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Écrire le voyage en Chine (1840-1939) : Poétique et altérité / Writing about travelling in China (1840-1939) : Poetics and alterityCombes, Isabelle 08 December 2011 (has links)
Ce travail s’interroge d’une part sur la pratique de l’écriture du voyage chez les écrivains voyageurs francophones qui ont visité ou séjourné en Chine entre 1840 et 1939,et d’autre part sur la manière dont leur écriture traite des notions d’exotisme et d’altérité.Le paradigme du voyage romantique constitue un point de repère important, même si les siècles antérieurs ne sont pas à négliger. La réflexion prend en compte des complexités géographique, historique, politique, culturelle et philosophique qui ont marqué l’Occident et l’Extrême-Orient pendant cette période de cent ans. À ces enjeux « collectifs » s’en ajoutent d’autres plus personnels qui ont leur importance : la dimension individuelle du voyage, les données biographiques, les convictions spirituelles, les lectures et la conception même de l’écriture et de la littérature.La première partie de la thèse envisage les traits fondateurs du récit de voyage et aborde les récits du corpus d’un point de vue historique. La deuxième partie explore les interactions qui régissent le voyage et son écriture afin de mettre en évidence un art de composition qui transforme le vécu et le souvenir en écrit. La troisième partie appréhende l’écriture du voyage sur le plan de l’imaginaire, à travers la notion d’exotisme dans une vision qui se veut synthétique, et la question de représentation de l’altérité par le truchement de deux thèmes fédérateurs : le blanc de la carte et la langue chinoise. / This study concerns itself with two aspects of the techniques of French-speaking travel writers who visited China between 1840 and 1939 and of those who lived thereduring this period: on the one hand their writing practices and on the other the manner inwhich their texts deal with the notions of exoticism and the Other. The archetype of the romantic voyage constitutes an important reference, but the preceding centuries are takeninto account, too. The study integrates the geographical, historical, political, cultural andphilosophical complexities which characterised the West and the Far East during this particular hundred-year period. These « collective » factors are complemented by other similarly important but specifically personal elements : the individual character of thejourney, biographical details, spiritual convictions, reading preferences and the writers’particular conceptions of literature and writing.The first part of the dissertation examines the founding characteristics of the travelwriting and approaches the corpus from an historical perspective. The second part exploresthe interactions between the journey itself and the way it is described in order to highlightan art of composition which transforms experience and memories into writing. The thirdpart considers the travel writing as the work of the imaginary through a synthesizing analysis of exoticism, and the problem of the representation of the Other by means of twounifying themes: the blank areas on the map and the Chinese language.
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Från misstanke till anmälan om brott mot barn : ett etiskt problem för pedagoger / From suspicion to report on crime against children : an ethical problem for educationalistsLindgren-Göransson, Jenny, Nilsson, Johanna January 2004 (has links)
<p>Sammanfattning Uppsatsen synliggör processen från misstanke till anmälan och det etiska problemet att anmäla eller inte. Det övergripande syftet i uppsatsen är att synliggöra hur en del verksamma pedagoger hanterar och bör hantera barn som far illa utifrån olika yrkeskategoriers perspektiv. Vi belyser även olika yrkesgrupper som är delaktiga i processen och hur samverkan mellan pedagogisk verksamhet och socialtjänst fungerar utifrån våra informanters svar. Litteratur kring ämnet berör vi utifrån ett brett perspektiv och den påvisar att pedagoger har ett stort ansvar i och med anmälningsplikten, men att ansvaret skall fördelas inom pedagogiska verksamheter. </p><p>Vårt resultat bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer och enkäter utifrån kategorierna pedagoger, socialsekreterare, rektorer/enhetschefer, kuratorer/psykologer och vuxna som själva farit illa som barn.</p><p>Vår undersökning påvisar att många barn far illa men att anmälningsbenägenheten har ökat. Trots detta finns det barn som inte blir uppmärksammade idag och pedagoger har ofta svårigheter att anmäla. Det har visat sig, att det för barns bästa, är väldigt viktigt att samverkan mellan pedagogisk verksamhet och socialtjänst fungerar bra vilket även litteratur poängterar. Vi hoppas att uppsatsen skall kunna hjälpa människor som kommer i kontakt med barn som far illa för att dessa barn skall få den hjälp de behöver. </p> / <p>The essay contains the process from suspicion to report and the ethical problem to report or not. The comprehensive purpose of the essay is too show how some working educationalists manage and should manage maltreated children out of different professional categories perspective. We also show different professional categories that are involved in the process and how collaboration between preschool/school and social services work on the basis of our respondent’s answers. We research literature about the subject from a broad perspective which prove that educationalists have a huge responsibility with the duty to report, but that the responsibility should be divided between preschool/school. </p><p>Our result is based on qualitative interviews and questionnaires on the basis of the categories; educationalists, social workers secretaries, principals, school welfare officers/educational psychologists and adults that have been maltreated as children. </p><p>Our review shows that many children are being maltreated but that the tendency to report has increased. Despite this there are children today who do not get noticed and educationalists that often have difficulties in reporting. Well-functioning collaboration between preschool/school and social services has proved to be very important in the best interest of children, which also literature has shown. We hope that this essay will help people who meet maltreated children so that these children get the help they need.</p>
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Föreningsidrotten-en hälsosam plats för vuxna människor? : Intervjustudie om drop in-aktiviteter för vuxna inom föreningsidrottenLundin, Marie, Norrgård, Jessica January 2010 (has links)
<p>This paper has it’s background in Physical Activity on Prescription, a projectwhich the Swedish sports movement is part of. The study refers to a limiteddivision of sports for adults, namely a phenomenon here by referred to as dropin-activity. This form of physical activity is characterized by an understandingthat the participant often lack experience and that it is possible to pay for eachoccasion. The purpose of the study was thus to take a closer look on organized,non-profit sports clubs which offer this type of exercise for adults. To get theresults interviews was carried out in three different sports clubs with leaders ofthe activity and members from the board. The respondents were asked to talkabout their thoughts and experiences of the activity involving physical activity ofdrop-in nature executed in each sport club. The theoretical framework used toanalyze the interviews was the phenomenon of logics within sport, as describedby Stenling and Fahlén (2009). The analysis resulted in the identification of twomain logics; Social values and Resources for continued existence. The healthperspective were analyzed on the basis what had, or had not been said abouthealth in the interviews. The results show that growth is a main issue which canbe used to motivate the Swedish sport clubs to develop their activities. It’s alsoshown that the participants of the drop in-activities don’t get as much attention asthe ordinary members of the sport clubs which is crucial if the social values areto be obtained. The conclusions are that in order to make the healthimplementations work the programmatic approach has to be clear and consist ofterms that is easily related to.</p>
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Fysisk aktivitet på recept : vad påverkar förskrivningen? / Physical Activity Referral Scheme : what affects the prescriptionGreitz, Gustaf, Rönquist, Frida January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Sammanfattning</strong></p><p>Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka samband mellan några utvalda faktorer av betydelse vid förskrivning av fysisk aktivitet på recept (FaR) på hälso- och vårdcentraler i Sverige.</p><p>Metod: En enkätundersökning genomfördes på 37 icke-privata hälso- och vårdcentraler i Malmö, Stockholm och Umeå. Totalt 241 enkäter besvarades av legitimerad personal med förskrivningsrätt av FaR. Studerade faktorer, uttryckta som enkätfrågor, var: förskrivarens<em> kön, ålder, befattning, landstingstillhörighet, användning av FaR/FYSS, egen motion, FaR-utbildning, tidsbrist, riktlinjer, uppföljning, samarbete med friskvårdsaktör, FaR-ansvarig, hänvisning av FaR-patienter, kunskap i att motivera till fysisk aktivitet </em>samt<em> kunskap om vilka sjukdomstillstånd som kan behandlas med fysisk aktivitet</em>. En webb-baserad enkät distri-buerades och samlades in via e-post och en pappersenkät användes på ett par hälso- och vårdcentraler. Resultatet från enkätundersökningen analyserades med chitvåtest och binär logistisk regression. </p><p>Resultat: Sannolikheten att förskriva FaR var signifikant sju gånger högre hos personal som visste vart de kunde <em>hänvisa patienter med FaR-ordination</em> i jämförelse med dem som inte visste vart hänvisning kunde ske. Vidare var sannolikheten att förskriva FaR signifikant fyra gånger högre hos personal med specifik <em>utbildning om FaR</em> i jämförelse med dem som inte hade någon FaR-utbildning. I undersökningen framkom även att förskrivning av FaR samvarierade signifikant med faktorerna <em>befattning, landstingstillhörighet, samarbete med friskvårdsaktör/-er, riktlinjer från arbetsgivaren, kunskap om vilka sjukdomstillstånd som kan behandlas med fysisk aktivitet</em> samt <em>kunskap i att motivera patienter till fysisk aktivitet</em>. Ingen signifikant samvariation sågs mellan förskrivning av FaR och följande faktorer: förskrivarens <em>kön</em>, <em>ålder</em>, <em>användning av FaR/FYSS</em>, <em>egen motion</em>, <em>FaR-ansvarig</em>, <em>uppföljning</em> samt <em>om personalen avstår från att förskriva FaR pga att det förlänger patientbesöken</em>.</p><p>Slutsats: Vid arbete med FaR är det viktigt att skapa tydliga <em>riktlinjer</em>, <em>samarbeta med frisk-vårdsaktör/-er</em>, <em>att personalen har kunskap om vilka sjukdomstillstånd som kan behandlas med fysisk aktivitet</em> samt om<em> motivation till fysisk aktivitet</em>. Vi vill poängtera att det framförallt är viktigt att personalen är <em>utbildad om FaR</em> samt att de vet vart de kan <em>hänvisa patienter med FaR-ordination</em> i syfte att effektivisera FaR som arbetsmetod på hälso- och vårdcentraler i Sverige.</p> / <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>Aim: The aim of this study was to examine relations between selected factors significant to the prescription of Physical Activity Referral Scheme (PAR, Swedish: Fysisk aktivitet på recept, FaR) at health centers in Sweden.</p><p>Method: A questionnaire study was carried out within 37 non-private health centers in Malmö, Stockholm and Umeå. A total of 241 questionnaires were answered by personnel authorized to prescribe FaR. Studied factors, expressed as questions in the questionnaire, were: prescriptors<em> sex, age, profession, county council, the use of FaR/FYSS, personal exer-cise, FaR-education, lack of time, guidelines, follow-up, cooperation with preventive health care centers, FaR-coordinator, reference of FaR-patients, knowledge about how to inspire people to physical activity </em>and<em> knowledge about which conditions/diseases that can be treated with physical activity</em>. A web-based questionnaire was distributed and collected through e-mail and a questionnaire in paperform was used at a couple of health centers. Results from the questionnaire were analysed with chi-square test and binary logistic regression.</p><p>Results: The probability to prescribe FaR was significantly seven times higher for personnel who knew where to <em>refer FaR-patients</em> compared to those who did not know where reference could be given. Further the probability to prescribe FaR was significantly four times higher for personnel with specific<em> FaR-education</em> compared to those who lacked FaR-education. The study also showed that FaR-prescription had significant covariation with the factors <em>profession, county council, cooperation with preventive health care centers, guidelines from the employer, knowledge about what conditions/diseases that can be treated with physical activity</em> and <em>knowledge about how to motivate patients to physical activity</em>. No significant covariation were found between FaR-prescription and the following factors: prescriptors <em>sex</em>, <em>age</em>, <em>use of FaR/FYSS</em>, <em>personal exercise</em>, <em>FaR-coordinator</em>, <em>follow-up</em> or <em>if personnel refrain from prescribing FaR because it extends patient visiting-hours.</em></p><p>Conclusion: When working with FaR it is important to create clear <em>guidelines</em>, <em>cooperate with preventive health care centers</em>, that the personnel has<em> knowledge about conditions/diseases which can be treated with physical activity</em> and <em>motivation to physical activity.</em> Above all we want to point out that it is important that the personnel is educated about FaR and that they know where to refer patients with FaR-prescription in order to make the working method more effective at health centers in Sweden.</p>
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Från misstanke till anmälan om brott mot barn : ett etiskt problem för pedagoger / From suspicion to report on crime against children : an ethical problem for educationalistsLindgren-Göransson, Jenny, Nilsson, Johanna January 2004 (has links)
Sammanfattning Uppsatsen synliggör processen från misstanke till anmälan och det etiska problemet att anmäla eller inte. Det övergripande syftet i uppsatsen är att synliggöra hur en del verksamma pedagoger hanterar och bör hantera barn som far illa utifrån olika yrkeskategoriers perspektiv. Vi belyser även olika yrkesgrupper som är delaktiga i processen och hur samverkan mellan pedagogisk verksamhet och socialtjänst fungerar utifrån våra informanters svar. Litteratur kring ämnet berör vi utifrån ett brett perspektiv och den påvisar att pedagoger har ett stort ansvar i och med anmälningsplikten, men att ansvaret skall fördelas inom pedagogiska verksamheter. Vårt resultat bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer och enkäter utifrån kategorierna pedagoger, socialsekreterare, rektorer/enhetschefer, kuratorer/psykologer och vuxna som själva farit illa som barn. Vår undersökning påvisar att många barn far illa men att anmälningsbenägenheten har ökat. Trots detta finns det barn som inte blir uppmärksammade idag och pedagoger har ofta svårigheter att anmäla. Det har visat sig, att det för barns bästa, är väldigt viktigt att samverkan mellan pedagogisk verksamhet och socialtjänst fungerar bra vilket även litteratur poängterar. Vi hoppas att uppsatsen skall kunna hjälpa människor som kommer i kontakt med barn som far illa för att dessa barn skall få den hjälp de behöver. / The essay contains the process from suspicion to report and the ethical problem to report or not. The comprehensive purpose of the essay is too show how some working educationalists manage and should manage maltreated children out of different professional categories perspective. We also show different professional categories that are involved in the process and how collaboration between preschool/school and social services work on the basis of our respondent’s answers. We research literature about the subject from a broad perspective which prove that educationalists have a huge responsibility with the duty to report, but that the responsibility should be divided between preschool/school. Our result is based on qualitative interviews and questionnaires on the basis of the categories; educationalists, social workers secretaries, principals, school welfare officers/educational psychologists and adults that have been maltreated as children. Our review shows that many children are being maltreated but that the tendency to report has increased. Despite this there are children today who do not get noticed and educationalists that often have difficulties in reporting. Well-functioning collaboration between preschool/school and social services has proved to be very important in the best interest of children, which also literature has shown. We hope that this essay will help people who meet maltreated children so that these children get the help they need.
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Föreningsidrotten-en hälsosam plats för vuxna människor? : Intervjustudie om drop in-aktiviteter för vuxna inom föreningsidrottenLundin, Marie, Norrgård, Jessica January 2010 (has links)
This paper has it’s background in Physical Activity on Prescription, a projectwhich the Swedish sports movement is part of. The study refers to a limiteddivision of sports for adults, namely a phenomenon here by referred to as dropin-activity. This form of physical activity is characterized by an understandingthat the participant often lack experience and that it is possible to pay for eachoccasion. The purpose of the study was thus to take a closer look on organized,non-profit sports clubs which offer this type of exercise for adults. To get theresults interviews was carried out in three different sports clubs with leaders ofthe activity and members from the board. The respondents were asked to talkabout their thoughts and experiences of the activity involving physical activity ofdrop-in nature executed in each sport club. The theoretical framework used toanalyze the interviews was the phenomenon of logics within sport, as describedby Stenling and Fahlén (2009). The analysis resulted in the identification of twomain logics; Social values and Resources for continued existence. The healthperspective were analyzed on the basis what had, or had not been said abouthealth in the interviews. The results show that growth is a main issue which canbe used to motivate the Swedish sport clubs to develop their activities. It’s alsoshown that the participants of the drop in-activities don’t get as much attention asthe ordinary members of the sport clubs which is crucial if the social values areto be obtained. The conclusions are that in order to make the healthimplementations work the programmatic approach has to be clear and consist ofterms that is easily related to.
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Fysisk aktivitet på recept : vad påverkar förskrivningen? / Physical Activity Referral Scheme : what affects the prescriptionGreitz, Gustaf, Rönquist, Frida January 2009 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka samband mellan några utvalda faktorer av betydelse vid förskrivning av fysisk aktivitet på recept (FaR) på hälso- och vårdcentraler i Sverige. Metod: En enkätundersökning genomfördes på 37 icke-privata hälso- och vårdcentraler i Malmö, Stockholm och Umeå. Totalt 241 enkäter besvarades av legitimerad personal med förskrivningsrätt av FaR. Studerade faktorer, uttryckta som enkätfrågor, var: förskrivarens kön, ålder, befattning, landstingstillhörighet, användning av FaR/FYSS, egen motion, FaR-utbildning, tidsbrist, riktlinjer, uppföljning, samarbete med friskvårdsaktör, FaR-ansvarig, hänvisning av FaR-patienter, kunskap i att motivera till fysisk aktivitet samt kunskap om vilka sjukdomstillstånd som kan behandlas med fysisk aktivitet. En webb-baserad enkät distri-buerades och samlades in via e-post och en pappersenkät användes på ett par hälso- och vårdcentraler. Resultatet från enkätundersökningen analyserades med chitvåtest och binär logistisk regression. Resultat: Sannolikheten att förskriva FaR var signifikant sju gånger högre hos personal som visste vart de kunde hänvisa patienter med FaR-ordination i jämförelse med dem som inte visste vart hänvisning kunde ske. Vidare var sannolikheten att förskriva FaR signifikant fyra gånger högre hos personal med specifik utbildning om FaR i jämförelse med dem som inte hade någon FaR-utbildning. I undersökningen framkom även att förskrivning av FaR samvarierade signifikant med faktorerna befattning, landstingstillhörighet, samarbete med friskvårdsaktör/-er, riktlinjer från arbetsgivaren, kunskap om vilka sjukdomstillstånd som kan behandlas med fysisk aktivitet samt kunskap i att motivera patienter till fysisk aktivitet. Ingen signifikant samvariation sågs mellan förskrivning av FaR och följande faktorer: förskrivarens kön, ålder, användning av FaR/FYSS, egen motion, FaR-ansvarig, uppföljning samt om personalen avstår från att förskriva FaR pga att det förlänger patientbesöken. Slutsats: Vid arbete med FaR är det viktigt att skapa tydliga riktlinjer, samarbeta med frisk-vårdsaktör/-er, att personalen har kunskap om vilka sjukdomstillstånd som kan behandlas med fysisk aktivitet samt om motivation till fysisk aktivitet. Vi vill poängtera att det framförallt är viktigt att personalen är utbildad om FaR samt att de vet vart de kan hänvisa patienter med FaR-ordination i syfte att effektivisera FaR som arbetsmetod på hälso- och vårdcentraler i Sverige. / Abstract Aim: The aim of this study was to examine relations between selected factors significant to the prescription of Physical Activity Referral Scheme (PAR, Swedish: Fysisk aktivitet på recept, FaR) at health centers in Sweden. Method: A questionnaire study was carried out within 37 non-private health centers in Malmö, Stockholm and Umeå. A total of 241 questionnaires were answered by personnel authorized to prescribe FaR. Studied factors, expressed as questions in the questionnaire, were: prescriptors sex, age, profession, county council, the use of FaR/FYSS, personal exer-cise, FaR-education, lack of time, guidelines, follow-up, cooperation with preventive health care centers, FaR-coordinator, reference of FaR-patients, knowledge about how to inspire people to physical activity and knowledge about which conditions/diseases that can be treated with physical activity. A web-based questionnaire was distributed and collected through e-mail and a questionnaire in paperform was used at a couple of health centers. Results from the questionnaire were analysed with chi-square test and binary logistic regression. Results: The probability to prescribe FaR was significantly seven times higher for personnel who knew where to refer FaR-patients compared to those who did not know where reference could be given. Further the probability to prescribe FaR was significantly four times higher for personnel with specific FaR-education compared to those who lacked FaR-education. The study also showed that FaR-prescription had significant covariation with the factors profession, county council, cooperation with preventive health care centers, guidelines from the employer, knowledge about what conditions/diseases that can be treated with physical activity and knowledge about how to motivate patients to physical activity. No significant covariation were found between FaR-prescription and the following factors: prescriptors sex, age, use of FaR/FYSS, personal exercise, FaR-coordinator, follow-up or if personnel refrain from prescribing FaR because it extends patient visiting-hours. Conclusion: When working with FaR it is important to create clear guidelines, cooperate with preventive health care centers, that the personnel has knowledge about conditions/diseases which can be treated with physical activity and motivation to physical activity. Above all we want to point out that it is important that the personnel is educated about FaR and that they know where to refer patients with FaR-prescription in order to make the working method more effective at health centers in Sweden.
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The Trials of a Comfort WomanPark, Erica 01 January 2011 (has links)
The trials of a comfort woman was never revealed after the conclusion of WWII. More than half a century has passed before the name was uttered on the international stage. Why the sudden break of silence? What is the response of the Japanese government. In this paper, we discuss the issue of the comfort women and the the political implications it holds on Japan. Japan's failure to accept wartime reparation, largely due to Allied intervention, has resulted in the widening gap between Japan and Asia. This paper focuses on the combination of increased US influence as a result of the San Francisco Treaty of 1951 and Japan’s fervent nationalistic identity served to widen the gap between Japan and other East and Southeast Asian nations, making reconciliation over the issue of comfort women a problem that remains unresolved to this day.
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The Redevelopment of Canada and Japan’s Economic Relationship, 1945-1951: Canadian PerspectivesKenna, Nathan Noble 07 May 2010 (has links)
Between 1921 to 1941, Canada and Japan were close trading partners. The end of World
War II provided the two countries with the opportunity to resume their former economic
relationship. However, Japan was a defeated country, lacking in resources and credit, and
subject to the Occupation led by the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers. In contrast,
Canada was left with a strong economy and political independence. In 1945, Canada was invited
to participate in the Far Eastern Advisory Commission that later became the Far Eastern
Commission in 1946. In August 1946, Canada established a Liaison Mission at its former
Legation in Tokyo. Using archival material, this study explores how trade was conducted
between 1945-1951 and explains how Canada and Japan redeveloped their economic relationship
during the challenging years of Occupied Japan.
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The Redevelopment of Canada and Japan’s Economic Relationship, 1945-1951: Canadian PerspectivesKenna, Nathan Noble 07 May 2010 (has links)
Between 1921 to 1941, Canada and Japan were close trading partners. The end of World
War II provided the two countries with the opportunity to resume their former economic
relationship. However, Japan was a defeated country, lacking in resources and credit, and
subject to the Occupation led by the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers. In contrast,
Canada was left with a strong economy and political independence. In 1945, Canada was invited
to participate in the Far Eastern Advisory Commission that later became the Far Eastern
Commission in 1946. In August 1946, Canada established a Liaison Mission at its former
Legation in Tokyo. Using archival material, this study explores how trade was conducted
between 1945-1951 and explains how Canada and Japan redeveloped their economic relationship
during the challenging years of Occupied Japan.
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