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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur bemöts radikalnationalistisk propaganda? : En studie av den svenska statens bemötandestrategier av radikalnationalistisk propaganda

Hanna, Finell January 2021 (has links)
This study investigates which strategies the Swedish government employs in reaction to radical nationalist propaganda. It uses the analytical framework proposed by Hellman and Wagnsson (2017) on information warfare and their four ideal-type strategies: countering, naturalising, blocking and ignoring. Through these, it analyses official inquiries and proposals made by SOU (Statens offentliga utredningar), strategic documents, and speeches and articles made by government officials, such as the Swedish Prime Minister. It also divides the propaganda into three categories to further nuance and structure the analysis according to which actor the propagandistic narrative revolves around: the minority, the elite and the people, as proposed by FOI (Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut -FOI, 2017). The result was that the Swedish government responds to radical nationalistic propaganda using all strategies, but primarily ignoring. The strategies promoted in the strategic documents and the official inquiries tend more towards ignoring, differing from the speeches and articles where more confronting strategies are employed. The Minority-related narratives are confronted more often than other types of narratives, but blocking is also more prevalent. Narratives about the elite are primarily ignored, although all strategies are employed to some extent. Narratives relating to the people were more naturalised, in regards to characteristics of swedes as a group, but more ignored regarding the radical nationalist community, although some efforts might be taken to both stem recruitment, by naturalisation, and block it through laws. A name change for the strategy of ignoring is proposed due to the misleading notion that no actions are being taken using this strategy. It would be renamed preventing (förebyggande) to better reflect the range of measures taken within the strategy.

Does subjective (un)happiness predict religious extremism?

Andersson, Pontus January 2021 (has links)
With religious extremism being a destructive force in many parts of the world, the mission to understand and mitigate it is always actual. The current thesis tries to contribute to the knowledge of this phenomenon by investigating it through a very particular lens – its relation to subjective happiness. This is done through finding the answer to the research question “Does subjective (un)happiness predict religious extremism?”, using various quantitative gamma and chi-squared tests of association, as well as data from the World Values Survey, wave 7. Although it is hypothesised, based on previous research, that subjective happiness should have either a positive or negative relation with holding religiously extreme views, none of this is proven correct. Instead, a conclusion entirely new to the field of psycho-emotional well-being and political views emerges, namely that religious extremists tend to evaluate their happiness and sense of well-being just as extremely as they do societal and religious matters. This not only disproves the conclusions drawn by certain previous studies, it also provides a whole new perspective as to how to understand the inner worlds of individuals drawn to the ideas of religious extremism, something crucial for successful mitigation of this harmful phenomenon.

Dopad přeměny tištěných novin v internetové mutace na informování o extrémismu / Analysis of the impact of the conversion of printed newspapers to online versions of information on extremist groups

Křížová, Kristýna January 2010 (has links)
KŘÍŽOVÁ, Kristýna, The impact of Internet Versions of Printed Newspapers on Information about Extremism, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague, 2010, diploma thesis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Key words: electronic media, printed media, audience ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The theoretical part of the work concerns the possible consequences of transforming printed media into electronic form with respect to the reporting of extremism. A cultural approach was selected which highlights the way in which the final form of a report and its interpretation is subject to cultural factors. The work draws on the Three Party Model of Communication Situations devised by Winfried Schulz, which models the mutual relationship between the three protagonists of an event - the main figures (representatives of extremist movements), journalists (mass media - Internet sites), and the audience (readership, recipients). Investigation of the possible interest of these three parties in information on extremism is considered on the basis of theories of critics of contemporary media. Interpretation reveals the difficulties associated with transforming the daily papers into electronic news sites and...

Antifašistická akce: Ideologie a vývoj v letech 1996-2012 / Antifascist action: Ideology and evolution in 1996-2012

Fiala, Michael January 2015 (has links)
The thesis titled Antifascist Antifascist action: Ideology and evolution in 1996-2012 aims primarily to chart the historical and ideological development of Antifascist Action (AFA), a radically Czech anti-fascist organization. Thesis also aims to capture the most important moments and changes in the development of this organization since its formation to the present, with emphasis on other sub-questions the thesis places: defining methods of AFA struggle, AFA definition of the current status and the past, searching for causes of development cycles, access explanation for violence or just clarification of terminology. Because of the absence of broader and more complete sources the author came to the study of archival journals, analysis of different anarchist materials and the use of several interviews. In the end the thesis describes the overall history of AFA and creates conclusion that AFA is in its current development dynamic organization, which experienced its period of stagnation and at least two booms that have a direct connection with the development on the far-right scene. It also explains the change in the programm and the strategy of AFA.

Värdegrunden är större - Religionslärares metoder för att motverka islamistisk extremism i klassrummet

Duregård, Hugo January 2020 (has links)
Denna uppsats har som syfte att undersöka hur lärare i religionskunskap, verksamma påhögstadiet eller gymnasiet, kan bemöta islamistisk extremism i klassrummet. Tvåteoretiska premisser har varit vägledande i forskningsprocessen: För det första antaslärare tvingas hantera motstridiga förväntningar på dem när det kommer till att görapraktik av skolans värdegrund. I lärarens uppdrag ingår nämligen de kontrasterandesträvandena att såväl värna om elevernas fri- och rättigheter, som att överföra ochkonsolidera de värden och normer som anses ligga till grund för det svenska samhället.För det andra förmodas lärarnas respektive lösning på denna konflikt påverka deras valav strategier för att bemöta och förebygga islamistisk extremism, samt vilka åsikter debetraktar som islamistiskt extrema. Uppsatsens empiri genererades genom kvalitativaintervjuer med fyra religionskunskapslärare som har erfarenhet av elever som givituttryck för islamistisk extremism i sin yrkesroll. Resultatet visar att lärarnas förebyggandestrategier och förklaringar över radikaliseringsprocessen liknar varandra i högutsträckning. En betydlig spänning finns dock i hur lärarna anser att elever som uttryckerkontroversiella islamistiska åsikter bör bemötas, samt i fråga om vilka yttranden somrespektive lärare betraktar som extrema.

The role of women in a changing IS, A study of the correlation between successes, setbacks and the role of women in the Islamic State

Zahlin, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Terrorism is a global problem and the existence of IS has been of global concern. People from all over the world have travelled to the caliphate to fight for IS, and 79 countries and organizations with USA in the lead has fought the battles against IS. This research looks into how the role of women has changed due to the military and territorial development. This is a hypothesis-testing case study where the method process tracing is used. Feminist theory is used to categorize the different roles of women, which are searched for in open sources that by the media house of IS were published in English. The findings show that the narrative of a woman as a mother and wife is seen as the most important task throughout the whole existence of the caliphate, even if women in 2015-2016 are described more as objects. In 2017-2018, women are described more as actors and even allowed to participate in combat ’under certain circumstances’. The morality codes are though maintained. Women are, for example, seen in a video participating in combat in a fully covering niqab. The main body of the thesis contains 18 407 words.

The Burqa Ban in France and Its Potential Implications on Islamic Terrorism

Madu, Ifeanyi Valentine 01 January 2015 (has links)
Islamic terrorism has become a global problem which has resulted in human, social, political, and economic costs. Many Islamic terrorist organizations have focused their attacks on the West and its interests. They justify these acts by making reference to policies of the West, which they believe are inimical to Islam. France, a Western country, recently introduced a law which bans the Islamic face veil (the burqa) in public places in the country. This study examined the implications of this law. The research question focused on the perceived relationship between this law and increased acts of Islamic terrorism. The theoretical construct of this study was based off Huntington's clash of civilizations theory. Data were collected through in-depth, open ended interviews with 23 Muslim participants who were identified through a snowball sampling technique. These participants represented a variety of nations, including France. Data were inductively coded and then organized around key themes and ideas. Findings indicate that participants did not perceive a relationship between increased acts of Islamic terrorism and the burqa ban specifically, but they did feel the burqa ban undermines Islam. These findings were consistent with the study's theoretical construct as they revealed an underlying conflict between some Western countries and Islam. These findings contribute to positive social change as they highlight areas where policy makers have opportunities to build more culturally sensitive relations between the West and Islam, perhaps eventually serving to reduce future radicalization and religious extremism.

Religionslärarens roll i det proaktiva arbetet mot våldsbejakande extremism och radikalisering bland elever : En kvalitativ studie med fem lärares refletkioner

Konjusha, Shpresa January 2021 (has links)
The main purpose of this essay is to investigate the role of teachers of religious education in the proactive work against violent extremism and radicalization. Furthermore, the ambition is to raise awareness of how these five teachers of religious education in the Swedish upper secondary schools and primary schools in the subject of religious studies work with and implement the school's democratic mission, and to find structures to teach about radicalization, fundamentalism, pro-violence extremism and terrorism. To obtain a result, five semi-structured interviews with active religious education teachers in the upper secondary schools and the primary schools were conducted.To show the extent to which the school's democratic mission in the proactive work against radicalization and violent extremism is carried out, the collected empirical material has been analyzed based on Paulo Freire's awareness-raising pedagogy as a theoretical framework which indicates whether the interviewed teachers of religious education work according to what Freire calls the bank view or the liberating teaching. The study shows that all interviewed teachers work according to both these models. The teachers believe that it is inevitable to ignore the teaching of facts but prefer the liberating teaching. This is because all interviewed teachers believe that through dialogues and discussions, a critical thinking is created in the students. Furthermore, it appears that all teachers find it essential to create a good and open classroom climate where there is mutual acceptance of dissent. Thus, a long-term effort to create students as source-critical thinkers is fundamental.

The Role of Social Motives in Affective Polarization

James, Alicia Shanti 24 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Freedom of Religion and the headscarf: a perspective from international and comparative constitutional Law

Osman, Fatima 25 February 2021 (has links)
his thesis analyses whether a legislative ban on wearing a headscarf breaches the right to freedom of religion, as such right is universally understood. It describes the ambit of the right to freedom of religion by examining the theoretical justification and importance of the right and thereafter analysing how the right is recognised in international and regional treaties and domestic constitutions. It demonstrates that religious freedom comprises of the right to hold a religion and the right to manifest a religion in the form of worship, observance, practice and teaching. Religious freedom, however, is not absolute and the thesis explains in the light of international and comparative case-law that the right to freedom of religion may be limited by a law that pursues a legitimate state interest and is reasonable. In light of this theoretical framework the thesis examines the practice of Muslim women wearing a headscarf and argues that the practice constitutes a manifestation of Islamic belief protected by the right to freedom of religion. Thereafter this thesis examines French, Turkish and German prohibitions on wearing a headscarf, the effect of these laws on Muslim women and the justifications furnished for such laws. It is argued that the state interest of preserving secularism relied upon to justify a headscarf ban is not legitimate and does not justify a headscarf ban. Furthermore, even where the state has a legitimate interest in preventing the coercion of young girls, promoting the equality rights of women and maintaining safety and order, a headscarf ban does not constitute a reasonable limitation of religious freedom. Ultimately, this thesis argues that a headscarf ban exacerbates the problems it is meant to solve and constitutes an unjustifiable infringement of religious freedom.

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