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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Extra anpassningar i musikundervisningen : En kvalitativ studie / Adaptations in the music classroom : A qualitative study

Hatcher, Lukas January 2020 (has links)
Den här studien har tagits fram med hjälp av kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer (Bryman, 2011) med syftet att undersöka musiklärares uppfattningar om extra anpassningar i musikundervisningen, deras möjligheter och hinder i arbetet kring extra anpassningar samt stöd i musikundervisningen. All data har därefter analyserats med hjälp av tematisk dataanalys (Fejes &Thornberg,2016) vilket presenteras utifrån tre övergripande teman. Resultatet baserar sig på ett kritiskt perspektiv (Nilholm, 2008) som finns inom specialpedagogik. Informanterna i studien lyfter vikten av att se eleven som individ och att ge eleven de förutsättningar och extra anpassningar som eleven behöver. Informanterna uppger också att de har ett gott samarbete med elevhälsan och specialpedagog på sina skolor. Studien tar upp flera aspekter såsom brist på förutsättningar och tidsbrist som hinder i musikundervisningen. De möjligheter som kom fram i studiens resultat var att det är viktigt att vara lösningsfokuserad och att kunna skapa en egen lärandemiljö i musikundervisningen.

Epidemiology of Extra-Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the United States: High Rates Persist in the Post-HIV Era

Adada, H., Valley, M. A., Nour, S. A., Mehta, J., Byrd, R. P., Anderson, J. L., Roy, T. 01 January 2014 (has links)
BACKGROUND: The incidence of tuberculosis (TB) in the United States has declined following a logarithmic pattern, with few exceptions. One exception was during the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) epidemic, which was thought to have caused the deviation. However, since then, alternative explanations have been proposed, including the increased burden of chronic diseases, immigration, and the increase in the use of immune suppressant medications.CONCLUSIONS: The HIV/AIDS epidemic likely played a significant role in the 1979-1985 deviation, but not subsequently. Furthermore, EPTB as a proportion of total TB cases has remained high. Further studies to delineate the etiologies of these findings are needed.METHODS : Epidemiological data of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Bureau of the Census were analyzed regarding TB incidence, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, immigration status, and age for the period 1953-2011.RESULTS : Data analysis identified a deviation from the logarithmic decline in TB cases that started in the mid- 2000s. This divergence did not appear to be related to HIV status. The overall decline in TB cases since 1953 has been almost exclusively due to a reduction in pulmonary TB (PTB) and not to extra-pulmonary TB (EPTB).

Recurrent Dural based Extra Nodal marginal Zone Lymphoma of Central Nervous System

Kamireddy, Chandana, Vahhabaghai, Parisa, Chakraborty, Kanishka, Jaishankar, Devapiran 07 April 2022 (has links)
Marginal zone B-cell lymphomas (MZBL) constitute 7% of all non-Hodgkin lymphomas, being the third most common subtype after diffuse large B-cell lymphoma(DLBCL) and follicular lymphoma. Extranodal MZBL (ENMZBL) most commonly arise from the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT lymphoma), with stomach being the most common site. ENMZBL involving the dura is anatomically unusual and very rare. A 54 year old female presented to the hospital with worsening headaches and new onset generalized tonic clonic seizures. Complete blood counts and chemistry were unremarkable. No constitutional symptoms, new / progressive lymphadenopathy reported. Magnetic resonance Imaging( MRI) brain showed an enhancing right subdural soft tissue lesion overlying the right frontotemporal lobe suggestive of meningioma versus metastasis. Computed Tomography (CT) chest/abdomen/pelvis revealed no mass or lymphadenopathy. Lumbar Puncture cerebrospinal fluid cytology was negative for malignancy. She underwent brain biopsy. Pathology revealed diffuse infiltrate of small to medium-sized lymphoid cells, Immunohistochemical stains positive for CD 20, PAX5, CD 79a, Ki-67 at 5-10%, weakly positive for MUM1 and BCL2, negative for CD3, CD5, CD10, BCL6, cyclin D1, consistent with ENMZBL. Bone marrow biopsy and aspiration negative for involvement with lymphoma. Patient received local/regional therapy with radiation (XRT), total dose 24 Gy in 12 fractions. She presented six months later with worsening neck pain. MRI cervical spine revealed diffuse thick dural based enhancement within the spinal canal at C1-C4 levels leading to moderate-to-severe spinal canal stenosis at C2-C3 level with significant soft tissue extension. Repeat labs, systemic imaging, and bone marrow biopsy continued to show no evidence of systemic disease. She received low dose XRT to the entire craniospinal axis (dose-4Gy). Patient developed profound pancytopenia secondary to craniospinal XRT. After count recovery she initiated daily oral Ibrutinib (560 mg) with plans for a treatment duration of one year. Dural based ENMZL usually present as solitary masses, mimicking meningioma's. Marked female predilection is seen with median age of onset 50 years. Very few cases have been reported in literature with no standard therapy being described. ENMZL are usually indolent requiring less aggressive therapy. In contrast, primary CNS lymphoma (PCNSL) of diffuse large B cell histology is usually aggressive with high tendency to relapse, requiring treatment with high dose methotrexate based regimes. Dural based ENMZL therapy entails local treatments such as surgery and radiation therapy (relatively low dose radiation usually effective with prolonged durable responses). Systemic treatment with single agent Rituximab or with Tyrosine Kinase inhibitors like Ibrutinib with CNS penetration can also be considered. Long-term follow-up is recommended even in those patients who achieved complete remission as relapses may occur.

Lärares arbete med extra anpassningar i kommunal vuxenutbildning. : en intervjustudie

Vujanic Eriksson, Dragana January 2021 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka extra anpassningar komvuxlärare säger att de gör i sin undervisning, samt hur de resonerar kring sina förutsättningar för arbete med extra anpassningar. Studiedeltagare är sex komvuxlärare från tre olika skolor. Resultaten baseras på empiri som samlats in genom individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer. Det insamlade empiriska underlaget har analyserats enligt Braun och Clarkes (2006) tematisk analysmodell. Resultaten diskuteras utifrån relationellt, kategoriskt, och systemteoretiskt perspektiv på arbete med extra anpassningar. Resultaten visar att lärarna gör olika typer av extra anpassningar på grupp- och på individnivå, samt att de uppfattar sina förutsättningar utifrån organisations-, grupp- och individnivå. Resultaten visar att förutsättningar kan variera mellan skolorna, men att de oftast upplevs som stjälpande i arbetet med extra anpassningar. Lärarna upplever att det saknas ekonomiska resurser, professionell vokabulär och samsyn i organisationen. Lärarna önskar möjligheter för egen specialpedagogisk kompetensutveckling och även utökad kurslängd, eftersom de upplever det nuvarande fem-tio veckors upplägget som ett hinder för arbete med extra anpassningar. Vidare pekar resultaten på att arbetet med kartläggningen av elevernas förkunskaper och förutsättningar för lärande är bristfälligt och har således en negativ påverkan på lärarnas arbete med extra anpassningar. Resultaten visar även att arbetsbelastningen upplevs som för hög för att kunna hinna med att anpassa undervisningen.

ADHD i bildsalen i kombination med extra anpassningar

Leinonen, Ellen January 2020 (has links)
Förevarande studie har genom en kvalitativ forskningsmetod i form av semistrukturerade enskilda intervjuer och frågeformulär, med både elever och pedagoger och med ett sociokulturellt perspektiv undersökt hur lärare kan hjälpa elever med en neuropsykiatrisk funktionsvariation i form av ADHD att nå målen i ämnet bild, med hjälp av extra anpassning. Tidigare forskning och undersökningens resultat tyder på att elever med diagnosen ADHD många gånger uppskattar och kan ha stor hjälp av kreativ verksamhet men det krävs rätt verktyg i form av extra anpassningar för att få det att fungera. Diagnosen ADHD ter sig väldigt individuellt och det är en stor skillnad mellan pojkars och flickors ADHD. Resultatet visar att det finns ingen färdig mall att gå efter när det gäller elever med diagnosen ADHD. Lärare i skolan måste alltså prova sig fram och fråga sig, vilka extra anpassningar passar just denna elev? Resultatet visar att starka relationer är att föredra för att skapa en trygghet för eleven och på så vis kunna hjälpa eleven att ta sig igenom en skoldag, planera sitt skolarbete och nå målen i slutändan.

Rocking the Inflationary Boat: Looking at the sensitivity to initial conditions of solutions to novel inflationary scenarios

Hayman, Peter January 2016 (has links)
Inflation, the currently favoured solution to the grievous initial conditions problems of the Big Bang model of the universe, is a very general framework that can be constructed from any number of underlying theories. As inflation is meant to solve a problem of initial conditions, it is generally preferred that it not introduce its own initial conditions problem. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the sensitivity to initial conditions of solutions to two toy models of inflation. The models in and of themselves are not intended to explain inflation, but rather seek to begin to explore, in a controlled way, interesting properties that a full inflationary theory might have. The first model is one with a single scalar inflaton, but two compact extra dimensions. We find this model has two inflationary solutions that can be well understood analytically. These solutions are power laws in time. One is found to be marginally insensitive to its initial conditions, and the other is found to be highly sensitive to its initial conditions. We also find a solution to this model that exhibits 4D quasi-de Sitter space, but is difficult to understand analytically, and its sensitivity to initial conditions is not yet well known. The second model examines an n-scalar field Lagrangian that includes kinetic terms first-order in the derivatives of the fields (similar to certain ferromagnetic Lagrangians). It is found that this model can realize slow-roll inflation with arbitrarily steep potentials. A solution is constructed that can realize an exact de Sitter equation of state without saying anything about the slope of its potential. This solution is found to be marginally insensitive to its initial conditions for a certain range of parameters. Corrections from higher order terms in the Lagrangian are found to introduce a parameter space for which this solution is in fact highly insensitive to its initial conditions. We therefore make progress in understanding higher-dimensional inflation, slow-roll inflation with steep potentials, and the sensitivity of solutions in both those cases to their initial conditions. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

The relationship between participation in extracurricular organizations and the academic performance and retention of college freshman

Boling, Bruce 11 May 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in academic performance and persistence among freshman participating in fraternities, corps of cadets, and athletics in comparison to matched samples of non-members. The study showed that, on average, students were adversely affected by participation in athletics and fraternities when sex, race, college, major, and academic ability were controlled. There was no evidence to conclude that participation in these organizations had any consistent effect on persistence. / Ph. D.

The Enriched Opportunities Programme: A cluster randomised trial of a new approach to living with dementia and other mental health issues in ExtraCare housing schemes and villages

Brooker, Dawn J.R., Argyle, Elaine, Clancy, David, Scally, Andy J. January 2009 (has links)
No / People living in extra care housing have a variety of mental health needs. Whilst many people opt for extra care housing as a means of enhancing quality of life, it is recognised that around 30% will experience significant mental health problems notably dementia and depression. This often leads to them having to move out of extra care housing or becoming isolated within their apartment. The Enriched Opportunities Programme (EOP) was developed by ExtraCare Charitable Trust and Professor Brooker and her research team as a means of ensuring that people experiencing mental health problems can continue to enjoy a good quality of life. EOP brings together what is known as best practice in a structured, systematic and proactive way. Key facets of the programs include a specialist staff role ¿the EOP Locksmith¿; staff training; individualized case work; liaison with health and social care teams; activity & occupation; and leadership. This report summarises a recently completed 2 year cluster randomised controlled trial. 5 extra care housing schemes were randomly assigned to receive the EOP for an 18 month period. A further 5 housing schemes were randomly assigned to receive a placebo intervention consisting of employing an extra member of staff called a Project Support Worker Coach (PSWC) for the same time period. We followed the lives of the 268 most vulnerable residents living in all these extra care housing schemes and villages. We compared the results for people receiving the EOP intervention with the PSWC intervention and analysed the differences. The process of implementing EOP and the impact on people¿s lives has been very positive. The main advantages in the EOP schemes were that residents were Half as likely to have to move out into a care home ¿ Far less likely to spend time in hospital as an in-patient ¿ More likely to have a GP visit ¿ More likely to see a community physiotherapist, occupational therapist and a chiropodist More likely to have their mental health problems diagnosed In addition residents in the EOP schemes and villages ¿ Rated their Quality of Life more positively ¿ Reported decreased symptoms of depression over time ¿ Reported greater feelings of social support and inclusion There were also a number of advantages enjoyed by participants in both the EOP and the PSWC interventions. Residents in both interventions reported ¿ Greater opportunity to be active ¿ Greater use of community facilities ¿ More fun ¿ Greater variety of things to do. This report will be of interest to all those involved in the provision of extra care housing and to those implementing the National Dementia Strategy.

Utilisation de l'instrument SITELLE pour l'analyse thermodynamique de la région HII Sh2-158

Royer, Maxime 10 February 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Avaliação genética do sistema reprodutivo dos Pinguins-de-Magalhães (Spheniscus magellanicus) através de análises de paternidade / Genetic evaluation of the reproductive system of Magellanic Penguins trough paternity analysis

Marasco, Anna Carolina Milo 14 April 2015 (has links)
Apesar de a monogamia social ser dominante entre as aves, análises genéticas revelaram relações de parentesco inesperadas, evidenciando diferentes estratégias de reprodução, como a paternidade extra-par e o parasitismo de ninho. Espécies de passeriformes estão entre as mais promíscuas, com altas taxas de paternidade extra-par, enquanto em aves marinhas esse comportamento demonstrou ser menos frequente. Pinguins (Família Spheniscidae) compõem um grupo de 18 espécies de aves marinhas pelágicas e que tem em comum a filopatria, fidelidade a um parceiro e intenso cuidado biparental. Portanto, espera-se que apresentem um comportamento estritamente monogâmico e taxas de paternidade extra-par insignificantes. Avaliamos pela primeira vez o sistema reprodutivo dos Pinguins-de-Magalhães através de uma abordagem genética, buscando investigar a existência e frequência de paternidade extra-par e parasitismo de ninho. O parentesco de 88 filhotes de 44 ninhos de uma colônia na Ilha Quiroga (Argentina) foi determinado com base em análises de 9 marcadores microssatélites. Encontramos baixas taxas de parasitismo de ninho (6%), mas altas taxas de paternidade extra-par (31% e 48% dos ninhos com pelo menos 1 filhote extra-par). Entre os dois anos coletados, encontramos uma pequena diferença na incidência de infidelidade (29% em 2010; 32% em 2011), mas não houve relação com as condições climáticas do período de reprodução da espécie. Além disso, apesar da alta taxa de filhotes extra-par, não encontramos diferença significativa na diversidade genética e nem viés da razão sexual secundária. Acreditamos que a alta taxa de paternidade extra-par encontrada possa ter relação com o comportamento reprodutivo em colônia, a densidade populacional, o sincronismo reprodutivo, ou que parte da paternidade que não correspondeu aos pais sociais seja resultado de troca de parceiros antes da definição final dos casais em cada estação reprodutiva. Nosso estudo pode ajudar a melhor entender e caracterizar o sistema reprodutivo dos Pinguins-de-Magalhães e indica que a espécie é socialmente, mas não geneticamente monogâmica. / Despite the social monogamy being dominant among birds, genetic analysis revealed unexpected kinship relations, showing different reproductive strategies, such as extra-pair paternity and brood parasitism. Passerine species are among the most promiscuous, with high extra-pair paternity rates, while in seabirds this behavior is typically rather less frequent. Penguins (Spheniscidae Family) are a group of 18 species of pelagic seabirds that have in common philopatric behavior, faithfulness to one partner and intense biparental care. Therefore, they are expected to have a strictly monogamous behavior and insignificant rates of extra-pair paternity. For the first time, we evaluated the reproductive system of Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) through genetic analysis in order to investigate the existence and frequency of extra-pair paternity and brood parasitism. The kinship of 88 offspring of 44 nests from a colony on Quiroga Island (Argentina) was determined based on the analyses of 9 microsatellite markers. We found low rates of brood parasitism (6%), but high extra-pair paternity rates (31% and 48% of nests with at least one extra-pair offspring). Between the two years sampled, we found a small difference in the incidence of infidelity (29% in 2010; 32% in 2011), but no connection with the climatic conditions of each breeding season. In addition, despite the high rate of extra-pair offspring, we found no significant difference in the genetic diversity and no bias in the secondary sex ratio. We believe that the high rate of extra-pair paternity found in our study may be a result of their reproductive behavior of nesting in colonies, breeding synchrony, density, or that part of the mismatching paternity is due mate switching. Our study may help to better understand and characterize the reproductive system of Magellanic penguins and indicates that this species is socially but not sexually monogamous.

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