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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Våga inte blunda : en studie om förskollärares syn på anmälningsplikt enligt socialtjänstlagen

Johansson, Jenny January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to capture preschool-teachers thoughts and experience basing on the obligation. Are there any policies and procedures for preschool-teachers to use when suspicion that a child is being abused occur. Are there some factors that may affect preschool-teachers to report to the social service? How does the preschool-teacher find the contact with the Social Service? I conducted four interviews with four preschool-teachers, two of these preschool teachers are employed at the same municipal preschool and the other two are employed at two other preschools. The interviews were semi-structured and were conducted at each individual’s workplace. To analyze my result, I used symbolic interactionism as a theory. The result shows that pree-schoolteachers find it difficult to use the mandatory notification law and lack of routines and not functional collaboration between the preschool and the social service are also some reasons why preschool teachers finds it difficult to report.

För barnets bästa? : En kvalitativ undersökning om förskollärare och rektorers tankar kring sin anmälningsskyldighet

Tuovila, Sara, Ander, Rebecca January 2010 (has links)
<p>We came across the discussion about the so-called duty to report (14 kap 1 § SoL) and we found some previous research, showing that preschool teachers are hesitant to report, and that they want real evidence that children are being mistreated, even though the duty to report clearly states that they have to report as soon as they <em>suspect</em> that a child is being mistreated. Our purpose became to study what tendencies and conditions preschool teachers and principals, placed in the municipalities of Hässleholm and Kristianstad, have to fulfil their duty to report according to the social services act, when there is a well founded suspicion that a child is being mistreated.  We split the purpose into the following research questions:</p><p> </p><p> </p><ul><li> Do local guidelines about how preschool teachers should act when suspecting that a child is being mistreated exist, and are they being followed? To what degree does the staff has knowledge about these guidelines? </li><li>How do preschool teachers experience the treatment from colleagues, principals and social welfare officers when they´ve done or wanted to do a report? </li><li>How do preschool teachers experience the reactions of a report from custodians?</li></ul><p> </p><p>We did conversational interviews with two principals, one from the municipality of Hässleholm, and one from the municipality of Kristianstad. We also made focusgroup interviews with the staff, three persons each from one of their respective preschools. Our conclusion is that preschool teachers are unwilling to report mistreatment. They prefer to, together with the principal and other professional people in the municipality, attempt to solve the problems within the organization of the school. The teachers do not stand behind the report themselves, instead it´s the principal. Unless the principal, who´s not always around to see the children in first-hand, thinks that a report should be made, a report will not be done.  We also have seen that the view on reports is homogenous for all the staff within the same workgroup. The staff affects each other, thus creating a norm telling them how to act in situations concerning a mistreated child.</p><p><strong> </strong></p>

För barnets bästa? : En kvalitativ undersökning om förskollärare och rektorers tankar kring sin anmälningsskyldighet

Tuovila, Sara, Ander, Rebecca January 2010 (has links)
We came across the discussion about the so-called duty to report (14 kap 1 § SoL) and we found some previous research, showing that preschool teachers are hesitant to report, and that they want real evidence that children are being mistreated, even though the duty to report clearly states that they have to report as soon as they suspect that a child is being mistreated. Our purpose became to study what tendencies and conditions preschool teachers and principals, placed in the municipalities of Hässleholm and Kristianstad, have to fulfil their duty to report according to the social services act, when there is a well founded suspicion that a child is being mistreated.  We split the purpose into the following research questions:     Do local guidelines about how preschool teachers should act when suspecting that a child is being mistreated exist, and are they being followed? To what degree does the staff has knowledge about these guidelines? How do preschool teachers experience the treatment from colleagues, principals and social welfare officers when they´ve done or wanted to do a report? How do preschool teachers experience the reactions of a report from custodians?   We did conversational interviews with two principals, one from the municipality of Hässleholm, and one from the municipality of Kristianstad. We also made focusgroup interviews with the staff, three persons each from one of their respective preschools. Our conclusion is that preschool teachers are unwilling to report mistreatment. They prefer to, together with the principal and other professional people in the municipality, attempt to solve the problems within the organization of the school. The teachers do not stand behind the report themselves, instead it´s the principal. Unless the principal, who´s not always around to see the children in first-hand, thinks that a report should be made, a report will not be done.  We also have seen that the view on reports is homogenous for all the staff within the same workgroup. The staff affects each other, thus creating a norm telling them how to act in situations concerning a mistreated child.

För barnets bästa : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers syn på sin anmälningsskyldighet

Birelius, Jennie January 2010 (has links)
This study is aimed at finding out how nursery and pre-school teachers carry out their obligation to report suspected child abuse, and their views on the issue. The study was alsoa imed at highlighting any difficulties teachers might have when dealing with children who arem istreated. In addition, the study examines the impact on teachers and children when thet eachers decide to either report or not report abuse. The main issues addressed by this study are:   Are pre-school and nursery teachers aware of their duty to report suspected child abuse and what are their opinions regarding this duty? How do the teachers claim they behave if obliged to report and what difficulties dothey encounter? In order to find the answer to these questions, qualitative interviews were made with eight pre-school teachers. The empirical evidence has been put in relation to theories of action and communication as well as to previous research in the area that concerns children who are mistreated. The study demonstrates the complexities that the duty to report child abuse creates and how the ambivalence that arises can inhibit a teacher’s actions. Fear of the consequences, regardless of whether the report is made or not, ultimately lead to paralysis, something which the conclusion also shows. Some of the conclusions drawn are that the support to teachers must improve in terms of better co-operation between pre-schools and social services. Moretime should also be set aside for training and for discussions with colleagues. The duty toreport suspected child abuse needs to be addressed in a way that makes it less daunting in order to encourage more teachers to do so. Apprehension regarding the possible consequences that would arise from reporting child abuse should not deter a teacher from helping a  vulnerable child.

När är det dags att anmäla? : En studie om hur förskolepersonalen resonerar och agerar i förhållande till anmälningsplikten när de misstänker att ett barn far illa. / When is it time to report? : A study how preschool-staff resonate and act in relation to the notification requirements when suspecting a child to fare badly

Borowicz, Veronica, Rydh, Amanda January 2013 (has links)
The aim with our study has been to examine how preschool-staffs resonate about the notification requirements according to Chapter 14, section 1, The Social Services Act, when a child fare badly or is suspected to fare badly: first, in relation to the municipality´s policies, but also in relation to the preschool staff´s actions in individual cases. Our study was conducted by qualitative research with semi-structured interviews. Total has two child´s nurses and six preschool-teachers, active within Växjö´s municipality, been interviewed. The result showed that the municipality´s guidelines on the one hand, underpinned by giving a prescribed pattern of behavior for preschool staff on how to act if the suspected that a child to fare badly. On the other hand preschool staff also experienced the guidelines diffuse as there were nothing described of the transition of how much they should document and observe before a notification could be initiated to the headmaster. Noteworthy was that the munici-pality´s guidelines in this case was inconsistent with the provision in Chapter 14, section 1, The Social Service act. A report should be made immediately. In addition, the preschool-staff could not establish a notification, just initiate it to the headmaster, which is also contrary to the statutory provisions. Furthermore the result showed that the preschool-staff experienced more disadvantages than advantages with the duty to report. The results also showed that the preschool staff´s actions were influenced off various circumstances. The behavior before initiating a notification to the headmaster showed to differ in individual cases. This confirms the preschool-staffs personal discretion even though the duty to report prevails.

Anmälningsplikten till Socialtjänsten - En studie om skolpersonalens upplevelser av att göra en orosanmälan

Sternemar, Josefine, Mathisson, Denize January 2019 (has links)
Studien belyser den komplexa problematik som omsluter anmälningsplikten för skolpersonal vid misstanke eller kännedom om att ett barn far illa. Tidigare forskning pekar på att underrapportering är ett problem i de svenska skolorna, men samtidigt menar forskare på att anmälningsfrekvensen inte är intressant att undersöka om man inte också undersöker den problematik som lagstiftningen genererar. Studiens frågeställningar är därav utformade för att ta reda på hur skolpersonal upplever anmälningsplikten till Socialtjänsten enligt 14 kapitlet 1 § SoL, och hur deras syn på anmälningsplikten påverkas av att de inte kan anmäla sin oro anonymt. Studien söker även svar på hur grundskolors rutiner kring anmälningsförfarandet ser ut, och om skolpersonalen anser att något saknas i lagstiftningen eller från Socialtjänsten. För att få svar på frågeställningarna gjordes tre semistrukturerade intervjuer med totalt sju informanter som arbetar inom grundskolan i Malmö och Vellinge. Analysen bygger på utvecklingsekologi samt teorin om street-level bureaucracy, eller gräsrotsbyråkrati. De slutsatser som kunde dras efter studiens genomförande var att skolpersonalen upplever att den lagstadgade anmälningsplikten är något bra, och att deras anmälningsbenägenhet inte påverkas av det faktum att de inte kan anmäla anonymt. De upplever trots allt att anmälningsplikten genererar en viss utsatthet för dem som skolpersonal i kontakt med föräldrar. Samtliga skolor använde sig av konsultation med Socialtjänsten innan dess att en anmälan gjordes, och det fanns möjlighet till råd och stöd från elevhälsan både före och efter en anmälan. Det skolpersonalen saknade från lagstiftningen och Socialtjänsten var tydligare rutiner för Socialtjänsten när det kommer till att återkoppla till anmälaren. / The study highlights the complex issue surrounding school personnel’s duty to report to Social Services if they suspect or if it comes to knowledge that a child may be in physical, social or psychological danger. Previous research shows a lack of these reports in swedish schools, but at the same time researchers say that the frequency of reports is not relevant to study if one does not also study the problems that generates from the legislation itself. Therefore, this study’s questions at issue are designed to find out how the school personnel experience the duty to report concern for a child to Social Services, and in which way their experience is affected by the fact that they can not report anonymously. The study also investigates the schools’ routines for making these reports, and if the school personnel feel that something is missing from the legislation or the Social Services regarding the duty to report concern for a child. In order to answer these questions, three semi-structured interviews with a total of seven informants from three different schools in Malmö and Vellinge were conducted. The analysis is based ecological systems theory and the theory of street-level bureaucracy. The final conclusions were that the school personnel has a positive attitude towards the duty to report, and that their tendency to report is not affected by the fact that they can not report anonymously. They do however experience an exposure generated from the duty to report, when it comes to the parents’ reactions. All schools used the opportunity to consult with Social Services before making a report, and they all had the opportunity to get help and support from the student health before and after making a report. What they felt were missing in the legislation was a more clear demands for Social Services to give feedback to the reporter.

Lärare i fritidshem i anmälningssituation : En statistisk uppfattning om lärare i fritidshemmets kunskap om anmälningar / Teacher in after-school center in registration situation : A statistical view of teachers in the after - school center's knowledge of registrations

Dutra, Dion January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om hur lärare i fritidshem ser på anmäl­ningsplikten och hur de hanterar information när de misstänker att en elev är i en utsatta situation. Resultaten visar vad som lärarnas i fritidshem roller och ansvar är och vad som ligger till grund för att lärarna i fritidshem ska vidta åtgärder eller inte åtgärder enligt anmälningsplikten. Slutligen var stödet till lärare i fritidshemmet kommer ifrån då anmälan har genomförts. Forskningen bedrivs via Internet. Det finns ingen gräns för antal respondenterna, men respondenterna hade tre veckor på sig att svara på enkäter. Totalt kom cirka 100 svar på de två enkäterna. Resultaten visar att de flesta respondenterna är medvetna om anmälningsplikten och processen. Genom att lärarna tar ansvar agera de professionellt. Större delen respondenterna anmälde någon gång, men nästan hälften anmälde inte. Det finns många orsaker till att de inte anmäler. Det är på grund av okunskap, rädsla eller osäkerhet. Respondenterna hade olika eller liknande påverkningar under anmälan och efter anmälan, främst på grund av psykiska påfrestningar. Såsom oro, osäkerhet, rädsla och ångest är dessa de vanligaste känslorna som förekommer när anmälningar sker. Stödet kommer vanligtvis från rektorn, men också från olika källor, som till exempel arbetslag eller socialtjänst. Majoriteten skriver att de saknas utbildningskunskap om anmälan. KASAM-modellen används för att analysera resultaten. / The purpose of the study is to contribute knowledge about how teachers in after-school centers view the duty to report and how they handle information when they suspect that a student is in a vulnerable situation. The results show what the teachers 'in leisure-time centers' roles and responsibilities are and what is the basis for the teachers in leisure-time centers to take measures or not measures in accordance with the duty to report. Finally, where did the support for teachers in the after-school center come from when the application has been completed. The research is conducted via the Internet. There is no limit to the number of respondents, but the respondents had three weeks to respond to surveys. In total, about 100 responses came to the two questionnaires. The results show that most respondents are aware of the notification obligation and the process. By the teachers taking responsibility, they act professionally. The majority of respondents reported at some point, but almost half did not report. There are many reasons why they do not report. It is due to ignorance, fear or insecurity. The respondents had different or similar influences during the notification and after the notification, mainly due to mental stress. Such as worry, insecurity, fear and anxiety, these are the most common emotions that occur when reports are made. The support usually comes from the principal, but also from various sources, such as work teams or social services. The majority write that they lack educational knowledge about registration. The KASAM model is used to analyze the results.

Orosanmälning av barn som far illa : Hinder och möjligheter för professionella med anmälningsplikt / Report of concern of children who are in harm’s way : Obstacles and opportunities for professionals with obligation to report concern

Dahlborg, Frida, Johansson, Stina January 2022 (has links)
Professionella som möter barn i sitt arbete har en absolut anmälningsplikt att orosanmäla vid misstanke om att ett barn far eller riskerar att fara illa enligt 14:1 SoL. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hinder och möjligheter för anmälningspliktiga att göra en orosanmälan, undersöka hur de skattar sin kunskap kring anmälningsplikten och samarbetet med socialtjänsten. Föreliggande studie är en kvantitativ studie baserad på en webbenkät där 66 respondenter som lyder under anmälningsplikten fått svara på frågor och påståenden gällande lagen om anmälningsplikt och orosanmälan. I studien ingick yrkesverksamma från för- grund- och gymnasieskola, polis, fritidsgård samt socialtjänst från Trollhättans kommun. Resultat för studien bygger på statistiska analyser och pekar på att det finns påverkningsfaktorer som gör att professionella med anmälningsplikt väljer att göra eller inte göra en orosanmälan trots att lagen menar att inga övervägningar ska göras av den anmälningsskyldige. 13,6% av respondenterna håller inte alls med eller tar delvis avstånd från att de skulle ha goda kunskaper om vad deras anmälningsplikt innebär. Respondenter med erfarenhet av samverkan med socialtjänst är inte helt nöjda med tidigare erfarenhet av samverkan samtidigt skattar de effekten av samverkan som positiv. Resultatet visar på att utökad kunskap behövs om utsatthet hos barn, om anmälningsplikten generellt samt förståelse för att anmälningsplikten är absolut hos anmälningspliktiga

Faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskan i att göra enorosanmälan utifrån sjuksköterskans perspektiv : En litteraturstudie / Factors Affecting the Nurse in Making a Report of Concern from the Nurse's Perspective : A literature review

Mohammad, Nadia, Persson, Cecilia January 2022 (has links)
Abstrakt Bakgrund: Vid misstanke eller kännedom om att barn far illa ska sjuksköterskor enligt lag göra en orosanmälan till socialnämnden (SFS 2001:453). Tusentals barn far illa i Sverige varje år. De utsätts för fysiskt eller psykiskt våld eller lever i missförhållanden. I vården möter sjuksköterskor barn på olika sätt och har möjlighet att fånga upp dessa barn. Sjuksköterskor har med andra ord goda förutsättningar att hjälpa barn som far illa. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien är att undersöka erfarenheter som hindrar sjuksköterskan att göra en orosanmälan. Metod: En litteraturstudie har genomförts och 12 vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats har analyserats. Resultat: Det framkom olika faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskors beslut och dessa faktorer redovisas i två huvudteman och tre underteman. Huvudteman: Kunskapsbrist och Bristande samverkan. Underteman: Osäkerhet, kommunikation och samverkan. Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor saknar kunskap om barn som far illa. Även arbetslivserfarenhet, ålder, att ha egna barn och personliga egenskaper påverkar anmälningsbenägenhet. Misstron till myndigheter var även en bidragande faktor till att avstå från att anmäla. Konklusion: Sjuksköterskor behöver mer utbildning rörande barn som far illa. Bättre samverkan i team och även reflektion på arbetsplatsen efterfrågas. Återkoppling från socialtjänsten var också något flertalet av sjuksköterskor hade uppskattat. Detta på grund av oron över barnets situation, men även kring beslutet att anmäla. Bättre samarbete mellan socialtjänsten och hälso- och sjukvården för att öka anmälningsfrekvensen behövs. / Abstract Background: In case of suspicion or knowledge that a child is in danger, a nurse must, according to law, make a report of concern to the social services committee (SFS 2001: 453). Children suffer badly all over the world every year; they are exposed to physical and psychological violence, or live in abusive conditions. In care, the nurse meets children in different ways, and has the opportunity to acknowledge these children. In other words, the nurse is well suited to help these children. Aim: The aim of the literature study is to investigate experiences that prevent the nurse from reporting a concern. Method: A literature study has been conducted and 12 scientific articles with a qualitative approach have been analyzed. Result: Various factors emerged that influenced the nurse when making a decision about a report of concern, and these factors are presented two main themes and three sub-themes. Main themes: Lack of knowledge and lack of cooperation. Subthemes: Uncertainty, communication and cooperation. Newly graduated nurses lack knowledge about children who are being abused. Work experience, age, having children of your own, and personal characteristics also affect the propensity to report concern. Distrust of authorities was also a contributing factor in refraining from reporting. Conclusion: Nurses are in need of further education about children in abusive environments. Better collaboration in teams and reflection in the workplace are suggested. Feedback from the social services was also something most of the nurses would have appreciated. This is due to concerns about the child's situation but also about the decision to report. Better cooperation between the social services and the healthcare system is needed to increase the reporting frequency.

Från misstanke till anmälan om brott mot barn : ett etiskt problem för pedagoger / From suspicion to report on crime against children : an ethical problem for educationalists

Lindgren-Göransson, Jenny, Nilsson, Johanna January 2004 (has links)
<p>Sammanfattning Uppsatsen synliggör processen från misstanke till anmälan och det etiska problemet att anmäla eller inte. Det övergripande syftet i uppsatsen är att synliggöra hur en del verksamma pedagoger hanterar och bör hantera barn som far illa utifrån olika yrkeskategoriers perspektiv. Vi belyser även olika yrkesgrupper som är delaktiga i processen och hur samverkan mellan pedagogisk verksamhet och socialtjänst fungerar utifrån våra informanters svar. Litteratur kring ämnet berör vi utifrån ett brett perspektiv och den påvisar att pedagoger har ett stort ansvar i och med anmälningsplikten, men att ansvaret skall fördelas inom pedagogiska verksamheter. </p><p>Vårt resultat bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer och enkäter utifrån kategorierna pedagoger, socialsekreterare, rektorer/enhetschefer, kuratorer/psykologer och vuxna som själva farit illa som barn.</p><p>Vår undersökning påvisar att många barn far illa men att anmälningsbenägenheten har ökat. Trots detta finns det barn som inte blir uppmärksammade idag och pedagoger har ofta svårigheter att anmäla. Det har visat sig, att det för barns bästa, är väldigt viktigt att samverkan mellan pedagogisk verksamhet och socialtjänst fungerar bra vilket även litteratur poängterar. Vi hoppas att uppsatsen skall kunna hjälpa människor som kommer i kontakt med barn som far illa för att dessa barn skall få den hjälp de behöver. </p> / <p>The essay contains the process from suspicion to report and the ethical problem to report or not. The comprehensive purpose of the essay is too show how some working educationalists manage and should manage maltreated children out of different professional categories perspective. We also show different professional categories that are involved in the process and how collaboration between preschool/school and social services work on the basis of our respondent’s answers. We research literature about the subject from a broad perspective which prove that educationalists have a huge responsibility with the duty to report, but that the responsibility should be divided between preschool/school. </p><p>Our result is based on qualitative interviews and questionnaires on the basis of the categories; educationalists, social workers secretaries, principals, school welfare officers/educational psychologists and adults that have been maltreated as children. </p><p>Our review shows that many children are being maltreated but that the tendency to report has increased. Despite this there are children today who do not get noticed and educationalists that often have difficulties in reporting. Well-functioning collaboration between preschool/school and social services has proved to be very important in the best interest of children, which also literature has shown. We hope that this essay will help people who meet maltreated children so that these children get the help they need.</p>

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