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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Är företagsförvärv lönsamma på lång sikt? : En studie av aktieavkastning hos förvärvande företag

Dahg, Ida January 2009 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur förvärvande företags långsiktiga aktieavkastning påverkas av att förvärva andra företag. Vilket betalningsmedel som används vid förvärvet och storleken på det förvärvande företaget är faktorer vars inverkan på avkastningen efter förvärv testas. I studiepopulationen ingår 20 förvärv som genomförts under åren 1999-2005. Genom en kvantitativ undersökningsmetod insamlas data för aktieavkastning för dessa 20 företag och förväntad avkastning skattas med hjälp av Fama-Frenchs trefaktormodell. Därefter genomförs statistiska hypotestest som jämför förväntad avkastning med faktisk avkastning för den månad som infaller två år efter att förvärvet genomförts. Resultaten tyder på att företagen ger en lägre genomsnittlig avkastning än den förväntade, men dessa resultat har inte kunnat beläggas med statistisk signifikans. / This study examines how stock returns of acquiring firms are affected by the acquiring of other firms. The means of payment and the size of the acquiring firm are elements whose impacts on stock returns are studied. Included in the study population are 20 mergers and acquisitions that took place during the years of 1999-2005. Using a quantitative research method, the author collects stock returns for the included firms and expected stock returns are estimated using the Fama-French Three Factor Model. Subsequently, statistical hypothesis tests are performed that compare expected returns to actual returns for the particular month occurring two years after each acquisition has been implemented. The results indicate that the firms on average generate lower actual returns than expected returns. However, these results have not been found statistically significant.

Risk och avkastning : En portföljbaserad studie av Fama-French Trefaktorsmodell på den svenska aktiemarknaden

Acimovic, Euris January 2011 (has links)
”Capital Asset Pricing Model” (CAPM) beaktar den centrala marknadsrisken för att förklarasambandet mellan risk och avkastning hos tillgångar. Avkastningskravet betingas enligtmodellen en marknadsriskpremie vid investering i aktier eller andra tillgångar som erhåller risk. Senare studier (Banz 1981, Davis, Fama & French 2000) visar å andra sidan att aktiertill hörandes företag av olika storlek och värde utsätts för en annan typ av risk. Dessa forskare föreslår således att en värde- och storlekspremie bör inkluderas i en ny modell. De nya variablerna som utgår från bolagens olika karaktär beaktas för att särskilja de två karaktäristika som antas påverka förväntad avkastning, vilket den enskilda marknadsrisken ej gör. Syftet med studien är att kartlägga om storlek- och värdepremien har en signifikant roll i att förklara avkastning på den svenska aktiemarknaden. Ytterligare relevanta riskpremier skulle ge möjligheten att precisera förväntad avkastning på tillgångar, vilket skulle betyda att ytterligare faktorer av risk bör prissättas och tas hänsyn till. Detta skulle innebära ett bättre verktyg för aktörer på den finansiella marknaden såsom investerare och fondförvaltare vid investeringsbeslut. Riskfaktorerna testas i en statistisk analys med avkastningen från portföljer konstruerade efter olika kombinationer som förklarande variabel för att undersöka riskernas relevans. Studien lyckas påvisa att faktorerna förhållandevis väl förklarar avkastning, vilket kan tolkas som att de nya riskpremierna är prissatta riskfaktorer på den svenska aktiemarknaden. Det poängteras även hur värde- och tillväxtbolag exponeras för olika grader av risk och därmed hur avkastningskravet påverkas av dessa olika typer av riskexponeringar.

The Performance of Stock Selection Indicator of Taiwan Stock Market

Hwang, Hong-Der 25 July 2000 (has links)

A Study of the Probability of Informed Trading in Taiwan Stock Market

Lee, Min-Lun 03 August 2003 (has links)
Following the model developed by Easley, Kiefer, O¡¦Hara and Paperman (1996), I estimated the probability of informed trading (PI) in the TSEC. The result in my study is that the probability of informed trading is highly related with the trading volume of each stock. More active stocks will have lower probability of informed trading, so investors trading with active stocks will face less information asymmetry. Feather more, my research followed the study of Easley, Hvidkjaer, and O¡¦Hara (2002), who used the Fama-French asset pricing model(1992) discussing the relationship among stock return, portfolioed market risk, size and BE/ME ratio. The result in my study is that the stock return in TSEC is affected by portfolioed market risk and size, but PI and BE/ME ratio have no effect to stock return. The result is different from the study of Easley, Hvidkjaer, and O¡¦Hara (2002). The reason could be that most investors in TSEC are individuals who lack the awareness about information asymmetry.

Testing market timing effect on capital structure by cost of equity

Shih, Yi-ting 03 September 2009 (has links)
Baker and Wurgler (2002) proposed market timing theory and indicated the observed capital structures are the outcomes that managers timed the equity market and took advantages of timing when information asymmetry is low and stock price is high. But many scholars argue that Baker and Wurgler¡¦s timing proxy is noisy, this study attempts to use the concept of Huang and Ritter (2009) to test market timing effect on capital structure more directly by cost of equity. The cost of equity in this study is estimated by Fama and French three factors model with five-year rolling regression which is different from Huang and Ritter (2009). The empirical results show that publicly traded firms in Taiwan Stock Exchange from 1996 to 2007 tend to issue debt when the cost of equity is high and issue equity when the cost of equity is low which means the timing of financing behavior exists but it has no long-lasting effect on capital structure. Indicating that the observed capital structures of publicly traded firms in Taiwan Stock Exchange aren¡¦t the outcomes that managers timed the equity market which is not identical to the perspectives of Baker and Wurgler (2002) and the speed of adjustment of capital structure of publicly traded firms in Taiwan Stock Exchange is very fast.

Erweiterung der Fama-French-Analyse auf den Kreditmarkt

Rupprechter, Raffael. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Bachelor-Arbeit Univ. St. Gallen, 2008.

Medidas implícitas por opciones en el corte transversal de los retornos esperados de acciones

Martínez Peña y Lillo, Andrés January 2015 (has links)
Ingeniero Civil Industrial / Se sabe que la volatilidad de retornos y del mercado varían en el tiempo donde sus fluctuaciones reflejan cambios en las expectativas de las oportunidades de inversión. Así, según I-CAPM de Merton (1973), medidas que encarnan volatilidad agregada podrían representar oportunamente las expectativas sobre el mercado y, siendo factores de riesgo sistemático, debiesen estar premiada en el corte transversal de los retornos. Revisando la literatura, mayor volatilidad del mercado representa la deterioración de las oportunidades de inversión según Ang et al. (2006), incluso muestran premios negativos al riesgo de volatilidad en la sección cruzada. Luego, mayor correlación agregada implica estados de la economía con menores beneficios de diversificación, y concuerda con épocas de recesión según Krishnan et al. (2008). Éstos también logran encontrar premios por riesgo negativo por exposición a correlación realizada en el corte transversal. Asimismo, Vassalou y Xing (2004) encuentran premios negativos por riesgo de probabilidad de default en el corte transversal. Así, volatilidad, correlación y riesgo de default agregada se teorizan tener una relación negativa con el bienestar de la economía donde sus innovaciones sí pueden anticipar los cambios a las oportunidades de inversión. Entonces, el objetivo de este documento es estudiar entre los años 1998 y 2011 el poder explicativo y el premio por riesgo sistemático de tres medidas implícitas de opciones. Primero, se realizan regresiones condicionales para crear portafolios que tengan distintas sensibilidades a las innovaciones a cada medida implícita y se comparan los retornos ex post. Luego, se estiman sus premios por riesgo usando las regresiones de dos etapas de Fama-Macbeth (1973), y controlando por otros factores del corte transversal. Para esto, se usa data diaria de opciones, instrumentos financieros inherentemente predictivos, para construir medidas implícitas de ellas ya que representen expectativas futuras del mercado. La volatilidad implícita se obtiene del índice de volatilidad VXO extraído de opciones del índice S&P100. La correlación implícita se estima del modelo de Martin (2011) mediante el S&P100 y sus constituyentes. El riesgo de default se construye del modelo de Capuano (2008) usando información de opciones sobre acciones de consorcios bancarios. Consistente a I-CAPM, la volatilidad implícita entre 1998-2011 tiene un premio por riesgo significativo del -0.5% anual. En cambio, la correlación implícita no logra explicar el corte transversal de los retornos esperados mientras el riesgo de default tiene un premio negativo de -0.9% anual entre 1998-2007, al excluir la crisis financiera del 2008, época de volatilidad anormalmente alta. Se estima que la crisis financiera provocó cambios estructurales en la dinámica y valorización de mercados de acciones y opciones, reduciendo el premio por riesgo de volatilidad y distorsionando la medida de default.

Exploring Risk Factors on Chinese A Share Stock Market - in the Frame of Fama - French Factor Model / Exploration des facteurs de risque sur le marché boursier chinois A-share – dans le cadre du modèle facteur de Fama-French

Jiao, Wenting 21 September 2017 (has links)
Notre thèse explore les facteurs de risque et les modèles des facteurs sur le marché boursier chinois A-share. Notre étude est basée sur le contexte du modèle facteur de Fama-French (FF). Tout d'abord, au chapitre 1, nous réexaminons l'applicabilité du Modèle Fama-French à Trois Facteurs (FF3F) et du dernier Modèle Fama-French à Cinq Facteurs (FF5F), compte tenu de plusieurs caractéristiques spéciales du marché boursier chinois. Les résultats empiriques montrent que le Modèle FF3F peut expliquer la majorité des variations de séries chronologiques des rentabilités des actions chinoises A-share. Au cours de la période d'échantillonnage, le marché bêta et le facteur SMB sont des déterminants importants pour expliquer la variation transversale des rentabilités des actions, cependant nous ne trouvons aucune prime de valeur. D’après la comparaison des performances des modèles FF3F et FF5F en présence de facteurs de rentabilité et d'investissement, le Modèle FF5F ne semble pas capturer plus de variations de rentabilités espérées que le modèle à trois facteurs, à l'exception des six portefeuilles pondérées en valeurs qui formés à partir de la taille et de la rentabilité opérationnelle.Dans le chapitre 2, nous examinons si les facteurs FF, SMB et HML, sont des proxys d'innovations de variables d'état sélectionnées (rendement de dividende agrégée, taux de T-bonds en un mois, l’écart de terme et l’écart de défaut) qui décrivent, sur la période recherche, les opportunités futures d'investissement sur le marché boursier chinois A-share. Les régressions chronologiques et les régressions des séries transversales sont réalisées sur cinq modèles comparatifs en utilisant l'approche à deux étapes Fama-MacBeth. Les facteurs FF ne perdent pas leur pouvoir explicatif, avec ou sans la présence des innovations des quatre variables d’états sélectionnées, à la fois dans les examens de séries chronologiques et les examens transversaux. Nous trouvons que l'information contenue dans l'innovation de rendements de dividende agrégés semble totalement capturée par la combinaison du marché bêta et du facteur de taille. Les facteurs FF ont pu jouer un rôle limité de capturer d'opportunités d'investissement alternatives représentées par les innovations des quatre variables d'état sélectionnées.Dans le chapitre 3, nous étudions si les facteurs FF sont des proxys de facteurs de risque de détresse et si différentes méthodes de construction des facteurs entraînent des résultats différents. Les résultats empiriques suggèrent qu'il n'y a pas de preuve significative que les facteurs FF représentent un risque de détresse sur le marché boursier chinois A-share. En comparant les résultats des régressions des séries chronologiques à partir de deux méthodes différentes, la performance du facteur de risque de détresse basé sur le DLI semble légèrement meilleure que celui basé sur le O-score. Cependant, le facteur de risque de détresse n'est pas un déterminant important des rentabilités transversales moyennes, et les facteurs FF ne peuvent pas représenter le facteur de risque de détresse dans la section transversale du marché boursier chinois A-share. / This dissertation is to explore the risk factors and factor models on Chinese A-share stock market based on the context of Fama-French (FF) factor model. First of all, chapter 1 re-examines the applicability of Fama-French Three-Factor (FF3F) Model and the latest Fama-French Five-Factor (FF5F) Model considering several special features of Chinese stock market. FF3F Model can explain a majority of time-series variation of the Chinese A-share stock returns. The market beta and SMB are important determinants in explaining the cross-sectional variation in the average stock returns over the sample period; however, we find no value premium. Comparing the performance of both FF3F Model and FF5F Model on Chinese A-share stock market, in the presence of profitability and investment factors, FF5F Model seems not capture more variations of expected stock returns than the three-factor model except the six value-weighted portfolios formed on size and operating profitability.Chapter 2 examines whether FF factors SMB and HML proxy for the innovations of selected state variables (aggregate dividend yield, one-month T-bill rate, term spread and default spread) that describe future investment opportunities on Chinese A-share stock market during the research period. Both time-series and cross-sectional regressions are performed on five comparative models using Fama-MacBeth two-stage approach. FF factors don’t lose their explanatory power with or without the presence of the innovations of selected four state variables in both the time-series and cross-sectional examinations. We find that the information contained in innovation of aggregate dividend yields seems totally captured by the combination of market beta and size factor. FF factors might have played a limited role in capturing alternative investment opportunities proxied by innovations of the selected four state variables.Chapter 3 investigates whether FF factors proxy for distress risk factor and whether different methods of constructing factors result in the different outcomes. The empirical results suggest that there is no significant evidence that FF factors are proxying for distress risk on Chinese A-share stock market. Comparing the time-series regression results by using two different methods, the distress risk factor constructed based on DLI seems to perform slightly better than that constructed based on O-score in capturing time-series average returns. However, the distress risk factor is not an important determinant of cross-sectional average returns, and FF factors cannot proxy as distress risk factor in the cross-section on Chinese A-share stock market.

Formování portfolia firemních investorů: jaká kritéria se používají a jak portfolio ovlivňuje výkonnost korporací? / Corporate venture investors portfolio forming: what criteria is used and how the portfolio affects corporations' performance?

Su, Qihao January 2020 (has links)
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is an equilibrium model to test relationship between expected return and market risk (Sharpe, 1964). The model research on pricing and return when the securities market reaches equilibrium and investors are rational and investing by diversification based on Markovitz portfolio theory (Markovitz, 1952). Fama and MacBeth (1973) proposed a cross-sectional testing methodology on CAPM and this regression method has been widely used in testing CAPM in developed markets since then. While CAPM is hard to explain more and more market anomalies (excessive return in smaller market value company) in cross section regression, Fama and French (1992) added two more factors (SMB and HML) and proposed three factor model. The empirical results show that three factor model is superior to CAPM in developed markets. Relevant studies have been conducted by Manjuunatha (2006) and Trimech et al. (2015) but show different results. This dissertation will use Fama-MacBeth cross section approach to test CAPM and Fama-French's three factor model in Chinese and Polish stock market respectively. Following Fama and MacBeth (1972) and Shweta and Anil (2015), three sub periods of Polish and Chinese stock market returns ranging from 2007 to 2018 are examined. The empirical results in this thesis...

Multifraktalita a prediktabilita finančních časových řad / On multifractality and predictability of financial time series

Heller, Michael January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine an empirical relationship between multifrac- tality of financial time series and its returns. We approach the multifractality of a given time series as a measure of its complexity. Multifractal financial time series exhibit repeating self-similar patterns. Multifractality could be a good predictor of stock returns or a factor which can be used in asset pricing. We expected that capturing the complexity of a given time series by a model, a positive or a negative risk premia for investing into "more multifractal assets" could be found. Daily prices of 31 stock indices and daily returns of 10-years US government bonds were downloaded. All the data were recorded between 2012 and 2021. After estimation the multifractal spectra, applying MF-DFA method, of all stock indices, we ordered all stock indices from the lowest to the most multifractal. Then, we constructed a "multifractal portfolio" holding a long position in the 7 most multifractal and holding a short position in the 7 least multifractal stock indices. Fama-MacBeth regression with market risk premia and multifractal variable as independent variables was applied. Multi- fractality in all examined financial time series was found. We also found a very low negative risk premia for holding "a multifractal...

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