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Application of an alternative frequency response technique to the durability assessment of engine componentsBerglund, Anders January 2011 (has links)
Engine components are exposed to vibrations which may lead to fatigue damage. Accurate dynamic simulations are necessary especially during the development process, in order to find a satisfactory component. Currently Scania uses a standard method for dynamic calculations that is based on a frequency response approach. A measured or calculated excitation yields a certain response through the transfer function of the system. The transfer function is obtained through an eigenfrequency calculation and an experience-based estimate of the modal damping. An obvious drawback of this method is that the estimated modal damping strongly affects the calculated response of the system. In this thesis, the method outlined above is compared to an alternative, so-called, inverse method in which the excitation of the system is calculated using a measured response. The advantage is that the modal damping does not affect the result directly since the excitation has been adjusted according to the response. As a demonstration object a charge air pipe and its bracket are used. Acceleration response data is collected from an engine vibration measurement. The calculated safety factor of the demonstration object is reasonable for both the standard method and the inverse method. An estimate of the quality of the model is obtained for the inverse method through statistical measures, which is not the case for the standard method. The excitation for the inverse method is adjusted to the estimated modal damping which is a major advantage since damping is notoriously difficult to quantify in engineering practice. The inverse method has proven to be a useful simulation method for calculations when a prototype of the engine component of interest already exists.
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Finite element modelling of hydroelasticity in hull-water impactsStenius, Ivan January 2006 (has links)
<p>The work in this thesis focuses on the use of explicit finite element analysis (FEA) in the modelling of fluid-structure interaction of panel-water impacts. Paper A, considers modelling of a two-dimensional rigid wedge impacting a calm water surface. From analytical methods and results of a systematic parameter study a generalised approach for determination of fluid discretization and contact parameters in the modelling of arbitrary hull-water impact situations is developed and presented. In paper B the finite element modelling methodology suggested in paper A is evaluated for elastic structures by a convergence study of structural response and hydrodynamic load. The structural hydroelastic response is systematically studied by a number of FE-simulations of different impact situations concerning panel deadrise, impact velocity and boundary conditions. In paper B a tentative method for dynamic characterization is also derived. The results are compared with other published results concerning hydroelasticity in panel water impacts. The long-term goal of this work is to develop design criteria, by which it can be determined whether the loading situation of a certain vessel type should be regarded as quasi-static or dynamic, and which consequence on the design a dynamic loading has.</p>
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Utvärdering och rekommendation av uppföljningsprogram för flygplanunderhåll : för Täby Air MaintenanceNyström, Olof, Pettersson, Caroline January 2007 (has links)
By today’s date there are a lot of companies that are in great need of restructuring their paperwork in a more organized way. This can be excellent arranged with the help of properly constructed computer software. The aviation industry is no exception, but actually a good example of this. Täby Air Maintenance (TAM) is a company which is situated in Örebro. Their main business is aircraft maintenance on a variety of aircraft models. TAM has so far handled their work by hand or with the help of a majority of small computer programmes. The information has now become too abundant and the different kinds of software being used are no longer a working tool for the company. There is therefore a demand for an exhaustive programme which has the capacity to take care of all parts in logistics and production. The purpose is to examine and evaluate three different makes of software and form a recommendation to TAM of which one suits their needs the best. The software was Airsoft, MX System and System Airline Management (SAM). The evaluation has been performed with the help of demo versions of the programmes, manuals and support from contacts at the different manufacturers. The programmes were initially dealt with one at a time and then compared towards each other and towards the demands from TAM. The software which in the end was recommended was SAM, and the decision was based on a number of reasons. The main reason was the user friendliness of the software - the fact that its logical structure makes it easy for its user to swiftly understand the concept and thus learn how to use it quickly. This results in profits, both in time and money. / Idag är många företag i trängande behov av att strukturera upp sitt pappersarbete på ett mer ordnat sätt. Detta kan ske på ett effektivt sätt med ett anpassat och ändamålsenligt strukturerat datorprogram. Flygbranschen är inget undantag, snarare ett bra exempel på detta. Täby Air Maintenance (TAM) är ett företag som är beläget i Örebro och utför underhåll på flygplan i varierande storlek. TAM har hittills skött arbetet för hand och med hjälp av ett flertal mindre datorprogram. Informationen har dock blivit alldeles för omfångsrik och de olika programmen är inte längre ett fungerande instrument för verksamheten. Det krävs därför ett heltäckande program som har kapaciteten att ta hand om alla delar, såväl logistik som produktion. Syftet är att undersöka tre olika program och ge en rekommendation på det som passar företaget bäst. Programmen är Airsoft, MX System och System Airline Management (SAM). Undersökningen har utförts med hjälp av demoversioner, manualer och stöd från kontaktpersoner hos tillverkarna. Programmen undersöktes först var för sig och därefter jämfördes de mot varandra och mot TAMs krav. Det program som rekommenderades var SAM. Detta beror på en mängd orsaker, där den främsta orsaken var programmets användarvänlighet - det faktum att dess logiska uppbyggnad gör det lätt för användaren att snabbt kunna sätta sig in i strukturen och därmed lättare kunna lära sig att använda det. Detta i sin tur ger vinster i både tid och pengar.
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An Investigation of Maximum Brake Torque Timing based on Ionization Current Feedback / Tändningstidpunkt för Maximalt Arbete baserat på JonströmsåterkopplingMagnusson, Janek January 2007 (has links)
For every operating condition of an internal combustion engine there exists an optimal spark timing, called maximum brake torque (MBT), which maximises the output torque and the efficiency of the engine. Traditionally MBT timing is implemented as an open-loop control where the ignition timing is found by using a combination of static lookup tables and sensor information. With a direct closed-loop control from the combustion process the performance of internal combustion engines could be improved. The thesis investigates if it is possible to estimate the MBT timing from the ionization current for every operating condition of a spark ignited engine where the operating conditions are defined by the engine parameters lambda, internal exhaust gas recirculation, engine load, engine speed and spark advance. First an investigation of how much loss of torque an error from the MBT position corresponds to is made. Then the influence of the engine parameters on the shape of the ionization current was studied. Last different peak pressure position (PPP) estimating algorithms are presented and a new technique is developed where an engine operating point dependant part of the ionization current is used depending on the current operating condition of the engine. Two of the presented PPP estimating algorithms are then complemented with this technique and the results look promising.
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Development of a new drawing system for STSHåkonsen, Christian, Berkelund, Mikael January 2008 (has links)
An engineering firm which handles and constructs drawings needs well defined routines and structures which should be homogeneous through all the different departments. A common drawing system results in better quality and cooperation between the departments. SAS Technical Services (STS) did not have a common drawing system which had led to development of different routines in the different regions and departments. Requested was development of new routines regarding engineering drawings, such as drawing numbering structure, revision and subscription routines, which standards to adhere to, custom made drawing templates and management of the drawings with belonging documents. Each requested task was broken into minor tasks and analyzed. Solutions by different leading engineering companies were used for comparison and ideas. All the tasks were collected and organized in one single document which is the result of the thesis; a drawing instruction. The drawing instruction will after a learning phase ease the work for the STS engineers as all necessary information can be found in one single place. Also, work with contractors will be time-saving as the instruction can be handed out for guidance. / En ingenjörsfirma som hanterar och skapar mängder med ritningar behöver väldefinierade rutiner och strukturer som är homogena genom hela bolaget. Ett gemensamt ritningssystem resulterar i bättre kvalitet och bättre samarbete mellan de olika avdelningarna. SAS Technical Services (STS) hade inte ett gemensamt ritningssystem vilket har lett till att de olika avdelningarna har utvecklat olika rutiner rörande ritningar. Önskemålet var utvecklande av nya rutiner rörande ingenjörsritningar såsom ritningsnumreringsstruktur, revisions- och prenumerationsrutiner, vilka standarder som skall följas, egna ritningsmallar och skötsel av ritningar med tillhörande dokument. Varje önskad uppgift blev uppdelad i mindre uppgifter och analyserad. Lösningar från olika ledande ingenjörsbolag användes för jämförelse och idéer. Alla uppgifterna samlades och organiserades i ett och samma dokument som är resultatet av detta arbete; en ritningsinstruktion. Ritningsinstruktionen kommer efter en inlärningsfas underlätta arbetet för ingenjörerna på STS eftersom all nödvändig information nu finns på ett och samma ställe. Arbeten med entreprenörer vill också bli underlättande eftersom instruktionen kan delas ut för vägledning.
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Utmattningsanalys av marin ångpanna : Sunrod CPDB12 / Fatigue analysis of marine boiler : Sunrod CPDB12Castenson, Joacim, Grandics, Moa January 2018 (has links)
Problematik med utmattningsbrott är känt sedan början på 1800-talet och fenomenet har studerats sedan dess. Efter lång tids arbete har man hittat en metodik för att ta fram analytiska beräkningsmodeller samt säkra och noggranna livslängdsberäkningar för stålkonstruktioner. Syftet med detta arbete har varit att undersöka en marin ångpannas utmattningshållfasthet under loppet av dess ekonomiska livslängd. I den här studien har en analytisk beräkning gjorts på en marin ångpannas utmattningslivslängd med hjälp av DNV ́s regler för klassifikation av fartyg samt Europeiska tryckkärlsnormen. I studien har författarna tagit hänsyn till ångpannans tryckvariationer, temperaturvariationer samt den marina ångpannans yttre påverkan från fartygets rörelse i vattnet och de resulterande hävkrafterna. Detta för att med hög tillförlitlighet (konfidens) kunna värna om människoliv, natur och miljö, fysisk egendom (fartyg samt last), operativa tillgänglighet samt lagar och regler. / Problems with fractures due to fatigue have been known since the early 19th century, and the phenomenon has been studied since then. After long periods of work, a methodology has been found to develop analytical fatigue calculation models for steel structures. The purpose of this work has been to investigate the fatigue assessments of marine boilers during it ́s economic lifetime. In this study, an analytical calculation has been made of the marine boiler using DNV's ship classification rules and the European pressure vessel standard. In the study, the authors have taken into account the boilers pressure variations, temperature variations, and the marine boiler's external impact from the vessel's motion in the water and the resulting forces. In order to be able to protect human life, nature and the environment, physical property (ships and cargo), operational availability as well as laws and regulations, with high reliability (confidentiality).
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Thermal Analysis of a Park Lock System in a DCT TransmissionRudraraju, Venkata Sai Krishna Varma, Valishetty, Arjun January 2017 (has links)
A park lock is a mechanism used to prevent unintentional movement of the vehicle. A failure in the proper function of this mechanism can lead to the safety concerns of an automobile. The main focus of this thesis is to understand the reason behind the failure of the park lock mechanism by FEM analysis in ANSA. For this, temperature build up during the park lock engagement has been studied in a dynamic explicit analysis. The FE results are compared to results from experiments on park lock. The modelling has been done in ANSA, ABAQUS was used as a solver for simulation and the results have been studied in META. The results indicate that there is a rise in the temperature. This is due to the friction between the contact surfaces and the oscillations generated in the vehicle. Based on the observations, discussions and conclusions are formulated and the research questions are answered.
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Parameter setting on catalytic controller : Using Design of Experiments and Scanning Electron Microscope Analysis / Parameter setting on catalytic controller : Using Design of Experiments and Scanning Electron Microscope AnalysisJanardhanan Pillai, Unnikrishnan Asan, Shanmugavel, Dharani January 2017 (has links)
This thesis work has been conducted in the Handheld Laboratory at Husqvarna AB with the purpose of finding the parameters responsible for the performance of the catalytic converters used in the test rig. The catalytic converters are used in the test rig during the long term testing of the chain saws to reduce the hydrocarbon content from the exhaust before it enters into the environment. To perform this research two approaches were carried out. One with Design of Experiment (DOE) and another using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analysis. In Design of Experiments parameters that are suspected to be influencing the performance of the catalytic converter were refined. Using these parameters a test plan is made with the help of statistical analysis application Minitab and the tests were carried out in the test rig. Using SEM the effects of aging and its effect on microstructure and chemical composition on the catalyst surface was analyzed. The results from the DoE shows that the exhaust flow, collector diameter and distance to the muffler are responsible for the collection of exhaust. Distance to the muffler and collector length are the factors affecting the conversion of the exhaust. In addition to that exhaust flow is also responsible for the duration of heating coil running time. The results from the SEM analysis shows that the operating temperature is high due to which there is thermal degradation of catalyst and there is also deactivation due to fouling. Another finding is that the flow on to the catalyst is not uniformly distributed
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Volvo GTT Brake Simulation Tool : Virtual vehicle using data driven approach for rapid testingJohannesson, Markus, Tolf, Anders January 2020 (has links)
The project has been conducted in collaboration with the company Volvo Group Truck Technology and deals with the area of brake development. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a simulation tool to perform rapid testing of the brake system. The brake system is introduced, where an explanation of what the brake systems role is in the vehicle and which kinds of brakes can be found in commercial trucks. Different trucks depend on different braking systems, a truck doing long-hauls will have different braking needs than a worksite transporter. It is important to have a customizable tool to be able to cover the different truck braking systems. Simulations cannot replicate reality perfectly; the results will always deviate from the actual value. There are countless of variables that can affect the braking torque, everything from mechanical efficiency to weather conditions. It is important to set limitations and boundaries for the tool. Four different methods have been used to develop the simulation tool. MATLAB pulls information from component test data stored in Excel sheets, then inserts it into the block diagram calculations in Simulink where the model has been created using a data driven method with a physics base. The tool has also been validated compared to component performance data and old truck dynamometer tests. The project presents how the development cost can be reduced by using the simulation tool instead of traditional testing. A simulation can be done in one minute, as opposed to the 14 days it takes to perform a physical test, this means that decisions can be taken quicker with minimal resource investments. The virtual vehicle customization is also presented, where the user can choose which specific components to test. Making the tool useful for different braking scenarios and different truck setups.
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Parking Map Generation and Tracking Using Radar : Adaptive Inverse Sensor Model / Parkeringskartagenerering och spårning med radarMahmoud, Mohamed January 2020 (has links)
Radar map generation using binary Bayes filter or what is commonly known as Inverse Sensor Model; which translates the sensor measurements into grid cells occupancy estimation, is a classical problem in different fields. In this work, the focus will be on development of Inverse Sensor Model for parking space using 77 GHz FMCW (Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave) automotive radar, that can handle different environment geometrical complexity in a parking space. There are two main types of Inverse Sensor Models, where each has its own assumption about the sensor noise. One that is fixed and is similar to a lookup table, and constructed based on combination of sensor-specific characteristics, experimental data and empirically-determined parameters. The other one is learned by using ground truth labeling of the grid map cell, to capture the desired Inverse Sensor Model. In this work a new Inverse Sensor Model is proposed, that make use of the computational advantage of using fixed Inverse Sensor Model and capturing desired occupancy estimation based on ground truth labeling. A derivation of the occupancy grid mapping problem using binary Bayes filtering would be performed from the well known SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) problem, followed by presenting the Adaptive Inverse Sensor Model, that uses fixed occupancy estimation but with adaptive occupancy shape estimation based on statistical analysis of the radar measurements distribution across the acquisition environment. A prestudy of the noise nature of the radar used in this work is performed, to have a common Inverse Sensor Model as a benchmark. Then the drawbacks of such Inverse Sensor Model would be addressed as sub steps of Adaptive Inverse Sensor Model, to be able to haven an optimal grid map occupancy estimator. Finally a comparison between the generated maps using the benchmark and the adaptive Inverse Sensor Model will take place, to show that under the fulfillment of the assumptions of the Adaptive Inverse Sensor Model, the Adaptive Inverse Sensor Model can offer a better visual appealing map to that of the benchmark.
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