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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förskollärares ”frirum” i undervisning om naturvetenskap och teknik : En fallstudie av förskolors dokumentationsarbete i jämförelse med centrala styrdokuments krav på dokumentation / Preschool teacher’s “free space” in teaching about science and technology : A case study of the preschool’s documentation work in comparison with curriculum requirements for documentation

Fryksenius, Joacim January 2019 (has links)
Based on Berg's (2003) model for document analysis with a supplementary interview of preschool manager, this study examined how far there is an unused space in science and technology at preschools. The study also aims to investigate how documentation work is governed by external and internal borders. The study was conducted at two municipal preschools in central Sweden and was based on the School Act and the preschool's curriculum (Skolverket, 2016) and local documentation in the form of a work plan from both preschools and a common systematic quality report. The documentation was compared to each other and supplemented with an interview to make its external and internal borders visible and examine whether there was an unused space. The result shows that there are many requirements for what the documentation in the preschool should contain and how the documentation work should be carried out. The preschools work with a prioritized development area that can be problematic for the documentation work regarding other goals. The documentation shows a clear structure for how and what should be documented in the operations, both from the requirements of the curricula and the management. In the teaching of science and technology, we can instead find out that there is an unused space based on the documentation, but more research is needed on the subject in order to ensure that this is actually the case.

Vad händer sedan? : En forskningsstudie om skolutvecklingssamarbetet FRAM

Karami, Jamshid January 2012 (has links)
Sammanfattning I denna studie har FRAM-samarbetet stått i fokus. FRAM är ett interkommunalt skolutvecklingssamarbete som har pågått i några kommuner i en av storstadsregionerna . Syftet har varit att genom intervjuundersökningar belysa hur FRAM bidragit till kvalitetsförbättring och skolutveckling i de utvärderade skolorna. Utgångspunkten för denna studie har varit att undersöka i vilken grad två aktörer i ledningsnivå, nämligen förvaltningschefer och rektorer, har uppfattat FRAM’s bidrag och på vilket sätt de anser att den lett till kvalitetsförbättring. Studien är en kvalitativ forskningsstudie där förvaltningschefer och rektorer har blivit intervjuade med utgångspunkt från ett ramfaktorteoretiskt perspektiv. Där aktörerna och deras handlingsutrymme har beaktas i samband med de institutionella ramar och förutsättningar i vilka de befinner sig i. Ett dialektiskt samspel mellan individen och de institutionella normer och rutiner i vilken individernas handlingar formas av och i. Studien har en abduktiv ansats i betydelsen att den söker efter mönster och drag, i empirin, det vill säga de processer som pågått i samband med utvärderingarna, tillsyfte att med stöd av teorin för att öka förståelsen och kunskapen om FRAM-utvärderingens bidrag till kvalitetsförbättring i den enskilda skolan och den kommunala skolorganisationen. Studien lyfter upp blicken från de skolinterna aktörer (rektorer, lärare, elever) till de externa det vill säga den kommunala förvaltningens och de statlig institutionellas betydelse för hur det praktiska kvalitetsfrågorna formas och sker i skolan. För att förstå olika aktörers handlingar i det skolexterna, belystes två centrala begrepp, kvalitetsförbättring och utvärdering, vilket har präglat skolan i de senaste 20 åren. Vidare redovisades hur förändringar i styrningsmekanismer lett till dessa begrepps intrång i skolväsendet. Kvalitetsredovisningar och kvalitetskontroll av olika slag har så småningom omvandlats till härskande styrmekanism i skolan. Med kvalitetsstyrning följer andra kontroll mekanismer såsom uppföljning och utvärdering i skolans vokabulär. På så sätt har utvärdering omvandlas till en självklar melodi i skolan och övriga samhället för den delen. Men vad dessa utvärderingar leder till och vilken funktion de har pratas mindre om. Vidare redovisas hur åtstramning i den statliga ramfaktornivån gällande kvalitetsredovisningar ledde till åtskilliga aktiviteter och åtgärder runt om i landet i början och mitten av 2000-talet. FRAM är en av dem. Resultatet i den här forskningsstudien bekräftar tidigare forskning att externa och centralstyrda utvärderingars funktion ofta är av en administrativ karaktär och tjänar mest de centrala organisationerna än den lokala. Undersökningen bekräftar även att yttre aktörerna handlingar har betydelse för att leda och stödja utvecklingsarbetet i den enskilda skolan och hur den kan formas och drivas. Av studien framgår att skolutveckling och kvalitetsförbättring, i betydelsen högre måluppfyllelse, är en lokal angelägenhet och de växer utifrån analys av de lokala behov och långsiktig förändringsarbete. Forskning visar även att den lokala skolan inte mäktar ensamt att hålla en stadig förändringstakt om den inte får stöd från förvaltningen med analysverktyg, ledarskap och andra resurser. Nyckelord: Utvärdering, skolutvärdering, kvalitetsförbättring, skolutveckling, uppföljning, kvalitetsredovisning, Skolinspektion, Handlingsutrymme, ramfaktorteorin, inre och yttre gränser / In this study, FRAM- cooperation was in focus. FRAM is an inter-municipal school development cooperation that has been going on in a few communities in the metropolitan regions. The aim has been to highlight how FRAM by using interview surveys contributed to quality improvement and school improvement in the evaluated schools. The starting point of this study was to examine the degree to which two actors in management, namely managing directors and principals, have perceived FRAM´s contributions and how they feel it has led to quality improvement. The study is a qualitative research study in which management directors and principals have been interviewed on the basis of one Frame factor theoretical perspective. There, participants and their flexibility have taken into account the institutional framework and the conditions in which they are involved. This is a dialectical interplay between the individual and the institutional norms and practices in which the actions of individuals are shaped. The study is abductive in the sense that it looks for patterns and traits, the empirically, that is, the processes going on in the evaluations, intended to with the support of the theory increase understanding and knowledge of FRAM evaluation contribution to quality improvement of the school and the local school organization. The study changes perspective from the impact of school's internal participants (principals, teachers, students) to that of the external ones i. e. the municipal administration and the state institution on how the practical quality issues are formed in school. In order to understand different actors ´actions in the school externally, two key concepts were quality highlighted, improvement and evaluation, which have characterized the school system in the past 20 years in Sweden. It is also reported how changes in governance mechanisms have lead to intrusion of these concepts into the school system. Quality reports and quality control of various kinds have been gradually converted into dominant control mechanism in school. With quality management follows the other control mechanisms such as monitoring and evaluation of the school's vocabulary. In this way, evaluation has become a natural feature in school and society too, for that matter. But what these evaluations lead to and what function they have, is less talked about. Furthermore it is shown how austerity at government framework level concerning quality reports led to numerous activities and actions around the country in the early and mid 2000's. FRAM is one of them. The results of this research study confirm previous research that external and centralized function evaluations often are of an administrative character and they mostly serve central organizations more than the local ones. The survey also confirms that external actors are relevant in order to lead and support the development of the school and how it can be formed and operated. The study shows that school development and quality improvement, in the sense of greater achievement, is a local matter and they develop by the analysis of local needs and long-term change. Research also shows that the local school alone is not capable of keeping a steady pace of change if it is not supported by management with tools of analysis, leadership, and other resources.

Mezinárodní rozměr imigrační politiky / International Dimension of Immigration Policy

Novotná, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
The relation between the immigration policies and state sovereignty in the European Union (EU) is both a most topical and controversial issue. The dissertation is conceived as a disciplinary interpretative study based on the concept of four types of sovereignty by S. Krasner. This approach allows to interpret the seeming contradiction between a state perceived as a sole actor in the area of immigration policy and the communitarization of the immigration policy at the EU level. By using the analysis of discourse as well as of practice, this thesis acknowledges shifts of power to the EU, but stresses that these shifts represent strengthening of other factors of power and control at the same time. Thus, in certain, particularly security, aspects, European harmonization of immigration policy can reinforce state sovereignty. It applies to the external as well as internal dimensions of the EU immigration policy that a part of the policy remains to be decided at the national level. Nevertheless, also the communitarized area offers the member states a significant room for discretion. Thus, there is still considerable tension between the idea of solidarity between member states on one hand and their national interests on the other and the common European immigration policy remains to be achieved in future.

歐洲聯盟移民政策之研究:以歐盟外部邊境巡防協調管理局的角色與功能為例 / Immigration policy of the European Union: A study on the Frontex

李美姿, Li, Mei Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
歐洲聯盟共有27個會員國,克羅埃西亞將於2013年成為第28個歐盟會員國,歐洲聯盟自1952年成立後,已替歐洲帶來了半世紀的和平、穩定及發展,並榮獲2012年度諾貝爾和平獎,在第二次世界大戰後的重建工作及在1989年柏林圍牆倒下後,長期擔任團結凝聚歐洲、促進和平、和解、民主及人權的角色,除發行歐洲單一貨幣歐元外,並逐步建立歐洲單一市場,撤除歐盟內部邊界,讓人員、商品、服務和資金能自由流動,卻也導致非法移民可利用其邊境管制的疏忽而進入歐盟境內,造成歐洲各國的社會治安問題。不論是合法移民或非法移民,「移民」對歐洲聯盟各國的社會治安、種族文化及民族融合確實帶來不可小覷的影響,隨著歐盟內部人員可以自由在各國間移動,歐洲聯盟各會員國開始重視移民政策,穩定歐盟內部安全、加強歐盟外部邊界管制及打擊非法移民也日益重要,移民已經不再只是單一國內的問題,它廣泛的牽涉到跨國移民問題的類型,歐盟各國除將移民問題提高到歐盟層次的議題上,共同協商統籌規劃更詳盡的移民政策外,並成立歐盟外部邊境巡防協調管理局,共同管理歐盟外部邊境安全,透過結合各國的警力,提高邊境管制和緝捕的效力,改善非法移民或難民所產生的問題(例如跨國犯罪、毒品、人口販賣等),以達遏止非法移民入境的效果。本文將透過瞭解歐盟移民政策制定的發展過程及因素,藉以窺探歐洲移民政策目前現況,並透過研析其政策內容及成立歐盟外部邊境巡防協調管理局之政策法源,探討歐盟外部邊境巡防協調管理局於歐盟移民政策實際執行面上扮演之角色、功能與其重要性,以了解歐盟外部邊境安全共同管理之成效。 / European Union is composed of 27 member states. Croatia will become the 28th of the Europe Union (EU) member state in 2013. The European Union established in 1952 has brought Europe peace, stability and development for fifty years, and was awarded the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize. During the period of the post-World War II reconstruction and the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989, the EU serves as an important role to bring Europe together and to promote peace, reconciliation, democracy and human rights. The creation of European single currency and the formation of single market develop the free flow of goods, services and capital around the EU. However, it raises security issues while illegal immigrants exploit freedom of movement within the EU. Whether legal immigrants or illegal immigrants do bring underestimated impact on security and cultural and ethical integration issues. With the free movement of people within the EU, the member states have started to focus on the immigration policy in order to stabilize the internal security, to enhance the control of the external border and to fight against illegal immigration. Immigration issues are no longer just single domestic problems, but it is widely involved in the type of transnational migration. The EU member states see immigration issues at the EU level and coordinate the planning of the immigration policy, and establish the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (Frontex) to co-manage the EU external border security. The support of the national police force to improve the effectiveness of border control and the warrant of arrest ease the problem of illegal immigrants or refugees (such as transnational crime, drugs, human trafficking, etc.) to achieve the effect of curbing illegal immigration. This paper observes the current situation of the European immigration policy based on the study on the development of EU immigration policy-making process and factors. Through the analysis of policy and the law and treaties of founding the Frontex, this paper also examines the role and function of Frontex on the implementation of the EU immigration policy to understand the effectiveness of the co-management of the EU external border security.

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