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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The influence of advertising content on alcohol products' perceptions, attitudes and behavioural intentions : the case of luxury codes appropriation by alcohol brands / Influence du contenu des publicités pour l'alcool sur les perceptions des boissons alcoolisées, l'attitude à l'égard de la publicité et l'envie de consommer : le cas de l'appropriation des codes et de l'iconographie du luxe par les marques d'alcool

Diouf, Jacques françois 12 October 2017 (has links)
Face à l’abus d’alcool notamment chez les jeunes, les acteurs de santé recommandent de réguler le marketing des industriels. En France selon la loi Evin (1991), les publicités pour l’alcool doivent être objectives, informatives et, non attractives en termes de contenu. Cette recherche teste l’efficacité de cette régulation en comparant l’influence de publicités informatives versus plus attractives en termes de perception du produit, d’attitude envers la publicité et d’envie de consommer. Elle évalue aussi la visibilité des avertissements sanitaires alcool selon la saillance de leur format et du contexte publicitaire. Cette recherche a identifié et étudié l’appropriation des codes et de l’iconographie du luxe par les marques d’alcool comme une nouvelle forme de contenu publicitaire à travers une phase de monitoring. Grâce à une revue de la littérature, elle a formulé des propositions de recherche en termes d’implications marketing et de santé publique afin de cerner le mécanisme de persuasion potentiel relative à cette pratique marketing. Ces implications présentent le luxe comme une potentielle réponse marketing aux motivations de consommer de l’alcool chez les jeunes, sur la base de théories relatives à la construction identitaire. Elles soulignent aussi l’influence des publicités et du packaging, en particulier lorsque ces stimuli sont infusés de codes du luxe (sur la base de théorie de l’infusion de l’art et de cas des paquets de cigarettes infusés des codes du luxe). Pour tester ces propositions, une étude qualitative exploratoire (26 entretiens) a d’abord servi à cerner la nature et l’influence du contenu (publicités plus informatives versus luxe) en termes de réponses cognitives, affectives, d’intentions comportementales et de perceptions des avertissements sanitaires. Les résultats de ces entretiens ont servi à construire la phase expérimentale de la recherche en termes d’opérationnalisation des concepts de contenu publicitaire et d’avertissement sanitaire, de formulation des hypothèses de recherche, de sélection et design des stimuli et de méthodologie (combinaison de méthodes verbales et non-verbales). Sur la base d’un design inter-sujets, nous avons lancé deux études expérimentales (étude eye-tracking = 174 jeunes ; étude en ligne = 696 jeunes) testant 12 stimuli publicitaires [3 (marques d’alcool) x 2 (styles de contenu publicitaire: PO versus luxe) x 2 (formats d’avertissement: format actuel versus plus saillant)]. Les résultats soulignent l’intérêt de réguler le contenu des publicités d’alcool (cf. Loi Evin). Celui-ci influence l’attitude à l’égard de la publicité, la perception du produit et le désir de consommer. Les publicités plus informatives sont perçues comme moins attractives, alors que les publicités luxe génèrent et renforcent des perceptions positives à l’égard du produit, des bénéfices de consommation et les envies de consommer et de boire. Quant à l’avertissement actuel, il est jugé inefficace en termes de visibilité, de crédibilité et de risques perçus. Toutefois un format plus saillant permet d’augmenter le degré d’attention qu’on y porte ainsi que sa visibilité perçue. Cela est important car l’efficacité d’un avertissement repose en partie sur ses deux critères. Aucun effet d’interaction significatif des variables manipulées n’est à signaler dans cette étude. / This critical social marketing research tackles the effectiveness of advertising regulation that is a health measure recommended to reduce alcohol consumption. It studies how alcohol advertising content restrictions (e.g., the French Evin law mandates ads since 1991 to convey only factual information and objective qualities of alcohol products and thus be product-oriented: PO ads) versus non-regulated advertising affect youth individuals’ perceptions of alcohol products, attitude towards the ad, desire to consume and noticeability of health warning displayed in ads (depending on format prominence). This research identified and investigated the luxury codes and iconography appropriation by alcohol brands as a new type of advertising content, through a monitoring phase. To understand the potential persuasion mechanism at stake, this study relied on assumptions in terms of persuasion and public health based on a literature review. It helped to explain luxury symbolism as a potential response to youth drinking motives on the basis of self-growth theories and suggest possible effect on consumers’ responses to alcohol advertising especially when infused with luxury perceptions (e.g., art infusion theory and tobacco packs infused with luxury codes). To test those assumptions, we implemented an exploratory qualitative study and two experimental studies. Using (26) in-depth interviews, the qualitative phase helped understand the nature and influence of advertising content (luxury versus PO) on cognitive, affective responses, behavioral intentions and warnings’ noticeability. The findings helped operationalize advertising content and warnings’ noticeability concepts, develop hypotheses, fine-tune stimuli selection and modification, and finally select methods and (verbal and non-verbal) measurements for the testing phase. Based on a between-subject design, the experimentation (eye-tracking study = 174 individuals; online study = 696 individuals) tested on samples of young people a total of 12 advertising stimuli [3 (brands) x 2 (content: luxury versus PO) x 2 (warning format: LP versus MP)]. Our results showed the relevancy of alcohol advertising content restrictions such as the French Evin law (1991). They indicated that advertising content does influence attitude towards the ad, alcohol products’ perceptions and desire to consume. While PO ads reduce the alcohol advertising attractiveness, luxury ads enhanced the participants’ positive product perceptions, perceived alcohol consumption benefits and intention to purchase and drink. They also reported the ineffectiveness of health warnings in terms of noticeability, perceived credibility and risks. Findings suggest that modifying the current warning format prominence can help increase its attentional processing and perceived noticeability, which is a first step in improving generally warnings’ effectiveness. However our results revealed no significant interaction effect of both manipulated factors in this study.

Blickbewegungsmessung als Prozessmaß bei gedächtnisbasierten Multi-Attribut-Entscheidungen: Blickbewegungsmessung als Prozessmaß beigedächtnisbasierten Multi-Attribut-Entscheidungen

Scholz, Agnes 24 August 2009 (has links)
Die Informationssuche und –integration konnten bei gedächtnisbasierten Multi-Attribut-Entscheidungen bislang nicht untersucht werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung eines neuen prozessbasierten Verfahrens, das auf einer Analyse von Blickbewegungen beruht. Das Verfahren wurde in einer experimentellen Untersuchung erprobt. In einer vorangestellten Lernphase eigneten sich die Versuchsteilnehmer Eigenschaftsausprägungen (Cue-Ausprägungen) von sechs verschiedenen Alternativen an. Die Eigenschaftsausprägungen waren in Textform in rechteckigen Kästen um eine bildliche Darstellung einer Alternative angeordnet. In der darauf folgenden Entscheidungsphase führten die Teilnehmer gedächtnisbasierte Entscheidungen zwischen jeweils zwei der Alternativen durch. Die eine Hälfte der Versuchsteilnehmer bekam die nichtkompensatorische Take the best (TTB) Heuristik instruiert, die andere Hälfte die kompensatorische Dawes Rule (DR). Während der Entscheidungsphase wurden die Blickbewegungen der Versuchsteilnehmer aufgezeichnet. Es wurde angenommen, dass sich die Blickbewegungen zwischen den zwei Gruppen instruierter und nach ihrem Entscheidungsverhalten klassifizierter Versuchsteilnehmer hinsichtlich der strategieinduzierten Suchmuster unterscheiden würden. Diese Annahme beruht auf Befunden, die zeigen, dass Versuchsteilnehmer beim Informationsabruf an die Orte zurückblicken, an denen sie zuvor Informationen aufgenommen haben, selbst wenn diese Informationen dort nicht mehr stehen. Verwender der TTB Heuristik zeigten mehr Blickwechsel zwischen den Alternativen, je später der erste Cue differenzierte, und sie verweilten kürzer in einer Alternative, bevor sie den Blick auf die andere Alternative richteten. Bei DR Verwendern fanden sich erwartungsgemäß keine Unterschiede in den Blickwechselhäufigkeiten, je später der erste Cue differenzierte, und sie verweilten länger innerhalb einer Alternative vor einem Blickwechsel. Die Ergebnisse stützen die Idee, dass Blickbewegungen wertvolle Informationen über die kognitiven Prozesse während der Gedächtnissuche liefern können. Das Potenzial der Blickbewegungsmessung als Prozessmaß zur Untersuchung gedächtnisbasierter Entscheidungen wird diskutiert. / The common methods for studying heuristics in memory-based multi-attribute decisions provide outcome and response measures but do not directly observe information search. Hence, foregoing cognitive processes cannot be explored. In the presented experiment a novel process-tracing method is introduced that uses eye-tracking to study memory-based decisions. It is based on the so-called ‘looking at nothing’ effect that assumes that people fixate on blank locations if a relevant visual stimulus previously occupied that location. Therefore, participants learned cue information of decision alternatives in spatial frames. In the decision phase they were presented with emptied displays of two alternatives and performed binary choices between them. Participants were instructed to decide either according to a lexicographic or a compensatory strategy. Fixation patterns on former cue locations and reaction times mirrored memory search and cue processing as assumed for the tested strategies.

Att se men inte höra : Ett eye-trackerbaserat hörseltest för spädbarn / To see but not to hear : An eye-tracker based hearing test for infants

Sunberg, Jonas, Palmgren, Simon January 2012 (has links)
En hörselnedsättning är en kommunikationsstörning som starkt påverkar en bebis utveckling på många områden, inte bara ljudperception och talad kommunikation. I Sverige screenas idag alla bebisar redan på BB, för att så tidigt som möjligt upptäcka medfödda skador. Dessa metoder har dock informationsbegränsningar angående hörselnedsättningens grad och frekvensberoende. När bebisar är ett halvår gamla kan den observerande audiometriska metoden Visual Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA) användas för att utreda hörselnedsättningen. Metoden baseras på att en audionom gör en subjektiv bedömning om bebisen reagerar och vänder huvudet till följd av presenterade ljudstimuli med känt frekvensinnehåll och känd ljudtrycksnivå. År 2009 genomfördes tester med en prototyp för att utreda om VRA-metoden lämpar sig att kombinera med eye-tracking. Detta för att kunna tidigarelägga utredningar eftersom bebisen inte behöver kontrollera sina nackrörelser, utan reaktionsbekräftan kan baseras på förändringar i bebisens blickfokus. Insamlad data var dock svårtolkad, men gav indikationer om att fortsatt arbete kunde leda till en mer objektiv version av VRA-metoden, lämpad för låga åldrar.I detta examensarbete har idén om ett eye-trackerbaserat hörseltest vidareutvecklats vilket resulterat i en ny prototypgeneration, grundad på ny metod för att fastställa hörnivåer. Metoden har främst släktskap med Békésy-metoden, med dynamiska ljudtrycksnivåer, men tar även den individuella reaktionslatensen i beaktning för att bedöma hörnivån vid tidpunkten patienten stimulerades att reagera, inte då reaktionen senare kunde registreras. Ett utredande arbete med studiebesök hos praktiserande audionomer, observationer av tester med föregående prototyp samt en fokusgruppdiskussion har resulterat i ett nytt användargränssnitt och en ny SQL-databasdriven resultathantering för att stödja forskning. Produktutvecklingen har även resulterat i en omarbetad konditioneringsfas, där bebisen fixerar blicken på ett objekt, som efter ett presenterat ljud kan bytas mot en belöning i form av en webbkameraström med t.ex. föräldern. Projektdeltagarna, som arbetat agilt enligt Deming-cykeln (även kallad PDCA), har löpande planerat, utvecklat, testat och tagit beslut med hjälp av funktionsprototyper som pilottestats på totalt 21 bebisar, 1 barn och 6 vuxna. Projektet avslutades med två verifierande tester. I det ena testades fem femmånaders bebisar för att bekräfta att hörnivåer kan bedömas vid en tidig ålder med den nya audiometriska metoden. För 80 % av bebisarna kunde, under en testsession, en till åtta hörtrösklar utredas. Det andra testet utredde precisionen i metoden jämfört med rentonsaudiometri utförd av Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset. Resultatet visar på en medelvägd differens om c:a 3 dB respektive 6-8,5 dB för de båda testdeltagarna. Fortsatt bekräftas att kombinationen av VRA-metoden och reaktionsdetektion med en eye-tracker kan realiseras även vid låga patientåldrar. Den nyutvecklade metoden för att bestämma hörnivåer visar på hög precision, men behöver fortsatt verifiering i likvärdiga testmiljöer samt evidensforskning. / Hearing impairment is a communication disorder which greatly affects an infant’s development in many areas, not just in sound perception and oral communication. Today all babies in Sweden are screened already in the maternity hospital, in order to detect birth defects as early as possible. However, the information given by these methods are limited in terms of how severe the hearing loss is and its frequency dependency. At six months of age the infants hearing reduction can be investigated by using the observation based audiometric method, Visual Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA). The method is based on an audiologist’s subjective observation of the infant’s reactions; to turn its head towards a reward due to sound stimuli of known frequency and sound pressure level. In 2009, a prototype was developed in order to investigate whether the VRA method is suitable to combine with eye tracking. The investigations could thus be performed earlier since the baby does not need to control their head movements, but the reaction detection can be based on changes in the infants gaze. The collected data were difficult to interpret, but indicated that further work could lead to a more objective version of the VRA method, suitable for infants of low age.In this thesis, the idea of an eye-tracker based hearing test has been further developed and has resulted in a new prototype generation, based on an entirely new method of determining hearing thresholds. The method are mostly related to the Békésy method, with dynamic sound pressure levels, but also takes the individual reaction latency into consideration in order to assess the hearing threshold. The assessment is based on the moment in time when the patient was stimulated to react, not when the latter reaction could be recorded. An investigative work based on a study of practicing audiologists, observation of tests with the previous prototype and a focus group discussion has led to a new user interface and a new SQL database-driven results handling in order to support research. The product development has also resulted in a revised conditioning phase. When the infant moves its gaze from a fixation object, due to sound stimuli, the object can be exchanged with a reward in the form of a webcam stream with e.g. the infant’s parent. Project participants, who have been working agile according to the Deming Cycle (also called PDCA), have regularly planned, developed, tested and taken decisions using prototypes which were pilot tested on a total of 21 babies, 1 child and 6 adults. The project was finalized with two verifying tests. In one of the tests five five-month old babies were tested in order to confirm that hearing thresholds can be assessed at low ages by the new audiometric method. One to four frequencies could be investigated during one test session with 80% of the babies. The second test investigated the accuracy of the method compared to pure tone audiometry, conducted at the Karolinska University Hospital. The results show an average weighted difference of approximately 3 dB respectively 6-8.5 dB for the participants. The combination of the VRA method with reaction detection via an eye-tracker remains realizable, even for infant patients. The newly developed method for determining hearing thresholds shows high precision, but needs further verification in identical test environments and further evidence-research.


Merlyn Suzanne Thomas (12475938), Yaohua Feng (12476396) 28 April 2022 (has links)
<p>Behavior change is not a product of knowledge alone but by the other constructs within the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). This includes attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. In order to ensure positive change in food safety behavior, researchers should explore the current situation before providing the necessary resources for consumers. This can be done through consumer needs assessments which explore practices, perceptions, demographics, and more. Along with that, major health events like the COVID-19 pandemic can increase risk perceptions of consumers which may lead them to follow safe (washing hands with soap and water) and unsafe food handling behaviors (washing fruits and vegetables with soap). Information spreads quicker during this digital age and this can cause consumers to follow certain behaviors. To assess information being spread, chapter 2 includes a study assessing COVID-19-related food safety information on YouTube early on in the pandemic. Chapter 3 and 4 contain longitudinal studies that used surveys and focus groups to assess consumer food handling practices and risk perceptions throughout the pandemic. Another factor is the type of food being handled. Consumers are not aware that certain foods like pet food (Ch. 5) and raw wheat flour (Ch. 6) can cause foodborne illness. Thus, they may not be handling these types of products as carefully. It is important to communicate that these foods can also cause foodborne illness. In the case of raw wheat flour, while commercial brands provide food safety messages on the packaging, consumers have a hard time finding and understanding the messages. All the studies within this dissertation explored multiple elements that can fall under the different constructs of the TPB in the context of the different factors that affect food safety behaviors. For example, previous studies have found that risk perception may fall under the construct of attitude because human perceptions can influence how a person feels about the situation. The objective of this dissertation is to explore different consumer food safety needs and explore how the elements within the needs assessments feeds into the TPB. With this information, researchers can advance the use of the TPB and researchers and food safety educators can ensure positive behavior change through the TPB.</p>

L'organisation du système lexico-sémantique dans le cerveau monolingue et bilingue en développement / Lexical-semantic system organization in the monolingual and bilingual developing brain

Sirri, Louah 13 March 2015 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier le développement du système lexico-sémantique chez les enfants monolingues et bilingues. La question posée est la suivante : quand et comment les significations des mots commencent à être reliées entre elles et à s'intégrer dans un système sémantique interconnecté. Dans un premier temps, trois études ont été menées chez des enfants monolingues français. L'Etude 1, a pour but d'observer si les mots sont organisés selon des liens taxonomiques (e.g., cochon - cheval). L'Etude 2 explore si l'effet d'amorçage sémantique est sous-tendu par des mécanismes cognitifs, comme les processus d'activation automatique et contrôlé. Puis enfin, l'Etude 3 observe si les mots sont organisés en fonction de leur distance de similarité sémantique (e.g., vache - mouton versus vache - cerf). Dans un deuxième temps, deux études ont été conduites chez des enfants apprenant deux langues simultanément. L'Etude 4 vise à déterminer si les mots sont taxonomiquement liés dans chacune des langues. L'Etude 5 explore si les mots présentés dans une langue activent leurs représentations sémantiques dans l'autre langue et vice versa. Dans le but de répondre à ces questions, le traitement lexico-sémantique a été étudié en utilisant deux techniques : l'eye-tracking et les potentiels évoqués (PEs). Ces deux techniques enregistrent lors de la présentation des mots des réponses comportementales (Etude 3) et neuronales (Etude 1, 2, 4 et 5) de haute résolution temporelle. Les Etudes 1 et 2 montrent que chez les monolingues les mots sont liés taxonomiquement à l'âge de 18 et 24 mois. Durant le développement du langage, les deux processus d'activation automatique et contrôlé sont impliqués dans le traitement des mots (Etude 2). L'Etude 3 montre qu'à 24 mois, les mots sont organisés dans le système lexico-sémantique en développement selon la distance des similarités sémantiques. L'Etude 4 montre que chez les enfants bilingues, le traitement sémantique ne diffère pas selon les deux langues, mais la topographie des PEs varie selon la langue traitée. L'Etude 5 montre que les mots présentés dans une langue activent leurs représentations sémantiques dans la deuxième langue et vice versa. Toutefois, la topographie des PEs est modulée selon la direction de traduction. Ces résultats suggèrent que l'acquisition de deux langues, bien qu'elle soit très précoce, requière deux ressources neuronales bien distinctes, sous-tendant ainsi le traitement lexico-sémantique des langues dominante et non-dominante. / The present doctoral research explored the developing lexical-semantic system in monolingual and bilingual toddlers. The question of how and when word meanings are first related to each other and become integrated into an interconnected semantic system was investigated. Three studies were conducted with monolingual French learning children which aimed at exploring how words are organized, that is, according to taxonomic relationships (e.g., pig - horse) and to semantic similarity distances between words (e.g., cow - sheep versus cow - deer), and whether cognitive mechanisms, such as automatic activation and controlled processes, underlie priming effects. An additional two studies conducted with children learning two languages simultaneously, aimed at determining, first, whether taxonomically related word meanings, in each of the two languages, are processed in a similar manner. The second goal was to explore whether words presented in one language activate words in another language, and vice versa. In an attempt to answer these questions, lexical-semantic processing was explored by two techniques: eye-tracking and event-related potentials (ERPs) techniques. Both techniques provide high temporal resolution measures of word processing but differ in terms of responses. Eye-movement measurements (Study III) reflect looking preferences in response to spoken words and their time-course, whereas ERPs reflect implicit brain responses and their activity patterns (Study I, II, IV, and V). Study I and II revealed that words are taxonomically organized at 18 and 24-month-olds. Both automatic and controlled processes were shown to be involved in word processing during language development (Study II). Study III revealed that at 24-month-olds, categorical and feature overlap between items underpin the developing lexical-semantic system. That is, lexical-items in each semantic category are organized according to graded similarity distances. Productive vocabulary skills influenced word recognition and were related to underlying cognitive mechanisms. Study IV revealed no differences in terms of semantic processing in the bilinguals¿ two languages, but the ERP distribution across the scalp varied according to the language being processed. Study V showed that words presented in one language activate their semantic representations in the second language and the other way around. The distribution of the ERPs depended, however, on the direction of translation. The results suggest that even early dual language experience yields distinct neural resources underlying lexical-semantic processing in the dominant and non-dominant languages during language acquisition.

AI-assisted Image Manipulation with Eye Tracking / Bildbehandling med Eye Tracking och AI

Karlander, Rej, Wang, Julia January 2023 (has links)
Image editing tools can pose a challenge for motor impaired individuals who wish to perform image manipulation. The process includes many steps and can be difficult given a lack of tactile input such as mouse and keyboard. To increase the availability of image editing for motor impaired individuals, the potential for new tools and modalities have to be explored. In this project, a prototype was developed, which allows the user to edit images using eye tracking and deep learning models, specifically the DALL-E 2 model. This prototype was then tested on users who rated its functionality based on a set of human-computer interaction principles. The quality of the results varied a lot depending on the eye movements of the user, and the provided prompts. The results of the user testing found that there was potential for an editing tool implementing eye tracking and AI assistance, but that it requires further iteration and time to learn how to use. Most users enjoyed the experience of using the prototype and felt that continued experimentation would lead to improved results. / Användandet av bildbehandlingsverktyg kan för någon med motoriska svårigheter, specifikt de utan möjlighet att använda sina händer, innebära flera svårigheter. Processen omfattas av många steg som kan vara särskilt besvärliga utan användningen av mus och tangentbord. För att öka tillgängligheten av dessa verktyg behöver nya system utforskas, till exempel sådana som använder AI system. I denna studie utvärderas ett sådant system, för vilken en prototyp utvecklades. Prototypen låter användaren redigera bilder med hjälp av eye tracking och maskininlärningsmodellen DALL-E 2. Deltagarna i studien utvärderade funktionaliteten baserat på utvalda människa-datorinteraktionsprinciper. Resultaten av utvärderingen skiljde sig en del, till stor del grundat i ögonrörelserna av användaren och den givna ändringsbeskrivningen. Resultaten visade på att det fanns potential för ett bildbehandlingsverktyg som implementerar både AI och eye tracking men att det krävs mer tid och iterering för användaren att lära sig modellen. Användare fann överlag ett nöje i att använda programmet och upplevde att de skulle kunna presterat bättre resultat om de fick mer tid att experimentera.

Blickbeteende i dagligvaruhandel online : En eye-tracking studie om i vilken mån användares ögonrörelser avviker från förväntatmönster vid hunger och mättnadskänsla under onlineshopping av mat / Gazing behavior in online grocery shopping : An eye tracking study about how much users gazing patterns deviate from an expected pattern when they are being hungry or full

Larsson, Arvid, Olsson, Petra January 2017 (has links)
Our study aims to investigate if people who are hungry are affected by that when shopping groceries online. Nine people participated in two user tests, one in the morning, just before lunch and one in the afternoon, just after lunch. They were asked not to eat any breakfast if they were to conduct a test in the morning. This meant that the participants would be hungry in one of the cases and full in the other. The study was based on the participants being able to add groceries to the cart from a list that was read for them. They did this in two different interfaces, coop.se and ica.se, while an eye tracker logged their eye movements. The study was supplemented with surveys that determined whether the participants were hungry or full after each test and a final survey with the participants' preferences, BMI and habits in digital interfaces. After the study was completed we looked for deviations to see if the hunger affected the number of deviations and what the participants were looking for. Deviations were calculated partly as the number of products viewed as not belonging to the task, and partly as products with a high number of calories. Specially viewed products include sauces, breakfast products and ready meals and recipes. A distinction between the two interfaces could be found in that one interface received more deviations than the other. A significant difference in the number of data deviations between morning and afternoon could not be determined, on the other hand, at a 10% level of significance, we could determine that there was a difference between the different interfaces and that the subjects deviated more the first time the test was performed. We were able to contradict our hypothesis, that people would deviate with their eyes more when they are hungry than when they are not. Our results show, rather that other factors are crucial to what affects the deviations, such as which interface you’re in and whether it's the first time you do grocery shopping online. / Vår undersökning ämnar ta reda på om personer som är hungriga påverkas av den aspekten när de handlar mat på internet. Nio deltagare gjorde två användartester, ett på förmiddagen, precis innan lunch och ett på eftermiddagen, precis efter lunch. Detta för att personerna skulle känna sig hungriga i ett fall och känna sig mätta i det andra. Personerna blev ombedda att inte äta någon frukost om de skulle utföra ett test på förmiddagen. Undersökningen gick ut på att deltagarna fick handla från en uppläst inhandlingslista i två olika gränssnitt, coop.se samt ica.se, medan en eye-tracker loggade deras ögonrörelser. Undersökningen kompletterades med enkäter som fastställde om deltagarna var hungriga eller mätta efter varje undersökning och en avslutande med deltagarnas matpreferenser, BMI och vana i digitala gränssnitt. Därefter letade vi avvikelser för att se huruvida hungern påverkade antalet avvikelser och vad deltagarna tittade på för varor. Avvikelser räknades dels som antalet varor man titta på som inte tillhörde uppgiften, och dels som varor med högt antal kalorier. Särskilt förekommande varor var bland annat såser, frukostprodukter och färdiga maträtter och recept. En skillnad mellan de två gränssnitten kunde hittas i form av att det ena gränssnittet fick fler antal avvikelser än det andra. En signifikant skillnad i antal uppgiftsavvikelser mellan förmiddag och eftermiddag kunde inte fastslås, däremot kunde vi på en 10% signifikansnivå fastslå att det var en skillnad mellan de olika gränssnitten och att försökspersonerna avvek mer den första gången man fick utföra testet. Vår hypotes, att personer skulle avvika med blicken mer när de är hungriga än när de inte är det, kan vi i efterhand dementera. Våra resultat visar snarare på att andra faktorer är avgörande för vad som påverkar blickavvikelserna, såsom gränssnitt och om det är första gången man handlar mat online.

Comparing Gaze Cues: Avatars versus Humans in Allocating Visual Attention : Eye Tracking Case Study / Jämförning av Gaze Cues: Avatarer mot Människor i Fördelningen av Visuell Uppmärksamhet : En Eye Tracking Fallstudie

Albiz, Julius January 2023 (has links)
When designing websites or applications, being able to allocate visual attention to specific parts of an interface is important. One powerful tool that can be used for this is Gaze Cues, which is a social cue that makes use of gaze direction to allocate visual attention in the same direction. Gaze mechanisms such as gaze cues have been tested on virtual characters, also known as avatars, and show potential. This study aims to compare how gaze cues with avatars allocate visual attention compared to gaze cues with humans. An eye tracking case study with 30 participants was conducted, with gaze cues presented from either avatars or humans, measuring time to first fixations on a certain object. In combination with post-session interviews, results showed that there was no significant difference if the stimulus that presented the gaze cue was human or avatar. These results imply that avatars can make use of gaze cues as effectively as humans, to allocate visual attention in settings where they appear such as video games, animated series and/or animated movies. / Vid design av hemsidor och applikationer, är det viktigt att kunna dra visuell uppmärksamhet till specifika delar av ett gränssnitt. Blickar är ett kraftfullt verktyg som kan användas för att skapa en social signal som använder riktningen av blickar för att leda visuell uppmärksamhet i samma riktning. Olika blickmekanismer har testats på virtuella karaktärer, eller avatarer, och påvisar potential. Denna studie fokuserar på att jämföra hur blickar med avatarer drar visuell uppmärksamhet i jämförelse med mänskliga blickar. En eye tracking studie med 30 deltagare hölls, med blickar som presenterades av antingen avatarer eller människor, med tiden till första fixering på ett visst objekt som mått. I kombination med efterföljande intervjuer, visade resultaten att det inte fanns någon signifikant skillnad ifall stimulen som presenterade blickarna var människa eller avatar. Utifrån dessa resultat kan man se att avatarer kan utnyttja blickar lika effektivt som människor kan för att leda visuell uppmärksamhet i miljöer där de förekommer, såsom datorspel, animerade serier och/eller animerade filmer.

Understanding the Impact of Digital Education on Pupils using Eye Tracking.

Dasari, Vasudha January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study the Impact of the Digital Education on student understanding using the advanced Eye gaze tracking. The goal of the thesis is to deep dive and understand the student preferences and their understandability on the digital Education content. Along with the understandability, we will be focusing on the concentration levels

VISUALISERING AV EYE TRACKING DATA : En litteraturstudie inom user experience och representation av data / VISUALISATION OF EYE TRACKING DATA : A litterature study into user experience and representation of data

Arbman, Isak January 2023 (has links)
Eye tracking-teknologi har blivit mer och mer populärt att använda inom user experience-forskning med åren. I den här studien undersöks hur forskare väljer att visualisera eye tracking-data, vad dessa visualiseringar fyller för syfte och hur de skapades. Målet med studien är att identifiera hur forskare inom området motiverar deras val av visualiseringsmetod och om de redogör för hur de genererat deras figurer för visualisering. Studien är en litteraturstudie där artiklar har analyserats för att hitta jämförbar data. Alla artiklar är relaterade till user experience och har utfört sina studier med hjälp av eye tracking-teknologi. Deras eye tracking data samlas från webbaserade plattformar och visualiserasgenom figurer inkluderade i texterna. Resultat visar att samtliga studier inte motiverar deras val av visualiseringsmetod eller redogör på ett tydligt sätt hur de skapat visualiseringar. Samtliga studier gör också antaganden och slutsatser om användarupplevelsen av deras gränssnitt baserat på deras respektive visualiseringar trots att skapandet av visualiseringar inte redogjorts. / Eye tracking-technology has become increasingly popular to use in user experience research over the years. This study examines how researchers choose to visualize eye tracking-data, the purposes these visualizations serve, and how they were created. The aim of the study is to identify how researchers in the field justify their choice of visualization method and whether they explain how they generated their figures for visualization. The study is a literature review where articles have been analyzed to find comparable data. All articles are related to user experience and have conducted their studies utilizing eye tracking-technology. Their eye tracking data is collected from web-based platforms and visualized through figures included in the texts. The results show that none of the studies justify their choice of visualization method or clearly explain how they created their visualizations. All studies also make assumptions and draw conclusions about the user experience of their interfaces based on their respective visualizations, despite not providing details about the creation of said visualizations.

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