paysage. Dans la plaine de Niort (Poitou-Charentes), nous avons tout d'abord identifié (i) des régularités d'organisation des cultures au niveau paysage et (ii) des règles de décisions d'agriculteurs au niveau exploitation. La comparaison de ces deux éléments a confirmé que les régularités d'organisation spatiale et temporelle des cultures pouvaient relever de décisions qui étaient communes entre agriculteurs. A partir d'enquêtes dans 12 exploitations, nous avons ensuite construit le modèle DYSPALLOC. Ce modèle conceptuel permet de simuler l'organisation spatiale des cultures d'une année à l'autre à l'échelle de l'exploitation, via la représentation spatiale et temporelle des décisions de planification d'assolement. Applicable aux exploitations de grandes cultures et de polyculture-élevage, ce modèle a en outre permis d'expliciter les règles de délimitation des parcelles au sein des EA. Nous avons défini trois types de parcelles en fonction de leurs limites : îlots élémentaires, parcelles fixes et parcelles temporaires. L'évaluation du modèle a montré que l'allocation des cultures simulée était correcte dans 83% des parcelles. Une expérimentation virtuelle a de plus permis de valider les concepts de parcelles fixes et parcelles temporaires. Enfin, nous avons utilisé le modèle à l'échelle d'un paysage composé d'exploitations, avec des données d'entrée construites à partir de bases de données spatialisées. Nous avons montré que l'organisation spatiale des cultures simulée à partir de la prise en compte des décisions d'assolement était plus proche de l'organisation réelle observée, que ne l'était l'organisation simulée aléatoirement, même en intégrant des contraintes agronomiques. Ce travail pourrait donc contribuer à favoriser la coordination des décisions d'assolement individuelles des agriculteurs pour générer des organisations spatiales de cultures favorables au fonctionnement des écosystèmes à l'échelle des paysages agricoles.
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D-6 naftos telkinio eksploatacija tarptautinės jūrų teisės požiūriu / D-6 oil fields exploitation in the background of the international maritime lawMilvydas, Ričardas 05 February 2013 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe “D-6 naftos telkinio eksploatacija tarptautinės jūrų teisės požiūriu” analizuojami tarptautinės teisės šaltiniai, reglamentuojantys jūrinių naftos platformų statybą, eksploataciją bei atsakomybę už jų sukeltą žalą kitai valstybei. Nagrinėjama kurios tarptautinės sutartys, kiti teisės aktai yra privalomi Rusijos Federacijai ir turi būti taikomi eksploatuojant naftos telkinius Baltijos jūros kontinentiniame šelfe Rusijos jurisdikcijos zonoje. Taip pat darbe yra nurodomi atvejai, kuriais Rusija nesilaikė jai privalomų tarptautinės teisės normų projektuodama, statydama ir eksploatuodama naftos platformą D-6. Analizuojama, ar Rusijos Federacija būtų atsakinga prieš Lietuvos Respubliką už žalą, kuri gali kilti eksploatuojant D-6 naftos platformą. Tuo tikslu nagrinėjami du atsakomybės taikymo pagrindai: atsakomybė už tarptautinės teisės normų pažeidimus ir atsakomybė už kitos valstybės interesams padarytą žalą veiksmais, kurių nedraudžia tarptautinė teisė. Vertinant “griežtos” atsakomybės taikymo principą analizuojamas JT Tarptautinės teisės komisijos darbas šioje srityje. Siekiama nustatyti, ar yra susiformavęs tarptautinis paprotys, numatantis tokią valstybės atsakomybę už sukeltą žalą.
Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados. Remiantis atlikto tyrimo rezultatais konstatuojama, kad projektuojant ir statant D-6 naftos platformą buvo pažeistos tarptautinės teisės normos, tačiau šiuo metu eksploatuojant platformą Rusija laikosi tarptautinės teisės reikalavimų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Master’s thesis “D-6 oil fields exploitation in the background of the international maritime law” analyzes sources of the international law governing construction and exploitation of offshore platforms as well as responsibility for the damages to other countries caused by such platforms. The thesis also analyzes which international treaties and other legislation are mandatory to the Russian Federation and must be followed in exploiting oil fields continental shelf in the Baltic Sea in the area of the Russian jurisdiction. Besides, the thesis provides for the cases where Russia violated mandatory legislation in planning, erecting and exploiting oil platform D-6. Furthermore, the thesis analyzes whether the Russian Federation would be liable against the Republic of Lithuania for the damages which may arise from exploitation of D-6 oil platform. To that end, the thesis analyzes two principles of liability: liability for violations of the international legislation and liability for the damages to the interests of the other country resulting from the actions not prohibited by the international law. For assessment of the principle of application of “strict” liability, the work done by the UN International Law Commission is analyzed. Attempts are made to find out whether there is an international custom providing for the country’s liability for the caused damages.
The thesis is finalized by the findings. Taking into consideration the research results it is stated that planning... [to full text]
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Counter-Surveillance in an Algorithmic WorldDutrisac, James George 26 September 2007 (has links)
Surveillance is the act of collecting, analysing, and acting upon information about specific objects, data, or individuals. Recent advances have allowed for the automation of a large part of this process. Of particular interest is the use of computer algorithms to analyse surveillance data. We refer to surveillance that uses this form of analysis as *algorithmic surveillance*. The rapid growth of algorithmic surveillance has left many important questions unasked.
Counter-surveillance is the task of making surveillance difficult. To do this, it subverts various components of the surveillance process. Much like surveillance, counter-surveillance has many applications. It is used to critically assess and validate surveillance practices. As well, counter-surveillance serves to protect privacy, civil liberties, and against abuses of surveillance. Unfortunately, counter-surveillance techniques are often considered to be of little constructive use. As such, they are underdeveloped. At present, no counter-surveillance techniques exist that are able to adequately address algorithmic surveillance.
In order to develop counter-surveillance methods against algorithmic surveillance, the *process* of surveillance must first be understood. Understanding this process ensures that the necessary components of algorithmic surveillance will be identified and subverted. As such, our research begins by developing a model of the surveillance process. This model consists of three distinct stages: the collection of information, the analysis of that information, and a response to what has been discovered (the action). From our analysis of the structure of surveillance we show that counter-surveillance techniques prior to now primarily address the collection and action stages of the surveillance process. We argue that the neglect of the analysis stage creates significant problems when attempting to subvert algorithmic surveillance, which relies heavily upon a complex analysis of data. As such, we go on to demonstrate how algorithmic analysis may be subverted. To do this, we develop techniques that are able to subvert three common algorithmic analysis techniques: classification, cluster analysis, and association rules. Each of these attacks against algorithmic analysis works surprisingly well and demonstrate significant flaws in current approaches to algorithmic surveillance. / Thesis (Master, Computing) -- Queen's University, 2007-09-18 10:42:21.025
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Dynamic models of non-metallic mineral deposits and their use during the development of a deposit / Nerūdinių naudingųjų iškasenų telkinių dinaminių modelių sudarymas ir jų panaudojimas telkinio eksploatavimo eigojeSukova, Tatjana 07 March 2011 (has links)
The targets of the research were the gravel and sand deposits of different genetic type, as well as promising areas in the area of Lithuania. The present work defines the principle applied for construction of dynamical models of non-metal mineral deposits. The possibilities of automated analysis and evaluation of mineral deposit prospecting data have explored; the methodology for automation of mineral deposit use design solutions has created and introduced into a computer software; the possibilities of automation for calculation of production (mining) volumes according to the surveyor measurements have explored; the possibilities of automation for recording and controlling the production (mining) have explored in the dissertation. The modelling is done in 3D space enabling to see 3D perspective images of a pit from any point selected and prognosticate the course of excavation works. / Tyrimų objektais buvo pasirinkti įvairių genetinių tipų žvyro ir smėlio telkiniai bei prognoziniai plotai išsidėstę Lietuvos teritorijoje. Disertacijoje yra apibrėžtas nerūdinių naudingųjų iškasenų telkinių dinaminių modelių sudarymo principas; išnagrinėtos naudingųjų iškasenų telkinių žvalgybos duomenų automatizuotos analizės ir vertinimo galimybės; sukurta naudingųjų iškasenų telkinių naudojimo projektinių sprendinių automatizavimo metodika ir įdiegta į programinę įrangą; išnagrinėtos kasybos apimčių pagal markšeiderinius apmatavimus apskaičiavimo automatizavimo galimybės; išnagrinėtos kasybos proceso apskaitos ir kontrolės automatizavimo galimybės. Modeliavimas atliekamas trimatėje erdvėje, kas sudaro galimybę matyti trimačius perspektyvinius karjero vaizdus iš bet kokio pasirinkto taško ir numatyti naudingųjų iškasenų telkinių kasybos darbų eigą.
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Nerūdinių naudingųjų iškasenų telkinių dinaminių modelių sudarymas ir jų panaudojimas telkinio eksploatavimo eigoje / Dynamic models of non-metallic mineral deposits and their use during the development of a depositSukova, Tatjana 07 March 2011 (has links)
Tyrimų objektais buvo pasirinkti įvairių genetinių tipų žvyro ir smėlio telkiniai bei prognoziniai plotai išsidėstę Lietuvos teritorijoje. Disertacijoje yra apibrėžtas nerūdinių naudingųjų iškasenų telkinių dinaminių modelių sudarymo principas; išnagrinėtos naudingųjų iškasenų telkinių žvalgybos duomenų automatizuotos analizės ir vertinimo galimybės; sukurta naudingųjų iškasenų telkinių naudojimo projektinių sprendinių automatizavimo metodika ir įdiegta į programinę įrangą; išnagrinėtos kasybos apimčių pagal markšeiderinius apmatavimus apskaičiavimo automatizavimo galimybės; išnagrinėtos kasybos proceso apskaitos ir kontrolės automatizavimo galimybės. Modeliavimas atliekamas trimatėje erdvėje, kas sudaro galimybę matyti trimačius perspektyvinius karjero vaizdus iš bet kokio pasirinkto taško ir numatyti naudingųjų iškasenų telkinių kasybos darbų eigą. / The targets of the research were the gravel and sand deposits of different genetic type, as well as promising areas in the area of Lithuania. The present work defines the principle applied for construction of dynamical models of non-metal mineral deposits. The possibilities of automated analysis and evaluation of mineral deposit prospecting data have explored; the methodology for automation of mineral deposit use design solutions has created and introduced into a computer software; the possibilities of automation for calculation of production (mining) volumes according to the surveyor measurements have explored; the possibilities of automation for recording and controlling the production (mining) have explored in the dissertation. The modelling is done in 3D space enabling to see 3D perspective images of a pit from any point selected and prognosticate the course of excavation works.
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The identification of victims of human trafficking and consequential service provision is characterized by a significant disconnection between the estimated prevalence of this issue and the number of cases identified. The current dissertation introduces the Inclusive Human Trafficking Checklist (IHTC) as a screening measure, evaluates the appropriateness of the instrument, evaluates whether there are differences in assessment based on the participant’s profession, level of knowledge, and training, and assesses if users of the instrument perceive it as useful. A total of 201 participants were asked to rate three vignettes predetermined by experts to qualify as a either human trafficking case or not. The participants were placed in three conditions: business as usual (use of the Rescue and Restore instrument), utilization of the IHTC with and without training. The results revealed a statistically significant level of agreement between the expert’s diagnostic and the application of the IHTC. While there was an improvement in identification in the group with training, the difference was found to have a small effect size. The results also revealed an improvement on identification of cases when utilizing the IHTC. Participants who utilized the IHTC showed an increased ability to identify elements of identity-based vulnerabilities as well as elements of fraud, which according to the results, are distinctive variables in cases of human trafficking. In terms of the perceived utility, the results revealed higher mean scores for the groups utilizing the IHTC when compared to the business as usual condition. These findings suggest that the IHTC improves appropriate identification of cases and that it is perceived as a useful instrument. The application of the IHTC as a counseling and legal instrumentation utilized for conceptualization and intervention of human trafficking cases is discussed as an opportunity for enhancement of victim well-being, engagement and activism.
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A Capabilities Approach to the Non-Identity ProblemThomas, Jared S. R. 01 January 2015 (has links)
Most recent attempts at solving the Non-Identity Problem have focused on providing a deontological solution to the problem, often by giving special attention to rights. In this paper, I argue for a solution that focuses on highlighting the morally permissible second-personal reasons and claims that nonidentity victims may have. I use a natural marriage between a Kantian conceptualization of what it means to be free and equal—being one’s own master—and Nussbaum’s Capabilities Approach to identify the rights that all individuals, current and future are assigned. I claim that these rights, or capabilities, are what all are entitled to master for themselves in the Kantian sense. I conclude with a solution that produces intuitively correct results and dissolves the nonidentity problem altogether.
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Exploitation in Older Adults: Personal Competence Factors and Social VulnerabilityDonna Pinsker Unknown Date (has links)
ABSTRACT Exploitation of older people can result in devastating emotional and financial consequences. Researchers and policy makers have widely recognised the deleterious effects of exploitation on older adults, particularly cognitively impaired older people. Studies to date have provided basic information about the demographic and health characteristics that contribute to exploitation in later life, namely extreme dependence, frailty, social isolation, severe physical illness, and cognitive impairment. However, an overarching explanatory framework of vulnerability, and clinical instruments to aid with identifying those individuals at elevated risk of exploitation a priori have been lacking. Furthermore, the specific cognitive and social factors at the level of the individual which promote vulnerability to exploitation remain largely unexplored. The present research was directed towards addressing these issues. For definitional purposes, the term social vulnerability is used throughout in reference to an individual’s degree of susceptibility to exploitation. Exploitation of older people can take many forms including social and sexual exploitation, mistreatment, and deprivation of rights. Financial exploitation in particular is a relatively widespread phenomenon among older people, and may be a salient marker of social vulnerability in later life. In Chapter 1 of this dissertation, literature relevant to financial exploitation and social vulnerability more generally among older people is reviewed, and a conceptual framework for describing and explaining heightened vulnerability is presented. Central to this framework are various factors of personal competence at the level of the individual (i.e., intelligence, cognitive functioning, social intelligence, social skill, personality traits) which, in theoretical terms, contribute to, or protect against, exploitation. Chapter 2 details the development and psychometric evaluation of a standardised scale for assessing social vulnerability among older adults (termed the SVS15). Given that financial exploitation may be a pertinent marker of social vulnerability in older people, item content for the scale includes items of a financial nature. The results of two studies provided support for the reliability (internal consistency) and validity (known-groups) of the SVS15. Results of a factor analysis revealed a two-factor solution, with the emerging factors labelled gullibility and credulity. Stability in factor structure of the SVS15 was established in an independent sample using structural equation modelling. Chapters 3 and 4 of the dissertation detail the methodology employed in, and results of, a series of three studies systematically investigating the relationships between personal competence factors and social vulnerability in older people. Using multiple regression analyses, non-significant associations between basic demographic characteristics and social vulnerability were found in a nonclinical older sample, indicating that heightened vulnerability to exploitation is not readily explained by age, gender, or education. Rather, general cognitive functioning emerged as the most significant correlate of SVS15 scores in a combined clinical and nonclinical sample of older adults such that poorer cognitive functioning was associated with greater vulnerability to exploitation. Executive functioning in particular showed significant overlap with SVS15 scores after controlling for differences in memory and age. These results support the inclusion of standardised neuropsychological tests of memory and executive functioning (tests which are routinely used) when issues of social vulnerability arise. After general cognitive functioning, social measures of self-awareness and social skill were also important correlates of social vulnerability scores, indicating that social measures could also contribute useful information when assessing social vulnerability in older people. From an applied perspective, Chapter 5 of the thesis presents normative data for the SVS15, and an examination of the Tclinical utility of the scale using individual case studies of older adults diagnosed with a dementia syndrome. In Chapter 6, an amalgamation of the results from the project is presented, and the theoretical and clinical contributions of the findings are highlighted. TThe findings contribute to the extant literature in two ways: (1) through the development of aT potentially useful and psychometrically sound instrument which targets symptoms of social Tvulnerability more directly than existing neuropsychological measures and (2) by enhancing the current understanding of the cognitive and social personal competence factors associated with heightened vulnerability in later life.
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Exploitation in Older Adults: Personal Competence Factors and Social VulnerabilityDonna Pinsker Unknown Date (has links)
ABSTRACT Exploitation of older people can result in devastating emotional and financial consequences. Researchers and policy makers have widely recognised the deleterious effects of exploitation on older adults, particularly cognitively impaired older people. Studies to date have provided basic information about the demographic and health characteristics that contribute to exploitation in later life, namely extreme dependence, frailty, social isolation, severe physical illness, and cognitive impairment. However, an overarching explanatory framework of vulnerability, and clinical instruments to aid with identifying those individuals at elevated risk of exploitation a priori have been lacking. Furthermore, the specific cognitive and social factors at the level of the individual which promote vulnerability to exploitation remain largely unexplored. The present research was directed towards addressing these issues. For definitional purposes, the term social vulnerability is used throughout in reference to an individual’s degree of susceptibility to exploitation. Exploitation of older people can take many forms including social and sexual exploitation, mistreatment, and deprivation of rights. Financial exploitation in particular is a relatively widespread phenomenon among older people, and may be a salient marker of social vulnerability in later life. In Chapter 1 of this dissertation, literature relevant to financial exploitation and social vulnerability more generally among older people is reviewed, and a conceptual framework for describing and explaining heightened vulnerability is presented. Central to this framework are various factors of personal competence at the level of the individual (i.e., intelligence, cognitive functioning, social intelligence, social skill, personality traits) which, in theoretical terms, contribute to, or protect against, exploitation. Chapter 2 details the development and psychometric evaluation of a standardised scale for assessing social vulnerability among older adults (termed the SVS15). Given that financial exploitation may be a pertinent marker of social vulnerability in older people, item content for the scale includes items of a financial nature. The results of two studies provided support for the reliability (internal consistency) and validity (known-groups) of the SVS15. Results of a factor analysis revealed a two-factor solution, with the emerging factors labelled gullibility and credulity. Stability in factor structure of the SVS15 was established in an independent sample using structural equation modelling. Chapters 3 and 4 of the dissertation detail the methodology employed in, and results of, a series of three studies systematically investigating the relationships between personal competence factors and social vulnerability in older people. Using multiple regression analyses, non-significant associations between basic demographic characteristics and social vulnerability were found in a nonclinical older sample, indicating that heightened vulnerability to exploitation is not readily explained by age, gender, or education. Rather, general cognitive functioning emerged as the most significant correlate of SVS15 scores in a combined clinical and nonclinical sample of older adults such that poorer cognitive functioning was associated with greater vulnerability to exploitation. Executive functioning in particular showed significant overlap with SVS15 scores after controlling for differences in memory and age. These results support the inclusion of standardised neuropsychological tests of memory and executive functioning (tests which are routinely used) when issues of social vulnerability arise. After general cognitive functioning, social measures of self-awareness and social skill were also important correlates of social vulnerability scores, indicating that social measures could also contribute useful information when assessing social vulnerability in older people. From an applied perspective, Chapter 5 of the thesis presents normative data for the SVS15, and an examination of the Tclinical utility of the scale using individual case studies of older adults diagnosed with a dementia syndrome. In Chapter 6, an amalgamation of the results from the project is presented, and the theoretical and clinical contributions of the findings are highlighted. TThe findings contribute to the extant literature in two ways: (1) through the development of aT potentially useful and psychometrically sound instrument which targets symptoms of social Tvulnerability more directly than existing neuropsychological measures and (2) by enhancing the current understanding of the cognitive and social personal competence factors associated with heightened vulnerability in later life.
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