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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study of males with spinal cord injuries in Thailand

Chinchai, Pisak January 2003 (has links)
The numbers of people with spinal cord injuries (SCI) in Thailand are increasing. Thai rehabilitation care focuses treatment on acute care with little attention to the lives of clients after discharge from institutions. To date, there has been no research on rehabilitation outcomes and factors relevant to these issues for people with SCI at home and in the community in Thailand. The purpose of this study was to identify and compare the outcomes of functional status, depression, anxiety and stress, and health status of people with SCI, both at discharge and at three months post-discharge from hospital. One hundred twenty-one participants with SCI were recruited from ten major hospitals in Thailand. Data was collected at 48 hours pre-discharge and again at three months post-discharge using the Functional Independence Measure (FIM), the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS), and the SF-36 Health Survey. The results demonstrated that mean scores of functional status at discharge were significantly higher than at three months post-discharge. Depression and anxiety scores at discharge were significantly lower than depression and anxiety scores at three months postdischarge. Stress score had not significantly changed from discharge to post-discharge. Health status scores at discharge were also higher than at three months post-discharge on eight subscales. Factors relevant to or predicting functional status were marital status, attendant care, number of architectural barriers, fulfilled occupational therapy (OT) needs, and number of different services required but not received. Factors predicting depression, anxiety and stress were marital and economic status, age at onset, education level, duration of disability, fulfilled OT needs, number of different services received, and numbers of different service required but not received. / Factors predicting health status were marital status, economic status, age at onset, education level, duration of disability, attendant care, number of architectural barriers, fulfilled OT needs, number of different services received, and number of different services required but not received. Some predictive factors are culture-specific, but on others, rehabilitation professionals could ease the transition from hospital to home for people with SCI.
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Biofiltració de contaminants gasosos en aire: caracterització de paràmetres clau per l'estudi i modelització del creixement de biomassa

Dorado Castaño, Antonio David 29 January 2010 (has links)
Biofiltration has become an effective and economical alternative to traditional gas treatment systems. High costs of operation and energy consumption associated to conventional treatments have lead to increase the attention on biological processes. In general, a biofilter consists in a reactor packed with a carrier material (organic or inorganic) serving as a support for biofilm growth. The contaminated air stream to be treated is passed through the fixed-bed and the pollutant is transferred from the gas to the biofilm by absorption. In the biofilm, diffusion and biodegradation take place simultaneously. Thus, biofiltration employs the metabolic activity of microorganisms to degrade pollutants which are the energy source for microbial growth. In biofiltration, the mass transfer processes from the gas phase to the biofilm and the posterior biological degradation are the main phenomena involved in the abatement of volatile compounds in air. The correct description of biofilters, based on main phenomena, is related with physico-chemical properties of the packing materials used to immobilize the biomass and the operating conditions. Biofilters modeling has received less attention in comparison to experimental works, which is related with the complexity of the process, due to the physical, chemical and biological interactions. In this doctoral Thesis, firstly, research motivation, scope and outline of the work is presented (chapter 1). Secondly, in a general introduction (chapter 2), main physico-chemical treatments to abate volatile compounds in air are described in comparison to the different biological alternatives. In the same chapter, the key factors in the operation of biofilters are presented. Key factors lead to describe main mechanisms involved in the process of biofiltration, in order to incorporate the different phenomena in a mathematical model to describe the behavior of biofilters, underlining the biomass growth and their consequences in the operation. Objectives are in chapter 3 and Materials and Methods in chapter 4. Doctoral Thesis is presented as a compendium of 9 articles annexed in the Results’ chapter (chapter 5) to their latter general discussion (chapter 6). First 6 articles are related with experimental results of key factors and the other 3 articles are related with mathematical modeling of the processes which describe the behavior of biofilters. In the article “A comparative study based on physical characteristics of the most suitable packing materials for common situations in biofiltration” 10 packing materials commonly used as support media in biofiltration are analyzed and compared to evaluate their suitability according to physical characteristics. The materials studied were chosen according to previous works in the field of biofiltration including both organic and inorganic (or synthetic) materials. A set of nine different parameters were selected to cope with well-established factors such as material specific surface area, pressure drop, nutrients supply, water retentivity, sorption capacity and purchase cost. One ranking of packing materials was established per each parameter studied to define a relative suitability degree. Since biofiltration success generally depends on a combination of the ranked parameters, a procedure was defined to compare suitability of packing materials under common situations in biofiltration. Selected scenarios such as biofiltration of intermittent loads of pollutant and biofiltration of waste gases with low relative humidity were investigated. Among materials with high potential to be used as support media in biofilters, in the article “Evaluation of sludge-based carbon as packing material in biofiltration in comparison to classic materials”, a carbon obtained from sludge from wastewater treatment facilities is analyzed to use it as support material in a biofilter in comparison to classical materials used in this purpose. The study includes the performance of material in an operative, lab-scale biofilter. Apart from evaluating main properties of materials in their nature state, in the article “The role of water in performance of biofilters: parameterization of pressure drop and sorption capacities for common packing materials” is studied how the amount of water retained in biofilters affects physical properties of packing materials and packed beds. In this study, the influence of water on the pressure drop and sorption capacities of different packing materials were experimentally studied and compared. Pressure drop was characterized as a function of dynamic hold-up, porosity and gas flow rate. Sorption capacities for toluene were determined for both wet and dry materials to obtain information about the nature of interactions between the contaminant, the packing materials and the aqueous phase. The experimental sorption capacities of materials were fitted to different isotherm models for gas adsorption in porous materials. The corresponding confidence interval was determined by the Fisher information matrix. The results quantified the dynamic hold-up effect resulting from the significant increase in the pressure drop throughout the bed, i.e. the financial cost of driving air, and the negative effect of this air on the total amount of hydrophobic pollutant that can be adsorbed by the supports. Furthermore, the results provided equations for ascertaining water presence and sorption capacities that could be widely used in the mathematical modeling of biofilters. Later, in the article “Evaluation of mass transfer coefficients in biotrickling filters: experimental determination and comparison to correlations”, overall mass transfer coefficients were determined experimentally. A simple methodology based on overall mass balances and following a standard procedure allowed to calculate the mass transfer coefficients at different operating conditions corresponding to usual biofilter situations. Experimental results were fitted to existing and well-accepted correlations used in conventional biofilters or biotrickling filters modeling. Simple correlations for the experimental data obtained in this study were also suggested. Consequently, in the article “Development of a kinetic model for elemental sulfur and sulfate formation from the autotrophic sulfide oxidation using respirometric techniques” mass transfer is described in a respirometer in order to characterize a tool used usually in biofiltration to determine experimentally kinetic parameters. Finally, once physical phenomena have been characterized, biodegradation of a common pollutant (toluene) and the corresponding biomass growth from inoculation to biofilter clogging is studied towards future modeling of the system. In the article “Biomass accumulation in a biofilter treating toluene at high loads. Part 1: Experimental performance from inoculation to clogging” carbon dioxide production, oxygen consumption, toluene removal, pressure drop and biofilter weight were the parameters related with biomass growth which were monitored in 5 sampling ports along the height of the bioreactor during 120 days of operation. In the second step of the study, the main results in the modeling of biofilters are described according to the experimental data collected in the first part of the study. To achieve the final objective of modeling biomass growth inside biofilters, a base model is developed including the main phenomena involved in biofiltration. The validation of this base model, which predicts the outlet concentrations of pollutant according to system characteristics and operating conditions, has been used satisfactory to describe the evolution from bacterial to fungal population inside a biofilter, as it is detailed in “Modeling of a bacterial and fungal biofilter applied to toluene abatement: kinetic parameter estimation and model validation”. The mathematical model is based on detailed mass balances which include the main processes involved in the system: advection, absorption, diffusion and biodegradation. The model was calibrated and validated using experimental data obtained from two equal lab-scale biofilters. A novel procedure in gas biofilters modeling was considered for checking the model calibration, by the assessment of the parameters confidence interval based on the Fisher Information Matrix (FIM). Additionally, the incorporation of extra phenomena in the base model is studied and a sensitivity analysis is performed to distinguish the most significant parameters under a wide range of operation conditions. This part of the study is included in “Developing a general diffusion-reaction model applied to gas-phase VOCs removal by biofiltration: parameter analysis and phenomena study”. Experimental results in the study of the key factors and discussion of phenomena involved in the process, let to develop, calibrate and validate a dynamic model describing the behavior of biofilters for waste gas treatment considering biomass growth. The dynamic model predicts outlet concentrations along the height of the biofilter and the consequences of biomass growth in the progressive decrease in bed porosity and the increase in pressure drop, relating with the increase in the operating cost and the substitution of the packing material by bed clogging. The satisfactory predictions of the dynamic model to experimental data are presented in the article “Biomass accumulation in a biofilter treating toluene at high loads. Part 2: Model development, calibration and validation / La biofiltració ha esdevingut una alternativa efectiva i econòmica als sistemes tradicionals fisicoquímics de tractament de contaminants gasosos. Les elevades despeses d’operació i el consum energètic associat als tractaments convencionals han accentuat l’atenció en els processos biològics. En general, un biofiltre consisteix en un reactor empacat amb un material de rebliment (orgànic o inorgànic) que esdevé el medi de suport pel creixement dels microorganismes. L’aire a tractar circula a través del llit i els contaminants es transfereixen des del gas a la biopel·lícula per absorció, on posteriorment difonen i es biodegraden simultàniament. D’aquesta manera, en biofiltració, s’aprofita l’activitat metabòlica dels microorganismes per degradar contaminants que esdevenen la font de matèria i energia pel seu creixement. En biofiltració, la transferència de massa des de la fase gas a la biopel·lícula i la posterior degradació biològica són els principals fenòmens responsables de l’eliminació dels contaminants volàtils en aire. La correcta descripció d’un biofiltre, basada en aquests dos principals processos, es relaciona amb les propietats fisicoquímiques del material de rebliment utilitzat per immobilitzar la biomassa i les condicions d’operació. La modelització de biofiltres ha rebut menys atenció en comparació als treballs experimentals, fet que es relaciona amb la complexitat del procés, que inclou diverses interaccions físiques, químiques i biològiques. En la present tesi doctoral, en primer lloc, es descriu la problemàtica i s’expliquen els antecedents de l’estudi i les motivacions del mateix (capítol 1). En segon lloc, en un capítol introductori (capítol 2) es descriuen els principals tractaments fisicoquímics per l’eliminació de contaminants gasosos en aire en comparació amb les diferents configuracions dels tractaments biològics. En aquest mateix capítol, es presenten els factors que han estat identificats com a claus en l’operació de biofiltres. Els factors clau permeten descriure els principals mecanismes implicats en els processos de biofiltració, a fi d’incorporar els diferents fenòmens en un model matemàtic que descrigui el comportament d’un biofiltre, posant especial atenció en el creixement de biomassa i en les seves conseqüències sobre l’operació. En el capítol 3 es recullen els principals objectius de l’estudi i en el capítol 4 els materials i mètodes utilitzats. La present tesi doctoral es presenta com a compendi d’un total de 9 articles que s’annexen en l’apartat de resultats (capítol 5) per a la seva posterior discussió general (capítol 6). Els primers 6 articles corresponen a l’estudi experimental dels paràmetres clau en biofiltració i els 3 restants, a la modelització matemàtica dels processos que descriuen el comportament d’un biofiltre. En l’article “A comparative study based on physical characteristics of the most suitable packing materials for common situations in biofiltration” es selecciona el material més adient en funció de les característiques físiques, que es relacionen amb les principals funcions que el material ha de portar a terme en un biofiltre, sense deixar de banda els criteris econòmics (despesa del material i costs d’operació associat a la utilització del material). L’estudi dels paràmetres clau en biofiltració es realitza comparativament en 10 materials de rebliment comunament utilitzats en biofiltració o potencialment utilitzables per les seves propietats. Entre els materials amb un elevat potencial per ser utilitzats com a material de rebliment en biofiltració, en l’article “Evaluation of sludge-based carbon as packing material in biofiltration in comparison to classic materials” s’avalua la reutilització d’un fang procedent d’una estació depuradora d’aigües residuals (tractat prèviament), per eliminar toluè. A banda d’avaluar les principals propietats dels materials en el seus estats naturals, en l’article “The role of water in performance of biofilters: parameterization of pressure drop and sorption capacities for common packing materials” també s’estudia la influència que exerceixen les condicions d’humitat pròpies de la biofiltració en dos paràmetres clau en l’operació: les pèrdues de pressió que experimenta el fluid i les capacitats dels materials per adsorbir el contaminant i esmorteir les possibles fluctuacions de càrrega. Posteriorment, en l’article “Evaluation of mass transfer coefficients in biotrickling filters: experimental determination and comparison to correlations” es caracteritza la transferència de massa a partir d’un procediment experimental senzill i es compara amb els resultats obtinguts amb les correlacions empíriques més utilitzades en els estudis de biofiltració. En l’article “Development of a kinetic model for elemental sulfur and sulfate formation from the autotrophic sulfide oxidation using respirometric techniques” també es descriu la transferència de massa, però en aquesta ocasió per un respiròmetre en fase líquida, amb el propòsit de caracteritzar el fenomen en una eina utilitzada habitualment en biofiltració, per la determinació experimental de paràmetres cinètics. Finalment, una vegada caracteritzats els fenòmens físics implicats, s’estudia la degradació d’un contaminant comú (toluè) i el creixement de biomassa associat des de la inoculació del reactor fins a la colmatació del llit. Els resultats obtinguts es presenten en l’article “Biomass accumulation in a biofilter treating toluene at high loads. Part 1: Experimental performance from inoculation to clogging”. El propòsit final és enregistrar l’evolució dels principals paràmetres relacionats amb el creixement de la biopel·lícula per modelitzar el procés d’acumulació de biomassa. En la segona part de l’estudi es descriuen els principals resultats obtinguts en la modelització del procés de biofiltració partint de la informació experimental obtinguda sobre els paràmetres clau en biofiltració. Per assolir l’objectiu final de modelitzar el creixement de biomassa a l’interior d’un biofiltre es parteix del desenvolupament d’un model bàsic que inclou els principals fenòmens que descriuen el procés de biofiltració. La validesa d’aquest model bàsic, que prediu les concentracions de sortida de contaminant en funció de les característiques del sistema i les condicions d’operació, ha estat satisfactòriament comprovada en la descripció de l’evolució de poblacions a l’interior d’un biofiltre, tal i com es detalla en l’article “Modeling of a bacterial and fungal biofilter applied to toluene abatement: kinetic parameter estimation and model validation”. Per altra banda, s’estudia la incorporació de fenòmens addicionals en el model bàsic i es realitza un anàlisi de sensibilitat dels paràmetres del model, per discernir quins són els paràmetres més influents en les prediccions del model. Aquesta part es recull en l’article “Developing a general diffusion-reaction model applied to gas-phase VOCs removal by biofiltration: parameter analysis and phenomena study”. Els resultats obtinguts a nivell experimental en l’estudi de paràmetres clau de l’operació d’un biofiltre i la discussió realitzada en la modelització dels fenòmens que descriuen el procés, permet desenvolupar, calibrar i validar un model dinàmic que descriu els comportament d’un biofiltre pel tractament d’un contaminant gasós, incloent el creixement de biomassa. El model dinàmic de creixement prediu el perfil de concentracions en el biofiltre al llarg del temps, al mateix temps que preveu les conseqüències de l’augment del gruix de la biopel·lícula en la progressiva disminució de la porositat del llit i l’increment de les pèrdues de pressió, relacionades a la vegada, amb l’increment de les despeses d’operació i la possible substitució del material per la colmatació del llit. L’ajust satisfactori de les prediccions del model a dades experimentals obtingudes en l’operació d’un biofiltre real a escala laboratori es presenten en l’article “Biomass accumulation in a biofilter treating toluene at high loads. Part 2: Model development, calibration and validation”. Les principals conclusions del treball es presenten en el capítol 7, a la vegada que s’obre la porta a la continuació del treball amb nous estudis (capítol 8).
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Jacinto, Fradique e Gonçalo: impasses oitocentistas sob o olhar do último Eça

Roberto Loureiro Junior 30 March 2009 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / A fase conhecida como o último Eça é um período controvertido na obra de Eça de Queirós. A ilustre casa de Ramires (1900), A cidade e as Serras (1901) e A correspondência de Fradique Mendes (1900) são, geralmente, consideradas obras menores. Há quem veja em Gonçalo Ramires um personagem vazio; para outros, a saga de Jacinto é uma obra reacionária; e apenas Fradique Mendes desfruta de maior simpatia nos estudos queirosianos. No entanto, nos estudos mais recentes, há uma recuperação deste período e, para esses pesquisadores, tais obras apontam uma nova postura ideológica do autor que, através de elementos históricos, simbólicos e míticos, conduz a um diálogo com os temas e os valores mais discutidos da cultura européia naquele final de século. Com esses elementos, Eça expõe nas três obras a necessidade de a sociedade adotar uma postura de originalidade no pensar visando à independência intelectual e à eliminação de conceitos caducos. Assim, essas três obras são vistas neste trabalho como uma trilogia, e os três protagonistas representam três propostas de Eça de Queirós: Gonçalo é o português rural que busca no passado a força para mudar; Jacinto é o português cosmopolita que retorna às origens para, de modo singular, pôr-se em diálogo com o seu país e o mundo que conhecera na capital do século XIX (Paris); Fradique é o português global que circula à vontade pelos continentes, mas não deixa de amar Portugal. A trilogia apresenta propostas para um novo século: livrar o homem das amarras que o atavam ao nacionalismo romântico, à crença cega na ciência, ao poder da igreja e aos grandes sistemas filosóficos / The phase known as the ultimate Eça is a controversial period at Eça de Queiros opus. A ilustre Casa de Ramires (1900; translated as The illustrious House of Ramires), A cidade e as serras (1901; translated as The city and the mountains) and A correspondência de Fradique Mendes (1900; The Correspondence of Fradique Mendes) are usually considered minor texts. Some people see Gonçalo Ramires as an empty character; for others, Jacintos saga is a reactionary text; only Fradique Mendes relishes the affinity at queirosian studies. Nevertheless, at the most recent studies, there is a recovery of this period and, for this researchers, such books point out a new ideological position of the author that, through historical, symbolic and mythical elements leads to a dialogue with the themes and values discussed at the European culture at the end of the century. With these elements, Eça exposes in the three books the necessity of the society to adopt a position of original thoughts aiming at intellectual independence and the elimination of decrepit concepts. So, the three pieces are seen in this work as a trilogy and the protagonists represent the Eça de Queiross proposals: Gonçalo is the rural Portuguese that seeks for the strength to change in the past; Jacinto is the cosmopolitan Portuguese that returns to his origins to, in a single way, put himself in dialogue with his country and the world he knew in the capital of the 19th century (Paris); Fradique is the global Portuguese that easily circulates through the continents, still loving Portugal. The trilogy presents proposals to a new century: release man from chains that tie him to romantic nationalism, to the blind belief at science, to the power of church and to the great philosophical systems
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Humor objetivo e aparência estética: uma leitura sobre a questão da dissolução da arte na Estética de Hegel / Objective humor and aesthetic appearance: a reading on the question of the dissolution of art in Hegel\'s Aesthetics

Patrick de Oliveira Almeida 27 January 2017 (has links)
A presente tese tem por objetivo apresentar a figura do humor objetivo na Estética de Hegel como o que instancia o processo de desaparecimento da aparência estética da arte. Para tanto, procede-se à construção de uma homologia formal com as outras denominadas figuras de fim da arte, a saber, o epigrama e a comédia, pertencentes respectivamente às formas de arte simbólica e clássica, tal como delineadas na reflexão estética de Hegel. A homologia pretende demarcar as similitudes e as diferenças das três figuras de fim que correspondem às três formas de arte apresentadas na Estética, com o propósito especial de estabelecer uma compreensão da tarefa e do significado estéticos da figura final humor objetivo. A partir dessa homologia, a relação entre humor, singularidade, conceito e aparência negativa é articulada para subsidiar a compreensão do caráter dissolutivo e negativo do humor e para fundamentar neste a aparência paradoxal da arte, através da qual a arte se dirige à ultrapassagem de si mesma, do ponto de vista de sua orientação figurativa, acedendo, com isso, ao ponto de vista de um relativismo conteudístico-formal que resulta num novo horizonte de possibilidades ficcionais / The present thesis aims to present the figure of objective humor in Hegel \'s Aesthetics as what instantiates the process of disappearance of the aesthetic appearance of art. Therefore, proceeding with the construction of a homological form with othersnamed \"end figures\" of art, known as the epigram and comedy, belonging respectively to the forms of symbolic and classical art, as outlined in the Hegel\'s aesthetic reflection. Homology seeks to demarcate the similarities and differences of the three \"end figures\" that correspond to the three forms of art presented in Aesthetics, with the special purpose of proposing a comprehension of the task and aesthetic meaning of the final figure \"objective humor\". From this homology, the relation between humor, singularity, concept and negative appearance is articulated to subsidize the understanding of the dissolutive and negative character of the humor and to substantiate in this the paradoxical appearance of art, through which art is directed to surpassing itself from the point of view of its figurative orientation, thereby acceding to the point of view of a formal-material relativism that results in a new horizon of fictional possibilities.
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Jacinto, Fradique e Gonçalo: impasses oitocentistas sob o olhar do último Eça

Roberto Loureiro Junior 30 March 2009 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / A fase conhecida como o último Eça é um período controvertido na obra de Eça de Queirós. A ilustre casa de Ramires (1900), A cidade e as Serras (1901) e A correspondência de Fradique Mendes (1900) são, geralmente, consideradas obras menores. Há quem veja em Gonçalo Ramires um personagem vazio; para outros, a saga de Jacinto é uma obra reacionária; e apenas Fradique Mendes desfruta de maior simpatia nos estudos queirosianos. No entanto, nos estudos mais recentes, há uma recuperação deste período e, para esses pesquisadores, tais obras apontam uma nova postura ideológica do autor que, através de elementos históricos, simbólicos e míticos, conduz a um diálogo com os temas e os valores mais discutidos da cultura européia naquele final de século. Com esses elementos, Eça expõe nas três obras a necessidade de a sociedade adotar uma postura de originalidade no pensar visando à independência intelectual e à eliminação de conceitos caducos. Assim, essas três obras são vistas neste trabalho como uma trilogia, e os três protagonistas representam três propostas de Eça de Queirós: Gonçalo é o português rural que busca no passado a força para mudar; Jacinto é o português cosmopolita que retorna às origens para, de modo singular, pôr-se em diálogo com o seu país e o mundo que conhecera na capital do século XIX (Paris); Fradique é o português global que circula à vontade pelos continentes, mas não deixa de amar Portugal. A trilogia apresenta propostas para um novo século: livrar o homem das amarras que o atavam ao nacionalismo romântico, à crença cega na ciência, ao poder da igreja e aos grandes sistemas filosóficos / The phase known as the ultimate Eça is a controversial period at Eça de Queiros opus. A ilustre Casa de Ramires (1900; translated as The illustrious House of Ramires), A cidade e as serras (1901; translated as The city and the mountains) and A correspondência de Fradique Mendes (1900; The Correspondence of Fradique Mendes) are usually considered minor texts. Some people see Gonçalo Ramires as an empty character; for others, Jacintos saga is a reactionary text; only Fradique Mendes relishes the affinity at queirosian studies. Nevertheless, at the most recent studies, there is a recovery of this period and, for this researchers, such books point out a new ideological position of the author that, through historical, symbolic and mythical elements leads to a dialogue with the themes and values discussed at the European culture at the end of the century. With these elements, Eça exposes in the three books the necessity of the society to adopt a position of original thoughts aiming at intellectual independence and the elimination of decrepit concepts. So, the three pieces are seen in this work as a trilogy and the protagonists represent the Eça de Queiross proposals: Gonçalo is the rural Portuguese that seeks for the strength to change in the past; Jacinto is the cosmopolitan Portuguese that returns to his origins to, in a single way, put himself in dialogue with his country and the world he knew in the capital of the 19th century (Paris); Fradique is the global Portuguese that easily circulates through the continents, still loving Portugal. The trilogy presents proposals to a new century: release man from chains that tie him to romantic nationalism, to the blind belief at science, to the power of church and to the great philosophical systems
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Percepção dos sintomas e sofrimento no fim da vida das crianças com câncer e repercussões nos cuidadores / Symptom perception and end of life suffering of cancer children and the repercussion on caregivers

Erica Boldrini 02 February 2015 (has links)
Introdução: Apesar do progresso da oncologia pediátrica, ainda existem pacientes que não atingem a cura. Estudos mostram que estes recebem tratamento agressivo no fim da vida, sem controle efetivo dos sintomas, com sofrimento significativo. O cuidador familiar é fonte preciosa de informações conforme a morte da criança se aproxima. No entanto, as impressões parentais podem não refletir precisamente a experiência da criança, pois presenciar sofrimento pressupõe sofrimento. Talvez isso explique a discordância entre o relato dos pais e os registros médicos. A convivência com o sofrimento do filho morrendo permanece gravado na memória dos pais. Acreditar que o filho morreu sofrendo pode levar a morbidade psicológica e interferir no futuro deles. Avaliou-se a percepção dos pais sobre os sintomas que afetaram o bem estar dos seus filhos no fim da vida, comparou-se com os dados da equipe médica e relacionaram-se as circunstâncias em que a morte ocorreu com transtornos de humor e presença de luto complicado. Material e métodos: em 2012 entramos em contato com 250 famílias que perderam o filho no período de 2000 a 2010, em um Hospital especializado, no interior do Brasil, que realiza atendimento através do sistema governamental. A pesquisa foi conduzida através de questionários auto-aplicáveis enviados pelos correios. Resultados: tivemos a participação de 60 cuidadores com tempo de luto variando entre 14 e 80 meses. Esses relataram média de 12 sintomas que afetaram o bem estar dos filhos na última semana de vida, sem concordância quando comparado com os dados registrados pela equipe médica, até mesmo para o sintoma dor. Esses pais apresentam altos níveis de ansiedade e depressão (74,0% e 81,0% respectivamente) e altos níveis de luto complicado (38,0% com luto baixo/ausente, 12,0% com luto adiado e 34,0% como luto prolongado). Os maiores escores de luto atual foram evidenciados entre os cuidadores casados, com idade variando entre 30-39 anos, analfabetos, assalariados, com outras religiões que não a católica, pertencente às classes econômicas C/D/E, que tiveram um filho único, que está há mais de 72 meses de luto, cujo filho tinha no momento do óbito idade entre 12 e 18 anos, era portador de tumor de SNC, estava em tratamento com intenção curativa e faleceu na enfermaria. Evidenciamos correlação entre a carga de sintomas referida pelos médicos com luto passado e luto presente. Analisando as Introdução: Apesar do progresso da oncologia pediátrica, ainda existem pacientes que não atingem a cura. Estudos mostram que estes recebem tratamento agressivo no fim da vida, sem controle efetivo dos sintomas, com sofrimento significativo. O cuidador familiar é fonte preciosa de informações conforme a morte da criança se aproxima. No entanto, as impressões parentais podem não refletir precisamente a experiência da criança, pois presenciar sofrimento pressupõe sofrimento. Talvez isso explique a discordância entre o relato dos pais e os registros médicos. A convivência com o sofrimento do filho morrendo permanece gravado na memória dos pais. Acreditar que o filho morreu sofrendo pode levar a morbidade psicológica e interferir no futuro deles. Avaliou-se a percepção dos pais sobre os sintomas que afetaram o bem estar dos seus filhos no fim da vida, comparou-se com os dados da equipe médica e relacionaram-se as circunstâncias em que a morte ocorreu com transtornos de humor e presença de luto complicado. Material e métodos: em 2012 entramos em contato com 250 famílias que perderam o filho no período de 2000 a 2010, em um Hospital especializado, no interior do Brasil, que realiza atendimento através do sistema governamental. A pesquisa foi conduzida através de questionários auto-aplicáveis enviados pelos correios. Resultados: tivemos a participação de 60 cuidadores com tempo de luto variando entre 14 e 80 meses. Esses relataram média de 12 sintomas que afetaram o bem estar dos filhos na última semana de vida, sem concordância quando comparado com os dados registrados pela equipe médica, até mesmo para o sintoma dor. Esses pais apresentam altos níveis de ansiedade e depressão (74,0% e 81,0% respectivamente) e altos níveis de luto complicado (38,0% com luto baixo/ausente, 12,0% com luto adiado e 34,0% como luto prolongado). Os maiores escores de luto atual foram evidenciados entre os cuidadores casados, com idade variando entre 30-39 anos, analfabetos, assalariados, com outras religiões que não a católica, pertencente às classes econômicas C/D/E, que tiveram um filho único, que está há mais de 72 meses de luto, cujo filho tinha no momento do óbito idade entre 12 e 18 anos, era portador de tumor de SNC, estava em tratamento com intenção curativa e faleceu na enfermaria. Evidenciamos correlação entre a carga de sintomas referida pelos médicos com luto passado e luto presente. Analisando as variáveis relacionadas ao luto presente evidenciou-se forte correlação positiva com o luto passado, com ansiedade e depressão e correlação negativa com o tempo de cuidados paliativos. Como fatores preditores na análise de regressão múltipla evidenciaram-se o luto passado e a depressão. Conclusão: Os pais relataram grande sofrimento dos filhos no fim da vida, sem concordância com os dados da equipe médica. Dois terços dos cuidadores apresentam sintomas de ansiedade e depressão e 84% apresentaram alguma reação de luto complicado. Evidenciou-se forte correlação positiva do luto presente com o luto passado, com ansiedade e depressão e a com a carga de sintomas referida pelos médicos e correlação negativa com o tempo de cuidados paliativos / Introduction: Despite all the progress in pediatric oncology, there are still patients who cannot achieve cure. Studies show that they receive aggressive treatment in the end of life, with no effective control of symptoms, and endure considerable suffering. The family caregiver is a precious source of information as the death of the child approaches. Parental impressions may not reflect accurately the child\'s experience due to the fact that witnessing suffering implies in suffering. This may explain the discrepancy between the parents\' reports and the medical records. Living with a dying child remains engraved in the parents\' memories. Believing that their child died in pain may lead to psychological morbidity and interfere in their future. Parental perception on the symptoms that affected the well- being of the child in the end of life was evaluated and compared with medical data, and the circumstances in which death occurred were related with mood swings and the presence of complicated grief. Material and methods: In 2012, 250 families that had lost a child between the years of 2000 and 2010, in a specialized, public hospital in Brazil, were contacted. A survey was carried out through self- applied questionnaires sent by mail. Results: 60 caregivers with time of mourning ranging between 14 and 80 months reported, on average, 12 symptoms that affected the well-being of their children on their last week of life, and these reports did not agree with the data recorded by the medical team. These parents present with high levels of anxiety and depression (74.0% and 81.0% respectively), as well as complicated grief (38.0% absent/ low grief, 12.0% delayed grief and 34.0% prolonged grief). The highest grief scores were seen among the caregivers who met the following parameters: married, age range between 30 and 39, illiterate, minimum wage and social class C/D/E. They had also been mourning the loss of their only child, who was between 12 and 18 years old at the time of death, had CNS tumor, was treated with curative intention and died in the infirmary. There was evident correlation between the burden of symptoms referred by the doctors with past and present grief. When the variables related to present grief were analyzed, there was strong positive correlation with past grief, showing anxiety and depression; and negative correlation with palliative care time. As predictor factors in the multiple regression analysis, past grief and depression were evident. Conclusion: Parents related great suffering of their children in the end of life, which did not agree with the medical data. Two thirds of the caregivers present symptoms of anxiety and depression and 84.0% present some reaction of complicated grief. There was strong positive correlation between present and past grief with anxiety and depression, and with the burden of symptoms referred by doctors, and negative correlation with palliative care time
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Entre o cão e o cordeiro: a guerra do fim do mundo carnavaliza os fanatismos de canudos

Oliveira, Daniela Barbosa de 11 May 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-06-29T14:21:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 danielabarbosadeoliveira.pdf: 833589 bytes, checksum: 4c7e36561ecf152e2d42b5b2dc065451 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Diamantino Mayra (mayra.diamantino@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-07-05T14:59:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 danielabarbosadeoliveira.pdf: 833589 bytes, checksum: 4c7e36561ecf152e2d42b5b2dc065451 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-05T14:59:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 danielabarbosadeoliveira.pdf: 833589 bytes, checksum: 4c7e36561ecf152e2d42b5b2dc065451 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-11 / FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / Esta dissertação tem por objetivo uma análise direcionada da obra A Guerra do Fim do Mundo (1981) de autoria do aclamado escritor peruano Mario Vargas Llosa. Pretendo demonstrar que o autor se utilizou do humor, da paródia e do sarcasmo em consonância com as mais primitivas interpretações a respeito da Guerra de Canudos (1896- 97), um dos conflitos mais marcantes da história do Brasil e tema central de sua obra, bem como se apropriou e ressignificou alguns dos elementos da carnavalização literária, teoria proposta e desenvolvida pelo igualmente célebre crítico russo Mikhail Bakhtin. Tal teoria alcançou os meios intelectuais e acadêmicos americanos com maior força justamente no período em que a obra vargallosiana estava sendo elaborada. O trabalho é composto por uma introdução sumária, na qual se demonstra de que maneira o tema foi pensado e delineado, três capítulos, nos quais a argumentação é gradativamente construída, e uma conclusão. / This dissertation aims at an analysis of the book The War of the End of the World (1981) authored the acclaimed Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa. I intend to show that the author used humor and parody in line with the earliest interpretations of the War of Canudos (1896- 97), one of the most outstanding conflicts in the history of Brazil and central theme of his work, as well as new meaning and appropriated some elements of carnivalization literary, theory developed by the equally famous critic Russian Mikhail Bakhtin and reached the American academic and intellectual circles with greater strength precisely while the Vargas Llosa’s work was being prepared. The work consists of a summary introduction, three chapters, in which the argument is gradually built, and a conclusion.
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A Framework To Implement OpenID Connect Protocol For Federated Identity Management In Enterprises

Rasiwasia, Akshay January 2017 (has links)
Federated Identity Management (FIM) and Single-Sign-On (SSO) concepts improve both productivity andsecurity for organizations by assigning the responsibility of user data management and authentication toone single central entity called identity provider, and consequently, the users have to maintain only oneset of credential to access resources at multiple service provider. The implementation of any FIM and SSOprotocol is complex due to the involvement of multiple organizations, sensitive user data, and myriadsecurity issues. There are many instances of faulty implementations that compromised on security forease of implementation due to lack of proper guidance. OpenID Connect (OIDC) is the latest protocolwhich is an open standard, lightweight and platform independent to implement Federated IdentityManagement; it offers several advantages over the legacy protocols and is expected to have widespreaduse. An implementation framework that addresses all the important aspects of the FIM lifecycle isrequired to ensure the proper application of the OIDC protocol at the enterprise level. In this researchwork, an implementation framework was designed for OIDC protocol by incorporating all the importantrequirements from a managerial, technical and security perspective of an enterprise level federatedidentity management. The research work closely follows the design science research process, and theframework was evaluated for its completeness, efficiency, and usability.
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Método para identificação de parâmetros de qualidade de serviços aplicados a serviços móveis e interativos. / Method for eliciting the quality of service parameters for interactive and mobile services.

Serra, Ana Paula Gonçalves 01 June 2007 (has links)
Atualmente, os usuários desejam obter, fornecer, compartilhar e interagir com informações e serviços com conteúdo multimídia em qualquer lugar, a qualquer momento e com qualquer dispositivo. Para que isso seja possível, um dos grandes desafios é assegurar a QoS (Quality of Service) fim a fim (entre o usuário final e a organização provedora de serviço) para a disponibilização de serviços móveis e interativos com conteúdo multimídia para os usuários finais. Em geral esse tipo de serviço têm maior exigência de QoS, pois além dos parâmetros de redes, possuem parâmetros específicos para áudio, imagem e vídeo, além de exigirem sincronização de áudio e vídeo, e a QoS fim a fim deve considerar parâmetros de QoS sob a percepção do usuário final. Com isso, o objetivo deste trabalho é propor um método para o levantamento de parâmetros de QoS para o estabelecimento de USLAs (User Service Level Agreements - Acordo do Nível de Serviço do Usuário) entre a organização provedora de serviço e o usuário final para serviços móveis e interativos com conteúdo multimídia em um ambiente de convergência tecnológica. O método consiste em quatro passos: 1. identificação do serviço a ser oferecido ao usuário final e elaboração de um grafo em árvore, que tem como objetivo identificar outros serviços que podem compor o serviço a ser oferecido ao usuário final; 2. mapeamento dos parâmetros de QoS em um metamodelo; 3. validação do metamodelo, para que se possa extrair do metamodelo os parâmetros de QoS; 4. elaboração do USLA. Este trabalho propõe um primeiro passo para solucionar a falta de métodos padronizados para o estabelecimento de USLA para serviços móveis e interativos com conteúdo multimídia sob a percepção do usuário final. Além de facilitar a identificação e composição de serviços e parâmetros, por meio de um metamodelo que proporciona a integração de classes de serviços que podem ser facilmente reutilizadas e customizadas, de acordo, com o tipo de serviço oferecido pela organização provedora de serviço e pela necessidade do usuário final. / In these days the final users wish to obtain, to furnish and to interact using interactive services with multimedia content anywhere, anytime and with any kind of user device. One of the biggest challenges is to assure the End-to End Quality of Service (E2E QoS) in the delivering of the interactive and multimedia services for moving users. In general, this kind of users have more strict requirements needs, because, besides of the computer network parameters, they need specify specific parameters like sound, image and video and their synchronization, on the users\' point of the view - perceived QoS. The main objective of this thesis is to present the application of a method for eliciting the E2E QoS parameters aiming the establishment of the User Service Level Agreement - USLA between the service provider and the final user applied to interactive and mobile services with multimedia content, inserted on a technological convergence environment. The method is a four steps method that consists of (1) an identification of the service to be offered to the final user and the elaboration of a tree graph aiming the identification of the composition of the service by other services (2) mapping the QoS parameters in a metamodel (3) validation of the metamodel, and extraction of the E2E QoS parameters (4) elaboration the USLA. This thesis proposes a first step to solve the lack of standardized methods for the establishment of the USLA for interactive and mobile services with multimedia content under the users\' perception. Besides of facilitating the identification and the composition of services and parameters, using a metamodel, that provides the integration of classes of services, that can be easily reused and customized, according, with the type of service offered for the service provider to the final user.
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Ferramenta para mapear a qualidade percebida pelo usuário em requisitos de QoS em ambiente convergente e heterogêneo. / User perceived quality into convergent and heterogeneous environment QoS requirements mapping tool.

Vieira, Gabriel Mauricio Oswald 02 December 2010 (has links)
Uma das principais características dos sistemas de informação e de comunicação é permitir que os usuários finais utilizem e disponibilizem serviços interativos com conteúdo multimídia a qualquer hora, em qualquer lugar, com qualquer dispositivo e em movimento, independentemente da tecnologia de rede utilizada. Um desafio que surge face a essa nova característica dos serviços é como identificar os requisitos de QoS (Qualidade de Serviço) fim-a-fim sob a ótica do usuário final em um ambiente convergente e heterogêneo com o intuito de evoluir as relações entre o usuário final e o Provedor de Serviços para o estabelecimento de um contrato com níveis de serviço personalizado. Este trabalho apresenta uma pesquisa para a elaboração de uma ferramenta genérica e aberta para mapear a qualidade percebida pelo usuário em requisitos técnicos de QoS através da captura do fluxo de pacotes gerado entre as aplicações que compõem um serviço e simula atrasos, jitter, perdas e banda percebida com o objetivo de permitir ao usuário final identificar e expressar os valores desses parâmetros tornando transparente os aspectos tecnológicos que envolvem esta identificação. A definição de um ambiente de simulação que hospeda o serviço, o desenvolvimento de um simulador de QoS específico e uma nova relação entre o usuário e o Provedor de Serviços também são abordados. / One of the main characteristics of communication and information systems is to allow final users to use and make available multimedia content interactive services at any time, anywhere, in motion and using any device regardless of network technology. Under this perspective a challenge arises on how to identify the QoS (Quality of Service) requirements in a convergent and heterogeneous environment end-to-end user centric way, in order to evolve the relationship between users and service providers aiming the establishment of personalized demands through personalized agreements. This work presents a study for the development of an open and generic tool for mapping the user perceived quality in QoS requirements through the capture of the packet flow generated between the applications of a service and simulates delays, jitter, loss of packets and bandwidth in order to allow the end user to identify and express the values of these parameters making transparent all the technological aspects involved in this identification. The definition of a service simulation environment, the development of a QoS simulator and a new relationship between users and services providers are also addressed.
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