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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

U.S. Interagency Coordination on Countering Violent Extremism Abroad

Gush, Jason 01 January 2018 (has links)
CVE is complex. It requires combatting the narratives and ideology of many extremist groups around the globe, constructing environments with appealing alternatives to extremism, and most importantly, sensitivity to the variety of circumstances in which CVE takes place to effectively battle the root causes of extremism. Constructing a complete CVE effort thus requires a great variety of skills, coordinated to efficient implementation. Despite notional commitment, U.S. CVE abroad lacks interagency coordination. JIATF-S offers a strong model of interagency coordination, from which lessons may be applied to the formation of an interagency CVE effort. Interagency coordination would bring extensive expertise and resources to bear on CVE operations.

Jaké je být Romem v naší společnosti / What does it mean be Gipsy in our society

KLÍMOVÁ, Eliška January 2009 (has links)
My Thesis is aimed at the life of the Romanies in Czech society. The topic was chosen intentionally as relations between the Roma minority and the members of the major society belongs to current topics, and although the Romanies have already been living at our territory for several centuries they still remain unknown for most of the inhabitants. The aim of the Thesis was particularly to collect information on how the Romanies themselves perceive thein life in our society and to open discussion about different topics then e.g. crime or poverty. The scope was influenced by my owen work with Romay people and the isme is really familiar to me. The Thesis is dividend into two parts. The theoretical part describes the history of the Romanies, thein present situation in the Czech republic and deals with topics like racism and extremism. The practical part is based on qualitive and quantitative research. The first part interprets data obtained within a field research in selected location of České Budějovice. The research was performed in the formo f semi-controlled interview in May and June. The sekond part is based on the technice of content analysis of a primary document. A Romany magazíne Romano hangos was chosen for the purpose of the research. The selection set of my analysis consists of all the 2008 issues of Romano hangos magazíne. An article is the basic selection unit. To qualify for inclusion into the content analysis an article had to contain communication of how the Romanies perceive thein life in our society. The research results confirm that Romanies still feel like foreigners in our society.

Preventivt arbete mot våldsbejakande extremism ur ett lokalt perspektiv : En kvalitativ studie av hur samordnare och representanter för socialtjänsten, skolan och polisen arbetar mot våldsbejakande extremism

Wämmerfors Antonsson, Marlene January 2017 (has links)
This study is aming to examine how municipal instances understand and work to prevent violent extremism. The study illustrates how the local coordinator in a swedish municipality together with representatives from the social service, the school and the police work against autonomous left, white power environment and violent Islamist extremists. I have used Sahlins (2000) theory of crime prevention and Lipskys (2010) theory of street level bureaucracies to analyze the empirical.  To get a deeper understanding how the actors define and work with the problem I have used semistrutcured interviews with a local coordinator, two polices, two field assistants, two polices and one teacher. Even if violent extremism is expression of political opinion or religious belief the municipality means that alienation is the reason why people involve themselves in violent extremism. As a consequense the municipality have integrated the preventing work in their regular crimepreventing work.   The prevention work is characterized of both workdivision, where each profession mind its own working area, and cooperation, wich gives a good view of the situation in the municipality. Since there are consensus that the main goal is to prevent alienation the study picturize a functioning cooperation with few conflicts between the professions that is included in this crimepreventing work. / Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur kommunala instanser förstår och arbetar för att motverka våldsbejakande extremism. Studien belyser hur den lokala samordnaren i en svensk kommun tillsammans med och representanter från socialtjänsten, skolan och polisen arbetar mot tre grupper; autonoma miljön, vit makt-miljön, och våldsbejakande islamistiska extremistiska miljön.   De teoretiska ramverk som använts som verktyg och hjälpmedel för att analysera empirin är Sahlins (2000) teori om brottsprevention samt Lipskys (2010) teori om gräsrotsbyråkrater. För att få en djupare förståelse hur de lokala aktörerna definierar och arbetar med problemet har studien genomförts med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med en lokal samordnare, två poliser, två fältassistenter och en lärare.   Även om våldsbejakande extremism är uttryck för politisk åsikt eller religiös tro menar kommunen att orsaken till att människor söker sig till dessa grupper är känslan av utanförskap. Som en konsekvens av detta har kommunen integrerat arbetet mot våldsbejakande extremism i sin befintliga brottsförebyggande verksamhet. Arbetet präglas av både arbetsdelning, där varje yrkeskategori arbetar utifrån sitt specifika mandat på sin egen arena, och samverkan, vilket ger en god helhetsbild av läget i kommunen. Då det finns en samsyn kring att det prioriterade målet är att motverka utanförskap visar studien på ett fungerande samarbete med få konflikter mellan de yrkesgrupper som ingår i detta brottsförebyggande arbete.

Uprchlická krize 2015 a politika České republiky / The 2015 Refugee crisis and politics of the Czech Republic

Woloszczuková, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
The theses deals with the most current problem of refugees stemming from the Syrian crisis, and the consequences the migration crisis can have for stability and the overall political situation in the chosen region. Due to the fact that the Syrian crisis is felt not only in the region, the aim of this thesis is to look at the impact of subsequent migrant crisis on the EU with focus on the Czech Republic. Despite various attempts by the international community, including the EU and the Czech Republic itself, to stabilise the situation the migration crisis is not, within a short and midterm time frame, closing to an end, and it is necessary to focus on possible negative consequences it may bring. The aim of this thesis is to uncover possible political repercussions. Even though, the Czech Republic is in reality afflicted by the migration wave on a minimal scale, the main hypothesis of this thesis is that the current migration wave has an influence on its political scene. The thesis is focusing especially on extremism in the Czech public and consequently in the political scene.


Blomberg, Jesper January 2020 (has links)
Introduction. This study examines the age-specific risk factors associated withradicalization that could contribute to Swedish research and responsible investigativeauthorities. Specific knowledge of individual risk factors for radicalization isremarkably limited, especially compared to what we know about other forms ofviolence.Methods. A total of 1240 cases are included after a data cleaning of the PIRUS-dataset. An exploratory factor analysis examined youths (<21), adults (>22), and a noage-specific group.Results. The younger population tends to have more often been abused as a child,had some traumatic experience, and are currently part of a gang. In comparison, theolder population tend to have alcohol or drug abuse problems and more unstructuredtime, have a radicalized friend and have actively searched for their radicalized group.The All-group shares a variety of variables with the age-specific groups.Conclusion. The results imply a need for specified risk factors according to age. Theage-specific analysis provides a deepened understanding of age-specific risk factorsthat contribute to radicalization and make individuals susceptible to radicalizedgroups. Since different authorities are responsible for minors and adults and alreadywork with a risk factor approach, the findings in this essay imply that the authoritiesshould investigate their current policies and update them to age-specific risk factors ifnecessary.

České domobrany: Motivace jít na okraj / Czech Militias: Motivations for Walking to the Edge

Kerhart, Miroslav January 2021 (has links)
A primary objective of this thesis is to identify, understand and explain motivations that lead individuals to join the National Militia. National Militia (Národní Domobrana) is a Czech paramilitary organisation that emerged in 2015 as a reaction to migration crisis and growing fear of "Islamisation". Shortly after its establishment, in July 2016, the organisation claimed to have over 2,500 members and began to regularly organise border patrols, military-like drills, but also political manifestations, openly criticising Czech foreign and domestic policies. Utilizing ethnographic methods of inquiry, the researcher conducted 11 semi-structured interviews with members of National Militia. In the subsequent analysis, the research identifies a set of push and pull factors as being most influential in individual's decision-making process, eventually being completed by a personal factor. Secondary findings identify also elementary demographical data, shared personality traits and militiamen mindset. From academical point of view, this study provides the reader with foundational data, necessary for further research, as the phenomenon is heavily understudied in Czech context. The specific contribution of the research resides not only in identifying the motivations, but also in offering the explanation for...

The burden of my husband’s legacy : An analysis of the living situation of widows of al-Shabaab associated members in Kwale County, Kenya

Winehav, Anna January 2020 (has links)
In recent years there has been a growing interest in and a number of studies sensitive to the relationships between gender and conflict, including gender and violent extremism. While much attention, both in the media and scientifically, has been given to individuals directly connected to violent extremist groups, less attention has been focused on their families. This study aims to fill in the empirical gap in how violent extremism impacts family members of people associated with violent extremist organisations. The research is particularly concerned with women who became widows due to their husbands’ engagement in a violent extremist group. By utilising the biographical narratives of the widows in Kwale County in Kenya, the study seeks to broaden an understanding of the impact of violent extremism on widows whose husbands chose to join the violent extremist group al-Shabaab, with its main stronghold in Somalia. The study focuses on four impact areas: economic, physical and emotional, socio- cultural, as well as ideological impact. Moreover, based on theoretical approaches, the study discusses a widespread assumption of women as preventive forces for violent extremism in the context of Kwale County, as well as women’s empowerment measures vital for widows in the region. The results reveal that the most tangible impacts on the widows are economic, physical and emotional, with a wide range of severe consequences for both the widows and their children. Additionally, socio-cultural impact plays an immense role for the widows living situation. The study does not reveal any findings which may suggest that the widows have been impacted ideologically by their husbands in the same way. Subsequently, the study questions the assumption of women as best placed to prevent violent extremism within the domestic sphere in the context of Kwale county. Furthermore, it focuses attention on the importance of economic, educational and religious empowerment of women in the region.

Ománský sultanát: Odolný vůči násilnému extremismu? / Sultanate of Oman: Resistant to Violent Extremism?

Caputo, Alexandria January 2018 (has links)
Bibliographic Note CAPUTO, Alexandria. The Sultanate of Oman: Resistant to Extremism?. 104 p. Master Thesis. Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Political Science. Supervisor : Prof. Oldřich Bureš Abstract This thesis analyses the Sultanate resistance to violent extremism as a Middle Eastern nation that has consistently scored a "0" on the Global Terrorism Index (GTI), an ongoing indexing of global terrorism from 2003 onwards. The Sultanate was markedly stable for those years unaccounted by the GTI. This case study examines institutional and legal frameworks established by the Sultanate and their value on countering radicalization and extremism processes that might lead to an act of terrorism. This research is supported by literature on radicalization and countering violent extremism (CVE) models, with great focus on a five- pronged, comprehensive working paper that approaches major problems across the Middle East. Radicalization and extremism notably fester in such problematic approaches, and the objective is to parallel these problems with the strategies, approaches, and norms of the Sultanate of Oman to see if this paper can come to a conclusion about the ability of nations and their populations to resist radical pathways and extremist ideologies. With religion at the crux of...

Vládní přístupy v boji proti násilnému extremismu a radikalizaci: Komparativní analýza Spojeného království a Dánského království / Governmental Approaches Towards Countering Violent Extremism and Radicalisation: A Comparative Analysis of the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Denmark

Haringová, Ingrida January 2018 (has links)
This thesis compares counter and deradicalization policies of the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Denmark. Both countries have one of the oldest policies in Europe and are characterized as different, even opposite, and therefore were chosen for the comparative analysis. Thesis assesses concrete policy initiatives preventing radicalization mainly in prisons, schools, on the Internet, governments' deradicalization initiatives; initiatives addressing foreign fighters, the extremist ideology; and other approaches in preventing radicalization. The comparison is based on the theoretical-analytical framework of the most prominent theoretical approaches towards explaining radicalization. Through the comparison, the thesis explores, sometime subtle, differences and similarities of both approaches and links them together with theoretical explanations. The thesis highlights many possible policy responses to one phenomenon, corresponding to many theoretical explanations behind it. The comparison has shown similarities and differences between the two policies and correlation between the definition of radicalization and extremism and certain policy objectives and programs. It is structured into four chapters, the first one is theoretical introduction into the concept of radicalization which creates an...

Sekuritizace vzdělávání v současné Evropě / Securitization of education in contemporary Europe

Lehutová, Kristína January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to analyze the current state of policies proposed to address the issue of radicalization in Europe. More specifically, the thesis deals with the topic of the fight against radicalization through education. The paper highlights how security debate in Europe is changing the understanding of educational institutions and their role in anti-radicalization policies. In the past, states in Europe had to deal with various forms of violence caused by either separatist movements or other radical and extremist ideologies. Unfortunately, the problem of the occasional outbreak of violence has not been resolved yet in Europe. In relation to the theme of radicalization, the role of educational institutions is perceived as significant to counter the process. They are considered to be the main institutions able to support the social inclusion and critical thinking of students during the globalization and modernization of Internet technologies. For these reasons, educational institutions should be responsible for protecting European students and pupils and preventing them from being drawn to extremism. This work, however, points out that this understanding is not the only way promoted by governments to tackle radicalization through the sector of education. The role of educational...

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