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Programy EU pro boj proti násilnému extremismu: Zkoumání rozdílů mezi teorií a praxí / EU-wide CVE Programmes: Exploring the Gap between Theory and PracticeKaishauri, Giorgi January 2021 (has links)
Author: Giorgi Kaishauri Study programme: International Security Studies Master's thesis: EU-wide CVE Programs: Exploring the Gap between Theory and Practice Abstract The aim of this research was to determine congruence between the EU-initiated P/CVE program, CT MORSE, and prominent theoretical and empirical insights present in the academic literature on P/CVE. This research presents an exploratory qualitative study which employs a deductive approach to explore a potential gap between counter-radicalization theory and counter- radicalization practice as observed in a major EU project. The data collected and analyzed in this research suggests a partial correlation between academic insights and project's activities. Three out of eight determinants of effective P/CVE strategy discussed in the literature - community engagement, community resilience, and the role of women, are fully accounted for by the project, while the other three - dialogue, identity formation, and personnel expertise are partially present in the form of their constituting elements. Individual resilience and inclusion of former radicals receive neither implicit, nor explicit focus in the project's undertakings across the globe. Moreover, the data suggests that existing congruence is not completely arbitrary, however, a substantially deeper...
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Violent discourses within the Far Right : A case study on discursive strategies used by the Nordic Resistance Movement / Violent discourses within the Far Right : A case study on discursive strategies used by the Nordic Resistance MovementLööf, Malin January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to contribute to a greater knowledge and understanding of violent discourses within the Far Right community with emphasizes on online violent content. The study has, by analyzing the narrative, identified four discursive strategies used by the Nordic Resistance Movement (NMR) in order to legitimize violence. By studying three texts in the time span of fifteen years published by the organization, the ambition is to identify a change in the discourse of violence. Today’s society is greatly influenced by the presence of the Internet. The rise of populist political parties in European and American counties etc. has lead to discussions regarding the cause of this phenomenon. A reoccurring debate is if the Internet is to blame for this, since it is accessible for most people, with non-or little legislative control regarding credibility. What can be stated for a fact, however, is that these forces are once again gaining more support and power. Due to this, finding explanations for this turn of event, which is updated to the society that we live in now is of importance. In order to understand this phenomenon the study has examined the Far Right organization the Nordic Resistance Movement (NMR). In the empirical part of the thesis four themes of violent discourses were identified; the enemies, the threat, family politics and women’s role in society and community-building processes. The four discursive strategies identified are in accordance with the chosen methodological framework, namely, critical discourse analysis. Aforementioned discursive strategies and analysis questions which, framed the empirical material, were analysed through the lenses of Norman Fairclough’s theory three-dimensional conception of discourse. In the discourses, amongst other things, it could be identified that the discourses had indeed become more violent.
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En kvalitativ analys utifrån unga vuxnas upplevelser av extremism representerat i media : "Det är hemskt men man har blivit avtrubbad från terrorattacker, det är helt sjukt” / A qualitative analysis based on young adult’s experiences of extremism represented in media : “It's awful but you have been numbed by terrorist attacks, it's totally sick”Karlsson, Jeanette, Nyroos, Alexander, Örnbielke, John January 2019 (has links)
Extremism är ett aktuellt ämne och rapporteras kring regelbundet i media. En grupp som växer upp i denna miljö kring media och extremism är unga vuxna. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur medias rapportering om extremism påverkar den upplevda psykiska hälsan hos unga vuxna. Studien har grundat sig i teorierna media literacy och empowerment. En deskriptiv design har valts med en socialkonstruktivistisk vetenskapsteoretisk utgångspunkt. Empirin samlades in via fokusgruppsintervjuer tillsammans med 24 unga vuxna uppdelat i fem grupper. Målgruppens beskrivning av extremism varierade beroende på vilken extremistgrupp som diskuterades. Extremismen förknippades mest med högerextremism, som till exempel nazism. Det kritiska tänkandet varierade beroende på miljöer. I skolan upplevdes det vara viktigt med kritiskt tänkande medan det var mindre viktigt privat, samt att förtroendet för myndigheter var starkt. Extremismen påverkade deras psykiska hälsa som mest när de hade en anknytning till det, de unga vuxna kan relatera till händelsen eller om det var inom en geografisk närhet. Målgruppens psykologiska hälsa påverkas som mest när extremismen var nära deras verklighet. Det pågår konstanta förändringar i medielandskapet vilket innebär att det behövs fler verktyg för att analysera, utvärdera och kommunicera inom media. Media literacy och empowerment kan till viss del främja målgruppens psykiska hälsa och en ökad känsla av kontroll samt tillföra mer kritiskt tänkande till media i vardagen. En konsekvens av högre media literacy samt empowerment kan naturligt leda till högre kunskap om extremism. / Extremism is a current topic and is regularly reported in the media. A group that grows up in this environment of media and extremism are young adults. The purpose of the study was to investigate how media’s reporting on extremism affects the perceived mental health of young adults. The study has been based on theories of media literacy and empowerment. A descriptive design has been chosen on the basis of a social-constructivist theoretical starting point. The data was collected via focus group interviews consistent of 24 young adults divided into five groups. The target group's description of extremism varied depending on the extremist group discussed. Extremism was most often associated with right-wing extremism, such as Nazism. Critical thinking varied depending on environments. In school, critical thinking was considered important while it was less important in private, and the confidence in authorities was strong. Extremism affected their mental health the most when they had a connection to it, if the young adults could relate to the event or if it was within a geographical proximity. The psychological health of the target group is most affected when extremism is close to their reality. There are constant changes in the media landscape which means that more tools are needed to analyze, evaluate and communicate within media. Media literacy and empowerment can, to a certain extent, promote the target group's mental health and increased sense of control as well as bring more critical thinking regarding media in everyday life. A consequence of higher media literacy, as well as empowerment, can naturally lead to higher knowledge of extremism.
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Arbetet mot våldsbejakande extremism i Gävleborgs län : En kvalitativ studieWesterlund, Klara January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning har varit att undersöka och analysera hur arbetet mot våldsbejakande extremism bedrivs i Gävleborgs län och vilka utmaningar som finns kopplat till ett sådant arbete. Studien gjordes genom nyckelpersonsintervjuer. Resultatet visade att arbetet mot våldsbejakande extremism precis har påbörjats i vissa kommuner medan andra inte har inlett ett sådant specifikt arbete. Flertalet kommuner avvaktar med att formulera en lokal handlingsplan i väntan på regionala direktiv. Kommunerna i Gävleborgs län anser att förebyggande arbete ska bedrivas i enighet med de nationella rekommendationerna och genom att fortsätta befintliga demokratifrämjande och förebyggande arbete. Utmaningar som framträdde gällande det lokala arbetet mot våldsbejakande extremism var bland andra osäkerhet, vilken verkade vara kopplad till kunskapsbrist om våldsbejakande extremism och till rådande samhällsdebatt. Till viss del fanns också en osäkerhet kopplad till lagstiftning gällande främst sekretess och personlig integritet. Därtill framstod olika aspekter av samordning som centrala utmaningar.
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Skolan, radikalisering och det preventiva arbetet : En systematisk litteraturstudie om hur skolan kan fungera som ett verktyg i arbetet mot radikalisering / School, radicalization and preventive work : A systematic litaratur review of how schools can be a tool in the preventive work against radicalizationSvensson, Sofia, Benslimen Bergström, Semi January 2019 (has links)
Ideologisk motiverad våldsbejakande extremism är ett resultat av en radikaliseringsprocess. Detta är ett stort problem och skolan har ett ansvar att arbeta preventivt mot detta problem. Syftet är att göra en systematisk litteraturstudie om hur skolan och lärare kan arbete på ett framgångsrikt sätt i syfte att minska riskerna för radikalisering. För att göra detta är det viktigt att ha koll på vilka faktorer som kan leda till radikalisering, vilka arbetsmetoder som har en preventiv effekt. Detta arbete är viktigt eftersom den svenska skolan har en central uppgift att fostra aktiva och demokratiska samhällsmedborgare. Detta är ett stort område och aktiva forskare har olika synsätt på radikaliseringsprocessen vilka presenteras i form av ett analysschema. Radikalisering sker till följd av att en individ utsätts för riskfaktorer sprungna ur psykiska och sociala problem. Det kan exempelvis handla om mental ohälsa, polarisering eller uppfostran. För att arbeta preventivt mot att elever radikaliseras har ett antal olika program som utformats. Exempel på sådana program är British prevent och Toleransprojektet. Dessa program innehåller framgångsfaktorer, detta innebär att vissa sätt att arbeta på eller vissa områden att arbeta kring har en preventiv effekt mot radikalisering. Framgångsfaktorerna kan bland annat innefatta värdegrundsarbete, relationskompetens hos lärare eller ökad tolerans bland eleverna.
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Deterring violent extremism in America by utilizing good counter-radicalization practices from abroad: a policy perspectiveBonanno, Amy Fires 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited / The problem of violent extremism is approaching a critical point in America. American government and community leaders must find an effective approach to deterring violent extremism immediately. A national and comprehensive approach to deter violent extremism in America is currently lacking. This comparative policy perspective seeks to determine whether the United Kingdom and Australia have good practices to deter violent extremism that can be useful in America. Secondly, this thesis also seeks to determine whether the United States can implement potential good practices to deter violent extremism. After a thorough review of the issue of violent extremism in America, this thesis studies similar background, research, and violent extremism issues in the United Kingdom and Australia. This thesis concludes that a variety of good practices in the United Kingdom and Australia can counter radicalize and deter violent extremists in America. The findings and recommendations from this research include challenges and a way forward to implement certain potential best practices for the United States. The arguments offer viable options and alternatives that the United States should consider when creating a national deterring-violent-extremism strategy. The details and information regarding understanding and implementing good practices to deter violent extremism in America are contained in this thesis. / Major, New York Army National Guard, Latham, New York
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The Caliphate and the Aiding Sword : A content analysis of "Islamic State" propagandaLarsson, Gustav January 2017 (has links)
A content analysis of "Islamic State" (IS) propaganda material released around the movement's proclamation of a Caliphate in 2014, this study is an attempt at analysing ways in which presented arguments express a coherent narrative of symbolic meaning. Using Robert Benford & David Snow's ideas on the so-called three core framing tasks as a clarifying template, I discuss ways in which the analysed material argues for the legitimacy and relevance of the IS movement. IS propagandists argue that the Muslim umma is under attack, and that Muslims need to unite under a common authority that can protect their religion, restore their strength, and counteract their humiliation. The IS Caliphate is presented as a hopeful sign, but is in need of committed recruits who are willing to sacrifice for what is presented as the greater good. As the analysed propaganda is particularly focused on this latter (motivational) aspect of the narrative, it focuses extensively on formulating arguments that reinforce it. I hold that many of these arguments can be traced back to what can be described as appeals to virtues like sincerity, authenticity, and truthfulness – and that all of these are also used to argue for the credibility of the IS Caliphate as an Islamic authority. Arguing that this Caliphate will serve the role of an aiding sword of Islam, it is furthermore presented as a necessary and vigorous structure aimed at protecting "truth" and at eradicating "falsehood".
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Pravicový extremismus v kontextu demokracie / Right-wing extremism in the context of democracyŠLEMENDOVÁ, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with right-wing extremism in the context of democracy. In the first part, democracy, its development and basic values are characterised. The following part describes extremism and its rudimentary typology, historical roots of right-wing extremism and its strategy. The final part focuses on the fight of democracy against extremism. In this part, possible anti-extremist measures are proposed, including critical reflections on the principles of right-wing extremism. Furthermore, a concept of so-called militant democracy is introduced, along with the analysis of its application in the Czech Republic and its critical reflection.
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Politický extremismus ve Francii se zaměřením na "Národní frontu". (" Le Front national") / Political Extremism in France with a Focus on the National Front (" Le Front national")Nejedlý, Vladimír January 2018 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is political extremism in France, mainly focused on Front National. In the first part, there is defined term extremism, described its typology and its connection to the political system - political parties and its form at present. The content of the next part is to map historical developments of right-wing extremism in France, roots and its tradition. This thesis is mainly focused on development of Front National - since the formation to the present. The aim of this thesis is to map political extremism in France, mainly The Front National, comparison of the political party's development in the different stages. The focus is put on the comparison of its policy agenda and electors especially in connection to the change of leaders of the Front national during its existence (from Jean-Marie Le Pen to Marine Le Pen). Specialised literature in Czech and French and authentic documents were used for the preparation of this thesis. KEYWORDS extremism, right-wing extremism, political parties, Front National, Jean-Marie Le Pen, Marine Le Pen
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"Du spelar ett högt spel om du sätter ifrån eller ryter ifrån till elever" : Gymnasielärares syn på deras möjligheter att bemöta extrema åsikter utifrån sin yrkesrollNydahl, Michaela, Svedjehammar, Linda January 2019 (has links)
I svenska skolan har lärare ett uppdrag att arbeta förebyggande mot “våldsbejakande” extremism. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur lärare ser på sin roll att arbeta med detta samt hur de menar att deras arbetssituation påverkar deras möjlighet att bemöta extrema åsikter hos elever. Empirin utgörs av sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med gymnasielärare från Stockholmsområdet. Dessa har sedan analyserats utifrån Lipskys teori om gräsrotsbyråkrater som diskuterar lärares arbetssituation, vilken kännetecknas av balans mellan kontroll och frihet (Lipsky 2010). Studiens resultat visar att lärarna upplever det svårt att bemöta extrema åsikter på grund av otydliga direktiv från organisation samt otillräckliga resurser bland annat i form av tidsbrist. De försöker återta kontrollen genom att exempelvis förenkla arbetsuppgifter och hänvisa arbetsuppgifter vidare till en annan instans. Lärarna arbetar utifrån en ambition att bemöta extrema åsikter genom respektfulla samtal. Detta misslyckades dock stundtals, då lärarna upplever brist på tid och verktyg i kombination med krav att hantera extrema åsikter från organisationen. Detta resulterar i att lärarna låter bli att bemöta åsikter alternativt att lärarna, trots ambitionen att bemöta genom samtal, tillgriper tillsägningar och uppfostrande metoder. Lärares arbetssituation har således stor påverkan på deras möjlighet att arbeta mot “våldsbejakande” extremism hos elever. / Teachers in Sweden have an obligation by law to prevent violent extremism. This study aims to examine how teachers experience their work in violent extremism prevention. Our study serves as a window to an understanding of how teachers’ work situation affects their ability to prevent students’ expressing extreme opinions. The empirical data from six interviews with sixth form teachers has been analysed through the lens of Lipsky’s theory on street-level bureaucrats (2010). Street-level bureaucrats are workers such as nurses, police officers and teachers - teachers being the focus of this study. Their work is characterised by a degree of discretion in their power to exercise control over the services they provide to recipients such as students (ibid). The study has mainly shown that teachers experience difficulties managing students’ extreme opinions due to inadequate resources and vague organisational expectations. In order to retake control teachers tend to develop patterns of simplifications in their work duties and referring responsibilities to others. Despite the teachers’ ambition to tackle extreme opinions through respectful conversation, they sometimes fail due to a lack of resources such as time and support, resorting to reprimands. Thus, the teachers role as a street-level bureaucrat has a high impact on their ability to work with violent extremism prevention.
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