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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A dry udder in the milk season? Natural resource exploitation in Africa: realising the right to economic benefit for host communities

Mugoya, Bosire Conrad January 2009 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM

Les territoires du cinéma art et essai, généalogie et mutations d'un modèle d'exploitation en Midi-Pyrénées / Art et essai territories : genealogy and mutations of an oerating/business model in Midi Pyrénées

Poulanges, Mariane 03 September 2015 (has links)
En France, la majorité des salles de cinéma est constituée par des cinémas "Art et essai". Comment rendre compte de l'identité de ces lieux de diffusion dans une perspective communicationnelle ? Outil des politiques d'aménagement et ressource possible pour le développement des territoires, la plupart des salles Art et essai en Midi-Pyrénées se présente sous la forme d'équipements dits "de proximité". Or, la "salle de proximité" représente un point aveugle des recherches universitaires qui portent sur le modèle Art et essai. Sur la base de ce constat, trois étapes structurent l'investigation. La mise en question des représentations de l'histoire du mouvement Art et essai permet d'abord de caractériser cette exploitation comme un modèle hybride, qui relève à la fois d'une politique culturelle nationale et de l'activité située des professionnels de la diffusion qui sont confrontés aux singularités du territoire dans lequel ils exercent. L'analyse diachronique du parc Art et essai en Midi-Pyrénées permet ensuite de présenter l'organisation des acteurs, de pointer leur rôle dans la structuration d'un modèle de diffusion alternatif en région, puis d'exposer le renouvellement récent des rapports de force. Cette approche généalogique, qui suppose d'intégrer les évolutions liées à la décentralisation, dessine une ligne de partage, au sein du parc Art et essai actuel, entre une logique de service, d'une part, et une logique de projet, d'autre part. Cette distinction elle-même est enfin mise à l'épreuve des résultats obtenus à travers deux enquêtes, la première portant sur les contenus offerts sur les écrans Art et essai de la région et la seconde sur la place de la subvention Art et essai dans l'économie des structures. En définitive, la représentation convenue d'un territoire symbolique de l'Art et essai doit être reconsidérée au profit d'une définition de la salle de cinéma Art et essai dont l'identité se construit, sur le temps long, en fonction de l'ancrage territorial des établissements. Par ancrage territorial, il ne s'agit pas de désigner la seule " zone de chalandise " mais l'enchevêtrement de plusieurs dimensions (économique, politique, sociale et géographique) qui forment un espace signifiant et opératoire, co-construit par les spectateurs, les diffuseurs et les acteurs publics locaux. / In France, most movie exptheaters are classified as Art et essai. How is it possible to account for the identity of these screening rooms within a communications framework ? As both a means to implement town and country planning policy and a potential resource for economic growth, the vast majority of Art et essai theaters in Midi-Pyrénées are viewed as local, convenience features. Yet, the convenience Art et essai theater has so far never been dealt with as such within academic analyses. The present research therefore offers a three-step approach to addressing this issue. Appraising the representations construed by the history of Art et essai as a movement allows first to characterize how theaters are run, following a hybrid model combining national-scale arts policy and on-site management, the latter being directly confronted with the particular realities of the terrain on which they operate. A diachronic scrutiny of overall Midi-Pyrénées Art et essai theater stock then allows to a) present how the partakers involved organize, b) point out their role in the setting up of a regional alternate approach to screening and c) exhibit the recent new deal within the power ratio. This genealogical approach which entails integrating evolutions linked with decentralization allows to draw a line amid today's Art et essai theaters, between service providers and project contributors. The results from two separate inquiries are then used to put this very distinction to the test. The first inquiry deals with regional Art et essai theaters' movie programming and the second with assessing the bearing of Art et essai public subsidies within their business model. Ultimately, the generally acknowledge representation of Art et essai's symbolic territory is to be reevaluated to allow for redefining the identity of Art et essai movie theaters as a long-term construct, whose evolution depends on their territorial foothold. Here, territorial foothold does not point merely to their marketing area but the intertwining of multiple dimensions (economic, political, social and geographic) that forms a meaningful and operating framework built both by viewers, theater management and local government.

Competence Development : What can project-based organizations learn from the management of a hockey team?

Degelder, Francois, Melbye, Robert January 2017 (has links)
Project-based organizations (PBOs) have drawn attention in business management and represent an increasingly important part of organizations. If managing by projects represents an adapted way to cope with the current environment, it also comes with new challenges. This research brings light on the organizational tensions between immediate performance and sustained performance in PBOs by focusing on competence development as the crucial means to achieve sustained performance. Because PBOs are temporary by nature, competence development represents one of their challenges. Therefore, this research was conducted to gain a better understanding of how this tradeoff can be managed by PBOs. With that purpose, we both researched how this organizational tradeoff and competence development processes were managed in a hockey organization. In sport organizations, player succession is crucial to the organization’s overall performance and survival, therefore making competence development a key activity. The research led us to grasp a better understanding of the nature of the tradeoff between immediate performance and sustained performance as well as brought additional findings on competence development processes. More specifically, it was found that this tradeoff requires adaptation to project stages. We summarized and visualized the findings by providing a framework that can act as a tool for practitioners in PBOs to understand and therefore manage the tradeoff between immediate performance and sustained performance by implementing competence development.

Application de la gouvernance élargie dans les très petites entreprises : analyse comparative des exploitations laitières France/Québec / Application of governance in very small enterprise : Comparative analysis of the French and Canadian dairy farms

Lepage, Fanny 23 November 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à évaluer les impacts de la gouvernance et du dirigeant sur les stratégies financières et la performance des très petites entreprises (TPE). Une application empirique aux exploitations laitières françaises et québécoises montre des impacts différents selon le contexte économico-politique. L'utilisation des théories de la gouvernance pour analyser la performance des TPE permet d'étudier l'influence des différents acteurs sur la prise de décision des dirigeants. Pour valider le cadre théorique choisi, nous avons tout d'abord organisé des groupes de discussion constitués de dirigeants d'exploitations laitières. L'analyse de contenu thématique de ces discours a permis de définir de façon plus spécifique le système de gouvernance des TPE en identifiant les acteurs, les mécanismes de gouvernance, les raisons de l'utilisation de ces mécanismes et les relations existant entre le système de gouvernance et le dirigeant. Ensuite, des données quantitatives issues de bases de données comptables agricoles ont été analysées via un modèle d'équations structurelles afin de valider les hypothèses de l'influence de la gouvernance et du dirigeant sur les stratégies et la performance. Les résultats obtenus dans cette thèse permettent d'améliorer la compréhension du fonctionnement de la gouvernance dans les TPE laitières. / This thesis aims to evaluate the impacts of governance and of the manager on the financial strategies and performance of very small enterprises (VSE). An empirical application to French and Canadian dairy farms shows different impacts depending on the economic and politic context. Using governance theories to analyze the performance of VSE allows studying the influence of different actors in managers' decisions. To validate the theorical framework, we first carried out focus group with dairy farm managers. The analysis of the thematic content of these meetings allowed to define more specifically the governance system of VSE and to identify the main actors, the governance mechanisms, the reasons behind the use of these and the relationships between the governance system and the manager. Then, quantitative information from agricultural accounting database was analysed by a “structural equation model” to validate the hypothesis of the influence of governance and the manager on the financial strategies and performance. The results improve the knowledge of the governance functioning of the dairy VSE.

Comprendre et accompagner l'évolution des stratégies de conduite des vergers dans les exploitations arboricoles : application à la protection phytosanitaire de la pomme en France / Understanding and supporting the evolution of production strategies in fruit tree farms : The case of apple crop protection in France

Pissonnier, Solène 08 November 2017 (has links)
Les marchés réclament des fruits parfaits sans symptômes de maladies ou piqures. En conséquence les arboriculteurs appliquent des pesticides ayant des effets négatifs sur l’environnement et la santé. Des méthodes alternatives existent mais peuvent être risquées et réduire les performances agronomiques. Face à ces enjeux et sur l’exemple de la protection en culture de pommes, la plus traitée en pesticides, l’étude vise à répondre à la problématique suivante: quelle démarche mettre en place pour aider les arboriculteurs à évaluer leurs marges de manœuvre et les effets d’une évolution de leur stratégie de production sur le fonctionnement et les performances de leur exploitation?La première phase de la démarche vise à comprendre les stratégies de protection des arboriculteurs et évaluer leurs effets sur les performances des exploitations. Les pratiques d’utilisation des pesticides d’une coopérative ont été analysées à partir de 557 calendriers de traitements, à l’aide d’indicateurs de fréquence, de toxicité et d’efficience. Puis 35 enquêtes qualitatives ont été conduites dans deux régions pour comprendre les processus qui aboutissent à ces pratiques et identifier les leviers et freins à leurs évolutions.Malgré un contexte commun, quatre grands types de pratiques ont été mis en évidence. Trois types se distinguent par une utilisation relativement importante d’un type de pesticide: anti-tavelure, anti-insecte, pesticides naturels, et la quatrième est équilibrée. Pour chaque type, les indicateurs couvrent une diversité de valeurs. Les liens entre eux sont complexes, et montrent que l’indicateur de fréquence cache une diversité de pratiques, n’est pas synonyme d’efficience, et n’explique qu’en partie la toxicité environnementale des parcelles. Des actions pour diminuer l’utilisation des pesticides ont été discutées, comme la prise en compte de la diversité et l’amélioration de la surveillance des ravageurs et maladies correspondants aux pesticides les plus utilisés.L’étude des processus aboutissant aux choix des pratiques de protection à l’échelle de l’exploitation a mis en évidence trois stratégies, répondant à des objectifs environnementaux et économiques différents. Pour chaque stratégie, ces objectifs sont cohérents avec la stratégie commerciale, les ressources en main d’œuvre, la diversification/spécialisation et la surface cultivée. L’influence de l’organisation du travail et de la stratégie commerciale sont à prendre en compte pour aider les stratégies à évoluer et anticiper les freins aux transitions.La seconde phase vise à développer un processus d’accompagnement des producteurs dans leurs réflexions d’évolution de leur stratégie. Un outil de simulation (CoHort) a été coconstruit avec deux techniciens de coopérative. Il représente la structure et le fonctionnement d’une exploitation arboricole, dans sa dimension technique et son organisation du travail. Chaque scénario est évalué après simulation en termes économique, environnemental et de bilan travail. Ces résultats alimentent la discussion entre producteurs et techniciens sur les évolutions des exploitations envisageables. CoHort a été utilisé sur des exploitations ayant des projets d’évolution, puis sur des scénarios de rupture élargissant les types de changement explorés : cas de l’introduction d’ovins dans les vergers.En combinant les échelles parcelle et exploitation, la démarche saisit la complexité et la diversité des processus analysés. Ces connaissances ont permis de développer un processus d’accompagnement des producteurs basé sur un outil générique, qui prend en compte leurs contraintes et la diversité des situations.A moyen terme, l’outil de simulation CoHort sera transmis aux techniciens. La démarche globale pourrait être déployée sur un territoire plus large ou utilisée pour d’autres types de productions arboricoles. Mais pour déclencher des transitions et produire des fruits sans pesticides, la filière entière doit être intégrée aux réflexions. / Markets ask for perfect looking fruits without any symptoms of diseases or insect bites. To fulfill these criteria, fruit tree farmers spray pesticides that have negative impacts on human health and on the environment. Alternative methods can be risky and affect the economic performances of the farm. Based on the example of apple crop protection, the most sprayed fruit tree crop, this study addresses the following issue: which approach can be implemented to support fruit tree farmers in evaluating ways of changing their production strategies and their impacts on farm performances?The first phase of the study aims at describing and understanding the protection strategies implemented by farmers, and at evaluating their impacts on farm performances. Practices of pesticide use were analyzed using 557 spray records of a cooperative. Frequency, toxicity and efficiency indicators were used to evaluate practices’ environmental and health impacts. Then, 35 interviews were conducted in two regions of France, to understand farmers’ decision making processes that influence these practices, and to identify the levers and barriers for evolving towards less pesticide use.Despite a common climatic and marketing context, four types of pesticide use sets were identified. Three types showed a relatively important use of a given pesticide category: anti-scab, anti-insect, natural pesticides. The fourth one was balanced. Within each type, the different indicators covered a large range of scores. The frequency indicator covered a diversity of practices. It was not linked with the efficiency indicator, and it explained only a part of the plots’ environmental toxicity. Possible actions for improvements towards less pesticide use were discussed, such as taking into account the diversity of practices and improving the monitoring of the pests and diseases corresponding to the most sprayed pesticides.Studying the decision making processes at the farm scale highlighted three different strategies, depending on the farmers’ environmental and economic objectives. Each strategy was consistent regarding the farmers’ objectives, their marketing strategy, their labor resources, their position between diversification and specialization, and the apple area. Work organization and marketing strategy were considered as instrumental components for defining alternative strategies and for anticipating implementation difficulties.A methodology aiming at supporting fruit tree farmers in their strategical thinking towards innovative production strategies was developed during the second phase of the study. A simulation tool called CoHort was developed with two technicians. CoHort depicts the structure of a tree fruit farm, the crop management per homogeneous block and its work organization. Each scenario corresponds to a specific configuration of the farm. It is evaluated in terms of economic and environmental performances and of impacts on work organization. The simulation results feed the discussions between farmers and their technicians on the potential evolutions of the farm. CoHort was used at first by addressing some farmers’ projects regarding their farm evolution projects. Then it was used on de novo scenarios allowing exploring new types of evolutions such as combining apple and sheep production within a farm.The analysis at both farm and plot scales permitted to capture the complexity and the diversity of the management processes observed in the farm sample surveyed. It provided the knowledge required to develop a support process based on a generic simulation tool, which can cover a large diversity of farm contexts and projects. A mid-term objective is to transfer CoHort to the technicians for extending their advice activities to strategic issues. The whole approach could also be used at the supply chain scale, or on other fruit tree crops. Indeed, enhancing transitions towards less pesticide used will require to involve the whole fruit supply chains.

Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by UN Peacekeepers

Shirin, Bakhti January 2019 (has links)
During the last decade reports of international personnel perpetrating acts of sexual exploitation and abuse against the very population in which they are mandated to protect are a disturbing outcome of some peace operations provided by the United Nations. Sexual exploitation and abuse have been a problem since the first peacekeeping operations in the beginning of 1990’s, however it was not until 2004 when the media reported disturbing acts of sexual abuse of children by French peacekeepers that the whole worlds eyes turned to these claims. This thesis will deal with a sensitive and relevant topic, sexual exploitation and abuse by United Nations peacekeepers. The purpose of this research is to understand and explain why United Nations peacekeepers are involved in the horrors which they seek to address.

An analysis of the #AidToo movement on Twitter: What impacts can a hashtag achieve on sexual exploitation and abuse in the aid sector?

Cornaz, Natacha January 2019 (has links)
Abuses and sexual misconduct have been present in the aid sector for decades. In 2013, a UN investigation declared sexual exploitation and abuse the most significant risk to UN peacekeeping missions. Nevertheless, the culture of impunity and hypocrisy still prevails in the aid sector. A recent report supports that one in three UN workers has been sexually harassed over the last two years. In the momentum of the #MeToo movement and of timely disclosures of various cases of sexual abuses and harassment in the international aid sector, people soon started to use the hashtag #AidToo on social media to highlight the prevalence of sexual harassment and misconduct within the industry. This study examines the major trends and the findings of an analysis conducted on the use of the hashtag #AidToo on Twitter over a ten-month period. As of the creation of the hashtag at the end of November 2017 and until the end of September 2018, over 13,000 tweets have used #AidToo in their content. Aid workers, journalists, NGOs, as well as news media compose the primary contributors of #AidToo tweets. Although limited to the political sphere and of limited reach, the movement has been sustainable and constant over its first year. Survivors and whistleblowers are the first to acknowledge that #AidToo has created a new safe space for discussion and has incited additional victims to speak up and share their experience. Aid organisations are now under constant scrunity, along with their values, integrity, and funding. However, the online campaign has mainly been a Northern conversation, and one can wonder if the use of the hashtag on Twitter failed to include the Global South and to give a voice to the actual victims of sexual exploitation and abuse. The #AidToo campaign represents a real and welcomed opportunity as a wake-up call for the aid sector, although it is too soon to observe the long-lasting impacts.


Mambwe, Richard January 2020 (has links)
Studies indicate that the elderly population is more susceptible to crime than other age group s as they are socially lonely and tend to stick to obvious behavioural patterns. The mental and physical limitations caused by old age further aids to a profile of a potential victim of fraud. The elderly often succumb to various types of crimes; one such crime is fraud. In Sweden elderly fraud only constitutes a minor part of all the fraud that is reported. However, statistics from the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention indicate that cases have been on the increase since 2017. The present study seeks to explore in more detail the methods used to defraud the elderly and offer possible solutions and recommendations. The study used semi-structured interviews with participants from the Banking Sector and Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention all of whom have a nexus with elderly fraud. The findings show that there are several methods used. However, Social Engineering emerged as the most prominent. Several efforts have been put in place by relevant authorities. Nonetheless, it was suggested that more efforts be channelled into the evaluation of existing programs, conducting research on the matter and sensitising the public about the risk factors, perpetrator warning signs and how they can avoid the many different types of fraud amongst other things.

Fast Optimization Methods for Model Predictive Control via Parallelization and Sparsity Exploitation / 並列化とスパース性の活用によるモデル予測制御の高速最適化手法

DENG, HAOYANG 23 September 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(情報学) / 甲第22808号 / 情博第738号 / 新制||情||126(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院情報学研究科システム科学専攻 / (主査)教授 大塚 敏之, 教授 加納 学, 教授 太田 快人 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Informatics / Kyoto University / DFAM

Hur representeras människohandel för sexuella ändamål? : En fallstudie av EU:s policydokument / How is Human Trafficking for the Purpose of Sexual Exploitation Represented? : A Case Study on EU’s Policy Documents

Alkaaby, Nor January 2021 (has links)
For many years human trafficking has transcended national borders and posed a major challenge to countries around the world. The European Union is one of many supranational organizations that has prioritized the eradication of sex trafficking on their policy agenda. Public policies not only contain aims and approaches to achieve objectives, but they also contain a problematization of the issue at hand. The way a phenomenon is constructed in public policies can influence society and its citizens in terms of how the issue and those involved should be perceived. The aim of this study is to examine the way EU represents sex trafficking in their public policies. In order to achieve the research objective, the following two policy documents by the Union have been examined, namely Directive 2011/36/EU and The strategy towards the eradication of sex trafficking in human beings 2012–2016. A discourse analysis has been applied in this study. The method of choice is Carol Bacchis What’s the problem represented to be. The questions presented in Bacchis approach, and the theory of Governmentality has been applied to analyze the policies at hand. The result of this study showcases that human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation is constructed as an issue of inadequate legal action, crime against human rights, benefiting gender-based inequality and jeopardizing democratic values and the safety within the Union and its member states. Trafficking victims are represented as forced participants in trafficking, a perception that doesn’t necessarily correspond with reality. EU’s problem representation promotes gender stereotypes while also excluding and silencing other perspectives.

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