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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Epitaxie de nouvelles hétérostructures pour la filière GaAs : puits/boîtes quantiques GaInAs sur surfaces structurées et alliages GaAsBi

Makhloufi, Hajer 06 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Une des forces des semi-conducteurs composés et de leurs alliages est de permettre une ingénierie très flexible des structures de bande et de couvrir une large bande spectrale intéressant de nombreuses applications optoélectroniques. De plus, il est possible de les réaliser sous forme de puits et boîtes quantiques, qui constituent des émetteurs efficaces pour les diodes laser. Mes travaux de thèse s'inscrivent dans le contexte du développement de nouvelles hétérostructures quantiques pour la filière GaAs en vue d'étendre sa gamme d'application. En premier lieu, la reprise d'épitaxie par jet moléculaire des puits quantiques de GaInAs et la croissance dirigée des boites quantiques d'InAs sur des surfaces nanostructurées de GaAs ont été visées. La structuration de surface a été réalisée par un procédé de nanoimpression que nous avons mis au point et par lithographie électronique. La désoxydation in situ par plasma hydrogène et sous flux de gallium a été étudiée et des surfaces lisses et propres ont été obtenues. L'influence de l'orientation et de la dimension des motifs sur les nanostructures a été précisée. La luminescence des nanostructures à température ambiante a été démontrée. En second lieu, la croissance des puits quantiques de GaAsBi a été développée après une optimisation des conditions de croissance de couches épaisses de GaAsBi. Une émission à température ambiante d'une longueur d'onde de 1.22 μm a été mesurée pour un puits contenant 7% de bismuth. Il présente des interfaces planes, une épaisseur uniforme et est déformé élastiquement. Par ailleurs, la présence d'états localisés a été mise en évidence par spectroscopie de photoluminescence. Nous avons montré que les recuits ne parviennent pas à guérir ces défauts.

Les rapports de genre et la filière néré en Haute Guinée

Touré, Mabetty 25 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Les dynamiques des rapports de genre se construisent à travers une analyse globale depuis la mise en place des populations. Cette analyse permet de porter un regard nouveau sur les rapports de genre autour d'enjeux social, culturel et économique en Haute Guinée. De l'organisation sociale et politique des communautés rurales de base ressort la position sociale qu'occupe chaque catégorie sociale à divers niveaux d'échelles (village, clan, famille). Les inégalités liées au genre influencent les processus sociaux et économiques. Les rapports de genre s'organisent à travers les faits et pratiques qui montrent une différenciation sociale mais aussi une hiérarchisation en faveur des hommes et des aînés. L'organisation sociale codifie les pratiques des uns et des autres dans un système gérontocratique. Les asymétries du genre constituées de différences et d'inégalités se transforment parfois, en réponse à l'évolution de la société ainsi qu'à des changements de conditions socio-économiques. C'est dans ce cadre que beaucoup de femmes de la Haute Guinée ont pris des initiatives et s'inscrivent actuellement dans des logiques d'exploitation du néré, un produit de cueillette utilisé comme condiment, ce qui leur permet d'avoir plus d'autonomie et peuvent, de ce fait, accéder aux moyens de production. Elles adhèrent aux organisations collectives, se déplacent de plus en plus vers des horizons lointains, bousculant ainsi l'ancienne hiérarchie de pouvoir fondé sur le sexe et l'âge.

Les enjeux territoriaux de la surveillance de la santé animale : le cas de l’influenza aviaire hautement pathogène au Viet Nam et en Thaïlande / The territorial issues of animal health surveillance : the case of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Vietnam and Thailand

Delabouglise, Alexis 15 October 2015 (has links)
La surveillance de la santé se définit comme la production et le traitement de données destinées à informer les programmes de mitigation des risques sanitaires. La surveillance des maladies infectieuses animales est généralement considérée comme un bien public, impliquant la responsabilité de l’Etat. La surveillance des maladies émergentes transfrontalières, dont l’influenza aviaire hautement pathogène (IAHP), est même perçue comme un bien public mondial, justifiant un partage d’informations entre Etats. La forme la plus répandue de la surveillance, dite passive ou réactive, repose sur la communication d’acteurs privés ou publics d’informations qu’ils détiennent sur l’état sanitaire des populations animales qu’ils observent aux autorités en charge de la surveillance. La surveillance se trouve donc confrontée à la problématique des biens publics dont la gestion est dépendante de la décision décentralisée d’acteurs privés. Deux questions se posent alors : quels sont les facteurs qui influencent la décision de transmettre une information aux systèmes de surveillance publics ? Ces facteurs sont-ils purement financiers ou impliquent-ils d’autres types d’enjeux, qui font intervenir l’environnement social de l’individu, le territoire dans lequel il s’insère et ses rapports de pouvoirs ? Une autre question est celle de l’existence de réseaux d’information, établis entre acteurs privés et publics permettant d’alerter un maximum d’acteurs de l’apparition d’un risque sanitaire. Comment ces réseaux de constituent-ils ? Dans quelle mesure sont-ils liés aux systèmes de surveillance publics ? Quelles formes de gestion du risque, sous contrôle privé ou public, permettent-ils ? Le cas étudié est celui de l’IAHP due à H5N1 chez les volailles domestiques en Asie du Sud-Est. Une étude a été menée dans quatre zones d’échelle spatiale réduite réparties sur les deux pays, trois au Viet Nam et une en Thaïlande. La théorie des graphs a été appliquée à la diffusion de l’information sur les suspicions d’IAHP entre acteurs privés et publics des territoires avicoles. La structure de ces réseaux d’information est conditionnée par l’organisation politique des territoires ruraux, sous forme de villages, et par les filières dans lesquels s’insèrent les élevages présents dans les territoires. Dans les zones d’étude du Viet Nam présentant un grand nombre d’élevage commerciaux privés, les acteurs amont de la filière avicole commerciale, qui fournissent aliments et produits vétérinaires aux éleveurs, ont un accès privilégié à l’information issue du secteur avicole commercial et villageois. Dans la zone d’étude de Thaïlande, les acteurs impliqués dans les combats de coqs ont un accès privilégié à l’information issue des éleveurs villageois. Ces acteurs centraux dans les réseaux facilitent la diffusion spatiale des informations et l’accès de l’ensemble des éleveurs à ces informations. Les autorités vétérinaires sont présentes dans les réseaux mais la priorité qui leur est accordée est faible en comparaison aux acteurs privés de la filière. En parallèle, des entretiens qualitatifs ou semi-quantitatifs utilisant les outils de l’épidémiologie participative ont été menés afin d’identifier les enjeux associés à la déclaration des suspicions aux autorités vétérinaire. Les enjeux diffèrent selon les territoires et les types de production avicoles qui les composent. Ces enjeux vont au-delà des problématiques purement financières : risques sanitaires et nuisances environnementales pour le voisinage, responsabilité dans les pertes économiques des autres éleveurs et des partenaires commerciaux, et valeur affective et sociale de l’animal sont autant de composantes potentielles de la décision de l’éleveur de déclarer une suspicion aux autorités. Une partie de ces enjeux est liée aux mesures de contrôle mise en place par l’Etat face au risque sanitaire. Cependant, d’autres sont strictement associés à la diffusion de l’information. / Health surveillance is defined as the production and processing of data aimed at informing health risk mitigation programs. Surveillance of infectious animal diseases is usually considered as a public good, involving the responsibility of the state. Surveillance of transboundary emerging diseases, like HPAI, is even perceived as an international public good, justifying information sharing between countries. The most common type of surveillance, i.e. passive or reactive surveillance, is based on communications from private or public actors of the information they hold about the health status of animal populations they observe to authorities in charge of health surveillance. Animal health is therefore confronted with the problematic of public goods whose production depends on decentralized private decision. Two questions may be raised: what are the factors influencing the decision to transmit information to public surveillance systems? Are these factors solely of monetary nature or are they linked with other types of issues, among which the social environment of individuals, the place where they live and their power relationships? Another question relates to the existence of information networks established between private and public actors which enable to a part of the population of sanitary threats. How these are networks constituted? To which extent are they linked with public surveillance systems? Which type of risk management do they allow? The studied case is H5N1 HPAI in domestic poultry in Southeast Asia. A study was conducted in four areas of limited spatial scale distributed in two countries, three in Viet Nam and one in Thailand. Graph theory was applied to the diffusion of information related to HPAI suspicions between actors, private or public. The structure of these networks is shaped by the political organization of rural places, the villages, and by the value chains to which poultry farms belong. In study areas of Viet Nam with widespread commercial poultry farming, upstream actors of the value chain, supplying feed and veterinary products to farmers have better access to information from the commercial and backyard poultry farms. In the Thailand study area, actors participating in cock fighting games have a better access to information from backyard farms. These actors who are central in information networks facilitate the spatial spread of information and access of farmers to information from distant locations. Veterinary authorities are included in the information networks but their attributed priority is week in comparison with private actors of value chains. Besides, qualitative and semi-quantitative interviews were conducted, using tools of participatory epidemiology, in order to identify issues linked with suspicion reporting to veterinary authorities. Those issues differ according to places and types of poultry production. They go beyond purely monetary concerns: sanitary risks and environmental nuisances to the neighborhood, responsibility in economic losses of other farmers and commercial partners and social and affective value of animals are potential components of the decision of farmers to report a suspicion to veterinary authorities. A part of these issues are linked with disease control measures implemented by the state in response to sanitary risks. However, others are strictly associated with information spread. It is the case, for example, of impacts of information on poultry market prices.

Análise transdisciplinar, evolutiva e sustentável de uma filière de biocombustível : a macaúba em Montes Claros/M.G.

Lima, Marcelo Mencarini January 2011 (has links)
Há pouca informação sobre o agronegócio sustentável para biocombustíveis elaborados a partir de oleaginosas florestais perenes, num contexto de sóciobiodiversidade. Na presente pesquisa, foi proposto e aplicado um framework para analisar a emergência, evolução e consolidação de uma filière do biodiesel a partir da macaúba, uma oleaginosa florestal perene, orientada pelo desenvolvimento sustentável. Para isso, utilizou-se a combinação de três abordagens e instrumentos, resumidos a seguir: O primeiro é o metaframework transdisciplinar de Munasinghe (2002), o Sustainomics. O segundo, constituído pela análise de filière, uma abordagem francesa, e suas diretrizes mesoanalíticas: tecnologias, estratégia e relações (MONTIGAUD, 1991). O terceiro, no âmbito da Economia Evolutiva, utilizou-se o framework Micro-Meso-Macro (DOPFER, FOSTER e POTTS, 2004). Essas abordagens e alguns de seus instrumentos foram ajustados entre si, por meio de suas dimensões e elementos integrativos, para proposição de um novo framework na presente pesquisa, intitulado “Cadeia Oleaginosa Florestal Perene Micro- Meso-Macro Transdisciplinar-Sustainomics”, concebido tanto para a identificação como a recomendação de prioridades presentes e futuras para a cadeia estudada. A presente pesquisa é exploratória e qualitativa, na qual foram coletados dados primários e secundários. Na coleta de dados primários, foram feitas entrevistas, registradas em vídeo. Dos 7 elos identificados na filière da macaúba, o estudo de caso abordou os sistemas de produção, adotados e prospectados, no Elo Agrícola e na Agroindústria, no período entre 2004 a 2009, no locus geográfico do município de Montes Claros/MG. Os resultados foram interpretados com base nos instrumentos Matriz de Impacto da Ação, Análise diagnóstica sistêmica da filière e em duas técnicas da Economia Evolutiva: a Trajetória Micro Como um Domínio Analítico e a Análise da Trajetória Meso Genérica. Identificou-se em primeiro lugar, que das 6 empresas que atuam diretamente na filière emergente, no Brasil, nenhuma explora exclusivamente biodiesel de macaúba. Em segundo, existe a possibilidade de um jogo do tipo ganha-ganha no caso analisado, possibilitando simultaneamente “a melhoria da vida das pessoas pobres e o combate ao problema das mudanças climáticas” (MUNASINGHE, 2002). Na analise dos resultados são apontados, a recomendação de substituições progressivas: 1) Do diesel fóssil por biocombustíveis, que tenham ciclo de vida, de fato, renovável; 2) Das matérias-primas de ciclo anual, com baixos rendimentos em biocombustíveis, provenientes de monocultivos, por policultivos de culturas perenes, da biodiversidade dos biomas, com foco na macaúba para o Cerrado; 3) Da monocultura da soja pelas matérias-primas para biocombustíveis oriundas dos recursos florestais naturais não madeiráveis, organizada em sistema de produção agroflorestas sucessionais, com inovação pelo uso nas áreas de Reservas Legais, sustentáveis na forma de campos de produção. 4) Da entropia do desmatamento, pela sintropia; 5) Do biodiesel pelo uso direto – SVO: desatrelar o processo tecnológico agroindustrial equivocado de transesterificação do óleo vegetal para retirada da glicerina do óleo; 6) Dos motores de ciclo diesel não adiabáticos, produzidos e utilizados no Brasil, por novas tecnologias disponíveis: operar com temperaturas mais altas para queimar, como biocombustível, também a glicerina, evitar a desnecessária geração de resíduos. Por fim, o framework de análise para culturas perenes oleaginosas sustentáveis (Cadeia Oleaginosa Florestal Perene Micro-Meso-Macro Transdisciplinar-Sustainomics) utilizado neste estudo de caso, pode ser aplicado para outras culturas similares, com o objetivo de evitar catástrofes bruscas, sem demora, eliminando atividades que ameacem superar o limiar de segurança e capacidade de carga dos ecossistemas da Terra, por meio do aumento de sua resiliência. / There is little information about the sustainable agribusiness for biofuels made from perennial oil forest of sociobiodiversity context. This research aimed to propose a framework and analyze the emergence, evolution and consolidation of a biodiesel filière from Macaúba, guided by sustainable development. For this, it proposes a new model by combinning tree approaches and instruments from the models sumarized as follow: The first tool model is the practical method of Munasinghe (2002): a transdisciplinary metaframework, the Sustainomics, that has evaluative techniques of unsustainable activities. The second is the Filière Method, composed by the following mesoanalitics guidelines: technology, strategy and relationships (MONTIGAUD, 1991). The third envolves levels of Evolutionary Economics, derivatives from the Framework Micro-Meso-Macro (DOPFER FOSTER and POTTS, 2004). These approaches and some instruments used from the models, fit together the dimensions and elements of integration, to propose the mentioned new model entitled as a neologism “Cadeia Oleaginosa Florestal Perene Micro-Meso-Macro Transdisciplinar-Sustainomics”, designed to identify and to recommend urgent priorities in the present and in the future, to the studied chain. This research is exploratory, qualitative, within collected primary and secondary data. Primary data was interviews with video recorded. From the seven rings of chain (Macaúba filière) that were identified, the study case addresses the production systems, some adopted and some prospected, in Agricultural and Agroindustry rings, between the period from 2004 to 2009, the geographical locus of the municipality of Montes Claros/MG. The results were analyzed based on the instruments, as follow: Action Impact Matrix, Diagnostic analysis of systemic filière, and two Evolutionary Economics techniques: Trajectory Micro as an Analytical Domain and Analysis of the Meso Generic Trajectory. It was identified, first, that: the six companies operating directly in emerging filière, none operates exclusively Macaw Palm’s biodiesel. The Second consideration refers that it is possible a win-win game, for the analysed case, making possible coexistence: “improving the lives of poor people and addressing the issue of climate change” (MUNASINGHE, 2002). The results pointed the recomendations of progressive replacement of: 1) The fossil diesel through biofuels, which have life cycle, in fact, renewed; 2) The raw materials of the annual cycle, with low yields of biofuels from monocultures, through polycultures of perennial crops, from biodiversity biomes, focusing on Macaw Palm, for Savannah. 3) the monoculture of soybeans for biofuels, through raw-material derived from Non-Timber Natural Forest resources, organized in successional agroforestry system of production, with innovation for use inthe areas of Legal Reserves, as sustainable production fields. 4) The entropy of deforestation, through the Syntropy; 5) From biodiesel through the direct use - SVO: unleash the technological process of wrong agroindustrial transesterification of vegetable oil to remove the glycerin from the oil; 6) From diesel cicle engines non-adiabatic, produced and used in Brazil through new available technologies: to operate at higher temperatures to burn, as biofuel, as well as glycerin, to avoid unnecessary waste generation. Summing up, the analysis model for perennial crops, oilseeds sustainable (Cadeia Oleaginosa Florestal Perene Micro-Meso-Macro Transdisciplinar-Sustainomics), used in this case study can be applied to other similar cultures, in order to prevent sudden disasters, without delay, eliminating activities that threaten to exceed the safety threshold and carrying capacity of Earth's ecosystems, by increasing its resilience.

Análise transdisciplinar, evolutiva e sustentável de uma filière de biocombustível : a macaúba em Montes Claros/M.G.

Lima, Marcelo Mencarini January 2011 (has links)
Há pouca informação sobre o agronegócio sustentável para biocombustíveis elaborados a partir de oleaginosas florestais perenes, num contexto de sóciobiodiversidade. Na presente pesquisa, foi proposto e aplicado um framework para analisar a emergência, evolução e consolidação de uma filière do biodiesel a partir da macaúba, uma oleaginosa florestal perene, orientada pelo desenvolvimento sustentável. Para isso, utilizou-se a combinação de três abordagens e instrumentos, resumidos a seguir: O primeiro é o metaframework transdisciplinar de Munasinghe (2002), o Sustainomics. O segundo, constituído pela análise de filière, uma abordagem francesa, e suas diretrizes mesoanalíticas: tecnologias, estratégia e relações (MONTIGAUD, 1991). O terceiro, no âmbito da Economia Evolutiva, utilizou-se o framework Micro-Meso-Macro (DOPFER, FOSTER e POTTS, 2004). Essas abordagens e alguns de seus instrumentos foram ajustados entre si, por meio de suas dimensões e elementos integrativos, para proposição de um novo framework na presente pesquisa, intitulado “Cadeia Oleaginosa Florestal Perene Micro- Meso-Macro Transdisciplinar-Sustainomics”, concebido tanto para a identificação como a recomendação de prioridades presentes e futuras para a cadeia estudada. A presente pesquisa é exploratória e qualitativa, na qual foram coletados dados primários e secundários. Na coleta de dados primários, foram feitas entrevistas, registradas em vídeo. Dos 7 elos identificados na filière da macaúba, o estudo de caso abordou os sistemas de produção, adotados e prospectados, no Elo Agrícola e na Agroindústria, no período entre 2004 a 2009, no locus geográfico do município de Montes Claros/MG. Os resultados foram interpretados com base nos instrumentos Matriz de Impacto da Ação, Análise diagnóstica sistêmica da filière e em duas técnicas da Economia Evolutiva: a Trajetória Micro Como um Domínio Analítico e a Análise da Trajetória Meso Genérica. Identificou-se em primeiro lugar, que das 6 empresas que atuam diretamente na filière emergente, no Brasil, nenhuma explora exclusivamente biodiesel de macaúba. Em segundo, existe a possibilidade de um jogo do tipo ganha-ganha no caso analisado, possibilitando simultaneamente “a melhoria da vida das pessoas pobres e o combate ao problema das mudanças climáticas” (MUNASINGHE, 2002). Na analise dos resultados são apontados, a recomendação de substituições progressivas: 1) Do diesel fóssil por biocombustíveis, que tenham ciclo de vida, de fato, renovável; 2) Das matérias-primas de ciclo anual, com baixos rendimentos em biocombustíveis, provenientes de monocultivos, por policultivos de culturas perenes, da biodiversidade dos biomas, com foco na macaúba para o Cerrado; 3) Da monocultura da soja pelas matérias-primas para biocombustíveis oriundas dos recursos florestais naturais não madeiráveis, organizada em sistema de produção agroflorestas sucessionais, com inovação pelo uso nas áreas de Reservas Legais, sustentáveis na forma de campos de produção. 4) Da entropia do desmatamento, pela sintropia; 5) Do biodiesel pelo uso direto – SVO: desatrelar o processo tecnológico agroindustrial equivocado de transesterificação do óleo vegetal para retirada da glicerina do óleo; 6) Dos motores de ciclo diesel não adiabáticos, produzidos e utilizados no Brasil, por novas tecnologias disponíveis: operar com temperaturas mais altas para queimar, como biocombustível, também a glicerina, evitar a desnecessária geração de resíduos. Por fim, o framework de análise para culturas perenes oleaginosas sustentáveis (Cadeia Oleaginosa Florestal Perene Micro-Meso-Macro Transdisciplinar-Sustainomics) utilizado neste estudo de caso, pode ser aplicado para outras culturas similares, com o objetivo de evitar catástrofes bruscas, sem demora, eliminando atividades que ameacem superar o limiar de segurança e capacidade de carga dos ecossistemas da Terra, por meio do aumento de sua resiliência. / There is little information about the sustainable agribusiness for biofuels made from perennial oil forest of sociobiodiversity context. This research aimed to propose a framework and analyze the emergence, evolution and consolidation of a biodiesel filière from Macaúba, guided by sustainable development. For this, it proposes a new model by combinning tree approaches and instruments from the models sumarized as follow: The first tool model is the practical method of Munasinghe (2002): a transdisciplinary metaframework, the Sustainomics, that has evaluative techniques of unsustainable activities. The second is the Filière Method, composed by the following mesoanalitics guidelines: technology, strategy and relationships (MONTIGAUD, 1991). The third envolves levels of Evolutionary Economics, derivatives from the Framework Micro-Meso-Macro (DOPFER FOSTER and POTTS, 2004). These approaches and some instruments used from the models, fit together the dimensions and elements of integration, to propose the mentioned new model entitled as a neologism “Cadeia Oleaginosa Florestal Perene Micro-Meso-Macro Transdisciplinar-Sustainomics”, designed to identify and to recommend urgent priorities in the present and in the future, to the studied chain. This research is exploratory, qualitative, within collected primary and secondary data. Primary data was interviews with video recorded. From the seven rings of chain (Macaúba filière) that were identified, the study case addresses the production systems, some adopted and some prospected, in Agricultural and Agroindustry rings, between the period from 2004 to 2009, the geographical locus of the municipality of Montes Claros/MG. The results were analyzed based on the instruments, as follow: Action Impact Matrix, Diagnostic analysis of systemic filière, and two Evolutionary Economics techniques: Trajectory Micro as an Analytical Domain and Analysis of the Meso Generic Trajectory. It was identified, first, that: the six companies operating directly in emerging filière, none operates exclusively Macaw Palm’s biodiesel. The Second consideration refers that it is possible a win-win game, for the analysed case, making possible coexistence: “improving the lives of poor people and addressing the issue of climate change” (MUNASINGHE, 2002). The results pointed the recomendations of progressive replacement of: 1) The fossil diesel through biofuels, which have life cycle, in fact, renewed; 2) The raw materials of the annual cycle, with low yields of biofuels from monocultures, through polycultures of perennial crops, from biodiversity biomes, focusing on Macaw Palm, for Savannah. 3) the monoculture of soybeans for biofuels, through raw-material derived from Non-Timber Natural Forest resources, organized in successional agroforestry system of production, with innovation for use inthe areas of Legal Reserves, as sustainable production fields. 4) The entropy of deforestation, through the Syntropy; 5) From biodiesel through the direct use - SVO: unleash the technological process of wrong agroindustrial transesterification of vegetable oil to remove the glycerin from the oil; 6) From diesel cicle engines non-adiabatic, produced and used in Brazil through new available technologies: to operate at higher temperatures to burn, as biofuel, as well as glycerin, to avoid unnecessary waste generation. Summing up, the analysis model for perennial crops, oilseeds sustainable (Cadeia Oleaginosa Florestal Perene Micro-Meso-Macro Transdisciplinar-Sustainomics), used in this case study can be applied to other similar cultures, in order to prevent sudden disasters, without delay, eliminating activities that threaten to exceed the safety threshold and carrying capacity of Earth's ecosystems, by increasing its resilience.

Politiques économiques publiques pour limiter les émissions de CO2 liées à l’usage des véhicules particuliers / Public economic policies to limit CO2 emissions from car use

Meurisse, Bénédicte 30 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les instruments de politique publique permettant de réduire les émissions de CO2 liées à l’usage des véhicules particuliers. La mise en place de ces instruments est légitime et nécessaire compte tenu de la contribution de ces véhicules au changement climatique (17% des émissions de CO2 en France en 2010). Dans le cadre d’une modélisation théorique en équilibre partiel et statique du marché automobile, les travaux considèrent deux leviers de réduction d’émissions : l’amélioration de la performance énergétique des véhicules et la diminution des distances parcourues. Dans un premier Chapitre consacré à l’analyse côté offre du système automobile, la question de recherche est de déterminer si, d’une part, une coopération entre acteurs de la filière automobile conduit à la production de véhicules plus économes en carburant qu’en l’absence de coopération, et d’autre part, si cette coopération est un substitut ou non à l’intervention publique. L’impact de la demande de véhicules économes en carburant sur les décisions d’investissement et de coopération des producteurs est démontré, ce qui justifie la mise en place d'outils de politique publique stimulant la demande. Aussi, le deuxième Chapitre est consacré à l’analyse de la demande de véhicules et de kilomètres. L’accent est mis sur l’interdépendance entre ces deux demandes, qui est à l’origine du phénomène bien connu d’effet rebond. Il est question d’étudier l’impact de cet effet rebond sur l’efficacité des taxes différenciées à l’achat et des taxes à l’usage des véhicules. Enfin, l’ambition du dernier Chapitre est tenir compte des effets de ces instruments sur l’utilité des ménages et le profit pour la filière automobile. L’objectif plus large est de déterminer si les décideurs publiques sont à mêmes de lutter contre les émissions de CO2 des véhicules tout en augmentant le bien-être de la population et la croissance économique. / This Thesis analyses public economic policies enabling to reduce CO2 emissions from car use. Implementing these tools is legitimate and necessary because of the high contribution of passenger vehicles to climate change (17% of CO2 emissions in France in 2010). Within a partial and static equilibrium model of the car market, the present research considers two distinct levers to cut CO2 emissions from car use: the improvements of passenger vehicles energy-efficiency, and a reduction in miles driven. In the first Chapter dedicated to an analysis of the supply-side of the automotive system, the research question consists in investigating on the one hand whether a cooperation among actors of the automotive sector leads to the production of vehicles that are less fuel-consuming than without the cooperation; and on the other hand whether this cooperation could be a substitute to a policy intervention. The impact of the demand for low fuel-consuming vehicles on the producers’ decision to invest and to cooperate is demonstrated; this justifies the implementation of policy tools stimulating demand. Hence, the second Chapter is dedicated to an analysis of the demand for vehicles and kilometres. Emphasis is placed on the interdependency between car choice and car use, which is at the root of the well-known phenomenon of rebound effect. The aim is to study the impact of that rebound effect on the efficiency of differentiated car purchase taxes and car use taxes. Lastly, the ambition of the last Chapter is to take the impacts of the latter pricing tools on households’ utility and automotive sector’s profit into account. More generally, the purpose is to investigate whether public decision-makers are able to mitigate CO2 emissions from car use while improving households’ well-being and economic growth.

Análise transdisciplinar, evolutiva e sustentável de uma filière de biocombustível : a macaúba em Montes Claros/M.G.

Lima, Marcelo Mencarini January 2011 (has links)
Há pouca informação sobre o agronegócio sustentável para biocombustíveis elaborados a partir de oleaginosas florestais perenes, num contexto de sóciobiodiversidade. Na presente pesquisa, foi proposto e aplicado um framework para analisar a emergência, evolução e consolidação de uma filière do biodiesel a partir da macaúba, uma oleaginosa florestal perene, orientada pelo desenvolvimento sustentável. Para isso, utilizou-se a combinação de três abordagens e instrumentos, resumidos a seguir: O primeiro é o metaframework transdisciplinar de Munasinghe (2002), o Sustainomics. O segundo, constituído pela análise de filière, uma abordagem francesa, e suas diretrizes mesoanalíticas: tecnologias, estratégia e relações (MONTIGAUD, 1991). O terceiro, no âmbito da Economia Evolutiva, utilizou-se o framework Micro-Meso-Macro (DOPFER, FOSTER e POTTS, 2004). Essas abordagens e alguns de seus instrumentos foram ajustados entre si, por meio de suas dimensões e elementos integrativos, para proposição de um novo framework na presente pesquisa, intitulado “Cadeia Oleaginosa Florestal Perene Micro- Meso-Macro Transdisciplinar-Sustainomics”, concebido tanto para a identificação como a recomendação de prioridades presentes e futuras para a cadeia estudada. A presente pesquisa é exploratória e qualitativa, na qual foram coletados dados primários e secundários. Na coleta de dados primários, foram feitas entrevistas, registradas em vídeo. Dos 7 elos identificados na filière da macaúba, o estudo de caso abordou os sistemas de produção, adotados e prospectados, no Elo Agrícola e na Agroindústria, no período entre 2004 a 2009, no locus geográfico do município de Montes Claros/MG. Os resultados foram interpretados com base nos instrumentos Matriz de Impacto da Ação, Análise diagnóstica sistêmica da filière e em duas técnicas da Economia Evolutiva: a Trajetória Micro Como um Domínio Analítico e a Análise da Trajetória Meso Genérica. Identificou-se em primeiro lugar, que das 6 empresas que atuam diretamente na filière emergente, no Brasil, nenhuma explora exclusivamente biodiesel de macaúba. Em segundo, existe a possibilidade de um jogo do tipo ganha-ganha no caso analisado, possibilitando simultaneamente “a melhoria da vida das pessoas pobres e o combate ao problema das mudanças climáticas” (MUNASINGHE, 2002). Na analise dos resultados são apontados, a recomendação de substituições progressivas: 1) Do diesel fóssil por biocombustíveis, que tenham ciclo de vida, de fato, renovável; 2) Das matérias-primas de ciclo anual, com baixos rendimentos em biocombustíveis, provenientes de monocultivos, por policultivos de culturas perenes, da biodiversidade dos biomas, com foco na macaúba para o Cerrado; 3) Da monocultura da soja pelas matérias-primas para biocombustíveis oriundas dos recursos florestais naturais não madeiráveis, organizada em sistema de produção agroflorestas sucessionais, com inovação pelo uso nas áreas de Reservas Legais, sustentáveis na forma de campos de produção. 4) Da entropia do desmatamento, pela sintropia; 5) Do biodiesel pelo uso direto – SVO: desatrelar o processo tecnológico agroindustrial equivocado de transesterificação do óleo vegetal para retirada da glicerina do óleo; 6) Dos motores de ciclo diesel não adiabáticos, produzidos e utilizados no Brasil, por novas tecnologias disponíveis: operar com temperaturas mais altas para queimar, como biocombustível, também a glicerina, evitar a desnecessária geração de resíduos. Por fim, o framework de análise para culturas perenes oleaginosas sustentáveis (Cadeia Oleaginosa Florestal Perene Micro-Meso-Macro Transdisciplinar-Sustainomics) utilizado neste estudo de caso, pode ser aplicado para outras culturas similares, com o objetivo de evitar catástrofes bruscas, sem demora, eliminando atividades que ameacem superar o limiar de segurança e capacidade de carga dos ecossistemas da Terra, por meio do aumento de sua resiliência. / There is little information about the sustainable agribusiness for biofuels made from perennial oil forest of sociobiodiversity context. This research aimed to propose a framework and analyze the emergence, evolution and consolidation of a biodiesel filière from Macaúba, guided by sustainable development. For this, it proposes a new model by combinning tree approaches and instruments from the models sumarized as follow: The first tool model is the practical method of Munasinghe (2002): a transdisciplinary metaframework, the Sustainomics, that has evaluative techniques of unsustainable activities. The second is the Filière Method, composed by the following mesoanalitics guidelines: technology, strategy and relationships (MONTIGAUD, 1991). The third envolves levels of Evolutionary Economics, derivatives from the Framework Micro-Meso-Macro (DOPFER FOSTER and POTTS, 2004). These approaches and some instruments used from the models, fit together the dimensions and elements of integration, to propose the mentioned new model entitled as a neologism “Cadeia Oleaginosa Florestal Perene Micro-Meso-Macro Transdisciplinar-Sustainomics”, designed to identify and to recommend urgent priorities in the present and in the future, to the studied chain. This research is exploratory, qualitative, within collected primary and secondary data. Primary data was interviews with video recorded. From the seven rings of chain (Macaúba filière) that were identified, the study case addresses the production systems, some adopted and some prospected, in Agricultural and Agroindustry rings, between the period from 2004 to 2009, the geographical locus of the municipality of Montes Claros/MG. The results were analyzed based on the instruments, as follow: Action Impact Matrix, Diagnostic analysis of systemic filière, and two Evolutionary Economics techniques: Trajectory Micro as an Analytical Domain and Analysis of the Meso Generic Trajectory. It was identified, first, that: the six companies operating directly in emerging filière, none operates exclusively Macaw Palm’s biodiesel. The Second consideration refers that it is possible a win-win game, for the analysed case, making possible coexistence: “improving the lives of poor people and addressing the issue of climate change” (MUNASINGHE, 2002). The results pointed the recomendations of progressive replacement of: 1) The fossil diesel through biofuels, which have life cycle, in fact, renewed; 2) The raw materials of the annual cycle, with low yields of biofuels from monocultures, through polycultures of perennial crops, from biodiversity biomes, focusing on Macaw Palm, for Savannah. 3) the monoculture of soybeans for biofuels, through raw-material derived from Non-Timber Natural Forest resources, organized in successional agroforestry system of production, with innovation for use inthe areas of Legal Reserves, as sustainable production fields. 4) The entropy of deforestation, through the Syntropy; 5) From biodiesel through the direct use - SVO: unleash the technological process of wrong agroindustrial transesterification of vegetable oil to remove the glycerin from the oil; 6) From diesel cicle engines non-adiabatic, produced and used in Brazil through new available technologies: to operate at higher temperatures to burn, as biofuel, as well as glycerin, to avoid unnecessary waste generation. Summing up, the analysis model for perennial crops, oilseeds sustainable (Cadeia Oleaginosa Florestal Perene Micro-Meso-Macro Transdisciplinar-Sustainomics), used in this case study can be applied to other similar cultures, in order to prevent sudden disasters, without delay, eliminating activities that threaten to exceed the safety threshold and carrying capacity of Earth's ecosystems, by increasing its resilience.

Marchands de maigre, marchands de gras. Histoire sociale du commerce du bétail et de ses acteurs en Brionnais-Charolais, de la fin du 19e siècle à nos jours / Lean meat dealers, fat meat dealers. A social history of cattle trade and its actors in Brionnais-Charolais, from the late 19th century up to nowadays.

Fayard, Dominique 09 December 2011 (has links)
L’histoire sociale du commerce du bétail et de ses acteurs en Brionnais-Charolais, de la fin du XIXe siècle à nos jours, se confond avec celle de la construction de la filière bovine qui se structure autour de trois spécialités : le naissage, l’embouche et le négoce. Plusieurs étapes, mises en évidence dans la thèse, l’ont jalonnée : développement de l’embouche dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, accès progressif des cultivateurs-éleveurs à l’aisance au cours du XXe siècle, remise en cause des pratiques à partir des années 1960 au profit de l’élevage allaitant. Les apports de cette thèse – réalisée à partir de sources très fragmentaires dans un assemblage qui a nécessité quelque inventivité – à l’histoire rurale, sociale et économique sont multiples. Une mise en perspective des adaptations successives d’un monde agricole en profonde mutation est proposée. L’analyse des changements à l’échelle de la famille, de l’exploitation ou du commerce fait de cette thèse un travail pionnier. Les acteurs de la spécialisation sortent de l’ombre grâce à l’étude, selon une approche prosopographique, d’un corpus d’emboucheurs et de marchands de bestiaux. De même, sont mis en évidence des flux et des réseaux au sein desquels circulent le bétail et l’argent et qui contribuent au désenclavement du territoire observé. Jusqu’au milieu du XXe siècle, la société rurale brionnaise repose sur un équilibre patiemment acquis, bientôt ébranlé par la modernisation de l’agriculture et la Politique agricole commune. La filière s’organise progressivement dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle. La professionnalisation du négoce de bétail passe par la fin des maquignons et la mise en place de structures coopératives. Au début du XXIe siècle, la question se pose du devenir des commerçants en bestiaux et de l’élevage dans le berceau de la charolaise. / The social history of cattle trade and its actors in Brionnais-Charolais, from the late 19th century up to nowadays merges into the history of the setting up of the cattle industry which has built itself around three fields : breeding, feeding and trade. My thesis reveals the different stages which have marked it up : from the development of cattle feeding in the second half of the 19th century, then the gradual access to wealth by farmers-breeders during the 20th century, to a questioning of old practices since the 1960s, replaced by brood cows breeding. I have carried out my thesis from very fragmentary sources into an assembly of facts (which had required great inventiveness) and shown how much contribution it could bring to the knowledge of rural, social and economical history. I propose a new perspective on the successive adaptations to a profoundly changing agricultural society. I have analyzed in a pioneering way the changes in the family as well as the farm or the trade fields. Thanks to a prosopographical approach, from a corpus of feeders and cattle dealers, this study brings the actors of specialization to light. In the same way, I have revealed the methods and the networks in which cattle and money circulate and which have contributed to opening up the studied area. Until the mid-20th century, the rural Brionnais society had rested on a patiently acquired equilibrium, soon shaken by a modernized agriculture and the Common Agricultural Policy. In the second half of the 20th century, the industry got itself organized gradually. The professionalization of cattle trade goes through the end of cattle dealers and the setting up of cooperatives. In the early 21st century, one has to wonder about the evolution of cattle traders and of breeding itself in the birthplace of Charolais cattle.

Valorisation des véhicules hors d’usage (VHU) : Comparaison multicritère de scénarios de démantèlement par une étude expérimentale menée sur un site industriel de déconstruction / broyage / Multi-criteria comparison of dismantling scenarios of used vehicles by an experimental study on an industrial site

Schmid, Alexis 29 June 2012 (has links)
Afin de déterminer les principaux leviers qui permettraient d’améliorer les taux de valorisation des VHU, dans des conditions socio-économiques et environnementales acceptables, des campagnes expérimentales de déconstruction et de broyage visant à comparer différents scenarii de déconstruction ont été réalisées sur un site industriel (Acyclea, groupe Praxy). Cette démarche vise à répondre à la directive européenne relative aux VHU qui fixe l’objectif ambitieux d’atteindre au plus tard le 1er janvier 2015 un taux de valorisation minimal de 95 % en masse du VHU, dont au maximum 10% de valorisation énergétique. Les campagnes expérimentales réalisées ont chacune traité des échantillons d’au moins 90 VHU, dont la masse et l’âge moyens ont été évalués à 989 kg / VHU et 14 ans respectivement. Les masses et compositions des flux de matière ont été mesurées pour déterminer les incidences du niveau de démantèlement des véhicules. D’autres paramètres ont également été suivis, tels que les temps de main d’œuvre sur les différentes opérations et l’analyse des rejets éventuels de la filière dans l’environnement. Les résultats montrent que les taux de valorisation augmentent avec le niveau de déconstruction des véhicules, passant de 81.6 +/- 3.4 % de la masse des VHU pour le scénario standard à 86.0 +/- 0.6 % pour le scénario le plus poussé. Cependant, les objectifs de la directive n’ont pas été atteints même avec le scénario le plus poussé. Une méthodologie d’évaluation globale adaptée au système « démantèlement / broyage / tri de VHU » a été mise en place. Elle repose sur 9 indicateurs qui évaluent des performances au regard des enjeux du Développement Durable et un indicateur plus spécifique qui évalue la performance technique de la filière. Les résultats obtenus ont été analysés indicateur par indicateur, puis une analyse multicritère globale a été effectuée à l’aide de la méthode ELECTRE II. Ils révèlent que le scénario intermédiaire de déconstruction serait optimal vis-à-vis de l’ensemble des critères sélectionnés. / To identify keys for improving the recovery rates of ELVs in sustainable socio-economic and environmental conditions, experimental campaigns of dismantling and shredding were performed to compare different scenarios of deconstruction on an industrial plant (Acyclea, Praxy group). This is a focus on the EU Directive on ELVs which sets the ambitious goal of achieving no later than 1 January 2015 a minimum recycling rate of 95% by weight of ELVs, including a maximum of 10% for energy recovery. The experimental campaigns were carried out each treated sample of at least 90 ELVs, whose mass and age means were evaluated at 989 kg / ELV and 14 years respectively. The masses and compositions of matter flows were measured to determine the impact of the level of dismantling vehicles. Other parameters were also monitored, such as labor time on the various operations and analysis of potential emissions in the environment. The results show that the recovery rates increase with the level of deconstruction of vehicles, from 81.6 + / - 3.4% of the mass of ELVs for the standard scenario to 86.0 + / - 0.6% for the scenario the more extensive. However, the objectives of the Directive have not been achieved even with the more extensive scenario further. A comprehensive assessment methodology adapted to the system "dismantling / shredding / sorting of ELV" was established. It is based on nine indicators to measure performance in terms of sustainable development issues and a more specific indicator that assesses the technical performance of the sector. The results were analyzed indicator by indicator, and a comprehensive multi-criteria analysis was performed using the method ELECTRE II. They show that the middle scenario of deconstruction is optimal vis-à-vis all the selected criteria.

La filière oléicole au pied du Mur : adaptations et contournements socio-économiques palestiniens face à l'occupation israélienne / Back to the wall : socioeconomic adaptation and bypass in the face of Israeli occupation in the Palestinian olive oil sector

Garcette, Arnaud 07 December 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur l’adaptation socio-économique de la filière oléicole palestinienne face aux dispositifs de contrôle et de séparation israéliens (1993-2013). Cette filière a fait l’objet d’une profonde réhabilitation sur le plan politique, puisque les oliviers sont progressivement devenus l’icône du peuple palestinien et le symbole de sa lutte contre l’occupation. Tout en analysant la manière dont l’occupation bouleverse en profondeur leur environnement, l’étude envisage les Palestiniens comme des acteurs qui apprennent à contourner les restrictions israéliennes en développant des pratiques spécifiques et de nouveaux réseaux. L’analyse interroge notamment le rôle ambigu que jouent les acteurs étrangers, de plus en plus nombreux à se rendre en Cisjordanie pour des raisons professionnelles, touristiques, mais aussi militantes. Les oliviers palestiniens constituent un vecteur privilégié pour canaliser aussi bien les flux d’aide internationale que les manifestations de solidarité, ce qui génère de nombreuses retombées politiques et économiques. Des acteurs variés ont ainsi développé un large éventail de projets de développement, de services touristiques et de produits vendus au nom de la solidarité avec les Palestiniens, autour de l’oléiculture. En participant à ces nouveaux marchés, ils se soumettent à des contraintes qui les obligent à modifier leurs modes de faire, leurs discours, et leurs réseaux. Partant de l’étude des transformations des pratiques oléicoles sous l’effet de la politique de séparation, ce travail ouvre plus globalement sur une analyse de « l’économie de la séparation » et des relations entre les différents acteurs des espaces israélo-palestiniens / This research focuses on the socio-economic adaptation of the Palestinian olive oil sector in the face of Israeli control and separation schemes (1993-2013). This sector has benefited from a deep political rehabilitation, since olive trees have gradually become the icon of the Palestinian people and the symbol of their struggle against the occupation. While analyzing how the occupation devices deeply disrupt their environment, the study considers the Palestinians as active players who are learning to bypass Israeli restrictions by developing specific practices, formal and informal, and developing new networks. The analysis also focuses on the central role played by the growing number of foreigners in the West Bank (business people, tourists, pilgrims or activists). Palestinian olive trees are an opportune channel for both international aid and demonstrations of solidarity, generating many political and economic benefits. Various people have developed a wide range of development projects, tourist services and products sold in the name of solidarity with the Palestinians. By participating in these new markets, they undergo logistical and competitive constraints that force them to change their practices, their speeches and their networks. These interactions involve indeed a reorganization of economic practices but also a change in power, dependence and hierarchy relations between all the stakeholders. Based on the study of the transformations of olive practices as a result of the separation policy, this work opens more broadly into an analysis of "the separation of the economy" and the relationships between both the inhabitants and the visitors of Israeli-Palestinian lands.

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