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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regulatory Effects on Traditional Financial Systems Versus Blockchain and Emerging Financial Systems

Addo Baidoo, Samuel Edwin 01 January 2019 (has links)
The expansion of the Internet led to disruptive business and consumer processes, as existing regulations do not cover the scope and scale of emerging financial technologies. Using organization economic theory as the foundation, the purpose of this correlational study was to examine and compare the financial regulatory impact on traditional and emerging financial systems across a variety of factors including organizational type, predicted users, operational concerns, reasons for cost increases, and changes in business practices as a result of the regulatory environment. Data were collected through a survey of 227 adult Americans who engage in the financial sector and are familiar with the US regulatory environment. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, cross tabulations, and statistical significance was tested using Lambda and Kendall's Tau c. The key finding of this study is that the effects of regulations are different for the traditional and emerging financial systems, showing the need to develop and implement policies that are context specific to the emerging financial systems. The recommendations from the study include suggestions to regulatory agencies to regulate and support emerging financial systems in line with new technology that envisions efficiency and economic fairness. The positive social change implications for this study include the development of a strategy that can ensure economic stability, reduce irregularities, and strengthen investments with a view of protecting the financial system from breakdown.

Essays on the rise of mobile financial technology in developing countries and its impact on individual financial behaviors / Essais sur l'essor des services financiers sur mobile dans les pays en développement et à son impact sur le comportement financier des individus

Ky, Serge 08 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie les déterminants de l'adoption des services financiers par téléphonie mobile et ses conséquences sur les comportements financiers individuels dans les pays en développement. Elle est composée de trois chapitres/articles auto-référents. Le premier chapitre étudie l'adoption croissante des services financiers par téléphonie mobile dans les pays en développement en distinguant mobile money (utilisation du mobile pour accéder à des services financiers) et mobile banking (services financiers liés à un compte bancaire accessibles par téléphonie mobile) et en confrontant l'Afrique Sub-Saharienne aux autres pays en développement. L'étude montre que le mobile money est plus répandu que le mobile banking dans les pays en développement mais plus encore en Afrique Sub-Saharienne. Les déterminants de son adoption sont liés aux facteurs macroéconomiques, à l'étendue des services financiers et des activités d'intermédiation du secteur bancaire dans chaque pays et surtout de l'ampleur des transferts d'argent des migrants. Le chapitre 2 analyse l'impact de l'adoption du mobile money sur le comportement individuel d'épargne à partir de données d'une enquête de terrain menée au Burkina Faso en 2014. En distinguant l'épargne selon qu'elle est constitué pour des événements prévisibles ou non, les résultats montrent que le mobile money a un impact favorable sur l'épargne lorsqu'elle est destinée à faire face à des événements imprévisibles et plus particulièrement à d'éventuels problèmes de santé. Les résultats plus précis révèlent que ce sont en fait les groupes défavorisés à qui le mobile money permet effectivement de développer cette capacité d'épargne, la sécurité et la possibilité de transferts d'argent dans la sous-région apparaissent comme les principaux facteurs explicatifs. Le chapitre 3 exploite ces données d'enquête en étudiant l'impact de l'adoption du mobile money sur l'utilisation des services financiers traditionnels (formels et informels). L'analyse montre que les utilisateurs du mobile money le privilégient pour effectuer leurs dépôts grâce aux avantages qu'il apporte en termes d'accès, de coût, de liquidité et de confidentialité par rapport aux services financiers traditionnels. Cependant, l'étude révèle que l'utilisation du mobile money renforce l'accès des usagers des services financiers informels et des groupes défavorisés à la fois aux banques et aux caisses d'épargne. / This dissertation investigates determinants of mobile financial technology adoption and its consequences on individual financial behaviors in developing countries. It is structured around three chapters/self-contained papers. The first chapter explores the growing adoption of mobile financial technology in developing countries by distinguishing mobile money (use of a mobile phone to access financial services) from mobile banking (access of banking services using a mobile phone) and setting Sub-Saharan Africa against other developing countries. The results show that mobile money adoption dominates mobile banking in developing countries especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. Determinants of its adoption include macroeconomic factors, outreach of financial services, banking sector intermediation activities and especially remittances. The second chapter analyzes the impact of mobile money adoption on individual saving behavior by using individual-level survey data that we designed and conducted in 2014 in Burkina Faso. By distinguishing saving for predictable events from that for unpredictable events, the findings show that mobile money has a positive impact only on saving for unpredictable events especially saving for health emergencies. Precisely, the results show that disadvantaged groups who use mobile money are likely to save for health emergencies, and that safety and the availability of money transfers within the sub-region appear as factors that may explain the use of mobile money to save for health emergencies. The third chapter exploits the same survey data to analyze the impact of mobile money adoption on the usage of traditional (formal and informal) financial services. The results show that mobile money is preferred for deposits over traditional financial services because of the convenience that it provides in terms of relative access, risk, liquidity and privacy. Interestingly, the results reveal that the use of mobile money brings participants in informal deposit mechanisms and disadvantaged groups toward banks and credit unions.

Building Competitive Advantage Through Open Innovation : A case study in the financial technology sector / Bygga Konkurrensfördelar Genom Öppen Innovation : En fallstudie inom sektorn för finansiell teknologi

Jonsson Holm, Erik, Andersson, Felix January 2018 (has links)
The modern financial industry includes fast-changing technology, new regulations, and markets where companies at times find themselves at disadvantage. This study focuses on how organizations can build competitive advantage, particularly by drawing on the open innovation concept. We conceptualize its relationship to competitive advantage as a strategy of using and developing dynamic capabilities in business ecosystems. This view is empirically analysed through qualitative data from four organizational actors in the financial technology (fintech) sector, using semi-structured interviews and a case study approach. The results of the study show that there is a so-called fintech business ecosystem where collaboration and openness generate new opportunities and new innovations. It also shows that the capabilities networking and scanning, investment processes and an open, agile organizational culture are essential to gain advantage of the opportunities in the business ecosystem. In building competitive advantage from open innovation process, these capabilities provide speed and are necessary to find external resources that can effectively be united with internal key resources, creating unique resource combinations. This indicates that companies should focus on activities that enable these capabilities.

Sistema de información para la gestión de financiación participativa de préstamos de consumo / Information system for the crowdlending management of consumer loans

León Horna, Segundo Eliseo 25 September 2020 (has links)
Las empresas Fintech están reconfigurando la industria financiera mundial a través de modelos de negocio disruptivos que hasta hace unos años se creían imposibles de realizar. Este es el caso de los préstamos alternativos como el crowdlending que permite préstamos entre particulares y elimina la intermediación financiera. Creando un mercado de préstamos en línea que junta a inversores y prestatarios, ambos con distintas necesidades, los primeros en búsqueda de mejores retornos a su inversión, mientras que los segundos en búsqueda de préstamos rápidos y condiciones favorables. Recientemente en el Perú, han surgido empresas que ofrecen este tipo de servicio y están comenzado a alterar la supremacía de la banca tradicional. En ese contexto, el principal objetivo del presente trabajo es el de diseñar y construir una plataforma de préstamos alternativos que permita la gestión de inversores y prestatarios, el registro y evaluación de las solicitudes de crédito, la inversión automática y manual en los préstamos, el procesamiento y asignación de pagos y el seguimiento del desempeño con reportes. Sobre la evaluación crediticia, está es realizada por un Sistema Experto desarrollado en CLIPS y utilizado a través de un servicio web. Finalmente, para este trabajo se han seguido los lineamientos de la metodología RUP, se han elaborado diagramas utilizando el lenguaje de modelado UML, y se han considerado las guías y buenas prácticas que brinda el PMI. Esperando que esta solución ayude a la empresa objeto de estudio y que sirva como punto de partida a futuras investigaciones. / Fintech companies are reshaping the global financial industry through disruptive business models that until a few years ago werbelieved impossible to carry out. This is the case of alternative loans such as crowdlending that allows loans between individuals and eliminates financial intermediation. Creating an online loan marketplace that brings together investors and borrowers, both with different needs, the former in search of better returns on their investment, while the latter in search of quick loans and favorable conditions. Recently in Peru, companies that offer this type of service have emerged and are beginning to alter the supremacy of traditional banking. In this context, the main objective of this work is to design and build an alternative loan platform that allows the management of investors and borrowers, the registration and evaluation of credit applications, automatic and manual investment in loans, the processing and allocation of payments and tracking performance with reports. Regarding the credit evaluation, it is carried out by an Expert System developed in CLIPS and used through a web service. Finally, for this work the guidelines of the RUP methodology have been followed, diagrams have been drawn using the UML modeling language, and the guides and good practices provided by the PMI have been considered. Hoping that this solution will help the company under study and serve as a starting point for future research. / Tesis

Estrategias de funcionamiento del crowdfunding en los países de América Latina y sus efectos sobre el desarrollo de las pequeñas empresas / Crowdfunding operating strategies in Latin American countries and its effects on the development of small businesses

Leguía León, Roxana, Ramos Peña, Melanie Vanessa 05 December 2021 (has links)
La revolución tecnología ha permitido que hoy en día existan otras formas de conseguir financiación para un proyecto. Anteriormente se limitaban a un préstamo bancario, ahorros propios, personas de su entorno interesadas en invertir, etc. Sin embargo, estas fuentes de financiación conllevan compromisos a largo plazo. En la actualidad, se puede acceder a otras formas de financiamiento que se encuentran en la red y que han servido de gran ayuda a las pequeñas empresas para conseguir el capital e iniciar un proyecto. De esta manera, el crowdfunding se ha convertido en una gran oportunidad para la captación del capital y ayuda para que emprendimientos se conviertan en realidad. Por ello, esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar el funcionamiento del crowdfunding en Latinoamérica en las pequeñas empresas. Para ello, se ha organizado la investigación en cuatro capítulos. En el primer capítulo, se desarrollan los conceptos que los diversos autores han atribuido al crowdfunding y cómo funciona en las pequeñas empresas del mundo. En el segundo capítulo, se analizarán los modelos del crowdfunding. De esta manera, se tendrá una explicación clara de los modelos más usados y las características de cada uno. En el tercer capítulo, se analizará el uso y desempeño del crowdfunding en las pequeñas empresas de Latinoamérica, cómo las empresas han manejado este concepto y cuáles son los países de Latinoamérica que más usan esta modalidad de financiamiento. En el último capítulo, se precisará el tema legal y cómo los diferentes países de Latinoamérica introducen su reglamentación para el uso del Crowdfunding. / The technology revolution has allowed that today there are other ways of obtaining financing for a project, previously they were limited to a bank loan, own savings, people from their environment interested in investing, etc., however, these sources of financing lead to long-term commitments. Currently you can access other forms of financing that are found on the network and that have been of great help to small companies to get capital and start a project, in this way Crowdfunding has become a great opportunity to raising capital and helping ventures to become a reality. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the operation of crowdfunding in Latin America in small companies. For this, the investigation has been organized into four chapters. The first chapter develops the concepts of various authors who have attributed to Crowdfunding and how it works in small companies in the world. Next, the Crowdfunding models will be analyzed, in this way there will be a clear explanation of the most used models and the characteristics of each one. In the third chapter, we will analyze the use and performance of Crowdfunding in small companies in Latin America, how companies have handled this concept and which are the LATAM countries that use this financing modality the most. And in the last chapter the legal issue will be specified and how the different Latin American countries introduce their regulations for the use of Crowdfunding. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Understanding Factors Facilitating the Diffusion of Financial Technology (FinTech) A Case Study of the Gulf Cooperation Council

Hamadien, Ammar M. January 2022 (has links)
This study focuses on the factors influencing the diffusion of FinTech in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, analysing both financial institutions and technology companies. The research acknowledges the challenges associated with the spread of FinTech and aims to address these issues. The research employs Institutional Theory. To achieve comprehensive insights, a qualitative technique is employed. The initial phase involves an extensive literature review to understand FinTech and identify gaps in academic research. Subsequently, the impact of PESTEL factors is highlighted based on the literature. In the third stage, semi-structured interviews are conducted with 25 participants, representing three to four individuals per country. The Thematic Analysis approach is employed to analyse the interview data. The study's findings reveal that several factors significantly influence the adoption of FinTech services as a preferred transaction method. Perceived utility, security, and social impact concerns are identified as drivers of behavioural intentions. Additionally, the technical attributes and ease of use of digital tools impact behavioural patterns. Furthermore, the innovation and technical features embedded within FinTech products and services contribute to their diffusion and acceptance. The research has practical implications for both academia and practitioners in the FinTech industry. It assists financial service providers and institutions in designing user-centric FinTech products and services. Enhancing security and usability is crucial to improving the user experience and consumer confidence. By considering technological and behavioural characteristics and analysing the impact of PESTEL elements, this study contributes to the existing literature on technology diffusion, providing valuable insights to academics and practitioners.

Peer To Peer-utlåning i Sverige : En komparativ studie mellan bankutlåning och Peer To Peer-utlåning på den svenska konsumentkreditmarknaden / Peer To Peer lending in Sweden : A comparative study between bank lending and Peer To Peer lending in the Swedish consumer credit market

Edman, Lars, Kaltea, Kristofer January 2015 (has links)
Background: Peer to peer lending has in recent years emerged and become a popular way to borrow money, mostly in the US and the UK. Since the first company was established in 2005, several competitors have emerged, and P2P lending has grown on average by 84 % quarterly between the second quarter year 2007 and the second quarter year 2014 in the US. Lending Club, which is the largest player within P2P-lending, has since its start in 2008 carried loans of a total value of six billions USD. Aim: The purpose of the study is to identify and analyze P2P lending and its preconditions to operate on the Swedish consumer credit market. Completion: A qualitative approach was selected where the empirical data partly consist of primary data collected through interviews and partly of secondary data in the form of a literature study on P2P lending. The empirical data lays ground for a comparative institutional analysis in which the transaction costs of P2P lending is compared to traditional bank lending. Conclusion: The study shows that P2P lending in Sweden have higher transaction costs than traditional bank lending. The main reason for this is the uncertainty associated with P2P lending in the current situation. However, the study shows that P2P lending through technological innovation can maintain lower transaction costs in the assessment of a specific borrower's repayment capacity. For the concept to grow, society’s knowledge about P2P lending needs to increase and the legal framework needs to be more clearly defined. / Bakgrund: Peer to peer-utlåning har under de senaste åren vuxit fram och blivit ett populärt sätt att låna på, främst i USA och Storbritannien. Sedan den första aktören grundades år 2005 har flera aktörer vuxit fram och i USA har P2P-utlåningen vuxit med 84 % per kvartal i snitt mellan andra kvartalet år 2007 och andra kvartalet år 2014. Lending Club, som är den största aktören inom P2P-utlåning, har sedan starten år 2008 förmedlat lån till ett värde av totalt 6 miljarder USD. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att kartlägga och analysera P2P-utlåning och dess förutsättningar att bedriva verksamhet på den svenska konsumentkreditmarknaden. Genomförande: Ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt har valts där empirin dels består av primärdata som insamlats genom intervjuer och dels av sekundärdata i form av en litteraturstudie på P2P-utlåning. Empirin ligger till grund för en komparativ institutionell analys där transaktionskostnaderna för utlåning genom P2P jämförs med traditionell bankutlåning. Slutsats: Studien visar på att P2P-utlåning håller högre transaktionskostnader än traditionell bankutlåning. Den största anledningen till detta är den osäkerhet som är förknippad med P2P-utlåning i dagsläget. Dock visar studien på att P2P-utlåning, genom teknologisk innovation, kan hålla lägre transaktionskostnader i bedömningen av en specifik låntagares återbetalningsförmåga. För att konceptet ska växa krävs det att den allmänna kunskapen om P2P-utlåning ökar, samt att regelverket under vilket P2P-aktörerna verkar blir tydligare definierat.

Navigating Employee Job Satisfaction and Performance: An empirical study of FinTech adoption in a Finnish bank

Sakr, Saher, Viitanen, Maiju January 2023 (has links)
While FinTech is a relatively recent subject in academic literature, it is widely acknowledged as one of the most notable innovations within the financial industry. Despite the growing interest in FinTech, there is currently a lack of comprehensive understanding regarding the exact implications it will have on established financial institutions. The introduction of FinTech solutions has brought about a significant transformation in the banking industry of Finland. Nevertheless, the influence of FinTech adoption on employee’s satisfaction and performance in banks remains uncertain. This has emphasized the need for a deeper understanding of the opportunities and challenges presented by this form of technological innovation across all aspects of the financial industry. The purpose of this research is to bridge the existing gap in literature by examining the relatively unexplored area of how the adoption of FinTech solutions influences job satisfaction and performance among employees in the context of a Finnish bank. Specifically, this research centered on OP Bank, which is recognized as one of the largest banks in Finland. By conducting an in-depth exploration of the experiences of employees at OP Bank, this research will offer valuable insights into how the adoption of FinTech solutions influences employee’s behavior in the Finnish banking industry. To accomplish this, the study utilizes a qualitative exploratory research approach, employing semi-structured interviews as the data collection method, involving 8 middle-level employees from OP Bank. This methodology facilitates a deeper understanding of employees' experiences and perspectives, thereby generating rich and detailed data. The findings of our research reveal several key conclusions regarding the varying ways that the adoption of FinTech solutions influences employee’s job satisfaction and performance. The insights gained highlight the crucial role of FinTech in transforming traditional banking practices, driving innovation, and fostering a positive work environment for employees in the financial industry. Understanding the complexities linked to FinTech adoption is imperative for banks and financial institutions to effectively leverage the complete potential of these technological innovations, thereby steering employee’s satisfaction and performance in the desired direction. Through an in-depth examination of this phenomenon, we have gained a better understanding of the benefits and challenges associated with FinTech adoption, as well as its influence on employee’s job satisfaction and performance. Moreover, this study has provided crucial insights for improving employee’s satisfaction and performance in banks that have embraced FinTech solutions, thereby contributing to a deeper understanding of successful FinTech adoption in the Finnish financial industry. Additionally, this research has contributed to the existing literature on FinTech, management of employee’s satisfaction and performance, employee behavior and technology adoption. These findings have offered practical theoretical, managerial and societal contributions.

Выявление манипулятивных сделок на российском фондовом рынке : магистерская диссертация / Identification of the manipulative transactions on the Russian stock market

Плетнев, К. В., Pletnev, K. V. January 2018 (has links)
Final qualifying work (master's thesis) is devoted to the reserching of the methods of identifying the manipulations that undermine the effectiveness of the stock market. The subject of the research is the way of identifying manipulative transactions in the stock market of Russia. The main purpose of the research is the development of specific proposals and the selection of statistical methods relevant for the Russian stock market to improve the existing system of state control aimed at identifying various types and methods of manipulative trading in the stock market. In conclusion, practical steps for the strengthen of the stock market of the Russian Federation are formulated. / Выпускная квалификационная работа (магистерская диссертация) посвящена изучению методов выявления манипуляций, подрывающих эффективность фондового рынка. Предметом исследования выступают методы выявления манипулятивных сделок на российском фондовом рынке. Основной целью исследования выступает разработка конкретных предложений и выбор статистических методов, релевантных для российского фондового рынка, для совершенствования существующей системы государственного контроля, направленной на выявление различных видов и способов манипулятивной торговли на фондовом рынке. В заключении сформулированы практические шаги по укреплению фондового рынка Российской Федерации.

日本產業競爭力強化法之研究—兼論我國金融科技發展與創新實驗條例— / A Study of Japan’s Act on Strengthening Industrial Competitiveness: Focusing on the Comparison of Taiwan’s Act on Financial Technology Innovations and Experiments

戴凡芹, Tai, Fan Chin Unknown Date (has links)
金融科技在近年來已成為企業界與學術界所討論的顯學,但如何有效兼顧監理、法令遵循與促進產業發展,並因應創新商業模式,設計出法規與監理措施,已成為一道難題。基於上述背景,監理沙盒的概念與制度應運而生。我國版的金融監理沙盒,已於2018年1月31日公布。然而,除了金融科技創新,其他產業同樣有創新的必要,在面臨既有法規的限制,同樣有所掣肘。金融科技以外的領域,是否有類似「監理沙盒」的機制,在不分產業別的狀況下,應用在創新的實驗?日本在2014年1月20日起施行的「產業競爭力強化法」,用於創新技術或服務的「企業實證特例制度」及「灰色地帶消除制度」兩項機制,即為不限金融科技領域,適用於各個產業的沙盒制度。 本研究透過檢視日本產業競爭力強化法,深究其內容及機制的優缺點,與推行實績及具體的兩個個案後,據以反思我國是否可透過參考「灰色地帶消除制度」、「企業實證特例制度」的運作,與各產業內的潛在創新者更緊密合作,以有利於未來當主管機關面臨創新與法規的衝撞時,掌握對於各產業的影響。回歸我國法制,本研究針對「金融科技發展與創新實驗條例草案」,包括立法目的、概要,條例中的申請及審查、監督及管理,及實驗期間法令之排除適用及法律責任豁免等議題進行研析,並針對日本推動新事業活動特例措施,與我國金融科技發展與創新實驗條例,進行比較。同時亦將監理沙盒模擬演練的過程中,針對演練的架構、步驟、實際狀況、回饋與心得,提出歸納成果,並針對業者與主管機關進行協商與溝通的階段,歸納出具有邏輯性與合理性的執行步驟與方法論,做為當業者在準備階段與主管機關往返溝通與提案時的參考。 本研究認為,當創新與科技在與金融結合時,創新服務與法規監管的本質不同,所造成的緊張與衝突在所難免,也因此更應該體認到數位時代下主管機關對於法規調適與鬆綁之必要性。在臚列我國於發展第三方支付立法的經驗作為前車之鑑,及剖析日本產業競爭強化法的制度與實績作為他山之石後,本研究認為新創事業無論在籌備階段、實驗階段、營運階段,對於法規的特例需求的確不同於一般事業。因此政府應秉持以下三項原則予以協助:(一)法規對新創企業應更友善且主動輔導、(二)抱持產業永續發展的思維看待新創產業、(三)消費者權益維護與企業營運必須兼顧。 本研究的另一研究結果為,經過個案模擬演練的操作後,歸納並提出七個執行步驟,並建議業者可針對此七個步驟進行腦力激盪與預先演練模擬,在有限的時間內以最高的效率備齊相關文件,以減少審核等待期。最後,本研究認為,業者與主管機關在議題協商時須充分考量有關於創新、業務、消保、法遵等四個面向的議題,且以公私協力的前提下,隨時調整並良性溝通。而主管機關更應加速金融科技的法規革新速度,並適度鬆綁不適用的法規,創造一個對於新創產業相對友善的法規環境,協助新創業者在業務上的發展,使我國能在金融科技戰場上決勝。 / In recent years, financial technology, aka FinTech, has become a significant study discussed by industries and academics. However, how to effectively manage supervisory, compliance with laws and promote industrial development, and how to design regulatory and supervisory measures in response to innovative business models have become a big challenge. Based on the abovementioned facts, the concept of Regulatory Sandbox came into being. Taiwan’s Act on Financial Technology Innovations and Experiments was released on January 31, 2018. Besides FinTech, innovation is equally necessary and indispensable for other industries that also restrained by the limitations of the existing laws and regulations. Are there any mechanisms similar with Regulatory Sandbox for those innovators in other industries? Japan released the Act on Strengthening Industrial Competitiveness on January 20, 2014, which provided two mechanisms, Special System for Corporate Field Tests and System to Remove Gray Zone Areas, for innovative technologies and services for all industries. This essay targets Japan’s and Taiwan’s Acts on Financial Technology Innovations as research objectives, discusses the investigations in both countuires, and provides suggestions for future works. Firstly, this study explores the strengths and weaknesses of its contents and mechanisms by examining Japan’s Act on Strengthening Industrial Competitiveness, and aims at extending the practical angle to Taiwan for the future when facing the conflict between innovation and regulation. Secondly, the essay aims at studying Taiwan’s Act on Financial Technology Innovations and Experiments, and comparing the differences between Japan’s and Taiwan’s Acts. Finally, by observing the results of sandbox simulation exercises, this study elaborates implemental procedures, and logical methodologies as a reference for practitioners to communicate with and submit proposals to the authorities during the preparatory phase. Due to the nature difference of innovation technology and financial supervision, it is considered that the tensions and conflicts are inevitable. Therefore, it is more necessary to amend the existing regulations or even deregulate for start-up. Furthermore, by learning from Taiwan's experience in developing third-party payment legislation and Japan's legislations and actual practices released, this study obtains that deregulation and coordination from government agencies considered highly important to startup operators in every stage. In terms of industry development, further suggestions are concluded in this research for government agencies, including (1) laws and regulations should be more friendly for new start-up, (2) to maintain the sustainable development of start-up industries and operators, and (3)-to achieve balance between the protection of consumer rights and business continuity. After conducting sandbox case simulation exercises, this essay proposes seven procedures for start-up to efficiently go through with internal brainstorming while in preparation stage under a limited time. The last part of the study sets out four topics for practitioners and the competent authorities that are related to innovation, business, consumer protection and law compliance when negotiating the regulatory issues during experiments, hoping to provide a solid methodology beneficial to FinTech practitioners.

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