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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emerging roles for natural and artificial lipids in shaping the catalytic function, stability and oligomeric state of membrane proteins. / Rôles émergents des lipides naturels et artificiels dans l'élaboration de la fonction catalytique, la stabilité et l'état d'oligomerisation des protéines membranaires

Srour, Batoul 24 April 2015 (has links)
L'étude des membranes biologiques nécessite l'examen des différentes propriétés de ses composantes principales: les lipides et les protéines. Dans ce manuscrit, l'interaction lipide- lipide et lipide-protéine ont été suivies par spectroscopie vibrationnelle (Raman, Infrarouge). Nous sommes intéressés en premier lieu à l'étude de la structure et l'organisation des phospholipides dans leur phase gel et leur phase cristalline liquide en utilisant la spectroscopie moyen infrarouge. En outre, l'effet de la composition du groupement hydrophiles des lipides sur le comportement de la liaison hydrogène des mélanges lipidiques a été sondé en utilisant la spectroscopie lointain infrarouge. Dans la seconde partie, l'interaction de la protéine NADH ubiquinone oxydoréductase et du mutant NuoL (D563N) avec le zinc ont été étudiés par spectroscopie différentielle et les changements conformationnels induits par la liaison du zinc avec les protéines ont été examinés. Enfin, les vibrations métal-ligand des groupements fer-soufre dans le mutant de NuoB (C64A G100C) à différents pH ont été analysées par spectroscopie Raman. / The study of biological membranes involves the examination of the different properties of its main components: as lipids and proteins. In this manuscript, the lipid-lipid interaction and the lipid-protein interaction were monitored by vibrational spectroscopy (Raman and Infrared). We have been interested in the first part in studying the structure and organization of phospholipids in the gel phase and the liquid crystalline phase using mid infrared spectroscopy. In addition, the effect of the head group composition on the hydrogen bonding behaviour of lipid mixtures was probed using far infrared spectroscopy. In the second part, the interaction of the NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase protein and NuoL mutant (D563N) with zinc was investigated through FTIR difference spectroscopy where the conformational changes upon zinc binding were monitored. Finally, the metal-ligand vibrations of the iron- sulfur clusters in NuoB mutants (C64A G100C) at different pH were analysed using Raman spectroscopy.


Benli, Emrah 01 January 2017 (has links)
Omni-directional (O-D) infrared (IR) vision is an effective capability for mobile systems in robotics, due to its advantages: illumination invariance, wide field-of-view, ease of identifying heat-emitting objects, and long term tracking without interruption. Unfortunately, O-D IR sensors have low resolution, low frame rates, high cost, sensor noise, and an increase in tracking time. In order to overcome these disadvantages, we propose an autonomous system application in indoor scenarios including 1) Dynamic 3D Reconstruction (D3DR) of the target view in real time images, 2) Human Behavior-based Target Tracking from O-D thermal images, 3) Thermal Multisensor Fusion (TMF), and 4) Visual Perception for Social Cognition from the motion behavior of the human target.

Modélisation de fermes de systèmes houlomoteurs : effets d’interactions entre systèmes à l’échelle de la ferme et impact sur le climat de vagues à l'échelle régionale / Numerical modeling of arrays of wave energy converters : interaction effects between units at the scale of an array and impact on wave climatology at the regional scale

Charrayre, François 17 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le développement d'un ensemble d'outils numériques destinés à simuler différents aspects des interactions vagues-structure appliquées à l'exploitation des systèmes de récupération de l'énergie des vagues (SREV). Elle a été réalisée dans le cadre du projet ANR Monacorev (projet ANR11-MONU-018-01, 2012-2015).L'objectif est de pouvoir traiter la question des interactions à l'échelle d'une ferme de SREVs (≈ 1 km), et d'étudier l'impact d'une ou plusieurs fermes de SREVs à l'échelle régionale (≈ 10km) sur le champ de vague total. Des méthodes de modélisation et de simulation adaptées sont développées pour chacune de ces deux échelles. Jusqu'à présent, les interactions entre les SREVs étaient bien souvent étudiées en considérant que le fond était plat (l'influence d'un fond variable sur le champ de houle au niveau de la ferme étant alors jugé négligeable), ce qui permet de calculer facilement et rapidement le champ de vagues et les interactions grâce à l'utilisation de la théorie linéaire potentielle. Une application pratique de cette méthode est le calcul du rendement d'une ferme de SREVs, et l'optimisation de leurs positions relatives au sein d'un parc. Dans le cadre de la théorie linéaire, cette thèse propose une méthodologie de couplage originale entre un code de tenue à la mer (Aquaplus) et un code de propagation de la houle en zone côtière (Artemis), laquelle a été développée et qualifiée. Les simulations réalisées montrent que, pour une configuration de ferme de SREVs donnée, on ne peut pas toujours négliger les effets de la bathymétrie. Par exemple, la présence d'une plage de pente 10% au large d'une ferme de SREV peut modifier la hauteur des vagues de manière significative, et affecter ainsi le rendement de la ferme de manière significative par rapport au cas où le fond est uniformément plat. A l'échelle côtière régionale, il est aussi intéressant de simuler et prédire l'impact de fermes de SREVs sur le champ de vagues. Pour des raisons d'efficacité, une approche à phases moyennées de modélisation des vagues a été privilégiée, fondée sur le code spectral d'états de mer Tomawac. La représentation des effets d'un SREV à travers l'utilisation d'un terme puits (concept permettant de soustraire au spectre d'énergie d'état de mer local l'énergie correspondant à celle absorbée par le SREV), bien qu'incomplète du fait que les effets de radiation/diffraction ne sont pas pris en compte, a été étudiée et testée. Une nouvelle méthodologie prenant en compte ces effets dans un code spectral est présentée ici et testée, avec l'objectif de pallier à ces limitations. Les discussions sur la validité de deux approches permettent d'esquisser des pistes de développements ultérieurs pour la représentation des fermes de SREV à l'échelle régionale / This thesis focuses on the development of a set of numerical tools to simulate different aspects of the wave-body interactions applied to the exploitation of wave energy converters (WEC). It was conducted under the ANR Monacorev project (project-ANR11 MONU-018-01, 2012-2015).The objective is to address the issue of the interactions at the scale of a farm of WECs (≈ 1 km), and to study the impact of one or more WEC farms at the regional scale (≈ 10km ) on the total wave field. Modeling and simulation methods adapted for each of these two scales are developed. Until now, the interactions between WECs was often studied by considering that the bottom was flat (the influence of a variable bathymetry on the wave field at the farm site being considered to be negligible), allowing to easily and quickly calculate the wave field and interactions through the use of linear potential theory. A practical application of this method is the yield estimation for a WEC farm and the optimization of the WEC position within a park. In the framework of the linear theory, this thesis proposes an original coupling methodology between a seakeeping (Aquaplus) and a wave propagation code in coastal areas (Artemis), which was developed and qualified. Simulations show that, for a given WEC farm configuration, effects of the bathymetry cannot systematically ignored. For example, the presence of a 10% slope close to a WEC farm can significantly modify the wave height, and thus affect the performance of the farm by several percent compared to the case with a uniformly flat bottom. At the regional coastal scale, it is also interesting to simulate and predict the impact of WEC farms on the wave field. At this scale, for efficiency reasons, a phase-averaged simulation of waves was preferred, based on the sea state spectral code TOMAWAC. The representation of the effects of a WEC through the use of a sink-term (concept for subtracting the energy equivalent to that absorbed by the WEC to the sea state energy spectrum), though incomplete due to the fact that the scattering effects are not taken into account, has been studied and tested. A new methodology taking into account these effects in a spectral code is presented here and tested with the aim to overcome these limitations. Discussions on the validity of these approaches allow us to propose possible future developments for the modeling of WEC farm at the regional scale

Les femmes et l'extrême droite politique en République fédérale d'Allemagne. Le Parti national-démocrate d’Allemagne (NPD) à l’épreuve du genre (1964-2017) / Women and the Far Right in the Federal Republic of Germany. The Case of the National Democratic Party of Germany (1964-2017)

Dubslaff, Valérie 15 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse interroge les continuités de l’extrême droite allemande après 1945 en s’intéressant aux femmes du Parti national-démocrate d’Allemagne (NPD) créé en 1964 en République fédérale. Focalisée sur les actrices, elle éclaire les spécificités des générations de femmes qui s’y sont succédé, des militantes « postfascistes », légalistes et républicaines des années 1960 aux militantes « néofascistes », nationales-révolutionnaires et antisystème des années 2000. Partant du constat de leur marginalité politique, ce travail étudie les rapports de genre et questionne l’agency féminine dans une extrême droite masculiniste. Afin de surmonter leur isolement, les femmes nationales-démocrates ont ponctuellement élaboré des stratégies d’auto-affirmation, passant notamment par des rassemblements féminins : après la fondation d’un Conseil des Femmes en 1968 et de groupes de femmes en 1976/1977, le Cercle des Femmes nationalistes, fondé en 2006, marque l’aboutissement de leurs revendications antisexistes, revendications qui posent également la question du rapport ambivalent qu’elles entretiennent avec le féminisme politique. Cette thèse propose, enfin, une analyse de l’idéologie des femmes nationales-démocrates : en politisant le « domaine féminin » (famille, culture, société), elles ont contribué à définir la ligne du NPD qui, au gré des transformations historiques, est passé de son souverainisme nationaliste initial à un nationalisme identitaire dans les années 1970/1980, avant d’aboutir, après 1990, à un nationalisme völkisch. Cette thèse pose ainsi un regard inédit sur les processus de féminisation dans l’extrême droite allemande et propose une lecture différente de l’histoire de la République fédérale. / This PhD thesis deals with the continuities of the far right in Germany after 1945 by examining the special case of extremist women in the National Democratic Party of Germany, founded in the Federal Republic of Germany in 1964. It analyses the characteristics of the generations of national-democratic women who succeeded each other, from the “postfascist” legalist and democratic activists of the 1960s to the national-revolutionary and anti-system “neofascists” of the 2000s. It examines their political marginality within the party and therefore questions the female agency in the masculinist far right. In order to break out of their isolation, national-democratic women have occasionally developed some self-affirmation strategies : after the foundation of a Federal Women’s Council in 1968, they founded Women’s Groups in 1976/1977 and a Circle of nationalist Women in 2006. This women’s organisation can be considered as the culmination of their antisexist claims, it therefore puts into question their relationship with political feminism. This thesis finally analyses the women’s ideology : through their “female domain” (family, culture, society), they have contributed to the definition of the NPD’s general party line which changed from a sovereigntist nationalism in the 1960s to an identitarian nationalism in the 1970s/1980s, and finally to a völkisch nationalism from 2000 onwards. Thus, this thesis sheds a light on feminisation processes on the far right and offers a different understanding of German history.

Spectrum Sensing Techniques For Cognitive Radio Applications

Sanjeev, G 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Cognitive Radio (CR) has received tremendous research attention over the past decade, both in the academia and industry, as it is envisioned as a promising solution to the problem of spectrum scarcity. ACR is a device that senses the spectrum for occupancy by licensed users(also called as primary users), and transmits its data only when the spectrum is sensed to be available. For the efficient utilization of the spectrum while also guaranteeing adequate protection to the licensed user from harmful interference, the CR should be able to sense the spectrum for primary occupancy quickly as well as accurately. This makes Spectrum Sensing(SS) one of the where the goal is to test whether the primary user is inactive(the null or noise-only hypothesis), or not (the alternate or signal-present hypothesis). Computational simplicity, robustness to uncertainties in the knowledge of various noise, signal, and fading parameters, and ability to handle interference or other source of non-Gaussian noise are some of the desirable features of a SS unit in a CR. In many practical applications, CR devices can exploit known structure in the primary signal. IntheIEEE802.22CR standard, the primary signal is a wideband signal, but with a strong narrowband pilot component. In other applications, such as military communications, and blue tooth, the primary signal uses a Frequency Hopping (FH)transmission. These applications can significantly benefit from detection schemes that are tailored for detecting the corresponding primary signals. This thesis develops novel detection schemes and rigorous performance analysis of these primary signals in the presence of fading. For example, in the case of wideband primary signals with a strong narrowband pilot, this thesis answers the further question of whether to use the entire wideband for signal detection, or whether to filter out the pilot signal and use narrowband signal detection. The question is interesting because the fading characteristics of wideband and narrowband signals are fundamentally different. Due to this, it is not obvious which detection scheme will perform better in practical fading environments. At another end of the gamut of SS algorithms, when the CR has no knowledge of the structure or statistics of the primary signal, and when the noise variance is known, Energy Detection (ED) is known to be optimal for SS. However, the performance of the ED is not robust to uncertainties in the noise statistics or under different possible primary signal models. In this case, a natural way to pose the SS problem is as a Goodness-of-Fit Test (GoFT), where the idea is to either accept or reject the noise-only hypothesis. This thesis designs and studies the performance of GoFTs when the noise statistics can even be non-Gaussian, and with heavy tails. Also, the techniques are extended to the cooperative SS scenario where multiple CR nodes record observations using multiple antennas and perform decentralized detection. In this thesis, we study all the issues listed above by considering both single and multiple CR nodes, and evaluating their performance in terms of(a)probability of detection error,(b) sensing-throughput trade off, and(c)probability of rejecting the null-hypothesis. We propose various SS strategies, compare their performance against existing techniques, and discuss their relative advantages and performance tradeoffs. The main contributions of this thesis are as follows: The question of whether to use pilot-based narrowband sensing or wideband sensing is answered using a novel, analytically tractable metric proposed in this thesis called the error exponent with a confidence level. Under a Bayesian framework, obtaining closed form expressions for the optimal detection threshold is difficult. Near-optimal detection thresholds are obtained for most of the commonly encountered fading models. Foran FH primary, using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Averaging Ratio(FAR) algorithm, the sensing-through put trade off are derived in closed form. A GoFT technique based on the statistics of the number of zero-crossings in the observations is proposed, which is robust to uncertainties in the noise statistics, and outperforms existing GoFT-based SS techniques. A multi-dimensional GoFT based on stochastic distances is studied, which pro¬vides better performance compared to some of the existing techniques. A special case, i.e., a test based on the Kullback-Leibler distance is shown to be robust to some uncertainties in the noise process. All of the theoretical results are validated using Monte Carlo simulations. In the case of FH-SS, an implementation of SS using the FAR algorithm on a commercially off-the ¬shelf platform is presented, and the performance recorded using the hardware is shown to corroborate well with the theoretical and simulation-based results. The results in this thesis thus provide a bouquet of SS algorithms that could be useful under different CRSS scenarios.

Internet v aktivizaci současných českých antisystémových krajně pravicových uskupení / Internet in activating czech extremist far right movements

Miňovská, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
The primary focus of this Master's thesis is the role of Internet and above all various social networks in activating Czech extremist far right movements. The thesis analyses the way modern means of communication streamline the spreading of socially marginal ways of thinking and the way these technologies help bypassing the media blockage often imposed on the activities of these movements, as well as the repressive police force, the power of which is circumscribed within the partially anonymous realm of Internet. A part of this work is also dedicated to an ideology based categorisation of the various branches of right wing extremists. This division is then supported by specific quotes published by these groups on the Internet. The groups that are given the most prominence include the Workers' Party of Social Justice, the Workers' youth, the National Resistance and the Autonomous nationalists.

Skyddsuppmaning inom den sociala barnavården : En kvalitativ studie av fenomenet när socialsekreterare uppmanar en vårdnadshavare att skydda barnet från den andre vårdnadshavaren

Rindeskog, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Studien handlar om ett av mig identifierat fenomen inom den sociala barnavården i Sverige som jag benämnt skyddsuppmaning. Studiens syfte har varit att ta del av socialsekreterares förståelse av skyddsansvaret när barnets vårdnadshavare är skilda och en av dem utgör en risk för barnet. Ytterligare ett syfte har varit att ta del av hur socialsekreterare problematiserar fenomenet skyddsuppmaning. Studien bygger på intervjuer med sex socialsekreterare vid olika socialförvaltningar i landet, som alla arbetar med utredningar enligt socialtjänstlagen gällande barn.  Resultatet visar att socialsekreterare uppfattar att det är vårdnadshavarens skyldighet att skydda barnet och att det är ett beslut som endast vårdnadshavare kan fatta. När socialsekreterare kommunicerar skyddsansvaret med vårdnadshavarna uttalar de sig med olika grader av styrka i sin uppmaning. Socialsekreterare anser att skyddsuppmaning främst vilar på det generella föräldraansvaret som finns angivet i föräldrabalken (1949:381). De problematiserar skyddsuppmaning genom att bland annat ange de känslomässiga påfrestningar som uppstår för vårdnadshavarna, samt att skyddsuppmaning späder på en redan konfliktfylld relation dem emellan.  När intervjumaterialet betraktas i ljuset av teorin kan det förstås som att skyddsuppmaningen blivit institutionaliserad och för givet tagen inom den sociala barnavården, vilket återfinns i Bordieus begrepp doxa. Den låga graden av laglig reglering av skyddsuppmaning gör att det finns få likheter med Webers byråkratiska, rättssäkra modell, men däremot utrymme för socialsekreterarnas överväganden. Det öppnar för normerande inslag som finns inom socialt arbete.  En analys av materialet visar dels att socialsekreterarna implicit beslutar om skyddet med förväntan att vårdnadshavaren verkställer det, dels att det finns en växelverkan mellan socialsekreterarnas styrka i skyddsuppmaningen och vårdnadshavarnas responser. Utifrån det kan skyddsuppmaningen leda till fyra olika typer av intagna positioner hos vårdnadshavarna. Dessa är ”De naturliga”, ”De övertalade”, ”De skrämda” och ”De övergivna”.

Návrh propojení far-infrared spektrometru k supravodivému magnetu a magneto-optické měření ve far-infrared oblasti / Design of the far-infrared spectrometer coupling to a superconductive magnet and magneto-optical measurements in the far-infrared region

Dubnická Midlíková, Jana January 2018 (has links)
Práca sa zaoberá vývojom ďalekej infračervenej spektroskopie v silnom magnetickom poli. Kombinácia ďalekej infračervenej spektroskopie a silného magnetického poľa je veľmi dôležitým nástrojom pri charakterizácii materiálov, ako sú jedno-molekulové magnety. Predstavuje tiež ideálnu experimentálnu techniku, ktorá dokáže skúmať a objasniť vlastnosti nových 2D materiálov. Ďaleká infračervená spektroskopia v magnetickom poli taktiež umožňuje študovať elektrónovú paramagnetickú rezonanciu (EPR) jedno-molekulových magnetov s veľmi veľkým delením pri nulovom poli, hlavne na báze komplexov prechodných kovov alebo lantanoidov, v ktorých bežne používané EPR systémy neposkytujú experimentálny prístup k magnetickým rezonančným prechodom. V práci sú podrobne popísané dve zostavy ďaleko infračervených spektrometrov pripojené k supravodivým magnetom. Prvá opísaná zostava, ktoré sa nachádza na univerzite v Stuttgarte, je už zmontovaná a jej výkon je diskutovaný. Magneto-optické merania jedno-molekulových magnetov vykonané na tejto zostave sú predstavené. Druhá magneto-optická zostava čerpá zo skúseností získaných pri prvej zostave a je určená pre CEITEC.

Vyšetřování bezpečného únavového života křídla víceúčelového jednomotorového turbovrtulového letounu / Wing fatigue safe life investigation of single-engine multipurpose aircraft

Hubáček, Jan January 2021 (has links)
Práce se zabývá stanovením bezpečné únavové životnosti křídla. Letadlo, které bylo podrobeno analýze, je vzpěrový hornoplošník celokovové konstrukce. Letadlo je certifikováno na základě předpisu FAR 23 Amendment 23-46. Výpočet bezpečné únavové životnosti musí být proveden v souladu s požadavky předpisu FAR 23 a jeho poradními oběžníky.\\ Teoretická část práce je věnována hlavně přehledu literatury a představení projektu, kde byla stručně shrnuta jeho historie vzniku. Část přehledu projektu také pojednává o podstatě požadavku na posouzení bezpečné únavové životnosti zadavatelem. V další části byl rovněž proveden rozbor literatury týkající se únavy. Jednalo se zejména o rozbor předpisu FAR 23, jeho poradních oběžníků a obecně literatury vztahující se k únavě jak v letectví, tak v obecném strojírenství.\\ Druhá část diplomové práce byla zaměřena zejména na výpočetní analýzu a vývoj specializovaného software. Výpočetní část obsahovala zejména přípravu vstupů, včetně obálek zatížení, stanovení typického letu, výpočet zatížení křídla a napjatostní analýza ve vybraných řezech křídla. Z výstupů prvotní analýzy se následně provedl výpočet poškození a životnosti pro daný typový let.

“Don't trust the media – it costs lives.” : A corpus linguistic study of the mainstream media criticism and deplatforming discussion in the Swedish far-right alternative media

Ljunggren Forsberg, Vilma January 2021 (has links)
This study investigates how the Swedish far-right alternative media's criticize the Swedish mainstream media and discusses the contemporary phenomenon of “deplatforming”. Deplatforming refers to when a user or uploaded content is banned from a social media platform. The study investigates linguistic features of these questions, through the method of corpus linguistics and the software AntConc. Altogether, 72515 tokens from four Swedish online far-right alternative media are analyzed, showing that the far-right alternative media criticize the mainstream media in a highly politicized way, posing a binary antagonist relationship where power is a central theme. Regarding deplatforming, the study shows how the Swedish far-right alternative media focus on deplatforming especially when it regards far-right activists or politicians, and then have a jeering attitude towards the given reasons for the seclusion. The study also includes a theoretical discussion, wherein the chosen Swedish far-right alternative media showed an overestimation of the power and influence of the mainstream media (as theoreticized by Nick Couldy, 2014). Likewise, the scrutinized data showed signs of relational anti-systemness (as theoreticized by Kristoffer Holt, 2018).

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