Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fala"" "subject:"fam""
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The long-run investment performance of initial public offerings (IPOs) in South AfricaMangozhe, Gwarega Triumph 15 May 2011 (has links)
This study investigated the long-run investment performance of 411 South African IPOs during the period 1992 to 2007. Consistent with historical studies, no evidence of abnormal performance was found on a calendar-time approach using the Fama- French (1993) three-factor model. While the long-run performance did not differ materially, factors such as financial and industrial industry classifications were found to impact after-market performance of IPO portfolios. It was found that large new company issuances within the Financials and Industrials categories produced abnormal returns, but on a collective basis there was no evidence of abnormal performance. In particular, a positive relationship was found to exist between book-tomarket ratios and IPO performance in the financial and industrial sectors, but there was scant evidence on a collective basis. Market conditions were found to have an impact on IPO performance. In periods of market buoyancy, IPOs performed well and in periods of market distress, IPOs‟ performance suffered. The implications of this study are that investors, in making decisions on whether or not to invest in new issues, should not expect to make superior returns to the market over a five-year period by investing in IPOs. IPO performance after the five-year period was not part of the scope for this study and may form the basis for future studies. Copyright / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted
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Multifaktormodeller på den svenska marknaden - En studie av OMX Stockholm mellan 1996 och 2014 / Asset pricing models on the swedish market - A study of OMX Stockholm between 1996 and 2014Hammarfrid, Peter, Henningsson, Tom January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund:CAPM räcker i flera tillfällen inte till för att estimera framtida avkastning. Vissa av prisavvikelsernafrån CAPM är väldokumenterade och har bestått över tid, vilket har lett till uppkomsten avkorrigerande faktorer. En modell som använder sig av två sådana korrigerande faktorer är Fama ochFrenchs tre-faktormodell. Den har testats flertalet gånger på den svenska marknaden där den visat gehögre förklaringsgrader än CAPM. År 2012 samt år 2014 presenterades två nya multifaktormodeller,som genom test på börsmarknaden i USA lyckats fånga upp prisavvikelser bättre än trefaktormodellen.Syfte:Denna studie ämnar undersöka om Fama och Frenchs fem-faktormodell samt Hue, Xue, Zhang´s Qfaktormodelltillför förklaringsvärde för Stockholmsbörsens avkastning i jämförelse med Fama-Frenchs trefaktormodell. Studien analyserar även modellernas konjunkturkänslighet samt faktorernasbetydelse.Metod:Forskningsprocessen är av deduktiv karaktär. Befintliga teorier i form av multifaktormodeller förprissättning av aktier testas med hjälp av empiriska observationer från den svenska marknaden.Studien tillämpar ett kvantitativt tillvägagångssätt och ekonometriska verktyg används för attsäkerställa statistisk signifikans.Resultat:Studien visar att Q-faktormodellen inte tillför förklaringsvärde jämfört med FF3M. FF5M ger resultatsom marginellt överträffar FF3M gällande dess förklaringsgrad. Anledningen till att FF5M presterarbättre bör rimligen ligga i faktorn HML. Resultaten visar också att modellerna är instabila i kortatidsperioder men tenderar ge bättre prediktioner i lågkonjunktur relativt till högkonjunktur. / Background:CAPM isn’t in some cases sufficient for explaining expected stock return. Some of CAPM´smispricing errors are well documented and time persistent which has led rise to the usage of correctivefactors. One model that make use of two such corrective factors are the Fama and French three factormodel. It´s been comprehensively tested on the Swedish market where it has shown to achieve higherexplanatory power then the CAPM. In the year of 2012 and 2014 two new Asset Pricing Models wereintroduced, which on the US stock market better captured many of the best known anomalies.Aim:The aim of the study is to test if the Fama and French five factor model as well as the Q-factor model,could contribute to increased explanatory power beyond the three factor model. The study also analyzethe models cyclical sensitivity as well as the individual factor significance.MethodologyThe knowledge building process takes a deductive approach. Existing theories in the form of assetpricing models are tested based on empirical observations in the Swedish market. The research take aquantitative approach and make use of econometric tools in order to ensure statistic accuratesignificance.Result:This research shows no contribution of explanatory power for the Q-factor model, beyond thatachieved from the Fama and French three factor model. The five factor model achieve marginallyhigher explanatory power compared to the tree factor model. The most likely reason why FF5Machieve better results than the Q-factor model is believed to lie in the usage of the factor HML. Theresults also shows that all of the tested models are very instable when used in a short time perspective.Although there are some clear indication on increasing explanatory power in recession compared to inan ongoing bull market.
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Διερεύνηση της υπόθεσης της αποτελεσματικότητας της αγοράς / The efficient market hypothesisΠισπιρίγκου, Ευθαλία 03 October 2011 (has links)
Ο αντικειμενικός σκοπός της συγκεκριμένης εργασίας είναι να διερευνηθεί κατά πόσο και αν ισχύει η θεωρία της αποτελεσματικότητας των αγορών που πρωτοεισήχθη από τους Fama και French σε εβδομαδιαία δεδομένα που προέρχονται από το Χρηματιστήριο Αξιών της Μ. Βρετανίας για την περίοδο 1/1/2000 μέχρι 1/1/2010. / The investigation of the efficient market hypothesis with daily U.K. data, testing period from 1/1/2000 to 1/1/2010.
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[pt] Esta dissertação busca replicar, para o mercado brasileiro, a abordagem e as metodologias utilizadas por Asness, Frazzini e Perdersen (2015) na tentativa de verificar a existência de prêmio positivo entre os retornos de firmas pequenas e firmas grandes no mercado norte-americano. Adicionalmente, procura mensurar como o fator Qualidade entre outros, poderiam influenciar no resultado desse prêmio, otimizando-o ou não de acordo com o controle para tais variáveis. O trabalho se pauta no modelo clássico de precificação de Fama e French, tanto para definir o fator que representará o prêmio por tamanho como para a criação de diversos portfólios que resultam nos outros fatores a serem considerados nas regressões de cada estudo. / [en] This paper seeks to replicate, for the Brazilian market, the approach and methodologies used by Asness, Frazzini and Perdersen (2015) in an attempt to verify the existence of a positive premium among the returns of small firms and large firms in the North American market. In addition, it seeks to measure how the Quality factor, among others, could influence the results of this premium, optimizing it or not according to the control for such variables. The paper is based on the classic Fama and French pricing model, both to define the factor that will represent the size premium and creation of several portfolios that result in the other factors to be considered in the regressions of each study.
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A Study on the Low Volatility Anomaly in the Swedish Stock Exchange Market : Modern Portfolio TheoryAbo Al Ahad, George, Gerzic, Denis January 2017 (has links)
This study investigates, with a critical approach, if portfolios consisting of high beta stocks yields more than portfolios consisting of low beta stocks in the Swedish stock exchange market. The chosen period is 1999-2016, covering both the DotCom Bubble and the financial crisis of 2008. We also investigate if the Capital Asset Pricing Model is valid by doing a test similar to Fama and Macbeth’s of 1973. Based on earlier studies in the field and our own study we come to the conclusion that high beta stocks does not outperform low beta stocks in the Swedish stock market 1999-2016. We believe that this relationship arises from inefficiencies in the market and irrational investing. By doing this study we observe that, the use of beta as the only risk factor for explaining expected returns on stocks or portfolios is not correct.
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Överreaktioner på Stockholmsbörsen? / Overreactions on the Stockholm Stock Exchange?Åberg, Andreas, Peltomaa, Henrik January 2019 (has links)
I denna uppsats kommer vi att undersöka om det förekom överreaktioner på Stockholmsbörsen mellan åren 2002 och 2016. Överreaktioner undersöks genom att bilda vinnar- och förlorarportföljer baserat på tidigare månatliga avvikelseavkastningar. Vi ställer en hypotes om att förlorarportföljer kommer att prestera bättre än vinnarportföljer efter portföljformering. Portföljerna utvärderas under ett-, två- och treårsperioder för att undersöka om det förekommer reversals som en investerare skulle kunna utnyttja genom contrarianstrategin. Vår uppsats identifierar kortsiktiga reversals direkt efter portföljformering, men på lång sikt tenderar investerare att erhålla vinst genom att följa en positiv marknadstrenden. Regressionsanalyser med CAPM och Fama-French trefaktormodell genomförs för att få en bättre förståelse av orsakerna som ligger bakom avkastningar i vinnar- och förlorarportföljer. Vi föreslår att reversals inte skapar möjligheter för investerare att nå positivt statistiskt signifikant alfa på Stockholmsbörsen. Möjliga vinster genom contrarianstrategin drivs av faktorer som företagsstorlek och –värde snarare än att investerare överreagerar på marknaden. / In this study we will examine if overreactions occurred on the Stockholm Stock Exchange during period 2002-2016. Winner- and loser portfolios were formed based on past monthly returns to see if investors overreact and by doing that cause reversal effects later on. Our study discovers short-term reversals, but in the long run investors benefit by following the overall trend on the stock market. Expanding our study to the Fama-French three-factor model we suggest that reversals in stock prices does not enable investors to gain statistically significant positive alphas on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. On the contrary, returns are driven by the factors of firm size and -value rather than behavioral biases of investors.
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Nyemissioner i Sverige : Hur valet av motiv och emissionstyp påverkar aktieprestation och bolagsvärde / Seasoned equity offerings on the Swedish market : How the motive and type of equity offering affects share price performance and company valuationDänhardt, Alexander, Gerby, David January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker huruvida nyemissioners bakomliggande motiv påverkar hur det emitterande företaget värderas efter tillkännagivandet. Fenomenet undersöks på den svenska marknaden, då majoriteten av tidigare forskning bedrivits på utländska handelsplatser. Effekten av olika motiv analyseras för ett urval bestående av 203 observationer under en 14-årsperiod, mellan år 2005-2018, där samtliga nyemissioner genomförts på Nasdaq OMX Stockholm. Studien omfattar både riktade och företrädesmissioner. Avvikande avkastning beräknas på kort och lång sikt i samband med nyemissionernas tillkännagivande med hjälp av tre olika metoder (CAR, BHAR samt FF3M). Således mäts både den kortsiktiga annonseringseffekten såväl som företagets långsiktiga prestation mot index (OMXSPIoch SIXRX). Vidare används även multipel regressionsanalys för att undersöka om samband går att återfinna mellan motiven och avvikande avkastning. Studien finner signifikanta bevis för att underprestation i regel följer nyemissioners tillkännagivande. Negativt avvikande avkastning återfinns i de fall motivet uppges vara antingen rekapitalisation eller generella ändamål. Däremot förekommer ett positivt samband mellan avvikande avkastning och motivet investeringar, vilket indikerar på att dessa företag snarare överpresterar marknaden. Således argumenterar studien för att nyemissioners motiv har betydelse för hur företaget presterar, både på kort och lång sikt, vilket indirekt påverkar företagets värdering. / The purpose of this thesis was to examine if the stated motive for a seasoned equity offering (SEO) affects company valuation, post-SEO. This was accomplished by calculating abnormal returns for a sample containing 203 SEOs over a 14 year period between 2005 and 2018. All companies being listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm during the time of their respective equity offering. By providing three different measurements for abnormal return (CAR, BHAR, and FF3M) as well as performing multiple regression analysis, the study finds significant evidence for general underperformance following the SEO. This is true for when the motive is stated as recapitalization or general corporate-related purposes. When the motive is stated as investment, the study finds significant evidence for post-SEO overperformance.
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L'arche de l'opinion : politique et jugement public au Portugal aux Temps Modernes (1580-1668) / The Ark of Opinion : politics and Public Judgment in Early Modern Portugal (1580-1668)Magalhães Porto Saraiva, Daniel 15 December 2017 (has links)
Le but de cette recherche est d’analyser le rôle politique des opinions collectives au Portugal aux Temps Modernes. Bien avant l’avènement du concept d’« opinion publique », plusieurs sources renvoient à un jugement « public », « commun » ou « général », associé fréquemment à l’idée de Fama. La présente thèse étudie l’élargissement du débat public portugais dans un contexte marqué par une intense agitation populaire et par le développement de conceptions radicales du patriotisme et de la liberté. / The purpose of this research is to analyze the political role of collective opinions in Early Modern Portugal. Long before the advent of the concept of « public opinion », many sources refer to a « public », « common » or « general » judgment, frequently associated with the idea of Fama. This thesis studies the expansion of Portuguese public debate in a context marked by an intense popular agitation and by the development of radical conceptions of patriotism and liberty.
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Momentum and reversal effects in Brazil / Efeito momento e efeito contrário no BrasilImprota, João Paulo de Barros 05 November 2012 (has links)
In financial markets, momentum effect can be defined as the tendency of prices to maintain their short term movements. On the other hand, reversal effect is usually understood to be the change in direction of long term price movements. This paper examines whether momentum and reversal effects were in evidence in the Brazilian stock market between January 1999 and June 2012. After calculating 1296 trading strategies, no evidence of reversal effect is found. With regard to momentum effect, some weak evidence is presented for the very short term. Exposure to risk factors can explain returns on strategies, including returns on momentum strategies. The results are borne out with different market proxy specifications and size subsamples. When compared to previous studies, the results raise the question of whether the reversal effect is vanishing from the Brazilian stock market and whether the traces of momentum are sufficient to confirm its existence. Furthermore, evidence of seasonality is found for June in momentum strategies and for November in both reversal and momentum strategies. Subsequent tests reveal that the effects of seasonality are limited to small stocks. / Nos mercados financeiros, o efeito momento pode ser definido como a tendência dos preços em manter seus movimentos de curto prazo. Por outro lado, o efeito contrário é geralmente entendido como a mudança na direção dos movimentos de longo prazo dos preços. O presente trabalho examina a existência dos efeitos momento e contrário no mercado acionário brasileiro no período compreendido entre janeiro de 1999 e junho de 2012. A partir do cálculo de 1296 estratégias de investimento, nenhuma evidência de efeito contrário é encontrada. Com relação ao efeito momento, observou-se apenas uma fraca evidência no curtíssimo prazo. A exposição aos fatores de risco é capaz de explicar os retornos das estratégias, inclusive os retornos das estratégias de momento. Os resultados são robustos ao se utilizar diferentes especificações de proxy de mercado e subamostras de valor de mercado. Quando comparados a trabalhos anteriores, os resultados colocam em questão se o efeito contrário está desaparecendo no mercado acionário brasileiro e se as fracas evidências do efeito momento são suficientes para confirmar sua existência. Ademais, são observadas evidências de sazonalidade no mês de junho nas estratégias de momento e, no mês de novembro, em ambas as estratégias. Testes posteriores revelam que esses efeitos de sazonalidade estão restritos à subamostra de baixo valor de mercado.
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Análise do modelo de três fatores aplicado à BM&F BovespaAlves Junior, Luiz Fernando Pereira 14 August 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Luiz Fernando Alves Jr (luizfalvesjr@yahoo.com.br) on 2011-09-14T17:50:22Z
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Previous issue date: 2011-08-14 / Fama & French (1993) Three Factors Model is an extension of the Sharpe-Lintner & Black (1972) asset-pricing model, the CAPM. In this model, the market value and ratio price to book value of the firms are incorporated as explainable variables to the CAPM, adding to the market-risk factor β of the model. The Three Factors Model was originally developed to the American stock market and then successfully rolled-over to several different countries markets. Some studies have been done to the Brazilian case however the lack of data has compromised the results. The aim of this work is to test the Fama & French (1993) model to the Brazilian stock market using a new methodology to build the portfolios. The innovation in this work is the usage of a moving data-base that incorporates new stocks to the portfolios as they debut in the stock market and reaches the liquidity parameters for the model. In the previews works, the databases were made of fixed sets of stocks. This methodology aims to mitigate the lack of data problem in the Brazilian stock market. The period of analysis is from 2000 to 2011, and the stocks used to build the portfolio are those with reliable data and the ones that present at least one trade per 2 months. The analysis of the Three Factors Model were made using the Black, Jensen & Scholes (1972) linear regression approach, the same applied by Fama & French (1993) in their work. Sixteen portfolios were used as the dependent variables. They were built trough the crossing of 4 groups of stocks organized according to their market value (ME) and their ratio price to book value (ME/BE). Two portfolios were built as the independent variables. They are a set of stocks that mimic the market value risk factor, the SMB portfolio, and the price to book-value risk factor, the HML portfolio. The method used to estimate the parameters of the equation was the Ordinary Least Square. The results found for the Brazilian stock market were very similar to the ones found by Fama & French (1993). The first one was the same empirical contradictions of the CAPM found by Fama & French (1993) for the American market. The Betas from the CAPM had no apparent relation to the expected return of the stocks. Next, the Three Factors Model presented a higher explaining (R²) power to the portfolios returns and was statistically significant to 15 of the 16 tested portfolios. The coefficient of the regressions related to the risk factors SMB and HML presented, in the vast majority, the same signals of the ones found by Fama & French (1993). A small discrepancy was found in some HML coefficients and it was explained by the performance of the Brazilian economy and stock market in the period. At last the Three Factors Model proved itself a much better tool to evaluate the risk factors of Brazilian stocks then the CAPM. / O modelo de três fatores de Fama & French (1993) é uma extensão do modelo de precificação de ativos de Sharpe (1963), Lintner (1965) e Black (1972), o CAPM. Em Fama & French (1993), o valor de mercado e o valor contábil das empresas são adicionados como variáveis explicativas ao fator de risco de mercado β do CAPM. O objetivo deste trabalho é testar o poder explicativo do modelo de três fatores para o mercado acionário brasileiro. A inovação deste trabalho foi a utilização de um universo de ações móvel, no qual os títulos que são lançados na Bovespa no período de análise vão sendo incorporadas à base de dados conforme atingem os requisitos do modelo. Trata-se de uma abordagem inovadora, já que tradicionalmente o universo de ações que compõe a amostra é rígido do início ao fim do período de análise. Esta abordagem foi desenvolvida com o intuito de mitigar o problema de falta de dados do mercado acionário brasileiro. O período de análise foi de 2000 à 2011, e as ações utilizadas foram todas aquelas que possuíam um histórico confiável e apresentaram pelo menos um negócio à cada dois meses. A análise do Modelo de Três Fatores foi realizada utilizando a metodologia de séries temporais de Black, Jensen e Scholes (1972), da mesma forma que Fama & French (1993). Como variável dependente foram utilizadas 16 carteiras, oriundas do cruzamento das ações dividas em 4 percentis iguais pelos seus valores de mercado (ME), e 4 percentis iguais pela razão valor de mercado pelo valor contábil (ME/BE). Como variáveis independentes foram construídas duas séries de retorno que replicam os fatores de risco valor de mercado, SMB, e a razão valor de mercado pelo valor contábil, HML. Estas foram construídas pela diferença dos retornos das ações de maior ME e menor ME; e pela diferença do retorno das de maior ME/BE, pelas de menor ME/BE. O método de estimação dos coeficientes das regressões utilizado foi o dos mínimos quadrados ordinários. Os resultados do Modelo encontrados para a bolsa brasileira foram similares àqueles encontrados por Fama & French (1993). O Modelo apresentou maior poder explicativo para os retornos dos portfolios analisados que o CAPM, e mostrou-se estatisticamente significante para 15 das 16 carteiras. Os coeficientes das regressões relativos aos fatores de risco SMB e HML apresentaram, em sua maioria, os mesmo sinais que os encontrados por Fama & French (1993). Foi encontrada uma discrepância relativa ao sinal do fator HML para as carteiras de maior ME/BE, cuja explicação está atrelada ao momento da economia e mercados no período. Por fim, o Modelo e a discrepância foram reavaliados dividindo-se o período de análise em pré e pós-crise de 2008. O modelo mostrou maior poder explicativo para o período pós-crise que para o pré-crise. A mesma discrepância do sinal de HML foi encontrada no pré-crise, entretanto não foi verificada no pós-crise.
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