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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


DAVI ROMERO DE VASCONCELOS 25 June 2007 (has links)
[pt] O termo jogo tem sido utilizado como uma metáfora, em várias áreas do conhecimento, para modelar e analisar situações onde agentes(jogadores) interagem em ambientes compartilhados para a realização de seus objetivos sejam eles individuais ou coletivos. Existem diversos modelos propostos para jogos por diferentes áreas do conhecimento, tais como matemática, ciência da computação, ciência política e social, entre outras. Dentre as diversas formas de modelar jogos examinamos a Teoria dos Jogos e as lógicas para jogos. Neste trabalho apresentamos uma lógica modal de primeira-ordem baseada na lógica CTL, chamada de Game Analysis nalysis Logic, para raciocinar sobre jogos. Relacionamos os principais modelos da Teoria dos Jogos (jogo estratégico, extensivo, e de coalizão) e seus principais conceitos de soluções(equilíbrio de Nash, equilíbrio de subjogo perfeito,e core) aos modelos de GAL e às fórmulas de GAL, respectivamente. Além disso, estudamos as alternativas de quantificação De Re e De Dicto no contexto dos jogos extensivos, caracterizando o conceito de equilíbrio de Nash e equilíbrio de subjogo perfeito de acordo com as alternativas de quantificação. Relacionamos as lógicas Alternating-time lternating-Tempomporal Logic (A ATL) TL) e Coalitional Game Logic (CGL) com a lógica GAL, demonstrando que ambas as lógicas são fragmentos da lógica GAL. Outro resultado deste trabalho é caracterizar uma classe de sistemas multi- agentes,que é baseada na arquitetura de agentes Belief-Desir Desire- Intention(BDI), para a qual existem jogos extensivos e vice-v versa. Como conseqüência, os critérios de racionalidade da Teoria dos Jogos podem ser aplicados diretamente para agentes BDI e vice-versa. Assim, a abordagem deste trabalho pode ser utilizada para analisar sistemas multi-agentes. Do ponto de vista prático, apresentamos um verificador de modelos para a lógica GAL. Diversos estudos de casos são realizados utilizando o verificador de modelos. / [en] Games are abstract models of decision-making in which decision-makers(players)interact in a shared environment to accomplish their goals. Several models have been proposed to analyze a wide variety of applications in many disciplines such as mathematics, computer science and even political and social sciences among others. In this work, we focus on Game Theory and Game Logics. We present a first-order modal logic based on CTL, namely Game Analysis Logic (GAL), to model and reason about out games. The standard models of Game Theory (strategic games, extensiv games and coalition games) as well as their solution concepts (Nash equilibrium, subgame perfect equilibrium and co re),respectively, are express as models dels of GAL and formulas of GAL. Moreover, we study the alternatives of De Re and De Dicto quantification in the context of extensive games. We also show that two of the most representative game logics, namely Alternating-time lternating-Temp empor oral Logic (A ATL) TL) and Coalitional Game Logic (CGL), are fragments of GAL. We also characterize haracterize a class of multi-agent systems, which is based on the architecture Belief-Desire- Intention (BDI), for which there is a somehow equivalent class of games and vice-versa. As a consequence, criteria of rationality for agents can be directly applied to players and vice-versa. Game analysis formal tools can be applied to MAS as well. From a practical poin of view, we provide and develop a model-checker for GAL. In addition, we perform case studies using our prototype.

Estudo do escalonamento de volume finito na transição de fase do grupo de calibre Z(2) na rede / Study of the finite volume escalation of the phase transition of Z(2) gauge group on the lattice

Arthur Rodrigues Jardim Barreto 13 July 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Neste trabalho estudamos a dependência com o tamanho do sistema dos observáveis relacionados com a transição de fase de 1 ordem do rupo de calibre Z(2) em 4 dimensões. Foram realizadas simulações de Monte Carlo numa rede cúbica para diferentes valores da aresta, utilizando o método do Banho Térmico para sortear os elementos do grupo na rede. / In this work we study the dependence of the observable related to the size of the system to the phase transition of first order of the Z(2) gauge group in 4 dimensions. Monte Carlo simulations were performed on a cubic lattice for different values of the edge, using the method of the Heat Bath to randomize the group members in the lattice.

Accès et utilisation de documents multimédia complexes dans une bibliothèque numérique / Accessing and using complex multimedia documents in a digital library

Ly, Anh Tuan 09 July 2013 (has links)
Dans le cadre de trois projets européens, notre équipe a mis au point un modèle de données et un langage de requête pour bibliothèques numériques supportant l'identification, la structuration, les métadonnées, la réutilisation, et la découverte des ressources numériques. Le modèle proposé est inspiré par le Web et il est formalisé comme une théorie du premier ordre, dont certains modèles correspondent à la notion de bibliothèque numérique. En outre, une traduction complète du modèle en RDF et du langage de requêtes en SPARQL a également été proposée pour démontrer son adéquation à des applications pratiques. Le choix de RDF est dû au fait qu’il est un langage de représentation généralement accepté dans le cadre des bibliothèques numériques et du Web sémantique. L’objectif de cette thèse était double: concevoir et mettre en œuvre une forme simplifiée de système de gestion de bibliothèques numériques, d’une part, et contribuer à l’enrichissement du modèle, d’autre part. Pour atteindre cet objectif nous avons développé un prototype d’un système de bibliothèque numérique utilisant un stockage RDF pour faciliter la gestion interne des métadonnées. Le prototype permet aux utilisateurs de gérer et d’interroger les métadonnées des ressources numériques ou non-numériques dans le système en utilisant des URIs pour identifier les ressources, un ensemble de prédicats pour la description de ressources, et des requêtes conjonctives simples pour la découverte de connaissances dans le système. Le prototype est mis en œuvre en utilisant les technologies Java et l’environnement de Google Web Toolkit dont l'architecture du système se compose d'une couche de stockage, d’une couche de métier logique, d’une couche de service, et d’une interface utilisateur. Pendant la thèse, le prototype a été construit, testé et débogué localement, puis déployé sur Google App Engine. Dans l’avenir, il peut être étendu pour devenir un système complet de gestion de bibliothèques numériques. Par ailleurs, la thèse présente également notre contribution à la génération de contenu par réutilisation de ressources. Il s’agit d’un travail théorique dont le but est d’enrichir le modèle en lui ajoutant un service important, à savoir la possibilité de création de nouvelles ressources à partir de celles stockées dans le système. L’incorporation de ce service dans le système sera effectuée ultérieurement. / In the context of three European projects, our research team has developed a data model and query language for digital libraries supporting identification, structuring, metadata, and discovery and reuse of digital resources. The model is inspired by the Web and it is formalized as a first-order theory, certain models of which correspond to the notion of digital library. In addition, a full translation of the model to RDF and of the query language to SPARQL has been proposed to demonstrate the feasibility of the model and its suitability for practical applications. The choice of RDF is due to the fact that it is a generally accepted representation language in the context of digital libraries and the Semantic Web. One of the major aims of the thesis was to design and actually implement a simplified form of a digital library management system based on the theoretical model. To obtain this, we have developed a prototype based on RDF and SPARQL, which uses a RDF store to facilitate internal management of metadata. The prototype allows users to manage and query metadata of digital or non-digital resources in the system, using URIs as resource identifiers, a set of predicates to model descriptions of resources, and simple conjunctive queries to discover knowledge in the system. The prototype is implemented by using Java technologies and the Google Web Toolkit framework whose system architecture consists of a storage layer, a business logic layer, a service layer and a user interface. During the thesis work, the prototype was built, tested, and debugged locally and then deployed on Google App Engine. In the future, it will be expanded to become a full fledged digital library management system. Moreover, the thesis also presents our contribution to content generation by reuse. This is mostly theoretical work whose purpose is to enrich the model and query language by providing an important community service. The incorporation of this service in the implemented system is left to future work.

Estudo do escalonamento de volume finito na transição de fase do grupo de calibre Z(2) na rede / Study of the finite volume escalation of the phase transition of Z(2) gauge group on the lattice

Arthur Rodrigues Jardim Barreto 13 July 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Neste trabalho estudamos a dependência com o tamanho do sistema dos observáveis relacionados com a transição de fase de 1 ordem do rupo de calibre Z(2) em 4 dimensões. Foram realizadas simulações de Monte Carlo numa rede cúbica para diferentes valores da aresta, utilizando o método do Banho Térmico para sortear os elementos do grupo na rede. / In this work we study the dependence of the observable related to the size of the system to the phase transition of first order of the Z(2) gauge group in 4 dimensions. Monte Carlo simulations were performed on a cubic lattice for different values of the edge, using the method of the Heat Bath to randomize the group members in the lattice.

Dinâmica do nitrogênio e carbono em rios da bacia do Alto Paraíba do Sul, Estado de São Paulo / Nitrogen and Carbon dynamics in rivers of the Alto Paraíba do Sul basin, São Paulo State, Brazil

Elizabethe de Campos Ravagnani 02 September 2015 (has links)
A Mata Atlântica sofreu e ainda sofre forte pressão antrópica. Atualmente, ocupa no Estado de São Paulo o equivalente a 15% de sua cobertura original. O rio Paraíba do Sul é um dos mais importantes rios da Floresta Atlântica, localizado na região mais desenvolvida do país. Há uma falta de investigações aprofundadas sobre a estruturação e o funcionamento desse rio e de outros rios localizados nessa floresta, como rios de 1ª ordem, que são extremamente importantes, pois conseguem conectar o ambiente terrestre com os rios maiores. Assim, esse trabalho objetivou investigar a distribuição de C e N e outras variáveis físico-químicas nos principais rios localizados na Bacia do Alto Paraíba do Sul: o Rio Paraíba do Sul (RPS) e seus formadores, os rios Paraibuna (RPB) e Paraitinga (RPT), além de investigar a composição química de pequenos rios localizados nas áreas preservadas da Mata Atlântica, comparando-os com os rios de 3ª ordem, e também verificar como a conversão de floresta a pastagem afeta a distribuição de carbono e nitrogênio nesses riachos. Foram realizadas coletas mensais de água durante fevereiro de 2012 a janeiro de 2013, onde foram verificados os valores de pH, condutividade elétrica, oxigênio dissolvido e temperatura, além da determinação das concentrações de nitrogênio dissolvido total, nitrogênio inorgânico dissolvido, nitrogênio orgânico dissolvido, nitrato, amônio, carbono orgânico dissolvido e carbono inorgânico dissolvido. Foi amostrado, também o material particulado em suspensão nos rios de 3ª ordem e o sedimento de fundo em alguns desses rios, onde foram realizadas análises de ?13C e ?15N, conteúdos de C e N e relação C:N. Quase a totalidade das amostras de amônio apresentaram concentrações abaixo do limite de detecção. Os resultados encontrados mostram diferenças estatísticas entre o rio Paraibuna e os rios Paraitinga e Paraíba do Sul, no que se refere aos valores de condutividade elétrica, oxigênio dissolvido, temperatura, nitrato, nitrogênio dissolvido total e carbono inorgânico dissolvido. Esses rios apresentaram valores de nitrato, nitrogênio inorgânico, nitrogênio orgânico, nitrogênio dissolvido total, carbono inorgânico dissolvido, pH, condutividade elétrica, oxigênio dissolvido e temperatura diferentes dos rios de 1ª ordem. Entre rios de floresta e pastagem as variáveis carbono inorgânico dissolvido, condutividade elétrica e temperatura foram diferentes. Esses resultados sugerem que o rio Paraibuna difere-se dos outros rios de 3ª ordem, provavelmente porque 55% da área total de sua bacia é ocupada por floresta, enquanto os rios Paraitinga e Paraíba do Sul apresentam grande parte de suas bacias ocupada por pastagem, 57% e 42%, respectivamente. Entretanto, esses rios não apresentam características de rios extremamente alterados, como é o caso de outros rios do estado de São Paulo, localizados em áreas urbanas ou de cana-de-açúcar, que são muito mais impactantes que pastagens. Tanto os rios de 3ª ordem quanto os rios de 1ª ordem apresentam pastagens subutilizadas e que não recebem fertilizantes ou insumos, fazendo, dessa maneira, com que os rios de pastagem não apresentem características tão diferentes dos rios de floresta / The Atlantic Forest suffered and continues suffering anthropogenic pressure. Nowadays, it occupies 15% of its original coverage in the state of São Paulo. The Paraíba do Sul River is one of the most important rivers of the Atlantic Forest, located in the most developed region of the country. There is a lack of deeper studies of the structure and functioning of this and other rivers of this forest, as first order rivers, that are extremely important, because they can connect terrestrial environment to larger rivers. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the distribution of C and N and other physicochemical variables of the main rivers located at the Alto Paraíba do Sul Basin: the Paraíba do Sul River (RPS) an its formers, the Paraibuna (RPB) and Paraitinga (RPT) rivers, also investigating the chemical composition of small rivers located in preserved areas of Atlantic Forest, comparing them with third order rivers, and also focused on the verification of how the conversion of forest to pasture affects the distribution of carbon and nitrogen in these streams. Monthly samples of water were taken from February 2012 to January 2013, for verification of pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen and temperature values, plus the determination of total dissolved nitrogen, inorganic dissolved nitrogen, organic dissolved nitrogen, nitrate, ammonium, organic dissolved carbon and inorganic dissolved carbon concentrations. Suspended particulate material of the 3rd order rivers and their bottom sediment were sampled, for determination of ?13C, ?15N and C and N content, besides the C:N ratio. The majority of ammonium samples presented concentrations below detection limit. The results show significant statistical differences between the Paraibuna and the Paraitinga and Paraiba do Sul rivers, concerning the values of electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, nitrate, total dissolved nitrogen and inorganic dissolved carbon. These 3rd order rivers presented nitrate, inorganic nitrogen, organic nitrogen, total dissolved nitrogen and dissolved inorganic carbon concentrations, plus pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen and temperature values different from 1st order rivers. Among the forest and pasture rivers the dissolved inorganic carbon concentration, electrical conductivity and temperature values were different. The results suggest that the Paraibuna River differs from the other two 3rd order rivers, probably because 55% of its total basin area is covered with forest, while the Paraitinga and Paraiba do Sul rivers present a great part of their basin area occupied with pastures, 57% and 42%, respectively. Nevertheless, these rivers did not present characteristics of extremely altered rivers, which is the reality of other rivers of the State of São Paulo, located in urban or sugar cane crop areas, which can cause much more impacts to rivers than pasture. The 3rd and 1st order rivers present sub utilized pasture that do not receive fertilizers, thereby, being the probable cause why pasture rivers are not so different from the forest rivers

Développement de stratégies de maintenance structurales prédictives pour aéronefs utilisant le pronostic à base de modèles / Development of predictive structural maintenance strategies for aircraft using model-based prognostics

Wang, Yiwei 14 March 2017 (has links)
La maintenance aéronautique est fortement régulée, notamment à travers l’établissement d’un planning de maintenance obligatoire, permettant de garantir la sureté structurale. La fréquence des arrêts en maintenance est déterminée de manière très conservative en vue d’assurer les exigences de fiabilité. Développer des stratégies de maintenance moins conservatives et plus efficaces peut alors représenter une voie pour une nouvelle croissance des compagnies aériennes. Les systèmes de monitoring embarqué de structures, sont progressivement introduits dans l’industrie aéronautique. Ces développements pourraient alors permettre de nouvelles stratégies de maintenance structurale basées sur la prévision de l’état de santé de chaque élément structural, plutôt que basée sur une maintenance programmée, tel qu’implémentée actuellement. Dans ce cadre général, ce travail se concentre sur le suivi par un système embarqué de la propagation de fissures de fatigue dans les panneaux de fuselage. Une nouvelle méthode de prévision des fissures basée sur des modèles de propagation est développée, qui permet de filtrer le bruit des mesures du système embarqué, identifier la taille actuelle de la fissure et prédire son évolution future et par conséquent la fiabilité des panneaux. Cette approche prédictive est intégrée dans le processus de maintenance structurale aéronautique et deux types de maintenances prédictives sont proposés. L’étude numérique montre que ces stratégies de maintenance prédictive peuvent réduire de manière significative les coûts de maintenance en réduisant le nombre d’arrêts en maintenance et le nombre de réparations inutiles. / Aircraft maintenance represents a major economic cost for the aviation industry. Traditionally, the aircraft maintenance is highly regulated based on fixed schedules (thus called scheduled maintenance) in order to ensure safety. The frequency of scheduled maintenance is designed to be very conservative to maintain a desirable level of reliability. Developing efficient maintenance can be an important way for airlines to allow a new profit growth. With the development of sensor technology, structural health monitoring (SHM) system, which employ a sensor network sealing inside aircraft structures to monitor the damage state, are gradually being introduced in the aviation industry. Once it is possible to monitor the structure damage state automatically and continuously by SHM systems, it enables to plan the maintenance activities according to the actual or predicted health state of the aircraft rather than a fixed schedule. This work focus on the fatigue crack propagation in the fuselage panels. The SHM system is assumed to be employed. A model-based prognostics method is developed, which enables to filter the noise of SHM data to estimate the crack size, and to predict the future health state of the panels. This predictive information is integrated into the maintenance decision-making and two types of predictive maintenance are developed. The numerical study shows that the predictive maintenance significantly reduces the maintenance cost by reducing the number of maintenance stop and the repaired panels.

Att ta sig an världen : Lärare diskuterar innehåll och mål i samhällskunskapsämnet

Sandahl, Johan January 2011 (has links)
The focus of this investigation is civics in the Swedish upper secondary school. In addition to subject matter, civics is also an agent for democratic socialisation. The study explores and analyses the reflections of six teachers on their teaching about globalisation. These reflections, or voices, are researched through interviews and classroom observations. The starting point is the teachers’ description of content and goals in their teaching. The overall aim is to identify and analyse first and second order concepts in their teaching and analyse the relationship between the concepts and democratic socialisation. Despite the strong position of civics as one of the main subjects in school curricula very little research has been done. By focusing on one substantial case, globalisation, this study tries to reach beyond the various topics covered in civics. In order to understand civics teaching the researcher use the history didactic terms of first and second order concepts to find a new way to explore and understand civics. Manifested in the teachers’ voices are ideas on how to organise, analyse, interpret and critically review discourses in society. The second order concepts of civics found in the teachers’ voices are social science perspectives, social science causality, social science inference, social science evidence and social science abstraction. In order to reach their goals in civics the teachers underline the importance of using second order concepts. When pupils work more scientifically they develop a way of thinking about society and they have to challenge their set opinions about different topics. Therefore, the second order concepts are important for achieving civic literacy.

First-order gradient regularisation methods for image restoration : reconstruction of tomographic images with thin structures and denoising piecewise affine images

Papoutsellis, Evangelos January 2016 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is variational image restoration techniques that involve novel non-smooth first-order gradient regularisers: Total Variation (TV) regularisation in image and data space for reconstruction of thin structures from PET data and regularisers given by an infimal-convolution of TV and $L^p$ seminorms for denoising images with piecewise affine structures. In the first part of this thesis, we present a novel variational model for PET reconstruction. During a PET scan, we encounter two different spaces: the sinogram space that consists of all the PET data collected from the detectors and the image space where the reconstruction of the unknown density is finally obtained. Unlike most of the state of the art reconstruction methods in which an appropriate regulariser is designed in the image space only, we introduce a new variational method incorporating regularisation in image and sinogram space. In particular, the corresponding minimisation problem is formed by a total variational regularisation on both the sinogram and the image and with a suitable weighted $L^2$ fidelity term, which serves as an approximation to the Poisson noise model for PET. We establish the well-posedness of this new model for functions of Bounded Variation (BV) and perform an error analysis through the notion of the Bregman distance. We examine analytically how TV regularisation on the sinogram affects the reconstructed image especially the boundaries of objects in the image. This analysis motivates the use of a combined regularisation principally for reconstructing images with thin structures. In the second part of this thesis we propose a first-order regulariser that is a combination of the total variation and $L^p$ seminorms with $1 < p \le \infty$. A well-posedness analysis is presented and a detailed study of the one dimensional model is performed by computing exact solutions for simple functions such as the step function and a piecewise affine function, for the regulariser with $p = 2$ and $p = 1$. We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for a pair in $BV \times L^p$ to be a solution for our proposed model and determine the structure of solutions dependent on the value of $p$. In the case $p = 2$, we show that the regulariser is equivalent to the Huber-type variant of total variation regularisation. Moreover, there is a certain class of one dimensional data functions for which the regularised solutions are equivalent to high-order regularisers such as the state of the art total generalised variation (TGV) model. The key assets of our regulariser are the elimination of the staircasing effect - a well-known disadvantage of total variation regularisation - the capability of obtaining piecewise affine structures for $p = 1$ and qualitatively comparable results to TGV. In addition, our first-order $TVL^p$ regulariser is capable of preserving spike-like structures that TGV is forced to smooth. The numerical solution of the proposed first-order model is in general computationally more efficient compared to high-order approaches.

Modélisation couplée des écoulements de surface et de sub-surface dans un bassin versant par approches numériques à dimensions euclidiennes réduites / Coupled surface-subsurface flow in a watershed by using numerical approaches with reduced Euclidean dimensions

Pan, Yi 26 October 2015 (has links)
Les interactions entre les processus de surface et de sub-surface sont des composantes clés du cycle hydrologique que les modèles hydrologiques doivent représenter pour obtenir des prédictions cohérentes et précises dans un contexte de gestion durable de la ressource en eau. Les modèles hydrologiques intégrés qui décrivent de façon physique les processus et leurs interactions sont de conception récente. La plupart de ces modèles s‘appuient sur l’équation de Richards 3D pour décrire les processus d’écoulement souterrain. Cette approche peut être problématique compte tenu de contraintes importantes sur le maillage et sur la résolution numérique. Ce travail de thèse propose un modèle hydrologique intégré qui s’appuie sur approche innovante à dimension réduite pour simplifier les écoulements de surface et souterrains d'un bassin versant. Les différents compartiments du modèle sont d’abord testés indépendamment puis couplés. Les résultats montrent que l’approche proposée décrit précisément les processus hydrologiques considérés tout en améliorant de façon significative l’efficacité générale du modèle. / Interactions between surface and subsurface flow processes are key components of the hydrological water cycle. Accounting for these interactions in hydrological modelsis mandatory to provide relevant and accurate predictions for water quality and water resources management. Fully-integrated hydrological models that describe with aphysical meaning the hydrological processes and their interactions are recent. Most of these models rely upon the resolution of a 3D Richards equation to describe subsurface flow processes. This approach may become intractable because of the heavy constrains on both meshing and numerical resolution. This PhD proposes a new integrated hydrological model on the idea of dealing with dimensionally reduced flow in both the surface and sub-surface compartments of a watershed. The different compartments of the model are first tested independently and then coupled. The results show that the proposed approach allows for a proper and precise depiction ofthe hydrological processes enclosed in the model while providing significant gain incomputational efficiency.

Estimation simplifiée de la variance pour des plans complexes

Lefebvre, Isabelle 12 1900 (has links)
En présence de plans de sondage complexes, les méthodes classiques d’estimation de la variance présentent certains défis. En effet, les estimateurs de variance usuels requièrent les probabilités d’inclusion d’ordre deux qui peuvent être complexes à obtenir pour certains plans de sondage. De plus, pour des raisons de confidentialité, les fichiers externes de microdonnées n’incluent généralement pas les probabilités d’inclusion d’ordre deux (souvent sous la forme de poids bootstrap). En s’inspirant d’une approche développée par Ohlsson (1998) dans le contexte de l’échantillonnage de Poisson séquentiel, nous proposons un estimateur ne requérant que les probabilités d’inclusion d’ordre un. L’idée est d’approximer la stratégie utilisée par l’enquête (consistant du choix d’un plan de sondage et d’un estimateur) par une stratégie équivalente dont le plan de sondage est le plan de Poisson. Nous discuterons des plans proportionnels à la taille avec ou sans grappes. Les résultats d’une étude par simulation seront présentés. / In a complex design framework, standard variance estimation methods entail substantial challenges. As we know, conventional variance estimators involve second order inclusion probabilities, which can be difficult to compute for some sampling designs. Also, confidentiality standards generally prevent second order inclusion probabilities to be included in external microdata files (often in the form of bootstrap weights). Based on Ohlsson’s sequential Poisson sampling method (1998), we suggest a simplified estimator for which we only need first order inclusion probabilities. The idea is to approximate a survey strategy (which consists of a sampling design and an estimator) by an equivalent strategy for which a Poisson sampling design is used. We will discuss proportional to size sampling and proportional to size cluster sampling. Results of a simulation study will be presented.

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