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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análisis de factibilidad, técnica, estratégica y económica para la creación una Empresa de Servicios de Consultoría y Gestión de Facility Management

Prado Prado, Joselyne del Pilar January 2017 (has links)
Magíster en Gestión y Dirección de Empresas / El presente estudio tiene por objetivo evaluar la factibilidad estratégica, técnica y económica de la creación de una empresa de Servicios de Consultoría y Gestión de Facility Management (FM), enfocada en Pymes de Región Metropolitana de Chile. La evaluación buscará una utilidad acumulada de M$100.000 al término del 3er año. El FM es una disciplina de gestión que cumple los requisitos básicos de las personas en su puesto de trabajo, da soporte a los procesos primarios de las organizaciones y aumenta el retorno de capital mediante el uso económico de servicios e infraestructura, llegando a reducir los costos asociados entre un 20% a un 30%. El mercado objetivo son aquellas empresas que cuentan con espacios administrativos, determinándose que el 9% y el 42% de la pequeña y mediana empresa respectivamente poseen estos espacios en RM, superando los 2,4 Mill de M2, adicionalmente, las Pymes durante la última década han presentado un crecimiento del 53% en relación a la cantidad de empresas. Actualmente los clientes no relacionan a la competencia con la disciplina FM, la que se centra en mercados de mayor tamaño. Las empresas que prestan los servicios de Consultoría y Facility Management lo realizan de forma separada, los cuales han mantenido un crecimiento constante en los últimos 10 años, de un 15% promedio. Respecto a una propuesta de consolidar la gestión de sus activos inmobiliarios, los potenciales clientes muestran una alta disposición (78%), y un 97% lo realizaría bajo un contrato de mantenimiento preventivo más correctivo de equipos, de la disposición a pago, la tarifa con mayor aceptación fue entre 0,09 y 0,15 UF/M2/Mes en un 47%, y para un contrato de mantenimiento de infraestructura la tarifa de mayor preferencia a pagar es entre 0,03 y 0,09 UF/M2/Mes en un 72%. No se debe dejar de mencionar que si bien la competencia no ha demostrado interés en irrumpir en este mercado, es posible que reaccione frente a los buenos resultados del presente proyecto y/o que nuevos competidores también les resulto atractivo ingresar a competir, por otro lado, en Chile no existe experiencia de empresas de Consultoría y Gestión de FM de forma integrada, y menos enfocadas en Pymes. El segmento objetivo se centra en aquellas empresas pequeñas y medianas, ubicadas en RM, que cuentan con oficinas administrativas mayores a 100 M2 y con menos de 3.000 M2, para una dotación administrativa de entre 10 a 250 funcionarios. La estrategia competitiva a utilizar, será de Low Cost , con una propuesta de valor que se formará a través de, un modelo gestión que les permita a sus clientes enfocarse en su core business , con una variada gama de servicios integrados y una herramienta de control que permita medir cumplimientos de SLAs y KPIs. Respecto a la evaluación económica, el proyecto requiere una inversión inicial de M$67.293, la cual será costeada a través de un crédito bancario con un interés anual de 11,35%, se pretende obtener una penetración de mercado al término del 3er año de un 1,31% lo que representa 32.480 M2, lo que arrojaría un VAN positivo M$194.763 y un TIR de 89,2%, y un valor residual de M$302.406, respaldando que el proyecto es viable económicamente.

Modelování návrhu stavebního díla / Modeling of the design of construction

Boháčová, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with modeling of the design of construction. The model will include technical, cost and cost information about the building. The model object is a family house. The thesis is composed of a theoretical part, which presents basic knowledge from the field of designing, budgeting, valuation and operation of building work. The practical part is designed by a building with all the requisites and with information.

Využití GIS při správě fotovoltaických elektráren / Use of GIS at the Management of Photovoltaic Power Stations

Válek, Milan January 2010 (has links)
The Thesis topic deals with the design and implementation of the system for photovoltaic power stations property administration. Due to the scope of the property administered, a solution using geographic information systems has been selected. Functionality of the designed system with data defined for the photovoltaic power stations were verified in the pilot operation. The results of the pilot operation proved efficiency and effectivness of the designed system.

Facility management jako komplex servisních činností při správě majetku / Facility management as a complex asset management activities

Dočekal, Luboš January 2013 (has links)
Anotace práce v anglickém jazyce The aim of the work is to describe and explain the concept of Facility management as a complex of service activities in the management of assets. Furthermore, i want to see how it is applied in the administration of the assets of FM Technical University in Brno. thesis is divided into a theoretical part, which is contained in the first chapter, and part practical, which i paid in the second chapter. While ensuring the handouts for the practical part of the thesis i used the option of personal visits to each of the faculties. Here i carried out in the form of dotazníkovou and personal interview research on responsible management personnel of buildings – internal facility managers. The result of the activities are an indication of how the management of support activities at individual faculties, what is the distribution of own and external activities. At the conclusion of their work i want to do an evaluation approach of the individual faculties on matters of management and try on the recommendation of the possible changes.

Untersuchung und Realisierung von Modulen zur Verwaltung der Netzwerkkomponenten im Campusrechnernetz

Bachmann, Heiko 05 September 2001 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird das Komponentenmanagementsystem CCM, der Aufbau der zugrunde liegenden Datenbank sowie seine Benutzerschnittstelle analysiert. Ansätze, ein neues flexibleres und kostengünstigeres System durch Verwendung von Open Source-Software wie PHP und MySQL zu schaffen, werden untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, daß ein solches System realisierbar ist. Seine anfänglichen Einschränkungen und zukünftige Lösungsmöglichkeiten werden dargestellt. Die Phase der Datenmigration wird erörtert und ein Plan zum schrittweisen Übergang von der bestehenden zu einer neuen Komponentenverwaltung erstellt. Während der Entwurfsphase werden Richtlinien für die Benutzerschnittstellen- und Programmcodegestaltung gesetzt und eine grundlegende modulare Systemarchitektur mit Hilfe eines objektorientierten Ansatzes zur Umsetzung der geforderten Erweiterbarkeit erarbeitet. Die entwickelten Schnittstellen werden implementiert und aufbauend auf sie die Kernalgorithmen von CCM portiert und erweitert. Mit dem Abschluß dieser Arbeit steht ein einsatzbereites modulares und insbesondere kostenfreies System zur Produkt-, Komponenten- und Inventarverwaltung der Netzwerkkomponenten der TU Chemnitz bereit , welches die Arbeitsaufgaben dieser Bereiche mit den aus CCM übernommenen Daten teilweise schneller oder effizienter erfüllen kann. Seine Schnittstellen werden schnelle und einfache Anpassungen und Erweiterungen der Datensichten ermöglichen.

Implementering av en BIM-nytta i förvaltning : Systematisk brandskyddskontroll av handbrandsläckare / Implementing a BIM-benefit in facility management : Systematic fire control of fire-extinguishers

Gaouar, Bachir, Kågas Ramström, Elin January 2014 (has links)
”BIM i staten” är ett initiativ från de fem statliga byggherrarna. Tillsammans har de bestämt sig för att hitta en gemensam strategi som ställer krav på byggnadsinformationsmodeller. Konsultbolaget Tyréns AB har agerat konsultstöd vid framtagandet av denna strategi. Implementering av en BIM-nytta i förvaltning är en undersökning i att effektivisera ärendehantering inom förvaltning. Effektiviseringen görs baserat på bedömningen av dagens förvaltningsprocess och framtidens hypotetiska förvaltningsprocess. Syftet till rapporten är att värdera möjligheten att använda sig av BIM och dess information i förvaltning. Uppdraget från Tyréns är att utföra en fallstudie som mäter ett försök i att implementera en BIM-nytta i dagens förvaltning.  Med detta mäts den förbättring som utgör mellanskillnaden mellan ett ”Är-läge” och ett ”Framtidsläge”. Målet med detta examensarbete är att utreda huruvida en BIM-nytta kan implementeras i dagens förvaltning på Tyréns huvudkontor. Fallstudien delas in i ”Utförande 1” och ”Utförande 2” som förklarar ”är-läge” och ”framtidsläge” som kontrasteras.  Med en lyckad implementerad BIM-nytta finns det goda möjligheter att utveckla och implementera framtida BIM-nyttor. Resultatet visar att en implementering av en BIM-nytta effektiviserar ett ärende i både tid och kostnad.  Detta har främst lett till minskad administrationstid för fastighetsförvaltaren. Besparingarna är till största del arbetskostnader kopplade till administrationstid.  I ett ”framtidsläge” utgör resursbesparingarna 45 % i tid och kostnad i jämförelse mot ett ”är-läge”. / “BIM i staten” is an initiative from five public real estate owners. They have together decided to find a common model that puts demands on building information models. Tyréns AB has a consultant role in putting the strategies together for the project.  Implementation of a BIM-benefit in facility management is a study about the efficiency of an errand in facility management. The efficiency is based on today’s facility management process and the future hypothetical facility management process. The purpose of the report is to assess the potential use of building information models (BIM) information in facility management. The assignment from Tyréns is to conduct a case study to measure an attempt to implement a BIM-benefit in today's facility management. This is achieved by measuring the improvement which comprises the difference between a “current mode” and a “future mode”. The aim in this thesis is to investigate whether a BIM-benefit can be implemented in today´s facility management on Tyréns headquarters. With a successful implemented BIM-benefit, there are good possibilities to develop and implement future BIM-benefits. The results show that an implementation of a BIM-benefit is more efficient to time and costs. This has led to a 45 % reduced administration-time and costs for the property manager. The savings are mainly labour costs related to the administration-time.

Ändamålsdriven överlämning av installationsinformation från projekt till förvaltning med stöd av BIM. : En kvalitativ studie av behoven av installationsinformation i fastighetsförvaltning samt en fallstudie för att beskriva en förvaltningsenhets kommande steg i BIM-mognadsdiagrammet / Purpose-driven handover of building services information from project to facility management with BIM support : A qualitative study of the needs of building services information in facility management and a case study to describe a facility management organization’s upcoming steps in the BIM-maturity diagram

Jansson, Magnus January 2015 (has links)
From an overview study published in 2014 it is concluded that although new information technology and standards are a strong driving force towards a more efficient and profitable facility management it is just as important to identify what types of information, in which manner, and to what extents the information is supposed to be shared to different business processes and disciplinary actors [1]. In the attempt to achieve a more automated facility management and integrated-life cycle approach of buildings the handover of building information is a major bottleneck [2]. Delimited to building services for HVAC, plumbing and electricity this study aims to investigate which needs related to installation information there are in facility management of buildings and that are possible and should be included in the handover from projects to facility management. Furthermore the study aims at in depth (through a case study) describe current ways of performing installation information handovers. New ways of working for the case study organisation according to higher levels of BIM maturity [3, 4] is described and analysed. From the results of a series of interviews (informants: [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]) it is concluded that the two most valued sets of information related to building services are:  Warranty information: warranty start date, warranty period and warranty terms (description of what types of service and maintenance that are included in the acquisition of the asset). All three properties need to be nationally standardized.  Air quality in spaces: Space objects where occupants spend time should include information about the air types, its quantities and how the airflows are controlled over time in that space. Furthermore informants ask for a description of the designed function of the space and some ask for the number of persons the space is designed for. A national standardization of an information model describing the mentioned variables is necessary in the future. To be able to describe installed products regarding what (manufacturer, model and/or type) and where (location in the building) was almost as prioritized. Thereafter was the issue of the expected useful life of the products of concern for products with maintenance actions that would involve substantial costs. 3 The organization in the case study needs to move on to completely digital ways of working for enabling BIM. Additionally they need to state requirements on the structure and content of the objects in both the proprietary formats as well as on the open formats (IFC [11]) of the CAD models that are handed over to them from the projects. There is a possibility (but not utilized) for the organisation today to map IFC files to their facility management software system [12]. In the future they should utilize BIM model servers with cloud services [13] that are integrated with their facility management software system.

Integration of BIM and IoT to improve building performance for occupants’ perspecti

Thu Nguyen, Huong January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to describe and implement how a specific form of IoT, sensors, can be integrated with BIM in order to improve the building performance, when the perspective taken is the end-users. It seeks to explore different perceived values of BIM and sensor integration for the occupants who directly use the building facilities. The thesis also describes the concept, frameworks and cases of how BIM and sensors integration can be setup. These are used for an implementation at a case facility. Three main methods are used – literature review, comparative case study, and a smallscale implementation, containing a survey and sensor implementation based on the respondents’ satisfaction with the office air quality. A basic literature review is used to gather the fundamental concepts used within the relevant areas, and to review the empirical research connected to these. The conceptual part of the thesis review frameworks for BIM and sensor integration, and points toward a more user-centric framework that is later developed in relation to the thesis’ empirical results. The theoretical framework integrates Information Systems Theories with Knowledge Management for a framework of understanding how knowledge about new kinds of Information Systems in developing areas function. The empirical part of the thesis is structured into two main phases, one descriptive comparative case study, and the other an implementation based in the first phase results. The first phase is descriptive, where two cases of sensor and BIM implementation processes for FM are described. The main case of Tyréns company (Tyréns), and a reference case of Mästerhuset is used for understanding how different organizational structures may lead to different perceived values and processes of BIM and sensor integration for the end-users. The second phase is an implementation at the main case, Tyréns’ headquarter building. Here the end-user perspective is employed with a survey that is constructed in accordance with some of the fundamental concepts and research reviewed, in order to measure the perceived satisfaction with the air quality of the end-users working environment. The answers show concerns with air quality in the meeting rooms, and this is used as the basis for a small-scale implementation of sensors, where CO2 and temperature sensors are set up. The results show how different organizational-specific conditions generate different perceived values of BIM and sensor integration depending on ownership relation to the end-users. The case study also illustrate the different processes of BIM and sensor integration may be setup to supplement building performance. This points to a needed add-on into frameworks that conceptualizes BIM and sensor integration without the inclusion of the end-users’ perspective. Based on this an end-user conceptual framework of BIM and sensors is proposed with the supplementary part of a knowledge layer, named analytic layer and data source from occupants.

Green Facility Management in a Shanghai Office Building : A Case Study of the "Asia Building"

Yunqing, Liang January 2011 (has links)
This paper aims to explore how well green facility management has performed in Shanghai office building and finds the possible way to improve the situation. Together with two interviews, questionnaire based on benchmarking approach is conducted in a case study of the Asia Building, which lead to the conclusion that green facility management has done a fair work in Asia Building, and suggestions that laws and regulations related to green facility management should be established; governmental organization, the Trade Association of Shanghai Property Management, should take responsibility to improve the situation concerning to the issue; property management company should develop a healthy relationship with property owner and occupiers.

Assessment of profitability for implementation of IoT-system connected with BIM

Theander, Adrian, Ara, Ali January 2018 (has links)
BIM som är en arbetsmetodik möjliggör simuleringar av en byggnads energianvändning medtillämpning av tillhörande program som exempelvis IDA ICE och RIUSKA. Efter att få enuppfattning av byggnadens energianvändning ska det vara möjligt för brukarna att vidtaåtgärder i syfte till att effektivisera byggnadens energianvändning.Energieffektivisering i byggnader kan även genomföras med fenomenet IoT. Detta innebär attbyggnader kan ha ingående sensorer som kan kommunicera med varandra men även enheterutanför. Sensorerna ska kunna leverera betydelsefull information för en byggnad som kan skapaunderlag för energieffektivisering. Det finns nämligen intelligenta IoT-produkter idag som kanbalansera en byggnads effekttoppar genom att använda den gratisenergi som uppstår ibyggnaden.Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på energibesparingspotentialer för användning av IoT-system kopplat till BIM. Denna studie har även målet att skapa underlag för intressenter somvill investera i förvaltningsskedet med inriktning på energibesparing.För att skaffa sig en kännedom av valt område och ansatser samt forskningar, har enlitteraturgenomgång gjorts. Teorin för denna studie baseras på insamlat material. Detsammagörs för de framtagna resultaten. För komplettering av saknad information harsemistrukturerade intervjuer med lämpliga aktörer ägt rum. Den kvantitativa metoden ansesvara en lämplig metod för denna studie med tanke på syftet och målet, därför har denna metodvalts.Energianvändningen skiljer sig markant beroende på vilken byggnadstyp som gäller närhandelslokaler, flerbostadshus och kontor kategoriserades. Handelslokaler har en uppdelningav energianvändning där verksamhetselen är dominant i omfattning vid jämförelse meduppvärmningsaspekten och fastighetselen medan för flerbostadshus har uppvärmningen endominant roll. Även för kontor har energianvändningen till största del en omfattning föruppvärmning men att byggnadstypen inblandar även verksamhetselen som en viktig aspektomfattningsmässigt.Vad gäller byggnaders åtgärdspotentialer gällande energieffektivisering hänger mycket påvilken byggnadstyp som gäller. För handelslokaler är belysningsåtgärder ochventilationsåtgärder de åtgärder som uppmärksammas.Flerbostadshus uppmärksammar uppvärmningsaspekten och individuell debitering vad gälleråtgärder. Enligt de resultat som har inhämtats ska individuell debitering möjliggöra en störstabesparingspotential medan värmeåtervinningssystem ska möjliggöra 22 % ibesparingspotential.Åtgärders potentialer för kontorsbyggnader är ganska lika åtgärderna för handelslokaler. Dockframgår även space management med en hög besparingspotential men att denna skulle endastbaseras på en fallstudie.Hur lönsam användningen av ett installerat IoT-system kopplat till BIM är för byggnadervarierar beroende på vilken byggnadstyp som gäller. I resultaten av studien finns en högstamöjlig energibesparingspotential på 50 % för flerbostadshus med konceptet, men för ett annatfall ska en annan möjlig potential ligga på 15 % fast detta behandlar en kontorsverksamhet. / BIM is a method that provide opportunities to simulate energy usage in buildings byenforcement of appurtenant programs like IDA ICE and RIUSKA. After getting a perceptionof the buildings energy use it is possible for the users to take measures in order to make moreefficiency the buildings energy usage.There is a potential in the IoT phenomena aswell that is related to affect buildings energy usagenowadays. By implementing sensors in buildings, it is possible to make buildings smart in away of communication between the buildings sensors. For example, it is possible for a sensorsystem to balance the energy usage of a building by collecting data from free heat additions thatcomes from inhouse activities.The purpose of this study is about to make a description of the use of IoT system linked to BIM.This study also aims to provide a basis for future investments in the management phase focusingon energy savings.In order to acquire a knowledge of chosen area and approaches as well as research, a literaturereview has been made. The theory of this study is based on collected material and literature.The same process is done for the obtained results. Semi-structured interviews with appropriateactors takes place to complete missing information. The quantitative method is considered anappropriate method for this study in view of the purpose and the goal, therefore this method hasbeen chosen.By implementing an intelligent network with sensor nodes linked with BIM, a potential ofenergy savings should take place. Case studies revealed data of potential energy savings thatcomprises situations from residential buildings and office buildings. A case study of ageneralized and residential apartment revealed a potential of 50 % in energy savings with animplemented BIM- and IoT-concept.

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