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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

From Models to Code and Back : A Round-trip Approach for Model-driven Engineering of Embedded Systems

Ciccozzi, Federico January 2014 (has links)
The complexity of modern systems is continuously growing, thus demanding novel powerful development approaches.In this direction, model-driven and component-based software engineering have reached the status of promising paradigms for the development of complex systems. Moreover, in the embedded domain, their combination is believed to be helpful in handling the ever-increasing complexity of such systems.However, in order for them and their combination to definitively break through at industrial level, code generated from models through model transformations should preserve system properties modelled at design level. This research work focuses on aiding the preservation of system properties throughout the entire development process across different abstraction levels. Towards this goal, we provide the possibility of analysing and preserving system properties through a development chain constituted of three steps: (i) generation of code from system models, (ii) execution and analysis of generated code, and (iii) back-propagation of analysis results to system models.With the introduction of steps (ii) and (iii), properties that are hard to predict at modelling level are compared with runtime values and this consequently allows the developer to work exclusively at modelling level thus focusing on optimising system models with the help of those values. / Denna doktorsavhandling presenterar nya och förbättrade tekniker för modelldriven och komponentbaserad utveckling av programvara. Syftet är att bevara systemegenskaper, som specificerats i modeller, genom de olika stadierna av utvecklingen och när modeller översätts mellan olika abstraktionsnivåer och till kod. Vi introducerar möjligheter att studera och bevara systemets egenskaper genom att skapa en kedja i tre steg som: (i) genererar kod från systemmodellen, (ii) exekverar och analyserar den genererade koden och (iii) slutligen återkopplar analysvärden till systemmodellen. Introduktionen av steg (ii) och (iii) gör det möjligt att genomföra en detaljerad analys av egenskaper som är svåra, eller till och med omöjliga, att studera med hjälp av endast systemmodeller. Fördelen med det här tillvägagångssättet är att det förenklar för utvecklaren som slipper arbeta direkt med kod för att ändra systemegenskaper. Istället kan utvecklaren arbeta helt och hållet med modeller och fokusera på optimering av systemmodeller med hjälp av analysvärden från testkörningar av systemet. Vi är övertygade om att denna typ av teknik är nödvändig att utveckla för att stödja modelldriven utveckling av programvara eftersom dagens tekniker inte möjliggör för systemutvecklare att specificera, analysera och optimera systemegenskaper på modellnivå. / La continua crescita in complessitá dei sistemi software moderni porta alla necessitá di definire nuovi e piú efficaci approcci di sviluppo. In questa direzione, metodi basati su modelli (model-driven engineering) e componenti (component-based software engineering) sono stati riconosciuti come promettenti nuove alternative per lo sviluppo di sistemi complessi. Inoltre l'interazione tra loro é ritenuta particolarmente vantaggiosa nella gestione nello sviluppo di sistemi integrati. Affinché questi approcci, cosí come la loro interazione, possano definitivamente prendere piede in campo industriale, il codice generato dai modelli tramite apposite transformazioni deve essere in grado di preservare le proprietá di sistema, sia funzionali che extra-funzionali, definite nei modelli. Il lavoro di ricerca presentato in questa tesi di dottorato si focalizza sul preservamento delle proprietá di sistema nell'intero processo di sviluppo e attraverso i diversi livelli di astrazione. Il risultato principale é rappresentato da un approccio automatico di round-trip engineering in grado di sostenere il preservamento delle proprietá di sistema attraverso: 1) generazione automatica di codice, 2) monitoraggio e analisi dell'esecuzione del codice generate su piattaforme specifiche, e 3) offrendo la possibilitá di propagare verticalmente i risultati da runtime al livello di modellazione. In questo modo, quelle proprietá che possono essere stimate staticamente solo in maniera approssimativa, vengono valutate in rapporto ai valori ottenuti a runtime. Ció permette di ottimizzare il sistema a livello di design attraverso i modelli, piuttosto che manualmente a livello di codice, per assicurare il preservamento degli proprietá di sistema d'interesse.

Novel growth factor complexes for bone tissue engineering

Parker, Anthony James January 2007 (has links)
Various members of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) family of growth factors are highly expressed in bone tissue and are vitally important for the normal development and function of bone. Recent studies have shown that IGF-I can associate with the extra-cellular matrix proteins vitronectin (VN) and fibronectin (FN) via IGF binding protein-5 (IGFBP-5). Furthermore, when these complexes are pre-bound to a tissue culture surface they can stimulate enhanced responses in epithelial cell types in vitro. More recently, transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-β1), epidermal growth factor (EGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) have also been shown to interact with VN and to elicit functional responses in various cell types. Taken together, these findings indicate that exploitation of the adhesive properties of these ECM proteins might allow immobilisation of various growth factors at the culture surface. This may provide a novel means of coating engineered biomaterial constructs with agents which can elicit specific functional effects in therapeutically important cells, such as those used in cell-based therapeutics for the replacement and / or regeneration of damaged bone tissue. Since both VN and FN are also important matrix components of bone, this study sought to investigate the hypothesis that select pre-bound combinations of these matrix proteins and growth factors could also stimulate functional responses in bone cells and the therapeutically important so called mesenchymal stem cells. Thus it is reported here that pre-bound combinations of VN, IGFBP-5 and IGF-I or FN IGFBP-5 and IGF-I significantly stimulate cell migration in the osteoblast-like SaOS-2 cells. While, VN, IGFBP-5 and IGF-I stimulated cell proliferation over 72 hr, FN, IGFBP-5 and IGF-I did not. Moreover, I found that VN, IGFBP-5 and IGF-I could facilitate alkaline phosphatase (ALP) expression in SaOS-2 cells. VN, FN and EGF on the other hand could sustain SaOS-2 cells for up to 12 days in culture, but could not sustain ALP expression; hence it is possible that these cells may have entered a state of quiescence in response to this treatment. Extending these studies to cells derived from clinical samples, pre-bound combinations of VN / IGFBP-5 / IGF-I were not able to support initiation of human mesenchymal stem cell (hMSC) cultures. Nevertheless, VN alone in serum free media stimulated substantial metabolic activity and protein synthesis in hMSCs once the cultures were established. Moreover, the addition of IGFBP-3 or -5 together with IGF-I can enhance the response to levels equivalent to that observed with 10% FCS. I also report that the responses to VN and TGF-β1 are synergistic and stimulate greater hMSC metabolic activity than 10% FCS. Interestingly, hMSCs cultured in IGF-I or TGF-β1 and low concentrations of VN aggregated, an effect that was not observed when higher concentrations of VN were used. I hypothesise that this aggregation effect was due to endogenous protease activity, and therefore examined MMP-2 and 9 activity in hMSC conditioned media. Both pro-MMP-2 and pro-MMP-9 were constitutively expressed by hMSCs but there was no evidence of the active forms in the conditioned media, indicating that neither IGF-I nor TGF-β1 affect MMP-2 or -9 expression or activation in serum-free media. However, hMSC conditioned media could degrade IGFBP-5, suggesting that there is proteolytic activity within the conditioned media which may impact on the function of ECM / growth factor components in serum-free media settings. Thus, while ECM and growth factors may stimulate desirable responses in therapeutically important cells in serum-free culture, the role that endogenously expressed proteases have on the efficacy of such media supplements needs to be examined closely. Taken together, the studies reported in this thesis provide proof of principle data indicating that select combinations of ECM proteins and growth factors could be utilised in bone tissue engineering applications. This may be achieved for example, as a biomaterial coating, or could form the basis of a viable alternative media supplement for the serum-free culture of hMSCs.

The effects of co-workers' extra-role behaviour on individual task performance and climate perceptions

Neale, Matthew C. January 2008 (has links)
Extra-role helping, defined as assisting co-workers with their work tasks, and extra-role voice, defined as arguing for constructive change, are believed to be functional for work groups. However, the mechanisms by which helping and voice might contribute to group effectiveness have not been described in detail, and relatively little empirical research has addressed the effects that helping and voice actually have within groups, or their relationships with outcomes relevant to group effectiveness. I argue that helping and voice will have their most direct and immediate effects on fellow group members, and that these effects may influence the subsequent performance of the group as a whole. I present a cross-level model of task facilitation, which describes the impact that group level helping may have on the task performance of individual group members. I present a cross-level model of climate building, which describes the impact that group level helping and voice may have on the climate perceptions of individual group members. I test hypotheses drawn from these models in three studies. Study one was conducted with 1086 Australian air traffic controllers in 45 groups. The results provided support for the task facilitation mechanism, and showed that group level helping was positively associated with the task performance and effectiveness of individual air traffic controllers. Study two was conducted in an Australian public sector organisation employing over 4000 individuals in 177 groups. The results of this study provided support for the climate building mechanism. Group level helping was positively associated with individual perceptions of affective climate. The effects of group level voice depended on the level of goal clarity within the group. I argued that group members would perceive a greater need for voice when group goal clarity was low, and that under these circumstances, group members would attribute voice behaviour to a genuine desire to benefit the group. Under conditions of high goal clarity, however, group members would not perceive a need for voice, and so the voice behaviours would be attributed to self-serving motives to gain power, influence or resources. Results supported these arguments, with group voice having a negative effect on climate perceptions when goal clarity was high, and a positive effect on climate perceptions when goal clarity was low. In study three I examined the impact of attributions for voice behaviour directly. I conducted an experiment with 69 second year management students. Students were placed in a simulated organisational context by way of a written vignette. The level of co-worker voice and the motives for voice were manipulated within this vignette to form a two by two factorial design in which the level of voice (no voice vs. some voice) was crossed with co-worker motives (self-serving vs. altruistic). Manipulation checks showed that participants attributed the co-worker's behaviour to self serving motives in the self-serving condition, and to altruistic motives in the altruistic condition. The results showed that voice behaviour had a negative impact on climate perceptions when self-serving attributions were made. When altruistic attributions were made, the presence or absence of voice did not influence climate perceptions. The results of the three studies suggest that extra-role helping and voice form important parts of the technical, social and psychological environment in which group members work. Furthermore, this environment can have important effects on the task performance and climate perceptions of group members. To the extent that group effectiveness depends on high levels of individual task performance and positive climate perceptions, these outcomes will influence subsequent group effectiveness. I close by discussing the contribution of the task facilitation and climate building models, and the practical implications of the results obtained within this thesis.

Pedagogisk tillgänglighet : Hur upplever lärare att de skapar pedagogisk tillgänglighet för funktionsnedsatta elever

Nässén, Sara, Fors, Anton January 2015 (has links)
Pedagogisk tillgänglighet handlar om att göra anpassningar i pedagogiken så att alla elever kan delta på sina villkor. Denna studie har valt att fokusera på pedagogisk tillgänglighet för fysiskt, psykiskt och intellektuellt funktionsnedsatta elever ur ett lärarperspektiv. Syfte har varit att undersöka lärares uppfattningar om deras kunskapsbas samt pedagogiska anpassningar gällande elever med fysiska, psykiska och intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar. Syfte har dessutom varit att undersöka om dessa uppfattningar skiljer sig åt mellan lärare beroende på yrkeserfarenhet och kön. Syftet låg till grund till tre frågeställningar: (1) Hur ser lärares uppfattade kunskapsbas ut gällande elever med fysisk, psykisk och intellektuell funktionsnedsättning? (2) Finns det skillnader i hur lärarna uppfattar att de anpassar pedagogiken för elever med fysisk, psykisk och intellektuell funktionsnedsättning? Hur ser dessa i så fall ut? (3) Finns det ett samband mellan lärarnas uppfattade kunskapsbas och hur ofta de uppfattar att de anpassar pedagogiken till elever med fysisk, psykisk eller intellektuell funktionsnedsättning? Hur ser detta i så fall ut? En enkätstudie har genomförts på fyra av Uppsala kommuns gymnasieskolor. Totalt 51 lärare deltog i undersökningen. Efter analys av data drogs följande slutsatser: Lärarna uppfattade i genomsnitt att de hade ”ganska bra” kunskap om vilka av deras elever som hade någon funktionsnedsättning. Ingen signifikant skillnad upptäcktes i hur lärarna uppfattade att de anpassade pedagogiken för elever med fysisk, psykisk eller intellektuell funktionsnedsättning. En könsskillnad upptäcktes där kvinnorna uppfattade sig själva göra mer frekventa anpassningar av pedagogiken för elever med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar än vad männen gjorde. Ingen signifikant skillnad upptäcktes mellan lärare beroende på yrkeserfarenhet. Tre positiva korrelationer upptäcktes när samband mellan kunskapsbas och frekvens av anpassningar i pedagogiken undersöktes. Det innebär att ju mer lärarna uppfattade att de visste om elevernas funktionsnedsättningar, desto mer frekvent uppfattade de att de anpassade pedagogiken för eleverna.

Využití ekologických her při výuce přírodopisu a v mimoškolní činnosti / Environmental games in didactic use for biology classes and extra-curricular activities

ČEJKA, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis describes the cultural heritage, the history and the natural conditions of the Vltava valley between the towns of Loučovice and Vyšší Brod, as well as the possible didactic use of the area for biology classes and extra-curricular activities focusing on biology. The thesis proposes an outdoor learning programme based in the area, using an environmental game.

Din?mica de zinco em solo cultivado com gram?neas forrageiras

Nardis, B?rbara Olinda 23 October 2015 (has links)
?rea de concentra??o: Produ??o Vegetal. / Submitted by Alexandre Soares (alexandredesoares@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-08-25T12:37:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 barbara_olinda_nardis.pdf: 810097 bytes, checksum: 27e96d5c3c22fb510620ee61aed0d5f0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2016-09-08T17:35:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 barbara_olinda_nardis.pdf: 810097 bytes, checksum: 27e96d5c3c22fb510620ee61aed0d5f0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-08T17:35:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 barbara_olinda_nardis.pdf: 810097 bytes, checksum: 27e96d5c3c22fb510620ee61aed0d5f0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq) / Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM) / Coordenadoria de Aperfei?oamento do Pessoal de N?vel Superior (Capes) / O zinco ? um micronutriente importante para o crescimento das plantas, mas pode ser um problema quando presente em grandes quantidades, sendo a extra??o sequencial uma ferramenta promissora para se entender melhor o comportamento do Zn no solo. Objetivou-se com este trabalho observar o crescimento, a absor??o e o ac?mulo de Zn em cinco gram?neas forrageiras e entender o comportamento do Zn no solo ap?s o cultivo. Realizou-se um experimento em casa de vegeta??o em Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distr?fico. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 5x4 com tr?s repeti??es, sendo os fatores: gram?neas forrageiras (Panicum maximum cv. Aruana e cv. Tanz?nia, Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk, Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xara?s e cv. Marandu) e doses (0, 100, 300 e 900 mg kg-1 de Zn). O material vegetal coletado foi analisado separadamente, obtendo-se o peso de massa seca da parte a?rea, do coleto e das ra?zes e analisado o teor e ac?mulo de Zn em cada parte. Avaliou-se a disponibilidade de Zn atrav?s dos extratores Mehlich-1, DTPA a pH 7,3, USEPA 3051 e 3052 e o comportamento do Zn no solo foi avaliado atrav?s da extra??o sequencial do Zn analisando as fra??es troc?vel, ligada a carbonato, ligada a mat?ria org?nica, ligada a ?xidos, residual e total. As doses de Zn no solo provocaram redu??o de crescimento em todas as forrageiras avaliadas. Para a produ??o de massa seca a cv. Aruana foi a que mais produziu massa seca. Os maiores teores de Zn foram encontrados nas ra?zes da Tanz?nia e Marandu e na parte a?rea de Aruana, Xara?s e Basilisk. A ordem de acumula??o das forrageiras foram Aruana > Basilisk > Tanz?nia > Xara?s > Marandu. No geral a cv. Aruana se mostrou melhor para extrair Zn do solo. A ordem de extra??o foi DTPA a pH 7,3 < Mehlich-1 < USEPA 3051 < USEPA 3052, sendo que a metodologia USEPA 3051 mostrou resultados semelhante ao Mehlich-1, portanto eficiente em demonstrar a disponibilidade do Zn no solo. A distribui??o de Zn entre as fra??es no solo foi residual > carbonato > troc?vel > mat?ria org?nica > ?xidos. / Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Produ??o Vegetal, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2015. / Zinc is an important micronutrient to plant growth, but it can be problem when present in large amountsbeing the sequential extraction a promising tool to better understand the behavior of Zn in the soil. The objective of this study was to observe the growth, Zn absorption and accumulation in five forage grasses and to understand the behavior of Zn in soil after cultivation. We conducted an experiment in a greenhouse in Red-Yellow Dystrophic Latosol. The design was completely randomized in a factorial scheme 5x4 with three replicates, being the factors: forage grasses (Panicum maximum cv. Aruana e cv. Tanz?nia, Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk, Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xara?s e cv. Marandu) and doses (0, 100, 300 e 900 mg kg-1 of Zn). The collected plant material was analyzed separately to obtain the dry matter weight of the shoot, the collar and roots and analyzed the content and Zn accumulation in each part. We evaluated the Zn availability using the extractors Mehlich-1, DTPA with pH 7,3, USEPA 3051 and 3052 and Zn behavior in the soil was evaluated by Zn sequential extraction analyzing the exchangeable fractions, linked to carbonate,to the organic matter and to oxides, residual and total. The doses of Zn in soil caused growth reduction in all forages. For dry matter production Aruana cv. was the one that most produced dry matter. The higher levels of Zn were found in the roots of Tanzania and Marandu and also in the shoots of Aruana, Xara?s and Basilisk. The order of accumulation of forage was Aruana > Basilisk > Tanz?nia > Xara?s > Marandu. Overall Aruana cv. proved to be the best to extract Zn from the soil. The order of extraction was DTPA with pH 7,3 < Mehlich-1 < USEPA 3051 < USEPA 3052, whereas the 3051 USEPA methodology showed results similar to Mehlich-1, therefore efficient in demonstrating the availability of Zn in soil. The distribution of Zn between fractions in the soil was residual> carbonate> exchangeable> organic matter> oxides.

Doporučená četba na prvním stupni základní školy / Recommended reading in the Czech language at primary school

ŠMIKMÁTOROVÁ, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the topic of "Recommended reading in the Czech language at primary school", it tries to summarize the position of the recommended reading nowadays. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on characteristics and definition of the essential notions of this problematic, such as the reader, children´s reading, reading literacy and extra reading-book and recommended reading. The research is focused on primary teachers and it is based on the survey. The survey aim is to find out the position of recommended reading at primary school, whether it is assigned and how do the teachers organize that.

Colestase crônica em crianças e em adolescentes : avaliação nutricional, avaliação neurológica e níveis plasmáticos de vitaminas D e E

Bastos, Marília Dornelles January 2002 (has links)
A colestase crônica na infância e na adolescência interfere diretamente no cres-cimento e no desenvolvimento do indivíduo e produz conseqüências clínicas relacionadas com a má absorção das vitaminas lipossolúveis da dieta. A vitamina E exerce um importante papel na estrutura e na função dos sistemas nervoso e musculoesquelético. A vitamina D tem reconhecida influência sobre a fisiopatologia da osteopenia colestática que se manifesta como osteoporose, raquitismo ou osteomalácia. A realização de dosagens plasmáticas dessas vitami-nas é essencial para detectar precocemente suas deficiências, bem como para monitorizar uma adequada suplementação. Essas dosagens não são realizadas de rotina no nosso meio. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram verificar os níveis plasmáticos de vitami-nas D e E em uma amostra de crianças e adolescentes com colestase crônica; verificar o esta-do nutricional e a ingestão de macro e micronutrientes desses pacientes; verificar o uso de su-plemento de vitaminas, o tempo de colestase; e realizar avaliação neurológica para estabelecer eventual relação com os níveis plasmáticos de vitamina E. A amostra constou de 22 crianças e adolescentes com colestase crônica que con-sultavam no ambulatório ou estiveram internadas na Unidade de Gastroenterologia Pediátrica do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre no período de dezembro de 2000 a abril de 2002. Como controles, participaram 17 crianças eutróficas e normais do ponto de vista gastroentero-lógico com faixa etária correspondente. Foram realizadas avaliação nutricional e avaliação neurológica. Foi pesquisado o tempo de colestase e o uso de suplemento de vitaminas lipossolúveis. A técnica utilizada para as dosagens da vitamina E foi a cromatografia líquida de alta precisão (HPLC) e as dosagens plasmáticas de vitamina D pela técnica de radioimunoensaio. A prevalência de desnutrição variou entre 23,8% a 63,0% considerando as diferentes medidas e padrões utilizados. O inquérito alimentar realizado demonstrou uma ingestão calórica média de 89,33 ± 27,4% em relação ao recomendado para idade com uma distribui-ção dos macronutrientes em relação às calorias ingeridas dentro dos valores de referência para o grupo em questão, havendo, porém, uma pobre ingestão de micronutrientes como ferro e zinco. O exame neurológico foi alterado em 43% dos pacientes colestáticos, em que foram constatadas vinte alterações neurológicas em nove pacientes. Não obtivemos resultados con-fiáveis para os níveis plasmáticos de vitamina E, apesar de realizar 3 etapas para validação. O valor médio de vitamina D entre os pacientes foi de 13,7 ± 8,39 ng/ml, enquanto que no grupo controle foi de 25,58 ± 16,73 ng/ml (P = 0,007), havendo uma prevalência de hipovitaminose D entre esses pacientes de 36%. Não foi observada relação entre estado nutricional, tempo de colestase ou uso de suplemento oral de vitaminas lipossolúveis e os níveis plasmáticos refe-ridos. Concluímos que a média de níveis plasmáticos de vitamina D nas crianças e nos adolescentes colestáticos do estudo foi significativamente menor do que nos controles nor-mais sem relação significativa com estado nutricional, tempo de colestase ou uso de suple-mento de vitaminas. As alterações neurológicas foram freqüentes e a prevalência de desnutri-ção nos pacientes foi semelhante à encontrada na literatura. A ingesta calórica foi deficiente havendo porém, um equilíbrio dos macronutrientes e ingestão insuficiente de ferro e zinco. / Chronic cholestasis in childhood and adolescence directly affects growth and development of the individual, and has clinical consequences associated with malabsorption of dietary fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamin E plays an important role in the structure and function of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems, and neurologic symptoms have been described in patients with vitamin E deficiency. Vitamin D is known to play a role in the physiopathology of cholestatic osteopenia seen in osteoporosis, rickets and osteomalacia. Plasma concentration measurements of these vitamins are essential to detect deficiencies at an early stage and to monitor adequate supplementation. These measurements are not routinely carried out in our practice. The purposes of this study were to measure plasma concentrations of vitamins D and E in a sample of children and adolescents with chronic cholestasis; to study their nutritional status and macro − and micronutrient intake; to check the use of vitamin supplements; to check cholestasis duration; and to conduct neurologic evaluations to establish a possible association with vitamin E plasma concentrations. The sample was composed of 22 children and adolescents with chronic cholestasis seen in the outpatient service or hospitalized in the Pediatric Gastroenterology Unit, Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, from December 2000 to April 2002. The control group was composed of 17 eutrophic, gastroenterologically normal children matched by age. We conducted nutritional and neurologic evaluations. Data about cholestasis duration and the use of fat-soluble vitamin supplements were collected. Vitamin E concentrations were measured by means of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and vitamin D plasma concentrations, by means of a radioimmunoassay. Malnutrition rates ranged from 23.8% to 63.0% according to the different measurement techniques and standards used. Dietary survey data revealed a mean caloric intake of 89.33 ± 27.4% of the amount recommended for the age; distribution of macronutrients in relation to calorie intake was within the reference values for the group under study; however, micronutrient intake, such as iron and zinc intake, was poor. Neurologic symptoms were found in 43% of the patients with cholestasis; twenty neurologic symptoms were found in nine patients. We did not obtain reliable results for vitamin E plasma concentrations although we conducted three validation tests. Mean vitamin D plasma concentration was 13.7 ± 839 ng/ml in patients and 25.58 ± 16.73 ng/ml in control subjects; prevalence rate of D hypovitaminosis was 36% in control subjects. No association was found between nutritional status, cholestasis duration or oral fat-soluble vitamin supplementation and plasma concentrations. We concluded that mean vitamin D plasma concentrations in children and adolescents with cholestasis in our study was significantly lower than in normal control subjects, without any significant association with nutritional status, cholestasis duration or vitamin supplementation. Neurologic symptoms were frequent, and the prevalence rate of malnutrition was similar to rates in the literature. Calorie intake was deficient, but macronutrient intake was balanced; iron and zinc intake was insufficient.

Autonomia privada e autocomposição extrajudicial dos litígios.

Mascarenhas, Ana Carolina Fernandes January 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Edileide Reis (leyde-landy@hotmail.com) on 2013-04-11T17:41:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana.pdf: 1205612 bytes, checksum: d491ee22302243807b8b4e92545c90b4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Meirelles(rodrigomei@ufba.br) on 2013-05-09T18:11:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana.pdf: 1205612 bytes, checksum: d491ee22302243807b8b4e92545c90b4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-09T18:11:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana.pdf: 1205612 bytes, checksum: d491ee22302243807b8b4e92545c90b4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / O tema da presente pesquisa é a autonomia privada e autocomposição extrajudicial dos conflitos. O objetivo dessa pesquisa é demonstrar em que medida há legitimidade e abertura do ordenamento jurídico para utilização desse mecanismo extrajudicial de solução de conflitos. Para tanto a pesquisa foi dividida em três partes. Na primeira discorreu-se sobre a autonomia privada e os limites encontrados no ordenamento jurídico para esse princípio. Percebeu-se que o particular somente tem o poder de auto-regulamentação desde que atenda aos direitos fundamentais a boa-fé objetiva a lei e a ordem pública. Na segunda foi analisado o sistema de composição de litígios em especial a autocomposição demonstrando que através desse mecanismo é possível resguardar a autonomia privada na medida em que se busca estabelecer o diálogo entre as partes chegando a três resultados possíveis: renúncia submissão e a transação. Por fim no último capítulo buscou-se demonstrar que a autocomposição extrajudicial é um mecanismo alternativo idôneo e eficaz de solução de litígios porque visa atingir dois escopos: a justa composição da lide e a pacificação social bem como auxiliar na mitigação da crise do Poder Judiciário. Além disso percebeu-se que não há óbice no ordenamento jurídico para a plena implementação dessa forma autocompositiva. Ao revés o legislador pátrio atento às mudanças sociais cada vez mais busca incentivar esse meio de pacificação social. A título exemplificativo foram analisadas três leis (9.958 11.232 e 11.441) para demonstrar a importância da autocomposição extrajudicial no ordenamento jurídico pátrio. / Salvador

Les techniques de construction et les modèles des unités résidentielles du Bilad Al Sham dans la période Omeyyade (première moitié du VIIIème siècle). / I tipi de unità abitative del Bilad Al- Sham nel periodo de Omeyyade / Dwelling types of Bilad Al-Sham of Umayyad period

Labisi, Giuseppe 08 September 2017 (has links)
L'objet de cette thèse sont les habitations du bilâd al-Shâm à l'époque omeyyade bâties ex-novo; parmi ce groupe ont été sélectionnées les habitations conservées complètes ou dont le plan peut être complètement reconstruit. Les habitations peuvent être distinguées entre habitations des contextes urbains et extra-urbains. Les sites urbains examinés sont : Jerash, 'Anjar, al-FihI, 'Amman et Qaysariyya. Cependant, les seules données qui peuvent être considérées sont celles relatives aux sites de 'Anjar et 'Amman. Les habitions extra palatium de ces deux contextes révèlent analogie en ce qui concerne le statut des habitants, quoique les habitations de 'Anjar montrent une richesse majeure par rapport à celles de 'Amman ; au contraire, les résidences palatine des deux sites ne révèlent pas des analogies : les «palais» et, par conséquent, les habitations ou les unités d'habitations, peuvent être considérées des unica. Les Syrian bayt des contextes urbains et extra-urbains constituent le modèle d'habitation caractéristique de l'élite du bilâd al-Shâm omeyyade ; on les trouve toujours dans des habitations pourvus d'un vestibule et court centrale. Les courts se trouvent toujours dans les habitations du bilâd al-Shâm dans la période omeyyade, mais elles ont apparemment étés sacrifiés dans les cas de lotissement des habitations extra palatium en unités d'habitation (al-FihI, 'Amman). Les dimensions des Syrian bayt des qusür augmentent au cours du temps et sont distinctes en trois phases chronologiques, qui correspondent à trois périodes: le califat de al-Walïd 1er, les premiers dix ans du califat de llishâm ibn 'Abd al-Malik, l'année de règne de al-Walïd 2nd. Les Persian bayt sont absents dans les qusür omeyyades et se trouvent seulement dans la dâr al-imâra de 'Amman. La présence assez importante du Syrian bayt indique que le choix des planimétries d'habitations du type élitaire du bilâd al-Shâm omeyyade était lié à une tradition constructive du territoire syro-palestinien. / This thesis focus on the ex-novo dwellings of bilâd al-Shâm; among this group were considered just the well preserved dwellings or those whose plan can be completely reconstructed. Dwellings can be divided into dwellings of the urban and extra-urban contexts. The examined urbans sites are: Jerash, 'Anjar, al-FihI, 'Amman and Qaysairiyya. Anyway, as for the general considerations the only useful data are those of 'Anjar and 'Amman. Concerning the inhabitants status, the extra­palatium dwellings of these sites reveal some similarities, albeit 'Anjar dwellings show more richness than those of 'Amman; on the contrary, palatine dwellings of both sites doesn't show similarities: "palaces" and consequently dwellings of both sites can be considered as unica. "Syrian bayts" of both urbans and extra-urbans contexts can be considered as characteristics of the Umayyad élite of bilâd al-Shâm; they can always be found in dwellings with a vestibule and a central court. The court in tum can always be found in Umayyad dwellings of bilâd al-Shâm, but they were subdivided in small "residence units" in extra-palatium dwellings parceling cases (al-FihI, 'Amman). Qusur's "Syrian bayts" dimensions increases over time and can be subdivided in three chronological phases, corresponding to three periods: the caliphate of al-Walïd 1st, the first ten years of Hisham ibn 'Abd al-Malik caliphate, the one year caliphate of al-Walïd 2nd. "Persian bayts" are lacking in Umayyad qusur and can be found only in the dâr al-lmâra of 'Amman. The significant presence of "Syrian bayts" show that the elitist Umayyad dwellings of bilâd al-Shâm derives from the construction tradition of the Syrian-Palestinian territory.

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