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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bases neuronales et cognitives du traitement de la hiérarchie sociale chez l'humain / -

Breton, Audrey 18 December 2015 (has links)
Ma thèse porte sur une dimension fondamentale de la structure des groupes sociaux : la hiérarchie. Chez l'être humain, les hiérarchies sociales régissent en profondeur les interactions. Pour naviguer avec succès dans son environnement, il doit être en mesure de repérer précisément les positions hiérarchiques des autres membres de son groupe. Ce travail de thèse vise à caractériser certains mécanismes neuronaux, comportementaux et physiologiques impliqués dans l'analyse d'un indice hiérarchique. Pour préciser la nature du traitement de la hiérarchie, j'ai exploré son influence sur différentes étapes de la perception des visages. Je me suis tout d'abord intéressée au décours temporel du traitement neuronal des visages dans un contexte hiérarchique. Deux études menées en électroencéphalographie m'ont permis d'identifier les potentiels neuronaux et les composants oscillatoires évoqués par la perception de visages associés soit, à un rang hiérarchique établi à l'issue d'une compétition, soit à un statut social induit par la profession. Une étude réalisée ensuite en oculométrie avait pour but de capturer l'influence de la hiérarchie sur des mécanismes fins du contrôle de l'attention visuelle. J'ai étudié à la fois l'exploration visuelle de classements hiérarchiques incluant le participant, et celle de visages associés à des rangs hiérarchiques différents. Enfin, j'ai tenté de déterminer si un signal ou une situation d'asymétrie hiérarchique véhicule une valence émotionnelle et motivationnelle non neutre susceptible d'induire des variations de certains paramètres physiologiques, comme le rythme cardiaque ou la réponse électrodermale / Hierarchy is a key organizational feature of social groups. In order to successfully navigate their social environment, humans must precisely read the hierarchical position of other during social interaction. This present thesis intends to characterize the neural correlates as well as the early physiological and behavioral mechanisms involved in the processing of social rank. The influence of hierarchy was mainly investigated in the context of face perception. To begin, my focus was on the time course of neuronal processing of faces embedded in a hierarchical context. Using eletroencephalography in two studies, it has been possible to identify evoked neuronal potentials and oscillatory components in response to faces varying in hierarchical rank, established through competition or social status induced by profession. The next study used eye-tracking methodology to explore the influence of hierarchy on the subtle mechanisms of visual attention control. I aimed at characterizing the visual scanning pattern of hierarchical rankings (during a competition) and of faces associated with different hierarchical ranks. Finally, I tried to determine if a hierarchical signal or a social asymmetrical situation conveyed an emotional/motivational valence. During face perception and a minimal social interaction, I examined if this particular dimension of hierarchy generated variations of physiological activity, such as heart rate and skin conductance response

Comunicação digital da Marca Brasil: uma avaliação da experiência de navegação de usuários estrangeiros no portal Visit Brasil / Digital Communication of the Brazil Brand: an evaluation of foreign users\' navigation experience on the Visit Brasil website

Flávio Notomi Kanazawa 04 November 2016 (has links)
A popularização mundial da internet facilita para seus usuários o compartilhamento de informações, opiniões e experiências sobre diversas questões, como seus interesses, produtos, serviços e locais que visitaram ou que pretendem visitar. Nesse contexto, abre-se espaço para que as organizações também participem desse processo, de modo a conhecer melhor seus públicos e desenvolver ações para influenciar positivamente suas decisões; esse conjunto de práticas forma a chamada comunicação digital. Dentro da competição internacional para atrair investimentos, turistas, imigrantes e estimular exportações, muitos países passaram a adotar estratégias e práticas de criação e gestão de marcas a fim de melhorar suas imagens para obter melhores resultados nessa competição (inclusive o Brasil, através da Marca Brasil) e, com isso, a comunicação digital surge como um importante aliado. Entretanto, observa-se uma escassez de pesquisas que abordem a interdisciplinaridade desses assuntos. Assim, o objetivo geral desta pesquisa é avaliar a experiência de navegação de usuários estrangeiros nos conteúdos de comunicação digital no portal Visit Brasil. A pesquisa foi definida como qualitativa exploratória e, num primeiro momento, realizou entrevistas em profundidade com os profissionais envolvidos na criação e gerenciamento de tais práticas no caso brasileiro. Num segundo momento, foram entrevistados usuários estrangeiros dos conteúdos gerados para a Marca Brasil, contando também com as informações complementares obtidas pelo uso de um equipamento de eye tracking. Os dados qualitativos levantados serviram de base para uma análise de conteúdo. Os resultados obtidos fomentam a conclusão de que o portal Visit Brasil atinge seu objetivo de atrair potenciais turistas estrangeiros a visitar o país, mas falha em seu outro propósito de suprir as necessidades de informações turísticas desses indivíduos. Além disso, conclui-se que o portal não é capaz de influenciar mudanças na imagem do Rio de Janeiro como um destino turístico. Este estudo traz contribuições ao desenvolvimento de novos trabalhos sobre o assunto, além de fornecer aos profissionais envolvidos, e potencialmente às empresas do setor brasileiro de turismo, uma melhor compreensão e o descobrimento de novas oportunidades a respeito das práticas de comunicação digital desenvolvidas em prol da Marca Brasil e de seus resultados até o momento. / The worldwide popularization of the internet makes easier for its users to share information, opinions and experiences about several subjects, like their interests, products, services and places they\'ve been to or intend to go in the future. In this context, companies have the opportunity to also take part into this process, being able to know better their audiences and developing actions to positively influence their decisions, putting into practice digital marketing activities. As the international competition to attract investments, tourists, immigrants and stimulate exports continues to grow, many countries now adopt branding strategies and practices trying to improve their own images to get better results into this competition (including Brazil, through the Brazil Brand), and digital marketing is now an important ally for that attempt. However, studies that approach the interdisciplinarity of those subjects are scarce. Therefore, this study was developed to evaluate the experience of foreign users towards the digital marketing contents developed to the Brazil Brand through the website Visit Brasil. First, through a qualitative approach, in depth interviews were developed with professionals involved on the creation and management of those practices. After that, foreign users of the Brazil Brand online materials interacted with those contents, and these interactions were recorded and analyzed with an eye tracking equipment. In depth interviews also were conducted. All the collected data were analyzed through a content analysis. The results supports the conclusion that the website succeeds to attract potential foreign tourists to visit Brasil, but fails to supply all tourist\'s information needs. Also, it is possible to conclude that the website is incapable of influencing changes about the image of Rio de Janeiro as a tourist destination. This study contributes to the development of new researches on this field, and also will provide to the involved professionals and tourism companies, better comprehensions and new opportunities related to digital marketing practices developed to the Brazil Brand and its results so far.

Apports des sciences cognitives et de la neuroimagerie fonctionnelle à la communication anti-tabac : cas des avertissements graphiques apposés sur les paquets de cigarettes / Understanding the impact of anti-tobacco advertisement with cognitive science and fMRI : the case of graphic warnings on cigarette packs

Soriano, Alice 23 January 2017 (has links)
La lutte contre le tabagisme représente un enjeu de santé publique majeur. En France, seules des méthodes déclaratives (questionnaires, entretiens) sont utilisées à ce jour pour étudier l'impact des messages de prévention sur la population. Les neurosciences et les sciences cognitives peuvent pourtant apporter de précieuses informations pour la compréhension des processus attentionnels, émotionnels et mnésiques mis en jeu lorsqu'un individu fumeur est exposé à une campagne de prévention anti-tabac. Depuis 2011, en France, des avertissements sanitaires anti-tabac combinés (comportant une photo et un texte) sont apposés sur tous les paquets de cigarettes. Ces avertissements qualifiés de « chocs » par les médias, peuvent évoquer de la peur ou du dégout chez les individus car certains d'entre eux représentent des pathologies graves dues au tabagisme. L'objectif de ce projet de recherche était d'utiliser les outils des sciences cognitives et des neurosciences afin d'observer le traitement cognitif des avertissements sanitaires combinés actuellement apposés sur les paquets de cigarettes en France. Une première étude a permis d'observer quelles émotions étaient évoquées par les avertissements et si ces émotions impactaient l'attention portée aux avertissements et leur mémorisation chez des fumeurs et des non-fumeurs. Dans un second temps de notre projet, nous avons donc observé grâce à la méthodologie de l'Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique fonctionnelle, si l'exposition à des avertissements sanitaires combinés modulait l'activité cérébrale évoquée chez les fumeurs lors de l'exposition à des stimuli liés au tabac. / Fighting tobacco represents one of the biggest global health challenges for public policymakers. In France, cognitive (neuro)sciences are not used to develop and test anti-tobacco strategies prior to scaling them. However they could provide valuable insights in the understanding of attentional, emotional and memorization processes at play when a person is exposed to strategies aiming at fighting tobacco consumption. Since 2011, France has been using the set of graphic warnings provided by the European Commission in combination to text warning on cigarette packets. In a series of experimental studies, funded by the Ligue Nationale Contre Le Cancer, we used methodology from cognitive sciences (eye-tracking) and functional neuroimaging (fMRI) to investigate processes involved when smokers and non-smokers are exposed to such tobacco warnings. Tobacco warnings used in France may induce disgust or fear because some of them depict body damages caused by tobacco related diseases. In a first study, we observed the relationship between the nature of basic emotions evoked by those warnings in smokers and non smokers and the attentional and memorization processes. In a second study, we tested whether being exposed to tobacco warnings modulates the specific brain activity observed in fMRI when smokers are exposed to tobacco related images, a mechanism involved in “smoking cue reactivity”.

Eye-tracking och matematik : En eye-tracking-undersökning om användandet av prioriteringsreglerna / Eye-tracking and mathematics : An eye-tracking study of the use of order of operations in mathematic calculation

Lennartsson, Emilia January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilken information om matematiska strategier som går att urskilja ur en persons ögonrörelser vid en undersökning med en enklare typ av eye-tracker. Eye-tracking är en metod som gör det möjligt att studera människors ögonrörelser genom att följa den visuella uppmärksamheten utifrån vart en person tittar. I studien används en stationär eye-tracker för att kunna mäta ögonrörelserna. I den här studien har eye-tracking-undersökningar genomförts med två deltagare som tittar på och löser matematiska uppgifter som kräver prioritering. Den här studien använder en billig (kostar cirka 1000 SEK) kommersiell eye-tracker med ett egentillverkat datainsamlingsprogram. Resultatet av studien visade att det gick att utläsa information och baserat på det gick det att tolka att deltagarna verkligen använde sig av prioriteringsreglerna vid uppgifterna. / The aim of this study is to investigate what information can be gathered by studying a person’s eye movements with a simpler kind of eye-tracker device. Eye-tracking is a technique that allows studying eye movements. In this study a stationary eye-tracking device was used to study and measure eye movements. This study is an original eyetracking study, consisting of two participants who solved mathematical problems that require the use of order of operations whilst wearing an eye-tracker device. The device was a relatively cheap (cost around 1000 SEK) commercial eye-tracker with a home-made data acquisition software system. The result of the study is that it is indeed possible to collect and interpret information using an eye-tracker. Based on the results the conclusion can be made that the participants used the order of operations to solve the assignments.

Development of Test Method for Evaluation of Interactive Media : A comparison between two different test methods / Utveckling av en testmetod för interaktiv media : En jämförelse mellan två olika testmetoder

Lutonda, Egide January 2021 (has links)
This study addresses a usability testing method and the development of a new testing procedure that includes eye-tracking. By correcting errors within the system before it reaches the end-user contributes to satisfied customers, high quality, and a useful system. Testing is all-important in identifying errors in the test procedure to be sure to capture issues in the system being tested. The aim of the thesis is to analyze and examine the testing methods used in the company and present how the development of a new testing method should be suitable for the company. The traditional testing method is compared with a new testing method that includes eye-tracking. The empirical material was generated by usability testing. Other methods such as background questionnaire, observation, interview, review thinking-aloud, and pilot test were also used. In the conclusion of the study, it was found that the traditional testing method met the criteria of how a usability test should be conducted. Another conclusion was that the new testing method helps to clearly see and identify usability problems that may be present in a system. / Denna studie behandlar en testmetod för användbarhet och vikten av att ta fram en ny utvecklad testmetod med hjälp av eye-tracking. Genom att korrigera fel inom systemet innan det når fram till slutanvändaren bidrar nöjda kunder, hög kvalitet och ett användbart system. Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera och utreda testmetoder som används i företaget samt kartlägga hur utvecklingen av en ny testmetod ska vara passande till verksamheten. Detta jämför jag med den nuvarande testmetoden med implementering av eye-tracking. Uppsatsens undersökningsfrågor är således: Hur kan företagets nuvarande testmetod förbättras? Hur lätt är det för företaget att använda den nya testmetoden? Är den nya testmetoden mer användbar för företaget jämfört med deras nuvarande metod? Det empiriska materialet har framställts genom användbarhetstester. Även andra metoder, såsom bakgrundsenkät, observation, intervju, retrospektiv granskning och pilottest har använts. I studiens slutsats har det framkommit att den nuvarande testmetoden uppnår kriterier på hur en användbarhetstest ska genomföras. Ytterligare slutsats har varit att den nya testmetoden bidrar med att tydligt se och identifiera användbarhetsproblem som kan finnas i ett system.

Contribution des caractéristiques diagnostiques dans la reconnaissance des expressions faciales émotionnelles : une approche neurocognitive alliant oculométrie et électroencéphalographie / The contribution of diagnostic featural information to the recognition of emotion facial expressions : a neurocognitive approach with eye-tracking and electroencephalography

Yang, Yu-Fang 11 May 2018 (has links)
La reconnaissance experte de l'expression faciale est cruciale pour l'interaction et la communication sociale. Le comportement, les potentiels évoqués (ERP), et les techniques d’oculométrie peuvent être utilisés pour étudier les mécanismes cérébraux qui participent au traitement visuel automatique. La reconnaissance d'expressions faciales implique non seulement l'extraction d'informations à partir de caractéristiques faciales diagnostiques, stratégie qualifiée de traitement local, mais aussi l'intégration d'informations globales impliquant des traitements configuraux. Des nombreuses recherches concernant le traitement des informations faciales émotionnelles il apparaît que l’interaction des traitements locaux et configuraux pour la reconnaissance des émotions est mal comprise. La complexité inhérente à l'intégration de l'information faciale est mise en lumière lorsque l'on compare la performance de sujets sains et d’individus atteints de schizophrénie, car ces derniers ont tendance à s’attarder sur quelques éléments locaux, parfois peu informatifs. Les différentes façons d'examiner les visages peuvent avoir un impact sur la capacité socio-cognitive de reconnaître les émotions. Pour ces raisons, cette thèse étudie le rôle des caractéristiques diagnostiques et configurales dans la reconnaissance de l'expression faciale. En plus des aspects comportementaux, nous avons donc examiné la dynamique spatiale et temporelle des fixations à l’aide de mesures oculométriques, ainsi que l’activité électrophysiologique précoce considérant plus particulièrement les composantes P100 et N170. Nous avons créé de nouveaux stimuli des esquisses par une transformation numérique de portraits photos en esquisses, pour des visages exprimant colère, tristesse, peur, joie ou neutralité, issus de la base Radboud Faces Database, en supprimant les informations de texture du visage et ne conservant que les caractéristiques diagnostiques (yeux et sourcils, nez, bouche). Ces esquisses altèrent le traitement configural en comparaison avec les visages photographiques, ce qui augmente le traitement des caractéristiques diagnostiques par traitement élémentaire, en contrepartie. La comparaison directe des mesures neurocognitives entre les esquisses et les visages photographiques exprimant des émotions de base n'a jamais été testée, à notre connaissance. Dans cette thèse, nous avons examiné (i) les fixations oculaires en fonction du type de stimulus, (ii) la réponse électrique aux manipulations expérimentales telles que l'inversion et la déconfiguration du visage. Concernant, les résultats comportementaux montrent que les esquisses de visage transmettent suffisamment d'information expressive (compte tenu de la présence des caractéristiques diagnostiques) pour la reconnaissance des émotions en comparaison des visages photographiques. Notons que, comme attendu, il y avait un net avantage de la reconnaissance des émotions pour les expressions heureuses par rapport aux autres émotions. En revanche, reconnaître des visages tristes et en colère était plus difficile. Ayant analysé séparément les fixations successives, les résultats indiquent que les participants ont adopté un traitement plus local des visages croqués et photographiés lors de la deuxième fixation. Néanmoins, l'extraction de l'information des yeux est nécessaire lorsque l'expression transmet des informations émotionnelles plus complexes et lorsque les stimuli sont simplifiés comme dans les esquisses. Les résultats de l’électroencéphalographie suggèrent également que les esquisses ont engendré plus de traitement basé sur les parties. Les éléments transmis par les traits diagnostiques pourraient avoir fait l'objet d'un traitement précoce, probablement dû à des informations de bas niveau durant la fenêtre temporelle de la P100, suivi d'un décodage ultérieur de la structure faciale dans la fenêtre temporelle de la N170. / Proficient recognition of facial expression is crucial for social interaction. Behaviour, event-related potentials (ERPs), and eye-tracking techniques can be used to investigate the underlying brain mechanisms supporting this seemingly effortless processing of facial expression. Facial expression recognition involves not only the extraction of expressive information from diagnostic facial features, known as part-based processing, but also the integration of featural information, known as configural processing. Despite the critical role of diagnostic features in emotion recognition and extensive research in this area, it is still not known how the brain decodes configural information in terms of emotion recognition. The complexity of facial information integration becomes evident when comparing performance between healthy subjects and individuals with schizophrenia because those patients tend to process featural information on emotional faces. The different ways in examining faces possibly impact on social-cognitive ability in recognizing emotions. Therefore, this thesis investigates the role of diagnostic features and face configuration in the recognition of facial expression. In addition to behavior, we examined both the spatiotemporal dynamics of fixations using eye-tracking, and early neurocognitive sensitivity to face as indexed by the P100 and N170 ERP components. In order to address the questions, we built a new set of sketch face stimuli by transforming photographed faces from the Radboud Faces Database through the removal of facial texture and retaining only the diagnostic features (e.g., eyes, nose, mouth) with neutral and four facial expressions - anger, sadness, fear, happiness. Sketch faces supposedly impair configural processing in comparison with photographed faces, resulting in increased sensitivity to diagnostic features through part-based processing. The direct comparison of neurocognitive measures between sketch and photographed faces expressing basic emotions has never been tested. In this thesis, we examined (i) eye fixations as a function of stimulus type, and (ii) neuroelectric response to experimental manipulations such face inversion and deconfiguration. The use of these methods aimed to reveal which face processing drives emotion recognition and to establish neurocognitive markers of emotional sketch and photographed faces processing. Overall, the behavioral results showed that sketch faces convey sufficient expressive information (content of diagnostic features) as in photographed faces for emotion recognition. There was a clear emotion recognition advantage for happy expressions as compared to other emotions. In contrast, recognizing sad and angry faces was more difficult. Concomitantly, results of eye-tracking showed that participants employed more part-based processing on sketch and photographed faces during second fixation. The extracting information from the eyes is needed when the expression conveys more complex emotional information and when stimuli are impoverished (e.g., sketch). Using electroencephalographic (EEG), the P100 and N170 components are used to study the effect of stimulus type (sketch, photographed), orientation (inverted, upright), and deconfiguration, and possible interactions. Results also suggest that sketch faces evoked more part-based processing. The cues conveyed by diagnostic features might have been subjected to early processing, likely driven by low-level information during P100 time window, followed by a later decoding of facial structure and its emotional content in the N170 time window. In sum, this thesis helped elucidate elements of the debate about configural and part-based face processing for emotion recognition, and extend our current understanding of the role of diagnostic features and configural information during neurocognitive processing of facial expressions of emotion.

Can adults with autism spectrum disorders infer what happened to someone from their emotional response

Cassidy, S., Ropar, D., Mitchell, Peter, Chapman, P. 04 June 2020 (has links)
Yes / Can adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) infer what happened to someone from their emotional response? Millikan has argued that in everyday life, others' emotions are most commonly used to work out the antecedents of behavior, an ability termed retrodictive mindreading. As those with ASD show difficulties interpreting others' emotions, we predicted that these individuals would have difficulty with retrodictive mindreading. Sixteen adults with high-functioning autism or Asperger's syndrome and 19 typically developing adults viewed 21 video clips of people reacting to one of three gifts (chocolate, monopoly money, or a homemade novelty) and then inferred what gift the recipient received and the emotion expressed by that person. Participants' eye movements were recorded while they viewed the videos. Results showed that participants with ASD were only less accurate when inferring who received a chocolate or homemade gift. This difficulty was not due to lack of understanding what emotions were appropriate in response to each gift, as both groups gave consistent gift and emotion inferences significantly above chance (genuine positive for chocolate and feigned positive for homemade). Those with ASD did not look significantly less to the eyes of faces in the videos, and looking to the eyes did not correlate with accuracy on the task. These results suggest that those with ASD are less accurate when retrodicting events involving recognition of genuine and feigned positive emotions, and challenge claims that lack of attention to the eyes causes emotion recognition difficulties in ASD. / University of Nottingham, School of Psychology

The Processing of Non-nominal Metaphors

Rodríguez Ronderos, Camilo 05 March 2021 (has links)
Zwei Theorien über die Verarbeitung von Metaphern postulieren die Beteiligung unterschiedlicher kognitiven. Die erste, die „Implicit Comparison View“, behauptet, dass Metaphern durch einen Prozess des analogen Denkens verstanden werden (z. B. Gentner et al., 2001; Gentner & Bowdle, 2008). Eine zweite Ansicht, die „Category Inclusion View“, sieht das Verstehen einer Metapher als einen Prozess, bei dem die lexikalische Bedeutung des metaphorischen Vehikels spontan moduliert wird, um eine ad-hoc, zielorientierte Kategorie zu schaffen (z. B. Glücksberg, 2008; Sperber & Wilson, 2008). Obwohl es eine große Anzahl an Experiment gibt, die die Vorhersagen dieser beiden Theorien testen (z. B. Bowdle & Gentner, 2005; Gernsbacher et al., 2001; Jones & Estes, 2005; Jones & Estes, 2006; McGlone & Manfredi, 2001; Wolff & Gentner, 2011) ist es bis jetzt nicht möglich gewesen, das Problem der Metaphernverarbeitung zu lösen zugunsten einer der beiden Theorien. Diese Dissertation versucht genau das zu tun, indem die Verarbeitung von zwei Arten deutscher nicht-nominaler Metaphern untersucht werden: verbale Metaphern und Verb-Objekt-Metaphern. Dies wurde gemacht durch eine Untersuchung der Rolle des Kontexts während der Verarbeitung von nicht-nominalen Metaphern. Dabei wurde auf die Literatur zur situierten und inkrementellen Sprachverarbeitung zurückgegriffen (siehe Huettig et al., 2011; Huettig et al., 2012; Kamide, 2008; Knoeferle & Guerra, 2016). Insgesamt die Ergebnisse von 14 verschiedenen Experimeten als besser zu vereinbaren mit der „Category Inclusion View“ als mit der „Implicit Comparison View“. / Two main sets of theories of metaphor comprehension posit the involvement of different cognitive mechanisms. The first one, the Implicit Comparison View, claims that metaphors are understood through a process of analogical reasoning in which the elements of a metaphoric expression (in the example above my cat, which is known as the ‘topic’ and princess, which is known as the ‘vehicle’) are scanned for relational similarities (e.g. Gentner et al., 2001; Gentner & Bowdle, 2008). A second view, the Category Inclusion View, sees metaphor comprehension as a process in which the lexical meaning of the metaphoric vehicle is spontaneously changed to represent a newly created, goal-oriented category (e.g. Glucksberg, 2008; Sperber & Wilson, 2008). Despite there being a large body of experimental data testing the predictions made by these theories (e.g. Bowdle & Gentner, 2005; Gernsbacher et al., 2001; Jones & Estes, 2005; Jones & Estes, 2006; McGlone & Manfredi, 2001; Wolff & Gentner, 2011), it has not been possible to settle this debate and tip the scale in favor of one or the other view. This dissertation attempts to do just that by examining the processing of two types of German non-nominal metaphors: Verbal metaphors and verb-object metaphors. This was done by investigating the role of context during metaphor comprehension in order to further specify the available theories, and, more generally, by drawing on the literature on situated and incremental language processing (see Huettig et al., 2011; Huettig et al., 2012; Kamide, 2008; Knoeferle & Guerra, 2016, for reviews). Overall the results of 14 experiments are interpreted as being more consistent with the Category Inclusion View than with the Indirect Comparison View.

Brain-electric correlates of visual word recognition under natural reading conditions

Niefind, Florian 06 May 2016 (has links)
Diese vorliegende Dissertation nutzt Koregistrierung von EEG und Eye-Tracking um neuronale Korrelate der Wortverarbeitung beim natürlichen Lesen zu untersuchen. EKP-Forschung hat unser Verständnis der Wortverarbeitung stark geprägt. Jedoch wird Lesen in EKP-Experimenten üblicherweise im unnatürlichen RSVP Paradigma untersucht. Der Blickbewegungsforschung verdanken wir viele Erkenntnisse über die Koordination von Sprachverarbeitung und Blickbewegungsplanung, allerdings nur auf der Verhaltensebene. Drei Leseexperimente in dieser Arbeit untersuchten a) foveale und parafoveale Wortverarbeitung, b) Wortschwierigkeit in Form von Wortfrequenzeffekten und c) den Einfluss von Blickbewegungen. Ein viertes Experiment untersuchte die Generalisierbarkeit parafovealer Vorverarbeitungs-Effekte (Preview-Effekte), indem diese mit chinesischen Sätzen repliziert wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigten einen reliablen Effekt parafovealer Vorverarbeitung auf neuronale Korrelate der fovealen Worterkennung in Form eines frühen Effekts auf der N1 Komponente. Interaktionen zwischen dem Preview-Effekt und Wortfrequenz zeigten Wechselwirkungen der Verarbeitung aufeinanderfolgender Worte im fovealen und parafovealen Blickfeld. Preview-Effekte waren schwächer nach Worten mit niedriger Frequenz, was zeigt, wie komplexe foveale Wortverarbeitung Resourcen für parafoveale Information bindet. Andererseits beeinflusste parafoveale Verarbeitung auch die foveale Verarbeitung: Erstens durch den oben beschriebenen Preview-Effekt, zweitens durch eine Verlangsamung der Wortverarbeitungsrate nach schweren Vorschaubedingungen. Außerdem zeigten sich foveale Wortfrequenzeffekte früher nach valider parafovealer Wortvorschau. Der Preview-Effekt war stärker, wenn Blickbewegungen ausgeführt werden mussten. Der Grund hierfür sind verdeckte Aufmerksamkeitsverschiebungen vor einer Sakkade. (EKP-)Forschung zur visuellen Wortverarbeitung sollte zukünftig Blickbewegungen und parafoveale Vorverarbeitung berücksichtigen. / The current dissertation uses co-registration of EEG with eye tracking to study the brain-electric correlates of word processing under natural reading circumstances. ERP research has advanced our understanding of the neuronal mechanisms of word processing greatly but traditionally used the RSVP paradigm that is not ecologically valid. Eye tracking research has greatly advanced our understanding of the coordination of linguistic processing with eye movement execution but provides only indirect insight into the actual brain processes during reading. Three reading experiments were conducted to study a) foveal and parafoveal processing, b) word processing in the form of frequency effects, and c) the impact of eye movement planning and execution on a neuronal as well as behavioral level. A fourth experiment tested the generalizability of the preview effects by replicating preview effects in Chinese sentence reading. Results show a robust effect of parafoveal preview on brain-electric correlates of foveal word recognition in the form of an early effect on the N1 component. The preview effect interacted with word frequency in different ways, revealing interactions between the processing of subsequent words in parafoveal and foveal vision. Preview effects were smaller after low frequency words, showing that parafoveal processing is reduced if foveal processing is complex. Also, parafoveal processing also affected foveal processing: Firstly, by providing preview benefit as described above and secondly, by slowing processing rates after a difficult preview (delayed POF effects). Lastly, foveal word frequency effects were found earlier if valid parafoveal preview had been provided. Preview effects were much stronger if eye movements had to be executed, which is most likely due to pre-saccadic attention shifts. Results show the shortcomings of traditional ERP studies and suggest that research on visual word recognition needs to consider eye movements and parafoveal processing.

Systém pro sledování pohybu očí / System for Eye Movement Monitoring

Vojtíšek, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
This work deals with eye tracking systems and possibility of using them for control of many software or hardware devices. Project explains eye anatomy and electrophysiology, types of eye trackers and methods of eye tracking. We studied methods of image processing and image analyzing in LabVIEW development system and IMAQ Vision subsystem. On the base of these studies, we created whole eye tracking system .This system can be used for both the eye tracking from video recording and real time eye tracking. This system can monitor position or trajectory of look.

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