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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Europos Sąjungos valstybių narių bendradarbiavimas sienos apsaugos sektoriuje / The protection of European Union countries- members in the sector of border guard

Dainiuvienė, Toma 05 July 2011 (has links)
Sienų apsauga yra aktuali tema bet kurioje pasaulio valstybėje. Tenka pastebėti, kad kuomet valstybė turi išorines sienas su kitomis valstybėmis, ji turi sukūrusi politiką, teisinę bei institucinę bazę sienos apsaugai, užtikrinančiai tos valstybės gyventojų socialinius, politinius, teisinius, ekonominius, kultūrinius, mokslinius interesus. Europos Sąjungos sienos apsaugos srityje, išskiriamos dvi sienų sąvokos – vidaus bei išorės sienos. Valstybių narių bendradarbiavimas, pagrįstas integruotos išorinės sienos apsaugos koncepcija, orientuotas į valstybių narių bendras pastangas, siekiant užtikrinti ES vidaus saugumą, vykdant sienos kontrolę, ją saugant bei bendradarbiaujant vykdant įvairias operatyvines operacijas bei bendrus projektus. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti ES valstybių narių bendradarbiavimo sienos apsaugos srityje gaires bei įvertinti bendradarbiavimo efektyvumą. Darbą sudaro įvadas, kuriame pateikiamas temos aktualumas, analizuojama problema, keliamas tikslas bei uždaviniai, pateikiami tyrimo metodai, trys dėstomosios dalys bei išvados ir pasiūlymai. Darbe remiantis jau atliktai tyrimais, taip pat Šengeno teisynu, Amsterdamo sutartimi, Europos Ekonominės Bendrijos steigimo sutartimi, Lisabonos sutartimi analizuojamos ES valstybių narių bendradarbiavimo sienos apsaugos srityje gairės, išskiriamos problemos, vertinamas bendradarbiavimo efektyvumą. / Border guard, control and surveillance are a relevant topic in every country. It should be mentioned, that when the country has borders with other countries, it has created the policy, legal and institutional basis for the control and surveillance of its border that secures social, political, legal, economical, cultural and scientific interests of the citizens of that country. There are two border concepts in the European Union – internal and external borders. The co-operation of the member states, based on the integrated border management concept, is oriented to the common attempt to control and secure the external border carrying out various joint operations and projects. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the guidelines of the cooperation of the EU member states in the field of external border guard and to evaluate the effectiveness of this cooperation. This paper consists of preface, where the relevance, problem, purpose, objectives are presented, three main parts, conclusions and appendixes. The analysis of the guidelines of cooperation of the EU member states in the field of external border surveillance and evaluation of the effectiveness of this cooperation is being carried out using the researches, Shengen acquis, the Treaty of Amsterdam, the Treaty of Rome, the Treaty of Lisbon, etc.

L’origine ed evoluzione della dimensione esterna della politica migratoria dell’Unione Europea: modi di governance, attori, istituzioni. / THE ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF THE EXTERNAL DIMENSION OF EU MIGRATION POLICY: MODES OF GOVERNANCE, ACTORS, AND INSTITUTIONS

CORTINOVIS, ROBERTO 06 March 2014 (has links)
L’obiettivo principale di questa tesi è di analizzare l’origine ed evoluzione della dimensione esterna della politica migratoria dell’Unione Europea. Attraverso un framework teorico che coniuga la letteratura sui ‘new modes of governance’ con quella riguardante il ‘rational-choice institutionalism’, questa tesi si propone di analizzare il sistema di governance in tre settori politici che rientrano nell’ambito della dimensione esterna: politica di riammissione, controlli esterni alle frontiere, e cooperazione con Paesi terzi concernente la gestione della migrazione legale. Sulla base delle premesse teoriche sopra indicate, questa tesi avanza due conclusioni principali. In primo luogo, si sostiene che l’evoluzione del sistema di governance nei tre casi presi in considerazione, lungi dal seguire un percorso lineare verso una sempre maggiore comunitarizzazione, ha al contrario dato luogo a sistemi di governance ‘ibridi’, che combinano cioè elementi vincolanti tipici del metodo comunitario con elementi caratteristici dei “new modes of governance”, incentrati sull’uso di soft law. In secondo luogo, si evidenzia il ruolo centrale rivestito dagli Stati Membri nello sviluppare tali sistemi di governance in accordo con due obiettivi prioritari: limitare l’autonomia delle istituzioni sovranazionali all’interno del processo decisionale e plasmare i risultati di tali politiche in accordo con le preferenze degli stessi Stati Membri. / The central aim of this thesis is to provide an account of the origin and evolution of the external dimension of EU migration policy. By means of a theoretical framework that combines new modes of governance and rational-choice institutionalism, this thesis analyses the systems of governance of three policy areas falling within the external dimension: readmission policy, external border controls and cooperation with third countries in the field of legal migration. On the basis of such theoretical premises, two central arguments are advanced. First of all, it is argued that the evolution of the system of governance in the three cases, far from following a linear path towards communitarization, has resulted in the adoption of mixed systems featuring both 'old' modes of governance in line with the traditional Community Method and 'new’ modes based on soft-law and non-binding commitments. Secondly, this thesis underlines the central role played by the Member States in devising those governance mechanisms in order to fulfil two main objectives: limiting the discretion of EU supranational institutions in the decision-making process and shaping policy outcomes according to their preferred policy options.

Změny azylového a migračního práva EU ve světle současné uprchlické krize / Changes of the EU asylum and migration law in the light of the current refugee crisis

Müller, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the proposed changes in the area of EU asylum and migration law in the light of the current refugee crisis. EU asylum and migration law are two separate areas between which there is a "close connection". The paper describes EU asylum and migration legal framework, then delimits the term "refugee crisis" and reviews recent measures taken or proposed by the EU. The thesis is divided into 3 chapters. In the first part of the paper the author follows up the legal framework which encompasses both international legal instruments (1951 Refugee Convention and others) and EU primary law and secondary acts. The second chapter is dedicated to analysis of the "refugee crisis", its crises factors, as well as to reflections on the characteristic of this crisis as a state of emergency. The last chapter, which is internally divided into two subchapters, concerning asylum and migration law, relates to particular measures taken by the EU during the crisis. The subchapter which deals with the asylum law includes the following topics: on the one hand it describes ad hoc measures to tackle the migration crisis in Italy and Greece, on the other hand it analyzes proposals of a system reform (e.g. proposal for a permanent EU relocation mechanism, reform of the Dublin system, completing the reform of...

Grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit in Europa / Cross-border cooperation in Europe

25 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Der vorliegende Sammelband beruht auf Vorträgen, die im Rahmen einer studentischen Fachtagung zum Thema „Grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit in Europa“ am 21. Januar 2013 an der TU Chemnitz gehalten wurden. Die Studierenden sind in den Studiengang „Europa- Studien“ eingeschrieben und haben sich in einem vorbereitenden Seminar besondere Expertise in den von ihnen bearbeiteten Themen erworben, wobei vielfach eine rechtlich-institutionelle Perspektive eingenommen wurde. / This volume is based on a students' conference on "Crossborder-co-operation in Europe" on January 21, 2013. The students are enrolled in the European Studies course and have acquired particular expertise regarding their subject within a preparatory seminar which focused on a legal-institutional perspective.

Grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit in Europa: Studentische Fachtagung am 21. Januar 2013 an der TU Chemnitz

Niedobitek, Matthias, Löwe, Andreas 25 October 2013 (has links)
Der vorliegende Sammelband beruht auf Vorträgen, die im Rahmen einer studentischen Fachtagung zum Thema „Grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit in Europa“ am 21. Januar 2013 an der TU Chemnitz gehalten wurden. Die Studierenden sind in den Studiengang „Europa- Studien“ eingeschrieben und haben sich in einem vorbereitenden Seminar besondere Expertise in den von ihnen bearbeiteten Themen erworben, wobei vielfach eine rechtlich-institutionelle Perspektive eingenommen wurde. / This volume is based on a students' conference on "Crossborder-co-operation in Europe" on January 21, 2013. The students are enrolled in the European Studies course and have acquired particular expertise regarding their subject within a preparatory seminar which focused on a legal-institutional perspective.

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